This game is wearing me out. I have spent more time focusing on the logistics of carrying all my loot back to town so I can sell it than I have actually playing. Since I've started playing yesterday I've cleared 3 dungeons/caves, all of which took about an hour total. The entire rest of the time has been spent going back and forth from the dungeon to town, carrying back all of my shit. Even using fast travel the ratio of logistics to actual playing is probably 5:1, usually making 6-7 trips per location. There's just so much more stuff, and heavier stuff in these places than on previous games. I guess I could leave a lot of it behind, but I want the gold, and it seems wasteful to leave it.
You don't really need a whole lot of money in this game. The only thing that's expensive are houses and you can exploit a glitch to get them for free.
Has anyone played the Goldeneye 007 game? Goldeneye for N64 has to be one of my favorite games of all time so I kinda want to check this one out...
Got the original sticking out of my N64 8 feet in front of me as I type this. Great multiplayer battles with friends.
I rented it, but even though I've had it for weeks I still haven't finished it. It can't keep me interested long enough to finish. Usually by the time I'm halfway through a level I'm hoping for it to be over soon, and once it is I turn it off and it's usually days before I start back up. Anyway, instead of re-typing my impressions on it I'll just quote my original post about it.
I rented Goldeneye 007: Reloaded. It's kind of cool I guess, I haven't played it long enough to make up my mind, but it's not what I was expecting. I thought it would basically be the classic game only remade with modern graphics, but that's not really the case. It's a completely different game. It's more like the recent James Bond games (Quantum Of Solace, Blood Stone) and the plot is a remake/re-imagining of the film Goldeneye. It really has nothing to do with the classic game other than that both are loosely based on the same movie.
It's still pretty cool, it really is what it would be like if they remade Goldeneye with Daniel Craig, but that also means no Sean Bean unfortunately, they use all new voice actors and appearances for the characters, and changed the settings/events. But it's the same basic overall plot.
So really the title means that it's the film Goldeneye "reloaded", not the game Goldeneye.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
This game is wearing me out. I have spent more time focusing on the logistics of carrying all my loot back to town so I can sell it than I have actually playing. Since I've started playing yesterday I've cleared 3 dungeons/caves, all of which took about an hour total. The entire rest of the time has been spent going back and forth from the dungeon to town, carrying back all of my shit. Even using fast travel the ratio of logistics to actual playing is probably 5:1, usually making 6-7 trips per location. There's just so much more stuff, and heavier stuff in these places than on previous games. I guess I could leave a lot of it behind, but I want the gold, and it seems wasteful to leave it.
complete the quest in which you marry the lady that owns the trader shop in riverwood. once you do, you basically marry into the business. visit her daily and she gives you 100 gold coins a day. if you don't visit her daily, the coins still accumulate and you can get some nice paid outs from her. plus, you get to live there for free and store all your stuff in the bedroom area upstais.
travel as light as could be. i rely heavily on my damage magic (flames), and usually just carry one or two powerful weapons on me for dragons. i rock the dark brotherhood and theives guild armor which is pretty light. also, you will come across a necklace that increases your carrying capacity about 30 points.
i wouldn't be so consumed with finding heavy armor and heavy weapons. it's all personal preference of course, but i think you are better off relying on your damage magic. whatever weapons and armor i find i just sell to my bitch in riverwood
edit: there is also a couple potions that increase your carry capacity by X amount for a couple minutes. if you ever find yourself in a bind, overweight with good shit you don't want to get rid of, take the potion and fast travel back to your house so you can store everything.
also, i am about 60 hours in and i have about 300,000 in gold coins. all from collecting from my character's wife in riverwood and selling gems, weapons, armour, etc. hell, i even spent the 5,000 coins on a house in i think winterhold before i knew about marrying the lady in riverwood.
This game probably needs its own thread, but I'll ask the question here.
Are there any drawbacks to being a werewolf? I became one (because I think I had to) in the Companions storyline, and I've been one for several days (in-game time) and it seems to me that the only difference is that if I choose to I can go into beast mode and tear folks up. But I keep reading on message boards people asking how to get the cure (for themselves, not the later quest for another guy) and hearing about how it's kind of difficult. But I don't understand why somebody wants to be cured, because as far as I can tell it just gives you optional powers. Will I turn on without wanting to during full moons or something? Because it seems like if you don't want to be a werewolf you just don't turn it on. Much easier than going on some long quest. It's not like being a Vampire in Oblivion where it becomes a pain in the ass and you can't go outside during the day.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
This game probably needs its own thread, but I'll ask the question here.
Are there any drawbacks to being a werewolf? I became one (because I think I had to) in the Companions storyline, and I've been one for several days (in-game time) and it seems to me that the only difference is that if I choose to I can go into beast mode and tear folks up. But I keep reading on message boards people asking how to get the cure (for themselves, not the later quest for another guy) and hearing about how it's kind of difficult. But I don't understand why somebody wants to be cured, because as far as I can tell it just gives you optional powers. Will I turn on without wanting to during full moons or something? Because it seems like if you don't want to be a werewolf you just don't turn it on. Much easier than going on some long quest. It's not like being a Vampire in Oblivion where it becomes a pain in the ass and you can't go outside during the day.
You lose out on resting bonuses. I don't rest so I could care less about it.
This game probably needs its own thread, but I'll ask the question here.
Are there any drawbacks to being a werewolf? I became one (because I think I had to) in the Companions storyline, and I've been one for several days (in-game time) and it seems to me that the only difference is that if I choose to I can go into beast mode and tear folks up. But I keep reading on message boards people asking how to get the cure (for themselves, not the later quest for another guy) and hearing about how it's kind of difficult. But I don't understand why somebody wants to be cured, because as far as I can tell it just gives you optional powers. Will I turn on without wanting to during full moons or something? Because it seems like if you don't want to be a werewolf you just don't turn it on. Much easier than going on some long quest. It's not like being a Vampire in Oblivion where it becomes a pain in the ass and you can't go outside during the day.
You lose out on resting bonuses. I don't rest so I could care less about it.
also, i think if you become a werewolf in any town, an automatic bounty is put on your head. and i am careful about killing everyone in a town because i don't want it to have a negative effect on any future quests that i haven't started yet. so i completely avoid the whole werewolf thing.
This game probably needs its own thread, but I'll ask the question here.
Are there any drawbacks to being a werewolf? I became one (because I think I had to) in the Companions storyline, and I've been one for several days (in-game time) and it seems to me that the only difference is that if I choose to I can go into beast mode and tear folks up. But I keep reading on message boards people asking how to get the cure (for themselves, not the later quest for another guy) and hearing about how it's kind of difficult. But I don't understand why somebody wants to be cured, because as far as I can tell it just gives you optional powers. Will I turn on without wanting to during full moons or something? Because it seems like if you don't want to be a werewolf you just don't turn it on. Much easier than going on some long quest. It's not like being a Vampire in Oblivion where it becomes a pain in the ass and you can't go outside during the day.
You lose out on resting bonuses. I don't rest so I could care less about it.
also, i think if you become a werewolf in any town, an automatic bounty is put on your head. and i am careful about killing everyone in a town because i don't want it to have a negative effect on any future quests that i haven't started yet. so i completely avoid the whole werewolf thing.
You only get the bounty if someone sees you transform. Being a werewolf was perfect for Dark Brotherhood quest. All I had to do was hide, transform, and then I could assassinate someone in the middle of town without getting in trouble.
You lose out on resting bonuses. I don't rest so I could care less about it.
I should probably get the game guide I guess, I don't even know what a Resting Bonus is. I haven't rested once I don't think, because it's not like in Morrowind (or maybe Oblivion too, I forget how it was in that one) where you had to go to sleep in order to level up.
also, i think if you become a werewolf in any town, an automatic bounty is put on your head. and i am careful about killing everyone in a town because i don't want it to have a negative effect on any future quests that i haven't started yet. so i completely avoid the whole werewolf thing.
Then don't become a werewolf in town. Personally I've only become a werewolf, twice. And both were in the quest where it happened. The first when I first drank the blood, but I went out the back door into the wilderness and just killed a deer instead of going into town. And the second time was clearing out the Silver Hand dungeon. If I were going to do it, it would be in a dungeon or something, not in town.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
You lose out on resting bonuses. I don't rest so I could care less about it.
I should probably get the game guide I guess, I don't even know what a Resting Bonus is. I haven't rested once I don't think, because it's not like in Morrowind (or maybe Oblivion too, I forget how it was in that one) where you had to go to sleep in order to level up.
If you sleep long enough in a bed belonging to someone else but have gained access to, you will receive the "Rested" bonus which gives you 5% increased skill-up speed for the next 8 hours, real-time. If you sleep in a bed you own, such as in player owned houses or if you rent a room at an inn, you receive the "Well Rested" bonus, giving you 10% increased skill-up speed for 8 hours. If you have a spouse and you sleep in the same house as them, you will receive a "Lover's Comfort" bonus which gives 15% increased skill-up speed for 8 hours. The lover's comfort effect can be duplicated by The Lover Stone which confers this bonus for as long as the stone is the player's active symbol. If you have The Lover Stone active, or you are a Werewolf, you cannot gain resting bonuses. However, you can be a Werewolf and have The Lover Stone active at the same time.
I think I'm going to start this game over. I've been playing for like 3 weeks, but I've already screwed up several storylines. Or I should say bugs have screwed them up. You really have to go on the Skyrim wiki and read every quest before you do it so you don't bug up this game. WAY too many bugs. I can't become head of the Thieves Guild because I apparently didn't do enough side jobs before completing the main quest. I have several quests that are forever stuck in my quest log because other quests conflicted with them and they are now un-finishable. I failed 2 quests because of those Forsworn guys who killed a dozen townspeople during the prison break quest. I have quest items I can't drop but I can't get rid of because I can't complete the quest. This game is maddening.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
help, I've fallen into Skyrim. and I can't get out!!
haha, oh man! you can erase 100 hours of your life right now.
i put in a lot of time, but had to put it down because of a couple bugged quests that i could not finish. once a patch is released and those issues get fixed i will be back on the bandwagon.
help, I've fallen into Skyrim. and I can't get out!!
haha, oh man! you can erase 100 hours of your life right now.
i put in a lot of time, but had to put it down because of a couple bugged quests that i could not finish. once a patch is released and those issues get fixed i will be back on the bandwagon.
I ran into a friend in the supermarket the other day. He said he's played over 400 hours. I advised him to stock up on food and i'd see him in the summer. :P
I ran into a friend in the supermarket the other day. He said he's played over 400 hours. I advised him to stock up on food and i'd see him in the summer. :P
400!!! :shock:
i think i am around 80 or 90, but the game got really buggy to the point where it was so frustrating i stopped playing cold turkey
i'll start up again when they release a patch (which is on it's way apparently). suprised no DLC content yet too.
between a rock and a dumb place Posts: 12,632
I think we are at about 50 hours (my girlfriend co-pilots by researching stuff on-line to help, and she won't let me leave my follower, Lydia, behind - I have accidentally killed her a few times). I probably take a lot longer to do things than most, learning the magic and smithing and such - my sons say it's painfull to watch me, meanwhile they just plow through.
It's like D&D was supposed to be, and oddly enough my girlfriend and I both played D&D when we were teenagers, decades before we met.
So I've definitely become addicted to Skyrim since I bought it on Dec. 30th. I just became the Guild Master of the Thieve's Guild, and am rich beyond belief (game-wise, of course).
I think we are at about 50 hours (my girlfriend co-pilots by researching stuff on-line to help, and she won't let me leave my follower, Lydia, behind - I have accidentally killed her a few times). I probably take a lot longer to do things than most, learning the magic and smithing and such - my sons say it's painfull to watch me, meanwhile they just plow through.
It's like D&D was supposed to be, and oddly enough my girlfriend and I both played D&D when we were teenagers, decades before we met.
what is DLC content?
DLC= Downloadable Content
"I want to Rock & Roll all night, and part of everyday"
Sept.11/05 Kitchener, Ontario
May 10/10 Buffalo, New York
Sept.11 & Sept 12/2011, Toronto, Ontario
Sept. 15/11 Hamilton, Ontario
Oct. 12/13 Buffalo, New York
Oct 16/14 Detroit, Michigan
May 10/16 Toronto, Ontario
help, I've fallen into Skyrim. and I can't get out!!
Why would you want to get out? The Sabrecats? The Cave Bears? The Draugr? The Daedra?
What a massive game. What role are you all playing? Warrior? Mage? Thief? None of the above? Mage here.
I'm a Nord Warrior. Although I'm a pretty good thief. My main skills are archery and sneak. So I'm a bit of a sniper. Sneaking around and shooting people from stealth, getting the sneak attack bonuses.
"See a broad to get dat booty yak 'em, leg 'er down, a smack 'em yak 'em!"
High Elf mage / warrior here. I couldn't resist the 50 magica bonus at the start. I'm getting a pretty good sneak rating and Mehrune's Dagger can really mess people up with a 30X back-stab damage bonus that you get with the bonus perk and the Dark Brotherhood armor. The Mace of Molag Bal is another great weapon.
I'm working on my smithing rating so I can start to upgrade my weaponry.
Played the demo for Asuras Wrath. Thought it was pretty cool similar to Dragon Ball Z so I think about buying it when it comes out. Also really waiting for the European release of Rocksmith.
Music is what feelings sound like.
between a rock and a dumb place Posts: 12,632
help, I've fallen into Skyrim. and I can't get out!!
Why would you want to get out? The Sabrecats? The Cave Bears? The Draugr? The Daedra?
What a massive game. What role are you all playing? Warrior? Mage? Thief? None of the above? Mage here.
I'm a Nord Warrior. Although I'm a pretty good thief. My main skills are archery and sneak. So I'm a bit of a sniper. Sneaking around and shooting people from stealth, getting the sneak attack bonuses.
I am an Imperial. I too, have gotten quite good at archery and sneaking, with all the bow enchantments can now do one hit kills. I figured out how to enchant armor and weapons, and have enchanted a glass great sword, so that kicks a lot of ass. I also upgraded my follower, Lydia's stuff so she does well - but she keeps charging ahead which has caused me to accidentally kill her a few times.
Skyrim is leading the pack, with Forza in a close 2nd.
Got the original sticking out of my N64 8 feet in front of me as I type this. Great multiplayer battles with friends.
I rented it, but even though I've had it for weeks I still haven't finished it. It can't keep me interested long enough to finish. Usually by the time I'm halfway through a level I'm hoping for it to be over soon, and once it is I turn it off and it's usually days before I start back up. Anyway, instead of re-typing my impressions on it I'll just quote my original post about it.
complete the quest in which you marry the lady that owns the trader shop in riverwood. once you do, you basically marry into the business. visit her daily and she gives you 100 gold coins a day. if you don't visit her daily, the coins still accumulate and you can get some nice paid outs from her. plus, you get to live there for free and store all your stuff in the bedroom area upstais.
travel as light as could be. i rely heavily on my damage magic (flames), and usually just carry one or two powerful weapons on me for dragons. i rock the dark brotherhood and theives guild armor which is pretty light. also, you will come across a necklace that increases your carrying capacity about 30 points.
i wouldn't be so consumed with finding heavy armor and heavy weapons. it's all personal preference of course, but i think you are better off relying on your damage magic. whatever weapons and armor i find i just sell to my bitch in riverwood
edit: there is also a couple potions that increase your carry capacity by X amount for a couple minutes. if you ever find yourself in a bind, overweight with good shit you don't want to get rid of, take the potion and fast travel back to your house so you can store everything.
also, i am about 60 hours in and i have about 300,000 in gold coins. all from collecting from my character's wife in riverwood and selling gems, weapons, armour, etc. hell, i even spent the 5,000 coins on a house in i think winterhold before i knew about marrying the lady in riverwood.
Are there any drawbacks to being a werewolf? I became one (because I think I had to) in the Companions storyline, and I've been one for several days (in-game time) and it seems to me that the only difference is that if I choose to I can go into beast mode and tear folks up. But I keep reading on message boards people asking how to get the cure (for themselves, not the later quest for another guy) and hearing about how it's kind of difficult. But I don't understand why somebody wants to be cured, because as far as I can tell it just gives you optional powers. Will I turn on without wanting to during full moons or something? Because it seems like if you don't want to be a werewolf you just don't turn it on. Much easier than going on some long quest. It's not like being a Vampire in Oblivion where it becomes a pain in the ass and you can't go outside during the day.
also, i think if you become a werewolf in any town, an automatic bounty is put on your head. and i am careful about killing everyone in a town because i don't want it to have a negative effect on any future quests that i haven't started yet. so i completely avoid the whole werewolf thing.
I should probably get the game guide I guess, I don't even know what a Resting Bonus is. I haven't rested once I don't think, because it's not like in Morrowind (or maybe Oblivion too, I forget how it was in that one) where you had to go to sleep in order to level up.
Then don't become a werewolf in town. Personally I've only become a werewolf, twice. And both were in the quest where it happened. The first when I first drank the blood, but I went out the back door into the wilderness and just killed a deer instead of going into town. And the second time was clearing out the Silver Hand dungeon. If I were going to do it, it would be in a dungeon or something, not in town.
mostly with games like fiffa 12, uncharted 3, etc
feel free to add me, my user name is PJMike891!
All those yesterdays
All those yesterdays
All those paper plates
Uncharted 3 was amazing. My only gripe is that, just like parts 1-2, it was too short.
Amazing action and sequences though!
haha, oh man! you can erase 100 hours of your life right now.
i put in a lot of time, but had to put it down because of a couple bugged quests that i could not finish. once a patch is released and those issues get fixed i will be back on the bandwagon.
pretty pumped, should arrive in the mail today. anyone have a 3ds?
ocarina of time is a no brainer, and i'll also pick up mario kart 7 (which looks incredible btw).
I ran into a friend in the supermarket the other day. He said he's played over 400 hours. I advised him to stock up on food and i'd see him in the summer. :P
400!!! :shock:
i think i am around 80 or 90, but the game got really buggy to the point where it was so frustrating i stopped playing cold turkey
i'll start up again when they release a patch (which is on it's way apparently). suprised no DLC content yet too.
It's like D&D was supposed to be, and oddly enough my girlfriend and I both played D&D when we were teenagers, decades before we met.
what is DLC content?
DLC= Downloadable Content
Sept.11/05 Kitchener, Ontario
May 10/10 Buffalo, New York
Sept.11 & Sept 12/2011, Toronto, Ontario
Sept. 15/11 Hamilton, Ontario
Oct. 12/13 Buffalo, New York
Oct 16/14 Detroit, Michigan
May 10/16 Toronto, Ontario
Why would you want to get out? The Sabrecats? The Cave Bears? The Draugr? The Daedra?
What a massive game. What role are you all playing? Warrior? Mage? Thief? None of the above?
I'm a Nord Warrior. Although I'm a pretty good thief. My main skills are archery and sneak. So I'm a bit of a sniper. Sneaking around and shooting people from stealth, getting the sneak attack bonuses.
I'm working on my smithing rating so I can start to upgrade my weaponry.
The menial tasks are really starting to bore the hell out of me though, might be time to continue the main quest.
I am an Imperial. I too, have gotten quite good at archery and sneaking, with all the bow enchantments can now do one hit kills. I figured out how to enchant armor and weapons, and have enchanted a glass great sword, so that kicks a lot of ass. I also upgraded my follower, Lydia's stuff so she does well - but she keeps charging ahead which has caused me to accidentally kill her a few times.
I feel so geek
and did they hint towards a zombie vaccine in this???
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2