SQUATS, 4 sets, up to 265 lbs (OUCH)
Deadlifts, 3 sets, 275 - 315 lbs
Leg Presses, 4 sets, a ton o' weight
Lunges, 1 set of 40 then I about puked...
Leg curls, 3 sets, 110 lbs
Calf raises, 6 sets
Chest and triceps... then a 3 mile run tonight (maybe... it's a rainin cats n dogs)
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
SQUATS, 4 sets, up to 265 lbs (OUCH)
Deadlifts, 3 sets, 275 - 315 lbs
Leg Presses, 4 sets, a ton o' weight
Lunges, 1 set of 40 then I about puked...
Leg curls, 3 sets, 110 lbs
Calf raises, 6 sets
Chest and triceps... then a 3 mile run tonight (maybe... it's a rainin cats n dogs)
jesus dude. that leg work out is pain.
i do a similar one but less weight cause my back is f'd.
i'd prob take a day off before i ran
i never got results from calf raises until i switched it up. now i before i push off i hold for 5 seconds. then when extended i hold for 3 seconds. it's supposed to force your calf to work instead of your achiles slingin all the weight.
random tidbit..
jesus dude. that leg work out is pain.
i do a similar one but less weight cause my back is f'd.
i'd prob take a day off before i ran
i never got results from calf raises until i switched it up. now i before i push off i hold for 5 seconds. then when extended i hold for 3 seconds. it's supposed to force your calf to work instead of your achiles slingin all the weight.
random tidbit..
My legs are extraordinarily weak by nature so it has taken a long time to get them strong. And I do squats below parallel where my butt is basically sitting on my heels. That is why 4 sets is all I need and I'm DONE.
minus the deadlifts you should be able to do those excersizes with a tender back. If there is disc issues then no... but if you keep all the weight on your heels when doing "push" excersizes (squats, leg press, lunges) then there should be very little strain on the lower back. (edit) when the weight rolls forward and your pushing with your toes then you engage your back more than your glutes and hamstrings.
that's good to know about the calf raises. I'll try that next time. I've got itty bitty bird legs below the knee. It does usually feel like an achilles workout usually when I do calf raises.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Wait a minute. We are supposed to work out daily?????
haha... I've worked out 7 times this week and once more tomorrow... but then I won't again until Monday. I just don't feel right if I don't get a good pump or a 40 minute run in...
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Rod Laver Arena - Feb 18, 2003
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Tried the Tracy Anderson Cardio II and Mat workouts today. The cardio is complicated choreography. She breaks it all down in a teaching section, which I didn't bother to go through. I just followed along with her as best I could, which probably wasn't very good but I worked up a good sweat. I felt it in my calf muscles. I really liked the arm portion of the mat workout. That section where she makes you keep your arms out doing various rotations killed! I can see that it would help develop long lean muscles. I didn't feel the workout in my legs or abs a whole lot, probably because it was less intense than what I'm used to. The cardio barre workouts kill my legs...maybe cause the lifts are higher and there are more repetitions. I want to see if I feel any soreness tomorrow. I enjoyed it though. I like her goal of making you leaner and less bulky. She's a good spokesperson for that method cause her body rocks.
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
wow I am SORE after yesterday's workout. Oh well... I have Saturday off.... although I do have my 15 month old son every weekend (and Wednesdays) so that can be a workout just keeping up with him
Chest, abs, run
Bench, 4 * 10, 8, 7, 6 reps.... 225 - 255 lbs
Incline bench w/ dumbbells, 4 * 8 reps, 80 - 90 lbs
Pec fly's (laying on bench), 3 * 10 reps, 45 lbs
Cable fly's w/ pushup supersets, 3 * 10 reps, 70 lbs and pushups to failure in between each set
Machine bench, 3 * 8 reps, ? lbs
Dips, to failure (probably 10 - 15 reps)
10 minutes of abs (crunch machine, "love handle" machine [what are those called?], hanging leg raises)
2 minute run in 15 minutes
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Military Press
Arnold Press
Lateral raises w/ dumbbells
Lateral raise machine
Front raise w/ dumbbells
Front raise w/ machine
Rear delt pulls with a big rubber band
Crunch machine
Hanging leg raises
Oblique twist machine
3 mile run tonight.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
3 mile run tonight on the treadmill. I"m looking forward to it!
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
you have to buy the book... that is the first indicator that it is rubbish.
the people that look the absolute best do aerobic activity with heart rates of 140 - 160 bpm for 30 to 60 minutes... 4 - 5 times per week in addition to anaerobic training.
I do agree that many people overdo the running and end up looking like pudgy skeletons... weird...
It is really hard to find time to work out... when I do... I need to get the most out of my time. A walk isn't gonna do it.
And mostly...
Maybe rationalizing a less difficult workout is a good way to sell books to people who are less dedicated to working out?
then again... I'd have to buy the book to find out if I'm right about my assumptions.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
you have to buy the book... that is the first indicator that it is rubbish.
the people that look the absolute best do aerobic activity with heart rates of 140 - 160 bpm for 30 to 60 minutes... 4 - 5 times per week in addition to anaerobic training.
I do agree that many people overdo the running and end up looking like pudgy skeletons... weird...
It is really hard to find time to work out... when I do... I need to get the most out of my time. A walk isn't gonna do it.
And mostly...
Maybe rationalizing a less difficult workout is a good way to sell books to people who are less dedicated to working out?
then again... I'd have to buy the book to find out if I'm right about my assumptions.
what are you on about?! You don't have to buy any book, he has a book, but he updates his site every single day with free articles. The guy used to be a long distance runner, and is very well researched, have a dig around the archives. He also gives away a free ebook, which is full of interesting stuff - that was to the right hand side of the page I linked to!
Anyway, how you look is mostly to do with diet. As he quite rightly points out, exercising at such high intensity forces your body into glycogen burning and not the intended fat burning. Yes you can burn off calories at that intensity, but you will makes big dents in your precious muscle tissue too.
In terms of getting the most out of your time - surely if your goal is to burn FAT in the shortest time possible, it would make more sense to aim for a diet/exercise regime that maximises your efforts? If you get the diet right, i.e. mantain a lower blood sugar with minimal insulin spikes, something like walking actually can be very effective.
well, you won't be burning muscle tissue if you 1) eat enough and eat right, 2) get enough sleep. You definitely don't need 600 g of carbs per day. Bodybuilders do that much cardio and they're sometimes 300 lbs of muscle. That lifestyle is really unhealthy but it is an example that cardio doesn't eat away muscle if you're putting the right food and the right amount into your body.
I don't know about this guy... like you say... but when I try to dig deep into what he is saying it directs me to buying his book. I want to know about his research....
Finally, and most importantly, the critical FLAW of this guy's plan is that he is comparing what we do now for physical activity to our ancient ancestors... hunters and gatherers. WHY? WHY would we want to be as healthy as those who had a life expectancy of 30 freakin' years? Seems like an illogical assumption to me.
And I still think he is rationalizing a less difficult workout for those who don't want to work as hard and so he can sell those people a book. Just my opinion...
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Had a shockingly sore back for over a week now.....too much computer work.....on this thing for 18 hours a day sometimes.....feels like my whole rib cage moves forward and then I get a stabbing pain right around to the middle of my chest which lasts for about 20 seconds.....and also makes me feel like a can't breathe and sends shooting pains up my neck.....so my hour long Tracy Anderson workout/s have been out.....
But the last couple of days I've done some sit ups, arm weights, lunges, squats etc.....10-15 mins.....feels good to do something.
Had a shockingly sore back for over a week now.....too much computer work.....on this thing for 18 hours a day sometimes.....feels like my whole rib cage moves forward and then I get a stabbing pain right around to the middle of my chest which lasts for about 20 seconds.....and also makes me feel like a can't breathe and sends shooting pains up my neck.....so my hour long Tracy Anderson workout/s have been out.....
But the last couple of days I've done some sit ups, arm weights, lunges, squats etc.....10-15 mins.....feels good to do something.
I think it's time to see a physio.
ouch ziggy
your 18 hr work load on the computer is crazy.
im on this thing a lot writing but i dont believe 18 hrs worth.
i'll be swimming in about 45 minutes or so.
greatest thing in the world for me, swimming.
the warm water instantaneously soothes my broken down ass.
wonderful for my respiratory system, weight loss, and broken down bone fucking.
ouch ziggy
your 18 hr work load on the computer is crazy.
im on this thing a lot writing but i dont believe 18 hrs worth.
i'll be swimming in about 45 minutes or so.
greatest thing in the world for me, swimming.
the warm water instantaneous soothes my broken down ass.
wonderful for my respiratory system, weight loss, and broken down bone fucking.
Chadwick, one day you will understand the joy of geothermal soaking. Super-heated water straight out of the earth. Different pools have different naturally occuring chemicals like lithium. Oh man, some of those lithium pools. It'sa whole 'notha level of relaxed, especially mixed with the green and some wine.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Had a shockingly sore back for over a week now.....too much computer work.....on this thing for 18 hours a day sometimes.....feels like my whole rib cage moves forward and then I get a stabbing pain right around to the middle of my chest which lasts for about 20 seconds.....and also makes me feel like a can't breathe and sends shooting pains up my neck.....so my hour long Tracy Anderson workout/s have been out.....
But the last couple of days I've done some sit ups, arm weights, lunges, squats etc.....10-15 mins.....feels good to do something.
I think it's time to see a physio.
ouch ziggy
your 18 hr work load on the computer is crazy.
I know! I started my day at 8am and it's now 1.30am and I'm still working on the little bastard! :x
Chadwick, one day you will understand the joy of geothermal soaking. Super-heated water straight out of the earth. Different pools have different naturally occuring chemicals like lithium. Oh man, some of those lithium pools. It'sa whole 'notha level of relaxed, especially mixed with the green and some wine.
Chadwick, one day you will understand the joy of geothermal soaking. Super-heated water straight out of the earth. Different pools have different naturally occuring chemicals like lithium. Oh man, some of those lithium pools. It'sa whole 'notha level of relaxed, especially mixed with the green and some wine.
That's what I need. Take me.
I am gonna assume your geothermal pools are poisonous? Anyhoo, I need a long soak right now as well. Instead of going into the backcountry this weekend, I spent three days re-stuccoing and re-painting my house. Ever applied stucco? Holy tedious fucking shit, batman! On the plus side, my shoulders and arms are now strong enough that I could put a griz in a full-nelson.
Idaho's Premier Outdoor Writer
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
I am gonna assume your geothermal pools are poisonous? Anyhoo, I need a long soak right now as well. Instead of going into the backcountry this weekend, I spent three days re-stuccoing and re-painting my house. Ever applied stucco? Holy tedious fucking shit, batman! On the plus side, my shoulders and arms are now strong enough that I could put a griz in a full-nelson.
Of course they're fucking poisonous! It's Australia!!
No to the stucco. Yes to photos of your rippling muscley shoulders and arms! Just to see the effects of the workout on your muscle tone of course.
arnold shoulder presses, 4 * 8, 45 lbs dumbells
lateral raises 4 * 10 - 12, 35 lbs dumbells
front raises 3 * 10, 45 lb plate
rear delt raises, 3 * 15, 20 lbs
shrugs, 3 * 12, 225 then about 50 with 90 lb dumbells
Shoulder "pump" (1 set of 100 standing presses with a 45 lb bar) OUCH.
Abs abs abs for about 20 minutes... sit ups with a plate, pull downs, knee ups, sitting v's... (not sure about the terminology)
Another 5 mile run tonight.
now a 30 minute run.
SQUATS, 4 sets, up to 265 lbs (OUCH)
Deadlifts, 3 sets, 275 - 315 lbs
Leg Presses, 4 sets, a ton o' weight
Lunges, 1 set of 40 then I about puked...
Leg curls, 3 sets, 110 lbs
Calf raises, 6 sets
Chest and triceps... then a 3 mile run tonight (maybe... it's a rainin cats n dogs)
and some weight lifting.
as always
im crushing my knee
stuffing it into a small box
filled with screws and glass
bone on bone
grinding down into dust
feels great
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
This should be in the Balls Thread....do they float?
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
wait.... scratch the floating bit.
my package sinks to the bottom like stone
quite heavy
stone tends to be stiff
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
The stick floats but the stones don't, just another sign of Waffle's sense of humor.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
jesus dude. that leg work out is pain.
i do a similar one but less weight cause my back is f'd.
i'd prob take a day off before i ran
i never got results from calf raises until i switched it up. now i before i push off i hold for 5 seconds. then when extended i hold for 3 seconds. it's supposed to force your calf to work instead of your achiles slingin all the weight.
random tidbit..
My legs are extraordinarily weak by nature so it has taken a long time to get them strong. And I do squats below parallel where my butt is basically sitting on my heels. That is why 4 sets is all I need and I'm DONE.
minus the deadlifts you should be able to do those excersizes with a tender back. If there is disc issues then no... but if you keep all the weight on your heels when doing "push" excersizes (squats, leg press, lunges) then there should be very little strain on the lower back. (edit) when the weight rolls forward and your pushing with your toes then you engage your back more than your glutes and hamstrings.
that's good to know about the calf raises. I'll try that next time. I've got itty bitty bird legs below the knee. It does usually feel like an achilles workout usually when I do calf raises.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
haha... I've worked out 7 times this week and once more tomorrow... but then I won't again until Monday. I just don't feel right if I don't get a good pump or a 40 minute run in...
Rod Laver Arena - Nov 13, 2006
Adelaide Oval - Nov 17, 2009
Etihad Stadium - Nov 20, 2009
BDO Melbourne - Jan 24, 2014
New York - May 02 - 2016
Powered by Pearl Jam
"I need your strength for me to be strong...I need your love to feel loved"
wide grip pull ups (lats), 4 sets, about 12 - 15 per set
bent over rows, 90 lbs, 4 sets 10 reps
row machine, 155 - 175 lbs, 4 sets 10 reps
deadlifts, 225 - 315 lbs, 4 sets 6 - 8 reps
lat extensions, 90 lbs, 3 sets 10 - 12 reps
standing bar curls, 80 - 90 lbs, 4 sets 8 reps
sitting dumbbell curls, 25 lbs, 4 sets 10 reps
preacher curls, 25 plates, 3 sets 8 reps
hammer curls, 35 lbs, 3 sets 8 reps
pull ups until failure
sit ups for 10 minutes or until I puke :oops:
3 mile run tonight.
Chest, abs, run
Bench, 4 * 10, 8, 7, 6 reps.... 225 - 255 lbs
Incline bench w/ dumbbells, 4 * 8 reps, 80 - 90 lbs
Pec fly's (laying on bench), 3 * 10 reps, 45 lbs
Cable fly's w/ pushup supersets, 3 * 10 reps, 70 lbs and pushups to failure in between each set
Machine bench, 3 * 8 reps, ? lbs
Dips, to failure (probably 10 - 15 reps)
10 minutes of abs (crunch machine, "love handle" machine [what are those called?], hanging leg raises)
2 minute run in 15 minutes
Military Press
Arnold Press
Lateral raises w/ dumbbells
Lateral raise machine
Front raise w/ dumbbells
Front raise w/ machine
Rear delt pulls with a big rubber band
Crunch machine
Hanging leg raises
Oblique twist machine
3 mile run tonight.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
You look forward to that?! An interesting article I read about chronic cardio:
initial thoughts:
you have to buy the book... that is the first indicator that it is rubbish.
the people that look the absolute best do aerobic activity with heart rates of 140 - 160 bpm for 30 to 60 minutes... 4 - 5 times per week in addition to anaerobic training.
I do agree that many people overdo the running and end up looking like pudgy skeletons... weird...
It is really hard to find time to work out... when I do... I need to get the most out of my time. A walk isn't gonna do it.
And mostly...
Maybe rationalizing a less difficult workout is a good way to sell books to people who are less dedicated to working out?
then again... I'd have to buy the book to find out if I'm right about my assumptions.
what are you on about?! You don't have to buy any book, he has a book, but he updates his site every single day with free articles. The guy used to be a long distance runner, and is very well researched, have a dig around the archives. He also gives away a free ebook, which is full of interesting stuff - that was to the right hand side of the page I linked to!
Anyway, how you look is mostly to do with diet. As he quite rightly points out, exercising at such high intensity forces your body into glycogen burning and not the intended fat burning. Yes you can burn off calories at that intensity, but you will makes big dents in your precious muscle tissue too.
In terms of getting the most out of your time - surely if your goal is to burn FAT in the shortest time possible, it would make more sense to aim for a diet/exercise regime that maximises your efforts? If you get the diet right, i.e. mantain a lower blood sugar with minimal insulin spikes, something like walking actually can be very effective.
I don't know about this guy... like you say... but when I try to dig deep into what he is saying it directs me to buying his book. I want to know about his research....
Finally, and most importantly, the critical FLAW of this guy's plan is that he is comparing what we do now for physical activity to our ancient ancestors... hunters and gatherers. WHY? WHY would we want to be as healthy as those who had a life expectancy of 30 freakin' years? Seems like an illogical assumption to me.
And I still think he is rationalizing a less difficult workout for those who don't want to work as hard and so he can sell those people a book. Just my opinion...
But the last couple of days I've done some sit ups, arm weights, lunges, squats etc.....10-15 mins.....feels good to do something.
I think it's time to see a physio.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
your 18 hr work load on the computer is crazy.
im on this thing a lot writing but i dont believe 18 hrs worth.
i'll be swimming in about 45 minutes or so.
greatest thing in the world for me, swimming.
the warm water instantaneously soothes my broken down ass.
wonderful for my respiratory system, weight loss, and broken down bone fucking.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Chadwick, one day you will understand the joy of geothermal soaking. Super-heated water straight out of the earth. Different pools have different naturally occuring chemicals like lithium. Oh man, some of those lithium pools. It'sa whole 'notha level of relaxed, especially mixed with the green and some wine.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
I know! I started my day at 8am and it's now 1.30am and I'm still working on the little bastard! :x
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
That's what I need. Take me.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
I am gonna assume your geothermal pools are poisonous? Anyhoo, I need a long soak right now as well. Instead of going into the backcountry this weekend, I spent three days re-stuccoing and re-painting my house. Ever applied stucco? Holy tedious fucking shit, batman! On the plus side, my shoulders and arms are now strong enough that I could put a griz in a full-nelson.
Please Support My Writing Habit By Purchasing A Book:
Of course they're fucking poisonous! It's Australia!!
No to the stucco. Yes to photos of your rippling muscley shoulders and arms!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★