Everyone saying we are whiners can fuck off. Would you voluntarily pay $800 to sit in the third level in the back of the United Center? I'm guessing the answer is NO.
you are right. most of us wouldn't be ignorant enough to pay that kind of money in a gamble.
Well, smartass, guess how many of the 20 or so 10C people we talked to sitting with us in the 303 section were from Chicago?
FOUR. Everyone else had come from at least 100 miles away. FL, NC, AZ, CO were all in our section. None of us walked there. No one was happy with the seats, by a long shot.
well, poo poo head, if I decided I wanted to spend the money to buy a plane ticket to a show, I'd make sure it was worth it to me; i.e: if it was even remotely possible your seats weren't to your satisfaction, it's your problem you took that gamble. I personally, have been, and would be happy with whatever seats I had. I've had really shitty seats to gigs and really good ones. Different experiences, but if it wasn't worth it to me, then I wouldn't go. You assumed you'd have good seats. Wrongly. Unfortunately, that was your error.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
No, but it does tell you that 10C would get you the best seats possible. Again, sitting in the upper rafters of the 300 level and having seats you could have gotten the day of the event at face, or even slightly below face, is NOT the "best seats" possible. That's the point you just simply don't want to grasp, understand, or want to believe.
He didn't assume anything... he paid for a service that said that they would have the opportunity to buy the "best seats possible". Not the same seats that he could purchase on Craigslist/EBAY/day of the event.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1) I'm telling you that,I'd venture to guess, that 90% of PJ fans answering this question honestly would tell you the PRIMARY reason they have a 10C membership is to purchase premium seats.
2) You're missing the point... the best seats possible to their members should be the BEST SEATS POSSIBLE. Not the upper rafters that they could have purchased, day of event, through Ticketmaster or Craigslist. Note: Sitting in/near the last row of the 300 level is not the best seat possible, no matter how you wish to twist the words.
3) Unless you can give me a plausible explanation why 10C members with very good numbers were sitting in the upper rafters, I'll go according to my theory: 10C oversold tickets to Chicago 1.
1) yes, I know that you are estimating that. And you are probably right. I was responding to you calling ANYONE WHO CLAIMS TO BUY A MEMBERSHIP FOR A PRIMARY REASON OTHER THAN GOOD SEATS IS A LIAR. You called me a liar. I called you out. Now you are changing the argument.
2) once again, I'm not missing the point. I'm just not a whiner. I have no sense of entitlement, that's not the way I was brought up. I am happy with whatever situation I'm given.
3) I don't need to give you a plausible explanation. I don't claim to "know" something I don't, unlike you. There could be a THOUSAND different reasons, only 1 of which you came up with and coincidentally claim it to be. :roll:
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1) I'm telling you that,I'd venture to guess, that 90% of PJ fans answering this question honestly would tell you the PRIMARY reason they have a 10C membership is to purchase premium seats.
2) You're missing the point... the best seats possible to their members should be the BEST SEATS POSSIBLE. Not the upper rafters that they could have purchased, day of event, through Ticketmaster or Craigslist. Note: Sitting in/near the last row of the 300 level is not the best seat possible, no matter how you wish to twist the words.
3) Unless you can give me a plausible explanation why 10C members with very good numbers were sitting in the upper rafters, I'll go according to my theory: 10C oversold tickets to Chicago 1.
1) yes, I know that you are estimating that. And you are probably right. I was responding to you calling ANYONE WHO CLAIMS TO BUY A MEMBERSHIP FOR A PRIMARY REASON OTHER THAN GOOD SEATS IS A LIAR. You called me a liar. I called you out. Now you are changing the argument.
2) once again, I'm not missing the point. I'm just not a whiner. I have no sense of entitlement, that's not the way I was brought up. I am happy with whatever situation I'm given.
3) I don't need to give you a plausible explanation. I don't claim to "know" something I don't, unlike you. There could be a THOUSAND different reasons, only 1 of which you came up with and coincidentally claim it to be. :roll:
1) I'm not changing the argument... the mass majority of PJ fans use 10C to buy premium tickets. Granted I used the word "liar". That's not calling me out, that's just simply avoiding the fact: I was correct in my statement.
2) There is not sense of entitlement, and that's why you are missing. Pal.. people paid for a service(again that we both agree, the mass majority use to garner the 'best seats' to a PJ concert) that advertises that I'd be offered the "best seats". People didn't pay for a service that advertised that, and they could have gotten BETTER SEATS through other mainstream mediums. Comprehend? There is not entltement.. people are upset as to the facts I just listed above.
3) That's because there is no other plausible explanation. I don't "know" anything, I'm using common sense. If you have people with good 10C membership numbers sitting in the 300 level, there was a problem.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
No, but it does tell you that 10C would get you the best seats possible. Again, sitting in the upper rafters of the 300 level and having seats you could have gotten the day of the event at face, or even slightly below face, is NOT the "best seats" possible. That's the point you just simply don't want to grasp, understand, or want to believe.
He didn't assume anything... he paid for a service that said that they would have the opportunity to buy the "best seats possible". Not the same seats that he could purchase on Craigslist/EBAY/day of the event.
oh, jeez, enough with the insults. :roll: I can easily grasp this little theory of yours. If they changed "best seats possible" to "best seats possible under any given circumstance, happenstance, or tomfoolery" would that make all of this go away?
Seriously, if your theory is correct, and they oversold their allotment, then it would stand to reason that those were the best seats possible, wouldn't it?
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
"Granted I used the word "liar". That's not calling me out, that's just simply avoiding the fact: I was correct in my statement."
Actually, that DOES mean you were incorrect in your statement. You used an absolute: "anyone". I am part of anyone, and your statement didn't apply to me. Therefore, your statement was incorrect. Do YOU comprehend? Pretty simple concept.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
No, but it does tell you that 10C would get you the best seats possible. Again, sitting in the upper rafters of the 300 level and having seats you could have gotten the day of the event at face, or even slightly below face, is NOT the "best seats" possible. That's the point you just simply don't want to grasp, understand, or want to believe.
He didn't assume anything... he paid for a service that said that they would have the opportunity to buy the "best seats possible". Not the same seats that he could purchase on Craigslist/EBAY/day of the event.
oh, jeez, enough with the insults. :roll: I can easily grasp this little theory of yours. If they changed "best seats possible" to "best seats possible under any given circumstance, happenstance, or tomfoolery" would that make all of this go away?
Seriously, if your theory is correct, and they oversold their allotment, then it would stand to reason that those were the best seats possible, wouldn't it?
No again... either you are missing the point, or are choosing not to read.
The best seats possible are not the 300 level when you have people during a regular sale, presale etc buying BETTER seats or comperable seats.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
"Granted I used the word "liar". That's not calling me out, that's just simply avoiding the fact: I was correct in my statement."
Actually, that DOES mean you were incorrect in your statement. You used an absolute: "anyone". I am part of anyone, and your statement didn't apply to me. Therefore, your statement was incorrect. Do YOU comprehend? Pretty simple concept.
And it doesn't change the fact that we both agree on...
The mass majority of people that use the service, use it for one primary reason. Ok, so you got me! You got me! I called you a liar, and it isn't true!!! Does that make my statement listed above wrong? You & I both know the answer to that one, as we've already discussed.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
"Comprehend? There is not entltement.. people are upset as to the facts I just listed above."
So riddle me this, BUDDY, how many of the bitchers here actually took up their cause with the 10C, instead of trying to get attention here in the forum "OOOH....I was at that show too! I got robbed! Look at me!!! Woe is me!!!".
And please, AGAIN, do us both a favour, stop trying to pad your little argument with petty insults. It makes you look bad.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
"Granted I used the word "liar". That's not calling me out, that's just simply avoiding the fact: I was correct in my statement."
Actually, that DOES mean you were incorrect in your statement. You used an absolute: "anyone". I am part of anyone, and your statement didn't apply to me. Therefore, your statement was incorrect. Do YOU comprehend? Pretty simple concept.
And it doesn't change the fact that we both agree on...
The mass majority of people that use the service, use it for one primary reason. Ok, so you got me! You got me! I called you a liar, and it isn't true!!! Does that make my statement listed above wrong? You & I both know the answer to that one, as we've already discussed.
yes, we agree on it, just not what you initially said. initially you stated that "anyone...blah blah blah". I merely stated that that statement was incorrect. let it go.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
"Comprehend? There is not entltement.. people are upset as to the facts I just listed above."
So riddle me this, BUDDY, how many of the bitchers here actually took up their cause with the 10C, instead of trying to get attention here in the forum "OOOH....I was at that show too! I got robbed! Look at me!!! Woe is me!!!".
And please, AGAIN, do us both a favour, stop trying to pad your little argument with petty insults. It makes you look bad.
1) I'm not insulting you
2) You do realize the thread you are responding to, right? That's not bitching, it is discussing the thread that was started by a member.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
"Granted I used the word "liar". That's not calling me out, that's just simply avoiding the fact: I was correct in my statement."
Actually, that DOES mean you were incorrect in your statement. You used an absolute: "anyone". I am part of anyone, and your statement didn't apply to me. Therefore, your statement was incorrect. Do YOU comprehend? Pretty simple concept.
And it doesn't change the fact that we both agree on...
The mass majority of people that use the service, use it for one primary reason. Ok, so you got me! You got me! I called you a liar, and it isn't true!!! Does that make my statement listed above wrong? You & I both know the answer to that one, as we've already discussed.
yes, we agree on it, just not what you initially said. initially you stated that "anyone...blah blah blah". I merely stated that that statement was incorrect. let it go.
You're correct - I apologized for using such a broad term as "liar". It doesn't change the facts as I stated: The mass majority/lifeblood of the club use it for that reason.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1) constantly asking me if I comprehend something, or stating I can't grasp simple concepts, is yes, insulting.
2) yes, thank you for checking, but I do know. people here are bitching about their right to good seats from 10C because of the whopping $20 they pay per year.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1) constantly asking me if I comprehend something, or stating I can't grasp simple concepts, is yes, insulting.
2) yes, thank you for checking, but I do know. people here are bitching about their right to good seats from 10C because of the whopping $20 they pay per year.
1) That's not insulting you
2) To some that whopping $20.00 a year actually is an added expense that they don't need to use. Granted, we aren't even talking about the amount of money some people shelled out to travel to Chicago because, they felt, that the $20.00 they paid would have garnered them the "best seats" and not seats that they shared with people who bought them off of Ticketmaster, or the day of.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
then my next question is.......how many of you that went to this Chicago show that feel they got shafted have used the 10C ticketing system before and got prime seats, and never once showed appreciation for it on the board? Huh? HUH?
How many thousands of people, including some of them, I'm sure of it, have used this service and been extremely pleased and had the time of their lives, BECAUSE OF THE 10C? Oh, right,that's all erased because of one experience.
The ONE TIME things go awry, they scream from the rooftops. Wah.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I had no expectation of having the "best seats". I did have an expectation that the seats would be worth traveling to the show. Apparently several thousand other people had the same expectation, since based on my admittedly small sample size survey, many of the 10C people were from far enough away to at least need a hotel.
From everything I've read, this situation appears to be an anomaly. OK, shit happens, and I understand that.
Some said "take it up with 10C". OK, I will. I am publicly asking, right now, for 10C to make a statement about the ticket situation at Chicago 1. I think we deserve to know if we can expect this to be the norm from here on out, in other words, is it a gamble and a crap shoot to travel to a show? I'm not talking about 10th row vs. 20th, or floor vs. side, I'm talking about upper level arena seats that are on the opposite end of the arena from the stage. Can we have some assurance that this was an unusual situation? Because quite frankly, I'm not buying any more 10C seats unless I know I can do better than Ticketmaster day of show. Why bother?
then my next question is.......how many of you that went to this Chicago show that feel they got shafted have used the 10C ticketing system before and got prime seats, and never once showed appreciation for it on the board? Huh? HUH?
How many thousands of people, including some of them, I'm sure of it, have used this service and been extremely pleased and had the time of their lives, BECAUSE OF THE 10C? Oh, right,that's all erased because of one experience.
The ONE TIME things go awry, they scream from the rooftops. Wah.
I imagine most people complaining have used the 10C before for tickets and had decent seats. That is precisely why people are upset at what happened on Sunday. Did the same thing happen on Monday? Doesn't seem like it. Seems like they fixed whatever the problem was the first time around. I imagine the 10C staff would admit that the top of the 300 level wasn't what they had in mind for their members either.
I was happy with my tix, and I was in sec 303 for Sunday. (and NOBODY around me who traveled from D.C., West Virginia, and TX complained about their seats) Could they have been better, yeah but I had no expectation for being on the floor or even the first level. I had much rather give my $$ to 10 Club, than deal with the service charges from Ticketmaster, plus I didn't have to be sitting next to my computer on a Saturday morning waiting for them to go on sale. On Monday night I got sec 101, and I was ecstatic. The seats for Sunday made me appreciate the ones on Monday even more. I took a friend who had never seen PJ both nights, and they throughly enjoyed it. It was an awesome 2 nights regardless of where you were sitting.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
Milwaukee-14 Denver-22 St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
So, you came from Madison, a two hour drive, and you had great seats the second night. How would you have felt flying from Phoenix and only being able to attend Sunday for financial and work reasons?
I had no expectation of having the "best seats". I did have an expectation that the seats would be worth traveling to the show. Apparently several thousand other people had the same expectation, since based on my admittedly small sample size survey, many of the 10C people were from far enough away to at least need a hotel.
From everything I've read, this situation appears to be an anomaly. OK, shit happens, and I understand that.
Some said "take it up with 10C". OK, I will. I am publicly asking, right now, for 10C to make a statement about the ticket situation at Chicago 1. I think we deserve to know if we can expect this to be the norm from here on out, in other words, is it a gamble and a crap shoot to travel to a show? I'm not talking about 10th row vs. 20th, or floor vs. side, I'm talking about upper level arena seats that are on the opposite end of the arena from the stage. Can we have some assurance that this was an unusual situation? Because quite frankly, I'm not buying any more 10C seats unless I know I can do better than Ticketmaster day of show. Why bother?
I think this is totally reasonable- no ten club members expect to be sitting way up there. It does definitely seem like something went wrong on Sunday, and it would be useful to know what it was. I don't think anyone goes to the shows expecting to be way up front, unless you have a really low number of course. But no one expects to be on the roof, either. If you know there's a possibility of being on the roof, yeah, it might make sense to get your tickets from another source. It also seems like there was something wrong with the seniority if in the 100 thousands were up there too!
I was on the floor, and that does not really matter to me.. the show was gonna kick ass no matter where I was. But for what it's worth, there were a lot more floor tix on sale thru the agencies, ebay's, and other avenues. I saw a sec 2 27th row tick for 1650.00 the week before the show!! It is possible the United Center completely fucked the Ten Club... but I don't really know. Great show though....
So, you came from Madison, a two hour drive, and you had great seats the second night. How would you have felt flying from Phoenix and only being able to attend Sunday for financial and work reasons?
I hate that it was the case for a lot of people 'cause the second night was better for 10c seats. Sunday I was in the TOP ROW of 318. Monday night, 9 rows up in 101. I still had a great time both nights, but hoped most of the people I had around me got to stay for Monday.
"In certain trying circumstances...profanity furnishes a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain
So, you came from Madison, a two hour drive, and you had great seats the second night. How would you have felt flying from Phoenix and only being able to attend Sunday for financial and work reasons?
I don't know how I would feel because I am not in your position.I was only trying to share some of the positive attitudes that I encountered.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
Milwaukee-14 Denver-22 St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
So, you came from Madison, a two hour drive, and you had great seats the second night. How would you have felt flying from Phoenix and only being able to attend Sunday for financial and work reasons?
I hate that it was the case for a lot of people 'cause the second night was better for 10c seats. Sunday I was in the TOP ROW of 318. Monday night, 9 rows up in 101. I still had a great time both nights, but hoped most of the people I had around me got to stay for Monday.
Hey PearlJam_ie, I was the one next to you night 2!
I was in the same boat... last row 318 night 1, 9th row 101 night 2. When I went to the window to get my tickets on night 2, the guy asked how I was, and I said,"Well, that depends on what tickets you're about to give me!" He goes, "Let me guess, you were here last night? Bad seats?" So obviously there was some communication among the ticket distributors at the UC, 10c, etc.
Once again, I have no problem if I was in 318 because everyone between me and the stage had a better 10c number than me. I do have a problem that there were people 30 feet from the stage who had bought the tickets off Ticketmaster that morning (I talked to one of them). I was happy to be in the building, and the sound was good night 1. However, 10c supposedly allocates the best tickets in the house for its members- this was simply not the case night 1. It seemed to have been rectified night 2.
The only problem here is that there were tickets on sale on Ticketmaster for sec 120 row 12, that's a damn good seat.
So you're telling me that Ticketmaster was selling better seats then Ten Club? I don't mean to be rude, but it's kind of discouraging to know that someone can buy a better ticket off of Ticketmaster than through the ten club.
well, poo poo head, if I decided I wanted to spend the money to buy a plane ticket to a show, I'd make sure it was worth it to me; i.e: if it was even remotely possible your seats weren't to your satisfaction, it's your problem you took that gamble. I personally, have been, and would be happy with whatever seats I had. I've had really shitty seats to gigs and really good ones. Different experiences, but if it wasn't worth it to me, then I wouldn't go. You assumed you'd have good seats. Wrongly. Unfortunately, that was your error.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
He didn't assume anything... he paid for a service that said that they would have the opportunity to buy the "best seats possible". Not the same seats that he could purchase on Craigslist/EBAY/day of the event.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
1) yes, I know that you are estimating that. And you are probably right. I was responding to you calling ANYONE WHO CLAIMS TO BUY A MEMBERSHIP FOR A PRIMARY REASON OTHER THAN GOOD SEATS IS A LIAR. You called me a liar. I called you out. Now you are changing the argument.
2) once again, I'm not missing the point. I'm just not a whiner. I have no sense of entitlement, that's not the way I was brought up. I am happy with whatever situation I'm given.
3) I don't need to give you a plausible explanation. I don't claim to "know" something I don't, unlike you. There could be a THOUSAND different reasons, only 1 of which you came up with and coincidentally claim it to be. :roll:
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1) I'm not changing the argument... the mass majority of PJ fans use 10C to buy premium tickets. Granted I used the word "liar". That's not calling me out, that's just simply avoiding the fact: I was correct in my statement.
2) There is not sense of entitlement, and that's why you are missing. Pal.. people paid for a service(again that we both agree, the mass majority use to garner the 'best seats' to a PJ concert) that advertises that I'd be offered the "best seats". People didn't pay for a service that advertised that, and they could have gotten BETTER SEATS through other mainstream mediums. Comprehend? There is not entltement.. people are upset as to the facts I just listed above.
3) That's because there is no other plausible explanation. I don't "know" anything, I'm using common sense. If you have people with good 10C membership numbers sitting in the 300 level, there was a problem.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
oh, jeez, enough with the insults. :roll: I can easily grasp this little theory of yours. If they changed "best seats possible" to "best seats possible under any given circumstance, happenstance, or tomfoolery" would that make all of this go away?
Seriously, if your theory is correct, and they oversold their allotment, then it would stand to reason that those were the best seats possible, wouldn't it?
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Actually, that DOES mean you were incorrect in your statement. You used an absolute: "anyone". I am part of anyone, and your statement didn't apply to me. Therefore, your statement was incorrect. Do YOU comprehend? Pretty simple concept.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
No again... either you are missing the point, or are choosing not to read.
The best seats possible are not the 300 level when you have people during a regular sale, presale etc buying BETTER seats or comperable seats.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
And it doesn't change the fact that we both agree on...
The mass majority of people that use the service, use it for one primary reason. Ok, so you got me! You got me! I called you a liar, and it isn't true!!! Does that make my statement listed above wrong? You & I both know the answer to that one, as we've already discussed.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
So riddle me this, BUDDY, how many of the bitchers here actually took up their cause with the 10C, instead of trying to get attention here in the forum "OOOH....I was at that show too! I got robbed! Look at me!!! Woe is me!!!".
And please, AGAIN, do us both a favour, stop trying to pad your little argument with petty insults. It makes you look bad.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
yes, we agree on it, just not what you initially said. initially you stated that "anyone...blah blah blah". I merely stated that that statement was incorrect. let it go.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1) I'm not insulting you
2) You do realize the thread you are responding to, right? That's not bitching, it is discussing the thread that was started by a member.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
You're correct - I apologized for using such a broad term as "liar". It doesn't change the facts as I stated: The mass majority/lifeblood of the club use it for that reason.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
2) yes, thank you for checking, but I do know. people here are bitching about their right to good seats from 10C because of the whopping $20 they pay per year.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1) That's not insulting you
2) To some that whopping $20.00 a year actually is an added expense that they don't need to use. Granted, we aren't even talking about the amount of money some people shelled out to travel to Chicago because, they felt, that the $20.00 they paid would have garnered them the "best seats" and not seats that they shared with people who bought them off of Ticketmaster, or the day of.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
How many thousands of people, including some of them, I'm sure of it, have used this service and been extremely pleased and had the time of their lives, BECAUSE OF THE 10C? Oh, right,that's all erased because of one experience.
The ONE TIME things go awry, they scream from the rooftops. Wah.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
From everything I've read, this situation appears to be an anomaly. OK, shit happens, and I understand that.
Some said "take it up with 10C". OK, I will. I am publicly asking, right now, for 10C to make a statement about the ticket situation at Chicago 1. I think we deserve to know if we can expect this to be the norm from here on out, in other words, is it a gamble and a crap shoot to travel to a show? I'm not talking about 10th row vs. 20th, or floor vs. side, I'm talking about upper level arena seats that are on the opposite end of the arena from the stage. Can we have some assurance that this was an unusual situation? Because quite frankly, I'm not buying any more 10C seats unless I know I can do better than Ticketmaster day of show. Why bother?
I imagine most people complaining have used the 10C before for tickets and had decent seats. That is precisely why people are upset at what happened on Sunday. Did the same thing happen on Monday? Doesn't seem like it. Seems like they fixed whatever the problem was the first time around. I imagine the 10C staff would admit that the top of the 300 level wasn't what they had in mind for their members either.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
or a Rubix Cube...
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
I think this is totally reasonable- no ten club members expect to be sitting way up there. It does definitely seem like something went wrong on Sunday, and it would be useful to know what it was. I don't think anyone goes to the shows expecting to be way up front, unless you have a really low number of course. But no one expects to be on the roof, either. If you know there's a possibility of being on the roof, yeah, it might make sense to get your tickets from another source. It also seems like there was something wrong with the seniority if in the 100 thousands were up there too!
I hate that it was the case for a lot of people 'cause the second night was better for 10c seats. Sunday I was in the TOP ROW of 318. Monday night, 9 rows up in 101. I still had a great time both nights, but hoped most of the people I had around me got to stay for Monday.
I don't know how I would feel because I am not in your position.I was only trying to share some of the positive attitudes that I encountered.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
Hey PearlJam_ie, I was the one next to you night 2!
I was in the same boat... last row 318 night 1, 9th row 101 night 2. When I went to the window to get my tickets on night 2, the guy asked how I was, and I said,"Well, that depends on what tickets you're about to give me!" He goes, "Let me guess, you were here last night? Bad seats?" So obviously there was some communication among the ticket distributors at the UC, 10c, etc.
Once again, I have no problem if I was in 318 because everyone between me and the stage had a better 10c number than me. I do have a problem that there were people 30 feet from the stage who had bought the tickets off Ticketmaster that morning (I talked to one of them). I was happy to be in the building, and the sound was good night 1. However, 10c supposedly allocates the best tickets in the house for its members- this was simply not the case night 1. It seemed to have been rectified night 2.
So you're telling me that Ticketmaster was selling better seats then Ten Club? I don't mean to be rude, but it's kind of discouraging to know that someone can buy a better ticket off of Ticketmaster than through the ten club.
There HAD to be some misscommunication.