Before I give my update on a week of not smoking, I have to say something to the many of you who may have been smokers in the past or never picked up the most awful habit of all time, who daily or even one time have sent well wishes, encouraging thoughts and advice. Your are as much the story here as what I (we) have done. I can not thank all of you enough, from the bottom of my heart. In the words of EV at the end of MSG II this year, My kids thank you, my parents than you. I thank you. I need to meet all of you at some point and buy you many drinks or whatever makes you happy for what you have given me. More time to spend with my family and hopedfully something back to the world with my time.
To those of you who are doing this with me, whatever day you are on, you have been amazing co-conspirators in getting our lives and lungs back. Your successes, minor setbacks and getting back on the horse stories have guided me through this. I will never be able to repay my debt.
I have tried so many times to get to my 8th day of not smoking. Literally 100's of times. Some BS excuse seems to get into my psyche which leads me to lying to my wife and myself. I will tell you how bad I was hooked. The first thing I told my non-smoking wife the day I met her was that I smoked and that there was no way I would ever stop. Who says that? I had so many women stop going out with me because of smoking. It has cost me Thousands of dollars that could have been spent on literally anything!
I can not believe I have gotten a week without a cigarette. I am feeling better, I smell better and I am more alert. I am smiling a lot and I am very happy. It has been a week with a lot of Stress. I got some great news last night that my mom's condition in non-life threatening and in fact is going home tonight! That will make week 2 much easier. I know in my heart that I am done, it's convincing my very stubborn head that it is over. There is still a long way to go before I get of the tunnel. Getting off the patch and starting things (exercise) to get me healthy. I can honestly say I don't think I have ever had a healthy day in my adult life. I would like to experience it!
Again thank you to everyone and I hope this is just the beginning!
After 3-4 years on this pit - this has gotta be the best post I have ever read.
What a fuckin attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"My kids thank you, my parents than you. I thank you" Love it
"I need to meet all of you at some point and buy you many drinks" I can say this in here....Im an alcoholic so line your wallet
"I am feeling better, I smell better and I am more alert. I am smiling a lot and I am very happy. It has been a week with a lot of Stress" - starting to see the MINOR benefits
"I know in my heart that I am done" Bam...theres the ejaculation right there
You reckon not smoking makes you feel good.......wait till you combine it with exercise. The BEST natural high.
After 3-4 years on this pit - this has gotta be the best post I have ever read.
What a fuckin attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"My kids thank you, my parents than you. I thank you" Love it
"I need to meet all of you at some point and buy you many drinks" I can say this in here....Im an alcoholic so line your wallet
"I am feeling better, I smell better and I am more alert. I am smiling a lot and I am very happy. It has been a week with a lot of Stress" - starting to see the MINOR benefits
"I know in my heart that I am done" Bam...theres the ejaculation right there
You reckon not smoking makes you feel good.......wait till you combine it with exercise. The BEST natural high.
Yay for mum.
Hands down made my day
Thanks dude! Name the place, the wallet will be there!
well guys.. i really can't give you more information after three days of working for quitline.. The wealth of info is already here. You all know the theories, the best things to distract you, about the pharmocologies etc..
All i can do is offer my support, if you want to chat or have any specific questions about quitting or the drugs or whatever, pm me, and i'll do my best to answer you with info you may not have had.
Keep up all the hard work and remember that Quitting is the BEST POssible thing you can do for Your HEALTH right now.
I'm not a smoker, so I am not here to quit, but I wanted to offer my congrats and support to those that have chosen to try to quit and become that much healthier.
My mom smoked for years (over 15), and quit when she was pregnant with me, and then started back up and then quit cold turkey when I was almost 4, so its going on over 21 years for her. She NEVER had another cigarette after that day she chose to quit cold turkey.
I wish you all the same strength and wonderful results.
Fantastic story about you mom! Very inspiring! It sounds like she used a great motivation for finally stopping. You!
I have the same thing. I set this up to start on my daughter's 3rd Birthday. Will always be a great reminder and I get to eat some CAKE on each year I have stopped.
Greetings non-smokers how are we all today? ... hope things are starting to get a little easier for those quitting whatever stage they are at.
... and BD nice post. Must be an amazing feeling to 'know in [your] heart that [you are] done'
Good morning cake maker!
Things are great this AM. My kids who love gum, want to know why I have so many packs of gum. It's crazy. To smoke at my house I would always take a walk or hide in the corner somewhere. The kids would always ask where I was and could they take a walk with me. It was pathetic. Also, as kids they would try to get their hands in my pockets and I would always push them away. (What a loser). So last night my middle one got his hands in my pocket. My first reaction was to flinch. He pulled out a pack of gum. He and I were so happy. Went outside (no gum in house), had a piece and took a walk. Life is funny. I think the kids and I will take lots of walks.
how is everyone doing up in here??!! Still going strong? Black D maybe since you are the thread starter, u can add the certificate to the first post for easy finding! GO TEAM GO!!!!!!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
He and I were so happy. Went outside (no gum in house), had a piece and took a walk. Life is funny. I think the kids and I will take lots of walks.
that is beautiful. Im so happy for you! As someone close to her dadd, i can say that those walks will remain in your kids memories for a lifetime. Good choice in quitting Black D. Good choice.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
that is beautiful. Im so happy for you! As someone close to her dadd, i can say that those walks will remain in your kids memories for a lifetime. Good choice in quitting Black D. Good choice.
how is everyone doing up in here??!! Still going strong? Black D maybe since you are the thread starter, u can add the certificate to the first post for easy finding! GO TEAM GO!!!!!!!!
Hey everyone...glad you're all doing well
I had a 1.5 day relapse...I had a colleague stop by and actually TRY to get me to smoke, knowing I was out of patches and couldn't go get any cause my kids were in bed....she doesn't want to have to spend her smoke breaks alone :rolleyes:...THEN...she left her pack at my house when she left! wtf? I could have just snapped on her....
I quit again yesterday...I really want to do this, and I'm feeling like some of the habits are hopefully if I can avoid people that are trying to kill me, I'll be ok.
Hey everyone...glad you're all doing well
I had a 1.5 day relapse...I had a colleague stop by and actually TRY to get me to smoke, knowing I was out of patches and couldn't go get any cause my kids were in bed....she doesn't want to have to spend her smoke breaks alone :rolleyes:...THEN...she left her pack at my house when she left! wtf? I could have just snapped on her....
I quit again yesterday...I really want to do this, and I'm feeling like some of the habits are hopefully if I can avoid people that are trying to kill me, I'll be ok.
Yay! I am sooo glad you came back. Good for you and nice friend you got. Doesn't matter what day anyone is on. Trying is a daily process. What is a week going to mean 10 years from now.
Sheesh! I have one guy at work who is pissed because we always smoked together. He even started a pool to see how long I would not smoke. There was a lot of betting. Nice pressure. But I bet on myself being never. Was the only one. If I make it to one year, I win. It will be my pleasure to take their money.
...He pulled out a pack of gum. He and I were so happy. Went outside (no gum in house), had a piece and took a walk. Life is funny. I think the kids and I will take lots of walks.
Just checking are all doing GREAT! And wow, ^^^^^^ that is beautiful! Great job everyone!
Hmm I wonder if these people are trying to trip you guys are doing it because if you quit it proves to them that it can be done and it's only them that are stopping themselves from joining you and this is an addiction that can be broken?
You show 'em
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
Hmm I wonder if these people are trying to trip you guys are doing it because if you quit it proves to them that it can be done and it's only them that are stopping themselves from joining you and this is an addiction that can be broken?
You show 'em
That's my theory too. Misery loves company (I am sounding more and more like my mother as I get older :eek: )
I smoked for 5 years and I gotta say it was the toughest thing to quit. The hardest thing was being around ppl who smoked. I tried everything to quit, but kept going back.
I tried this pill called something like Ziabam. I took it for like 2-3 months. It made cigarettes taste nasty, but had hobbible side effects. I could barely concentrate at work. I quit taking the pill early (suppose to take it for 3 months - I think I took it for 2), but by the time I stopped I mentally and phsically hated smoking.
Since then I'm a lot healthier and I probably saved a ton of cash.
I see we've had a minor hiccup. Good to see you are back on that horse Drowned strap in and stay there
I got home last night and hit my flatmate up about smoking. Her response "I gave up 2 weeks ago but was gonna wait to see if you noticed" Reckons she has still got a way to go but craving and daily rituals are slowly getting easier.
She also joined a gym two weeks ago and has been 3 times per week :eek:. All this on top of a career change recently and the daunting task of starting to study in her mid 30s.
If she was a good sort Id marry her
See you all again tomorrow......gee thats gotta be about day 9 yeah???????
Just wanted to wish everybody well and good luck .
I'm still not smoking and very proud of it!!! It just sucks living with someone (husband) who continues to smoke no matter what or where we are. The room I'm in now is the computer room, and it smells so bad from that person being in here last night :eek: .
Love all the well wishes and vibes that everyone is sending
Wow, you are doing so fantastic! Having someone in the house with you and smoking must make it so much harder. I am inspired by you everyday!
G-d through a couple of new curveballs yesterday that would have met a 2 pack binge by now. I have the faith and strength because of all of you to know that having that one cigarette will be the end. It is going well enough that I grab for gum instead of thinking about ciggs.
So Day 10. Double digits. Got 100 bucks in the jar instead od my lungs!
Drowned Out Day 2 and counting.
Thanks to everyone for the great words. They help so much!
I smoked for 5 years and I gotta say it was the toughest thing to quit. The hardest thing was being around ppl who smoked. I tried everything to quit, but kept going back.
I tried this pill called something like Ziabam. I took it for like 2-3 months. It made cigarettes taste nasty, but had hobbible side effects. I could barely concentrate at work. I quit taking the pill early (suppose to take it for 3 months - I think I took it for 2), but by the time I stopped I mentally and phsically hated smoking.
Since then I'm a lot healthier and I probably saved a ton of cash.
Good luck!
This is good advice to those who have not tried yet. How long before you quit did you start taking it.
This is good advice to those who have not tried yet. How long before you quit did you start taking it.
Thank you for the great advice and well wishes.
I believe you were suppose to take the pill for 2-3 weeks then stop smoking, but in all honestly (it may have been a chemical reaction or something) I wanted to quit by that time.
I just looked it up on the Internet, and wow I didn't know it was an anti-depressant. It's actually called zyban; bupropion must be a nother name for it as well.
Recalling back I did have mood swings. I'd go into work one day high on a kite; feeling happy and crazy, then the next day feel down.
Horrible feeling come to think of it, but I'm glad I took it. I had maybe only 5-10 cigarettes since then (drinking of course), and have no urge to ever start again.
Wow, you are doing so fantastic! Having someone in the house with you and smoking must make it so much harder. I am inspired by you everyday!
G-d through a couple of new curveballs yesterday that would have met a 2 pack binge by now. I have the faith and strength because of all of you to know that having that one cigarette will be the end. It is going well enough that I grab for gum instead of thinking about ciggs.
So Day 10. Double digits. Got 100 bucks in the jar instead od my lungs!
Drowned Out Day 2 and counting.
Thanks to everyone for the great words. They help so much!
Congrats! Keep going. I can't wait to say I haven't had a cig in a year.
It only gets easier. There are still some times where I think about smoking, but I know I am not going to actually smoke so the thought goes out of my mind very quickly.
Keep up the good work.
"hear my name, take a good look, this could be the day."
I admit I might have taken Mrs. BD to see her.
$100 of pies. MMMMMM
You could spend it all on pies but I'm guessing Mrs BD would prefer you saving for a trip ... or more Madonna tickets ... I believe she's currently touring
So any of the others who are quitting making plans for their savings?
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
You could spend it all on pies but I'm guessing Mrs BD would prefer you saving for a trip ... or more Madonna tickets ... I believe she's currently touring
So any of the others who are quitting making plans for their savings?
Once for Mr. BD is enough.
So this day has been harder than I thought. Went on a client lunch and one of them was a smoker. Kept excusing themselves. We had some drinks too. Kept smelling the smoke when they came back. i will admit it did not smell nauseating this time. A little nervous but got through it. Drinking, lunch and smokers not a good combo.
So this day has been harder than I thought. Went on a client lunch and one of them was a smoker. Kept excusing themselves. We had some drinks too. Kept smelling the smoke when they came back. i will admit it did not smell nauseating this time. A little nervous but got through it. Drinking, lunch and smokers not a good combo.
drinking is tough, but it just one more challenge that you will meet.
"hear my name, take a good look, this could be the day."
Just want to say congrats to BD for not falling into temptation. I know that must have been very hard.
Good Morning Hartamh and everyone,
I Can't believe that you are given me credit for yesterday when you have been around smoking all week. We all bow down to you! You should be sky high. Well lesson learned that I have to acknowledge that not everyone in the world has not stopped smoking and you are going to have moments like yeserdat a lot. For example, we have a 40th Birthday party for some good friends coming up in 9 days. EVERYONE will be smoking. The wife will be there but that is going to be interesting. My initial thought was to not go but I am always going to come across some situation like this often so no reasom not to confront this head-on. A little amuzing as this couple quit together for 2 years and were always giving me crap that I was weak. I am not the kind of person to throw anything in someone's face so I will just keep my mouth shut from saying anything and cigs. They will certainly notice.
It has been intersting, besides here I have no desire to talk about not quitting with anyone, even the wife. I feel less said the better. You all have been great in allowing me to vent here. I find it easier to talk to those trying with me.
Anyway another lesson learned is I need to have gum on me at all times now. Without it my mouth is opening to all sorts of junk I would never eat. I gorged yesterday. So gum I need and have. Gained 5 lbs so far. I can live with that, but want to be more careful.
Hello Team EXXXTEND YOUR LIFE!!!! Where is everyone? :eek: Hopefully NOT smoking!!!!!!! :eek: I hope everyone does well over the weekend. You've come this far. For those who are just starting or are struggling, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! We are here with you!!!!!! I SUPPORT YOU ALL!!!!!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
haha the other day in support of the one week anniversary, i created a certificate for everyone in this thread who stopped smoking. Couldnt put everyones names so i just came up with that as the team name! Of course im NOT the team captain works for now!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
After 3-4 years on this pit - this has gotta be the best post I have ever read.
What a fuckin attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"My kids thank you, my parents than you. I thank you" Love it
"I need to meet all of you at some point and buy you many drinks" I can say this in here....Im an alcoholic so line your wallet
"I am feeling better, I smell better and I am more alert. I am smiling a lot and I am very happy. It has been a week with a lot of Stress" - starting to see the MINOR benefits
"I know in my heart that I am done" Bam...theres the ejaculation right there
You reckon not smoking makes you feel good.......wait till you combine it with exercise. The BEST natural high.
Yay for mum.
Hands down made my day
Thanks dude! Name the place, the wallet will be there!
All i can do is offer my support, if you want to chat or have any specific questions about quitting or the drugs or whatever, pm me, and i'll do my best to answer you with info you may not have had.
Keep up all the hard work and remember that Quitting is the BEST POssible thing you can do for Your HEALTH right now.
Respect to you all on this difficult journey.
... and BD nice post. Must be an amazing feeling to 'know in [your] heart that [you are] done'
I have the same thing. I set this up to start on my daughter's 3rd Birthday. Will always be a great reminder and I get to eat some CAKE on each year I have stopped.
Things are great this AM. My kids who love gum, want to know why I have so many packs of gum. It's crazy. To smoke at my house I would always take a walk or hide in the corner somewhere. The kids would always ask where I was and could they take a walk with me. It was pathetic. Also, as kids they would try to get their hands in my pockets and I would always push them away. (What a loser). So last night my middle one got his hands in my pocket. My first reaction was to flinch. He pulled out a pack of gum. He and I were so happy. Went outside (no gum in house), had a piece and took a walk. Life is funny. I think the kids and I will take lots of walks.
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
I had a 1.5 day relapse...I had a colleague stop by and actually TRY to get me to smoke, knowing I was out of patches and couldn't go get any cause my kids were in bed....she doesn't want to have to spend her smoke breaks alone :rolleyes:...THEN...she left her pack at my house when she left! wtf? I could have just snapped on her....
I quit again yesterday...I really want to do this, and I'm feeling like some of the habits are hopefully if I can avoid people that are trying to kill me, I'll be ok.
Yay! I am sooo glad you came back. Good for you and nice friend you got. Doesn't matter what day anyone is on. Trying is a daily process. What is a week going to mean 10 years from now.
Sheesh! I have one guy at work who is pissed because we always smoked together. He even started a pool to see how long I would not smoke. There was a lot of betting. Nice pressure. But I bet on myself being never. Was the only one. If I make it to one year, I win. It will be my pleasure to take their money.
Just checking are all doing GREAT! And wow, ^^^^^^ that is beautiful! Great job everyone!
You show 'em
That's my theory too. Misery loves company (I am sounding more and more like my mother as I get older :eek: )
I tried this pill called something like Ziabam. I took it for like 2-3 months. It made cigarettes taste nasty, but had hobbible side effects. I could barely concentrate at work. I quit taking the pill early (suppose to take it for 3 months - I think I took it for 2), but by the time I stopped I mentally and phsically hated smoking.
Since then I'm a lot healthier and I probably saved a ton of cash.
Good luck!
I see we've had a minor hiccup. Good to see you are back on that horse Drowned strap in and stay there
I got home last night and hit my flatmate up about smoking. Her response "I gave up 2 weeks ago but was gonna wait to see if you noticed" Reckons she has still got a way to go but craving and daily rituals are slowly getting easier.
She also joined a gym two weeks ago and has been 3 times per week :eek:. All this on top of a career change recently and the daunting task of starting to study in her mid 30s.
If she was a good sort Id marry her
See you all again tomorrow......gee thats gotta be about day 9 yeah???????
Wow, you are doing so fantastic! Having someone in the house with you and smoking must make it so much harder. I am inspired by you everyday!
G-d through a couple of new curveballs yesterday that would have met a 2 pack binge by now. I have the faith and strength because of all of you to know that having that one cigarette will be the end. It is going well enough that I grab for gum instead of thinking about ciggs.
So Day 10. Double digits. Got 100 bucks in the jar instead od my lungs!
Drowned Out Day 2 and counting.
Thanks to everyone for the great words. They help so much!
This is good advice to those who have not tried yet. How long before you quit did you start taking it.
Thank you for the great advice and well wishes.
I believe you were suppose to take the pill for 2-3 weeks then stop smoking, but in all honestly (it may have been a chemical reaction or something) I wanted to quit by that time.
I just looked it up on the Internet, and wow I didn't know it was an anti-depressant. It's actually called zyban; bupropion must be a nother name for it as well.
Recalling back I did have mood swings. I'd go into work one day high on a kite; feeling happy and crazy, then the next day feel down.
Horrible feeling come to think of it, but I'm glad I took it. I had maybe only 5-10 cigarettes since then (drinking of course), and have no urge to ever start again.
Congrats! Keep going. I can't wait to say I haven't had a cig in a year.
It only gets easier. There are still some times where I think about smoking, but I know I am not going to actually smoke so the thought goes out of my mind very quickly.
Keep up the good work.
Wow it adds up quick ... I see a trip in your future (or you could buy PIE
If we took a HOLIDAY
Took some time to CELEBRATE
Just one day out of life
It would be, it would be so nice
...and yes I did just quote Madonna
I admit I might have taken Mrs. BD to see her.
$100 of pies. MMMMMM
You could spend it all on pies but I'm guessing Mrs BD would prefer you saving for a trip ... or more Madonna tickets ... I believe she's currently touring
So any of the others who are quitting making plans for their savings?
Once for Mr. BD is enough.
So this day has been harder than I thought. Went on a client lunch and one of them was a smoker. Kept excusing themselves. We had some drinks too. Kept smelling the smoke when they came back. i will admit it did not smell nauseating this time. A little nervous but got through it. Drinking, lunch and smokers not a good combo.
drinking is tough, but it just one more challenge that you will meet.
Good Morning Hartamh and everyone,
I Can't believe that you are given me credit for yesterday when you have been around smoking all week. We all bow down to you! You should be sky high. Well lesson learned that I have to acknowledge that not everyone in the world has not stopped smoking and you are going to have moments like yeserdat a lot. For example, we have a 40th Birthday party for some good friends coming up in 9 days. EVERYONE will be smoking. The wife will be there but that is going to be interesting. My initial thought was to not go but I am always going to come across some situation like this often so no reasom not to confront this head-on. A little amuzing as this couple quit together for 2 years and were always giving me crap that I was weak. I am not the kind of person to throw anything in someone's face so I will just keep my mouth shut from saying anything and cigs. They will certainly notice.
It has been intersting, besides here I have no desire to talk about not quitting with anyone, even the wife. I feel less said the better. You all have been great in allowing me to vent here. I find it easier to talk to those trying with me.
Anyway another lesson learned is I need to have gum on me at all times now. Without it my mouth is opening to all sorts of junk I would never eat. I gorged yesterday. So gum I need and have. Gained 5 lbs so far. I can live with that, but want to be more careful.
Anybody else using a different belt loop?
Good luck to everyone today!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
You should make that the thread slogan
"Its a secret to everybody."
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!