Someone didn't get the memo about starting these types of things in January. It's the fucking holidays, don't be a party pooper..And what's this about potatoes being bad for you?? It's a fucking vegetable no? Good luck everyone ..
Listen...I drink enough booze to more than make up for the fact that I am not eating wonder bread and french fries.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Listen...I drink enough booze to more than make up for the fact that I am not eating wonder bread and french fries.
I said potatoes? Of course french fries are not good for you. Listen, eat a chicken breast with a baked potato three times per day and see what results occur. Yeah, booze usually leads to overeating/late night eating...No problem with red wine though ..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I said potatoes? Of course french fries are not good for you. Listen, eat a chicken breast with a baked potato three times per day and see what results occur. Yeah, booze usually leads to overeating/late night eating...No problem with red wine though ..
Or you could eat a chicken breast and some spinach or a salad and do the same thing, but put more fibre and vitamins into your body.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Or you could eat a chicken breast and some spinach or a salad and do the same thing, but put more fibre and vitamins into your body.
Yes, but if you include a potato with the salad and spinach you'll feel full and also get the appropriate and/or sufficient amount of good carbs....I agree with mookie regarding that Atkins bullshit, carb starving thing...
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Someone didn't get the memo about starting these types of things in January. It's the fucking holidays, don't be a party pooper..And what's this about potatoes being bad for you?? It's a fucking vegetable no? Good luck everyone ..
i LIKE to start these things now. i still indulge and enjoy things over the holidays, but try and watch all else when i am not at a party and such. i usually start 'self-improvement projects' around my birthday, which is around it just coincides with the holidays. however, i am just not one for new year resolutions, my birthday seems to make more sense to me.
i've come to realize, like most's about balance. it may take me longer to reach my goals, but i am more likely to make life-long positive changes in this manner.
ps - you know friday will be plenty of food and drink.
Yes, but if you include a potato with the salad and spinach you'll feel full and also get the appropriate and/or sufficient amount of good carbs....I agree with mookie regarding that Atkins bullshit, carb starving thing...
I am not carb starving or starving for that matter. I also do not follow atkin's as I cannot digest butter all that well.
Listen, if I am at a KNOW I am getting a big ole steak and one of those HUGE steakhouse potatoes..a la Luger's.
I would eat pizza and potatoes until they came out my ears...that is why I have to limit them.
Believe know I am a foodie. I let loose on the weekends.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
i LIKE to start these things now. i still indulge and enjoy things over the holidays, but try and watch all else when i am not at a party and such. i usually start 'self-improvement projects' around my birthday, which is around it just coincides with the holidays. however, i am just not one for new year resolutions, my birthday seems to make more sense to me.
i've come to realize, like most's about balance. it may take me longer to reach my goals, but i am more likely to make life-long positive changes in this manner.
ps - you know friday will be plenty of food and drink.
That makes sense on your end, and I agree with the slow and steady mentality. I think any life diet should still include one to two days per week where you are free to eat and drink everything in sight. Not only good for you mentally, but also shocks the shit out of your metabolism, forcing it to work more efficiently..
Edit: Yeah, Friday would be one of those 'free days' I mentioned..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Someone didn't get the memo about starting these types of things in January. It's the fucking holidays, don't be a party pooper..And what's this about potatoes being bad for you?? It's a fucking vegetable no? Good luck everyone ..
I think it's that the starchy foods like potatoes (starches are sugars) are harder to break down... or something like that.
I am not carb starving or starving for that matter. I also do not follow atkin's as I cannot digest butter all that well.
Listen, if I am at a KNOW I am getting a big ole steak and one of those HUGE steakhouse potatoes..a la Luger's.
I would eat pizza and potatoes until they came out my ears...that is why I have to limit them.
Believe know I am a foodie. I let loose on the weekends.
Hell yeah..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Yes, but if you include a potato with the salad and spinach you'll feel full and also get the appropriate and/or sufficient amount of good carbs....I agree with mookie regarding that Atkins bullshit, carb starving thing...
Welllll, I agree that there are "good carbs", however:
1. Fat and the volume of food you eat are what really make you feel full, not carbs
2. Carbs are not essential to the human body. There are essential amino acids (protein), and essential fatty acids (fat), but no such thing as an essential carb. I still eat carbs, but they're used for energy, nothing more really.
I'm not saying go ketogenic on Atkins, but there's no question that it's really difficult to put on fat eating a low-carb diet. But it's also difficult to get through your workouts on a low-carb diet!
That makes sense on your end, and I agree with the slow and steady mentality. I think any life diet should still include one to two days per week where you are free to eat and drink everything in sight. Not only good for you mentally, but also shocks the shit out of your metabolism, forcing it to work more efficiently..
Edit: Yeah, Friday would be one of those 'free days' I mentioned..
i agree overall. i think everyone simply has to be self-aware enough to realize how their individual body works, and what works diet-wise and what doen't. there is no one-size-fits-all approach to eating healthfully and maintaining your body. sure, there are good guidelines out there...but what works fr one may not for another....and we all have to get attuned to what truly works for us.
i DO try and 'limit' my carbs overall...b/c i KNOW i am a total carbwhore and they are my downfall. yes, i allow myself to indulge, but they are probably the main focus on what i truly watch to keep myself in check. i think we all do know what works best for us, it's merely utilizing the self-restraint and/or motiviating oneself to do what truly is good for YOU.
Welllll, I agree that there are "good carbs", however:
1. Fat and the volume of food you eat are what really make you feel full, not carbs
2. Carbs are not essential to the human body. There are essential amino acids (protein), and essential fatty acids (fat), but no such thing as an essential carb. I still eat carbs, but they're used for energy, nothing more really.
I'm not saying go ketogenic on Atkins, but there's no question that's really difficult to put on fat eating a low-carb diet. But it's also difficult to get through your workouts on a low-carb diet!
The Italians live forever and they practically inject themselves daily with pasta, potatoes and wine. Maybe it's not 'essential,' but don't fuck with what works. Eat everything in moderation, not Rosie O'Donnell style..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Welllll, I agree that there are "good carbs", however:
1. Fat and the volume of food you eat are what really make you feel full, not carbs
2. Carbs are not essential to the human body. There are essential amino acids (protein), and essential fatty acids (fat), but no such thing as an essential carb. I still eat carbs, but they're used for energy, nothing more really.
I'm not saying go ketogenic on Atkins, but there's no question that it's really difficult to put on fat eating a low-carb diet. But it's also difficult to get through your workouts on a low-carb diet!
I have no problems getting through my workouts.
I actually feel I am getting through them better.
And yes, gue, they are more difficult to break down.
And white bread....c'mon...the most nutrionally valuable part of the wheat is removed.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Ok folks it's back. It's that time of the year to eat, drink, and be merry! It's also that time to gain a fourth chin and a third ass. So to those of us who want to avoid that last part we will be having a December weight loss challenge. Just like in September feel free to post as little or as much as you would like on the weigh in days. We can use the same weigh in dates so post your results on:
Good luck to all and remember you're not just prolonging your life, but also shortening your hangover!
I'm currently participating in the weight gain challenge and I think I'm winning.
one foot in the door
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
how's everyone doing today...i'm waiting for my workout machine, and have eaten some crackers and shrimp (leftover from my fiancees work bridal shower), and a small slice of cake from said party. so i'm prolly sitting at 700 cals for the day. still have 1300 to work with post workout.
The Italians live forever and they practically inject themselves daily with pasta, potatoes and wine. Maybe it's not 'essential,' but don't fuck with what works. Eat everything in moderation, not Rosie O'Donnell style..
Well I'm not saying that eating carbs is gonna kill you or not let you lose fat. I'm just saying low-carb diets are typically better for losing fat. If you need to eat say...2500 calories/day or less to lose fat, you'll lose lots more fat if the majority of those calories are coming from protein and fat rather than from carbs.
I have no problems getting through my workouts.
I actually feel I am getting through them better.
Yeah, people generally have mixed feelings on this I've noticed. I do cardio in the morning before eating any carbs, and I'm fine. But if I do my lifting routine without eating carbs prior, I can barely get through it...and all my lifts go way down.
Well I'm not saying that eating carbs is gonna kill you or not let you lose fat. I'm just saying low-carb diets are typically better for losing fat. If you need to eat say...2500 calories/day or less to lose fat, you'll lose lots more fat if the majority of those calories are coming from protein and fat rather than from carbs.
I agree, and I think some common sense is in order as well. You can eat more in the morning and at lunch as you'll work it off, but should watch the intake at night. At least it's what worked for me when I had to make weight..and of course no junk food, and absolutely no fucking sugar..
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
Yeah, people generally have mixed feelings on this I've noticed. I do cardio in the morning before eating any carbs, and I'm fine. But if I do my lifting routine without eating carbs prior, I can barely get through it...and all my lifts go way down.
That makes sense if you are lifting weights...I don't do that. I do yoga for strength.
Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
The Italians live forever and they practically inject themselves daily with pasta, potatoes and wine.
The Italians who "live forever" are the ones who follow a Mediterranean diet (from the Greeks). Key components of the diet: vegetables, fruits, healthy fats (olive oil, nuts), consuming fish on a regular basis, little red meat, red wine (in moderation).
The Italians who "live forever" are the ones who follow a Mediterranean diet (from the Greeks). Key components of the diet: vegetables, fruits, healthy fats (olive oil, nuts), consuming fish on a regular basis, little red meat, red wine (in moderation).
indeed. glad someone else pointed that out. italians do not enormous portions of pasta. that's the american way of eating italian. in italy it's almost a precourse or side-dish...and never a huge amount. and following a LOW-carb diet does NOT mean NO carbs.....BIG difference. beyond that, it's all moderation and balance. every body is different. find what works for you, keeps you in relatively good shape that you are content with and can maintain.....and live healthfully.
Ok....I'm jumping on this a little late. I've slowly let my weight creep back up in the last few months. Busting my ass at work with crazy hours during September and October pretty much started the gain. I am a Weight Watcher, lifetime but I'm close to going over my goal weight right now and I'm not happy about it! But...back on track with a goal in mind to lose 7lbs. Other than a stressed look to me, I loved the tone I had to my body about a year ago - active at the gym and eating right. I've allowed too much bread as of late plus the snacks at work during the busy season.
fruits, veggies, healthy oils, lean meats, plenty of water....allowing for snacks and alcohol in moderation. And back to the gym....
Tuesdays are my weigh-in at WW....I'll report Tuesdays. I'm looking for support late and am starting this with you guys up 0.2lbs. In light of the fact I didn't moderate much for booze over the weekend, I don't consider that all that bad!
believe it or not, we don't "need" anything. that is only the spoiled brat in us trying to fill some temporary solution to an emptyness that does not exist.
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
starting to exercise has defintely lifted some mild depression.
it's amazing how that works. I too feel a little better from the exercise I have done this week.
1998 ~ Barrie
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
starting to exercise has defintely lifted some mild depression.
Hell yeah! Are you doing weights or cardio, or both? I used lifting/cardio to get my mind out of some stuff in 2004/2005. I took a hiatus but have been pretty consistant since early last year. It's so good for the mind.
I love to lift at lunchtime and it greatly elevates my mood/energy level for the second half of the day. There's a gym right by work. I can go at lunch, get my lift on, (most importantly) do it consistantly MWF, and the bonus that it doesn't cut into my personal life outside of work hours. I do circuit training to get a lot of moves in 35 minutes. Quick shower, back to work, and graze for lunch. Bangin.
Hell yeah! Are you doing weights or cardio, or both? I used lifting/cardio to get my mind out of some stuff in 2004/2005. I took a hiatus but have been pretty consistant since early last year. It's so good for the mind.
I love to lift at lunchtime and it greatly elevates my mood/energy level for the second half of the day. There's a gym right by work. I can go at lunch, get my lift on, (most importantly) do it consistantly MWF, and the bonus that it doesn't cut into my personal life outside of work hours. I do circuit training to get a lot of moves in 35 minutes. Quick shower, back to work, and graze for lunch. Bangin.
Right now I use an ellipticall (Sp?) for 30 mins a day, and 4x a week I do a 3 sets of 15 pushups, and 4x a week i do some curls with my 20lb dumbells. Nothing too intense but I definitely am going to step up my workout as soon as I feel a bit more athletic.
I really hope that the feeling good isn't just a temporary high. I know myself and if it stops making me feel good I will be pretty discouraged, but with losing LB's and looking better I can't see it really going too badly.
I don't know if its the sedintary (sp?) life style I live sitting in a cube and then sitting around my house but I just have gotten very depressed over the last year. And with this new routine only 3 days in I am feeling more confident, more energetic, less anxious, less depressed... and more!!
any testimonials on exercise and its overall mood lift over a certain time frame????? LONG POST SORRY
Right now I use an ellipticall (Sp?) for 30 mins a day, and 4x a week I do a 3 sets of 15 pushups, and 4x a week i do some curls with my 20lb dumbells. Nothing too intense but I definitely am going to step up my workout as soon as I feel a bit more athletic.
I really hope that the feeling good isn't just a temporary high. I know myself and if it stops making me feel good I will be pretty discouraged, but with losing LB's and looking better I can't see it really going too badly.
I don't know if its the sedintary (sp?) life style I live sitting in a cube and then sitting around my house but I just have gotten very depressed over the last year. And with this new routine only 3 days in I am feeling more confident, more energetic, less anxious, less depressed... and more!!
any testimonials on exercise and its overall mood lift over a certain time frame????? LONG POST SORRY
The feeling better part is definitely permanent I think. After a while, you get used to feeling good, so you might not notice it as much...but if you go back to your old habits for a week, you'll feel like complete crap. Then you can tell the difference.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I said potatoes? Of course french fries are not good for you. Listen, eat a chicken breast with a baked potato three times per day and see what results occur. Yeah, booze usually leads to overeating/late night eating...No problem with red wine though
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Yes, but if you include a potato with the salad and spinach you'll feel full and also get the appropriate and/or sufficient amount of good carbs....I agree with mookie regarding that Atkins bullshit, carb starving thing...
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
i LIKE to start these things now. i still indulge and enjoy things over the holidays, but try and watch all else when i am not at a party and such. i usually start 'self-improvement projects' around my birthday, which is around it just coincides with the holidays. however, i am just not one for new year resolutions, my birthday seems to make more sense to me.
i've come to realize, like most's about balance. it may take me longer to reach my goals, but i am more likely to make life-long positive changes in this manner.
ps - you know friday will be plenty of food and drink.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Listen, if I am at a KNOW I am getting a big ole steak and one of those HUGE steakhouse potatoes..a la Luger's.
I would eat pizza and potatoes until they came out my ears...that is why I have to limit them.
Believe know I am a foodie. I let loose on the weekends.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
That makes sense on your end, and I agree with the slow and steady mentality. I think any life diet should still include one to two days per week where you are free to eat and drink everything in sight. Not only good for you mentally, but also shocks the shit out of your metabolism, forcing it to work more efficiently..
Edit: Yeah, Friday would be one of those 'free days' I mentioned..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I think it's that the starchy foods like potatoes (starches are sugars) are harder to break down... or something like that.
I dunno.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Hell yeah..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
1. Fat and the volume of food you eat are what really make you feel full, not carbs
2. Carbs are not essential to the human body. There are essential amino acids (protein), and essential fatty acids (fat), but no such thing as an essential carb. I still eat carbs, but they're used for energy, nothing more really.
I'm not saying go ketogenic on Atkins, but there's no question that it's really difficult to put on fat eating a low-carb diet. But it's also difficult to get through your workouts on a low-carb diet!
i agree overall. i think everyone simply has to be self-aware enough to realize how their individual body works, and what works diet-wise and what doen't. there is no one-size-fits-all approach to eating healthfully and maintaining your body. sure, there are good guidelines out there...but what works fr one may not for another....and we all have to get attuned to what truly works for us.
i DO try and 'limit' my carbs overall...b/c i KNOW i am a total carbwhore and they are my downfall. yes, i allow myself to indulge, but they are probably the main focus on what i truly watch to keep myself in check. i think we all do know what works best for us, it's merely utilizing the self-restraint and/or motiviating oneself to do what truly is good for YOU.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
The Italians live forever and they practically inject themselves daily with pasta, potatoes and wine. Maybe it's not 'essential,' but don't fuck with what works. Eat everything in moderation, not Rosie O'Donnell style..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
I actually feel I am getting through them better.
And yes, gue, they are more difficult to break down.
And white bread....c'mon...the most nutrionally valuable part of the wheat is removed.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
I'm currently participating in the weight gain challenge and I think I'm winning.
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
Well I'm not saying that eating carbs is gonna kill you or not let you lose fat. I'm just saying low-carb diets are typically better for losing fat. If you need to eat say...2500 calories/day or less to lose fat, you'll lose lots more fat if the majority of those calories are coming from protein and fat rather than from carbs.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Yeah, people generally have mixed feelings on this I've noticed. I do cardio in the morning before eating any carbs, and I'm fine. But if I do my lifting routine without eating carbs prior, I can barely get through it...and all my lifts go way down.
I agree, and I think some common sense is in order as well. You can eat more in the morning and at lunch as you'll work it off, but should watch the intake at night. At least it's what worked for me when I had to make weight..and of course no junk food, and absolutely no fucking sugar..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
The Italians who "live forever" are the ones who follow a Mediterranean diet (from the Greeks). Key components of the diet: vegetables, fruits, healthy fats (olive oil, nuts), consuming fish on a regular basis, little red meat, red wine (in moderation).
starting to exercise has defintely lifted some mild depression.
indeed. glad someone else pointed that out. italians do not enormous portions of pasta. that's the american way of eating italian.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
fruits, veggies, healthy oils, lean meats, plenty of water....allowing for snacks and alcohol in moderation. And back to the gym....
Tuesdays are my weigh-in at WW....I'll report Tuesdays. I'm looking for support late and am starting this with you guys up 0.2lbs. In light of the fact I didn't moderate much for booze over the weekend, I don't consider that all that bad!
I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
it's amazing how that works. I too feel a little better from the exercise I have done this week.
2003 ~ Toronto
2005 ~ London, Toronto
2006 ~ Toronto
2008 ~ Hartford, Mansfied I,
2009 ~ Toronto, Chicago I, Chicago II
2010 ~ Cleveland, Buffalo
2011 ~ Toronto I, Toronto II, Ottawa, Hamilton
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
Hell yeah! Are you doing weights or cardio, or both? I used lifting/cardio to get my mind out of some stuff in 2004/2005. I took a hiatus but have been pretty consistant since early last year. It's so good for the mind.
I love to lift at lunchtime and it greatly elevates my mood/energy level for the second half of the day. There's a gym right by work. I can go at lunch, get my lift on, (most importantly) do it consistantly MWF, and the bonus that it doesn't cut into my personal life outside of work hours. I do circuit training to get a lot of moves in 35 minutes. Quick shower, back to work, and graze for lunch. Bangin.
Right now I use an ellipticall (Sp?) for 30 mins a day, and 4x a week I do a 3 sets of 15 pushups, and 4x a week i do some curls with my 20lb dumbells. Nothing too intense but I definitely am going to step up my workout as soon as I feel a bit more athletic.
I really hope that the feeling good isn't just a temporary high. I know myself and if it stops making me feel good I will be pretty discouraged, but with losing LB's and looking better I can't see it really going too badly.
I don't know if its the sedintary (sp?) life style I live sitting in a cube and then sitting around my house but I just have gotten very depressed over the last year. And with this new routine only 3 days in I am feeling more confident, more energetic, less anxious, less depressed... and more!!
any testimonials on exercise and its overall mood lift over a certain time frame????? LONG POST SORRY
The feeling better part is definitely permanent I think. After a while, you get used to feeling good, so you might not notice it as much...but if you go back to your old habits for a week, you'll feel like complete crap. Then you can tell the difference.