Horseracing is Cruelty



  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    pjhawks wrote:
    show me statistics on where there are 'so many breaks' - how many race horses ran in the US on saturday. Thousands, if one breaks it's leg while a shame it is not 'so many breaks' - stop over reacting because it was on tv.

    We are over reacting because it was on tv? huh? I didn't even see the damn race and didn't know anything about it until I saw the news the next day. You think that none of us care about the other horses that die needlessly and cruelly just because it wasn't on tv? Stupid statement. Don't be so defensive.

    pjhawks wrote:
    You animal rights nuts act like every horse race a horse dies - it's just not true. A hell of a lot more people were killed in cars this weekend than horses killed racing - should we ban all freakin cars? just stop people.

    Intelligent comparison....... the horse racing industry and me driving my car to work. You must be a brain surgeon or something.

    P.S. I don't fight on message boards so this is my last post I especially find it is demeaning to fight with those who are too defensive and uneducated about the issue to speak intelligently.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,686
    We are over reacting because it was on tv? huh? I didn't even see the damn race and didn't know anything about it until I saw the news the next day. You think that none of us care about the other horses that die needlessly and cruelly just because it wasn't on tv? Stupid statement. Don't be so defensive.

    Intelligent comparison....... the horse racing industry and me driving my car to work. You must be a brain surgeon or something.

    P.S. I don't fight on message boards so this is my last post I especially find it is demeaning to fight with those who are too defensive and uneducated about the issue to speak intelligently.

    yes because if it was the 4th face at Philadelphia Park no one would know or care that a horse was euthanized. it's only a story because it was the biggest race of the year.

    we are not fighting we are having a debate. i've tried to dispute your claims which i think i've done. have a great day.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    pjhawks wrote:
    i knew the wackos would come out after the Derby. These horses are bred SOLEY for the purpuse of being race horses. These are not show horses or pets, they are THOROUGHBREDS. Thoroughbreds are runners. None of these horses would EVER be born if not for the horse racing industry. As I stated in the Kentucky Derby thread on here - thousands of thoroughbreds raced on saturday in the US. One died on tv. It is sad, don't get me wrong but not the end of the world. A Philly cop was shot to death on sunday yet no threads on that. Let's have some perspective.
    I'm not a fan of horse racing, so its easy for me to say this.. Slaves were breed as thoroughbreds for the strongest whom could perform the most labor efficiantly. Had it not been for slavery, they would have never been born.

    If thats not silly enough for ya, imagine a planet of the apes scenario where monkeys breed humans to race. How funny would that be, monkeys racing on humans backs..

    I'm not going to protest it, but horse racing is silly. Midgets riding horses so people can gamble. You'll never see me at track. Sorry.

    Ha ha! They're already racing dogs! ..silly stupid sport.
  • Another major issue in the industry is that they are racing the horses too young. They are starting them at 2 years old, which is way too young. Their legs are not even fully developed by then. I think that is another reason why there are so many breaks is because they are subjecting those not yet developed fragile legs to too much pounding and racing at too young an age. But then again, the younger they start them the more money they can make.

    There is a great deal of ignorance in this thread, and as usual it is being spewed by the reactionaries, but I'll single out this one for now. If you actually knew anything about horse racing, which you don't, you would know this to be the opposite of the truth. Studies have shown that racing horses as 2YOs is actually good for their development and lessens the likelihood of future injuries. But, why would you take the time to learn about that which you speak when you can seize an unfortunate opportunity to further a cause of ignorance.

    It's too bad you aren't open minded enough to learn about what you don't understand. How wonderful it could be for you to spend some time with people who care for race horses and have an opportunity to see people truly dedicated to these noble animals that they love so deeply.
  • Strangest TribeStrangest Tribe Posts: 2,502
    Another major issue in the industry is that they are racing the horses too young. They are starting them at 2 years old, which is way too young. Their legs are not even fully developed by then. I think that is another reason why there are so many breaks is because they are subjecting those not yet developed fragile legs to too much pounding and racing at too young an age. But then again, the younger they start them the more money they can make.

    Exactly, we won't even saddle until they're 28 months, but ours are pets anyway. We don't even shoe them unless they're a regular rider, we only have 2 of them out of 6 and 2 mules with shoes.
    the Minions
  • pjhawks wrote:
    yes because if it was the 4th face at Philadelphia Park no one would know or care that a horse was euthanized. it's only a story because it was the biggest race of the year.

    Anyone who gives a shit about animal cruelty knew about this level of mistreatment in the racing industry WAY before this one stupid race. This race has simply highlighted the problem. In no way did this race cause the problem, the problem has existed for hundreds of years, to be learned about by those who care.
    'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'

    - the great Sir Leo Harrison
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    they need exercise. But all joking aside, those horses are better taken care of and looked after better than any of us are. It sucks that it happened, but it's just crazy how horses are- once they break a leg they have to be put down.

  • This whole industry is full of cruelty. Have you read the investigative articles about what goes on with the jockeys? They are mostly poor kids with little education. They are also used and abused by the industry. Forced into anorexia and bulimia just to make a buck. Weight control is their whole life. It is worse with the jockeys than it is for those in ballet and acrobatics and modeling.

    I loved this one as well. No jockey in this country is forced to do their chosen profession and the personal risks they take are choices they make....and nobody else. Unlike you, I know many jockeys and they love their jobs, an absolute requirement for any of us in the thoroughbred industry.

    The industry is far from perfect, like most, but people such as yourself that know nothing about it, and use an unfortunate incident to further a cause of ignorance, cannot stop the many positive aspects of horse racing.....and do nothing to help cure the negatives.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    I loved this one as well. No jockey in this country is forced to do their chosen profession and the personal risks they take are choices they make....and nobody else. Unlike you, I know many jockeys and they love their jobs, an absolute requirement for any of us in the thoroughbred industry.

    The industry is far from perfect, like most, but people such as yourself that know nothing about it, and use an unfortunate incident to further a cause of ignorance, cannot stop the many positive aspects of horse racing.....and do nothing to help cure the negatives.
    But put horse racing into perspective here.. midgets riding horses so people can gamble.. what a stupid sport. IMO.
  • Strangest TribeStrangest Tribe Posts: 2,502
    The fact that the horse was on TV does not equate to overreaction. Thousands of horses break their legs every year. Not just from Thouroughbred but from cart racing as well. The fact that it was televised makes it hot topic for today.

    So basically what you are saying is that, if millions of people didn't know about it, there wouldn't be such an "overreaction"? Then ... If no one knew about it that it would be justified that the poor animal was driven to death?

    Seriously??? Ha ha....I'm the one who is a nut???
    the Minions
  • geniegenie Posts: 2,222
    thunderDAN wrote:
    But all joking aside, those horses are better taken care of and looked after better than any of us are.

    i don't think those horses want to be taken care of, if it were their choice they'd be free running in the wild.
  • But put horse racing into perspective here.. midgets riding horses so people can gamble.. what a stupid sport. IMO.

    Jockeys are nowhere close to midgets.

    More inaccurate information.
  • genie wrote:
    i don't think those horses want to be taken care of, if it were their choice they'd be free running in the wild.

    Can of worms right there!
    'We're learning songs for baby Jesus' birthday. His mum and dad were Merry and Joseph. He had a bed made of clay and the three kings bought him Gold, Frankenstein and Merv as presents.'

    - the great Sir Leo Harrison
  • thunderDANthunderDAN Posts: 2,094
    genie wrote:
    i don't think those horses want to be taken care of, if it were their choice they'd be free running in the wild.

    if that were the case though nobody could own dogs or cats either because not all horses are wild horses
  • Strangest TribeStrangest Tribe Posts: 2,502
    genie wrote:
    i don't think those horses want to be taken care of, if it were their choice they'd be free running in the wild.

    Great post
    the Minions
  • geniegenie Posts: 2,222
    pjhawks wrote:
    so you admit you are only against cruelty to animals when it doesn't suit your own needs.

    eating animals is useful because their meat has valuable elements that we wouldn't get from vegetables & fruits. and as i said everything we eat was alive before. so what you're trying to say is that because we eat animals to survive it is also ok to mistreat them and use them to perform tricks to pleasure us? so does it also mean that you would not only eat a goat but also fuck one too? cause you can't differentiate between need and pleasure?
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,529
    I have no ethical or moral problem with horse racing.

    But if there was no gambling would people still race horses?

    How about steeple chase you animal lovers?
  • racing is cruelty to animals now?...You people need a hobby or a job.
    And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky...A human being that was giveeeeeeeeeeeeen to flllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • geniegenie Posts: 2,222
    pjhawks wrote:
    yes because if it was the 4th face at Philadelphia Park no one would know or care that a horse was euthanized. it's only a story because it was the biggest race of the year.

    if no one is reporting about a horse then yes we wouldn't know about it. but that doesn't mean people wouldn't care once they hear about it. big race or small its importance has nothing to do with underlying issue of mistreatment of horses.
  • geniegenie Posts: 2,222 racing is cruelty to animals now?...You people need a hobby or a job.

    i've got a job, thanks. would you say circus is cruelty to animals? if you do then you would agree that horse racing is the same thing, because we are asking animals to perfom tricks for our pleasure.
  • geniegenie Posts: 2,222
    Great post

    thanks :)
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718 racing is cruelty to animals now?...You people need a hobby or a job.
    "Cruelty" is a little harsh.. Stupid sport is more like it.
  • geniegenie Posts: 2,222
    It's too bad you aren't open minded enough to learn about what you don't understand. How wonderful it could be for you to spend some time with people who care for race horses and have an opportunity to see people truly dedicated to these noble animals that they love so deeply.

    be open minded and learn details?

    look you can't hide the fact that those horses are being used, however kindly you speak about any kind of sport invoving animals doing things against their will
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    genie wrote:
    be open minded and learn details?

    look you can't hide the fact that those horses are being used, however kindly you speak about any kind of sport invoving animals doing things against their will
    I agree. Those horses would rather be grazing in a sunny meadow, having sex with whom ever they wanted rather than running in circles with midgets strapped to their back in front of thousands of drunk gamblers.
  • GraySaturdayGraySaturday Posts: 2,878
    I agree. Those horses would rather be grazing in a sunny meadow, having sex with whom ever they wanted rather than running in circles with midgets strapped to their back in front of thousands of drunk gamblers.


    *I hesitate to respond to this thread because I don't know anything about horse racing and I'd end up sounding stupid*

    But I did think that this post was funny.
  • genie wrote:
    i've got a job, thanks. would you say circus is cruelty to animals? if you do then you would agree that horse racing is the same thing, because we are asking animals to perfom tricks for our pleasure.

    No, a circus is not cruel.

    So, would you then say training a house pet to not make a mess of the house is cruelty to animals? You're training it to do something it wasn't meant to do, right?
    And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky...A human being that was giveeeeeeeeeeeeen to flllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • Stupid sport is more like it.

    This couldn't be farther from the truth. Horse racing is one the world's great intellectual challenges.
  • LikeAnOceanLikeAnOcean Posts: 7,718
    This couldn't be farther from the truth. Horse racing is one the world's great intellectual challenges.
    I can think of many things I'd rather challenge myself with intellectually than how fast Sea Biscuit is going to run in a circle today.

    I know, I know, there's many factors to horse racing.., which way the winds blowing, did the horse eat his Wheaties, how fast were his parents, how much does the jockey weigh, what was in the horsey's poop last night..
  • racing is cruelty to animals now?...You people need a hobby or a job.

    That's what I thought until someone said it can cause them to bleed internally. Surely though the owners would not let that happen since they love their horses so much.

    I'd like to say this is absolute bull but I'm afraid I don't know any better.
  • genie wrote:
    be open minded and learn details?

    look you can't hide the fact that those horses are being used, however kindly you speak about any kind of sport invoving animals doing things against their will

    How do you know things are being done to them against their will? You know absolutely nothing about horseracing, yet speak as though you are an expert, but have no interest in actually learning truth. Why would doesn't fit your agenda of ignorance.

    Since you care so greatly about these horses, I hope you are actively involved in foundations that help provide homes for retired thoroughbreds. Personally I would recommend the Thoroughbred Retirement Fund and suggest you look up their website. I recently donated $5K to them but that shouldn't stop you from doing what you personally can to help these animals that you claim to care so very deeply about.
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