Never done a step class...but I know they do the job.
Saturnal - nice!
Yeah, Saturnal..way to make us feel lazy.
What is a reverse crunch?
Holy macaroni with the step class. Actually step and sculpt. I thought it said the class was 30 min..not 60. oopsie...
This woman killed us. But it hurt so good.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Stairs madness with cardic lane sometimes.
Walking the beach.
Chopping wood, stacking wood, handeling my wood.
I do enjoy a good sweaty wood splitting session.
or a good sweaty wood handling ritual
well I certainly haven't had a great work out in probably over a year. it's so frustrating. today I left the gym without even feeling like I had done anything.
3 miles, baby! All indoors on a treadmill, and in the evening. I figured out some things, again.
a) I like to run more in the evening
b) I don't like to wake up to run.
I tried to wake up to run recently so that I would be "conditioned" for the Cherry Blossom Run in April. As I was enjoying my run today I thought Well, I could hate the next two months, or just hate April 6th! No brainer, eh? So, I may struggle with the time on April 6th, but until then I'll run in the evening or afternoon. I just have to wake up early to go to work early, to get off work early, to get on the treadmill before others etc etc etc. Piece of cake, compared to waking up early to run, though.
I also squeezed some oranges, and lemons for a pre-run Vitamin C rush. However, brownies are definitely The Day is Good food.
This is a great place to get inspired. Keep it coming!
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Ms. ever post brownies like that again and i'm gonna boot yer ass outta here!!!!!
dayummm those looked good!
AMEN! Those brownies are testing my will!
Today I did a 30 minute walk (without the baby, so at a quicker and more even pace than a normal walk), followed by 20 minutes on the bike and then a bunch of arms/abs stuff.
tonight I've got my fav workout, so I'm hoping it will be good. the only problem is my core workout go so screwed up yesterday I'll have to do extra core stuff. I should have done it this morning but after my dinner of cheese last night, didn't think it would be a good idea:
3.5 mile run
upper body super sets:
-lateral pull downs/lateral press, last set drop set
-low row/chest press on the swiss ball, last set drop set
-flies on the swiss ball/lateral raises, last set drop set
-bicep curls/tricep pulldowns, last set drop set
-tricep kickbacks/hammers
then some kind of ab stuff, probably planks, crunches, reverse crunches, and twists with a medicine ball. maybe leg raises instead.
The first thing I thought when I woke up this morning was:
I want to run! - you know, like a nut I thought this.
This is totally inconsistent with how I view life. Running is not for the morning, but here I was this morning chipper chipper chipper, and ready to run. So, there I go without my cup of coffee (totally inconsistent with how I live my life), and a biscotti alle mandorle to the treadmill.
After the first 2 miles I was nauseous. The early morning "I haven't eaten enough nauseous." After that I remembered I had to go to work. I hurried up, and ran 3 miles total. Pretty cool! Ohmygawd! I ran in the morning, and it didn't ruin my day! Who'd knew.
Riverrunner's suggestion of the fast turnover/small stride works for me as a running method. Thanks for the suggestion! I've heard about it before, but I'm more conscious of doing it now.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
tonight I've got my fav workout, so I'm hoping it will be good. the only problem is my core workout go so screwed up yesterday I'll have to do extra core stuff. I should have done it this morning but after my dinner of cheese last night, didn't think it would be a good idea:
3.5 mile run
upper body super sets:
-lateral pull downs/lateral press, last set drop set
-low row/chest press on the swiss ball, last set drop set
-flies on the swiss ball/lateral raises, last set drop set
-bicep curls/tricep pulldowns, last set drop set
-tricep kickbacks/hammers
then some kind of ab stuff, probably planks, crunches, reverse crunches, and twists with a medicine ball. maybe leg raises instead.
ha, I'm quoting myself .
but I just wanted to say that I wish every day could be upper body day. no nausea, no chills, no frustration...
For Friday, I think I'm going to do the 3x20 ends up being about 460 reps in 40 minutes. Typically Monday is high-rep day (3x20's), Wed heavy day (3x6'x or so), & Friday is 3x10's.
Work-out today - not good. I felt fatigued since Thursday. I had planned to do an 11 mile trail run. I only did about 5.5 miles. My legs just weren't up to it. But I did a lot this past week so I guess it should be expected.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I REALLY was going to run, really. I procrastinated for a few hours. Since it's Saturday that's OK. I stay at my twin's on Fridays so that an adult is home when their kids are home. Then my twin drives me back home on Saturdays. Usually, I sleep all day on Saturdays, but today I started off playing Dogopoly with my 6 year old niece
So, my twin went to get her oil changed, and I was ready to take a nap. I was all dressed for running as I KNEW I was going to do it at some point, but naps on Saturdays are just a great combination.
All of a sudden KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on the door! My brother-in-law comes in "Go RUNNING!" Obviously my twin put him up to these shenanigans, ruining a potentially good nap. He took it one step further and invited the two little doggies to jump up on my bed, and be themselves. Eeeek! Ok, I'll run!
I was all dressed, like I wrote earlier, I stretched out good n' plenty, I was about to put my shoes on when I noticed I brought one running shoe and one walking shoe that's the same color! Ohmygawd! All that glorious procrastination for nothing. I shouldn't run or I else I could possibly hurt myself with two different shoes. Fuck! I really wanted to run. Oh well.
Instead I took my twin's dog out for a walk. She's mighty fast for a doggie that looks like a bratwurst with legs.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I'm becoming addicted to Su Doku. Oh no! It's taking my attention from my workout schedule. Ooops!
Help! Help! I need inspiration. Help me close the book, put away the pencil, and put on my running shoes!
Help! Help, I'm drowning in Su Doku . . . .
Any inspiring workout stories out there?
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Most of the time I don't really feel like going to the gym, so I stick with push-ups, sit-ups, roll-outs, and natural excercise like rock climbing, running, swimming, etc. At the moment I'm at 500 push-ups and sit-ups a day, and try to increase by 10 every day. When I do go to the gym it's a mile run there, then freeweights, then the same run home
"Ah, life is a gate, a way, a path to Paradise anyway, why not live for fun and joy and love or some sort of girl by a fireside, why not go to your desire and LAUGH..."
4 miles running on treadmill before 7:30 am. I recommend eating grapefruit before a run. I ate two, and I was good for most of the run. The 3.5 mile mark got a little long, but then I sped up to get it over. I can't believe I was ready this morning. I was just ready to run when I got up. I wanted to do it more than read, drink coffee, hang out, you know. Still odd, but getting more common for me. I hope it continues.
Steve Dunne, I still think of you post to getcherassoutthere, or whatever it is you wrote earlier
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Pint-lifting: It's like you have a small dumbell, with every lift a small amount of sand seeps out, you continue lifting until dumbell emptys. Then you get a fresh dumbell and repeat the process numerous times.
Pint-lifting: It's like you have a small dumbell, with every lift a small amount of sand seeps out, you continue lifting until dumbell emptys. Then you get a fresh dumbell and repeat the process numerous times.
One of my favorite exercises. Unfortunately I can't seem to lose weight that way. Can't figure it out.....
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
Yesterday I hiked with my dogs a little over two miles. Then I finally got up the gumption to get out on my road bike yesterday about 3:30 p.m. We had some great weather yesterday - up to 60 degrees and partly sunny. I got started too late to do too much, but managed to ride for about an hour. The last 15 minutes were straight into a strong southerly headwind - that made it a tough workout.
This morning I swam 1500 yards in the pool at the gym - yuck!! I hate that.
I need to get on the bike again this evening.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
One of my favorite exercises. Unfortunately I can't seem to lose weight that way. Can't figure it out.....
I turn 30 on wednesday, have neglected myself over the past decade but will have to embark on some kind of health kick. Gonna start running and lifting some weights, my arms are long and thin, my shoulders are narrower than when I was 20.....not good. My left arm in particular has emaciated: my girlfriend can beat me in an arm-wrestle on that one which is pretty pathetic.
On the plus side I'm still quite slim.
well i was avoiding this thread, but have to own up to the fact that i went on a major southern bender this past weekend. went back today to the gym, started running, and again strained the calf. will get over this hump and restart the engines. good thing is i didn't gain any weight in my indulgences.
so anyone do freakin anything in the last 2 days or just my sorry ass???
not just your sorry ass....
monday i did 30 minutes of treadmill/30 minutes of elliptical
tuesday - hour of kickboxing, hour of body sculpting (weights) class
i did a lot of damage this weekend as well and unfortunately i did gain a's amazing how much of a difference it makes when doing cardio. thought i was going to die last night in kickboxing!
I took an awesome step class today.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
40 minutes on recumbent cycle @ 70-75% MHR
45 minutes lifting (legs/shoulders/abs):
-barbell squat (5x5)
-dumbbell side lateral raises (3x10)
-barbell calf-raises (3x20)
-decline crunches (3x30)
-leg extensions (3x10)
-barbell military press (3x10)
-leg curls (3x10)
-reverse crunches (3x30)
Why thank you!
Never done a step class...but I know they do the job.
Saturnal - nice!
What is a reverse crunch?
Holy macaroni with the step class. Actually step and sculpt. I thought it said the class was 30 min..not 60. oopsie...
This woman killed us. But it hurt so good.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Walking the beach.
Chopping wood, stacking wood, handeling my wood.
I do enjoy a good sweaty wood splitting session.
or a good sweaty wood handling ritual
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Have you ever had a great "anything"?
well I certainly haven't had a great work out in probably over a year. it's so frustrating. today I left the gym without even feeling like I had done anything.
a) I like to run more in the evening
b) I don't like to wake up to run.
I tried to wake up to run recently so that I would be "conditioned" for the Cherry Blossom Run in April. As I was enjoying my run today I thought Well, I could hate the next two months, or just hate April 6th! No brainer, eh? So, I may struggle with the time on April 6th, but until then I'll run in the evening or afternoon. I just have to wake up early to go to work early, to get off work early, to get on the treadmill before others etc etc etc. Piece of cake, compared to waking up early to run, though.
What made this run more fun is that for breakfast and lunch I had brownies hmmmmm
I also squeezed some oranges, and lemons for a pre-run Vitamin C rush. However, brownies are definitely The Day is Good food.
This is a great place to get inspired. Keep it coming!
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
dayummm those looked good!
bike 17 min
elliptical 22 min
AMEN! Those brownies are testing my will!
Today I did a 30 minute walk (without the baby, so at a quicker and more even pace than a normal walk), followed by 20 minutes on the bike and then a bunch of arms/abs stuff.
3.5 mile run
upper body super sets:
-lateral pull downs/lateral press, last set drop set
-low row/chest press on the swiss ball, last set drop set
-flies on the swiss ball/lateral raises, last set drop set
-bicep curls/tricep pulldowns, last set drop set
-tricep kickbacks/hammers
then some kind of ab stuff, probably planks, crunches, reverse crunches, and twists with a medicine ball. maybe leg raises instead.
I want to run! - you know, like a nut I thought this.
This is totally inconsistent with how I view life. Running is not for the morning, but here I was this morning chipper chipper chipper, and ready to run. So, there I go without my cup of coffee (totally inconsistent with how I live my life), and a biscotti alle mandorle
After the first 2 miles I was nauseous. The early morning "I haven't eaten enough nauseous." After that I remembered I had to go to work. I hurried up, and ran 3 miles total. Pretty cool! Ohmygawd! I ran in the morning, and it didn't ruin my day! Who'd knew.
Riverrunner's suggestion of the fast turnover/small stride works for me as a running method. Thanks for the suggestion! I've heard about it before, but I'm more conscious of doing it now.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
ha, I'm quoting myself
but I just wanted to say that I wish every day could be upper body day. no nausea, no chills, no frustration...
For Friday, I think I'm going to do the 3x20 ends up being about 460 reps in 40 minutes. Typically Monday is high-rep day (3x20's), Wed heavy day (3x6'x or so), & Friday is 3x10's.
So, my twin went to get her oil changed, and I was ready to take a nap. I was all dressed for running as I KNEW I was going to do it at some point, but naps on Saturdays are just a great combination.
All of a sudden KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK on the door! My brother-in-law comes in "Go RUNNING!" Obviously my twin put him up to these shenanigans, ruining a potentially good nap. He took it one step further and invited the two little doggies to jump up on my bed, and be themselves. Eeeek! Ok, I'll run!
I was all dressed, like I wrote earlier, I stretched out good n' plenty, I was about to put my shoes on when I noticed I brought one running shoe and one walking shoe that's the same color! Ohmygawd! All that glorious procrastination for nothing. I shouldn't run or I else I could possibly hurt myself with two different shoes. Fuck! I really wanted to run. Oh well.
Instead I took my twin's dog out for a walk. She's mighty fast for a doggie that looks like a bratwurst with legs.
Here she is in a Cleopatra moment (her name is Cleo, short for Cleopatra)
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Help! Help! I need inspiration. Help me close the book, put away the pencil, and put on my running shoes!
Help! Help, I'm drowning in Su Doku . . . .
Any inspiring workout stories out there?
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Steve Dunne, I still think of you post to getcherassoutthere, or whatever it is you wrote earlier
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
One of my favorite exercises. Unfortunately I can't seem to lose weight that way. Can't figure it out.....
This morning I swam 1500 yards in the pool at the gym - yuck!! I hate that.
I need to get on the bike again this evening.
On the plus side I'm still quite slim.
so anyone do freakin anything in the last 2 days or just my sorry ass???
On Monday, I did my ferocious "low weight, high rep" 3 sets of 20 routine, which resulted in a total of 483 reps in about 45 minutes.
Today was "heavy day" where I do 3 sets of 6-8 with more weight. On bench, I moved 205 8 times on 3 sets! A first for me.
nice work fanch! i'll soon be starting back with weights...have to get the running/endurance up to speed first.
monday i did 30 minutes of treadmill/30 minutes of elliptical
tuesday - hour of kickboxing, hour of body sculpting (weights) class
i did a lot of damage this weekend as well and unfortunately i did gain a's amazing how much of a difference it makes when doing cardio. thought i was going to die last night in kickboxing!