'Sopranos' final season to begin April 8



  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    Meadows strip tease was super HOT at the begining!!!

    DAMN....I didn't see that coming at the end at all...double wammy...I didn't excpect the second!!!

    Great fucking show!!! Great season opener.

  • wow! what a premiere...the only thing i missed was the usual picking up the morning paper in the driveway by tony to start the season...

    i can't believe how much went on in this episode...i'm watching this one again straight away! awesome!

    sad that vito's weight loss will be in vain...he's got it coming and soon, i think...
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    First time I have to watch it without the wifey.. (now has a nightjob) sucks, like family tradition has been broken. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.

    Well, we'll watch it together later on tivo when she gets here and after she fills her wine glass up!

    On a side note.... Does anyone but me have the feeling in the END, Tony may get out of the business??? LOVE to hear your thoughts!!

    i have a feeling carm is going to kill tony in the end. unless of course, uncle jun did her that favor last night... wtf?!? nice way to end the first episode and keep us hanging, ya bastads! not even an "on the next sopranos..."
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • smarmysmarmy Posts: 4
    i am not convinced adriana is dead. we didn't see her get shot or see her body.....they like to show people getting shot or the shot body especially in the "previously on the sopranos part" . and they didn't with her ..... silvo was the one who supposedly off'd her and he has been acting strange and kinda taunting tony for a while.......then the way drea d'matterio acted all publicly upset with being off'd......
    it just seems weird
    cantankerous surly crotchety irascible fretful petulant peevish ornery
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    we did see him shoot her, while she was trying to crawl away... she's sleeping with the fishes, believe me.
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • chipboychipboy Posts: 137
    Did you hear Tony breathing heavy in Melfi's office to bring home the point about his weight? This show is brilliant.
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    chipboy wrote:
    Did you hear Tony breathing heavy in Melfi's office to bring home the point about his weight? This show is brilliant.

    yeah, he looks about ready to pop. i love the scene where he's weighing himself. sure, tone, that belt really adds alot... :D
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • Bathgate66Bathgate66 Posts: 15,813
    the overhead shot at the end of tonys face / head really showed his weight gain.
    Most likely its a subplot being ran this year, evidence by the entire scene of T on the scale and also Vito saying he told Tony to accompany him to the gym,..
    It was pretty clear that guy was gonna kill himself, that scene was awful but yet you had to watch.
    I actually felt sorry for Uncle Junior because its evident that he is suffering from dementia at this point- seeing him sit in the closet on the floor like that , i felt sorry for him, even after he plugged his nephew in the gut.

    And am I the only one , but i was like " what the fuck? " when i saw adrianne with carmella in her new home construction site? That opening segment was like I was tripping on mushrooms listening to jim morrison- but it was brilliant.

    Cant wait for next week, with no coming attractions and all- keeping us in suspense.

    For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
    That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
    Donate Organs and Save a Life
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    Tony's food addiction has been with him since season one.

    Showing him and Carm in the new sushi resteraunt....and them him there by himself...huffing those down. And then weighing himself.

    Yeah, Carm's not happy...though she sure likes showing off her new Porche.

    I think Ade is dead.....though I bet we see her a lot in dreams and whatnot.

    Uncle Jun.....what are you doing you senial old man!!!

    Yeah, I may have to watch it again tonight....
  • Uncle Junior, what the fuck??? I had a bad feeling when he was upstairs and didn't know who was below. The problem is that Tony called 911, so that means the cops are involved. I don't know if they are going to believe that it was an accident.

    The entire opening sequence was strange, cool, but definitely a little odd. I must admit it was hard for me to follow everything (nothing a second viewing won't cure).

    On the overall, a great episode. They never dissappoint, that's what makes them the best. I'm psyched.
    "My road may be lonely
    just because it's not paved

    it's good for drifting away..."
    "What's the score?"
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "Who's winning?"
    "The Bears."
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    It was brilliant and they definitely know how to keep you coming back for more! Can't wait now for Sunday, obviously Tony isn't go to die from this, but what's gonna happen with poor Uncle Junior now? He's off to LaLaLand for sure. Janice is still a bitch on wheels, she should have been the one taking the bullet!

    I'm also digging AJ's new slacker look!
  • Atomic PunkAtomic Punk Posts: 2,941
    Uncle Junior is faking the dementia (just a guess) in order to be able to protect himself when his trial comes up. He wants to be unfit to stand trial, and/or use the dementia as a cop out.
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    Uncle Junior is faking the dementia (just a guess) in order to be able to protect himself when his trial comes up. He wants to be unfit to stand trial, and/or use the dementia as a cop out.

    I read in USA Today that an acual Mob-Boss faked Dementia for several years.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • gusturtlegusturtle Posts: 442
    anyone else think this episode is actually the "final" episode of this season, and the next 11 episodes will all lead up to when uncle jr. actually shoots tony???

    think about it...... no previews for next week's episode....
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    frogwater wrote:
    anyone else think this episode is actually the "final" episode of this season, and the next 11 episodes will all lead up to when uncle jr. actually shoots tony???

    think about it...... no previews for next week's episode....

    That's actually not a bad theory...interesting. TV shows have done goofier stuff

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • Atomic PunkAtomic Punk Posts: 2,941
    frogwater wrote:
    anyone else think this episode is actually the "final" episode of this season, and the next 11 episodes will all lead up to when uncle jr. actually shoots tony???

    think about it...... no previews for next week's episode....

    It actually could work thinking back to the episode we saw. Very good thought.
  • natureboy46natureboy46 Posts: 165
    frogwater wrote:
    anyone else think this episode is actually the "final" episode of this season, and the next 11 episodes will all lead up to when uncle jr. actually shoots tony???

    think about it...... no previews for next week's episode....

    I think the no previews thing is to ensure that we don't know what happened to Tony. If they showed previews we would know if he lived or died.

    I'm going out on a limb and saying that Tony is DEAD! This is HBO remember. Anyone can get whacked - just ask Stringer Bell.
    In the land of the little kings
    Profit is the only thing
    And everywhere the little kings
    Are getting away with murder
    - Paul Kelly

  • chipboychipboy Posts: 137
    Interesting idea but not much else happened on the episode that a whole season would lead up to. The faking dementia sounds more plausible since it would be based on reality.
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    There were no previews???

    I've been going crazy thinking that somehow I missed the previews for next week!
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    well, we didn't see anything last season about janice being pregnant... there are a few story lines that could be developed that would lead up to the shooting. interesting....

    i was thinking also about the other sister, who i keep forgetting about. the one who was at junior's and called tony out on his boat to come and stay with the old man. where does she live, and i assume she's not in the "business" in any way? how does that work? i mean, her dad was a mob boss. is it that women aren't tied to the family business the way men are?
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    well, we didn't see anything last season about janice being pregnant... there are a few story lines that could be developed that would lead up to the shooting. interesting....

    i was thinking also about the other sister, who i keep forgetting about. the one who was at junior's and called tony out on his boat to come and stay with the old man. where does she live, and i assume she's not in the "business" in any way? how does that work? i mean, her dad was a mob boss. is it that women aren't tied to the family business the way men are?

    Her name is Barbara and she's the "good" sister. She isn't in a lot of episodes, usually funerals, etc
  • chipboychipboy Posts: 137
    The other reason I don't think this is the final episode is because everyone was alive. How could we go through a whole season without any major player getting whacked until Tony in a cliffhanger?
  • AnonAnon Posts: 11,175
    well, we didn't see anything last season about janice being pregnant... there are a few story lines that could be developed that would lead up to the shooting. interesting....

    i was thinking also about the other sister, who i keep forgetting about. the one who was at junior's and called tony out on his boat to come and stay with the old man. where does she live, and i assume she's not in the "business" in any way? how does that work? i mean, her dad was a mob boss. is it that women aren't tied to the family business the way men are?

    I remember at the beginning of last season, Janice and Bobby had gotten married and that was never shown either, so not surprised that she's got a baby now and it was never mentioned before.
  • frogwater wrote:
    anyone else think this episode is actually the "final" episode of this season, and the next 11 episodes will all lead up to when uncle jr. actually shoots tony???

    think about it...... no previews for next week's episode....

    It could happen. In the season previews, Tony is holding a very young baby. Now janice's baby is 15 months old. Also, they said Ade's been gone for more than a year, but Janice's baby is 15 months. Throw in 9 months for pregnancy, and it's been at least 2 years......
  • eddies grrleddies grrl Posts: 509
    It could happen. In the season previews, Tony is holding a very young baby. Now janice's baby is 15 months old. Also, they said Ade's been gone for more than a year, but Janice's baby is 15 months. Throw in 9 months for pregnancy, and it's been at least 2 years......

    DOH! :eek: you've got some good points there. wow, that would be something, huh?

    i wonder what mookie will think about all this. come out, come out wherever you are, mook! and share with us a bit of your sopranos wisdom... :)
    Life is the riddle
    Of which we're caught in the middle.
    A couple of lucky ones
    Tangled up in too much love
    ~cowboy junkies
  • libragirllibragirl Posts: 4,632
    That really threw me off....and of course they didnt show any clips from the next episode...
    These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
  • An interesting theory, but I don't think it could be sustained for an entire season. Maybe a few episodes, but the show often covers long spans in one show. It is not that unusual.

    I don't think Tony will die immediately, but the wound could have a lot of lingering effects. Everyone seems to be positioning themselves for Tony's job, as usual.
    "My road may be lonely
    just because it's not paved

    it's good for drifting away..."
    "What's the score?"
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "Who's winning?"
    "The Bears."
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    Of course, Mr. Orange got the same kind of gut shot in Reservoir Dogs.

    As Mr. White said...other than the kneecap, the belly is one of the worst places to get shot (in term of pain).

    This has absolutely nothing to do with this show...just had to point it out.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
  • "It'll hurt like hell, and it's gonna bleed like a son of a bitch, but it won't kill you. It takes days."

    -Mr. White
    "My road may be lonely
    just because it's not paved

    it's good for drifting away..."
    "What's the score?"
    "Nothing, nothing."
    "Who's winning?"
    "The Bears."
  • PissBottleManPissBottleMan Union City, TN Posts: 4,155
    "It'll hurt like hell, and it's gonna bleed like a son of a bitch, but it won't kill you. It takes days."

    -Mr. White

    Thank you.

    "We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"

    Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
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