"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
What a cute little man! Seeing his photos makes me even more excited to meet my little guy. Argh! 4 more months to go! The waiting is killing me. You have a beautiful family and you all look so happy!
Argh! 4 more months to go! The waiting is killing me. You have a beautiful family and you all look so happy!
With the above mentioned...enjoy the silence...and the sleep.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Absolutely, enjoy your sleep now! Sleep all day, all weekend, take a week off of work just to sleep.
The funny thing is that I seem to function better on less sleep. I get up around 4:45am (not because X is up, but because we have to get ready for work) and don't go to bed until 9:30pm or 10pm.
You just learn to function differently.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Meddle, I think the flight will go just fine! Judging my her age, and the fact that you have a seat for her, I think you will have no problems. And don't be shy about grabbing an an airport employee to ask for an extra hand when you are going through security. If they don't offer, just make them help you!That is why they are there. Have a safe trip!
Thanks Brain. I got back 2 weeks ago from my trip to Texas to visit family and relatives. Getting out all the stuff out of my friend's car was a hassle, but luckily, a nice policeman saw that I was struggling carrying Chloe (in her car seat), the stroller, my diaper bag AND my luggage. The not so fun part was waking up at 4am so by the time I reach the security checkpoint, I was so out of it, that I actually thought I lost my tickets. :eek: But I found them.
The plane ride was awesome! Chloe slept as soon as the plane turned around in the runaway. She didn't cry ONE bit. But of course we had some asshole sitting in front of Chloe who didn't understand why I couldn't move her to the middle seat. :rolleyes: First, he tries to get to move his seat back, and he turns and looks at Chloe and rolls his eyes and gave me attitude telling me if I could please move my daughter to the middle. I told him that the flight attendant told me I had to have her by the window seat and I couldn't move her. so he got upset and called the flight attendant and complained. She told him that I couldn't move her to the middle, but to compromise, she suggestd that I turn her car seat sideways (the head of the seat by the window), BUT when the seat belt light comes back on, that he would have to move his seat forward. That jerk had an empty seat, which I found out a little after that. :mad: By the way he was acting, he either HATES kids or he is not a parent.
BUT everything after that was great! People were nice and helpful and I got to see my family!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
As I have posted before, I am pregnant
I am 23 weeks now
I am showing alot! My body obvi has changed so much BUT just in the last couple of days the bottom of my ribs are starting to hurt
I know That this happens later in pregnancy when the baby is bigger
I have even heard that some women wind up with broken ribs.
Just wonder how big you were at 23 weeks and if this happend to any of you
I will be going to my month Drs visit on thurs. This will be one of many questions I have.
Im just curious about your personal experiences
There's the moon asking to stay
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
hi brainofjb, I didn't have that experience @ 23 weeks, I think later I did. I felt Chloe's little butt hurting my ribs towards the end of the pregnancy, when she was getting ready into position. At 23 weeks, I think I had a belly bump. I think I didn't start to REALLY show until the 6 month mark.
gee, it seems so long ago that I became pregnant, even though it was last year! :eek:
when are u due again brainofjb?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
As I have posted before, I am pregnant
I am 23 weeks now
I am showing alot! My body obvi has changed so much BUT just in the last couple of days the bottom of my ribs are starting to hurt
I know That this happens later in pregnancy when the baby is bigger
I have even heard that some women wind up with broken ribs.
Just wonder how big you were at 23 weeks and if this happend to any of you
I will be going to my month Drs visit on thurs. This will be one of many questions I have.
Im just curious about your personal experiences
Hi brianofjb,
I'm 21 weeks right now. It seems like the baby is pushing everything up against my ribs. I feel the top of him right at my belly button. I'm showing a lot also and starting to be pretty uncomfortable unless standing or laying flat. I measured my rib cage for some catalog shopping I was doing and was amazed that it has grown by 2 inches. I'm having trouble getting deep breaths also. When are you due? I'd be interested to see what your doctor says.
hi brainofjb, I didn't have that experience @ 23 weeks, I think later I did. I felt Chloe's little butt hurting my ribs towards the end of the pregnancy, when she was getting ready into position. At 23 weeks, I think I had a belly bump. I think I didn't start to REALLY show until the 6 month mark.
gee, it seems so long ago that I became pregnant, even though it was last year! :eek:
when are u due again brainofjb?
Im not due until Jan 19th
I cant believe that you didnt show til 6 months and I am so big right now LOL
I have a dr appointment today. Im gonna ask about my ribs
There's the moon asking to stay
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
Hi brianofjb,
I'm 21 weeks right now. It seems like the baby is pushing everything up against my ribs. I feel the top of him right at my belly button. I'm showing a lot also and starting to be pretty uncomfortable unless standing or laying flat. I measured my rib cage for some catalog shopping I was doing and was amazed that it has grown by 2 inches. I'm having trouble getting deep breaths also. When are you due? I'd be interested to see what your doctor says.
YES! im having trouble breathing as well
I keep thinking its becuz I am short and little. Maybe, thats why I started showing so soon?!
She is always moving around and just the very bottom of my right rib cage is hurting.
I have trouble sleeping already too. I can only lay on my side or back for a short period of time and then i have to switch.
I can only be on my feet for so long. It just seems all this is happening so soon. Im not due til Jan 19th
I guess its all good if we both experience it
I will let ya know what the Dr says today!
There's the moon asking to stay
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
My wife gave birth to our son on wednesday, Sep. 12 @ 3:00 a.m. Mommy and baby are well. They will hopefully be released from the hospital today or tomorrow as he has a mild case of jaundice. I'll try to post a pic soon. Riley seems pretty excited about being a big sister. Here's the name and info so the first page can be updated:
Brendan Thomas, born September 12, 2007
7 pounds 4 ounces, 20 inches
My wife gave birth to our son on wednesday, Sep. 12 @ 3:00 a.m. Mommy and baby are well. They will hopefully be released from the hospital today or tomorrow as he has a mild case of jaundice. I'll try to post a pic soon. Riley seems pretty excited about being a big sister. Here's the name and info so the first page can be updated:
Brendan Thomas, born September 12, 2007
7 pounds 4 ounces, 20 inches
Congratulations man, that's awesome! I hope they get to come home asap.
My wife and I are on the countdown... 12 days until the due date Sept 26th.
London #1 2000, Reading 2006, London 2007, London 2009, London 2010, Manchester #1 2012, Manchester #2 2012, Manchester 2012 (EV), Milton Keynes 2014, London #2 2017 (EV), London #1 2018, London #2 2018, London #1 2022, London #2 2022, Manchester 2024.
Xavier had a little bit of Jaundice as well...he had to sleep under the light in the hospital and then we had to have one of those portable lights the first night we were home. Everything cleared up within a few days.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Congratulations on the new baby, nocode23!!! I have a nephew named Brendan. I love that name.
And yeah, we dealt with jaundice, too. Annabelle amost had to stay an extra night because it was so bad, but in the end, we took her home and she slept on a bili blanket for two days. She looked more orange than yellow...like she'd been hitting the spray tanning booth a little too hard.
I keep thinking its becuz I am short and little. Maybe, thats why I started showing so soon?!
She is always moving around and just the very bottom of my right rib cage is hurting.
I have trouble sleeping already too. I can only lay on my side or back for a short period of time and then i have to switch.
I can only be on my feet for so long. It just seems all this is happening so soon. Im not due til Jan 19th
I guess its all good if we both experience it
I will let ya know what the Dr says today!
I never had rib pain during my entire pregnancy, but I think I was just carrying her really low because I had pelvic pain earlier than I expected to. A lot of people on my mommy message board were always talking about rib pain, so I know it's really common. I hope you get some relief soon! Tell that baby to wiggle over to another corner of your belly.
Thanks Brain. I got back 2 weeks ago from my trip to Texas to visit family and relatives. Getting out all the stuff out of my friend's car was a hassle, but luckily, a nice policeman saw that I was struggling carrying Chloe (in her car seat), the stroller, my diaper bag AND my luggage. The not so fun part was waking up at 4am so by the time I reach the security checkpoint, I was so out of it, that I actually thought I lost my tickets. :eek: But I found them.
The plane ride was awesome! Chloe slept as soon as the plane turned around in the runaway. She didn't cry ONE bit. But of course we had some asshole sitting in front of Chloe who didn't understand why I couldn't move her to the middle seat. :rolleyes: First, he tries to get to move his seat back, and he turns and looks at Chloe and rolls his eyes and gave me attitude telling me if I could please move my daughter to the middle. I told him that the flight attendant told me I had to have her by the window seat and I couldn't move her. so he got upset and called the flight attendant and complained. She told him that I couldn't move her to the middle, but to compromise, she suggestd that I turn her car seat sideways (the head of the seat by the window), BUT when the seat belt light comes back on, that he would have to move his seat forward. That jerk had an empty seat, which I found out a little after that. :mad: By the way he was acting, he either HATES kids or he is not a parent.
BUT everything after that was great! People were nice and helpful and I got to see my family!
I'm glad Chloe enjoyed her flight, and I'm glad someone helped you out at the airport! I dread the airport with a baby, and am always glad when that part of the trip is over. Too bad you had to sit near an insensitive jerk in front of you on the plane. He probably just doesn't understand how kids work. I get annoyed with people that are annoyed by children, because children are people too and are just as deserving of respect as adults. He'll learn his lesson some day.
Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I just talked to my wife and it looks like Brendan gets to come home tonight! Riley and I are heading to the hospital as soon as she gets up from her nap. They have to do one more test at 7 p.m. and if everything is good mommy and Brendan are coming home!
Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I just talked to my wife and it looks like Brendan gets to come home tonight! Riley and I are heading to the hospital as soon as she gets up from her nap. They have to do one more test at 7 p.m. and if everything is good mommy and Brendan are coming home!
Bringing home a second child must be a lot easier than the first. I remember when bringing Molly home, I was worried about everything.
Is she in the car seat right?
Did we tighten the belts too much/too little?
How will the dogs react to her?
Can we handle her w/o the help from the nurses at the hospital?
Wow, that was just about 8 weeks. It's amazing how quickly you adapt to having a child.
Congrats nocode!
I made the adjustments to the first page.
Before there was just a thing saying...due sept 5th "its a boy!"
Anyone else need to get me to update the first page?
Anyone know if lady is ok?
As for the hurting rib thing I had a bit of that.
But I didnt show for a long time too.
I remember my hips aching close to the end.
For all of you who have kids that will be spending thier first winter playing in the snow...
Man I cnt belive that price of snowsuits!!!
$110.00 at one place for a suit (jacket and pants).
$107.00 at Gymboree for just a jacket!!!
Im currently looking on Ebay.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Congrats nocode!
I made the adjustments to the first page.
Before there was just a thing saying...due sept 5th "its a boy!"
Anyone else need to get me to update the first page?
Anyone know if lady is ok?
As for the hurting rib thing I had a bit of that.
But I didnt show for a long time too.
I remember my hips aching close to the end.
For all of you who have kids that will be spending thier first winter playing in the snow...
Man I cnt belive that price of snowsuits!!!
$110.00 at one place for a suit (jacket and pants).
$107.00 at Gymboree for just a jacket!!!
Im currently looking on Ebay.
aww i am, I WISH i knew how lady is doing. :( i hope she is okay i know we are all rooting for her.
and hehe, thankfully, we don't live near snow
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I just talked to my wife and it looks like Brendan gets to come home tonight! Riley and I are heading to the hospital as soon as she gets up from her nap. They have to do one more test at 7 p.m. and if everything is good mommy and Brendan are coming home!
CONGRATS nocode23 on your new bundle of joy here's to your family
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Just a quick question: Have any of you known a pregnant woman who had no symptons of pregnancy other than a little weight gain and stil had periods all the way through?
Just a quick question: Have any of you known a pregnant woman who had no symptons of pregnancy other than a little weight gain and stil had periods all the way through?
Ive heard of it.
But that may be a myth.
I do know that from what I have heard it happens to women who are carrying a lot of excess weight.
You always hear the story of that woman who wasnt feeling well one day and went to sit on the toilet and gave birth.
I doubt the periods would be very regular if they were even periods at all.
You can get implantation bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy early on.
Many women get this and just consider it an odd and very light period. Until they take a test and find out they are preggo.
I do know some women continue to get periods throughout that pregnancy but i think they must die out after a while.
Or there is a problem that should be adressed medically.
If I was in any situation where I was very overweight and had a worry I might be preggo but the home tests werent showing it I would get myself to a doctor pronto!
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Just a quick question: Have any of you known a pregnant woman who had no symptons of pregnancy other than a little weight gain and stil had periods all the way through?
Yes I have. My best friend's sister had it happen.
She had no clue she was pregnant until she was having contractions. She went to the ER complaining of her stomach hurting. She never knew she was pregnant, and she was married and they were trying to have a baby, so it's not something she would have hidden from the world.
It's very rare, but it can happen.
Underneath this smile lies everything
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
She has busted through all of her molars for now.
We are waiting on all the eye teeth now.
Then that should be it till the 2 year molars come along.
J Lo hows your family doing these days?
X is doing well...pulling up, crawling, two bottom teeth coming through.
Here are the latest pictures and videos
Congrats to everyone and hope all is well.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Yeah, I'm kind of losing track of who has had babies and who is still waiting. We should start another thread but still keep this one going!
He is so gorgeous!!! I really see a lot of both you and your wife in his face... What a cutie!
I understand completely...those last couple weeks we were both extremely anxious.
With the above mentioned...enjoy the silence...and the sleep.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Absolutely, enjoy your sleep now! Sleep all day, all weekend, take a week off of work just to sleep.
The funny thing is that I seem to function better on less sleep. I get up around 4:45am (not because X is up, but because we have to get ready for work) and don't go to bed until 9:30pm or 10pm.
You just learn to function differently.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
I love the video of X in the kiddie pool for the first time.
She looks like he doesnt quite know what to do with himself.
Dont you love how us parents always seem to have the reaction for our kids.
Im like that all the time with Adria too. Clapping and stuff.
Thanks Brain. I got back 2 weeks ago from my trip to Texas to visit family and relatives. Getting out all the stuff out of my friend's car was a hassle, but luckily, a nice policeman saw that I was struggling carrying Chloe (in her car seat), the stroller, my diaper bag AND my luggage. The not so fun part was waking up at 4am so by the time I reach the security checkpoint, I was so out of it, that I actually thought I lost my tickets. :eek: But I found them.
The plane ride was awesome! Chloe slept as soon as the plane turned around in the runaway. She didn't cry ONE bit. But of course we had some asshole sitting in front of Chloe who didn't understand why I couldn't move her to the middle seat. :rolleyes: First, he tries to get to move his seat back, and he turns and looks at Chloe and rolls his eyes and gave me attitude telling me if I could please move my daughter to the middle. I told him that the flight attendant told me I had to have her by the window seat and I couldn't move her. so he got upset and called the flight attendant and complained. She told him that I couldn't move her to the middle, but to compromise, she suggestd that I turn her car seat sideways (the head of the seat by the window), BUT when the seat belt light comes back on, that he would have to move his seat forward. That jerk had an empty seat, which I found out a little after that. :mad: By the way he was acting, he either HATES kids or he is not a parent.
BUT everything after that was great! People were nice and helpful and I got to see my family!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
As I have posted before, I am pregnant
I am 23 weeks now
I am showing alot! My body obvi has changed so much BUT just in the last couple of days the bottom of my ribs are starting to hurt
I know That this happens later in pregnancy when the baby is bigger
I have even heard that some women wind up with broken ribs.
Just wonder how big you were at 23 weeks and if this happend to any of you
I will be going to my month Drs visit on thurs. This will be one of many questions I have.
Im just curious about your personal experiences
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
gee, it seems so long ago that I became pregnant, even though it was last year! :eek:
when are u due again brainofjb?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Hi brianofjb,
I'm 21 weeks right now. It seems like the baby is pushing everything up against my ribs. I feel the top of him right at my belly button. I'm showing a lot also and starting to be pretty uncomfortable unless standing or laying flat. I measured my rib cage for some catalog shopping I was doing and was amazed that it has grown by 2 inches. I'm having trouble getting deep breaths also. When are you due? I'd be interested to see what your doctor says.
Im not due until Jan 19th
I cant believe that you didnt show til 6 months and I am so big right now LOL
I have a dr appointment today. Im gonna ask about my ribs
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
YES! im having trouble breathing as well
I keep thinking its becuz I am short and little. Maybe, thats why I started showing so soon?!
She is always moving around and just the very bottom of my right rib cage is hurting.
I have trouble sleeping already too. I can only lay on my side or back for a short period of time and then i have to switch.
I can only be on my feet for so long. It just seems all this is happening so soon. Im not due til Jan 19th
I guess its all good if we both experience it
I will let ya know what the Dr says today!
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
Brendan Thomas, born September 12, 2007
7 pounds 4 ounces, 20 inches
Congratulations man, that's awesome!
My wife and I are on the countdown... 12 days until the due date Sept 26th.
First off...Congrats!!!
Xavier had a little bit of Jaundice as well...he had to sleep under the light in the hospital and then we had to have one of those portable lights the first night we were home. Everything cleared up within a few days.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
And yeah, we dealt with jaundice, too. Annabelle amost had to stay an extra night because it was so bad, but in the end, we took her home and she slept on a bili blanket for two days. She looked more orange than yellow...like she'd been hitting the spray tanning booth a little too hard.
I never had rib pain during my entire pregnancy, but I think I was just carrying her really low because I had pelvic pain earlier than I expected to. A lot of people on my mommy message board were always talking about rib pain, so I know it's really common. I hope you get some relief soon! Tell that baby to wiggle over to another corner of your belly.
I'm glad Chloe enjoyed her flight, and I'm glad someone helped you out at the airport! I dread the airport with a baby, and am always glad when that part of the trip is over.
Bringing home a second child must be a lot easier than the first. I remember when bringing Molly home, I was worried about everything.
Is she in the car seat right?
Did we tighten the belts too much/too little?
How will the dogs react to her?
Can we handle her w/o the help from the nurses at the hospital?
Wow, that was just about 8 weeks. It's amazing how quickly you adapt to having a child.
Congrats, nodecode23!
THe reason they hurt is the Cartilage
I guess it stretches as you get bigger
My stomach is really getting big so makes sense
He also said the hormones make it more uncomfortable
it seems "hormones" is the answer to everything! LOL!!!
Long enough for the clouds to fly me away
I made the adjustments to the first page.
Before there was just a thing saying...due sept 5th "its a boy!"
Anyone else need to get me to update the first page?
Anyone know if lady is ok?
As for the hurting rib thing I had a bit of that.
But I didnt show for a long time too.
I remember my hips aching close to the end.
For all of you who have kids that will be spending thier first winter playing in the snow...
Man I cnt belive that price of snowsuits!!!
$110.00 at one place for a suit (jacket and pants).
$107.00 at Gymboree for just a jacket!!!
Im currently looking on Ebay.
aww i am, I WISH i knew how lady is doing. :( i hope she is okay
and hehe, thankfully, we don't live near snow
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
CONGRATS nocode23 on your new bundle of joy
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Just a quick question: Have any of you known a pregnant woman who had no symptons of pregnancy other than a little weight gain and stil had periods all the way through?
Ive heard of it.
But that may be a myth.
I do know that from what I have heard it happens to women who are carrying a lot of excess weight.
You always hear the story of that woman who wasnt feeling well one day and went to sit on the toilet and gave birth.
I doubt the periods would be very regular if they were even periods at all.
You can get implantation bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy early on.
Many women get this and just consider it an odd and very light period. Until they take a test and find out they are preggo.
I do know some women continue to get periods throughout that pregnancy but i think they must die out after a while.
Or there is a problem that should be adressed medically.
If I was in any situation where I was very overweight and had a worry I might be preggo but the home tests werent showing it I would get myself to a doctor pronto!
Yes I have. My best friend's sister had it happen.
She had no clue she was pregnant until she was having contractions. She went to the ER complaining of her stomach hurting. She never knew she was pregnant, and she was married and they were trying to have a baby, so it's not something she would have hidden from the world.
It's very rare, but it can happen.
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...