is there a perfect order or is it an illusion, if we where designed, he was doing a pretty shit job
hmmm...that depends on what His purpose is
aah i see by your use of He that you believe there is a God.. with all your talk of spirituality i was beginning to wonder.
And he is definitely male then! As it has been said before, 'we' seem to transfer our values (physical or moral or emotional) on a 'being' to make it as we want, to sastisfy some need. But hey, if that is what one needs to get through life, fine.
Science only goes so far. Human understanding of the universe is in its infancy. Also the universe may or may not be infinite, in fact based on what we know at this time it is finite. But that is just what we can detect at this time.
When science can, beyond the shadow of a doubt, prove how something comes from nothing, I will question my belief system.
but nothing comes from nothing... there is always something. however believers will have us believe that with a metaphorical click of his fingers God brought the world, and mankind into being. you will have to forgive me if i find this premise ludicrous.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
aah i see by your use of He that you believe there is a God.. with all your talk of spirituality i was beginning to wonder.
And he is definitely male then! As it has been said before, 'we' seem to transfer our values (physical or moral or emotional) on a 'being' to make it as we want, to sastisfy some need. But hey, if that is what one needs to get through life, fine.
considering His lack of nurturing he could be nothing other than male.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
the knowledge comes to the subconscious mind conscious prediction...
how can that be?
Auto suggestion.
No I don't think so,
Nothing like what I've read of the description and examples...
'the belief that any idea exclusively occupying the mind turns into reality'
this is not the experience
Your subconscious is influenced by your conscious - whether you realise it or not. You do not have to 'consciously' believe that anything you think about becomes reality. It can be just a fleeting thought, etc.
Loads of these 'divine interventions' have been readily explained 'scientifically'. Out of body experiences are not automatically going to the 'other side' and coming back - that kind of 'event' is well documented.
Just read about a recent case of a young boy who has died and come back... you will see what auto suggestion is - quite a blatant case. Adults are probably more subtle in their descriptions.
aah i see by your use of He that you believe there is a God.. with all your talk of spirituality i was beginning to wonder.
:? I believe in God and have never said otherwise
and so we reach an impasse where nothing you or i could say to each other could/would make one iota of difference to what is in each case a lifetime of discovery and realisation.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
No I don't think so,
Nothing like what I've read of the description and examples...
'the belief that any idea exclusively occupying the mind turns into reality'
this is not the experience
Your subconscious is influenced by your conscious - whether you realise it or not. You do not have to 'consciously' believe that anything you think about becomes reality. It can be just a fleeting thought, etc.
Loads of these 'divine interventions' have been readily explained 'scientifically'. Out of body experiences are not automatically going to the 'other side' and coming back - that kind of 'event' is well documented.
Just read about a recent case of a young boy who has died and come back... you will see what auto suggestion is - quite a blatant case. Adults are probably more subtle in their descriptions.
Details... to the tee, that happen 48 hours after in real life ... doesn't sound like auto suggestion
The conscious nor subconscious could not know these details because they have not happened
time is not what we think it is or it is indeed divine intervention
and so we reach an impasse where nothing you or i could say to each other could/would make one iota of difference to what is in each case a lifetime of discovery and realisation.
woops yours was quoted wrong
any who... but we are making a difference ...each day everybody interacting makes a difference
and so we reach an impasse where nothing you or i could say to each other could/would make one iota of difference to what is in each case a lifetime of discovery and realisation.
woops yours was quoted wrong
any who... but we are making a difference ...each day everybody interacting makes a difference
colour me purple that im not perfect..... and never professed to be. quoting correctly on a message board isnt really a measure of anything i choose to value. but you already knew that im sure.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
and so we reach an impasse where nothing you or i could say to each other could/would make one iota of difference to what is in each case a lifetime of discovery and realisation.
woops yours was quoted wrong
any who... but we are making a difference ...each day everybody interacting makes a difference
colour me purple that im not perfect..... and never professed to be. quoting correctly on a message board isnt really a measure of anything i choose to value. but you already knew that im sure.
Details... to the tee, that happen 48 hours after in real life ... doesn't sound like auto suggestion
The conscious nor subconscious could not know these details because they have not happened
time is not what we think it is or it is indeed divine intervention
Then one may be looking at biaised memories and other psychological occurrences (which have 'proper' names but I can't think of them). Quantum mechanics might also offer an explanation. Even space-time tunnels, which, maybe in the very, very distant future, might become reality.
But if you wish to call it divine intervention even if there are numerous proven scientific causes for these 'interventions', that's fine if that's what makes you tick.
Details... to the tee, that happen 48 hours after in real life ... doesn't sound like auto suggestion
The conscious nor subconscious could not know these details because they have not happened
time is not what we think it is or it is indeed divine intervention
Then one may be looking at biaised memories and other psychological occurrences (which have 'proper' names but I can't think of them). Quantum mechanics might also offer an explanation. Even space-time tunnels, which, maybe in the very, very distant future, might become reality.
But if you wish to call it divine intervention even if there are numerous proven scientific causes for these 'interventions', that's fine if that's what makes you tick.
Seeking the truth as all of us
this can not be based in memory ...not in this lifetime
Quantum mechanics ....
just read that but where's the smilie that has something wiz over her head :?
Did not get that at all until I read this
'The Everett many-worlds interpretation, formulated in 1956, holds that all the possibilities described by quantum theory simultaneously occur in a multiverse composed of mostly independent parallel universes.'
If something happens in a parallel universe a period of time before....
that can be grasped in a different universe, say mine....
then that could explain it.
Time tunnel would have to mean the subconscious could the travel without the body
but that could explain it
parallel universe...time tunnels all seems far fetched but I guess could be
Apologies, I mis-spelt the word biased so that may have caused confusion. Memory biases are scientifically proven 'effects' and these are numerous and varied. All part of a vast amount of cognitive biases.
Apologies, I mis-spelt the word biased so that may have caused confusion. Memory biases are scientifically proven 'effects' and these are numerous and varied. All part of a vast amount of cognitive biases.
I think when you know something you shouldn't be able to know
and these facts present themselves before anyone could possibly know the events
I mean...there can be no memory of something that is to happen 2 days in the future
I mean...there can be no memory of something that is to happen 2 days in the future
unless it is time related or divine intervention
or both
Again, a memory bias - or shall we forget about the word memory and use the word cognitive? Same thing. It's not about remembering something in the future :?, it's how an 'event' is perceived cognitively and the 'glitches' in our psyche.
I mean...there can be no memory of something that is to happen 2 days in the future
unless it is time related or divine intervention
or both
Again, a memory bias - or shall we forget about the word memory and use the word cognitive? Same thing. It's not about remembering something in the future :?, it's how an 'event' is perceived cognitively and the 'glitches' in our psyche.
Awesome, another scientific minded person!
You're absolutely right, that's called confirmation bias.
"The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it"
Neil deGrasse Tyson
I mean...there can be no memory of something that is to happen 2 days in the future
unless it is time related or divine intervention
or both
Again, a memory bias - or shall we forget about the word memory and use the word cognitive? Same thing. It's not about remembering something in the future :?, it's how an 'event' is perceived cognitively and the 'glitches' in our psyche.
the events haven't happened so it cannot be perceived 2 days in advance
which they have been... and been well documented
cognitive...a process of thought... that can not involve events
that one does not know will happen, that would be predicting the future
if by glitches you mean unexplained phenomenon in one's subconscious
well...this is all I have
but that doesn't really explain the hows or whys
which drive my search for the truth
I mean...there can be no memory of something that is to happen 2 days in the future
unless it is time related or divine intervention
or both
Again, a memory bias - or shall we forget about the word memory and use the word cognitive? Same thing. It's not about remembering something in the future :?, it's how an 'event' is perceived cognitively and the 'glitches' in our psyche.
Awesome, another scientific minded person!
You're absolutely right, that's called confirmation bias.
There are so many of these biases, some very similar to others...
I learned a lot about the brain/memory/cognitive functions in the past few years. A subject I was always interested in, studied a bit and read a lot about, but circumstances made it so I REALLY needed to understand a number of things. Neurosurgeons, neurologists, etc were a valuable source of info and teaching.
the events haven't happened so it cannot be perceived 2 days in advance
which they have been... and been well documented
cognitive...a process of thought... that can not involve events
that one does not know will happen, that would be predicting the future
if by glitches you mean unexplained phenomenon in one's subconscious
well...this is all I have
but that doesn't really explain the hows or whys
which drive my search for the truth
Not 'unexplained' - explained, tested and 'properly' documented.
OK... let's use another word since you seem to be looking up basic definitions of the ones I use. How about cognitive science. Is that general enough? The 'bias' part, is only a section of this science.
From what you keep on posting, your truth is god and 'divine intervention'. So be it.
Science has explanations, Pandora has her explanation. To each their own.
the knowledge comes to the subconscious mind conscious prediction...
how can that be?
aah i see by your use of He that you believe there is a God.. with all your talk of spirituality i was beginning to wonder.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Auto suggestion.
And he is definitely male then!
knowledge like what, are you talking about psychics???
but nothing comes from nothing... there is always something. however believers will have us believe that with a metaphorical click of his fingers God brought the world, and mankind into being. you will have to forgive me if i find this premise ludicrous.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
considering His lack of nurturing he could be nothing other than male.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
but that would be a gas
Nothing like what I've read of the description and examples...
'the belief that any idea exclusively occupying the mind turns into reality'
this is not the experience
Your subconscious is influenced by your conscious - whether you realise it or not. You do not have to 'consciously' believe that anything you think about becomes reality. It can be just a fleeting thought, etc.
Loads of these 'divine interventions' have been readily explained 'scientifically'. Out of body experiences are not automatically going to the 'other side' and coming back - that kind of 'event' is well documented.
Just read about a recent case of a young boy who has died and come back... you will see what auto suggestion is - quite a blatant case. Adults are probably more subtle in their descriptions.
and so we reach an impasse where nothing you or i could say to each other could/would make one iota of difference to what is in each case a lifetime of discovery and realisation.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Details... to the tee, that happen 48 hours after in real life ... doesn't sound like auto suggestion
The conscious nor subconscious could not know these details because they have not happened
time is not what we think it is or it is indeed divine intervention
I think God is the very best of both genders
any who... but we are making a difference ...each day everybody interacting makes a difference
colour me purple that im not perfect..... and never professed to be. quoting correctly on a message board isnt really a measure of anything i choose to value. but you already knew that im sure.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
didnt think you did.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Then one may be looking at biaised memories and other psychological occurrences (which have 'proper' names but I can't think of them). Quantum mechanics might also offer an explanation. Even space-time tunnels, which, maybe in the very, very distant future, might become reality.
But if you wish to call it divine intervention even if there are numerous proven scientific causes for these 'interventions', that's fine if that's what makes you tick.
Seeking the truth as all of us
this can not be based in memory ...not in this lifetime
Quantum mechanics ....
just read that but where's the smilie that has something wiz over her head :?
Did not get that at all until I read this
'The Everett many-worlds interpretation, formulated in 1956, holds that all the possibilities described by quantum theory simultaneously occur in a multiverse composed of mostly independent parallel universes.'
If something happens in a parallel universe a period of time before....
that can be grasped in a different universe, say mine....
then that could explain it.
Time tunnel would have to mean the subconscious could the travel without the body
but that could explain it
parallel universe...time tunnels all seems far fetched but I guess could be
and even with those possibilities ....
God can be the why
far fetched and god in the same sentence....
Apologies, I mis-spelt the word biased so that may have caused confusion. Memory biases are scientifically proven 'effects' and these are numerous and varied. All part of a vast amount of cognitive biases.
I think when you know something you shouldn't be able to know
and these facts present themselves before anyone could possibly know the events
I mean...there can be no memory of something that is to happen 2 days in the future
unless it is time related or divine intervention
or both
Again, a memory bias - or shall we forget about the word memory and use the word cognitive? Same thing. It's not about remembering something in the future :?, it's how an 'event' is perceived cognitively and the 'glitches' in our psyche.
Awesome, another scientific minded person!
You're absolutely right, that's called confirmation bias.
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Why not (V) (°,,,,°) (V) ?
the events haven't happened so it cannot be perceived 2 days in advance
which they have been... and been well documented
cognitive...a process of thought... that can not involve events
that one does not know will happen, that would be predicting the future
if by glitches you mean unexplained phenomenon in one's subconscious
well...this is all I have
but that doesn't really explain the hows or whys
which drive my search for the truth
There are so many of these biases, some very similar to others...
I learned a lot about the brain/memory/cognitive functions in the past few years. A subject I was always interested in, studied a bit and read a lot about, but circumstances made it so I REALLY needed to understand a number of things. Neurosurgeons, neurologists, etc were a valuable source of info and teaching.
Not 'unexplained' - explained, tested and 'properly' documented.
OK... let's use another word since you seem to be looking up basic definitions of the ones I use. How about cognitive science. Is that general enough? The 'bias' part, is only a section of this science.
From what you keep on posting, your truth is god and 'divine intervention'. So be it.
Science has explanations, Pandora has her explanation. To each their own.
~ DalaiLama