In all seriousness though...I need to get in shape. I used to ride for about 30 mins to an hour a day and walk or do sit-up 4-5 times a week...I am fallen off the wagon recently.
Is it so wrong to think that love can keep us safe?
That damn wagon!!! I wish it had rails or something to keep me from tumbling off. And it is so hard to get back on too. ADD some stairs people!!
Make this easier!
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
That damn wagon!!! I wish it had rails or something to keep me from tumbling off. And it is so hard to get back on too. ADD some stairs people!!
Make this easier!
How about a child safety seatbelt?...those fuckin' things are really secure!!
Is it so wrong to think that love can keep us safe?
I'm so frustrated, I still feel like I'm not working out enough. my job is really hurting my fitness. it's so frustrating because all I want in the world is to be fit again. but I get home from work at 11pm, and then I can't get up to work out in the morning :(.
If you don't feel like you have the time right now, just either start or end the day with some crunches, jumping jacks and squat thrusts at home for about 20-30 minutes a day while watching tv/radio/whatever. Some cardio activity is better than none at all and it'll get you motivated to continue.
On topic; today is Saturday and I take the weekends off My workout for today will be walking around the mall power shopping!
about 45 minutes total of brisk walking to/from the trains/office. and that's the most consistent exercise i have ever gotten in my life, well except when i went to school in various cities, and again, had lots of walking. otherwise, gym class in school would be my top most consistent exercise regimen. i joined a gym once, went for about 2 months...not for me. someday i hope to motivate myself to do SOME exercise at home, but really...walking/hiking or various activities i enjoy on vacations and such, as close to regular exercise, but none too regular. i too KNOW i would be in better shape if i did regularly, i'll work on my weight/figure through nutrition, and perhaps in time go for the regular exercise. or, just revert to being a very slim but not muscular woman as i was my whole life.
good luck to all of you starting off a regular exercise regimen - kudos!
ugh I had another horrible frustrating work out today!!! I met with this so-called "trainer" at the gym last week because I need a work out I can actually do now that I'm out of shape. Well the upper body workout he gave me was ok, I like the drop sets. However I tried the lower body one today, it was like an utter waste of time. sooooo annoying. it was all squats with no weight. do you know how boring that is? and what can it possibly do for you? maybe if you are an overweight 60 year old woman with a back problem...and then I was supposed to do a bunch of twisting lunges, which probably would have been good, but I couldn't because I was supposed to use those like little black bars and they were in the classroom and there was a yoga class going on. grrr....I hate wasted gym time. I think i hate it more than anything in the world. now I've got to spend another day making up for it.
ugh I had another horrible frustrating work out today!!! I met with this so-called "trainer" at the gym last week because I need a work out I can actually do now that I'm out of shape. Well the upper body workout he gave me was ok, I like the drop sets. However I tried the lower body one today, it was like an utter waste of time. sooooo annoying. it was all squats with no weight. do you know how boring that is? and what can it possibly do for you? maybe if you are an overweight 60 year old woman with a back problem...and then I was supposed to do a bunch of twisting lunges, which probably would have been good, but I couldn't because I was supposed to use those like little black bars and they were in the classroom and there was a yoga class going on. grrr....I hate wasted gym time. I think i hate it more than anything in the world. now I've got to spend another day making up for it.
yup - been there too...many times...but i think you can make amends with this by keeping at it and slowly get back into it. this will take TIME and effort. i wish i could lose 50 lbs overnight, and the realization of this taking months is utterly frustrating...but it will happen. keep at it!
ugh I had another horrible frustrating work out today!!! I met with this so-called "trainer" at the gym last week because I need a work out I can actually do now that I'm out of shape. Well the upper body workout he gave me was ok, I like the drop sets. However I tried the lower body one today, it was like an utter waste of time. sooooo annoying. it was all squats with no weight. do you know how boring that is? and what can it possibly do for you? maybe if you are an overweight 60 year old woman with a back problem...and then I was supposed to do a bunch of twisting lunges, which probably would have been good, but I couldn't because I was supposed to use those like little black bars and they were in the classroom and there was a yoga class going on. grrr....I hate wasted gym time. I think i hate it more than anything in the world. now I've got to spend another day making up for it.
If you know how to do squats already, then do em with weight. The trainer was probably thinking you had to get the correct technique down first or something. But if you squat heavy, believe won't be a waste of time. You'll realize that immediately when you wake up the next morning.
If you know how to do squats already, then do em with weight. The trainer was probably thinking you had to get the correct technique down first or something. But if you squat heavy, believe won't be a waste of time. You'll realize that immediately when you wake up the next morning.
I love squats. I did millions of squats every day with my last work out. some super slow squats, some regular paced interspersed with squat thrusts and jump squats...I've never done super heavy squats a 45 lb bar and 20 lbs normally, but if you do those super slow it still kills. I'm just gonna go back to my old lower body strength work out. I might not be able to do my old cross training circuit but I should be able to just do the lifting. I just hate that wasted another day! (and the trainer knew I can do squats, he watched me and said I had perfect form and asked if I already knew how to do all the exercises why I needed a trainer. he was an idiot).
I really have to start allowing myself to just do a basic work out until I get back in better shape. just cardio and a lower and upper body strength crazy killing myself until I get back into the swing of it is boring to just get back into the basics though. I think that's been my major draw back. I just need to get to the gym every day and run and lift. I can cross the bridge of major cross training and half marathons and triathlons again when I come to them. I get way too stressed out about having the perfect killer workout.
I think I'm not going to do the half marathon now...I've been concentrating too much on running and it's been stressing me out. Maybe if things change by then. if not I've only lost $30.
Swam 1000 yards yesterday and ran 6 miles last evening.
I did strengthening this morning for the first time in three months. I am supposed to run 5 miles too but it is so cold, I can't get motivated to get on the treadmill at the gym (hate that), and I am planning on seeing the Spirit of the Marathon tonight!! Hey, that's it. Isn't watching four people train for a marathon the same as working out?
By the way, Spirit of the Marathon is a documentary about some people training for a marathon. It is being shown one night only across the country. Tonight is the night if anyone is interested. You can go to the website and they list the theaters around the country that are showing it.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
I had upped my jogging recently to 45 minutes, but now I'm reading too much jogging can actually shrink your leg muscles.. so I'm back to my 10 to 20 minute jog.
I had upped my jogging recently to 45 minutes, but now I'm reading too much jogging can actually shrink your leg muscles.. so I'm back to my 10 to 20 minute jog.
Too much exercise and not enough calories/protein eaten to support your activity level is what will cause your muscles to break down and shrink. You'd be better off eating more and jogging the 45 minutes. 10-20 minutes won't do very much (at least not for fat burning).
Too much exercise and not enough calories/protein eaten to support your activity level is what will cause your muscles to break down and shrink. You'd be better off eating more and jogging the 45 minutes. 10-20 minutes won't do very much (at least not for fat burning).
agreed. plus you can strength train too if you're concerned about it.
6:30am-wake up to 11 month old's call, "mamamamamamamamama!!!"
6:45- deep knee bends reaching for diaper
7:00- one-handed coffee making (hoisting 20 lb baby in other arm)
7:05- one-handed coffee drinking
7:15- multiple bending to pick up dropped/thrown cheerios, toys, sippy cup, etc. scattered around high chair
7:30- sit crosslegged on floor watching blue's clues. feel the burn in your thighs
8:00- chase baby around house waiting for him to be tired enough for that blessed first nap
8:30- walk in circles around nursery with 20-lber on shoulder for 15 minutes until he falls asleep
8:45- attempt to lay baby in crib. pull muscle in back. groan, waking baby. pick him up again, moan in pain, start walking in circles again
9:00- get midget into crib, turn on baby monitor, tiptoe from room all while holding breath
9:05- shower
9:07- second cup of coffee. exercise fingers while checking emails and channel surfing for least offensive morning talk show. settle on regis & kelly.
9:30- dress for work, which involves reaching up onto high shelf where sweaters must be stored out of grimy little hands' reach, and squatting into closet to find the matching shoe that baby hid after tearing apart closet floor looking for and not finding lost ernie doll
10:00- exercise range of motion in arms by attempting and failing miserably to zip up own dress. crouch tiger-like to get crotch of tights in the general vicinity of your own crotch.
10:15- respond to baby's cries for "mamamamamamamama!" lift cherub from crib. feel the burn in your lumbago.
10:20- cajole infant into getting diaper changed, then chase him around playroom on all fours to take off his jammies and put on a clean undershirt, sweats, t-shirt, and socks (do this twice, since he walks out of them before you can get his shoes on).
10:30- pack playtime bag for sitter's, retrieving essential race cars, stuffed animals, magnetic fishing pole and fishies, tambourine and drumsticks, and exactly three balls from baskets and from under various pieces of furniture. feel the burn in your stomach, since you didn't eat anything yet aside from two cups of coffee.
10:45- drive 3 miles to sitters and note how, with a complaining infant in the car, it feels like 300 miles. chat with baby and reach back repeatedly to hand him different toys to distract him for those 6 minutes.
11:00- leave sitter's and begin day
5:00pm- pick up sweetpea and head home. sing raffi songs because, well, it's only 3 miles and your stomach can take it
5:15-7:15- attempt to converse with husband and older son while simultaneously hoisting, cajoling, bending and lifting.
8:00- bedtime! walk floor of nursery with wiggling kid on shoulder until one of you collapses from exhaustion. hopefully it's him first.
8:15- bend deeply and slowly to place sleeping angel into crib. feel the burn in your eyes as you tear up, looking at him in complete and utter adoration.
9pm-6:30am- sleep in 2-3 hour intervals, waking to nurse and comfort baby back to sleep. realize in your sleep-deprived haze that you wouldn't change a thing
6:30am- "mamamamamamama!"
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Too much exercise and not enough calories/protein eaten to support your activity level is what will cause your muscles to break down and shrink. You'd be better off eating more and jogging the 45 minutes. 10-20 minutes won't do very much (at least not for fat burning).
Well I don't have a fat problem, so that isn't my concern. When I do go jogging in the city it seems like there's too many obsessive joggers that look like twigs that can run for hours, but barely hold themselves up because they have no muscle... While exercise is very good, I think it has its limits. We weren't designed to run long distances. There's always too much of a good thing..
And you can eat all you want, but muscle needs time to rest and rebuild.
Well I don't have a fat problem, so that isn't my concern. When I do go jogging in the city it seems like there's too many obsessive joggers that look like twigs that can run for hours, but barely hold themselves up because they have no muscle.
Yeah, the reason they're like that is because they're not eating enough to support their activity level...also, they are probably not doing any resistance training.
Running + not eating enough + no resistance training = muscle loss = marathon runner body
Running + eating a lot + resistance training = Olympic track star body :P
6:30am-wake up to 11 month old's call, "mamamamamamamamama!!!"
6:45- deep knee bends reaching for diaper
7:00- one-handed coffee making (hoisting 20 lb baby in other arm)
7:05- one-handed coffee drinking
7:15- multiple bending to pick up dropped/thrown cheerios, toys, sippy cup, etc. scattered around high chair
7:30- sit crosslegged on floor watching blue's clues. feel the burn in your thighs
8:00- chase baby around house waiting for him to be tired enough for that blessed first nap
8:30- walk in circles around nursery with 20-lber on shoulder for 15 minutes until he falls asleep
8:45- attempt to lay baby in crib. pull muscle in back. groan, waking baby. pick him up again, moan in pain, start walking in circles again
9:00- get midget into crib, turn on baby monitor, tiptoe from room all while holding breath
9:05- shower
9:07- second cup of coffee. exercise fingers while checking emails and channel surfing for least offensive morning talk show. settle on regis & kelly.
9:30- dress for work, which involves reaching up onto high shelf where sweaters must be stored out of grimy little hands' reach, and squatting into closet to find the matching shoe that baby hid after tearing apart closet floor looking for and not finding lost ernie doll
10:00- exercise range of motion in arms by attempting and failing miserably to zip up own dress. crouch tiger-like to get crotch of tights in the general vicinity of your own crotch.
10:15- respond to baby's cries for "mamamamamamamama!" lift cherub from crib. feel the burn in your lumbago.
10:20- cajole infant into getting diaper changed, then chase him around playroom on all fours to take off his jammies and put on a clean undershirt, sweats, t-shirt, and socks (do this twice, since he walks out of them before you can get his shoes on).
10:30- pack playtime bag for sitter's, retrieving essential race cars, stuffed animals, magnetic fishing pole and fishies, tambourine and drumsticks, and exactly three balls from baskets and from under various pieces of furniture. feel the burn in your stomach, since you didn't eat anything yet aside from two cups of coffee.
10:45- drive 3 miles to sitters and note how, with a complaining infant in the car, it feels like 300 miles. chat with baby and reach back repeatedly to hand him different toys to distract him for those 6 minutes.
11:00- leave sitter's and begin day
5:00pm- pick up sweetpea and head home. sing raffi songs because, well, it's only 3 miles and your stomach can take it
5:15-7:15- attempt to converse with husband and older son while simultaneously hoisting, cajoling, bending and lifting.
8:00- bedtime! walk floor of nursery with wiggling kid on shoulder until one of you collapses from exhaustion. hopefully it's him first.
8:15- bend deeply and slowly to place sleeping angel into crib. feel the burn in your eyes as you tear up, looking at him in complete and utter adoration.
9pm-6:30am- sleep in 2-3 hour intervals, waking to nurse and comfort baby back to sleep. realize in your sleep-deprived haze that you wouldn't change a thing
In all seriousness though...I need to get in shape. I used to ride for about 30 mins to an hour a day and walk or do sit-up 4-5 times a week...I am fallen off the wagon recently.
That damn wagon!!! I wish it had rails or something to keep me from tumbling off. And it is so hard to get back on too. ADD some stairs people!!
Make this easier!
It would have to be made of chain to keep me from gnawing through it when I got a chocolate attack.
It's bacon cheeseburgers...
If you don't feel like you have the time right now, just either start or end the day with some crunches, jumping jacks and squat thrusts at home for about 20-30 minutes a day while watching tv/radio/whatever. Some cardio activity is better than none at all and it'll get you motivated to continue.
On topic; today is Saturday and I take the weekends off
This is my kind of love...
run 1.4 miles
bike 10 minutes
situps, etc
not a good start to the week, but getting there...down 9 lbs. since 1/1/07
good luck to all of you starting off a regular exercise regimen - kudos!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
well thank you nic! today's run was not good, but the students are back on campus, and the scenery was fabulous!!!
Back on the horse again tomorrow.
Went shopping and tried on some stuff... down 2 jeans sizes and 1 shirt size since November
This is my kind of love...
yup - been there too...many times...but i think you can make amends with this by keeping at it and slowly get back into it. this will take TIME and effort. i wish i could lose 50 lbs overnight, and the realization of this taking months is utterly frustrating...but it will happen. keep at it!
I love squats. I did millions of squats every day with my last work out. some super slow squats, some regular paced interspersed with squat thrusts and jump squats...I've never done super heavy squats a 45 lb bar and 20 lbs normally, but if you do those super slow it still kills. I'm just gonna go back to my old lower body strength work out. I might not be able to do my old cross training circuit but I should be able to just do the lifting. I just hate that wasted another day! (and the trainer knew I can do squats, he watched me and said I had perfect form and asked if I already knew how to do all the exercises why I needed a trainer. he was an idiot).
1 mile run...strained calf muscle while overcompensating for other strained calf muscle yesterday
15 minutes on elliptical
machines tomorrow
what do you mean by machines? nautilus? if so you should consider switching to free weights- much more effective and much more natural.
20 minutes elliptical
10 bike the engines
(gtd...machines - elliptical/bikes/nautilus/etc vs. actual running/freeweights)
Did my 45 min cardio for steve yesterday. and had a nice tofu dinner too!!
also: abs 10 mins + 10 min bums and things.
Today's Goal:
(pretty much same as yesterday)
45 cardio
abs- 10 min pilates workout
Bum+ thighs- 10 min workout
Drink more water.
I still gotta do my pm's
I think I'm not going to do the half marathon now...I've been concentrating too much on running and it's been stressing me out. Maybe if things change by then. if not I've only lost $30.
I did strengthening this morning for the first time in three months. I am supposed to run 5 miles too but it is so cold, I can't get motivated to get on the treadmill at the gym (hate that), and I am planning on seeing the Spirit of the Marathon tonight!! Hey, that's it. Isn't watching four people train for a marathon the same as working out?
By the way, Spirit of the Marathon is a documentary about some people training for a marathon. It is being shown one night only across the country. Tonight is the night if anyone is interested. You can go to the website and they list the theaters around the country that are showing it.
agreed. plus you can strength train too if you're concerned about it.
6:45- deep knee bends reaching for diaper
7:00- one-handed coffee making (hoisting 20 lb baby in other arm)
7:05- one-handed coffee drinking
7:15- multiple bending to pick up dropped/thrown cheerios, toys, sippy cup, etc. scattered around high chair
7:30- sit crosslegged on floor watching blue's clues. feel the burn in your thighs
8:00- chase baby around house waiting for him to be tired enough for that blessed first nap
8:30- walk in circles around nursery with 20-lber on shoulder for 15 minutes until he falls asleep
8:45- attempt to lay baby in crib. pull muscle in back. groan, waking baby. pick him up again, moan in pain, start walking in circles again
9:00- get midget into crib, turn on baby monitor, tiptoe from room all while holding breath
9:05- shower
9:07- second cup of coffee. exercise fingers while checking emails and channel surfing for least offensive morning talk show. settle on regis & kelly.
9:30- dress for work, which involves reaching up onto high shelf where sweaters must be stored out of grimy little hands' reach, and squatting into closet to find the matching shoe that baby hid after tearing apart closet floor looking for and not finding lost ernie doll
10:00- exercise range of motion in arms by attempting and failing miserably to zip up own dress. crouch tiger-like to get crotch of tights in the general vicinity of your own crotch.
10:15- respond to baby's cries for "mamamamamamamama!" lift cherub from crib. feel the burn in your lumbago.
10:20- cajole infant into getting diaper changed, then chase him around playroom on all fours to take off his jammies and put on a clean undershirt, sweats, t-shirt, and socks (do this twice, since he walks out of them before you can get his shoes on).
10:30- pack playtime bag for sitter's, retrieving essential race cars, stuffed animals, magnetic fishing pole and fishies, tambourine and drumsticks, and exactly three balls from baskets and from under various pieces of furniture. feel the burn in your stomach, since you didn't eat anything yet aside from two cups of coffee.
10:45- drive 3 miles to sitters and note how, with a complaining infant in the car, it feels like 300 miles. chat with baby and reach back repeatedly to hand him different toys to distract him for those 6 minutes.
11:00- leave sitter's and begin day
5:00pm- pick up sweetpea and head home. sing raffi songs because, well, it's only 3 miles and your stomach can take it
5:15-7:15- attempt to converse with husband and older son while simultaneously hoisting, cajoling, bending and lifting.
8:00- bedtime! walk floor of nursery with wiggling kid on shoulder until one of you collapses from exhaustion. hopefully it's him first.
8:15- bend deeply and slowly to place sleeping angel into crib. feel the burn in your eyes as you tear up, looking at him in complete and utter adoration.
9pm-6:30am- sleep in 2-3 hour intervals, waking to nurse and comfort baby back to sleep. realize in your sleep-deprived haze that you wouldn't change a thing
6:30am- "mamamamamamama!"
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
And you can eat all you want, but muscle needs time to rest and rebuild.
Running + not eating enough + no resistance training = muscle loss = marathon runner body
Running + eating a lot + resistance training = Olympic track star body :P
absolutely beautiful