The 2011 New Year Diet Resolution Thread



  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    ok, i know it's only wednesday but i just had to share the happy news - i, finally, reached my first BIG goal! i've now lost 20.5 pounds! woooohoooooooo! :D:D:D the last 1.5 pounds were hard to reach, i was fluctuating 1-2 pounds for like 2 weeks, and never dipping below the 19.5 loss. so i am VERY happy. and yes, i know it's just a number, and can change tomorrow....but none the's a milestone for me in my healthy eating plan. so a couple days beyond 3 months since i started. happy, happy! i have more to go, but this is just even more motivating.....and the sunny days just make me more active and motivated too!

    hang in there everyone...just keep at it and you WILL reach your goals! just focus on the big picture!

    :clap: :thumbup: :clap: :thumbup:
  • EnkiduEnkidu Posts: 2,996
    I had a super healthy lunch today. And then I ate a chocolate Easter bunny. Damn.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    another monday, start of week 15 of the healthy living lifestyle 8-) and...
    holding steady on the 20.5 pound loss. dipped down to 21, but then came right back. all good tho. i'd really like to hit 25 by may 1st or damn near close to that date anyway. slow and's all good. :D

    how is everyone? still at it, changing lifestyles and making progress...?
    hope everyone is doing well and inching closer to their goals!

    oh and thanks all for the well wishes...much appreciated! :)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    Luckily, I'm getting back on track this week.

    I was feeling discouraged that I seem to continuously go back to where I began if I stop exercising on my schedule or stop being vigilant. :geek:
  • Black DiamondBlack Diamond Posts: 25,107
    A week in Disney World does wonders for a diet :(

    Back on it this AM and hopefully will be a good boy...
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    glad you're both still at it!
    that's all it takes, sticking with it. keep at it, keep at it, keep at it......success will come. :)
    (that's what i keep telling myself ;))
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    ummmm....i've been living off of chicken nachos and stella.
    damn playoffs
  • Black DiamondBlack Diamond Posts: 25,107
    another monday, start of week 15 of the healthy living lifestyle 8-) and...
    holding steady on the 20.5 pound loss. dipped down to 21, but then came right back. all good tho. i'd really like to hit 25 by may 1st or damn near close to that date anyway. slow and's all good. :D

    how is everyone? still at it, changing lifestyles and making progress...?
    hope everyone is doing well and inching closer to their goals!

    oh and thanks all for the well wishes...much appreciated! :)
    Oh wow!!! I missed this!! That is tremendous and you are kicking my ass :lol: :evil:
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    another monday, start of week 15 of the healthy living lifestyle 8-) and...
    holding steady on the 20.5 pound loss. dipped down to 21, but then came right back. all good tho. i'd really like to hit 25 by may 1st or damn near close to that date anyway. slow and's all good. :D

    how is everyone? still at it, changing lifestyles and making progress...?
    hope everyone is doing well and inching closer to their goals!

    oh and thanks all for the well wishes...much appreciated! :)
    Oh wow!!! I missed this!! That is tremendous and you are kicking my ass :lol: :evil:


    and yea....working on it......want to be my small self again. :mrgreen:
    little more than 4 more weeks until PJ in NYC so i am hoping for another 8-10 pound loss by then (bit lofty goal, but i like it :)) so i'll really kick yer arse in person. :twisted: :lol:8-)

    in reality, while the weight didn't come off exactly ike this, but my average is 1.46 pounds a week. i'd like to improve that # to a solid 2 per week, but hey....i'll take that 1.46. ;)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • Black DiamondBlack Diamond Posts: 25,107
    another monday, start of week 15 of the healthy living lifestyle 8-) and...
    holding steady on the 20.5 pound loss. dipped down to 21, but then came right back. all good tho. i'd really like to hit 25 by may 1st or damn near close to that date anyway. slow and's all good. :D

    how is everyone? still at it, changing lifestyles and making progress...?
    hope everyone is doing well and inching closer to their goals!

    oh and thanks all for the well wishes...much appreciated! :)
    Oh wow!!! I missed this!! That is tremendous and you are kicking my ass :lol: :evil:


    and yea....working on it......want to be my small self again. :mrgreen:
    little more than 4 more weeks until PJ in NYC so i am hoping for another 8-10 pound loss by then (bit lofty goal, but i like it :)) so i'll really kick yer arse in person. :twisted: :lol:8-)

    in reality, while the weight didn't come off exactly ike this, but my average is 1.46 pounds a week. i'd like to improve that # to a solid 2 per week, but hey....i'll take that 1.46. ;)
    That is AWESOME!!! and that is amazing average... So are you changing anything or sticking to what works to get the average up?
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Oh wow!!! I missed this!! That is tremendous and you are kicking my ass :lol: :evil:


    and yea....working on it......want to be my small self again. :mrgreen:
    little more than 4 more weeks until PJ in NYC so i am hoping for another 8-10 pound loss by then (bit lofty goal, but i like it :)) so i'll really kick yer arse in person. :twisted: :lol:8-)

    in reality, while the weight didn't come off exactly ike this, but my average is 1.46 pounds a week. i'd like to improve that # to a solid 2 per week, but hey....i'll take that 1.46. ;)
    That is AWESOME!!! and that is amazing average... So are you changing anything or sticking to what works to get the average up?

    if it ain't broke, why fix it?
    so yea.....sticking to what works. sure, i am hoping that i am also being a bit more active with the nicer weather and all, tho i never purposely 'exercise'....i just naturally get a decent amount in M-F, and i am hoping my gardening, maybe hiking, etc, on weekends will help too. but yea, i am already eating pretty damn healthy, with good indulgences in the mix too (gotta live & enjoy, right?) that i just can't see altering my eating habits too much more. perhaps a tweak here or there, definitely watch the wine intake a bit more :oops: b/c i have been indulging a bit much lately, but yea just keeping at it. so not really doing anything to actively change the average loss per week, but i am hoping with just a wee bit more diligence and/or activity, it might inch up. i mean hey, we're talking 0.54, whateva. :lol: as long as i don't stall/plateau and keep making steady progress, i'll be VERY pleased. my *ultimate goal* weight of being a truly skinny bitch :twisted: is august 1st.....but i want to be pretty smokin' by our anniversary june 20th too. 8-)

    i find my food journal to be VERY helpful/motivating.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    another monday....

    actually up a half pound, but at least still maintaining my 20 pound loss.
    i did dip down to a 21.5 pound loss saturday, but it didn't last. :lol: i need to get more diligent on the weekends, that's when i seem to be lax and indulging too much lately - damn wine! :mrgreen: i think that's what is most hindering my forward progress. so next weekend, going to make a concerted effort NOT to drink at all :shock: ...or at the very least, just a little. i LOVE sitting outside with my red wine, but yea.....not workin too well for me. ;) haha.
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    Yeah. I wish wine was calorie free. Some scientist needs to get on the job!! ;)
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    justam wrote:
    Yeah. I wish wine was calorie free. Some scientist needs to get on the job!! ;)

    if that were the case, all would be well!
    hell, i'd probably be my goal weight by now. :lol:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    justam wrote:
    Yeah. I wish wine was calorie free. Some scientist needs to get on the job!! ;)

    if that were the case, all would be well!
    hell, i'd probably be my goal weight by now. :lol:

    Me too. 8-)
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Good grief completely missed this week, down 12 oz, but I think I've put it back on again. Not particularly losing anything at the moment but watching what I eat so I'm sure something will happen eventually. :D
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Claireack wrote:
    Good grief completely missed this week, down 12 oz, but I think I've put it back on again. Not particularly losing anything at the moment but watching what I eat so I'm sure something will happen eventually. :D

    claire - i have no idea how you're doing as you give weekly reports not overall gain/losses. :lol: so i hope all is going well for you! haha.

    today, start of week 17 and down 22.5 pounds! :mrgreen: wooohooo! fairly pleased with my progress. won't hit my goal for our anniversary, but i think close enough. i'd like to hit 10 more by then. i've got 7 more weeks for it, so i think doable given my weekly average seems to hover around 1.4 pounds/week.....7 weeks would be 9.8, so i think i can get rid of an extra 0.02 ounces or so, haha. "ultimate goal" will have to wait, i am thinking/hoping by august 1st. jeans are swimming on me - yay! hahaha. went to wear them yesterday and they were hanging off my ass. what a great feeling. 8-) also, did my monthly measurements and pretty nice progress: bust, waist and thighs all down 2 inches each. hips down 1 inch, upper arms down half inch. looking and feeling good! :D

    how's every body doin'?
    4 more weeks until the unofficial start to the summer, memorial day weekend.....inching closer to your goals?

    oh and justam, if not for wine....i'd be another pound lighter. eh well. :lol:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408

    I'm getting back on track. It helps that I've been able to swim almost everyday this past week.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    justam wrote:

    I'm getting back on track. It helps that I've been able to swim almost everyday this past week.

    that's awesome!
    i grew up with a pool in my backyard, LOVED swimming!
    nowadays, honestly, i cannot tell you the last time i went for a swin. hell, idk if i even own a bathing suit anymore... :? lucky you! and i am sure it helps. :)

    i've started walking up/down the stairs at work once a day - 10 floors/20 flights - hoping it builds up my stamina, some muscles and sure...helps burn off some flub. :lol:
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    That ^^^ sounds like a painless way for you to get a little more exercise. :)
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Really crappy week - put 2 pounds on :( . I think I'm the worst dieter in the whole world.

    So tomorrow morning I'm starting all over again. No crap - just healthy stuff. The whole of the last month I went completely to pot because I was fed up, but feeling a bit better now, so here I go again. Even going to go swimming after work tomorrow (toes are healed enough to risk it now).
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    justam wrote:
    That ^^^ sounds like a painless way for you to get a little more exercise. :)

    idk about painless....20 flights of stairs IS 20 flights of stairs....:lol:
    but, i like it b/c all can be accomplished in under 15 minutes, or a half hour if i combine with a walk in the park, which i usually do nowadays to just get outside and some sun. but it is painless in the sense that i don't have to wake up earlier to accomplish it, nor suck up any of my after work yea, i like it. :) doable, manageable and i know myself, i am never going to be an avid exerciser, so wee bits of good activity is perfect for me.

    and i'm sorry claire, buy my gawd, this:
    Claireack wrote:
    I think I'm the worst dieter in the whole world.

    just cracked me up! :mrgreen:
    try not to think of 'diet'...but lifestyle changes? i think it helps. do things you can do long-term, be happy with and find yummy substitutes...brand-new foods and/or combos that keep you excited about food AND are healthy, low-cal. works wonders! good luck! :)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    +.5 :(
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    norm wrote:
    +.5 :(

    1/2 a pound?
    no worries!
    that could be gone tomorrow. :lol:
    weight can vary +/- even 2 pounds daily, so don't worry.
    just keep at it norm!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    norm wrote:
    +.5 :(

    1/2 a pound?
    no worries!
    that could be gone tomorrow. :lol:
    weight can vary +/- even 2 pounds daily, so don't worry.
    just keep at it norm!

    well over 3 months i would have like a few lbs...but i haven't been very good recently...once i'm back from nyc i'll get back into it
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    norm wrote:
    norm wrote:
    +.5 :(

    1/2 a pound?
    no worries!
    that could be gone tomorrow. :lol:
    weight can vary +/- even 2 pounds daily, so don't worry.
    just keep at it norm!

    well over 3 months i would have like a few lbs...but i haven't been very good recently...once i'm back from nyc i'll get back into it

    aha, i see.....didn't realize how long you go between scale sessions. understood. however, still not terrible. and sure, after NYC.....wise idea. :mrgreen: i'm still trying to be relatively focused and make more progress, but sure...all bets are off may 20th-24th. 8-) then....back on the wagon. ;)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • megatronmegatron Posts: 3,420
    eating rice cakes until i get to dc..then it's a 2 week binge of hops and foie
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Just ordered a new exercise DVD from Amazon to hopefully inspire me. Skipping on the leotard though.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    Claireack wrote:
    Just ordered a new exercise DVD from Amazon to hopefully inspire me. Skipping on the leotard though.

    damn you make me laugh claire!
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

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