the 2011 mid-year diet resolution thread



  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    sheila0225 wrote:
    Hope you all don't mind that I jump in here. I made a lifestyle change and lost 24 lbs since Easter Monday. Let me tell you...I feel amazing.

    Here's somethign I do to curve that ice cream crave.

    Freeze some browning bananas overnight. put them in a food processor with some almond milk mix in berries or whatever your liking and voila! Banana ice cream!

    I now purposely buy bananas to go bad. And my kids love this. They don't know the difference that it's not real ice cream. And it's healthy and dairy free adn gluten free!
    Have you seen this?

    Seems like a similar idea. Ice cream is my nemesis. I can pretty much resist anything else. I can't have ice cream in the house.

    I've been limiting my carb intake a lot. Right now my diet pretty much consists of egg whites, chicken, fish, veggies, very small amounts of fruit (limited to the morning only), greek yogurt or kefir, lots of water and green or oolong tea. These are all the foods I love anyway, but I found with my insane schedule I was eating a lot of carbs because they're portable and I can eat them while I drive :? The hardest thing for me has been to find time during the work day to eat foods that require a fork :P I'd like to lose about 10 more pounds. I've been working out consistently 5 days a week for years and always vary the workouts so I don't get bored. Diet has always been more of a challenge for me, but it's nice to actually see some of muscle definition I've worked for now that I've dropped a few pounds:! :lol:

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    Hi. Everyone is inspiring me in this thread. I looked for the thread the other day and I couldn't find it because I was late for the Mon/Wed. Monday is check in, right? I started today. :D
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    sheila0225 wrote:
    Hope you all don't mind that I jump in here. I made a lifestyle change and lost 24 lbs since Easter Monday. Let me tell you...I feel amazing.

    Here's somethign I do to curve that ice cream crave.

    Freeze some browning bananas overnight. put them in a food processor with some almond milk mix in berries or whatever your liking and voila! Banana ice cream!

    I now purposely buy bananas to go bad. And my kids love this. They don't know the difference that it's not real ice cream. And it's healthy and dairy free adn gluten free!
    Have you seen this?

    Seems like a similar idea. Ice cream is my nemesis. I can pretty much resist anything else. I can't have ice cream in the house.

    I've been limiting my carb intake a lot. Right now my diet pretty much consists of egg whites, chicken, fish, veggies, very small amounts of fruit (limited to the morning only), greek yogurt or kefir, lots of water and green or oolong tea. These are all the foods I love anyway, but I found with my insane schedule I was eating a lot of carbs because they're portable and I can eat them while I drive :? The hardest thing for me has been to find time during the work day to eat foods that require a fork :P I'd like to lose about 10 more pounds. I've been working out consistently 5 days a week for years and always vary the workouts so I don't get bored. Diet has always been more of a challenge for me, but it's nice to actually see some of muscle definition I've worked for now that I've dropped a few pounds:! :lol:

    I've never heard of that contraption. It looks cool though.

    I find that if I cook one solid day and then make enough for meals during the week then I'm good to go. I just pack them in individual containers and I'm set. I eat while I work. They think I'm nuts here with my food. lol.

    If you want any ideas, let me know. I've been making a small but evergrowing recipe collection. Mind you, I now eat gluten and dairy free. But you would never know it. :)
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    so nice to see a few new names/faces in this thread!
    i have to say, i've not been too good thus far....pretty much right where i started. not trying to make excuses but man, it is HARD when my husband is off and we keep going out, drinking, eating, ugh. lot of fun, but yea. got one more week of mr. ds vacation, and i am going to try and be better but....we'll see. i also slacked on the exercise, only did 2x rather than 5x, tho one day in all fairness was working on a mega physical home project, so to me, a workout. :)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Well when I got weighed last Monday I'd lost 1 3/4 pounds. Although I feel that I may have put it back on again this week.

    Too many rushed meals I think.
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    physical home projects count, imho. . :lol: Like, today, I have to trim hedges and rake, etc. And I went to work this morning to water plants in greenhouses. Also, vacuuming counts. :) (these are my own rules..haha). I'm going to shoot for gym 3x a week. We will see.. I lost a pound since I started two days ago, but maybe it's water. :? Salut to everyone!
  • Sprunkn7Sprunkn7 Posts: 5,286
    Heres a neat trick:

    when you weigh yourself and think, I "Only" lost one pound, put a pound of butter on your counter and think again. Wow, I lost a pound :) !!

    I went for a nice yak ride today! Having my free meal tonight. Cappallini with oil and garlic, fresh tomatoes and basil. Yum
    Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    okay, any tips on how to stop eating in the middle of the night??????? Aarrgghh. It drives me crazy! :problem:
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    EmBleve wrote:
    okay, any tips on how to stop eating in the middle of the night??????? Aarrgghh. It drives me crazy! :problem:

    Eat protein at your dinner and drink plenty of water afterwards. This will help keep you feeling full. I also like to keep a bottle of water next to me at night. Whenever I think I'm hungry, I drink water instead and sure enough, its that I'm thirsty...not hungry. :D
  • LizardLizard Posts: 12,091
    sheila0225 wrote:
    Hope you all don't mind that I jump in here. I made a lifestyle change and lost 24 lbs since Easter Monday. Let me tell you...I feel amazing.

    Wow--Congrats on that!!!!!!

    Did not work out as much this last week since my sons were visiting from college and the eating was not too healthy either.

    Here's to the start of a new week! :D
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    Lizard wrote:
    sheila0225 wrote:
    Hope you all don't mind that I jump in here. I made a lifestyle change and lost 24 lbs since Easter Monday. Let me tell you...I feel amazing.

    Wow--Congrats on that!!!!!!

    Did not work out as much this last week since my sons were visiting from college and the eating was not too healthy either.

    Here's to the start of a new week! :D

    Thanks! And the kicker was that I didn't go to the gym or work out. I just went on with my normal activities that I do on a daily basis. :)
  • EmBleveEmBleve Posts: 3,019
    sheila0225 wrote:
    EmBleve wrote:
    okay, any tips on how to stop eating in the middle of the night??????? Aarrgghh. It drives me crazy! :problem:

    Eat protein at your dinner and drink plenty of water afterwards. This will help keep you feeling full. I also like to keep a bottle of water next to me at night. Whenever I think I'm hungry, I drink water instead and sure enough, its that I'm thirsty...not hungry. :D
    Thanks, and I also congratulate you on the weight loss like the other poster! :) And I have tried the protein thing at dinner...this is my thing: I'm not one of those 'sleep-eaters', that I know of, because I am conscious...I used to work night shift (BUT I have been OFF nights for about 5 years!!!)...but when I worked night shift, my regular meal time for several years was 3 am. And, it NEVER fails...I wake up between 130 and 4 am every single night feeling famished..and I go into the kitchen and eat something that is fattening (because I don't live alone and can't 'control' all the food in the house--and it's the easiest thing to grab), that I would not eat if it were during the day and I had 15-20 minutes to think about it before doing it. I just wake up, feel hungry, go in there and consume too many fat grams and calories within 5 minutes, and go back to bed. It makes me CRAZY, and I am so mad at myself the next morning. It is really self-sabotage, and I am not sure how to deter myself. Any suggestions?
  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    sheila0225 wrote:

    I've never heard of that contraption. It looks cool though.

    I find that if I cook one solid day and then make enough for meals during the week then I'm good to go. I just pack them in individual containers and I'm set. I eat while I work. They think I'm nuts here with my food. lol.

    If you want any ideas, let me know. I've been making a small but evergrowing recipe collection. Mind you, I now eat gluten and dairy free. But you would never know it. :)
    I like the banana ice cream option. It's a healthier option to my nemesis :twisted:

    I've done some power cooking on Sundays to get me through the week...but I HATE cooking. Ugh it messies up my kitchen :oops: :lol: So if you have any ideas for non-cookers, please send them my way :D

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    Sprunkn7 wrote:
    Heres a neat trick:

    when you weigh yourself and think, I "Only" lost one pound, put a pound of butter on your counter and think again. Wow, I lost a pound :) !!

    I went for a nice yak ride today! Having my free meal tonight. Cappallini with oil and garlic, fresh tomatoes and basil. Yum
    I love this. Or if you've lost 5 pounds, pick up a 5 pound weight and carry it around for a while. It's pretty freaking heavy! I haven't really weighed myself, but I've lost 4.5 inches off my hips and 4 inches off my waist. I just want to be careful not to lose any of the good stuff :lol:

    Someone brought in cupcakes today :twisted: I've resisted. But damn they looked good :oops:

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Well just as I thought, shit week, put 2 pounds on. Time to start a food diary.
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    Well, I guess I'm on track. I lost a pound this week. :?

    I think the idea of looking at a pound of butter is a good one. It doesn't feel like much until you look at it sitting there. :shock:
  • Sprunkn7Sprunkn7 Posts: 5,286
    haha, well good intentions right? guess whats coming for a visit and guess who put on a few pounds in water weight? Hehe, not going near a scale for 4 days. Keeping on track though!!
    Man, what a bummer!
    Thank you fellow 10 clubber for saving my ass....again!!!
  • water retention adds weight, a LOT of weight

    last summer I used to run everynight, but I didn't lose lots of weight even though I cut back nearly everything I liked to eat :lol: Because I didn't drink enough. I don't normally drink enough water because I really don't like it but I hadn't accomodated the fact that I was exercising a lot more into my diet.

    I have reached day 5 of my 30 day shred and unusually I still feel really motivated.
    I've been doing 30 mins of walking with a 10 min run in it too alongside to speed up the process because I'm not going to be able to do the full 30 days (holidays start 4 days too early, damn it :x :lol: )
    I'm already feeling a change and improvement in my fitness - Did the whole video without any pauses in between today and I think my upper body strength is a bit better because I can do more than 5 push ups in a row :lol: I know it's early days yet, but I'd recmmend the dvd to anyone who wants to try it.

    Hadn't weighed myself in a LOOOOOONG time, probably because the number just depressed me before, but I was suprised. A couple of kilos lighter than earlier this year, probably because of the stress of exams and stuff. So I think I'm going to weigh myself every week, trying not to be too neurotic about it because i'm more focussed on how my body looks like toning and stuff.

    hope everyone else is doing well,
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    Thanks, and I also congratulate you on the weight loss like the other poster! :) And I have tried the protein thing at dinner...this is my thing: I'm not one of those 'sleep-eaters', that I know of, because I am conscious...I used to work night shift (BUT I have been OFF nights for about 5 years!!!)...but when I worked night shift, my regular meal time for several years was 3 am. And, it NEVER fails...I wake up between 130 and 4 am every single night feeling famished..and I go into the kitchen and eat something that is fattening (because I don't live alone and can't 'control' all the food in the house--and it's the easiest thing to grab), that I would not eat if it were during the day and I had 15-20 minutes to think about it before doing it. I just wake up, feel hungry, go in there and consume too many fat grams and calories within 5 minutes, and go back to bed. It makes me CRAZY, and I am so mad at myself the next morning. It is really self-sabotage, and I am not sure how to deter myself. Any suggestions?[/quote]

    I'd say put a picture of something fattening on the fridge as a gentle reminder to step away from the fridge. Also, another idea I use for my daytime snacking habits is to prepare prepackaged snacks. so then all i have to do is grab a bag and snack away. I like to do almonds. it's a good fat but also filling. so I do this with celery, carrots, almonds, a green drink, or strips of chicken. Also, a life saver for me is individual packets of almond butter. I eat that stuff like it's going out of style. LOVE IT!!!

    hope this helps. :D
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    sheila0225 wrote:

    I've never heard of that contraption. It looks cool though.

    I find that if I cook one solid day and then make enough for meals during the week then I'm good to go. I just pack them in individual containers and I'm set. I eat while I work. They think I'm nuts here with my food. lol.

    If you want any ideas, let me know. I've been making a small but evergrowing recipe collection. Mind you, I now eat gluten and dairy free. But you would never know it. :)
    I like the banana ice cream option. It's a healthier option to my nemesis :twisted:

    I've done some power cooking on Sundays to get me through the week...but I HATE cooking. Ugh it messies up my kitchen :oops: :lol: So if you have any ideas for non-cookers, please send them my way :D

    I love cooking but I don't like the a slow cooker and steamer are my best friends. What are a few of your favorite foods? I'll dig in my recipes and find some that are AWESOME and filling for you and send them your way. :D
  • comebackgirlcomebackgirl Posts: 9,885
    sheila0225 wrote:
    sheila0225 wrote:

    I've never heard of that contraption. It looks cool though.

    I find that if I cook one solid day and then make enough for meals during the week then I'm good to go. I just pack them in individual containers and I'm set. I eat while I work. They think I'm nuts here with my food. lol.

    If you want any ideas, let me know. I've been making a small but evergrowing recipe collection. Mind you, I now eat gluten and dairy free. But you would never know it. :)
    I like the banana ice cream option. It's a healthier option to my nemesis :twisted:

    I've done some power cooking on Sundays to get me through the week...but I HATE cooking. Ugh it messies up my kitchen :oops: :lol: So if you have any ideas for non-cookers, please send them my way :D

    I love cooking but I don't like the a slow cooker and steamer are my best friends. What are a few of your favorite foods? I'll dig in my recipes and find some that are AWESOME and filling for you and send them your way. :D
    I've been thinking about buying a slow cooker - it seems like the kind of cooking I could do. Any slow cooker recipes you have would be welcomed :) I love chicken, any kind of fish, any kind of veggie. Thanks so much!

    "I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    one of my favorite things in the slow cooker is BBQ Chicken

    put some boneless, skinless chicken breasts in the cooker (high in protein as well)
    put some bbq sauce over it ( i use saz's bbq sauce b/c it's gluten free)
    and let it cook on low for about 4-5 hours.

    i then shred my chicken and have it for sandwiches on some gluten free bread.

    another favorite:

    boneless chuck roast
    cut up an onion
    throw in some peppers (whatever colors you like)
    baby portabella mushrooms
    some water
    again, cook slow for about 4-8 hrs. depending on how much you want it to fall apart.
    (me, I like it when it's falling apart)

    in the last hour or so throw in some red potatoes cubed and some carrots and there's a whole meal.

    i also make lasagna in the slow cooker....I use my slow cooker for everything and anything when I can.

    I've never done fish in a slow cooker though. I've always broiled that or sauteed it.
  • vduboisevduboise Posts: 1,937
    Missed Monday's check in- So far I put on 2 pounds. :? Not what I was hoping for, but my clothes are looser. Maybe I'll just take measurements instead of going by weight. I'll give it another week and see if what I'm doing is working. Then on to less carbs and possibly more cardio.
  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    started eating well 2 week ago at 210. at 207.. want 195
    lots of grilled chicken breast, hot sauce and salads.
    gonna be sexxed up by PJ20. can't wait.
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    another recipe i absolutely LOVE...not slow cooker though.

    saute some chicken with garlic and olive oil...throw in some fajita seasoning...

    shred it in a food processer..

    smush up an avocado into a mayonaise consistency...

    spread that onto a collard leaf...throw some chicken on there...some onions..some peppers...and roll it up!

    Talk about DELISH!!!

    Very tasty.
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    didn't lose any weight...still working out :| Ill add in some jogging in place for my cardio.

    can't do the banana ice cream thing someone posted...I'm allergic to bananas, I won't even let them in the house because the smell makes me gag.

    I did cut back on the size of my meals too...but again, when Mr. RK cooks, he makes enough to feed 5 people, and if we don't finish it, he will throw it away, so I try to eat more because I hate throwing food away!
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    RKCNDY wrote:
    didn't lose any weight...still working out :| Ill add in some jogging in place for my cardio.

    can't do the banana ice cream thing someone posted...I'm allergic to bananas, I won't even let them in the house because the smell makes me gag.

    I did cut back on the size of my meals too...but again, when Mr. RK cooks, he makes enough to feed 5 people, and if we don't finish it, he will throw it away, so I try to eat more because I hate throwing food away!

    you can do the same thing with strawberries or peaches or pretty much whatever fruit you do like. It helps curve the sweet tooth but also cuts out alot of calories and added sugar from regular ice cream.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    sheila0225 wrote:
    RKCNDY wrote:
    didn't lose any weight...still working out :| Ill add in some jogging in place for my cardio.

    can't do the banana ice cream thing someone posted...I'm allergic to bananas, I won't even let them in the house because the smell makes me gag.

    I did cut back on the size of my meals too...but again, when Mr. RK cooks, he makes enough to feed 5 people, and if we don't finish it, he will throw it away, so I try to eat more because I hate throwing food away!

    you can do the same thing with strawberries or peaches or pretty much whatever fruit you do like. It helps curve the sweet tooth but also cuts out alot of calories and added sugar from regular ice cream.

    Hope this helps. :)

    a little...Mr. RK bought a gallon of ice cream at costco last week.... :lol:

    and vduboise's avatar does NOT makes me crave mint chocolate chip ice cream....
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    RKCNDY wrote:

    I did cut back on the size of my meals too...but again, when Mr. RK cooks, he makes enough to feed 5 people, and if we don't finish it, he will throw it away, so I try to eat more because I hate throwing food away!

    Freeze the leftovers in lunch-sized containers rather than eat them to save them from the trash.
    Don't turn your body into a an alternate trash can to relieve your guilt about throwing away food! :?

    I read this in a book years ago and I think about it anytime I'm tempted to eat something rather than throw it away.
  • of.the.girlof.the.girl Posts: 10,026
    justam wrote:
    RKCNDY wrote:

    I did cut back on the size of my meals too...but again, when Mr. RK cooks, he makes enough to feed 5 people, and if we don't finish it, he will throw it away, so I try to eat more because I hate throwing food away!

    Freeze the leftovers in lunch-sized containers rather than eat them to save them from the trash.
    Don't turn your body into a an alternate trash can to relieve your guilt about throwing away food! :?

    I read this in a book years ago and I think about it anytime I'm tempted to eat something rather than throw it away.

    I do the same thing...or make different meals with the leftovers the following night.
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