The 2011 New Year Diet Resolution Thread



  • CJMST3KCJMST3K Posts: 9,722
    Feck... I've not posted on this thread before, but I should jump on the wagon.

    12 years ago my weight got up to 210.
    9 years ago my weight went down (with no attempt) to 150.
    ...and of course... two months ago I got back up to 210.

    Photos from just 5 years ago look so much better. Big (no pun) difference now, and not for the better.

    I asked my GF to help, and she put me on somewhat of a diet. Supposed to have cereal, then for lunch a sandwich with double-fiber bread, and a handful of grapes, then dinner a sensible dinner, which I sometimes have seconds, or maybe a glass of wine... or two.

    I've gone down to 199.6 and have stayed precisely there for almost 2 months. Was hoping to be doing much better by now, but with no exercise I guess I'm at a plateau.

    ADD 5,200 to the post count you see, thank you. :)
    *NYC 9/28/96 *NYC 9/29/96 *NJ 9/8/98 (front row "may i play drums with you")
    *MSG 9/10/98 (backstage) *MSG 9/11/98 (backstage)
    *Jones Beach 8/23/00 *Jones Beach 8/24/00 *Jones Beach 8/25/00
    *Mansfield 8/29/00 *Mansfield 8/30/00 *Nassau 4/30/03 *Nissan VA 7/1/03
    *Borgata 10/1/05 *Camden 5/27/06 *Camden 5/28/06 *DC 5/30/06
    *VA Beach 6/17/08 *DC 6/22/08 *MSG 6/24/08 (backstage) *MSG 6/25/08
    *EV DC 8/17/08 *EV Baltimore 6/15/09 *Philly 10/31/09
    *Bristow VA 5/13/10 *MSG 5/20/10 *MSG 5/21/10
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    CJMST3K wrote:
    I've gone down to 199.6 and have stayed precisely there for almost 2 months. Was hoping to be doing much better by now, but with no exercise I guess I'm at a plateau.

    I'm doing crap on my diet too. Hence upping the exercise. Hoping that'll do the trick. Good luck.
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    I'm not usually eager to post in here but I lost 2 pounds 4 oz this week!! Hoorah!! It must be because I bought an exercise DVD, it didn't arrive 'til Saturday and I haven't actually done it yet, but my body must have realised I was going to do more exercise and decided to give me a little motivation :D
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Claireack wrote:
    I'm not usually eager to post in here but I lost 2 pounds 4 oz this week!! Hoorah!! It must be because I bought an exercise DVD, it didn't arrive 'til Saturday and I haven't actually done it yet, but my body must have realised I was going to do more exercise and decided to give me a little motivation :D

    that's AWESOME! good for you claire! :thumbup:

    i was TERRIBLE this weekend, just terrible. actually, most of last week i was pretty bad too, but was holding steady. however, with the blowout weekend, plus i was out sick the last 2 days and eating everything in sight :oops: and lots of drinking the past week too, well regained 3. eh well. it was yummy, but back on track today....and still down 20 pounds, so a wee bit of damage done, but not too bad. i did want to be about 10 more pounds lighter by now, but so it goes. i'm just glad i've lost as i did thus far, and even with some backtracks here or there, glad to know i can overall balance a healthy lifestyle with some indulgences now and again.

    next week, pj 3x and seeing lots of friends, so it'll be challenging. :? but....FUN!!! :mrgreen:

    and welcome cjm! :)
    weight-loss is best accomplished thru diet - as in watching calories. so maybe recheck your foods, and especially your drink (my big downfall). exercise helps most for maintenance and sure, revs your metabolism, but it's what you eat/drink that has the biggest effect on loss.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    D2D - you most definately can excuse yourself when you're ill. You need extra energy to fight it off. Still doing bloody well though :D
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    well another week gone, and back on track. right back where i was 2 weeks ago, 23 pounds gone - so re-lost the 3 i had gained back. :mrgreen: sure, wanted to be further along by now, but whatever....i'm living well and losing, so slow and steady is working. hopefully by june 1st can be down 25. i'd love to be down 30, but being realistic, especially with pj shows and partying this week.....25, maybe 28, doable. i won't quite reach my goal weight by our anniversary, be about 10 pounds off, but hey.....still be a lot thinner/healthier and keep on losing, so all good! i've got 5 weeks until our big day, and want to lose 10 more by then, so still an ambitious goal.

    hope everyone is doing well!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Put a pound back on, went on a bit of a chocolate fest this weekend, even stealing half of the chocolate bar I'd bought for hubby - he was none too pleased.

    D2D - you are doing so brilliantly well, better than my half arsed effort. Still I'm feeling healthier than I did so that's good. I'll just keep plodding away. :D
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Claireack wrote:
    Put a pound back on, went on a bit of a chocolate fest this weekend, even stealing half of the chocolate bar I'd bought for hubby - he was none too pleased.

    THAT made me laugh!

    Claireack wrote:
    D2D - you are doing so brilliantly well, better than my half arsed effort. Still I'm feeling healthier than I did so that's good. I'll just keep plodding away. :D

    well, i'm tryin'. of course, i am still living and enjoying life (food & drink) it slows the progress some, but also makes it more doable/realistic too i think. today is the start of week 19. so my average loss per week has fallen off some, to 1.2777 pounds/week, but's still losing, so it's all good.

    and THAT is excellent!
    i agree. i feel awesome. i am also enjoying swimming in my clothes too. :lol:
    so how close are you to your goal? and you still have a month left too right? i seem to recall you having the pj gigs as your goal-date....and a pretty realistic goal too, so hope it's going well! :)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Posts: 7,258
    I turned off the tv and dvd player until I'm at the weight I want to be. I expect it will take me 3+months.
    Daily, I won't let myself drink coffee until I've had 5 fruit.
    Daily, I won't let myself do something I like to do every day (read tarot cards) until I exercise at least an hour.

    As God is my witness, I will fit into my jeans! Or be incredibly bored while trying :lol:

    I'm reading a lot of books, and listening to a lot of music - not bad alternatives, eh?

    There aren't many good jazz/blues stations in DC, oddly enough.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Ms. Haiku wrote:
    I turned off the tv and dvd player until I'm at the weight I want to be. I expect it will take me 3+months.
    Daily, I won't let myself drink coffee until I've had 5 fruit.
    Daily, I won't let myself do something I like to do every day (read tarot cards) until I exercise at least an hour.

    As God is my witness, I will fit into my jeans! Or be incredibly bored while trying :lol:

    I'm reading a lot of books, and listening to a lot of music - not bad alternatives, eh?

    There aren't many good jazz/blues stations in DC, oddly enough.

    aren't you worried that you're being a wee bit too strict with yourself? i understand motivations, rewards, etc...but that sounds a little too regimented, tho if it works for you - awesome!

    sooooooooo....after the decadence of last week, 3 pj shows, losts of pre/post parties...lots of bad food, copious amounts of alcohol....i had put back on 3 pounds. however, by this morning right back where i was; down 24 pounds. i'm happy. :D definitely not the forward progress i had hoped to have by now, may was pretty much a wash overall, but still pleased. i've got 6 days until june definitely hope to reach the 25-26 pound mark by then. i will not be reaching my ultimate goal weight by our june 20th anniversary as i had hoped, but it's all good. nowadays i figure it will take me until at least september 1st for that mega milestone. but hey, i am down 24 well on my way!

    how's everybody doin'?
    claire...your goal date is coming up in june, yes? are you close to where you want to be?
    where is everybody?! all reach your goals, no more motivation/encouragement necessary? :P
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977

    *and echoes nobody hears*

    is this thing still on? :D
    i wanna know how the fuck all you fine folks are doin', damnnit. :twisted: :lol::mrgreen:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    I am hiding in shame, have eaten so much that I have now only lost just under 5 pounds when I had reached just over nine pounds - damn food, why does it taste so good!!
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Claireack wrote:
    I am hiding in shame, have eaten so much that I have now only lost just under 5 pounds when I had reached just over nine pounds - damn food, why does it taste so good!!

    awwww, no shame!
    it's a process. and hey, you DID lose 9 pounds, so you know you CAN do it. so what, you regained? you're still DOWN 5 pounds, yay you! and you can lose MORE if/when you want! focus on the positives! :D

    may not be the best time to make this comment (don't want to make you feel bad claire, so don't!) but i just have to share the happy news; finally hit 25 pounds lost! :mrgreen: i am SO pleased. it's only taken me 6 weeks to lose the last 4 :|;):lol: ...but, i did it. 8-) granted, tonight kicks off a 3-day holiday weekend, so who KNOWS what will happen by tuesday :? ...however, just HAPPY i hit the milestone today, and will do my best to at the very least maintain it over the weekend. of course...i still want more, and i still have a ways to go. i've already figured at the loss-rate thus far...will probably take me until october to reach my ultimate goal - so was a bit optimistic in hoping for june, haha....but long as i GET there, and i WILL! besides, october is still a solid 1.5 months before my birthday, so will achieve my 'skinny bitch' status before then, yay. :lol: so anyhooo.....happy day today, yay for 25!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    may not be the best time to make this comment (don't want to make you feel bad claire, so don't!) but i just have to share the happy news; finally hit 25 pounds lost! :mrgreen: i am SO pleased. it's only taken me 6 weeks to lose the last 4 :|;):lol: ...but, i did it. 8-) granted, tonight kicks off a 3-day holiday weekend, so who KNOWS what will happen by tuesday :? ...however, just HAPPY i hit the milestone today, and will do my best to at the very least maintain it over the weekend. of course...i still want more, and i still have a ways to go. i've already figured at the loss-rate thus far...will probably take me until october to reach my ultimate goal - so was a bit optimistic in hoping for june, haha....but long as i GET there, and i WILL! besides, october is still a solid 1.5 months before my birthday, so will achieve my 'skinny bitch' status before then, yay. :lol: so anyhooo.....happy day today, yay for 25!

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    No doesn't piss me off. Good for you!!! That really is great. Gives me inspiration to hang on in there and keep at it :D
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Claireack wrote:
    No doesn't piss me off. Good for you!!! That really is great. Gives me inspiration to hang on in there and keep at it :D

    awww thanks! :)
    and happy to be 'inspirational'...hahaha.
    definitely keep at it! it will make YOU happier and healthier...all good!
    i will still be plugging away at it all, and thus in this thread....for quite a few more months. then, onwards to maintenance! :? :D:lol:
    norm wrote:
    may not be the best time to make this comment (don't want to make you feel bad claire, so don't!) but i just have to share the happy news; finally hit 25 pounds lost! :mrgreen: i am SO pleased. it's only taken me 6 weeks to lose the last 4 :|;):lol: ...but, i did it. 8-) granted, tonight kicks off a 3-day holiday weekend, so who KNOWS what will happen by tuesday :? ...however, just HAPPY i hit the milestone today, and will do my best to at the very least maintain it over the weekend. of course...i still want more, and i still have a ways to go. i've already figured at the loss-rate thus far...will probably take me until october to reach my ultimate goal - so was a bit optimistic in hoping for june, haha....but long as i GET there, and i WILL! besides, october is still a solid 1.5 months before my birthday, so will achieve my 'skinny bitch' status before then, yay. :lol: so anyhooo.....happy day today, yay for 25!


    thanks you too! :D

    didya see my earlier post, from tuesday i think...saying how i had regained about 3 over the pj-fest in NYC? :lol: so yea.....just shows why it took so damn long to lose the last 4. ;) indulgences! but soooo worth it! besides, back on track and even better! 8-)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    Does taking a dump that made me weigh in 3.5 lbs lighter count as a "Diet plan"? I had to work pretty hard at it... :?
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    dcfaithful wrote:
    Does taking a dump that made me weigh in 3.5 lbs lighter count as a "Diet plan"? I had to work pretty hard at it... :?

    Hell, it must have been the size of a very small baby. If I could do one of those a week, and keep it off - that would be fantastic!
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Claireack wrote:
    dcfaithful wrote:
    Does taking a dump that made me weigh in 3.5 lbs lighter count as a "Diet plan"? I had to work pretty hard at it... :?

    Hell, it must have been the size of a very small baby. If I could do one of those a week, and keep it off - that would be fantastic!


    dc - i'd say that's a fluke.
    weigh-in tomorrow.
    that, or you may want to get your digestive system checked out. :? :shock: :mrgreen:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • dcfaithfuldcfaithful Posts: 13,076
    Claireack wrote:
    dcfaithful wrote:
    Does taking a dump that made me weigh in 3.5 lbs lighter count as a "Diet plan"? I had to work pretty hard at it... :?

    Hell, it must have been the size of a very small baby. If I could do one of those a week, and keep it off - that would be fantastic!


    dc - i'd say that's a fluke.
    weigh-in tomorrow.
    that, or you may want to get your digestive system checked out. :? :shock: :mrgreen:

    Nah, it's all good. Those pro-biotics are really working. That mixed with some damn good Mexican food, I thought I was making scientific history and giving birth. :shock:

    Too far?
    7/2/06 - Denver, CO
    6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
    8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
    9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
    9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
    9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    -3lbs :D
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    norm wrote:
    -3lbs :D


    Well done - haven't been weighed yet but I don't think the news will be good.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    norm wrote:
    -3lbs :D


    after the awesome holiday weekend i am up 1.5 pounds. eh well. glad i hit that 25 pound milestone friday, i knew it wouldn't last thru the weekend. :lol: i WILL get back there, pronto...and lower too! :mrgreen: it was FUN tho!

    so, may was a total wash, no progress overall. i weight today exactly what i did may 2nd. still, that's a loss of 23.5 pounds, but yea....hoped to be further along. of course, you have to remain diligent and not just hope for it to happen. :lol: new day, new month....fresh start!

    i have lost a nice amount of inches in 4 months tho: 2 off bust, 2.5 off waist, 1.5 off hips, 1 off upper arms and 3 off definite positive! so after 20 weeks, not too shabby...but yea, time to step it up and refocus! 8-)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    day later and that pesky 1.5 pounds back to my all time low of 25 pounds lost. :mrgreen: yay!
    now, to keep it gone and lose more. workin' on it!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    wow, no one's kept it up eh?
    (the thread...dunno about the healthy habits)

    i was off on staycation, and then came back this monday and a pretty shitty workweek, so yea..was not top of mind. anyhoo, checking in. not too good really. i've regained 2.5 pounds. not surprising after staycation, but still. sadly, my goal date is this weekend, and as of today, i am 10.5 pounds more than i wanted to be by now, and that's even after i altered my goal to be more realistic for the timeframe. :? oops. guess even that wasnt' realistic enough. :lol: not giving up tho...gonna keep at it until i reach my ultimate goal! so, week 23 and down 22.5 pounds. what a difference from my average of 1.47 pounds a week, now just under a pound a week. :D so it goes.....however, i've had to get my trousers taken in, bought a bunch of new clothes - especially dresses - and finally, so many have noticed/ definitely helps. fallen off the determined wagon a bit, but i am getting right back on! (well, after this weekend) :mrgreen:

    ooooooooo...went for a physical and all my #s are stellar! my bloodwork last year was fantastic, but now...even BETTER! total cholesterol went from 167 to 154, LDL @ 77 and HDL @ glad to see the healthy eating is having positve results both inside and out. 8-)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Anyone want to do this again???

    I lost 9 pounds in total - and then put it all back on!

    I'll be dieting come Jan 2nd!
  • I am always fighting this battle. I am currently getting ready to go out into the wilderness for six days with nothing but a bag of rice. I find that is a nice way to drop a few pounds. :)
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    I am always fighting this battle. I am currently getting ready to go out into the wilderness for six days with nothing but a bag of rice. I find that is a nice way to drop a few pounds. :)

    What no chocolate???? :o
  • number1PJfannumber1PJfan Posts: 3,748
    Claireack wrote:
    I am always fighting this battle. I am currently getting ready to go out into the wilderness for six days with nothing but a bag of rice. I find that is a nice way to drop a few pounds. :)

    What no chocolate???? :o

    There were a few pieces of chocolate to be had. But between the 46 mile hike, my husband and the pesky raccoon,there was not a lot of chocolate to go around.
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