With all due respect, anyone expecting "great seats" after joining the club post 1999, is just plain high... So for a 300xxx and certainly a 400xxx to be bitching, it's silly. Your reasons for joining should have been the single and Deep magazine. Your ticket purchases should be thru Ticketmaster or elsewhere. Sorry to say it this way.... These shows have taken the souls out of some people here. Everyone at this point feels that much more entitled to this band than the next guy. That's bogus. Now you know there is a chance in the future you may not be happy with your seats. So next time, buy elsewhere. I promise the Ten Club won't mind... or care for that matter. Peace, Mike
300XXX have gotten some great side seats over the years.....and will continue to do so....
Speedy, I'm pretty sure your some kind of someone around these parts, so I'm not arguing. That being said, I find myself reading all this shit, realizing that yes an 18 year old was not going to join when he was 3, but to join now and bitch about the seats is just retarded. It's common sense. Yes, I realize in some venues, the high numbers get decent side stage seats, but it's fairly rare. I'm ranting and have read too many pages of this thread...... hope everyone is happier at their next show...
With all due respect, anyone expecting "great seats" after joining the club post 1999, is just plain high... So for a 300xxx and certainly a 400xxx to be bitching, it's silly. Your reasons for joining should have been the single and Deep magazine. Your ticket purchases should be thru Ticketmaster or elsewhere. Sorry to say it this way.... These shows have taken the souls out of some people here. Everyone at this point feels that much more entitled to this band than the next guy. That's bogus. Now you know there is a chance in the future you may not be happy with your seats. So next time, buy elsewhere. I promise the Ten Club won't mind... or care for that matter. Peace, Mike
I think people just want to be told ahead of time if they are getting 3rd level seating. That's all. Don't even give refunds, don't give specific seat locations, just give people the courtesy of knowing BEFORE they travel that hey, we have a lot of 10C members at this show, and because of your shitty 10C number, you WILL have nose bleed seats. Is that too much to ask? Then, the person has the option of either accepting what they were dealt, skipping the show, or trying their luck on TM. However, if they DID give refunds, there would be a happier person in the seat, which is a good thing.
I'd like to make the specific point that for both Chicago 1 and 2, there were good seats available from TM right up until the shows started. Had I known a few days before the show that I was 3rd level, back of the bus, I would have trolled TM. If I had known a few weeks before, I would have skipped the show and gone to SLC instead, where the show is not even near selling out.
10C: You have the OPPORTUNITY to prevent another round of very pissed off fans. If some or all of the Philly or Seattle or other venue shows are in the same situation where 3XXXXX+ members are going to be in the rafters, TELL THEM NOW. That way, you won't get another round of people spending a ton of money and time to travel to a show where they resent the seats. I'm guessing you saw reduced merchandise sales at Chicago 1. Why? Because people were so pissed about being 3rd level. You'd be better off financially, and have more goodwill from fans, to tell them now, and if they want to opt out, release the seats to TM where people know what they are buying. Not even 10% of the people going to Philly probably even know about the Chicago debacle. Put happier people in the seats, and there will be a better crowd vibe at the show.
Speedy, I'm pretty sure your some kind of someone around these parts, so I'm not arguing. That being said, I find myself reading all this shit, realizing that yes an 18 year old was not going to join when he was 3, but to join now and bitch about the seats is just retarded. It's common sense. Yes, I realize in some venues, the high numbers get decent side stage seats, but it's fairly rare. I'm ranting and have read too many pages of this thread...... hope everyone is happier at their next show...
Im not here to argue...
Its all good...
And I am a nobody here....Im just another idiot....hehehehehe
I agree with you....People with high numbers 350xxx-450xxx CAN NOT expect anything other than 3rd section seats, at a heavily attented venue like Chicago or Philly.
They will get GREAT seats at MOST of the other shows....By GREAT, I mean, kick ass side seats, in the 1st or 2nd section from the stage.
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
10C: You have the OPPORTUNITY to prevent another round of very pissed off fans. If some or all of the Philly or Seattle or other venue shows are in the same situation where 3XXXXX+ members are going to be in the rafters, TELL THEM NOW. That way, you won't get another round of people spending a ton of money and time to travel to a show where they resent the seats. I'm guessing you saw reduced merchandise sales at Chicago 1. Why? Because people were so pissed about being 3rd level. You'd be better off financially, and have more goodwill from fans, to tell them now, and if they want to opt out, release the seats to TM where people know what they are buying. Not even 10% of the people going to Philly probably even know about the Chicago debacle. Put happier people in the seats, and there will be a better crowd vibe at the show.
They have already told everyone who bought tickets for the Philly show that there is more than the normal allotment and that seats after the normal allocation could be comparable to best available thru TM.. which means not everyone will be sitting on the floor or in the first level.
And people buy merchandise because they want to not because they have good or bad seats or pissed off because someone with an afro is sitting in front of them.
This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
My membership is 308. I went to Virgina beach and was not on the floor or close to floor. Therefore, ten club and santos is telling lies. I had floor seats for the new jersey concert, go figure. This is 100% true. So I do not know what the hell is going on. It may bean inside job. I am just drinking for philly, I dont care where my seats are andPearl jam can play even flow 28 times for all i care, at least i can drink and go to bathroom
10C: You have the OPPORTUNITY to prevent another round of very pissed off fans. If some or all of the Philly or Seattle or other venue shows are in the same situation where 3XXXXX+ members are going to be in the rafters, TELL THEM NOW. That way, you won't get another round of people spending a ton of money and time to travel to a show where they resent the seats. I'm guessing you saw reduced merchandise sales at Chicago 1. Why? Because people were so pissed about being 3rd level. You'd be better off financially, and have more goodwill from fans, to tell them now, and if they want to opt out, release the seats to TM where people know what they are buying. Not even 10% of the people going to Philly probably even know about the Chicago debacle. Put happier people in the seats, and there will be a better crowd vibe at the show.
They have already told everyone who bought tickets for the Philly show that there is more than the normal allotment and that seats after the normal allocation could be comparable to best available thru TM.. which means not everyone will be sitting on the floor or in the first level.
And people buy merchandise because they want to not because they have good or bad seats or pissed off because someone with an afro is sitting in front of them.
I'll say it again. People are obviously not getting the message.
The 34XXXX+ seats at Chicago 1 were not "comparable to best available thru TM". They were WAY WORSE than the AVERAGE TM SEATS. Does everyone understand? Do you get it now? The average TM seats were 200 level, while THOUSANDS of 10C members were on the 300 level. And, there were walkups available AT THE WINDOW, day of show, that were TWO LEVELS down from 10C seats.
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT NOT GETTING FLOOR OR FIRST LEVEL. If the situation at Philly is the same as Chicago 1, there will be thousands of 10C people in the 400 level at Philly, which I have been told really, really sucks.
Do you think the people going to Philly know this?
10C: You have the OPPORTUNITY to prevent another round of very pissed off fans. If some or all of the Philly or Seattle or other venue shows are in the same situation where 3XXXXX+ members are going to be in the rafters, TELL THEM NOW. That way, you won't get another round of people spending a ton of money and time to travel to a show where they resent the seats. I'm guessing you saw reduced merchandise sales at Chicago 1. Why? Because people were so pissed about being 3rd level. You'd be better off financially, and have more goodwill from fans, to tell them now, and if they want to opt out, release the seats to TM where people know what they are buying. Not even 10% of the people going to Philly probably even know about the Chicago debacle. Put happier people in the seats, and there will be a better crowd vibe at the show.
They have already told everyone who bought tickets for the Philly show that there is more than the normal allotment and that seats after the normal allocation could be comparable to best available thru TM.. which means not everyone will be sitting on the floor or in the first level.
And people buy merchandise because they want to not because they have good or bad seats or pissed off because someone with an afro is sitting in front of them.
I'll say it again. People are obviously not getting the message.
The seats at Chicago 1 were not "comparable to best available thru TM". The were WAY WORSE than the AVERAGE TM SEATS. Does everyone understand? Do you get it now? There were walkups available AT THE WINDOW, day of show, that were TWO LEVELS down from 10C seats. The average TM seats were 200 level, while THOUSANDS of 10C members were on the 300 level.
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT NOT GETTING FLOOR OR FIRST LEVEL. If the situation at Philly is the same as Chicago 1, there will be thousands of 10C people in the 400 level at Philly, which I have been told really, really sucks.
Do you think the people going to Philly know this?
Here is where you are not getting it... You are talking about people walking up to the box office and hoping that there are tickets available (granted there usually are some released but not always) and then saying that they were the best available thru TM.
What I am saying (and what I believe the 10C is saying) is that the best available at the time of the public onsale... not tickets released days before a show when the stage is setup, not tickets released by the venue, but tickets available when the public onsale occurs.
And the 400 level at the Spectrum are hardly horrible seats... are they the best?? no but the sightlines are still fairly good as well as the sound.
This is your notice that there is a problem with your signature. Please remove it.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Your right. I gave my ten club tickets to my friends and took there single ticket from tm. tm tickets were better than ten club. no one understands that. They just want to get in to hear the music, I want good seats not floor just average.
Here is where you are not getting it... You are talking about people walking up to the box office and hoping that there are tickets available (granted there usually are some released but not always) and then saying that they were the best available thru TM.
What I am saying (and what I believe the 10C is saying) is that the best available at the time of the public onsale... not tickets released days before a show when the stage is setup, not tickets released by the venue, but tickets available when the public onsale occurs.
And the 400 level at the Spectrum are hardly horrible seats... are they the best?? no but the sightlines are still fairly good as well as the sound.
Look, you obviously don't know the whole story. The public, onsale TM seats for Chicago 1 were mostly 200 level. Wild's post confirmed that. If you went on to TM the day the tickets went on sale, you were probably given 200 level, although there were even some 100 level and floor seats that went through TM. If your 10C number was 34XXXX or higher, you WERE in the 300 level unless you won the lottery. There are even some people claiming to be lower than 34XXXX that were up there, but whatever.
You may be OK with 400 level at Philly, but if you were traveling from, say , Boston, wouldn't you want to know AHEAD of time, so that you could try TM for a better seat or a different show, or save the cash and not travel? How is this unreasonable?
Look, you obviously don't know the whole story. The public, onsale TM seats for Chicago 1 were mostly 200 level. Wild's post confirmed that. If you went on to TM the day the tickets went on sale, you were probably given 200 level, although there were even some 100 level and floor seats that went through TM. If your 10C number was 34XXXX or higher, you WERE in the 300 level unless you won the lottery. There are even some people claiming to be lower than 34XXXX that were up there, but whatever.
You may be OK with 400 level at Philly, but if you were traveling from, say , Boston, wouldn't you want to know AHEAD of time, so that you could try TM for a better seat or a different show, or save the cash and not travel? How is this unreasonable?
First of all, Wild's post doesn't confirm anything, it is just an estimation of what the likely situation was, based on some very limited data.
The 200 level in the United Center is the club level seating if I'm not mistaken. That means a lot of those tickets were likely spoken for before the Public Onsale even happened.
But that's not even the point of my post. I bought 10C seats, and have a 169xxx number. Ihad great seats (1st row in section 112 on night 1, section 113 night 2, thank you very much 10C). However, knowing that it was going to be a high demand concert, I bought those tickets knowing that it was very likely I would have the worst 10C tickets I've ever purchased (turns out they were some of the best, much better than being at the back of the floor which I've been more than a few times). So when the public onsale happened, myself and the friend I was travelling with to Chicago, along with about 6 other people that we enlisted to help, tried our luck at bying tickets through Ticketmaster. Th e instructions I gave everyone was that if anything came up in the 100 level, or lower 200 level, they should buy two tickets. Anything worse than that and they shouldn't bother.
Guess how many extra tickets were purchased. 0. The only tickets we could bring up during the public on sale were 300 level tickets. Sure, some people were obviously able to get good TM tickets, that's going to happen, but you can't be garaunteed of that going into the onsale.
Minneapolis : 06/30/1998 - Chicago : 10/09/2000 - Vancouver : 05/30/2003 - Fargo : 06/15/2003 - Winnipeg : 09/08/2005 - Thunder Bay : 09/09/2005 - St. Paul : 06/26/2006 - Chicago : 08/23/2009 - Chicago : 08/24/2009
first night I was 2nd row off the floor, mike's side... awesome seat, same as MSG. night 2 i was 20th row.. I have a decent number, usually between 3-10th row... I didn't complain, I knew I wouldn't be able to see JACK SHIT from the 20th row, and I found a 10C member with a pair off the floor who was tall, he was VERY happy to trade pairs...
tickets are never guaranteed, I've had some FRONT ROW ten club seats on the floor and I couldn't see anything besides the PA... it's always a gamble, that's why you have to hit a lot of shows, you are bound to win!!!
My membership is 308. I went to Virgina beach and was not on the floor or close to floor. Therefore, ten club and santos is telling lies. I had floor seats for the new jersey concert, go figure. This is 100% true. So I do not know what the hell is going on. It may bean inside job. I am just drinking for philly, I dont care where my seats are andPearl jam can play even flow 28 times for all i care, at least i can drink and go to bathroom
Based on your post, I think you may be drinking for the message board too
haha, at first, I thought this was going to be about my friend Jon, who had a bad nose bleed on the way to the Sun Preparty and came in bloody..
Good to see you in Chi, Speedy, you hitting any other shows?
My membership is 308. I went to Virgina beach and was not on the floor or close to floor. Therefore, ten club and santos is telling lies. I had floor seats for the new jersey concert, go figure. This is 100% true. So I do not know what the hell is going on. It may bean inside job. I am just drinking for philly, I dont care where my seats are andPearl jam can play even flow 28 times for all i care, at least i can drink and go to bathroom
According to Stat Tracker ALL of the ten club seats for this show were in the Orchestra or in sections 101, 102, and 103.
I didn't see anyone with a seat worse than row K.
There was no floor at this show. What do you mean by "Santos was telling lies".
Just wanted to let you know that I appreciated your response a few pages back, it's reassuring to know that you(or someone else from 10c) are in the ticket booths making sure no one swaps our tickets. I honestly didn't even think about this possibility. Cool. Thanks for the communication and thanks 10C!
Journey Begins: 1992-08-15, Montage Mountain Performing Arts Center,
Scranton, Pennsylvania
[ So when the public onsale happened, myself and the friend I was travelling with to Chicago, along with about 6 other people that we enlisted to help, tried our luck at bying tickets through Ticketmaster. Th e instructions I gave everyone was that if anything came up in the 100 level, or lower 200 level, they should buy two tickets. Anything worse than that and they shouldn't bother.
Guess how many extra tickets were purchased. 0. The only tickets we could bring up during the public on sale were 300 level tickets. Sure, some people were obviously able to get good TM tickets, that's going to happen, but you can't be garaunteed of that going into the onsale.
So, you just made my exact point. You were ASKED if you wanted 300 level seats. You REJECTED them. The system worked. Obviously, some people got better than 300 level through TM via luck of the draw. Some were asked if they wanted 300 level, and they took them, KNOWING that they were taking 300 level, many, I suspect, threw them back. 10C members were not asked, and based on past experience, had no reason to expect 300 level.
The real problem is that this really makes it not worth it to go to any show that is not local, unless you have a really low number. If you joined 10C in the last 5 years, or let your membership lapse, you would be stupid to take a trip to a show knowing that you could get nosebleed seats. You are better off trying TM, or skipping the show unless you really like that kind of seating and were still willing to travel for it.
I personally would see a show in Denver where I live with that risk, but the next closest city PJ plays is over 8 hours away. Is it worth it to drive 8 hours for nosebleed seats? That is a personal choice, but you can't even make the CHOICE with 10C, because you don't know the situation until the day of the show.
Which brings it back to the fact that 10C needs to start giving some kind of indication when 10C member are getting obviously crappy seats. I don't think anyone would argue that 300 level at Chicago was a good seat. I'm sure some people would have attended anyway, especially locals, but I am also sure that most of the people around me in 30X who have flown in would have stayed home.
A little chance to decide is all we are asking for.
[ So when the public onsale happened, myself and the friend I was travelling with to Chicago, along with about 6 other people that we enlisted to help, tried our luck at bying tickets through Ticketmaster. Th e instructions I gave everyone was that if anything came up in the 100 level, or lower 200 level, they should buy two tickets. Anything worse than that and they shouldn't bother.
Guess how many extra tickets were purchased. 0. The only tickets we could bring up during the public on sale were 300 level tickets. Sure, some people were obviously able to get good TM tickets, that's going to happen, but you can't be garaunteed of that going into the onsale.
So, you just made my exact point. You were ASKED if you wanted 300 level seats. You REJECTED them. The system worked. Obviously, some people got better than 300 level through TM via luck of the draw. Some were asked if they wanted 300 level, and they took them, KNOWING that they were taking 300 level, many, I suspect, threw them back. 10C members were not asked, and based on past experience, had no reason to expect 300 level.
The real problem is that this really makes it not worth it to go to any show that is not local, unless you have a really low number. If you joined 10C in the last 5 years, or let your membership lapse, you would be stupid to take a trip to a show knowing that you could get nosebleed seats. You are better off trying TM, or skipping the show unless you really like that kind of seating and were still willing to travel for it.
I personally would see a show in Denver where I live with that risk, but the next closest city PJ plays is over 8 hours away. Is it worth it to drive 8 hours for nosebleed seats? That is a personal choice, but you can't even make the CHOICE with 10C, because you don't know the situation until the day of the show.
Which brings it back to the fact that 10C needs to start giving some kind of indication when 10C member are getting obviously crappy seats. I don't think anyone would argue that 300 level at Chicago was a good seat. I'm sure some people would have attended anyway, especially locals, but I am also sure that most of the people around me in 30X who have flown in would have stayed home.
A little chance to decide is all we are asking for.
Jesus man, what don't you understand? You knew the rules of the club before you joined. If you want to know what your seats are before the show maybe you shouldn't have joined. Also --- this from the 10 club website which you should have read before you joined:
Since the beginning of the Ten Club, Pearl Jam has been dedicated to making sure that fans get priority seating whenever possible. Sometimes, there are circumstances beyond our control that limit our ability to do this. But we go to bat for you...and most of the time, we find a way.
Jesus man, what don't you understand? You knew the rules of the club before you joined. If you want to know what your seats are before the show maybe you shouldn't have joined. Also --- this from the 10 club website which you should have read before you joined:
Since the beginning of the Ten Club, Pearl Jam has been dedicated to making sure that fans get priority seating whenever possible. Sometimes, there are circumstances beyond our control that limit our ability to do this. But we go to bat for you...and most of the time, we find a way.
What I understand is that a shift has occurred, and I'm trying to give people a big heads up. The shift is that there are now enough 10C members and that if you are 32XXXX or higher, that you SHOULD get your tickets through TM, at least for major market shows. This is new, and people are not used to it.
10C has in their total control the ability to put the situation to bed. Either don't allow so many 10C seats that 20% are way worse than the average schmuck on TM gets, OR simply tell people that 20% of the seats are going to be worse than TM.
There was no debacle. There is nothing to put a Fixin' on. A lot of 10C members bought tickets, and all those with really high numbers were furthest away. Ten Club has absolutely no control over what tickets TM releases near the day of the show. The 10C does the best job they can to make the majority of members happy...and they are doing a fine job!! The rules and procedures were clearly stated before tickets went on sale. If you didn't read them, that is your fault and no one else's!!!
If Chicago weren’t Ed’s hometown – if I were this band, all this bitchin’ going on a week later, I’d say, fuck Chicago, we ain’t comin’ back.
Bunch of whiners.
I'll say it again, they got TWO AWESOME SHOWS, and then come here and have the nerve to bitch.
If we in Philly get a set list anywhere near Monday's setlist, I will be thrilled beyond belief.
I understand what you're saying, but it's only 4 days later, not a week!
Also, for the people who keep saying 'Ten Club should have told us we'd be in the 300's' Guess what?? Ten Club didn't know how LARGE the demand for tickets was going to be when they sold the tickets, therefore they couldn't have known when/where the cut off in member numbers would start for the 300's seats.
Also we don't know the agreement they made with Ticketmaster for this show. Clearly Ten Club had more than the normal 10% of tickets, but we don't know if Ten Club even knew when they sold tickets that they would end up having to give members 300 level seats.
agreed...just not when the arena is half full with 10c members...
PM me with any comments or suggestions for the app - or weigh in <a href="http://forums.pearljam.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=167611
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I think people just want to be told ahead of time if they are getting 3rd level seating. That's all. Don't even give refunds, don't give specific seat locations, just give people the courtesy of knowing BEFORE they travel that hey, we have a lot of 10C members at this show, and because of your shitty 10C number, you WILL have nose bleed seats. Is that too much to ask? Then, the person has the option of either accepting what they were dealt, skipping the show, or trying their luck on TM. However, if they DID give refunds, there would be a happier person in the seat, which is a good thing.
I'd like to make the specific point that for both Chicago 1 and 2, there were good seats available from TM right up until the shows started. Had I known a few days before the show that I was 3rd level, back of the bus, I would have trolled TM. If I had known a few weeks before, I would have skipped the show and gone to SLC instead, where the show is not even near selling out.
10C: You have the OPPORTUNITY to prevent another round of very pissed off fans. If some or all of the Philly or Seattle or other venue shows are in the same situation where 3XXXXX+ members are going to be in the rafters, TELL THEM NOW. That way, you won't get another round of people spending a ton of money and time to travel to a show where they resent the seats. I'm guessing you saw reduced merchandise sales at Chicago 1. Why? Because people were so pissed about being 3rd level. You'd be better off financially, and have more goodwill from fans, to tell them now, and if they want to opt out, release the seats to TM where people know what they are buying. Not even 10% of the people going to Philly probably even know about the Chicago debacle. Put happier people in the seats, and there will be a better crowd vibe at the show.
Its all good...
And I am a nobody here....Im just another idiot....hehehehehe
I agree with you....People with high numbers 350xxx-450xxx CAN NOT expect anything other than 3rd section seats, at a heavily attented venue like Chicago or Philly.
They will get GREAT seats at MOST of the other shows....By GREAT, I mean, kick ass side seats, in the 1st or 2nd section from the stage.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
They have already told everyone who bought tickets for the Philly show that there is more than the normal allotment and that seats after the normal allocation could be comparable to best available thru TM.. which means not everyone will be sitting on the floor or in the first level.
And people buy merchandise because they want to not because they have good or bad seats or pissed off because someone with an afro is sitting in front of them.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
this was the guy in front of me....I want my money back
The Golden Age is 2 months away. And guess what….. you’re gonna love it! (teskeinc 11.19.24)
1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
2020: Oakland, Oakland: 2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana; 2025: Pitt1, Pitt2
I'll say it again. People are obviously not getting the message.
The 34XXXX+ seats at Chicago 1 were not "comparable to best available thru TM". They were WAY WORSE than the AVERAGE TM SEATS. Does everyone understand? Do you get it now? The average TM seats were 200 level, while THOUSANDS of 10C members were on the 300 level. And, there were walkups available AT THE WINDOW, day of show, that were TWO LEVELS down from 10C seats.
WE ARE NOT TALKING ABOUT NOT GETTING FLOOR OR FIRST LEVEL. If the situation at Philly is the same as Chicago 1, there will be thousands of 10C people in the 400 level at Philly, which I have been told really, really sucks.
Do you think the people going to Philly know this?
Here is where you are not getting it... You are talking about people walking up to the box office and hoping that there are tickets available (granted there usually are some released but not always) and then saying that they were the best available thru TM.
What I am saying (and what I believe the 10C is saying) is that the best available at the time of the public onsale... not tickets released days before a show when the stage is setup, not tickets released by the venue, but tickets available when the public onsale occurs.
And the 400 level at the Spectrum are hardly horrible seats... are they the best?? no but the sightlines are still fairly good as well as the sound.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
Look, you obviously don't know the whole story. The public, onsale TM seats for Chicago 1 were mostly 200 level. Wild's post confirmed that. If you went on to TM the day the tickets went on sale, you were probably given 200 level, although there were even some 100 level and floor seats that went through TM. If your 10C number was 34XXXX or higher, you WERE in the 300 level unless you won the lottery. There are even some people claiming to be lower than 34XXXX that were up there, but whatever.
You may be OK with 400 level at Philly, but if you were traveling from, say , Boston, wouldn't you want to know AHEAD of time, so that you could try TM for a better seat or a different show, or save the cash and not travel? How is this unreasonable?
First of all, Wild's post doesn't confirm anything, it is just an estimation of what the likely situation was, based on some very limited data.
The 200 level in the United Center is the club level seating if I'm not mistaken. That means a lot of those tickets were likely spoken for before the Public Onsale even happened.
But that's not even the point of my post. I bought 10C seats, and have a 169xxx number. Ihad great seats (1st row in section 112 on night 1, section 113 night 2, thank you very much 10C). However, knowing that it was going to be a high demand concert, I bought those tickets knowing that it was very likely I would have the worst 10C tickets I've ever purchased (turns out they were some of the best, much better than being at the back of the floor which I've been more than a few times). So when the public onsale happened, myself and the friend I was travelling with to Chicago, along with about 6 other people that we enlisted to help, tried our luck at bying tickets through Ticketmaster. Th e instructions I gave everyone was that if anything came up in the 100 level, or lower 200 level, they should buy two tickets. Anything worse than that and they shouldn't bother.
Guess how many extra tickets were purchased. 0. The only tickets we could bring up during the public on sale were 300 level tickets. Sure, some people were obviously able to get good TM tickets, that's going to happen, but you can't be garaunteed of that going into the onsale.
tickets are never guaranteed, I've had some FRONT ROW ten club seats on the floor and I couldn't see anything besides the PA... it's always a gamble, that's why you have to hit a lot of shows, you are bound to win!!!
Based on your post, I think you may be drinking for the message board too
I will have to disagree there. I was up in the 400 level for a hockey game last year and the sound was TERRIBLE. I couldn't hear a thing up there.
Good to see you in Chi, Speedy, you hitting any other shows?
The PA system and the sound system for a concert are not one in the same.... the Spectrum is known for have great acoustics for concerts.
Social awareness does not equal political activism!
5/23/2011- An utter embarrassment... ticketing failures too many to list.
I signed my kid up a few weeks ago. She's 440xxx
"To is a preposition.
Come is a verb"
According to Stat Tracker ALL of the ten club seats for this show were in the Orchestra or in sections 101, 102, and 103.
I didn't see anyone with a seat worse than row K.
There was no floor at this show. What do you mean by "Santos was telling lies".
That statement sounds absurd.
you have no idea how stupid you look do you?
I think he's stuck on repeat...
Just wanted to let you know that I appreciated your response a few pages back, it's reassuring to know that you(or someone else from 10c) are in the ticket booths making sure no one swaps our tickets. I honestly didn't even think about this possibility. Cool. Thanks for the communication and thanks 10C!
Scranton, Pennsylvania
Journey Ends:
So, you just made my exact point. You were ASKED if you wanted 300 level seats. You REJECTED them. The system worked. Obviously, some people got better than 300 level through TM via luck of the draw. Some were asked if they wanted 300 level, and they took them, KNOWING that they were taking 300 level, many, I suspect, threw them back. 10C members were not asked, and based on past experience, had no reason to expect 300 level.
The real problem is that this really makes it not worth it to go to any show that is not local, unless you have a really low number. If you joined 10C in the last 5 years, or let your membership lapse, you would be stupid to take a trip to a show knowing that you could get nosebleed seats. You are better off trying TM, or skipping the show unless you really like that kind of seating and were still willing to travel for it.
I personally would see a show in Denver where I live with that risk, but the next closest city PJ plays is over 8 hours away. Is it worth it to drive 8 hours for nosebleed seats? That is a personal choice, but you can't even make the CHOICE with 10C, because you don't know the situation until the day of the show.
Which brings it back to the fact that 10C needs to start giving some kind of indication when 10C member are getting obviously crappy seats. I don't think anyone would argue that 300 level at Chicago was a good seat. I'm sure some people would have attended anyway, especially locals, but I am also sure that most of the people around me in 30X who have flown in would have stayed home.
A little chance to decide is all we are asking for.
Jesus man, what don't you understand? You knew the rules of the club before you joined. If you want to know what your seats are before the show maybe you shouldn't have joined. Also --- this from the 10 club website which you should have read before you joined:
Since the beginning of the Ten Club, Pearl Jam has been dedicated to making sure that fans get priority seating whenever possible. Sometimes, there are circumstances beyond our control that limit our ability to do this. But we go to bat for you...and most of the time, we find a way.
What I understand is that a shift has occurred, and I'm trying to give people a big heads up. The shift is that there are now enough 10C members and that if you are 32XXXX or higher, that you SHOULD get your tickets through TM, at least for major market shows. This is new, and people are not used to it.
10C has in their total control the ability to put the situation to bed. Either don't allow so many 10C seats that 20% are way worse than the average schmuck on TM gets, OR simply tell people that 20% of the seats are going to be worse than TM.
There was no debacle. There is nothing to put a Fixin' on. A lot of 10C members bought tickets, and all those with really high numbers were furthest away. Ten Club has absolutely no control over what tickets TM releases near the day of the show. The 10C does the best job they can to make the majority of members happy...and they are doing a fine job!! The rules and procedures were clearly stated before tickets went on sale. If you didn't read them, that is your fault and no one else's!!!
Bunch of whiners.
I'll say it again, they got TWO AWESOME SHOWS, and then come here and have the nerve to bitch.
If we in Philly get a set list anywhere near Monday's setlist, I will be thrilled beyond belief.
I understand what you're saying, but it's only 4 days later, not a week!
Also, for the people who keep saying 'Ten Club should have told us we'd be in the 300's' Guess what?? Ten Club didn't know how LARGE the demand for tickets was going to be when they sold the tickets, therefore they couldn't have known when/where the cut off in member numbers would start for the 300's seats.
Also we don't know the agreement they made with Ticketmaster for this show. Clearly Ten Club had more than the normal 10% of tickets, but we don't know if Ten Club even knew when they sold tickets that they would end up having to give members 300 level seats.