anyone else not excited by food?



  • mookie9999mookie9999 Posts: 4,677
    NY PJ1 wrote:
    mookie radio mexico!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahhhhhhhhhh

    that fricking french place is empty everytime i walk by

    I love going to French restaurants but I will not step foot in there! It's a sacrilege to enter!
    "The leads are weak!"

    "The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"

    "What's your name?"

  • stargirl69stargirl69 Posts: 6,387
    Oh going to restaurants is one of my favourite nights out.The best restaurant in Edinburgh IMO is about a five minute walk from me.International Starters the menu is divided into continents and starter size portions,a bit like tapas but the range of food is huge.The idea is each person orders 2 to 3 dishes and they all come at different times.Everyone gets a small plate and digs in as the food is brought to the table.It is the most sociable way to eat sharing tastes and opinions on the dishes.Mmmm lovely.
    I used to work with a guy who believed and lived with the principal that he only ate just enough to sustain the energy he would use that day.He never ate out and lived on raw veg and water.He was the healthiest person I have met but was as mind numbingly boring as his diet :)
    “There should be a place where only the things you want to happen, happen”
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    I used to love food, like live for it.. And then when I revamped my lifestyle and began to watch what I was eating, I really stopped caring for food. But its sort of complicated:

    I love food still, if I could eat out at wonderful restaurants and not gain a whole person as a result then I would totally always eat out and be excited about it. However, since I make it a point to watch what I eat, and eat healthy, I don't get excited to go out to eat much anymore because I find it stressful to find things that fit in my plan while eating out. I also feel guilty for eating badly, when I know its not what I truly want (despite how much my mind thinks I want that 2000 calorie meal!) and guilty for spending so much money on eating out. We used to eat out constantly, and then resolved to food shop and make meals at home, and we save SO much money its crazy.

    I hear what you are saying about holidays and such. I like thanksgiving, but it really lost its special appeal to me recently, food wise. We used to celebrate everything as a family growing up, by going out to eat somewhere. Its hard now, I often think about "going out" as eating out, when I could really be doing something else entertaining aside from eating.

    I enjoy cooking (or learning to cook) at home, and trying new things. I much rather save the money from eating out all the time and spend it on new clothes that look better on me anyways from not eating out all the time :)

    That being said, I do enjoy trying a fancy place maybe once a month or so. Chicago does have some wonderful places. But I really only go out somewhere special once in a while.

    yeeesh, i hear that. well not for not enjoying eating out b/c i still soooooooo dooo! even watching what you eat, eating heathfully, you CAN still truly enjoy eating out. pick your places carefully, and relly consider what you want. also, can scale back some that day on other meals, and/or give yourself permission say once a week for one truly fabulous meal. that's what i do.

    however, i totally hear ya on saving money/eating out. i LOVE eating out. it's the social, along with the food....and time alone/focused with hubby, or with friends/ it. have i mentioned that i love to eat out? :D seriously, it probably takes the biggest chunk out of our disposable income, spend $$$. we used to eat out and/or get takeout 2-3x a week, it was crazy. definitely blew the budget. nowadays we try to limit meals out to once a week, and are on a kick trying new places. it's good. we've been bad this past week, wnet out a couple times....but baby steps, eh? :p

    anyhoo...don't let the new healthy you interfere with your food enjoyment, b/c you really can have BOTH! :)

    i do really want to try and balance eating out and saving more $$4 for other things tho, absolutely. it IS wise. but mmmmmmm....eating out is awesome!
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  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    damn double post. :)
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  • senninsennin Posts: 2,146
    ... seriously, it probably takes the biggest chunk out of our disposable income, spend $$$. we used to eat out and/or get takeout 2-3x a week, it was crazy. definitely blew the budget.

    If I actually added up the total food/drink/grocery bill for Lisa and I every month....I'd probably flip out! :p
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,810
    sennin wrote:
    Does anyone here watch After Hours with Daniel Boulud??


    It's in my top 3 TV shows to watch!

    DANIEL HAS A SHOW????????????????????????

    where when how the f**k did I miss that

    oh yeah I also really like Mark Bittman's show where a celebrity chef cooks a dish first, then he cooks a more user friendly version
  • senninsennin Posts: 2,146
    Get_Right wrote:
    DANIEL HAS A SHOW????????????????????????

    where when how the f**k did I miss that

    oh yeah I also really like Mark Bittman's show where a celebrity chef cooks a dish first, then he cooks a more user friendly version

    It's in HD....on MoJo.

    HD food is fucking awesome! :D
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    sennin wrote:
    If I actually added up the total food/drink/grocery bill for Lisa and I every month....I'd probably flip out! :p

    :eek: :eek: :eek:
    our credit card gives us a year-end tally of expenditures of our charges into various categories. the restaurant tab is horrific! however, as mentioned...some of the BEST times of each year, spent in, it's a-ok. i'd like to find more balance there, and we are working on it......but it's just SOOOOOO good!

    man, we went somewhere new this past saturday, REALLY good.....2 bottles of very nice wine with dinner.......yikes! a GREAt night though! :D
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    I am myself like you somehow

  • We used to celebrate everything as a family growing up, by going out to eat somewhere. Its hard now, I often think about "going out" as eating out, when I could really be doing something else entertaining aside from eating.

    my family still does this. I think my parents think you can't talk to someone if there isn't a table covered in food between you. I only enjoy eating a full meal if I am really, really hungry and really craving something. I'll go out to eat to socialize, but the idea of going out to eat just because it's dinner time and we're all free just bothers me.

    it's the same thing weight-wise with me too. part of why I gained so much weight last year was because my boyfriend is a big time eater-outer. and we never really knew what to together besides have dinner. And I think even if you eat at "healthy" places you still gain weight if you eat out because 1) you never really know what's in everything and 2) if you didn't go out you would probably only eat some fraction of the foods you would if you eat out (like I don't eat whole meals consisting of different foods at home, I eat one thing).
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 12,810
    sennin wrote:
    It's in HD....on MoJo.

    HD food is fucking awesome! :D

    sounds like it-thanks

    I think I get this channel, but I dont have an HDTV, do I need one to view it?
  • senninsennin Posts: 2,146
    :eek: :eek:
    our credit card gives us a year-end tally of expenditures of our charges into various categories. the restaurant tab is horrific! however, as mentioned...some of the BEST times of each year, spent in, it's a-ok. i'd like to find more balance there, and we are working on it......but it's just SOOOOOO good!

    man, we went somewhere new this past saturday, REALLY good.....2 bottles of very nice wine with dinner.......yikes! a GREAt night though! :D


    Le Kliff in Mexico.....$$$$$.....and don't remember half of it! :p
  • justamjustam Posts: 21,408
    I realize that on holidays or special occasions that involve food or going to a good restaurant or something, people get really excited about the food. And, when you think about it, ALL holidays, special occasions, most socializing, etc., is based on food! I just can't get into it. the only reason I enjoy going out to eat is getting out of the house. I think I am really weird in this respect, nobody ever seems to agree with me. Is there anyone else here who really could just take or leave home cooked holiday meals or doesn't have a "favorite restaurant"? The only time I really get into food is when I've been running like 10 miles and am really starving and the burrito place is nearby...

    I'm getting a bit tired of having to cook dinner nearly every night of my life, but otherwise I still like it!!!!! :)
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    sennin wrote:

    Le Kliff in Mexico.....$$$$$.....and don't remember half of it!

    sounds like a GREAT night! :D

    and that place looks spectacular!

    hubby and i tried out the most fantastic new mexicn place near us, oddly enough right near our usual fave mex place :)...on new year's day. fantastico! :D food was sooooo good, sooooooooo fresh! bit pricey, so definitely more a 'special occasion' place, but soooo yummm! think we'll be hitting it up in march for my sister's birthday. it'll be my usggestion anyway. :p

    much of life's best memories are around a table...somewhere......:Dthe day i am not excited by food....drink.....intimate the day the coroner declares me dead.
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    I am myself like you somehow

  • senninsennin Posts: 2,146
    sounds like a GREAT night!

    and that place looks spectacular!

    hubby and i tried out the most fantastic new mexicn place near us, oddly enough right near our usual fave mex place :)...on new year's day. fantastico! :D food was sooooo good, sooooooooo fresh! bit pricey, so definitely more a 'special occasion' place, but soooo yummm! think we'll be hitting it up in march for my sister's birthday. it'll be my usggestion anyway. :p

    much of life's best memories are around a table...somewhere......:Dthe day i am not excited by food....drink.....intimate the day the coroner declares me dead.

    I'm hungry!

    Dinner and a movie tonight! Going to see a place called the Big Picture! Full bar and popcorn in champagne buckets! :D
  • PJaddictedPJaddicted Posts: 1,432
    I love food! We eat out some place nice almost every weekend, I cook 5 nights a week for my boys, and one night we do some sort of take out.


    *May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*

    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
    — Unknown
  • I guess I feel like food never lives up to the anticipation.
  • senninsennin Posts: 2,146
    I guess I feel like food never lives up to the anticipation.

  • _Crazy_Mary__Crazy_Mary_ Posts: 1,299
    I love food! I read cooking magazines all the time. Cooks Country & Cooking Illustrated are my favorites.
    Just tonight for dinner I made roast tri-tip with pan roasted green beans. Last week we made sesame seed encrusted seared Ahi with short grain brown rice and a wilted spinach salad with lemon vinaigrette.
    We sit down to dinner probably only 3 nights a week, which stinks, but I still love cooking. And baking. :D
    I really screwed that up. I really Schruted it.
  • AllieAllie Posts: 2,908
    I realize that on holidays or special occasions that involve food or going to a good restaurant or something, people get really excited about the food. And, when you think about it, ALL holidays, special occasions, most socializing, etc., is based on food! I just can't get into it. the only reason I enjoy going out to eat is getting out of the house. I think I am really weird in this respect, nobody ever seems to agree with me. Is there anyone else here who really could just take or leave home cooked holiday meals or doesn't have a "favorite restaurant"? The only time I really get into food is when I've been running like 10 miles and am really starving and the burrito place is nearby...
    Not loved home cooked food? No fave restaurant? Good God. Good food is one of the reasons for living :) I Loooooove food. Few things in life make me happier than eating.
    " a word misplaced, nothing said, what a waste.."
    "Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
    Free Speedy
    and Metsy!
  • smg9779smg9779 Posts: 235
    One of my good friends used to say, "if there was a little pill I could take to get rid of my hunger I would do it." Basically he was commenting on how eating anything just didn't do it for him, though he was clinically depressed at the time. Not sure how he feels about food now.

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  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    thanks to this thread and all the food talk here yesterday, hubby and i went out to our fave italian place last night and had a GREAt meal. :D
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    I am myself like you somehow

  • Allie wrote:
    Not loved home cooked food? No fave restaurant? Good God. Good food is one of the reasons for living :) I Loooooove food. Few things in life make me happier than eating.

    you're supposed to really like food to be thin, that's what intuitive eating is all about. contrary to popular believe most thin people like food and most fat people don't. I like food less for the actual taste but more for what I feel like my body needs. like sometimes even though I'm not a sweets person, I feel I need a little sugar (sunday night I had a chocolate crepe for dinner which is highly unusual for me) or sometimes I feel like I need fat so I eat cheese. sometimes I feel like I need vitamins so I eat vegetables. it's when I DON'T really feel like I need anything that eating becomes a pain, and since I eat a well-balanced diet, I don't often feel like I need anything. As I mentioned earlier, food is best when you feel like you deserve it.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    MOST people i know....fat and thin, everything food! tis the rare person i personally know who doesn't truly enjoy food, and the one i do know - my mom - she is thin. i don't think it cuts clearly across fat/thin lines at all.
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    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

  • MOST people i know....fat and thin, everything food! tis the rare person i personally know who doesn't truly enjoy food, and the one i do know - my mom - she is thin. i don't think it cuts clearly across fat/thin lines at all.

    well this book I read over the summer says that you have to really like food to eat properly. people who are truly intuitive eaters (and these people are by far generally thin) eat what they like and not what they don't. the book says that fat people have gone their whole lives being told what to eat and what not to eat so they rarely even know what they actually like. the nutritionists who wrote the book said that when clients come in the first thing they ask people is what they like to eat, and obese people often cannot answer (no one's ever asked them before).

    I guess I really do love to eat ice cream. but I need vast quantities of it (like I usually need to eat a whole pint) to be satisfied, so I rarely eat it. if I eat just a small amount it's just disappointing again. I love ice cream because of how it feels going down and how it refreshes and cleanses your palate of all the after tastes you've had.
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    well this book I read over the summer says that you have to really like food to eat properly. people who are truly intuitive eaters (and these people are by far generally thin) eat what they like and not what they don't. the book says that fat people have gone their whole lives being told what to eat and what not to eat so they rarely even know what they actually like. the nutritionists who wrote the book said that when clients come in the first thing they ask people is what they like to eat, and obese people often cannot answer (no one's ever asked them before).

    i agree with the part i bolded, the rest...not so much. not all fat people have had *bad* experiences with food, and i know plenty who know eaxctly what they like and don't like. plenty of fat people didn't grow up fat, but got fat no bad childhood memories, etc. and there are plenty of people who were fat kids and got themselves over it as adults once they took control of their own lives and eating...and yes.....still love food! as we all know, there are all types of bodies and all types of eaters, etc. some people are simply naturally heavy, yet eat *healthy*...and so on. sure, some fat people ARe exactly as the book describes, but i know thin people who eat terribly and stay thin, etc. hell, i used to be one of those. :o i just think there is no clear-cut delineation in eating habits between fat and thin people, that's all.
    Stay with me...
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    I am myself like you somehow

  • i agree with the part i bolded, the rest...not so much. not all fat people have had *bad* experiences with food, and i know plenty who know eaxctly what they like and don't like. plenty of fat people didn't grow up fat, but got fat no bad childhood memories, etc. and there are plenty of people who were fat kids and got themselves over it as adults once they took control of their own lives and eating...and yes.....still love food! as we all know, there are all types of bodies and all types of eaters, etc. some people are simply naturally heavy, yet eat *healthy*...and so on. sure, some fat people ARe exactly as the book describes, but i know thin people who eat terribly and stay thin, etc. hell, i used to be one of those. :o i just think there is no clear-cut delineation in eating habits between fat and thin people, that's all.

    I didn't say ALL, I'm just saying it's a misconception to think that all fat people really love food, and I am also saying that not liking food can be worse for you than liking food. not knowing what you like or really loving food can lead to bad eating habits. your interpretation was not what I meant.
  • chiquimonkeychiquimonkey Posts: 9,337
    I didn't say ALL, I'm just saying it's a misconception to think that all fat people really love food, and I am also saying that not liking food can be worse for you than liking food. not knowing what you like or really loving food can lead to bad eating habits.
    maybe some don't, i do though hahaa
  • PJaddictedPJaddicted Posts: 1,432
    Just a you think people who enjoy food and plan celebrations around it, are the ones who really enjoy life to its fullest? I think of my mom when asking this question....she is a FOODIE. She is thin and fit for 71, and totally loves and enjoys life, lives in the moment since losing my dad. She is always planning her next meal. Always in a good mood! She is a fabulous cook too. When we were kids she would have her friends over for "gracious living" parties, dispite having little money. My parents just seemed to live life to the fullest. So much of our lives were centered around celebrations that always involved great meals. Right now she is in FL with her boyfriend, having driven and eaten all the way down there, visiting friends along the way....having a great time she tells me, also discribing every single meal! Sooooo funny! I just love her! What does everyone think?


    *May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*

    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
    — Unknown
  • I get excited by salami. ;)
  • decides2dreamdecides2dream Posts: 14,977
    PJaddicted wrote:
    Just a you think people who enjoy food and plan celebrations around it, are the ones who really enjoy life to its fullest? I think of my mom when asking this question....she is a FOODIE. She is thin and fit for 71, and totally loves and enjoys life, lives in the moment since losing my dad. She is always planning her next meal. Always in a good mood! She is a fabulous cook too. When we were kids she would have her friends over for "gracious living" parties, dispite having little money. My parents just seemed to live life to the fullest. So much of our lives were centered around celebrations that always involved great meals. Right now she is in FL with her boyfriend, having driven and eaten all the way down there, visiting friends along the way....having a great time she tells me, also discribing every single meal! Sooooo funny! I just love her! What does everyone think?


    that's a GREAT question/point! :)
    overall, i'd agree. however, my mother is soooo NOT a foodie, and she definitely LOVES life, and a great party! :D so while i think overall, for most....a love of food = a love of life, i think some can merely have a real zest for life too, all on it's own, even if oftentimes it does go hand in hand. i will say, my mom LOVES the *social aspect* of gathering together for a meal....and she loves to drink that may help. ;)
    Stay with me...
    Let's just breathe...

    I am myself like you somehow

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