A Song Of Ice & Fire GRRM's Book Thread **Spoilers**



  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    MotoDC wrote:
    Don't you mean he better be righting write now...wait, I mean..what? ;)

    Anyhow, who do you guys think was most perfectly cast, besides Tyrion, ofc? A few folks have said Brienne, but to be honest, I didn't see her being a giant-sized, short-haired blond. I almost pictured her like a WNBA-sized, less feminine Julianne Moore. I know, I know, I'm kinda like wtf too. But the scenes with her in them almost look superimposed or something. At first I thought Arya, especially her "boyself", was a top-tier pick, but now I'm starting to think it's the eunich, Varys. Although I think the actor should play him more tittering, less sinister, he looks just like I expected him to look.

    Oh, side note, I think Stannis was the least like I pictured him. Maybe Ser Mormont (Dany's guard) as well. He's too fair. Aren't Mormonts supposed to be dark and hairy like bears?

    i'm not really following the show as I hate waiting week to week ... hence my cursing of martin for being a slow writer ... haha

    although i do kinda see who is cast as what and i did watch the whole first season ..

    i pictured brienne to not be a giant but just more butch (for lack of a better word) but also that with a little cleaning up - she would be attractive ...

    casting i like: cersei, joffrey, that fucking kid of lysa arynn, jon snow, jamie
    casting i don't like: bronn, catelyn, daenarys, stannis
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    Casting I like That is Different From how i saw them but now i think is perfect:
    Tyrion- In the book he seemed a little more ugly by description, but I don't think anyone could play him better. Dinklage is and forever will be Tyrion in my mind
    Arya- A little like Tyrion she was described as horse faced but Maisie Williams is a pretty little girl. Plus she acts exactly how i image Arya would. Perfect casting as far as i'm concerned
    Davos- Just not how i pictured him in my head but from what i've seen i think he is gonna be great
    Magaery Tyrell- Um she is a little older but absolutely NO complaints. We need More of her

    Casting i thought was spot on-
    Ned Stark- I always thought Sean Bean would be Borimir in my head, but now .... I think he is Ned stark i don't know who else i'd want as Ned he is as i imagined him when reading.
    Varys- Just how i thought he woudl be, although as someone said he is a bit more tittering
    Littlefinger- I think he looks like i want him too but they have changed his character a bit. Littlefinger would never show his hand and have open pissing matches with Cersie and Varys
    Robert Baratheon- Just as i pictured him. Maybe he could have been a little taller but that is it
    Old Man Frey- Great casting of him
    Great Jon Umber- Really like him when we get to see him. One of my fav smaller characters. I hope his role in the series is not over.

    Casting Nothing like i saw them-
    Stannis Baratheon- Actor seems capable but not the image i had
    Renly baratheon-Seems too thin and frail. The baratheon's i thought were brad shouldered big dudes
    Yara/Asha- UM SOO WRONG. Asha was a HOT sultry free spirit in my mind. The actress playing her is not unattractive but not as sultry as i thought she would be and not nearly as quick tongued.
    Craster- Seemed off just not as dingy or soemthing.

    Biggest casting mistakes
    Writing out Meera Reed, Jojen reed, and THE MOTHERFUCKING BLACKFISH!
    Charlotte 00
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  • vant0037vant0037 Posts: 6,109
    intodeep wrote:
    Biggest casting mistakes
    Writing out Meera Reed, Jojen reed, and THE MOTHERFUCKING BLACKFISH!

    Wait...what? Are the Reed's in the second book already? Gosh...I really need to pick up those books again. I can't remember shit!

    Brynden Blackfish is pretty awesome too...I wonder if he meets up with resurrected Catelyn...
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  • MotoDCMotoDC Posts: 947
    vant0037 wrote:
    intodeep wrote:
    Biggest casting mistakes
    Writing out Meera Reed, Jojen reed, and THE MOTHERFUCKING BLACKFISH!

    Wait...what? Are the Reed's in the second book already? Gosh...I really need to pick up those books again. I can't remember shit!

    Brynden Blackfish is pretty awesome too...I wonder if he meets up with resurrected Catelyn...
    That's what I was thinking. I'm trying to read the second book (again) at the same pace as the show, just for shits and giggles. I don't think the show is to the point where the Reeds and the Blackfish would have been introduced yet, so we shouldn't write them off yet. But I'm not sure -- I may be a couple chapters behind in the book?
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    I'm 99% positive they were not cast for season 2 so i would not get our hopes up for them to be in this season of the show.
    Maybe they shift the winterfall storyline and we get more of it in season three and we get the reeds then, but i think somehow they are going to have Bran's journey take place with Osha and Horder and Osha somehow helps Bran open up his green dreams.

    Now of course who takes rickon away is the next question.... I'm not sure but since rickon is such a minor character i could see them just brushing over that. It does not seem to become important again until Book 5 when Manderly sends Davos to find him so really it does not become important until book 6 presumably when we catch up with him again. That is a long time in TV land to send Osha away when they seem to like her so much.
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  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    MotoDC wrote:
    vant0037 wrote:
    intodeep wrote:
    I don't think the show is to the point where the Reeds and the Blackfish would have been introduced yet
    Blackfish should have been introduced last season When Cat Tyrion and Bronn are on the road to the Vale. It was Blackfish that meets Cat outside the Eerie instead of that knight. blackfish was the house guard but when Lysa tells Cat she won't help in the war He resigns and says he rather go with Cat to Riverun nad help out as he can.
    He was actually essential to Rob because he becomes his lead scout and one of his most trusted advisor. He leads all the scouting teams out to judge Tywin's army.
    then in Book two he is the one that goes off with Rob to the westerlands and helps lead those attacks.

    Again sadly he was not casted and i think he won't be brought into the fold at all :(
    Charlotte 00
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  • MotoDCMotoDC Posts: 947
    intodeep wrote:
    Blackfish should have been introduced last season When Cat Tyrion and Bronn are on the road to the Vale. It was Blackfish that meets Cat outside the Eerie instead of that knight. blackfish was the house guard but when Lysa tells Cat she won't help in the war He resigns and says he rather go with Cat to Riverun nad help out as he can.
    He was actually essential to Rob because he becomes his lead scout and one of his most trusted advisor. He leads all the scouting teams out to judge Tywin's army.
    then in Book two he is the one that goes off with Rob to the westerlands and helps lead those attacks.

    Again sadly he was not casted and i think he won't be brought into the fold at all :(
    Ah damn it, you're right. The Reeds, too, should be in the story by now I think as part of Bran and Rickon's storyline. They play that goofy game in the Winterfell godswood which ends up with Rickon's direwolf gnoshing on one of the Reeds' hands. haha
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    they wrote the reeds out? ... they save bran and rickon's life ... that seems wrong!
  • vant0037vant0037 Posts: 6,109
    intodeep wrote:
    It does not seem to become important again until Book 5 when Manderly sends Davos to find him so really it does not become important until book 6 presumably when we catch up with him again. That is a long time in TV land to send Osha away when they seem to like her so much.

    Huh? Haha...I am so befuddled...so much shit happened! When did it all happen? Why can't I remember the books?

    So I remember when Davos is imprisoned by Manderly, but I don't remember Manderly sending Davos out to find Rickon. Does that happen?
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  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    Am i the only one when watching Margaery Tyrell and Little finger interact wanted her to say:
    I don't want to be a Queen I want to be THE Queen of THORNS!

    I have a feeling the real queen of thorns won't be in the series and she is going to take that role
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  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    vant0037 wrote:
    intodeep wrote:
    It does not seem to become important again until Book 5 when Manderly sends Davos to find him so really it does not become important until book 6 presumably when we catch up with him again. That is a long time in TV land to send Osha away when they seem to like her so much.

    Huh? Haha...I am so befuddled...so much shit happened! When did it all happen? Why can't I remember the books?

    So I remember when Davos is imprisoned by Manderly, but I don't remember Manderly sending Davos out to find Rickon. Does that happen?
    Yep. THat happens. He is sending him to Skagos because that is where they believe him to be with Osha
    Charlotte 00
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  • MotoDCMotoDC Posts: 947
    OK I can't be trusted to post in the other "main" SoIaF thread because I'm having a hard time separating which of my memories are from the books and which are from the series, so I'll post here.

    I just watched ep7 on HBO GO and I am shocked by how far they are deviating from the books. Am I forgetting EVERYthing? It seems to me that not just a little, but the majority of ep7 was fabricated. Jamie's escape (yes, he escaped in the books, but nothing like how it happened in the show), the ambush of Jon Snow, the theft of the dragons (admittedly, happened in ep6, but the retrieval was a major part of ep7), the murder of the 13, Cersei outright admitting to Tyrion that her children were Jaime's and not Roberts, the detailed conversations between Arya and Tywin, the manner in which Amory Lorch was killed...I'm sure I'm forgetting others. I'll forgive the romance of Robb and the sexy exotic chick, even though there are no such details in the book, since it plays into the main storyline.

    Also, not a complaint, just a curiosity -- did they change the actor playing the Mountain?
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    MotoDC wrote:
    OK I can't be trusted to post in the other "main" SoIaF thread because I'm having a hard time separating which of my memories are from the books and which are from the series, so I'll post here.

    I just watched ep7 on HBO GO and I am shocked by how far they are deviating from the books. Am I forgetting EVERYthing? It seems to me that not just a little, but the majority of ep7 was fabricated. Jamie's escape (yes, he escaped in the books, but nothing like how it happened in the show), the ambush of Jon Snow, the theft of the dragons (admittedly, happened in ep6, but the retrieval was a major part of ep7), the murder of the 13, Cersei outright admitting to Tyrion that her children were Jaime's and not Roberts, the detailed conversations between Arya and Tywin, the manner in which Amory Lorch was killed...I'm sure I'm forgetting others. I'll forgive the romance of Robb and the sexy exotic chick, even though there are no such details in the book, since it plays into the main storyline.

    Also, not a complaint, just a curiosity -- did they change the actor playing the Mountain?
    Yes the actor who was palying the Mountain left so they replaced him.

    Everything you are talking about was changed. I kind of get why they are changing things with dany so much her story is downright boring. The changes with Tywin and Arya i'm okay with because both have really good acting chops and the scenes have been fantastic.

    I think the exotic chick may actually still be Jeyne Westerling spying on rob and sending letters to tywin or at least working for tywin and spying on him.

    the jon snow stuff annoys the hell out of me :fp:

    So no you are not "Misremembering" they are making some changes they think will better serve to condense and move the plot along. some of them have worked others not so much in myopinion.
    Charlotte 00
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  • MotoDCMotoDC Posts: 947
    intodeep wrote:
    MotoDC wrote:
    OK I can't be trusted to post in the other "main" SoIaF thread because I'm having a hard time separating which of my memories are from the books and which are from the series, so I'll post here.

    I just watched ep7 on HBO GO and I am shocked by how far they are deviating from the books. Am I forgetting EVERYthing? It seems to me that not just a little, but the majority of ep7 was fabricated. Jamie's escape (yes, he escaped in the books, but nothing like how it happened in the show), the ambush of Jon Snow, the theft of the dragons (admittedly, happened in ep6, but the retrieval was a major part of ep7), the murder of the 13, Cersei outright admitting to Tyrion that her children were Jaime's and not Roberts, the detailed conversations between Arya and Tywin, the manner in which Amory Lorch was killed...I'm sure I'm forgetting others. I'll forgive the romance of Robb and the sexy exotic chick, even though there are no such details in the book, since it plays into the main storyline.

    Also, not a complaint, just a curiosity -- did they change the actor playing the Mountain?
    Yes the actor who was palying the Mountain left so they replaced him.

    Everything you are talking about was changed. I kind of get why they are changing things with dany so much her story is downright boring. The changes with Tywin and Arya i'm okay with because both have really good acting chops and the scenes have been fantastic.

    I think the exotic chick may actually still be Jeyne Westerling spying on rob and sending letters to tywin or at least working for tywin and spying on him.

    the jon snow stuff annoys the hell out of me :fp:

    So no you are not "Misremembering" they are making some changes they think will better serve to condense and move the plot along. some of them have worked others not so much in myopinion.
    Your comment about Arya and Tywin is exactly in line with what I was telling my wife last night -- it's not that I don't like the story that they're telling in the show. It's engrossing and entertaining, but it's not what was in the books. During season 1, my opinion was that I wouldn't have enjoyed the show nearly as much if I hadn't read the books. For season 2, it's the opposite. If I hadn't read the books, I could just enjoy the show for what it is, rather than obsessively comparing it to the "real" or original written story.
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    Speaking of the books. GRRM seems to not be spending every waking hour of his life writing the winds of winter :nono:

    I know he wants to do other things but he's not getting younger :|
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  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    intodeep wrote:
    Speaking of the books. GRRM seems to not be spending every waking hour of his life writing the winds of winter :nono:

    I know he wants to do other things but he's not getting younger :|

    oh why oh why did i start reading these books!! ... cursed!

    :twisted: :twisted: :lol:
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    So do you all think Tyrion gets his nose chopped off or does he just get badly injuried but no perm scars?
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  • PearlJamaholicPearlJamaholic Posts: 2,018
    havent seen any season 2 but everything i heard about all the changes in the show i cant see them making tyrion ugly for the remainder of the series by hacking his nose off and giving him a wicked scab to pick at.

    today i noticed something thinking about the books, is it just me or does grrm hate the martells? every martell character that leaves home pretty much gets killed right away. what is up with that? like all major martells we have met so far that go out on adventure is dead or am i forgetting someone?

    red viper

    total garbage! bring back red viper in zombie form and have him destroy the lannisters!
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    havent seen any season 2 but everything i heard about all the changes in the show i cant see them making tyrion ugly for the remainder of the series by hacking his nose off and giving him a wicked scab to pick at.

    today i noticed something thinking about the books, is it just me or does grrm hate the martells? every martell character that leaves home pretty much gets killed right away. what is up with that? like all major martells we have met so far that go out on adventure is dead or am i forgetting someone?

    red viper

    total garbage! bring back red viper in zombie form and have him destroy the lannisters!
    Zombie Viper vs Ser Robert (who has to be the mountain reanimated by quburn right???)
    Charlotte 00
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  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    Fantastic news for the TV show

    Winding down its sophomore season with next Sunday's finale, HBO's "Game of Thrones" has already been confirmed to return for a third season in 2013. Today, EW has a special sneak preview at a list of names that fans can expect to make appearances in the epic George R.R. Martin adaptation.

    Mance Rayder, Daario Naharis, Edmure Tully, Ser Brynden Tully (The Blackfish), Lady Selyse Florent, Shireen, Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns), Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr and Jojen and Meera Reed are the characters that are currently planned to play a part in season three, said to adapt events from "A Storm of Swords." The magazine points out, though, that just because a character isn't on that list doesn't mean that he or she won't show up on your television screen next year.

    The cast of season two includes Emmy and Golden Globe winner Peter Dinklage, Michelle Fairley, Lena Headey, Emilia Clarke, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Aidan Gillen, Iain Glen, Kit Harington, Richard Madden, Maisie Williams, Isaac Hempstead Wright, Sophie Turner, Jack Gleeson and Alfie Allen.

    The series is executive produced by David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Carolyn Strauss, Frank Doelger with co-executive producers George R.R. Martin, Vanessa Taylor, Alan Taylor, Guymon Casady, Vince Gerardis and Bernadette Caulfield produci

    The Reeds and the Blackfish will finally make an appearance
    Charlotte 00
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  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    sooo - let me get this straight ... is season 2 the clash of kings? ... and is it correct seasons 3 and 4 will be storm of swords? ... frig ... just prolongs the necessity for the fucker to finish writing ... dammit ... :fp:
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    polaris_x wrote:
    sooo - let me get this straight ... is season 2 the clash of kings? ... and is it correct seasons 3 and 4 will be storm of swords? ... frig ... just prolongs the necessity for the fucker to finish writing ... dammit ... :fp:
    Sadly from a book standpoint yes, but they are going to need to use two seasons for Storm of Swords. I'm sure in season 4 they will start some of Feast Story lines.

    I'd be happy if somehow they could put Feast and Dance into one season because soem of the story lines a whole lot of nothing goes on (Brienne traveling around and Dany doing nothing)
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  • MotoDCMotoDC Posts: 947
    I've seen folks complaining/commenting in the other thread about how it's been hard to stay invested in the plot due to all the sudden changes in focus from one chapter to the next. Oh how that makes me chuckle when I think of where the story is headed. I forget in which book it is that all the subplots really start to go haywire, but I do remember that the first two books are nothing compared to the later editions in that regard.
  • rafierafie Posts: 2,160
    I think I might need to take advantage of my summer vacation and re-read the whole series... (What am I getting myself into...)
    Still can't believe I met Mike Mccready at the Guggenheim and got a pic with him!!!!!

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  • vant0037vant0037 Posts: 6,109
    intodeep wrote:
    Speaking of the books. GRRM seems to not be spending every waking hour of his life writing the winds of winter :nono:

    I know he wants to do other things but he's not getting younger :|

    If you really want to explore why this is so true, read a little about the history of Stephen King and the Dark Tower series. It took him over 25 years to finish it, and after the fourth book (I think), he got hit by a car and almost died. Little old ladies were writing him letters, pleading with him to just tell them how it ends so they could die knowing.

    Don't do that to us George...finish it. ;)
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  • shepshep Posts: 5,759
    Alright, so... I've finally finished reading through this thread and I'm ready to post... :lol:

    I have had a sneaking suspecion for a while that Jon Snow is somehow connected to Prince Rheghar, but I never clicked on the Lysanna connection... that makes a lot more sense then some of my other theories...

    It seems to be the consensus here that Jon Snow is not going to die (despite a minimum of 4 stab wounds), but I'm wondering what everyone thinks about Stannis? Has his host really been wiped out?

    Honestly of all the stories, I think Arya's has become my favorite. I hope GRRM has big things planned for her down the road. It seems like she is learning so many useful skills for vengence at the house of black and white (the temple of the many faced god was named that right?)... It would be a total waste for her not to come back to the realm.

    For the person that was talking about the casting... the best cast characters were definitely Tyrion, Ned Stark, Lord Varys, Arya, and Davos. I absolutely love Davos... I can't wait to see what his quest to find Rickon brings...

    The worst cast so far I think were the Halfhand and Stannis. I was really disappointed with Stannis, not like I pictured him at all... And I really hope they don't screw up the casting of the Red Viper or the Sand Snakes... they became my favorite characters in a feast for crows......
    Houston, Texas... Believe it or not, there are 7 million people here... must be a couple of fans who'd love to see you play.
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    shep wrote:
    It seems to be the consensus here that Jon Snow is not going to die (despite a minimum of 4 stab wounds)

    4 stab wounds!? ... that's like a paper cut in GRRM's world ... :lol::lol:

    if you read the preview chapter of theon on dude's website ... you see that stannis is still mounting his attack on winterfell ...
  • MotoDCMotoDC Posts: 947
    shep wrote:
    Alright, so... I've finally finished reading through this thread and I'm ready to post... :lol:

    I have had a sneaking suspecion for a while that Jon Snow is somehow connected to Prince Rheghar, but I never clicked on the Lysanna connection... that makes a lot more sense then some of my other theories...

    It seems to be the consensus here that Jon Snow is not going to die (despite a minimum of 4 stab wounds), but I'm wondering what everyone thinks about Stannis? Has his host really been wiped out?

    Honestly of all the stories, I think Arya's has become my favorite. I hope GRRM has big things planned for her down the road. It seems like she is learning so many useful skills for vengence at the house of black and white (the temple of the many faced god was named that right?)... It would be a total waste for her not to come back to the realm.

    For the person that was talking about the casting... the best cast characters were definitely Tyrion, Ned Stark, Lord Varys, Arya, and Davos. I absolutely love Davos... I can't wait to see what his quest to find Rickon brings...

    The worst cast so far I think were the Halfhand and Stannis. I was really disappointed with Stannis, not like I pictured him at all... And I really hope they don't screw up the casting of the Red Viper or the Sand Snakes... they became my favorite characters in a feast for crows......
    I'm not sure what anyone is basing their Jon-Snow-Survival theories on other than "Oh come on George, you can't kill him too!!" (which is precisely what MY theory of jon's survival is based on :lol: )

    Agree about the potential for waste with Arya. Even if you don't like her storyline, you have to admit that it's one of the more interesting and surprising in the series.

    You liked Boromir as Ned Stark? Not sure if I agree, though it isn't bc he didn't play the character well. Rather it's because it seems like a waste of his acting chops to put him in a role that was going to end so soon. Could maybe have seen him as Stannis -- similarly honor-bound, like Ned, but remarkably less likeable.

    As for the Halfhand, yeah I think I agree. He wasn't as...physically intimidating or impressive as I expected. Could say the same for Hodor -- I was expecting something more like the giant guy from Big Fish (apropros reference for PJ forum, if I do say so myself! 8-) ).
  • intodeepintodeep Posts: 7,228
    I think the odds of them wrapping up a big movie star like Sean Beam for 5-6 years would not work. It was the perfect role for them to get a big name for just one season to get more interest in the show and hopefully help get ratings up to get Season 2.

    I have a feeling if they came to him with a more long term role he would have turned it down. It would limit too much of what he may want to do with movies moving forward. He may have to turn down movies that are filming at the same time as GOT so that would not be advantageous to him.
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  • shepshep Posts: 5,759
    intodeep wrote:
    I think the odds of them wrapping up a big movie star like Sean Beam for 5-6 years would not work. It was the perfect role for them to get a big name for just one season to get more interest in the show and hopefully help get ratings up to get Season 2.

    This is why I agree with the casting of Ned. Thanks for summing it up for me. While I wouldn't argue that Stannis would also have been a good role for Sean, there was no way HBO was going to wrap him up for 5-6 years.
    polaris_x wrote:

    4 stab wounds!? ... that's like a paper cut in GRRM's world ... :lol::lol:

    if you read the preview chapter of theon on dude's website ... you see that stannis is still mounting his attack on winterfell ...

    I actually hadn't read anything on GRRM's website :lol:.... guess you need to make sure you read everything before you jump into the spoilers thread... :fp:
    Houston, Texas... Believe it or not, there are 7 million people here... must be a couple of fans who'd love to see you play.
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