I think that if you haven't EVER spoken to him before, you shouldn't ask him out....YET! I think if he has some idea of who you are beforehand ie a familiar face, it's going to increase the chances of him saying "sure, why not!" when you ask him out. He may be shy too and feel a bit awkward if he's never spoken to you before and automatically say no before actually thinking about it properly.
Personally, if some guy asked me out and I'd NEVER met him before, I'd be a bit "nahhh, I don't think so" (unless he looked like Bradley Cooper...then I'd probably say yes because I wanted to get in his pants ). But if it was say a delivery driver that I'd quickly met at my business a few times, I'd be more inclined to say yes since I at least kinda knew who he was and there was already that small connection of familiarity.
So, my advice is to at least allow him to know who you and recognise your face a bit before you ask him. :thumbup:
(I haven't read this entire thread so not 100% sure on the details....hope this is relevant)
look, there is nothing wrong with doing a little reconnaissance...find out what time he gets to his office and get there a little earlier and "run" into him...or does he get coffee at like starbucks? meet him there...
this isn't stalking just being creative...and remember, we're guys...being hit on is a huge boost to our egos :P
Okay, I took your advice & did some reconnaissance. (Oh God, I really do have a problem. :oops: ) I went to his office. The good news is that he has his office hours posted on his door. The bad news is that he's only there for 1.5 hours on Monday & Wednesday mornings - and his office is so far removed from any thoroughfare that it would be really unbelievable that I would just happen to be there & run into him.
But when a guy does this, it is in fact stalking, broads have it so easy in courtship.
Not particularly. Admittedly, I'm not very good at it; I tend to feel guilty & I never know how to bring it up so it's out in the open. I really like it when guys just ask on a first date whether you're also seeing someone else. (Though this has backfired on me before too.) But some guys get all hurt if they're not the only one, but then if you tell them they are then they get scared, like they think you want a big commitment from them or something. Also, I've found that the guys I date want to hang out EVERY damn weekend (and tend to get all hurt if I say I'm not available) so there's just not enough time for too many people.
:x :x :x they are soooooooo *needy* :roll:
any-who...what if he's a PJ fan and is reading this thread?
The good news is that he has his office hours posted on his door. The bad news is that he's only there for 1.5 hours on Monday & Wednesday mornings.
Perfect...get to his office about 30 minutes before he does, dim the lights, light some candles, wear something suggestive and when he opens the door, press play on any of the songs from this thread...
Oh God - you have no idea how funny that actually is! Part of his field of research/expertise is actually the neuropsychological explanations for why certain music is better for sex. (See, interesting guy, right? Of course if he's a big PJ fan who actually reads this board, I'm totally fucked now for giving him away.)
Good work getting a little bit of info! If you feel timid about going to his office when he's there, have you thought about frequenting karaoke night more often? It seems to me that a lot of people who sing karaoke do so on a regular basis. Maybe he goes there regularly. And if you see him in this atmosphere, you can have liquid courage
Oh he'll yeah! I never had a desire to go to karaoke before, but now I'm gonna become the karaoke queen! (I actually had a really good time, regardless of him.)
Not particularly. Admittedly, I'm not very good at it; I tend to feel guilty & I never know how to bring it up so it's out in the open. I really like it when guys just ask on a first date whether you're also seeing someone else. (Though this has backfired on me before too.) But some guys get all hurt if they're not the only one, but then if you tell them they are then they get scared, like they think you want a big commitment from them or something. Also, I've found that the guys I date want to hang out EVERY damn weekend (and tend to get all hurt if I say I'm not available) so there's just not enough time for too many people.
:x :x :x they are soooooooo *needy* :roll:
any-who...what if he's a PJ fan and is reading this thread?
I totally thought of that. It would be ideal if he were one of the guys giving me advice. But if he is reading this thread, I just blew it by outing him in my last post. :oops: If I see him at the upcoming Ed show, though, I'm gonna have to just propose on the spot. Him being a PJ fan would just be too good to be true!
The good news is that he has his office hours posted on his door. The bad news is that he's only there for 1.5 hours on Monday & Wednesday mornings.
Perfect...get to his office about 30 minutes before he does, dim the lights, light some candles, wear something suggestive and when he opens the door, press play on any of the songs from this thread...
Oh God - you have no idea how funny that actually is! Part of his field of research/expertise is actually the neuropsychological explanations for why certain music is better for sex. (See, interesting guy, right? Of course if he's a big PJ fan who actually reads this board, I'm totally fucked now for giving him away.)
So perfect... walk up to him and ask him if he would like to do some field research... on the effect of Eddie Vedder Ukelele on women's sexual desires
I think that if you haven't EVER spoken to him before, you shouldn't ask him out....YET! I think if he has some idea of who you are beforehand ie a familiar face, it's going to increase the chances of him saying "sure, why not!" when you ask him out. He may be shy too and feel a bit awkward if he's never spoken to you before and automatically say no before actually thinking about it properly.
Personally, if some guy asked me out and I'd NEVER met him before, I'd be a bit "nahhh, I don't think so" (unless he looked like Bradley Cooper...then I'd probably say yes because I wanted to get in his pants ). But if it was say a delivery driver that I'd quickly met at my business a few times, I'd be more inclined to say yes since I at least kinda knew who he was and there was already that small connection of familiarity.
So, my advice is to at least allow him to know who you and recognise your face a bit before you ask him. :thumbup:
(I haven't read this entire thread so not 100% sure on the details....hope this is relevant)
Thanks for the advice. I agree with this - at least I know I'm much more likely to go out with someone with whom I'm familiar. I've just got to figure out how to make him familiar with me. :? And I kinda feel like I should hurry before he gets serious with that other girl.
Oh God - you have no idea how funny that actually is! Part of his field of research/expertise is actually the neuropsychological explanations for why certain music is better for sex. (See, interesting guy, right? Of course if he's a big PJ fan who actually reads this board, I'm totally fucked now for giving him away.)
look, there is nothing wrong with doing a little reconnaissance...find out what time he gets to his office and get there a little earlier and "run" into him...or does he get coffee at like starbucks? meet him there...
this isn't stalking just being creative...and remember, we're guys...being hit on is a huge boost to our egos :P
Okay, I took your advice & did some reconnaissance. (Oh God, I really do have a problem. :oops: ) I went to his office. The good news is that he has his office hours posted on his door. The bad news is that he's only there for 1.5 hours on Monday & Wednesday mornings - and his office is so far removed from any thoroughfare that it would be really unbelievable that I would just happen to be there & run into him.
But when a guy does this, it is in fact stalking, broads have it so easy in courtship.
Yeah, I think there's a fine line - and I don't know where it's drawn. Ultimately, it usually comes down to whether the other person likes you too. If they do, it's a good, romantic story to tell about how you first got together. If they don't... well that's another story. Although I do think technically they hav to tell you to cut it out at least once before it's real stalking, right??
I think that if you haven't EVER spoken to him before, you shouldn't ask him out....YET! I think if he has some idea of who you are beforehand ie a familiar face, it's going to increase the chances of him saying "sure, why not!" when you ask him out. He may be shy too and feel a bit awkward if he's never spoken to you before and automatically say no before actually thinking about it properly.
Personally, if some guy asked me out and I'd NEVER met him before, I'd be a bit "nahhh, I don't think so" (unless he looked like Bradley Cooper...then I'd probably say yes because I wanted to get in his pants ). But if it was say a delivery driver that I'd quickly met at my business a few times, I'd be more inclined to say yes since I at least kinda knew who he was and there was already that small connection of familiarity.
So, my advice is to at least allow him to know who you and recognise your face a bit before you ask him. :thumbup:
(I haven't read this entire thread so not 100% sure on the details....hope this is relevant)
Thanks for the advice. I agree with this - at least I know I'm much more likely to go out with someone with whom I'm familiar. I've just got to figure out how to make him familiar with me. :? And I kinda feel like I should hurry before he gets serious with that other girl.
Oh don't worry about her... you now have the PJ fan base behind you...
I think that if you haven't EVER spoken to him before, you shouldn't ask him out....YET! I think if he has some idea of who you are beforehand ie a familiar face, it's going to increase the chances of him saying "sure, why not!" when you ask him out. He may be shy too and feel a bit awkward if he's never spoken to you before and automatically say no before actually thinking about it properly.
Personally, if some guy asked me out and I'd NEVER met him before, I'd be a bit "nahhh, I don't think so" (unless he looked like Bradley Cooper...then I'd probably say yes because I wanted to get in his pants ). But if it was say a delivery driver that I'd quickly met at my business a few times, I'd be more inclined to say yes since I at least kinda knew who he was and there was already that small connection of familiarity.
So, my advice is to at least allow him to know who you and recognise your face a bit before you ask him. :thumbup:
(I haven't read this entire thread so not 100% sure on the details....hope this is relevant)
Thanks for the advice. I agree with this - at least I know I'm much more likely to go out with someone with whom I'm familiar. I've just got to figure out how to make him familiar with me. :? And I kinda feel like I should hurry before he gets serious with that other girl.
Oh don't worry about her... you now have the PJ fan base behind you...
Awesome! Just what I need! Y'all all send all your hooking up vibes my way, please.
Thanks for the advice. I agree with this - at least I know I'm much more likely to go out with someone with whom I'm familiar. I've just got to figure out how to make him familiar with me. :? And I kinda feel like I should hurry before he gets serious with that other girl.
If time is running out, do this:
"Find something" outside his office (book/mag etc)....take it into him....eg "is this yours -- I found it in the hall outside your office?"....have a laugh when he says it's not his....be sweet and funny and try to force a conversation. Go back two days later...."this may seem weird but since I saw you on [insert day], I keep thinking about you and was wondering if you'd be interested in having a beer/meal/hot raunchy sex sometime?"
ACT NOW!! Make the situation....don't wait for a situation to arise.
Thanks for the advice. I agree with this - at least I know I'm much more likely to go out with someone with whom I'm familiar. I've just got to figure out how to make him familiar with me. :? And I kinda feel like I should hurry before he gets serious with that other girl.
If time is running out, do this:
"Find something" outside his office (book/mag etc)....take it into him....eg "is this yours -- I found it in the hall outside your office?"....have a laugh when he says it's not his....be sweet and funny and try to force a conversation. Go back two days later...."this may seem weird but since I saw you on [insert day], I keep thinking about you and was wondering if you'd be interested in having a beer/meal/hot raunchy sex sometime?"
ACT NOW!! Make the situation....don't wait for a situation to arise.
Good idea! That way it seems like I only came upon his office by accident, not like I stalked it out!
Thanks for the advice. I agree with this - at least I know I'm much more likely to go out with someone with whom I'm familiar. I've just got to figure out how to make him familiar with me. :? And I kinda feel like I should hurry before he gets serious with that other girl.
If time is running out, do this:
"Find something" outside his office (book/mag etc)....take it into him....eg "is this yours -- I found it in the hall outside your office?"....have a laugh when he says it's not his....be sweet and funny and try to force a conversation. Go back two days later...."this may seem weird but since I saw you on [insert day], I keep thinking about you and was wondering if you'd be interested in having a beer/meal/hot raunchy sex sometime?"
ACT NOW!! Make the situation....don't wait for a situation to arise.
and here is another option....
and it's a good one!
well done Ziggy! :thumbup:
Good idea! That way it seems like I only came upon his office by accident, not like I stalked it out!
Correct!! You were merely walking by and found something and thought you'd be nice and try to find the owner. Then you'll go away and he'll still be thinking "what a cool chick"....and then you go back two days later and BINGO!
You've probably got 2 minutes for him to focus on you when you drop off the thing you found. Wear darkish lipstick so he notices your smile and your teeth look whiter....accentuate your eyes (but not overboard) because he'll be looking straight into them and you'll be all smiley and nervous inside so your eyes will look happy and soft....if you have long hair, wear it down....proven fact men prefer long hair.
Laugh with him....be confident....and charming....act in charge and not nervous....because you're going to need to put across that confident manner again when you ask him out a few days later.
Thanks for the advice. I agree with this - at least I know I'm much more likely to go out with someone with whom I'm familiar. I've just got to figure out how to make him familiar with me. :? And I kinda feel like I should hurry before he gets serious with that other girl.
If time is running out, do this:
"Find something" outside his office (book/mag etc)....take it into him....eg "is this yours -- I found it in the hall outside your office?"....have a laugh when he says it's not his....be sweet and funny and try to force a conversation. Go back two days later...."this may seem weird but since I saw you on [insert day], I keep thinking about you and was wondering if you'd be interested in having a beer/meal/hot raunchy sex sometime?"
ACT NOW!! Make the situation....don't wait for a situation to arise.
Have a back up plan. Maybe he's busy and you say "is this book yours?" and he distractedly says "no" and doesn't want to commit to a conversation. Have a question up your sleeve related to the uni, his/your work, an upcoming work event, something....anything.
For example "while I'm here, do you know where the ?? is" or "is Professor Dickwad in this building?"....something that will force him to break his mental focus on what he's doing and shift that focus onto you....just in case you get a one word answer to the "is this book yours?" question.
Have a back up plan. Maybe he's busy and you say "is this book yours?" and he distractedly says "no" and doesn't want to commit to a conversation. Have a question up your sleeve related to the uni, his/your work, an upcoming work event, something....anything.
For example "while I'm here, do you know where the ?? is" or "is Professor Dickwad in this building?"....something that will force him to break his mental focus on what he's doing and shift that focus onto you....just in case you get a one word answer to the "is this book yours?" question.
this must be a fantasy of yours, you sure have every detail thought out
Personally, if some guy asked me out and I'd NEVER met him before, I'd be a bit "nahhh, I don't think so" (unless he looked like Bradley Cooper...then I'd probably say yes because I wanted to get in his pants
So, my advice is to at least allow him to know who you and recognise your face a bit before you ask him. :thumbup:
(I haven't read this entire thread so not 100% sure on the details....hope this is relevant)
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
But when a guy does this, it is in fact stalking, broads have it so easy in courtship.
Then, it's true love forever and always!
Oh God - you have no idea how funny that actually is! Part of his field of research/expertise is actually the neuropsychological explanations for why certain music is better for sex. (See, interesting guy, right? Of course if he's a big PJ fan who actually reads this board, I'm totally fucked now for giving him away.)
I can be whatever you want me to be, no homo
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
Oh he'll yeah! I never had a desire to go to karaoke before, but now I'm gonna become the karaoke queen! (I actually had a really good time, regardless of him.)
All my super pro- women's rights posts haven't given me away yet?
Wait - arq's NOT a dude???
Thanks for the advice. I agree with this - at least I know I'm much more likely to go out with someone with whom I'm familiar. I've just got to figure out how to make him familiar with me. :? And I kinda feel like I should hurry before he gets serious with that other girl.
Yeah, I think there's a fine line - and I don't know where it's drawn. Ultimately, it usually comes down to whether the other person likes you too. If they do, it's a good, romantic story to tell about how you first got together. If they don't... well that's another story. Although I do think technically they hav to tell you to cut it out at least once before it's real stalking, right??
Great idea! Only I think using Ed might confound the research, since he turns people on before the music even starts.
If time is running out, do this:
"Find something" outside his office (book/mag etc)....take it into him....eg "is this yours -- I found it in the hall outside your office?"....have a laugh when he says it's not his....be sweet and funny and try to force a conversation. Go back two days later...."this may seem weird but since I saw you on [insert day], I keep thinking about you and was wondering if you'd be interested in having a beer/meal/hot raunchy sex sometime?"
ACT NOW!! Make the situation....don't wait for a situation to arise.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Good idea! That way it seems like I only came upon his office by accident, not like I stalked it out!
and here is another option....
and it's a good one!
well done Ziggy! :thumbup:
Correct!! You were merely walking by and found something and thought you'd be nice and try to find the owner. Then you'll go away and he'll still be thinking "what a cool chick"....and then you go back two days later and BINGO!
You've probably got 2 minutes for him to focus on you when you drop off the thing you found. Wear darkish lipstick so he notices your smile and your teeth look whiter....accentuate your eyes (but not overboard) because he'll be looking straight into them and you'll be all smiley and nervous inside so your eyes will look happy and soft....if you have long hair, wear it down....proven fact men prefer long hair.
Laugh with him....be confident....and charming....act in charge and not nervous....because you're going to need to put across that confident manner again when you ask him out a few days later.
That's what I'd do anyway.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Have a back up plan. Maybe he's busy and you say "is this book yours?" and he distractedly says "no" and doesn't want to commit to a conversation. Have a question up your sleeve related to the uni, his/your work, an upcoming work event, something....anything.
For example "while I'm here, do you know where the ?? is" or "is Professor Dickwad in this building?"....something that will force him to break his mental focus on what he's doing and shift that focus onto you....just in case you get a one word answer to the "is this book yours?" question.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Pfffft....my fantasies are fucking way more exciting than this!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
well, it can start out like that and then get hot and heavy :P