I can think of many things I'd rather challenge myself with intellectually than how fast Sea Biscuit is going to run today in a circle today.
I know, I know, there's many factors to horse racing.., which way the winds blowing, did the horse eat his Wheaties, how fast were his parents, how much does the jockey weigh, what was in the horsey's poop last night..
To each their own....but it doesn't speak well of you that you are the kind of person that mocks what you don't understand.
That's what I thought until someone said it can cause them to bleed internally. Surely though the owners would not let that happen since they love their horses so much.
I'd like to say this is absolute bull but I'm afraid I don't know any better.
It can cause them to bleed internally?....big deal......driving CAN cause an accident resulting in death....swimming CAN cause drowning...jogging outside CAN cause muscle pain/joint inflammation....so do we stop doing all those?
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky...A human being that was giveeeeeeeeeeeeen to flllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
So, would you then say training a house pet to not make a mess of the house is cruelty to animals? You're training it to do something it wasn't meant to do, right?
no i don't think asking your pet not to do something is cruelty, same as i don't think asking you child not to do sometihng is called cruelty. however Austrian guy using his own daughter for sex and keeping them captive is called cruelty, pretty similar to circus don't you think? both kept captive and both are kept for pleasure.
It can cause them to blead internally?....big deal......driving CAN cause an accident resulting in death....swimming CAN cause drowning...jogging outside CAN cause muscle pain/joint inflammation....so do we stop doing all those?
Good point except I don't know how common it is. Horse racing being cruel has never even crossed my mind before. I'll have to ask the country bumpkins this week.
You're an argumentative little so and so, aren't you?
It can cause them to bleed internally?....big deal......driving CAN cause an accident resulting in death....swimming CAN cause drowning...jogging outside CAN cause muscle pain/joint inflammation....so do we stop doing all those?
I can think of many things I'd rather challenge myself with intellectually than how fast Sea Biscuit is going to run in a circle today.
I know, I know, there's many factors to horse racing.., which way the winds blowing, did the horse eat his Wheaties, how fast were his parents, how much does the jockey weigh, what was in the horsey's poop last night..
no i don't think asking your pet not to do something is cruelty, same as i don't think asking you child not to do sometihng is called cruelty. however Austrian guy using his own daughter for sex and keeping them captive is called cruelty, pretty similar to circus don't you think? both kept captive and both are kept for pleasure.
That could be some small time local circus. I'm sure the big name circuses that tour the country, Garden Bros. or Barnum & Bailey to name a couple, use saner methods to train their animals...its up to the individual promoters really.
Yes, aussie guy is sick, but please don't try and compare him to a circus...please don't.
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky...A human being that was giveeeeeeeeeeeeen to flllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
no i don't think asking your pet not to do something is cruelty, same as i don't think asking you child not to do sometihng is called cruelty. however Austrian guy using his own daughter for sex and keeping them captive is called cruelty, pretty similar to circus don't you think? both kept captive and both are kept for pleasure.
i went to the circus once. it made me ill. i'll never go again. it felt very wrong to me.
Whats there to understand?, Train me.. Would horse racing exist without gambling?
It would exist, but not as it does today. It was started as a game between wealthy owners privately racing their horses against each other. However, wagering on the races is absolutely what fuels the game, and without it there would be very little horse racing.
However, IMO this is a good thing, as the industry provides a great many positives, both financially ( though few in the business actually make much money ) and personally. Horses have provided a great deal of pleasure to many people in a variety of ways. There are many programs with prisons and disadvantage youth that enable these people to care for retired thoroughbreds and teach them a trade that gives them an opportunity to improve their future lives. Personally it has provided me with my raison d'etre, my passion, and has improved my life in that I am able to work within an industry that I love. Don't get me wrong, I understand very well that it is far from a perfect industry, and do what I can to try and improve it, but I don't think it's fair for those that have no real understanding of it to use this unfortunate event to react unfairly.
How do you know things are being done to them against their will? You know absolutely nothing about horseracing, yet speak as though you are an expert, but have no interest in actually learning truth. Why would you....it doesn't fit your agenda of ignorance.
Since you care so greatly about these horses, I hope you are actively involved in foundations that help provide homes for retired thoroughbreds. Personally I would recommend the Thoroughbred Retirement Fund and suggest you look up their website. I recently donated $5K to them but that shouldn't stop you from doing what you personally can to help these animals that you claim to care so very deeply about.
your question above is silly. and yes i know nothing about horse racing, but i'm not actually pretending to be an expert where did i say that i claim to have the knowledge?
i'm glad you donated few dollars to them, well done to you. but you know if there were no thoroughbreds then there wouldn't have to be any retirement places........
hahah, now this post made me laugh a lot,do you even hear what you're saying? hahaha.........chess is an intellectual game
Chess is an intellectual game....no doubt. As is backgammon, bridge, poker, go and a host of others. Horse racing is as well....and once again, if you knew anything about that which you speak, you would understand this clearly.
i went to the circus once. it made me ill. i'll never go again. it felt very wrong to me.
I went too at a young age. I never wanted to go again. Scary clowns doing fucked up things, animals being whipped and forced to jump through fire, people on stilts, an announcer who looks and sounds liked he's whacked out of his fucking mind, scary organ music, fucked up spinning colors..
Good point except I don't know how common it is. Horse racing being cruel has never even crossed my mind before. I'll have to ask the country bumpkins this week.
You're an argumentative little so and so, aren't you?
haha yes I am. This board brings out the best in me sometimes (or should I say worst!)....some people on this thing I honesly believe just talk stupidity to see what reaction they get.
And I bet horse racing being cruel never crossed your mind because I'm sure you have better things to do during the day.
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky...A human being that was giveeeeeeeeeeeeen to flllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Good point except I don't know how common it is. Horse racing being cruel has never even crossed my mind before. I'll have to ask the country bumpkins this week.
You're an argumentative little so and so, aren't you?
I'd post a link but I'm on an iPhone. Yeah, they're treated with Lasix. Wiki that. They hemmorrage internally, and usually its visible around the nose and mouth after a "big race"
your question above is silly. and yes i know nothing about horse racing, but i'm not actually pretending to be an expert where did i say that i claim to have the knowledge?
i'm glad you donated few dollars to them, well done to you. but you know if there were no thoroughbreds then there wouldn't have to be any retirement places........
Whether or not you are claiming to be an expert, you are spewing freely about what you know openly claim to know nothing about ( it is obvious from all of your posts as well ). It is unfortunate, however, that you think it is OK to be highly critical of something you claim to also know nothing about.
I am glad to hear that five thousand dollars is a " few dollars " to you, and thus look forward to hearing about your even more substantial donations towards the care for these animals you profess to care about so dearly.
That could be some small time local circus. I'm sure the big name circuses that tour the country, Garden Bros. or Barnum & Bailey to name a couple, use saner methods to train their animals...its up to the individual promoters really.
Yes, aussie guy is sick, but please don't try and compare him to a circus...please don't.
you are "sure"......meaning you assume that big name circuses don't train like this. ah, i'm not even going to waste my time writing why it's not ok to make a lion run around the circle and jump through fire hoops............
you are "sure"......meaning you assume that big name circuses don't train like this. ah, i'm not even going to waste my time writing why it's not ok to make a lion run around the circle and jump through fire hoops............
Then don't.....it's not the point of this thread anyways...
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky...A human being that was giveeeeeeeeeeeeen to flllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
any time you take advantage of an animal's natural instincts, it's just plain wrong. i dont care how long its been going on or how "well" these animals are treated.
i'd love to jump on the back of one of these horse-racing enthusiasts and ride him around town, whipping him in the ass until his leg break, giving me cause to shoot him in the head.
SLC 11/2/95, Park City 6/21/98, Boise 11/3/00, Seattle 12/9/02, Vancouver 5/30/03, Gorge 9/1/05, Vancouver 9/2/05, Gorge 7/22/06, Gorge 7/23/06, Camden I 6/19/08, MSG I 6/24/08, MSG II 6/25/08, Hartford 6/27/08, Mansfield II 6/30/08; Eddie Albany 6/8/09, 6/9/09; Philly 10/30/09, 10/31/09; Boston 5/17/10
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
I do have some questions for "the little guy" (are you a jockey? ), but I will start with this.
You seem to know more than all of us combined, so let me ask you this:
Of all the "great things" that you claim come from horse racing, it seems that the ones you've mentioned the most come after they are done racing. So why not cut down on the amount of these thoroughbreds in the first place and just raise horses for good homes and programs? I mean are the industries greatest contributions really not until the horses are out of the industry? You know good and well that the entire industry is driven by gambling, yet you claim it's an intellectual game. Are you referring to the gambling aspect of determining who to bet on as the "intellectual" part?
I'm not necessarily on the side of those claiming it is absolute cruelty, but saying that the fact they are bred for that reason doesn't justify putting them out of their natural element.
This is a PETA email, which I think summarizes some of the controversial issues of the horse racing industry.
"As I am sure you have heard, after crossing the finish line in last Saturday's Kentucky Derby, a young filly named Eight Belles collapsed when both her front ankles snapped. She was euthanized in the dirt where she lay, the latest victim of the dirty business of thoroughbred racing.
Help PETA prevent further suffering in the racing industry by taking action today.
Eight Belles' death is yet another reminder that horses are raced when they are so young that their bones have not properly formed, and they are often raced on surfaces that are too hard for their bones—like the hard track at Churchill Downs. Eight Belles' jockey whipped her mercilessly as she came down the final stretch. Trainers, owners, and jockeys are driven by the desire to make money, and the horses suffer terribly for it.
PETA is calling on the racing industry to suspend the jockey and trainer; bar the owner from racing at the track; stop racing horses on hard tracks and switch to softer, synthetic surfaces to spare horses' bones and joints; permanently ban the use of whips; and, at the very least, stop using young horses who are so susceptible to these types of horrific injuries. Help PETA call for an end to cruelty that masquerades as sport.
Although Eight Belles' death—like Barbaro's death before hers—made headlines, countless lesser-known horses suffer similar fates away from the public eye. These horses' broken legs and battered bodies are hidden from public view. Most racehorses end up broken down or cast off or are sent to Europe for slaughter.
Please take action today to help prevent cruelty in the racing industry by asking the Kentucky Horse Racing Authority to institute sweeping reforms that would stop needless, preventable suffering.
Thank you for your action and compassion for animals.
Kind regards,
Ingrid E. Newkirk
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I didn't mean to imply that much of the good associated with horse racing comes after horses are done racing. However, I will say that without the contributions of those involved in horse racing there would be little to no money to care for the horses following their racing careers ( the reactionaries like some in this thread don't care enough about thoroughbreds to actually do anything to help them ). However, I certainly understand that one could say that is in, in fact, the responsibility of those of us in the industry to also care for these horses beyond their racing careers. I wish overall people would do more but it would be incorrect to suggest that most in racing don't have great concern for the welfare of the horses beyond their racing careers.
Without spending a lot of time around racetracks, and probably moreso on the backstretch, I don't think people can appreciate how much love exists between man ( and woman ) and the horses. In order to work in horse racing, you pretty much have to be all consumed, as the time necessary is never ending, and those that do it simply could not if they didn't have a passionate love for what they are doing. They certainly aren't doing it for the money. There are precious few things in this world, unfortunately, that give people the sense of personal satisfaction that they can gain from the horses, in a very positive way, and more than a few lives have been saved, or resurrected, by horseracing.
Believe me, I don't pretend that it's all good, because it's not, but there are so many positives for all involved, including the horses, that it is unfair when people use an unfortunate incident such as the one involving Eight Belles to make a blanket statement about horse racing. As always...blanket statements are generally ones of ignorance and without at least trying to touch on the entire picture we cannot do justice to any situation regardless of what side we are on.
I equate horseracing to dogfighting. I wish anyone involved would suffer the same punishment as Michael Vick. I also believe boxing to be illegal, but I'll save that for another thread.
I equate horseracing to dogfighting. I wish anyone involved would suffer the same punishment as Michael Vick. I also believe boxing to be illegal, but I'll save that for another thread.
Then you probably also equate 1+1 to 5.
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky...A human being that was giveeeeeeeeeeeeen to flllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
To each their own....but it doesn't speak well of you that you are the kind of person that mocks what you don't understand.
It can cause them to bleed internally?....big deal......driving CAN cause an accident resulting in death....swimming CAN cause drowning...jogging outside CAN cause muscle pain/joint inflammation....so do we stop doing all those?
http://youtube.com/watch?v=iqAgv-Uobhs then have a look at the link i've given you, circus is sick.
no i don't think asking your pet not to do something is cruelty, same as i don't think asking you child not to do sometihng is called cruelty. however Austrian guy using his own daughter for sex and keeping them captive is called cruelty, pretty similar to circus don't you think? both kept captive and both are kept for pleasure.
Are you posting from a cubicle?
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
Good point except I don't know how common it is. Horse racing being cruel has never even crossed my mind before. I'll have to ask the country bumpkins this week.
You're an argumentative little so and so, aren't you?
When a dog bites your kid it's always a bad dog, and not that the kid was pulling its tail.
When a horse bucks its rider, it's a mean horse.
When a bull gores its rider or a rodeo clown to death, then it's euthanized.
When a tiger in the zoo mauls a kid that was antagonizing it, the tiger is euthanized.
not likely. if there wasn't monetary gain, people would just look at it as a little person whipping a horse.
i love your sarcasm
That could be some small time local circus. I'm sure the big name circuses that tour the country, Garden Bros. or Barnum & Bailey to name a couple, use saner methods to train their animals...its up to the individual promoters really.
Yes, aussie guy is sick, but please don't try and compare him to a circus...please don't.
i went to the circus once. it made me ill. i'll never go again. it felt very wrong to me.
It would exist, but not as it does today. It was started as a game between wealthy owners privately racing their horses against each other. However, wagering on the races is absolutely what fuels the game, and without it there would be very little horse racing.
However, IMO this is a good thing, as the industry provides a great many positives, both financially ( though few in the business actually make much money ) and personally. Horses have provided a great deal of pleasure to many people in a variety of ways. There are many programs with prisons and disadvantage youth that enable these people to care for retired thoroughbreds and teach them a trade that gives them an opportunity to improve their future lives. Personally it has provided me with my raison d'etre, my passion, and has improved my life in that I am able to work within an industry that I love. Don't get me wrong, I understand very well that it is far from a perfect industry, and do what I can to try and improve it, but I don't think it's fair for those that have no real understanding of it to use this unfortunate event to react unfairly.
your question above is silly. and yes i know nothing about horse racing, but i'm not actually pretending to be an expert where did i say that i claim to have the knowledge?
i'm glad you donated few dollars to them, well done to you. but you know if there were no thoroughbreds then there wouldn't have to be any retirement places........
Chess is an intellectual game....no doubt. As is backgammon, bridge, poker, go and a host of others. Horse racing is as well....and once again, if you knew anything about that which you speak, you would understand this clearly.
haha yes I am. This board brings out the best in me sometimes (or should I say worst!)....some people on this thing I honesly believe just talk stupidity to see what reaction they get.
And I bet horse racing being cruel never crossed your mind because I'm sure you have better things to do during the day.
I'd post a link but I'm on an iPhone. Yeah, they're treated with Lasix. Wiki that. They hemmorrage internally, and usually its visible around the nose and mouth after a "big race"
Whether or not you are claiming to be an expert, you are spewing freely about what you know openly claim to know nothing about ( it is obvious from all of your posts as well ). It is unfortunate, however, that you think it is OK to be highly critical of something you claim to also know nothing about.
I am glad to hear that five thousand dollars is a " few dollars " to you, and thus look forward to hearing about your even more substantial donations towards the care for these animals you profess to care about so dearly.
you are "sure"......meaning you assume that big name circuses don't train like this. ah, i'm not even going to waste my time writing why it's not ok to make a lion run around the circle and jump through fire hoops............
Then don't.....it's not the point of this thread anyways...
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
You seem to know more than all of us combined, so let me ask you this:
Of all the "great things" that you claim come from horse racing, it seems that the ones you've mentioned the most come after they are done racing. So why not cut down on the amount of these thoroughbreds in the first place and just raise horses for good homes and programs? I mean are the industries greatest contributions really not until the horses are out of the industry? You know good and well that the entire industry is driven by gambling, yet you claim it's an intellectual game. Are you referring to the gambling aspect of determining who to bet on as the "intellectual" part?
I'm not necessarily on the side of those claiming it is absolute cruelty, but saying that the fact they are bred for that reason doesn't justify putting them out of their natural element.
"As I am sure you have heard, after crossing the finish line in last Saturday's Kentucky Derby, a young filly named Eight Belles collapsed when both her front ankles snapped. She was euthanized in the dirt where she lay, the latest victim of the dirty business of thoroughbred racing.
Help PETA prevent further suffering in the racing industry by taking action today.
Eight Belles' death is yet another reminder that horses are raced when they are so young that their bones have not properly formed, and they are often raced on surfaces that are too hard for their bones—like the hard track at Churchill Downs. Eight Belles' jockey whipped her mercilessly as she came down the final stretch. Trainers, owners, and jockeys are driven by the desire to make money, and the horses suffer terribly for it.
PETA is calling on the racing industry to suspend the jockey and trainer; bar the owner from racing at the track; stop racing horses on hard tracks and switch to softer, synthetic surfaces to spare horses' bones and joints; permanently ban the use of whips; and, at the very least, stop using young horses who are so susceptible to these types of horrific injuries. Help PETA call for an end to cruelty that masquerades as sport.
Although Eight Belles' death—like Barbaro's death before hers—made headlines, countless lesser-known horses suffer similar fates away from the public eye. These horses' broken legs and battered bodies are hidden from public view. Most racehorses end up broken down or cast off or are sent to Europe for slaughter.
Please take action today to help prevent cruelty in the racing industry by asking the Kentucky Horse Racing Authority to institute sweeping reforms that would stop needless, preventable suffering.
Thank you for your action and compassion for animals.
Kind regards,
Ingrid E. Newkirk
Without spending a lot of time around racetracks, and probably moreso on the backstretch, I don't think people can appreciate how much love exists between man ( and woman ) and the horses. In order to work in horse racing, you pretty much have to be all consumed, as the time necessary is never ending, and those that do it simply could not if they didn't have a passionate love for what they are doing. They certainly aren't doing it for the money. There are precious few things in this world, unfortunately, that give people the sense of personal satisfaction that they can gain from the horses, in a very positive way, and more than a few lives have been saved, or resurrected, by horseracing.
Believe me, I don't pretend that it's all good, because it's not, but there are so many positives for all involved, including the horses, that it is unfair when people use an unfortunate incident such as the one involving Eight Belles to make a blanket statement about horse racing. As always...blanket statements are generally ones of ignorance and without at least trying to touch on the entire picture we cannot do justice to any situation regardless of what side we are on.
I forgot this part.....
Then you probably also equate 1+1 to 5.