I was a swimmer growing up. I swam for about 2 hours everyday from ages 8-18. Last year I decided to get back into swimming (I was at a university, so might as well take advantage of the pool, right?) and I realized...swimming is really, really boring.
Today I realized I'm finally making some progress on my lower abs for the first time since the c-section almost 20 months ago, lol. I've been good with cardio, but then I was so weak in that area after the surgery, that I've been avoiding working on it. I'm so excited.
Today I realized I'm finally making some progress on my lower abs for the first time since the c-section almost 20 months ago, lol. I've been good with cardio, but then I was so weak in that area after the surgery, that I've been avoiding working on it. I'm so excited.
Atta girl J!!! Keep at it! I can't be the only one in hell here!!!
Ran 1.2 miles
Excercise bike - 10 minutes
Abs/beer belly reduction
gotta start somewhere.....
i hear ya buddy.......hehehehehe
but its nice after a couple of weeks of pain.....your body starts feeling good from working out.......then your mind starts feeling good about the fact that your working out......and then its GAME ON!!!!!
but those first 2 weeks.....after not working out for some time.....SUCK MONKEY BALLS!!!!!!
Take me piece by piece..... Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
but its nice after a couple of weeks of pain.....your body starts feeling good from working out.......then your mind starts feeling good about the fact that your working out......and then its GAME ON!!!!!
but those first 2 weeks.....after not working out for some time.....SUCK MONKEY BALLS!!!!!!
and then you go home to the gf with your new 'dirty frank' and EVERYTHING starts feeling right!!!!
but its nice after a couple of weeks of pain.....your body starts feeling good from working out.......then your mind starts feeling good about the fact that your working out......and then its GAME ON!!!!!
but those first 2 weeks.....after not working out for some time.....SUCK MONKEY BALLS!!!!!!
it's true at some point you'll feel a lot worse if you *don't* work out. it gets to be like brushing your teeth you don't even think about it.
Today I ran 3 miles in freezing weather. Pretty cool - I've reached "psycho-nut-runner" status. I'm slow as molasses, but at least I did it.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Today I ran 3 miles in freezing weather. Pretty cool - I've reached "psycho-nut-runner" status. I'm slow as molasses, but at least I did it.
tomorrow being saturday I've got my 8 mile run in the freezing weather...I'm slow as molasses too at the moment, and that's a looong time to be out there in the cold. ugh, not really looking forward to it. I am really thinking I'd rather just go to the gym and not worry about this half marathon I signed up for.
I thought really hard about exercising this morning I'm sure I gained a muscle somewhere with all that intellectual exertion.
I plan to run tonight.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I was just gonna slack off today, and say that the walk I took with the stroller was good enough...but then I saw this and thought I'd better get my ass on the bike. Plus I need to do abs today.
I'm wicked sore today. I did a lot of squats and lunges on saturday but I was so hungry I felt like I was gonna pass out so I bolted out of the gym without doing any stretching. big ass mistake when you're this out of it.
I was just gonna slack off today, and say that the walk I took with the stroller was good enough...but then I saw this and thought I'd better get my ass on the bike. Plus I need to do abs today.
I'm a runner with a small stride. What cross-training do you do to upgrade your stride to a more comfortable length? I know I can go faster I'm just so used to taking-it-easy. Any suggestions?
Hills make me unhappy. What motivates you as you go up hills?
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I'm a runner with a small stride. What cross-training do you do to upgrade your stride to a more comfortable length? I know I can go faster I'm just so used to taking-it-easy. Any suggestions?
Hills make me unhappy. What motivates you as you go up hills?
think of like "powering" up the hills. feel it in your calves.
making your stride longer is just practice. if you have to use a treadmill for a bit do so. I used to have a very short "jogger" stride from years of running laps around a soccer field in formation with 18 other girls. just concentrate on it, and as I said it might be easier on a treadmill. and just concentrate on opening up and LOOSENING up. Just let your legs and arms kind of go.
I've been running on an indoor track...trying to keep it consistant in climate, pace, everything, until I build up some stamina. Of course in doing so I still strained a calf last week and today was not fun. I hate hills and outdoor running with a passion. I have avoided hills at all costs!
I'm a runner with a small stride. What cross-training do you do to upgrade your stride to a more comfortable length? I know I can go faster I'm just so used to taking-it-easy. Any suggestions?
Hills make me unhappy. What motivates you as you go up hills?
As to stride, there are a lot of articles out there telling people to run with a shorter stride. They say the key is "quicker turnover." In other words keep the same stride just do it faster! You might want to try that. I have read that especially at the end of a race when fatigued runners should shorten stride and pick up the turnover. I have tried it and it seems to work. I normally have a long stride, but over the last year or so I have worked at taking shorter strides but moving quicker. It makes for an interesting work out.
As to hills, just repeat over and over and over (a mantra if you will) "I LOVE HILLS!"
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
i'm just getting back into working out...i hurt both my knees 'cause i'm s.m.r.t and fell up the stairs a couple weeks ago but...i went on an awesome run/walk (i've never been very good at running) around the little island that i live on. then some crunches and regular/triangle push ups. starting it back up again slow. i can't wait to do it again!
yes...i do feel like a human. i do not feel like a tree.
i forgot to add-
4:00am- obsess over not getting to gym more often.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
you're beautiful just the way you are
and as you have pointed out, being a mother is a full time job and a full time workout, so dont sweat it
Together in a circuit:
Bench Press: 3x6, (225 and then 205 & 205)
Barbell Squats: 3x8, 225 lbs
Standing calf raises: 3x12, 320 lbs
Done individually with 60 secs rest between sets:
Military dumbbell presses: 3x8, 35lbs each, 35lbs, and 30lbs
Standing Bent-over barbell rows: 3x8,@85, 105, & 105
Standing pulley tricep pushdowns, 3x10, @120lbs
Standing dumbbell hammer curls: 3x8, 30lbs, 30lbs, & 25lbs
Seated Lat Pulldown: 3 x 6, 10 lbs
i didnt drown.....
and nobody harpooned me.......
all in all i think it was a big success.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I was a swimmer growing up. I swam for about 2 hours everyday from ages 8-18. Last year I decided to get back into swimming (I was at a university, so might as well take advantage of the pool, right?) and I realized...swimming is really, really boring.
Nice Fanch! Working off those Nattys!!!
And way to go Speed!
Today...still nursing calf back into shape
20 min elliptical
12 min bike
should be ready to go next week
down 10 lbs since 1/1/08
Today I realized I'm finally making some progress on my lower abs for the first time since the c-section almost 20 months ago, lol. I've been good with cardio, but then I was so weak in that area after the surgery, that I've been avoiding working on it. I'm so excited.
Atta girl J!!! Keep at it! I can't be the only one in hell here!!!
i hear ya buddy.......hehehehehe
but its nice after a couple of weeks of pain.....your body starts feeling good from working out.......then your mind starts feeling good about the fact that your working out......and then its GAME ON!!!!!
but those first 2 weeks.....after not working out for some time.....SUCK MONKEY BALLS!!!!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
and then you go home to the gf with your new 'dirty frank' and EVERYTHING starts feeling right!!!!
it's true at some point you'll feel a lot worse if you *don't* work out. it gets to be like brushing your teeth you don't even think about it.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
tomorrow being saturday I've got my 8 mile run in the freezing weather...I'm slow as molasses too at the moment, and that's a looong time to be out there in the cold. ugh, not really looking forward to it. I am really thinking I'd rather just go to the gym and not worry about this half marathon I signed up for.
hopefully go 4-5 times this week.....
even though my entire body felt like it was hit by a fucking truck over the weekend.....hehehehehe
like i said....the first 2 weeks suck monkey balls.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Although...gettin' it back...
run 1.5 miles
bike 15 minutes
I plan to run tonight.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
I was just gonna slack off today, and say that the walk I took with the stroller was good enough...but then I saw this and thought I'd better get my ass on the bike.
swimming is just the best, i love it.
a whole body workout and no sweating...even better.
i'll be lucky to walk to the car after work haha
"Die, Nazi spin bitch!" - (Fever Pitch)
thought of you and this scene
Hills make me unhappy. What motivates you as you go up hills?
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
think of like "powering" up the hills. feel it in your calves.
making your stride longer is just practice. if you have to use a treadmill for a bit do so. I used to have a very short "jogger" stride from years of running laps around a soccer field in formation with 18 other girls. just concentrate on it, and as I said it might be easier on a treadmill. and just concentrate on opening up and LOOSENING up. Just let your legs and arms kind of go.
Together in a circuit:
Bench Press: 3x10, 185
Barbell Squats: 3x10, 185 lbs
Standing calf raises: 3x12, 220 lbs
Done individually with 60 secs rest between sets:
"Arnold" Military dumbbell presses: 3x10, 25lbs
Laying Bent-over barbell rows: 3x10,@65lbs
Standing pulley tricep pushdowns, 3x10, @120lbs
Standing dumbbell hammer curls: 3x10, 25lbs
Seated Lat Pulldown: 3 x 10, 100 lbs
Wednesday...heavy day!
As to stride, there are a lot of articles out there telling people to run with a shorter stride. They say the key is "quicker turnover." In other words keep the same stride just do it faster! You might want to try that. I have read that especially at the end of a race when fatigued runners should shorten stride and pick up the turnover. I have tried it and it seems to work. I normally have a long stride, but over the last year or so I have worked at taking shorter strides but moving quicker. It makes for an interesting work out.
As to hills, just repeat over and over and over (a mantra if you will) "I LOVE HILLS!"
sort of a food binge...
i start working out this week...7 days a week, 1 month.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
bike - 17 minutes
gettin' there