'Sopranos' final season to begin April 8

It's almost time to slip into the velour sweatsuit, dip some nice crusty bread into a plate of gravy, pour a glass of chianti, sit back and catch up with la famiglia!
YAY!!! I can't wait. I've missed those psychos, I mean, fuggetaboutit. It'll be on in less that 4 hours... bada BING!
YAY!!! I can't wait. I've missed those psychos, I mean, fuggetaboutit. It'll be on in less that 4 hours... bada BING!

Life is the riddle
Of which we're caught in the middle.
A couple of lucky ones
Tangled up in too much love
~cowboy junkies
Of which we're caught in the middle.
A couple of lucky ones
Tangled up in too much love
~cowboy junkies
Post edited by Unknown User on
-my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
i KNOW you have a velour sweatsuit that you wear for just this occassion...
so, who do ya think's gonna get whacked first? i'm predicting paulie, not for nuthin' but he & tony have been on the outs, 's alls i'm sayin.
Of which we're caught in the middle.
A couple of lucky ones
Tangled up in too much love
~cowboy junkies
I watched all previous Sopranos episodes in chronological order....when the last season was on. I watched them on DVD....then downloaded Season 5 and watched them all in order from episode 1 season 1.....to the last episode of Season 5. When I moved a year and a half ago, I made the decision, because of Sopranos, to pay for HBO in my new house. So, that was a year and a half ago and since then I have gotten into Deadwood, Curb, 6 Feet Under, Rome....and now FINALLY Sopranos is back on and I get to watch it live on HBO....plus with the DVR cable box...I have it set up to grab them in case I am not home.
Is anyone else curious about Big Love? I think it looks like it could be good. I plan on watching it after Sopranos.
i might give big love a try, it seems just weird enough to be entertaining. i'm still mourning six feet under, tho. i think i actually liked it better than the sopranos... i know, that's sacrilege! don't tell tony... i don't wanna get myself driven out to the woods...
Of which we're caught in the middle.
A couple of lucky ones
Tangled up in too much love
~cowboy junkies
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Well, we'll watch it together later on tivo when she gets here and after she fills her wine glass up!
On a side note.... Does anyone but me have the feeling in the END, Tony may get out of the business??? LOVE to hear your thoughts!!
My theory is that at the end of this season, the FBI arrests Tony. Next season, the mini season, is Tony's trial. I'm not sure how the jury will find
No because David Chase has left the option open for a Sopranos movie thereby seemingly eliminating the idea Tony will perish....who knows though.
I know there might be a movie. I'm sayin in the END (i.e. the movie or whatever). I can see him gettin out.
I think somethin is gonna happen with paulie this year. not sure what..
Love paulie.
I expect a character like Junior or Hesh to get knocked off...Paulie may be fixin to go down as well but he is such a badass that I hope not..At the very end, movie or whatever, I expect Tony to die.
I thought of the Tony dying part as well and if that did happen, I'd HATE that. arggggggggggggggg....
Helll Yeahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Get on with it already. what, this episode 20 minutes long???? ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
nice hat bobby. Yea good season.
what a way to get people back on board. can you imagine all the hype leading up to next weeks episode?
LMAO!...yeah that hat was great. Bobby is an interesting character becuase he seems so childlike but that guy has a serious mean streak in him too like when he intimated that witness in Juniors trial. Bobby is finally going to crack this season I think and just go crazy on some poor guy. Now that Gino is gone Bobby will probably be more of a soldier.
Oh yeah...why no preview for next weeks show?
probably because htey want to build up the hype..."is he dead or is he alive?'....i cant wait! best show on tv