I cant believe I just wasted 20 minutes reading this whole post!!!
I want that 20 minutes of my life back!!!
ha ha...u gotta read the first page, and then go to the last page, and RAVE ON, regardless of anything
anyways my thought is that some people don't get the real value of 10c and that is that at least we have access to SOME tickets that the scalpers can't get!
10c only get um a small percentage of seats and they are not the "best seats in the house"...yes they do have some of the best seats in the house, but there's lots of people that have access to BETTER seats than the 10c gets offered, and yes the 10c has some not so great seats(hello to reality)
i also saw someone say they'd like to know the seats before the show but um i dont beleive in mailing out the tickets cause scalping surely happens(ask u2)...especially if the new pj fan won the lottery(1st row dfc) and thought the money/(2 weeks vacation) was more important than the club.
oh and for sure shit happens and things are never perfect oh well
I'm quite confused about this. The number I had last night was 235XXX (I thought it was 279 in the other thread, but I always forget this number) and I was in 111. They couldn't have been enough people higher than that to get all the way into the nosebleeds. I think there just must have been a LOT of fan club members there, and after filling up the 100s the venue or ticketmaster or whatever must have reserved the lower levels. I do agree that it would have been disappointing to be way up there, really just given that it's really unexpected.
Probably a explanation as to why the crowd was so good last night though! So many ten club members!
I was soooo tempted to walk up to the 300 level from my floor seats and offer to trade last night. There was this guy who smelled like really BAD BO and Wine Belches. It was horrible. Id rather much hang out in the rafters to escape that smell.
If you were in section 4, I know what you are talking about. I kept saying, "do you smell cheap wine?" seriously,it was pretty powerful.
Other than the smell, how was the view from Section 4? My Dad and I are both 10c members in the 280xxx I think. He and my Mom are at the show together tonight, first time either of us has ever had floor seats, just curious if they will have any view of the stage, I think they are in row 4 of section 4.
My seats were at the back of Section 4, and I couldn't see anything except the backs of guys' heads. If it weren't for the screens, I'd be complaining like others. I'm 5' 4", and actually preferred it when I've had seats on the side (I did in 2006). At least then I could see the stage. Last night? Nothin.
I think it's accurate to say that the 10c was overwhelmed with folks wanting tickets because of the way the shows were announced. Everyone jumped on what was available at that time, so everyone jumped on this show. 10c probably did what they had to just to accommodate everyone.
That said, whoever thought there was something weird about the guy at the A-D window, I agree, although I can't quite explain what it was about him that was strange.
i just got home and knew there was going to be a thread on this.... i too have been to over 25 shows..member number iis 136,xxx .... first time in 25 shows i sat off the floor in section 114...not bad seats but SHOCKED....there was a bunch of us with around the same number... and a few guys with WELL OVER 400,XXX... acording the the guy sitting next to me(member number over 400,xxx)...he told me that the 10c had 6,000 seats for lastniights show.. he got a text from his buddythat worked there and showed it to me .. who knows if that is true or not....BUT anyway.............
another isuue i had was at the WILL CALL WINDOW..i feel like i got shafted... the guy giving out the tickets DID NOT work for 10c... i gave him my id he looked for the tickets and had a hard time finding them....then he ask me if i got them from fan club.. i said yes .. then he magically "found" them...took them out of envolpe and gave me the tickets and kept the envolpe... did this happer to anyone else?? it was the the first window ....A-D ... i kinda wanna say i got someone elses tickets????? but from the past few posting im guessing EVERY ONE got the shaft..
other then that GREAT EFFIN SHOW ......see eveyone in philly
yeah in regards to this he asked my name and for my id but didnt even look at my id to verify it was me. didnt think too much of this until reading this and now kind of skeptical
I have a number in the 4xxxxxx range so I knew I'd be given seats in one of the higher ranges. I ended up with seats in 334 row 13 and ya know what? I couldn't have been happier: I had a great view of the stage for my FIRST Pearl Jam concert. I was just happy to be in the arena to see them rip it up like they did so damn well. I went in knowing I would get to experience seeing my favorite band do what they do best. It's about the music, as long as they are capable of putting on the shows they're known for, what's the big deal if you get moved to the back when you are usually closer. I know there's always been complains about how tickets are distributed but last night people who haven't got to see the band yet, did and as long as the band is still gaining fans and the magic they produce live is spreading, then we should all be thankful. I'd rather they still sell out venues and release music that will play a big role in my life than care if Eddie sweats on me or not.
Hey, I'm not the smartest guy in the world, but I'm certainly not the dumbest.
I don't know why everyone is bitchin. I was at last nights show and I sat in section 305, row 7, seats 7 and 8 (my wife was with me). Honestly, I had no problem with the seats. Now granted I only joined the fan club last year but I was just happy to get tix to begin with. They put on such an amazing show that I forgot where my seats were. People need to check their entitlement at the door. Just be happy you got to go.
i just got home and knew there was going to be a thread on this.... i too have been to over 25 shows..member number iis 136,xxx .... first time in 25 shows i sat off the floor in section 114...not bad seats but SHOCKED....there was a bunch of us with around the same number... and a few guys with WELL OVER 400,XXX... acording the the guy sitting next to me(member number over 400,xxx)...he told me that the 10c had 6,000 seats for lastniights show.. he got a text from his buddythat worked there and showed it to me .. who knows if that is true or not....BUT anyway.............
another isuue i had was at the WILL CALL WINDOW..i feel like i got shafted... the guy giving out the tickets DID NOT work for 10c... i gave him my id he looked for the tickets and had a hard time finding them....then he ask me if i got them from fan club.. i said yes .. then he magically "found" them...took them out of envolpe and gave me the tickets and kept the envolpe... did this happer to anyone else?? it was the the first window ....A-D ... i kinda wanna say i got someone elses tickets????? but from the past few posting im guessing EVERY ONE got the shaft..
other then that GREAT EFFIN SHOW ......see eveyone in philly
yeah in regards to this he asked my name and for my id but didnt even look at my id to verify it was me. didnt think too much of this until reading this and now kind of skeptical
thats what im saying......something sounds fishy
once again for the "bitching mods"......im not bitching i was glad to be at the show and had a great time... hell i even caught a pick and the guy sitting next to me caught one of Matts drum sticks
I just wish a 10C rep would have contacted me and said, "hey, remove the tickets or else". That would have been the "friend" thing to do. Blindly revoking my membership and not wanting to hear my side of the story was total crap IMHO...
the ten club policies state no exceptions to this rule. There is no hearing, no trial...if you break the rule, you're out. It's pretty simple. You knew that, and you bitch about being booted. They don't care about your side of the story, and they shouldn't. The club is set up to combat this exact thing, scalping of good seats.
are you under the impression the 10C employs a full time investigator to interview each person who breaks the rules, and then decides per case if they should be booted or not, because they may have had a good reason to resell tickets? gimme a break.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
oh, and to the guy I just quoted, you really think that if they indeed would have listened to your side of the story for selling your 10C seats, that "the seats were crap" would have been an acceptable argument?
You deserved to get booted for your utter ignorance on the issue.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I was one of the 10cc memeber who got stuck in the 300 level, i was expecting to have way better seats, but understood that this was the 1st show in the states of this tour and was expecting alot of memebers to travel to this show which they did and bumped me to the 300 level, All in All had a blast and the concert rocked.
Would have rather been where i was then in the last row of the floor seats since im a shorter guy
i m so sick of people thinking they are intitled to better things just because they are them. people need to get over themselves. i was in 317 and they were good seats could see everything
I understand this and agree. However I would hazard a guess and say you too were disappointed with your seat when you first laid eyes upon the section number. I know I was. I was in section 318 row 11. For those that don't know these seats were so high there were no seats behind me. Just a concrete wall. On the plus side no beer down my back which is nice. Not to mention the killer show/set! I was glad to be in the building seeing my fav band but having made the trek from Toronto better seats would have been nice but hey.......no dice. And besides my Toronto seats were pretty sweet!
And to those who call Chicago home.....it was my first visit and you guys have one kick ass city! I would love to come back! All the people and fans I met were great. Thanks for being gracious hosts!
Monkey Wrench
Molson Park, Barrie - Aug 92
CNE, Toronto - Aug 93
Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto - Sep 96
Molson Park, Barrie - Aug 98
Air Canada Center, Toronto - Oct 00
Copps Collesium, Hamilton - Sep 05
ACC, Toronto - Sep 05
ACC - Toronto - Tour Launch - Show I - May 06
Chicago, IL - August 2009
East Troy WI - Sept 3 & 4 2011 - PJ TWENTY
Toronto, Ontario - Sept 11, 2011
Dublin, Ireland - June 2010
Belfast, Ireland - June 2010
Buffalo, NY - Oct 2013
Toronto, Canada - May 2016
Me and my roommate payed $80 a piece to see PJ in Toronto with 10C seats. We had the fucking time of our lives, regardless of where the seats were. IF YOU DON"T LIKE WHAT YOU GET, THEN STOP PAYING THE FUCKING $20 A YEAR PITTANCE. god you people make me sick.
"The dude abides. I don't know about you, but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' her easy for all us sinners."
but it's your first post so ya might as well come out bitching and moaning right from the start.
Oh well, you must be better than me, right? "I'm a bigger fan, look at my post count".
I've been a "member" here since 2006 and a fanclub member since 1994. I'm not a johnny come lately.
Big post counts don't make your opinion any better than mine by the way.
I usually find that big post counts only mean one thing, diarrhea of the mouth...
Here ya go dude, you WIN!!!
Hey now, I'm no post-counter. This isn't the red mosquito board. But come on, first post and you're whining to BEWARE of the tenclub presales? Nice jerk-off animation, dude.
I've been reading all these posts on the 10c seats and I don't understand why people are upset at the "ones bitching". Everyone around us was very upset at the section 300's assignments. I thought my tickets were just a mistake. I joined 10c in hopes that the next US tour, I could have some start at seniority through the 10c (not like you long-timers of course) but still. I flew from Phx for my first ever PJ show, and when I left the Will Call window, I just about cried. I really thought I'd get closer tickets than the 3rd row from the very top of the arena! I was devastated. Of course I enjoyed the show, it was awesome, and I was so glad to be there. But I really felt that being a member and the way they "adverstised" the pre-sale seating allocations, I was going to get a better seat.
I guess I just interpreted this wrong:
"Ten Club tickets are for reserved seating and will be allocated by seniority. Seat locations will be reserved from the 1st row on the floor, extending back, and the side sections closest to the stage."
But who wouldn't?? Thinking "sections closest to the stage" would be in the 113 and 121 sections.
I apologize for the rant, but I had to contribute since it was my first experience using 10c for tix. I definitely won't next time. I'd rather pay more for better seats.
Here's the bottom line. And yes, I got shafted with 300 levels Sunday night.
People are traveling from all over the country to see these shows. I jumped on this show because I thought it might be my only chance to see PJ this tour. After I bought these tix, a show was added in SLC, which would ONLY be an eight hour drive instead of two airline tix, a rental car and two nights in a hotel, but hey, I'm covered by my 10C seats in Chicago, right? Wrong. Now, I can't get decent seats to ANY show.
10C needs to reveal where the tickets are, if not before you buy them, then AFTER you buy them. Don't give a refund, but at least let us know if the tickets suck. Come up with some rating system if you don't want to reveal the exact seats. Send an email "Your seats rank a 0 on a scale of 1 to 5. We are sorry we can't satisfy everyone. We will donate the seats to xxxx if you do not want to attend the show."
Between airfare for two, rental car, hotels, and the tickets, I spent over $800 and burned a bunch of karma at work to see this show. I would NEVER have bothered if I knew the seats were so far back the band sounded like they were playing in a 55 gallon drum. Seriously, to replicate the experience, put a video monitor so far away from you that your fist at the end of your extended arm covers it completely. Take some crappy computer speakers, crank them to the max, and put them in a 55 gallon drum next to the monitor. Now you know what I spent $800+ to experience on Sunday night.
Everyone saying we are whiners can fuck off. Would you voluntarily pay $800 to sit in the third level in the back of the United Center? I'm guessing the answer is NO.
Everyone saying we are whiners can fuck off. Would you voluntarily pay $800 to sit in the third level in the back of the United Center? I'm guessing the answer is NO.
Flying in from London to Seattle. I don't care if I'm in the back row of Key Arena for both nights.
Then again, I am crazier than most.
115 bucks for half a haircut by a novice? I want my money back!
Everyone saying we are whiners can fuck off. Would you voluntarily pay $800 to sit in the third level in the back of the United Center? I'm guessing the answer is NO.
you are right. most of us wouldn't be ignorant enough to pay that kind of money in a gamble.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1.Our promise to do our darndest to get you the absolute BEST tickets in the house to Pearl Jam shows around the world.
Who would read that, be handed 300 level tickets against the wall in the back corner of the arena, and be happy about it?
For those who say "you should just be happy to of been in the building"...tickets are not that hard to get anymore. Anyone could of purchased tickets up against the wall in the 300 level.
I thought the 10C had a pre-arranged allotment of tickets. How could they look at their allotment of tickets and see top row of the 300 level and think that was going to fly? I don't think it was about the huge demand as much as I think there was a mistake somewhere along the way...which happens. But I think its okay to have some expectations and not be satisfied with the worst seats in the house when you are a member of a bands fan club.
"Our promise to do our darndest....". that statement is KEY. do our darndest, not guaranteed front row, or even floor, or even 100, or even 200.
I've driven many hours to see PJ to sit in the fucking bleeds, and I had the time of my fucking life. So yeah, all this selfish whining is a little annoying. :roll:
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1.Our promise to do our darndest to get you the absolute BEST tickets in the house to Pearl Jam shows around the world.
Who would read that, be handed 300 level tickets against the wall in the back corner of the arena, and be happy about it?
For those who say "you should just be happy to of been in the building"...tickets are not that hard to get anymore. Anyone could of purchased tickets up against the wall in the 300 level.
I thought the 10C had a pre-arranged allotment of tickets. How could they look at their allotment of tickets and see top row of the 300 level and think that was going to fly? I don't think it was about the huge demand as much as I think there was a mistake somewhere along the way...which happens. But I think its okay to have some expectations and not be satisfied with the worst seats in the house when you are a member of a bands fan club.
You are 100% correct on everything you just posted....
I spoke with a United Center ticket rep - you know the people that would know if the place is full or not - and they said as of Sunday evening, they still had tickets for sale, for Monday's show. Yes - believe it or not... it's not impossbie to get tickets.
Anyone who tells you that they pay their $20.00 every year to the 10C for any other major reason than to have first dibs at TOP tickets to these concerts is either lying, or just simply arguing for arguing sake. People that were in the 10C and had to sit in the upper reaches of the 300 leve had every reason to be upset/not happy about how the situation was handled.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
"Our promise to do our darndest....". that statement is KEY. do our darndest, not guaranteed front row, or even floor, or even 100, or even 200.
I've driven many hours to see PJ to sit in the fucking bleeds, and I had the time of my fucking life. So yeah, all this selfish whining is a little annoying. :roll:
And the point you're simply missing is this....
The floor, 100, 200 levels, if done correctly, should have easily accomdated the number to 10C members. The facts are the facts..they oversold 10C tickets. That's why people were sitting in the upper rafters of the 300 level. That's not selfish whining, that's people upset that they got shafted. Again, people could have gotten the same exact seats through Ticketmaster as they got through the paid 10C membership that they, in some cases, have paid for YEARS.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
Anyone who tells you that they pay their $20.00 every year to the 10C for any other major reason than to have first dibs at TOP tickets to these concerts is either lying, or just simply arguing for arguing sake. People that were in the 10C and had to sit in the upper reaches of the 300 leve had every reason to be upset/not happy about how the situation was handled.
WRONG. PJ have only come even close to my area twice in 20 years. I pay for the membership for the vinyl, and the magazines, and in the HOPE that they may come here I might get seats. But I don't hold my breath on that one.
So it would be appreciated if you didn't just blindly call me a liar. :roll:
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
"Our promise to do our darndest....". that statement is KEY. do our darndest, not guaranteed front row, or even floor, or even 100, or even 200.
I've driven many hours to see PJ to sit in the fucking bleeds, and I had the time of my fucking life. So yeah, all this selfish whining is a little annoying. :roll:
And the point you're simply missing is this....
The floor, 100, 200 levels, if done correctly, should have easily accomdated the number to 10C members. The facts are the facts..they oversold 10C tickets. That's why people were sitting in the upper rafters of the 300 level. That's not selfish whining, that's people upset that they got shafted. Again, people could have gotten the same exact seats through Ticketmaster as they got through the paid 10C membership that they, in some cases, have paid for YEARS.
I am not missing any point. I know what they are complaining about. I just simply don't agree that it's necessary. Is that not allowed, good sir? :roll:
And "facts are facts"? You are throwing your credibility under the bus by making such statements.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
"Our promise to do our darndest....". that statement is KEY. do our darndest, not guaranteed front row, or even floor, or even 100, or even 200.
I've driven many hours to see PJ to sit in the fucking bleeds, and I had the time of my fucking life. So yeah, all this selfish whining is a little annoying. :roll:
And the point you're simply missing is this....
The floor, 100, 200 levels, if done correctly, should have easily accomdated the number to 10C members. The facts are the facts..they oversold 10C tickets. That's why people were sitting in the upper rafters of the 300 level. That's not selfish whining, that's people upset that they got shafted. Again, people could have gotten the same exact seats through Ticketmaster as they got through the paid 10C membership that they, in some cases, have paid for YEARS.
I am not missing any point. I know what they are complaining about. I just simply don't agree that it's necessary. Is that not allowed, good sir? :roll:
And "facts are facts"? You are throwing your credibility under the bus by making such statements.
1) If we are being honest, I would bet that 90% of the PJ fans in the 10C purchase their membership year after year for the primary reason to buy premium tickets. I have MANY friends in the 10C and they'd all verify that statement.
2) Other bands don't do what PJ does, correct. But they don't advertise that they'd get you the best seats possible, and then have people who aren't in the 10C getting better seats via Ticketmaster or through a radio presale.
3) And, yes, those are the facts. There is no other plausible explanation why people in the 10C who had good numbers, were sitting in the upper rafters for this show. Other than, they way oversold 10C tickets.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
Everyone saying we are whiners can fuck off. Would you voluntarily pay $800 to sit in the third level in the back of the United Center? I'm guessing the answer is NO.
you are right. most of us wouldn't be ignorant enough to pay that kind of money in a gamble.
Well, smartass, guess how many of the 20 or so 10C people we talked to sitting with us in the 303 section were from Chicago?
FOUR. Everyone else had come from at least 100 miles away. FL, NC, AZ, CO were all in our section. None of us walked there. No one was happy with the seats, by a long shot.
Everyone saying we are whiners can fuck off. Would you voluntarily pay $800 to sit in the third level in the back of the United Center? I'm guessing the answer is NO.
you are right. most of us wouldn't be ignorant enough to pay that kind of money in a gamble.
Well, smartass, guess how many of the 20 or so 10C people we talked to sitting with us in the 303 section were from Chicago?
FOUR. Everyone else had come from at least 100 miles away. FL, NC, AZ, CO were all in our section. None of us walked there. No one was happy with the seats, by a long shot.
People will tell you to stop whining, and that you should have been happy just to be there. Mind you, you could have gotten those same tickets on Ticketmaster or Craigslist for face, or even below face. In fact, Craigslist was full of people on Sunday & Monday trying to unload tickets at near face value.
You're paying the 10C membership for the advertised opportunity to have the "best seats", just not to "be there" as some are attempting to make it out to be. Just "being there" is actually very easy to do for these two shows. It wasn't some golden ticket of impossibility to buy.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1) If we are being honest, I would bet that 90% of the PJ fans in the 10C purchase their membership year after year for the primary reason to buy premium tickets. I have MANY friends in the 10C and they'd all verify that statement.
2) Other bands don't do what PJ does, correct. But they don't advertise that they'd get you the best seats possible, and then have people who aren't in the 10C getting better seats via Ticketmaster or through a radio presale.
3) And, yes, those are the facts. There is no other plausible explanation why people in the 10C who had good numbers, were sitting in the upper rafters for this show. Other than, they way oversold 10C tickets.
1) I am from Canada. If I bought a 10C membership simply for the option of getting good seats at a gig that never happens, then I'd be a fool, which I'm not. I like the vinyl and the magazines, and I don't want to pay $100 on eBay for it, so to me, it's worth the money for simply that. Tickets would be a bonus, if they ever came here.
2) best seats possible. 'nuff said. those may (or may not have been-WE DON'T KNOW) the best seats possible.
3) well, I guess you are an industry expert. But "facts" are a little different than "only plausible explanation", dude. :roll:
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1) If we are being honest, I would bet that 90% of the PJ fans in the 10C purchase their membership year after year for the primary reason to buy premium tickets. I have MANY friends in the 10C and they'd all verify that statement.
2) Other bands don't do what PJ does, correct. But they don't advertise that they'd get you the best seats possible, and then have people who aren't in the 10C getting better seats via Ticketmaster or through a radio presale.
3) And, yes, those are the facts. There is no other plausible explanation why people in the 10C who had good numbers, were sitting in the upper rafters for this show. Other than, they way oversold 10C tickets.
1) I am from Canada. If I bought a 10C membership simply for the option of getting good seats at a gig that never happens, then I'd be a fool, which I'm not. I like the vinyl and the magazines, and I don't want to pay $100 on eBay for it, so to me, it's worth the money for simply that. Tickets would be a bonus, if they ever came here.
2) best seats possible. 'nuff said. those may (or may not have been-WE DON'T KNOW) the best seats possible.
3) well, I guess you are an industry expert. But "facts" are a little different than "only plausible explanation", dude. :roll:[/quote]
1) I'm telling you that,I'd venture to guess, that 90% of PJ fans answering this question honestly would tell you the PRIMARY reason they have a 10C membership is to purchase premium seats.
2) You're missing the point... the best seats possible to their members should be the BEST SEATS POSSIBLE. Not the upper rafters that they could have purchased, day of event, through Ticketmaster or Craigslist. Note: Sitting in/near the last row of the 300 level is not the best seat possible, no matter how you wish to twist the words.
3) Unless you can give me a plausible explanation why 10C members with very good numbers were sitting in the upper rafters, I'll go according to my theory: 10C oversold tickets to Chicago 1.
or you can come to terms and realize you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah... makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
I want that 20 minutes of my life back!!!
ha ha...u gotta read the first page, and then go to the last page, and RAVE ON, regardless of anything
anyways my thought is that some people don't get the real value of 10c and that is that at least we have access to SOME tickets that the scalpers can't get!
10c only get um a small percentage of seats and they are not the "best seats in the house"...yes they do have some of the best seats in the house, but there's lots of people that have access to BETTER seats than the 10c gets offered, and yes the 10c has some not so great seats(hello to reality)
i also saw someone say they'd like to know the seats before the show but um i dont beleive in mailing out the tickets cause scalping surely happens(ask u2)...especially if the new pj fan won the lottery(1st row dfc) and thought the money/(2 weeks vacation) was more important than the club.
oh and for sure shit happens and things are never perfect oh well
I'm quite confused about this. The number I had last night was 235XXX (I thought it was 279 in the other thread, but I always forget this number) and I was in 111. They couldn't have been enough people higher than that to get all the way into the nosebleeds. I think there just must have been a LOT of fan club members there, and after filling up the 100s the venue or ticketmaster or whatever must have reserved the lower levels. I do agree that it would have been disappointing to be way up there, really just given that it's really unexpected.
Probably a explanation as to why the crowd was so good last night though! So many ten club members!
I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
My seats were at the back of Section 4, and I couldn't see anything except the backs of guys' heads. If it weren't for the screens, I'd be complaining like others. I'm 5' 4", and actually preferred it when I've had seats on the side (I did in 2006). At least then I could see the stage. Last night? Nothin.
I think it's accurate to say that the 10c was overwhelmed with folks wanting tickets because of the way the shows were announced. Everyone jumped on what was available at that time, so everyone jumped on this show. 10c probably did what they had to just to accommodate everyone.
That said, whoever thought there was something weird about the guy at the A-D window, I agree, although I can't quite explain what it was about him that was strange.
yeah in regards to this he asked my name and for my id but didnt even look at my id to verify it was me. didnt think too much of this until reading this and now kind of skeptical
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
thats what im saying......something sounds fishy
once again for the "bitching mods"......im not bitching i was glad to be at the show and had a great time... hell i even caught a pick and the guy sitting next to me caught one of Matts drum sticks
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
You deserved to get booted for your utter ignorance on the issue.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Would have rather been where i was then in the last row of the floor seats since im a shorter guy
I understand this and agree. However I would hazard a guess and say you too were disappointed with your seat when you first laid eyes upon the section number. I know I was. I was in section 318 row 11. For those that don't know these seats were so high there were no seats behind me. Just a concrete wall. On the plus side no beer down my back which is nice. Not to mention the killer show/set! I was glad to be in the building seeing my fav band but having made the trek from Toronto better seats would have been nice but hey.......no dice. And besides my Toronto seats were pretty sweet!
And to those who call Chicago home.....it was my first visit and you guys have one kick ass city! I would love to come back! All the people and fans I met were great. Thanks for being gracious hosts!
Molson Park, Barrie - Aug 92
CNE, Toronto - Aug 93
Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto - Sep 96
Molson Park, Barrie - Aug 98
Air Canada Center, Toronto - Oct 00
Copps Collesium, Hamilton - Sep 05
ACC, Toronto - Sep 05
ACC - Toronto - Tour Launch - Show I - May 06
Chicago, IL - August 2009
East Troy WI - Sept 3 & 4 2011 - PJ TWENTY
Toronto, Ontario - Sept 11, 2011
Dublin, Ireland - June 2010
Belfast, Ireland - June 2010
Buffalo, NY - Oct 2013
Toronto, Canada - May 2016
Hey now, I'm no post-counter. This isn't the red mosquito board. But come on, first post and you're whining to BEWARE of the tenclub presales? Nice jerk-off animation, dude.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I guess I just interpreted this wrong:
"Ten Club tickets are for reserved seating and will be allocated by seniority. Seat locations will be reserved from the 1st row on the floor, extending back, and the side sections closest to the stage."
But who wouldn't?? Thinking "sections closest to the stage" would be in the 113 and 121 sections.
I apologize for the rant, but I had to contribute since it was my first experience using 10c for tix. I definitely won't next time. I'd rather pay more for better seats.
People are traveling from all over the country to see these shows. I jumped on this show because I thought it might be my only chance to see PJ this tour. After I bought these tix, a show was added in SLC, which would ONLY be an eight hour drive instead of two airline tix, a rental car and two nights in a hotel, but hey, I'm covered by my 10C seats in Chicago, right? Wrong. Now, I can't get decent seats to ANY show.
10C needs to reveal where the tickets are, if not before you buy them, then AFTER you buy them. Don't give a refund, but at least let us know if the tickets suck. Come up with some rating system if you don't want to reveal the exact seats. Send an email "Your seats rank a 0 on a scale of 1 to 5. We are sorry we can't satisfy everyone. We will donate the seats to xxxx if you do not want to attend the show."
Between airfare for two, rental car, hotels, and the tickets, I spent over $800 and burned a bunch of karma at work to see this show. I would NEVER have bothered if I knew the seats were so far back the band sounded like they were playing in a 55 gallon drum. Seriously, to replicate the experience, put a video monitor so far away from you that your fist at the end of your extended arm covers it completely. Take some crappy computer speakers, crank them to the max, and put them in a 55 gallon drum next to the monitor. Now you know what I spent $800+ to experience on Sunday night.
Everyone saying we are whiners can fuck off. Would you voluntarily pay $800 to sit in the third level in the back of the United Center? I'm guessing the answer is NO.
Then again, I am crazier than most.
you are right. most of us wouldn't be ignorant enough to pay that kind of money in a gamble.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1.Our promise to do our darndest to get you the absolute BEST tickets in the house to Pearl Jam shows around the world.
Who would read that, be handed 300 level tickets against the wall in the back corner of the arena, and be happy about it?
For those who say "you should just be happy to of been in the building"...tickets are not that hard to get anymore. Anyone could of purchased tickets up against the wall in the 300 level.
I thought the 10C had a pre-arranged allotment of tickets. How could they look at their allotment of tickets and see top row of the 300 level and think that was going to fly? I don't think it was about the huge demand as much as I think there was a mistake somewhere along the way...which happens. But I think its okay to have some expectations and not be satisfied with the worst seats in the house when you are a member of a bands fan club.
I've driven many hours to see PJ to sit in the fucking bleeds, and I had the time of my fucking life. So yeah, all this selfish whining is a little annoying. :roll:
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
You are 100% correct on everything you just posted....
I spoke with a United Center ticket rep - you know the people that would know if the place is full or not - and they said as of Sunday evening, they still had tickets for sale, for Monday's show. Yes - believe it or not... it's not impossbie to get tickets.
Anyone who tells you that they pay their $20.00 every year to the 10C for any other major reason than to have first dibs at TOP tickets to these concerts is either lying, or just simply arguing for arguing sake. People that were in the 10C and had to sit in the upper reaches of the 300 leve had every reason to be upset/not happy about how the situation was handled.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
And the point you're simply missing is this....
The floor, 100, 200 levels, if done correctly, should have easily accomdated the number to 10C members. The facts are the facts..they oversold 10C tickets. That's why people were sitting in the upper rafters of the 300 level. That's not selfish whining, that's people upset that they got shafted. Again, people could have gotten the same exact seats through Ticketmaster as they got through the paid 10C membership that they, in some cases, have paid for YEARS.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
WRONG. PJ have only come even close to my area twice in 20 years. I pay for the membership for the vinyl, and the magazines, and in the HOPE that they may come here I might get seats. But I don't hold my breath on that one.
So it would be appreciated if you didn't just blindly call me a liar. :roll:
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I am not missing any point. I know what they are complaining about. I just simply don't agree that it's necessary. Is that not allowed, good sir? :roll:
And "facts are facts"? You are throwing your credibility under the bus by making such statements.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1) If we are being honest, I would bet that 90% of the PJ fans in the 10C purchase their membership year after year for the primary reason to buy premium tickets. I have MANY friends in the 10C and they'd all verify that statement.
2) Other bands don't do what PJ does, correct. But they don't advertise that they'd get you the best seats possible, and then have people who aren't in the 10C getting better seats via Ticketmaster or through a radio presale.
3) And, yes, those are the facts. There is no other plausible explanation why people in the 10C who had good numbers, were sitting in the upper rafters for this show. Other than, they way oversold 10C tickets.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
Well, smartass, guess how many of the 20 or so 10C people we talked to sitting with us in the 303 section were from Chicago?
FOUR. Everyone else had come from at least 100 miles away. FL, NC, AZ, CO were all in our section. None of us walked there. No one was happy with the seats, by a long shot.
People will tell you to stop whining, and that you should have been happy just to be there. Mind you, you could have gotten those same tickets on Ticketmaster or Craigslist for face, or even below face. In fact, Craigslist was full of people on Sunday & Monday trying to unload tickets at near face value.
You're paying the 10C membership for the advertised opportunity to have the "best seats", just not to "be there" as some are attempting to make it out to be. Just "being there" is actually very easy to do for these two shows. It wasn't some golden ticket of impossibility to buy.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)
1) I am from Canada. If I bought a 10C membership simply for the option of getting good seats at a gig that never happens, then I'd be a fool, which I'm not. I like the vinyl and the magazines, and I don't want to pay $100 on eBay for it, so to me, it's worth the money for simply that. Tickets would be a bonus, if they ever came here.
2) best seats possible. 'nuff said. those may (or may not have been-WE DON'T KNOW) the best seats possible.
3) well, I guess you are an industry expert. But "facts" are a little different than "only plausible explanation", dude. :roll:
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
1) I am from Canada. If I bought a 10C membership simply for the option of getting good seats at a gig that never happens, then I'd be a fool, which I'm not. I like the vinyl and the magazines, and I don't want to pay $100 on eBay for it, so to me, it's worth the money for simply that. Tickets would be a bonus, if they ever came here.
2) best seats possible. 'nuff said. those may (or may not have been-WE DON'T KNOW) the best seats possible.
3) well, I guess you are an industry expert. But "facts" are a little different than "only plausible explanation", dude. :roll:[/quote]
1) I'm telling you that,I'd venture to guess, that 90% of PJ fans answering this question honestly would tell you the PRIMARY reason they have a 10C membership is to purchase premium seats.
2) You're missing the point... the best seats possible to their members should be the BEST SEATS POSSIBLE. Not the upper rafters that they could have purchased, day of event, through Ticketmaster or Craigslist. Note: Sitting in/near the last row of the 300 level is not the best seat possible, no matter how you wish to twist the words.
3) Unless you can give me a plausible explanation why 10C members with very good numbers were sitting in the upper rafters, I'll go according to my theory: 10C oversold tickets to Chicago 1.
you're the only one who can forgive yourself oh yeah...
makes much more sense to live in the present tense...
1995: 7/11 (Chicago) 2009: 8/23, 8/24 (Chicago) 2010: 5/9 (Cleveland) 2013 7/19 (Chicago) 2016: 4/9 (Miami), 5/1 (NYC), 8/20 & 8/22 (Chicago)
2018: 8/18 (Chicago) & 8/20 (Chicago) 2022: 9/11 (NYC), 9/18 (STL) 2023: 9/5 (Chicago), 9/7 (Chicago) 2024: 8/29 (Chicago), 8/31 (Chicago)