((( The Stop Smoking Cigarettes Thread)))



  • Update from my end. The fiance and I are doing fine. I was at a card game last night with a ton of smoke and now my sinuses are killing me. I guess that's what happens.
    Wow! Long time no speak!
    I am sooo glad you both are still going strong.

    Yeah did the card game in like week 2 and it made me sick, which is great!

    I hope you guys think this gets easier over time.

    Keep checking in!
  • i quit smoking like a year and half ago, congrats to any(all) of you that are still with it, its hard and you will still think about it from time to time in the future. I took the patch but didnt read the instructions, so i didnt know that you were supposed to do the first step for like 5 weeks, the second for like 3 weeks and the 3rd for one week, i just did each one for a week and that was it. i got sick of having them ripped off me every night anyways. it just proves that its all mind over matter anyways, stick with it. its worth it.

    Thanks for that. The sticky patches on my arms and the stains they leave are going to take a long time to dissipate. But, well worth the price.

    Congratulations to you on 1.5 Years!!

    That is an amazing accomplishment and how to replicate.

    Thanks for the words of encouragement.
  • Day 1: I had my last smoke last night at about ten and made it last, I tell ya! That last puff was sweet, but I was glad to get it over with in a way, because I know i'll be better off not smoking.
    Hubby's already had about 5 smokes today, and ive had a go at him and told him to atleast keep the packet away from view :mad:

    I really feel like one, but im staying strong, I know you are all barracking for me (thanks BD :D )
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • pearljamjenpearljamjen Posts: 13,578
    Day 1: I had my last smoke last night at about ten and made it last, I tell ya! That last puff was sweet, but I was glad to get it over with in a way, because I know i'll be better off not smoking.
    Hubby's already had about 5 smokes today, and ive had a go at him and told him to atleast keep the packet away from view :mad:

    I really feel like one, but im staying strong, I know you are all barracking for me (thanks BD :D )

    Aww I'm so glad you are doing this!!! You are so much stronger than that ciggy!! I know you will do so well!

    I'm really proud of everyone participating in this challenge :)
  • Thanks squirt, means alot...:o

    Half a day over, and its good, had my other Aunty over today and Mother-in-Law and thats kept me occupied. Eaten shit food and have had numerous coffees :D

    I feel like the craving is picking its way from the inside out...:eek:
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • Drinking is the hardest....on my second and already "need" one - doesnt help when hubby's outside every five mins faggin' away :(

    But I know to keep my chin up so as not to "cave"....grrrrrrrr :mad:

    Thanks to Hartahm....your words make a difference. :)

    Edit to add: How could I forget :o CONGRATULATIONS hartahm for going a month without to Cancer Sticks *claps enthusiastically* :D
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • hartamh wrote:
    Thank you, I'm going through the same thing as far as our husbands still smoking when we are quitting. I've gotten to the point where I just can't stand the smell of it, like right now I'm in the computer room and this is the room where he shuts the door and smokes away. I automatically smell it when I come here, but I'm getting stronger and it does suck to have to deal with this on top of everything else.

    yellowled24 anytime you need to talk I will be here for you :-) . Your gonna get through this sweetie I just know it :-) .

    lol ((((((hugs for you)))))))
    My god, that almost brought a tear to my eye :o...words cant express how much the words and support mean to me....

    Have told a few people in net land about quitting and no one has been as supportive as you guys here ((((hugs to all)))) Needless to say, its come at a time when I really need an ear and shoulder

    Well, feeling good, almost the end of the day here and even though ive felt like one all day and especially now that ive been drinking....im actually really proud that I havent given into temptation (god knows ive been close!!!)

    Thankyou everyone!!!! :D
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • Yay :D:D

    Ive made it through the first day :D

    Goodnight from me...tomorrow - BRING IT ON!!!
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • chimechime Posts: 7,839
    Congrats yellowled24 on your success on your first day :)

    ... and everyone else on another successful weekend.

    Can't believe for our first stoppers are nearly at a month :eek: ... some big celebrations coming in this thread soon :D:D:D
    So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
  • hartamh wrote:
    I LOVE YOUR ATTITUDE ;) I'm wishing you the best keep us posted friend :)

    See If one of us is not around, another brave and successful soul is there to help out :D

    I can't believe we are getting to a month on Thursday! 2 of my kids are born on the 2nd day of the month so it will always be easy to remember (I started on my little girl's 3rd B-day)

    So day 27 will have a hitch as I am going to my friends house where everyone smokes. Not a big deal anymore :)

    Y24, I am soooo happy you got through Day 1. It only gets easier. You have a kindered soul in Hartamh as both of you have husbands who have not smoked! I am lucky that part of making it through is not a burden for me! You two have it MUCH harder. I am thrilled for you guys!

    Let's hear how the world is doing!
  • Wow! BD, your kids share the same birthdate? Cool :cool:

    And WELL DONE *claps* too all of our non smokers for a month of fresh air :D
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Is it too late to join this Quitting Smoking thread?

    I want to quit, and have been thinking of doing so for a few months, but it came to a head yesterday when I was informed my Aunty had suffered a stroke and is brain dead...she smoked and was reletively young - I don't want to end up like that and I know she would want me to quit, for her, so I need some encouragement, please.

    Am unsure how well i'll do, because all I want to do right now is drink and smoke....

    Oh babe thats tragic...so sorry for you.

    Maybe give yourself a few days them come join some superstars in here.

    Righto been on a little holiday but Im back now to crack the whip. TEYL gotta be day 24???
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Yep day 24 for some. Good shit

    Hey BD and Hartamh are you still both on the patches and for how much longer.

    Left porch you patching also?
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Chime wrote:
    Congrats yellowled24 on your success on your first day :)

    ... and everyone else on another successful weekend.

    Can't believe for our first stoppers are nearly at a month :eek: ... some big celebrations coming in this thread soon :D:D:D

    Yeah I cant believe its been nearly a month for some as well. Awesome work team.

    Just went back a few pages and there are a couple more joiners and supporters. This thread should win an award
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJon wrote:
    Oh babe thats tragic...so sorry for you.

    Maybe give yourself a few days them come join some superstars in here.

    Righto been on a little holiday but Im back now to crack the whip. TEYL gotta be day 24???
    Awww, thanks Brendan (((hugs)))

    I did smoke heavily for a couple of days, but every time I had a smoke I felt like I was going to have a brain bleed :eek:

    I havent had a chance to read back on this thread as yet...have you quit too Brendan?
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    Awww, thanks Brendan (((hugs)))

    I did smoke heavily for a couple of days, but every time I had a smoke I felt like I was going to have a brain bleed :eek:

    I havent had a chance to read back on this thread as yet...have you quit too Brendan?


    Yeah man I ditched them about 3 years ago when I got the fitness bug. Have maybe 4 or 5 a year on a big occasion (or after a white line of cocamacola).

    I found it terribly easy to quit....just didnt drink for two weeks and lost that association of beer = bunger
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJon wrote:

    Yeah man I ditched them about 3 years ago when I got the fitness bug. Have maybe 4 or 5 a year on a big occasion (or after a white line of cocamacola).

    I found it terribly easy to quit....just didnt drink for two weeks and lost that association of beer = bunger
    Well done! :D

    I wont lecture you on the 'other' stuff you should quit ;)

    I'm worried about the drinking=smoking part of it...hubbys 30th is in December, and yeah, just worrying about that...so you found it fairly easy with drinking and not smoking?

    Any tips?
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • DonJonDonJon Posts: 5,089
    By December you'll be a non-smoker so wont have a problem. :D
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me.
  • DonJon wrote:
    By December you'll be a non-smoker so wont have a problem. :D
    Haha...cool :cool::D
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • StellaStella Posts: 283
    Awww, thanks Brendan (((hugs)))

    I did smoke heavily for a couple of days, but every time I had a smoke I felt like I was going to have a brain bleed :eek:

    I havent had a chance to read back on this thread as yet...have you quit too Brendan?

    Oh Missy, i had no idea you had given up! sorry to have ditched you on msn today, got a phone call and by the time i came back you were gone! Congrats Congrats Congrats....!!!! :)

    Hope all is going well. I know you can do it.

    Love to everyone out there in quitsville land :) You are all doing wonderfully.
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  • StellaStella Posts: 283
    Actually i do have a tip for drinking and smoking. Try drinking a different drink to what you normally do. Or even drinking it out of a different glass.. standing in a different spot of the house to drink it.. Or the big one.

    If you do find yourself wanting a smoke, make sure you go to an unpleasant place to smoke.. like by the garbage bins. Go there, have your cigarette, smoke it standing up, no drinking, just you, the bins and the smokes. finish it and then go back to the party. Make smoking just about the smoking. nothing else.

    Hope these tips help.. and just remember the reasons for why you want to quit :)
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  • chimechime Posts: 7,839
    hartamh wrote:
    Thank you, I'm going through the same thing as far as our husbands still smoking when we are quitting. I've gotten to the point where I just can't stand the smell of it, like right now I'm in the computer room and this is the room where he shuts the door and smokes away. I automatically smell it when I come here, but I'm getting stronger and it does suck to have to deal with this on top of everything else.

    yellowled24 anytime you need to talk I will be here for you :) . Your gonna get through this sweetie I just know it :) .

    lol ((((((hugs for you)))))))

    I'm sure you've earmarked were your savings from quitting will go but wondered if a month or two of quitting could be enough savings to reward yourself with a laptop so you could go wireless and enjoy your computer time away from the smell?

    Happy Monday all :)
    So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
  • Stella!!!! Long time no post eh? I 'spose, if you cant post in LW, may as well post here, hehe :D:D

    Thank you soooooo much for your beautiful and wise words for us all here, Stella :)

    You have very good points, and ones that are helpful for those trying to cut down or eventually quit. Me? Im on my second day and feeling the same as the first...cant say that the craving has gone down by much, but knowing ive lasted more than I have in the past year without a smoke is enough to keep me going....

    One thing im GOING to have a hard time with, is having one of my monthly "Pearl Jam Nights" where I smoke and drink and dance in the lounge room. Mmmmmmm...this will be hard :(

    Keep going everyone...fresh air is the shizzle ;)
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • Stella wrote:
    Oh Missy, i had no idea you had given up! sorry to have ditched you on msn today, got a phone call and by the time i came back you were gone! Congrats Congrats Congrats....!!!! :)
    You know what??? I didnt even THINK to ask or tell you about it!!! How freaking weird! I was so caught up in chatting to you, I forgot to mention my quitting...maybe I was trying to escape my cravings???

    Even if im "offline", you can still message me and im usually snooping ;)
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • Good Morning Fellow Tryers,

    I can not believe some of us have gotten here (I am so proud of everyone who joined later, this takes guts and we all have it). I am on my last day of Patch 1 and am going out to buy the new patch. Excited and Nervous at the same time. Each day at the office the stress gets deeper and deeper but I AM NOT giving in. I am stronger than I thought!

    So here's how strong I am. EVEN in my dreams I am quitting smoking. My dreams through this time have been very vivid and weird (Thank you patch). I am someone who never remembers his dreams. So last night I remember the following small snipit. I am walking through my old neighborhood and feel in my pocket a pack of cigarettes. I pull it out and there is one left. In my mind for a second, I said well it's only one (Uh Oh!). A second later I was asking myself (in my dreams) what I was thinking! I crushed the pack and tossed it (Apparently I am a litterbug in my dreams). I am so proud of my subconscious! HAHAHA!

    So how is everyone doing on this Monday? The banking world is coming to an end and I feel fine!
  • *pops a party popper and blows a whistle thingy* WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!! :D:D:D

    Well done on changing patches my friend!!! Awesome!

    And do you know what this dream means :eek:

    That you have SELF CONTROL!!! See, we arent usually able to control our dreams, and the fact that you are stopping yourself from smoking in your dream, means you have mastered the art of all things mentally controlling

    *bows like a sensei master*
    "....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
  • *pops a party popper and blows a whistle thingy* WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!!!! :D:D:D

    Well done on changing patches my friend!!! Awesome!

    And do you know what this dream means :eek:

    That you have SELF CONTROL!!! See, we arent usually able to control our dreams, and the fact that you are stopping yourself from smoking in your dream, means you have mastered the art of all things mentally controlling

    *bows like a sensei master*

    You still up? :)

    I am so glad you joined us! How are you feeling today? Through 2 days and it must give you a MAJOR sense of accomplishment. Has your husband realized you are serious yet? I am sure once he accepts it will be easier for you.
  • Congrats everyone on day 28 and also to our newest tryer yellowled. Good stuff. Day 14, it's weird I haven't had a smoke in 2 weeks, but I don't feel like a non-smoker.
    Uniondale. 2003
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    MSG 2. Fenway 2. Wrigley 1. 2016
    Safeco 2. Missoula. 2018
  • chimechime Posts: 7,839
    hartamh wrote:
    Hi Chime,

    That is a great idea, but hubby is the one that would buy cartons of cigs. He has my car. I never see it, the last time I had the car at home it had 7000miles on it. It now has almost 29,000miles : ( .

    I actually got to use my car late yesterday to go to the store, and he wanted me to pick up a couple packs of cigarettes :eek: . WTF

    Thanks anyone Chime :)

    I'm sorry hartamh :o ... should learn to keep my ideas to myself :p

    Hope you have a great day :)
    So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
  • chimechime Posts: 7,839
    hartamh wrote:
    You have nothing to feel sorry about ok :) ? Please don't keep your ideas to yourself. Promise me that ?

    You have a great day too, your a very nice and caring person :)

    {{{hartamh}}} you're too kind :) ... and a very nice lady too ;)
    So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
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