No KBS at my Woodmans manager said it came in yesterday and left in 2 hours. He also said they had the largest shipment around but i didn't ask how much he actually got. I picked up Bells Oberon, Ale Asylum Madtown Nut Brown (suggested by the distributor that was stocking shelves), Leffe Blonde and Leffe Brune (my favorite memory from Belgium), red wine, port, and 3 handles of spiced rum.
No KBS at my Woodmans manager said it came in yesterday and left in 2 hours. He also said they had the largest shipment around but i didn't ask how much he actually got. I picked up Bells Oberon, Ale Asylum Madtown Nut Brown (suggested by the distributor that was stocking shelves), Leffe Blonde and Leffe Brune (my favorite memory from Belgium), red wine, port, and 3 handles of spiced rum.
Bummer, sorry to hear that. The guy I talked to said there are people that follow the delivery truck from place to place. Thats commitment. I do have to say though, if you don't like whiskey or bourbon, KBS is not for you. I know seems obvious considering the name. My wife does not like whiskey and did not like the KBS. I have to say I was glad she didn't.
Let us know how the others are. Don't like Belgians at all but curious about the others.
sorry. I felt like everyone i talked to today was the kbs nazi
No KBS for you
I feel your pain...
None of it is coming to Texas...
And it sounds like it's something I would very much enjoy as a single malt scotch drinker, and a recently converted bourbon whiskey aficionado...
I'd love to trade someone for a bottle or two.... but don't see it happening... have both PJ things and lots of great beers from Texas (though I'm not parting with my only other bottle of BBA Hellfighter).
Houston, Texas... Believe it or not, there are 7 million people here... must be a couple of fans who'd love to see you play.
i have never been abel to get my hands on kbs :( i always miss it.
its out already? looks like i missed it again this year :(
I love the southern tier creme brulee left hand nitro milk is tasty too!
My local shop is supposed to get KBS on Monday! This is always a happy day of the year. We are supposed to be getting 2 cases, 120 shipped to WI, so we're pretty happy with that! I'll open 1 and add the other 3 to the cellar.
i have never been abel to get my hands on kbs :( i always miss it.
its out already? looks like i missed it again this year :(
I love the southern tier creme brulee left hand nitro milk is tasty too!
My local shop is supposed to get KBS on Monday! This is always a happy day of the year. We are supposed to be getting 2 cases, 120 shipped to WI, so we're pretty happy with that! I'll open 1 and add the other 3 to the cellar.
I just talked to the lady who works in the beer and liquor section at Festival Foods if they got any. She said no. She was told that only 30 cases made it into Wisconsin.
My Founders sales rep told me 120, and we got 2, but that really isn't the point. My boss limited us to 2 bottles per employee. I just picked mine up tonight.
I also have a buddy moving to Germany this week who needed some help liquidating his beer and liquor stock, so I also picked up a 2011 Goose Island Bourbon County.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
Milwaukee-14 Denver-22 St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
My Founders sales rep told me 120, and we got 2, but that really isn't the point. My boss limited us to 2 bottles per employee. I just picked mine up tonight.
I also have a buddy moving to Germany this week who needed some help liquidating his beer and liquor stock, so I also picked up a 2011 Goose Island Bourbon County.
I am sure your guy is more reliable. This lady didnt seem that confident. Maybe it was just in NE Wisconsin? 2 bottles? that sucks. Congrats on the Goose Island. That sounds like it will be nice. I am not aging mine. From everything I have seen, KBS loses its coffee and bourbon notes from aging. I love both of those flavors so I will just drink them within the next few months.
I did have some New Holland Dragons Milk tonight, which I liked a lot. Its kind of a poor mans KBS. if you want to call $12 a four pack poor mans.
Does anyone here have any experience with gluten free beer? My sister has celiac and I promised her I would find a decent tasting one for her, but everytime I'm at the store I chicken out on buying some. I don't want to waste money on shitty tasting beer.
Any ideas or recomendations? I trust opinions in this thread more the a random Google search. Thanks.
My Founders sales rep told me 120, and we got 2, but that really isn't the point. My boss limited us to 2 bottles per employee. I just picked mine up tonight.
I also have a buddy moving to Germany this week who needed some help liquidating his beer and liquor stock, so I also picked up a 2011 Goose Island Bourbon County.
I am sure your guy is more reliable. This lady didnt seem that confident. Maybe it was just in NE Wisconsin? 2 bottles? that sucks. Congrats on the Goose Island. That sounds like it will be nice. I am not aging mine. From everything I have seen, KBS loses its coffee and bourbon notes from aging. I love both of those flavors so I will just drink them within the next few months.
I did have some New Holland Dragons Milk tonight, which I liked a lot. Its kind of a poor mans KBS. if you want to call $12 a four pack poor mans.
You work at a liquor store?
I work 4 hours every other week at a local store to get a discount and stay on top of special releases. KBS actually ages pretty well. I think the oldest I've had is 3 years. It loses some of its boozy quality, and I find the coffee and bourbon become more appreciable. I think I've got 3 years of Bourbon County currently aging. I usually drink one, then age the other 3.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
Milwaukee-14 Denver-22 St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
This weekend in Chicago I picked up a Fifty Fifty Brewing Eclipse in purple wax: Elijah Craig 12 yr aged barrel, an Allagash Curiex, and a Stone Dayman. The Stone went in the cooler, the others to the cellar.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
Milwaukee-14 Denver-22 St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
Does anyone here have any experience with gluten free beer? My sister has celiac and I promised her I would find a decent tasting one for her, but everytime I'm at the store I chicken out on buying some. I don't want to waste money on shitty tasting beer.
Any ideas or recomendations? I trust opinions in this thread more the a random Google search. Thanks.
I haven't had any myself, but this thread from BA has a few suggestions that may be worth trying:
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy
Bummer, sorry to hear that. The guy I talked to said there are people that follow the delivery truck from place to place. Thats commitment. I do have to say though, if you don't like whiskey or bourbon, KBS is not for you. I know seems obvious considering the name. My wife does not like whiskey and did not like the KBS.
Let us know how the others are. Don't like Belgians at all but curious about the others.
one of the mix and match I got was an Ale Asylum beers. Almost got the Ambergeddon but I got the Contorter Porter instead. Ill let you know how it is.
IHATEYOU :evil: :evil: :evil:
sorry. I felt like everyone i talked to today was the kbs nazi
No KBS for you
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
I feel your pain...
None of it is coming to Texas...
And it sounds like it's something I would very much enjoy as a single malt scotch drinker, and a recently converted bourbon whiskey aficionado...
I'd love to trade someone for a bottle or two.... but don't see it happening... have both PJ things and lots of great beers from Texas (though I'm not parting with my only other bottle of BBA Hellfighter).
I am still trying to decide if I will age my KBS or not.
After reading this ... -kbs.3406/ I think I will not age them as I prefer the stronger coffee and bourbon notes that seem to fade with aging.
So, did you get any KBS?
Tonight's take...New Belgium lips of faith Cascera Quad. Not bad, but not as good as the real thing.
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
Thems fightin words.
Will never agree to that, especially since I dont like IPAs.
You are right though, if you don't like IPAs, you probably wouldn't like the Hopslam.
Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?
what is this, List-All-the-great-beers-that-don't-sell-in-texas thread?
you guys are depressing me...
haven't had a hopslam either... and i'm definitely a hophead... :(
that's some really good stuff :P
i say we make a chicago to Texas pay for the gas and beer, and i'll load up the tacoma with as much as you want (up to 700lbs of booze)
if only I had the vacation days...
3 weeks is not enough when you have 5 weddings to attend, and only one of them is within driving distance... :(
I would say a beer for barbecue trade would be better. Cant get any good barbecue in Wisconsin.
Tom O.
"I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"
-The Writer
Let's hope it was only filled with bud light.
Officials said the truck was not carrying a load at the time.
Thank God. I figured it was Bud Light and that was what was keeping it afloat.
I just talked to the lady who works in the beer and liquor section at Festival Foods if they got any. She said no. She was told that only 30 cases made it into Wisconsin.
I also have a buddy moving to Germany this week who needed some help liquidating his beer and liquor stock, so I also picked up a 2011 Goose Island Bourbon County.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
I am sure your guy is more reliable. This lady didnt seem that confident. Maybe it was just in NE Wisconsin? 2 bottles? that sucks. Congrats on the Goose Island. That sounds like it will be nice. I am not aging mine. From everything I have seen, KBS loses its coffee and bourbon notes from aging. I love both of those flavors so I will just drink them within the next few months.
I did have some New Holland Dragons Milk tonight, which I liked a lot. Its kind of a poor mans KBS. if you want to call $12 a four pack poor mans.
You work at a liquor store?
Any ideas or recomendations? I trust opinions in this thread more the a random Google search. Thanks.
I work 4 hours every other week at a local store to get a discount and stay on top of special releases. KBS actually ages pretty well. I think the oldest I've had is 3 years. It loses some of its boozy quality, and I find the coffee and bourbon become more appreciable. I think I've got 3 years of Bourbon County currently aging. I usually drink one, then age the other 3.
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23
E.V. Milwaukee-08
Chicago 1 & 2-09
Alpine Valley 1 & 2-11
St. Paul-14
St. Paul 1 & 2 - 23 ... eer.66901/
Shameless beer-related plugs:
Instagram/Twitter/Untappd: FtMyersBeerGuy