day 79 no cigarettes. march 23rd coming up will be 3 months!
day 70 no weed/no alcohol. april 1st will be 3 months!
and i was thinking, maybe the term "trier" isn't least not for me, i feel a better word would be "doer" ...cuz i'm not trying, i'm doing! but maybe that's just me.
anyway, hope everyone's doing well! how about some more updates from people besides myself and heartshapedbox?!
day 79 no cigarettes. march 23rd coming up will be 3 months!
day 70 no weed/no alcohol. april 1st will be 3 months!
and i was thinking, maybe the term "trier" isn't least not for me, i feel a better word would be "doer" ...cuz i'm not trying, i'm doing! but maybe that's just me.
anyway, hope everyone's doing well! how about some more updates from people besides myself and heartshapedbox?!
Thats really good! They say that addiction works in threes so, three days,three weeks, 3 months.. you've made it past the hard part!
I have given up on cigs (ohavnt had any smokes for a 3 weeks now) and i never was a huge drinker so that part was easy but i refuse to give up my darlin mary
I just found this thread yesterday and it has taken me 2 days to read the whole thing. You guys are an inspiration, that's for sure! I truly hope this stays around for a long time.
I have been smoking for about 22 years and have been just scared as heck to even try to quit. I tried a couple of times before but have always been sucked back in. Now that I'm 40, I can't take it any more! One thing that has helped me tons is Alan Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking". It really gave me a different perspective on the whole thing and at least helped me get over the irrational fear I've had. I gave it shot a couple of weeks ago and made about 3 days before I found a pack with 4 smokes left in it in my car. I had one a day for the next 4 days and thought, okay, that's done. Then, I found myself pumping gas and caved and went inside to buy a pack. For the past week, I have had 1, sometimes 2 a day. It's not even the cravings or pangs that are getting me, I think it is just truly the habit. It seems the drive home is a real kicker for me, as well as when I take my dogs to the park at night. Most of my smoking was in the car and that is the place that I'm finding the most difficulty. I don't crave the on the way to work smoke any more, or even the lunch break one. It's that drive home, especially if I have to make any stops along the way. It seems so ridiculous to be hung up on one or two a day!
I just found this thread yesterday and it has taken me 2 days to read the whole thing. You guys are an inspiration, that's for sure! I truly hope this stays around for a long time.
I have been smoking for about 22 years and have been just scared as heck to even try to quit. I tried a couple of times before but have always been sucked back in. Now that I'm 40, I can't take it any more! One thing that has helped me tons is Alan Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking". It really gave me a different perspective on the whole thing and at least helped me get over the irrational fear I've had. I gave it shot a couple of weeks ago and made about 3 days before I found a pack with 4 smokes left in it in my car. I had one a day for the next 4 days and thought, okay, that's done. Then, I found myself pumping gas and caved and went inside to buy a pack. For the past week, I have had 1, sometimes 2 a day. It's not even the cravings or pangs that are getting me, I think it is just truly the habit. It seems the drive home is a real kicker for me, as well as when I take my dogs to the park at night. Most of my smoking was in the car and that is the place that I'm finding the most difficulty. I don't crave the on the way to work smoke any more, or even the lunch break one. It's that drive home, especially if I have to make any stops along the way. It seems so ridiculous to be hung up on one or two a day!
Wow!! You read this whole thread? If you can do that, you can definitely quit. I'm psyched to see this come back to life..
Good Luck Everyone!!!
Keep posting, so we'll all know how everyone is doing.
((((((((((((((((((((((((( love & hugs ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Wow!! You read this whole thread? If you can do that, you can definitely quit. I'm psyched to see this come back to life..
Good Luck Everyone!!!
Keep posting, so we'll all know how everyone is doing.
((((((((((((((((((((((((( love & hugs ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Thanks! I sure hope this thread does liven up again. I sure could use the help!!
I guess it's a good, and a bad thing that this thread hasn't been busy. Either way, I wish people who have quit, come by and give some encouragement to those who are trying, and to those who are trying and/or thinking of trying, come back for the support...
if you are having difficulty with the ones in the car on the way home.. is there anything you have tried to do differently here? Some people find it helpful if they try varying the way the drive home (take a different route, listen to a different radio station or cd) .. are some small examples. Do you normally drive with the window down? could you change anything about that? Could you change the way your car smells? is there anything at all different you could do? Becuase behaviours and habbits are hard to change, it's something you've learned over a period of time. just about breaking those habbits any way you can
Best of luck to you and all the new quitters out there. I hope you are starting to notice some changes !
if you are having difficulty with the ones in the car on the way home.. is there anything you have tried to do differently here? Some people find it helpful if they try varying the way the drive home (take a different route, listen to a different radio station or cd) .. are some small examples. Do you normally drive with the window down? could you change anything about that? Could you change the way your car smells? is there anything at all different you could do? Becuase behaviours and habbits are hard to change, it's something you've learned over a period of time. just about breaking those habbits any way you can
Best of luck to you and all the new quitters out there. I hope you are starting to notice some changes !
That was one of the tough one's for me to, along with after eating and drinking coffee. Just try and keep something in your hands all the time, and chew gum or some kind of hard candy.
You can try all the above that you mentioned for the car ride out. I do have the music louder in my car and I am constantly chewing gum..
I wish you & edvedder913 the BEST of LUCK!!!! edvedder913 that's so fantastic that you have gone 5 days!! I've always said if you can do one then your chances to succeed are that much better Yay!!!
Thanks HeartShappedBox!
and thanks for the tips, Stella... I'll give some of those a try...
Okay, I am gonna be completely smoke free today!
edvedder913, I hear ya... I really wish I didn't miss it so much... I keep telling myself I don't need it, I never really liked it, etc... I'm gonna keep trying, one day at a time...
This may sound ridiculous (and I can guarantee it looks ridiculous), but for driving you could try taking straws and cutting them to the length of regular cigarettes and hold them as if you are smoking. Whenever you need to drag, you could drag on the straw. Believe me, I quit last year and this is what I did to take my mind off of smoking while driving to work. As I said, you may look ridiculous but it worked for me. I even found myself flicking the "ashes" out the window without thinking about it. Good luck.
We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.--Bill Hicks
This may sound ridiculous (and I can guarantee it looks ridiculous), but for driving you could try taking straws and cutting them to the length of regular cigarettes and hold them as if you are smoking. Whenever you need to drag, you could drag on the straw. Believe me, I quit last year and this is what I did to take my mind off of smoking while driving to work. As I said, you may look ridiculous but it worked for me. I even found myself flicking the "ashes" out the window without thinking about it. Good luck.
thanks, maybe I'll give that a try... I have noticed that when I'm stopped at a light, I find my left hand kind of hovering with my fingers moving around, like they are looking for something to hold on to! maybe the straw is the solution:)
thanks, maybe I'll give that a try... I have noticed that when I'm stopped at a light, I find my left hand kind of hovering with my fingers moving around, like they are looking for something to hold on to! maybe the straw is the solution:)
Hope it works for you. The car was the toughest. Everywhere else wasn't so bad but the car was the toughest b/c I was by myself.
We are the facilitators of our own creative evolution.--Bill Hicks
I'm on Day 98 of no cigs. April 23rd will be 4 months.
that is awesome!! congrats...
well, I made it all day, even through the drive home... up until about time to take the dogs for their nightly venture through the park... I don't know what I was thinking, but I just had to take one with me... as soon as I lit it, I regretted it... but, today is a new day... I know I just need to get rid of this pack...
I hope your really feeling great about yourselves you certainly should...I hit my 7th month mark. I can't believe it will be coming up on a year soon.. Keep this thread alive... I believe it really does help
Once Again Congrats!!!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Big Hugs ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Well, I think it's obvious this thread is a shadow of it's former self, but I'm just gonna keep postin' my successes and failures. It's kind of therapeutic in itself!
Well, for the past 2 weeks, I have been having 1 sometimes 2 smokes a day. This past weekend I finally finished the pack I bought about 2 weeks ago, so now I am smoke free for a continuous total of 46 hours. I did pick up some cinnamon flavored toothpicks at the health food store that I've been using in the car, which seems to curb that desire. Now if I can just stop thinking about smoking. How long does that take to go away??
Today is a total of 72 hours... I guess if I make it until tomorrow, I can start measuring by days instead of hours... here's hoping for day 4:)
You can do it!!! I have to go back to the hospital for a PETSCAN, and what that is, is they inject your body with radiation. Then you have to wait an hour for it to go through your whole body, then you go under a scan that go from your head to your toes.
I have COPD and a partially collapsed lung. What the PETSCAN does is let you know if you have cancer. I've stopped smoking over seven months ago, and I'm very proud of that. I'm just dreading this test.
Please everyone, don't wait till you actually are sick like I did, to stop smoking..
Good Luck to all of you!!!!
I'm really very proud of you. Just keep checking in no matter what. It really does help
You can do it!!! I have to go back to the hospital for a PETSCAN, and what that is, is they inject your body with radiation. Then you have to wait an hour for it to go through your whole body, then you go under a scan that go from your head to your toes.
I have COPD and a partially collapsed lung. What the PETSCAN does is let you know if you have cancer. I've stopped smoking over seven months ago, and I'm very proud of that. I'm just dreading this test.
Please everyone, don't wait till you actually are sick like I did, to stop smoking..
Good Luck to all of you!!!!
I'm really very proud of you. Just keep checking in no matter what. It really does help
Good luck to all. It's obviously not easy but so worthwhile. I can't believe it's been almost 25 months for me. Who would have thought, I was such a hardcore smoker. So nice not to have to plan things around the next smoke.
Well, the nicotine monster got me again! :( I have been really stressed the last few weeks, what with the whole law school transfer and moving thing, and I just snapped! We'll see how long this lasts before I get sick of it again - or decide I really want to get my nails done! That was my reward for quitting smoking - I took the money I spent on cigs and used it to get my nails done and a pedicure. So we'll see if the stress or the vanity wins out
"I was born, and I know that I'll die...the in-between is mine."
Well, the nicotine monster got me again! :( I have been really stressed the last few weeks, what with the whole law school transfer and moving thing, and I just snapped! We'll see how long this lasts before I get sick of it again - or decide I really want to get my nails done! That was my reward for quitting smoking - I took the money I spent on cigs and used it to get my nails done and a pedicure. So we'll see if the stress or the vanity wins out
When your ready try again. It took me several tries to quit.
I really hope your all doing well
I just want to say Congrats to all the triers & I am very proud of all of you
I Wish You All Well & Never Give Up!!!!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( love & hugs )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
day 79 no cigarettes. march 23rd coming up will be 3 months!
day 70 no weed/no alcohol. april 1st will be 3 months!
and i was thinking, maybe the term "trier" isn't least not for me, i feel a better word would be "doer" ...cuz i'm not trying, i'm doing! but maybe that's just me.
anyway, hope everyone's doing well! how about some more updates from people besides myself and heartshapedbox?!
I'm just happy that alot of people are not smoking. That's what this whole thread is REALLY about. Getting those cancer sticks out of your hands.
In a couple of weeks I'll be going on seven months, I'm getting closer to a year!! Whoo Hooo!!!
Everyone that is participating has to be VERY PROUD of yourselves!!!
((((((((((((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))))))
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Music for Rhinos - extra kudos for you - quitting both smokes at one time is completely insane
Thats really good! They say that addiction works in threes so, three days,three weeks, 3 months.. you've made it past the hard part!
I have given up on cigs (ohavnt had any smokes for a 3 weeks now) and i never was a huge drinker so that part was easy but i refuse to give up my darlin mary
I just found this thread yesterday and it has taken me 2 days to read the whole thing. You guys are an inspiration, that's for sure! I truly hope this stays around for a long time.
I have been smoking for about 22 years and have been just scared as heck to even try to quit. I tried a couple of times before but have always been sucked back in. Now that I'm 40, I can't take it any more! One thing that has helped me tons is Alan Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking". It really gave me a different perspective on the whole thing and at least helped me get over the irrational fear I've had. I gave it shot a couple of weeks ago and made about 3 days before I found a pack with 4 smokes left in it in my car. I had one a day for the next 4 days and thought, okay, that's done. Then, I found myself pumping gas and caved and went inside to buy a pack. For the past week, I have had 1, sometimes 2 a day. It's not even the cravings or pangs that are getting me, I think it is just truly the habit. It seems the drive home is a real kicker for me, as well as when I take my dogs to the park at night. Most of my smoking was in the car and that is the place that I'm finding the most difficulty. I don't crave the on the way to work smoke any more, or even the lunch break one. It's that drive home, especially if I have to make any stops along the way. It seems so ridiculous to be hung up on one or two a day!
Good Luck Everyone!!!
Keep posting, so we'll all know how everyone is doing.
((((((((((((((((((((((((( love & hugs ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Thanks! I sure hope this thread does liven up again. I sure could use the help!!
Good Luck
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
if you are having difficulty with the ones in the car on the way home.. is there anything you have tried to do differently here? Some people find it helpful if they try varying the way the drive home (take a different route, listen to a different radio station or cd) .. are some small examples. Do you normally drive with the window down? could you change anything about that? Could you change the way your car smells? is there anything at all different you could do? Becuase behaviours and habbits are hard to change, it's something you've learned over a period of time. just about breaking those habbits any way you can
Best of luck to you and all the new quitters out there. I hope you are starting to notice some changes !
You can try all the above that you mentioned for the car ride out. I do have the music louder in my car and I am constantly chewing gum..
I wish you & edvedder913 the BEST of LUCK!!!! edvedder913 that's so fantastic that you have gone 5 days!! I've always said if you can do one then your chances to succeed are that much better Yay!!!
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
and thanks for the tips, Stella... I'll give some of those a try...
Okay, I am gonna be completely smoke free today!
edvedder913, I hear ya... I really wish I didn't miss it so much... I keep telling myself I don't need it, I never really liked it, etc... I'm gonna keep trying, one day at a time...
thanks, maybe I'll give that a try... I have noticed that when I'm stopped at a light, I find my left hand kind of hovering with my fingers moving around, like they are looking for something to hold on to! maybe the straw is the solution:)
Hope it works for you. The car was the toughest. Everywhere else wasn't so bad but the car was the toughest b/c I was by myself.
that is awesome!! congrats...
well, I made it all day, even through the drive home... up until about time to take the dogs for their nightly venture through the park... I don't know what I was thinking, but I just had to take one with me... as soon as I lit it, I regretted it... but, today is a new day... I know I just need to get rid of this pack...
double argh...
I hope your really feeling great about yourselves
Once Again Congrats!!!
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Big Hugs ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Well, for the past 2 weeks, I have been having 1 sometimes 2 smokes a day. This past weekend I finally finished the pack I bought about 2 weeks ago, so now I am smoke free for a continuous total of 46 hours. I did pick up some cinnamon flavored toothpicks at the health food store that I've been using in the car, which seems to curb that desire. Now if I can just stop thinking about smoking. How long does that take to go away??
That's all for now,
I have COPD and a partially collapsed lung. What the PETSCAN does is let you know if you have cancer. I've stopped smoking over seven months ago, and I'm very proud of that. I'm just dreading this test.
Please everyone, don't wait till you actually are sick like I did, to stop smoking..
Good Luck to all of you!!!!
I'm really very proud of you. Just keep checking in no matter what. It really does help
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( hugs )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Fingers crossed and healthy vibes heading to you, HeartShapedBox, for a clean bill of health!
Thanks for your continued support:)
I wish you well HeartShapedBox.
Looking forward to my 4-month mark in 2 weeks exactly.
To all the doers, keep it going.
When your ready try again. It took me several tries to quit.