ooo, boy's names, that is always hard. I always loved Liam though. going into preterm labor was always a small worry for me, b/c you don't know when or how it is going to happen, but hospitals now a days know how to deal w/early labor.
Liam Ball (it would not sound good i think)
yes that´s true but i think i´ve to watch it really as you said well bec. maybe they have to get the baby earlier (it can happen)...but the big point is i guess the feel good point ???!
Liam Ball (it would not sound good i think)
yes that´s true but i think i´ve to watch it really as you said well bec. maybe they have to get the baby earlier (it can happen)...but the big point is i guess the feel good point ???!
okay, maybe I should've asked for the last name first. that does sound odd. sorry about that.
you are right, it can happen. To help me ease my wondering mind about pregnancy and stuff, I went to they have a lot of articles you can read about pregnancy and what to expect and some of the worries that mothers-to-be have.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
okay, maybe I should've asked for the last name first. that does sound odd. sorry about that.
you are right, it can happen. To help me ease my wondering mind about pregnancy and stuff, I went to they have a lot of articles you can read about pregnancy and what to expect and some of the worries that mothers-to-be have.
no problem ..i mean liam is a wonderful name but doesn´t fit;)
thank you for that:)
so how is your little girl today?
no problem ..i mean liam is a wonderful name but doesn´t fit;)
thank you for that:)
so how is your little girl today?
yeah I understand no problem.
my little one is going good. Thanks for asking She is still acting up in my belly and she has taken space on the right side of my body. It looks like I have a swollen side.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
my little one is going good. Thanks for asking She is still acting up in my belly and she has taken space on the right side of my body. It looks like I have a swollen side.
alright...ouhh does this hurt? any new dates yet for the birth ?
alright...ouhh does this hurt? any new dates yet for the birth ?
not really. Only when she digs into my ribs, but that hasn't happened in months
Well, they can't really predict when she'll come out. So I'm just waiting. I'm past the 40 week mark and I go see my midwife on Tues. to see if my cervix has dilated anymore. last week, it wasn't much change, just two fingers. :(
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
not really. Only when she digs into my ribs, but that hasn't happened in months
Well, they can't really predict when she'll come out. So I'm just waiting. I'm past the 40 week mark and I go see my midwife on Tues. to see if my cervix has dilated anymore. last week, it wasn't much change, just two fingers. :(
well that´s nice from her;)
i wish you good luck that there is a change:)
K the radio station I listen to had a thing about baby names and ones that are used to much.
Liam was close to the top of the list.
So they out lawed the names on the list.
Not saying they are bad names.
Just giving them a couple years off.
I know a couple Liams born this year.
I also know quite a few Madisons.
But thats the girl side of things.
As for boy names I was watching " A Baby Story"
And this stupid guy wanted to name his kid Dracula.
Cause " He would be hot with the ladies"
So there is the proof men can be dumb about names too.
In the end they named the kid Drake.
Adria has a tooth on the top that is visible through the gums now.
I think the other top one is only a few days behind it.
JLo, the bottom ones are the easiest to come through.
Its all down hill from here folks.
Stock up on the Tylenol, Camelia drops and Hylands teething tablets! :D:D
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
K the radio station I listen to had a thing about baby names and ones that are used to much.
Liam was close to the top of the list.
So they out lawed the names on the list.
Not saying they are bad names.
Just giving them a couple years off.
I know a couple Liams born this year.
I also know quite a few Madisons.
But thats the girl side of things.
As for boy names I was watching " A Baby Story"
And this stupid guy wanted to name his kid Dracula.
Cause " He would be hot with the ladies"
So there is the proof men can be dumb about names too.
In the end they named the kid Drake.
Adria has a tooth on the top that is visible through the gums now.
I think the other top one is only a few days behind it.
JLo, the bottom ones are the easiest to come through.
Its all down hill from here folks.
Stock up on the Tylenol, Camelia drops and Hylands teething tablets! :D:D
lol, I'm scared of teething! :eek: I have never heard of the Camelia drops, but I've heard good things about the Hylands teething tablets.
lol@ "Dracula" I can imagine my husband saying something like that. He'd (most likely) be kidding,
I love the name Liam but it has become very popular, hasn't it? I really liked the name Abigail for a girl; in fact that was originally going to be Annabelle's name, but when I realized how common it was right now I decided against it. I actually grew to love Annabelle more than Abigail anyway, so I'm glad we made that choice. I didn't like the idea of her someday being in a kindergarten class with 9 other kids named Abigail!
yeah you guessed it Hands bound, i'm still here. Went to see my midwife today, she told me that if she doesn't come by the 18th, she will have to admit me to the hospital next Wed. to induce labor. She said that 3 of her other patients have gone past their due dates and 2 of those, she had to induce their labor @ 2 weeks! She suggested to me that I should have sex since that might induce labor.
This Thurs. I go for my non-stress test to see if the baby has enough fluids into the placenta still and see if she isn't distressed and doing okay. Wish me luck guys! i'll keep u posted.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
yeah you guessed it Hands bound, i'm still here. Went to see my midwife today, she told me that if she doesn't come by the 18th, she will have to admit me to the hospital next Wed. to induce labor. She said that 3 of her other patients have gone past their due dates and 2 of those, she had to induce their labor @ 2 weeks! She suggested to me that I should have sex since that might induce labor.
This Thurs. I go for my non-stress test to see if the baby has enough fluids into the placenta still and see if she isn't distressed and doing okay. Wish me luck guys! i'll keep u posted.
Non-stress tests are fun! You get to sit in a recliner and relax while you listen to your baby's heart and listen to the sound of her kicking and wiggling around in your belly! Good luck, and I am sure she's doing just fine in there! Going for those tests were the highlight of my week! Oh, and you might want to eat a little sugar before you go, just to make sure she is awake and kicking during the test.
Non-stress tests are fun! You get to sit in a recliner and relax while you listen to your baby's heart and listen to the sound of her kicking and wiggling around in your belly! Good luck, and I am sure she's doing just fine in there! Going for those tests were the highlight of my week! Oh, and you might want to eat a little sugar before you go, just to make sure she is awake and kicking during the test.
oh you went through that?! good! That eased my mind A LOT! I am taking this WAAAYY to seriously! I am such a worry-wort. yeah, they recommended I eat a meal b/f I go there. Where you overdue too Brain?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
oh you went through that?! good! That eased my mind A LOT! I am taking this WAAAYY to seriously! I am such a worry-wort. yeah, they recommended I eat a meal b/f I go there. Where you overdue too Brain?
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. I think it's pretty standard most places to have you go for those after you're past your due date. The worst-case-scenario is that you won't "pass" the test and they'll want to induce you, but you'll probably pass and you'll just go on about your day. It's just a big precautionary thing.
I had weekly nonstress tests starting at week 32 until I delivered! I am an old pro. I remember being really freaked out about it in the beginning, too, but it was nothing. I went because of my blood pressure & because they were watching me really closely to see if I would develop preeclampsia. Did they explain the test to you?
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine. I think it's pretty standard most places to have you go for those after you're past your due date. The worst-case-scenario is that you won't "pass" the test and they'll want to induce you, but you'll probably pass and you'll just go on about your day. It's just a big precautionary thing.
I had weekly nonstress tests starting at week 32 until I delivered! I am an old pro. I remember being really freaked out about it in the beginning, too, but it was nothing. I went because of my blood pressure & because they were watching me really closely to see if I would develop preeclampsia. Did they explain the test to you?
yeah they did. They even gave me a sheet describing what they do. The hospital there are very detailed. i'll be even more relived if she decides to come out tomorrow
Gen-I did read what they do w/induction, kind of scared, but also I don't want to go through a c-section. I heard those are painful I also read how many different types of inductions they can do. it is a lot to take in at the moment, but all I know is that I got to stay calm and everything will be alright
PBM: that is just an adorable pic of you and X. TOO cute! Already bringing him up to be a PJ fan! right on!
i'll keep you guys updated w/what is going on.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Keep us posted on the stress test today, Im sure everything will be fine.
Like I said on your myspace, I was induced, I went two weeks late, and I have to correct my post, everything was over and I was in an actually hospital room, in just over 6 hours.
Hoping you have a nice quick delivery too!
Keep us posted.
Good luck MeddleDeal!!!!!Wish you all the best whatever happen next:);):)
so we have choose names
if a girl Jacqueline,Sara
if a boy Lukas(so i need a second name that fits )
those are beautiful names btw. it is fun and hard picking out baby names. I pushed my boyfriend to name her Chloe. and he came up w/her middle name: Sequoia.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Keep us posted on the stress test today, Im sure everything will be fine.
Like I said on your myspace, I was induced, I went two weeks late, and I have to correct my post, everything was over and I was in an actually hospital room, in just over 6 hours.
Hoping you have a nice quick delivery too!
Keep us posted.
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I read that. WOW, 6 hours! That is short compared to other women's stories i've heard. I'm hoping for a quick delivery, w/ or w/o drugs
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
those are beautiful names btw. it is fun and hard picking out baby names. I pushed my boyfriend to name her Chloe. and he came up w/her middle name: Sequoia.
Sequoia is such a beautiful name. That was the name I was going to give Joey when he wa born, but he ended up being a boy!
Meddle you have the right attitude going into this.
I refused to stress and it really did me good.
I have friends that were wrecks about thier deliveries.
And some are still holding on to the fact it didnt go as they had planned.
I told my prenatal group this:
" How many cows do you see dead in the middle of a field with a baby cow stuck half in and half out?"
Why stress.
And put on some tunes while in the delivery room if possible.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Thank you:) I know it is a hippie name, but hey, it works out, she is going to be born in California where Sequoias are a huge part of this state
Does your son have a middle name?
Yup. In fact hes one of those kids with 4 names lol.
His first name is Joseph-Bailey. Why because Krohn wouldnt agree to Bailey and I wouldnt agree to Joseph. So we gave him two first names. For now tho, he prefers Joey.
His middle name is Richard and I didnt have much say in it really (ok well I could have been real miserable about it) its a traditional name passed down for so many generations so I thought I'd keep the tradition going there.
I hope you've had your baby by now! Keep us posted Meddle!
those are beautiful names btw. it is fun and hard picking out baby names. I pushed my boyfriend to name her Chloe. and he came up w/her middle name: Sequoia.
you´re welcome:)
thanx i try to give my child not a name that people just laugh about like my bro did .yes that´s true fun and hard.that´s a cute one;)
Thanks Gen I do get a little frustrated about it, but i know it is not going to help her get out. All I know is that she'll be here soon and I can't wait to meet her
As for my stress test yesterday, it went well. Chloe is still moving around and she has enough fluid in the placenta so we are not in any danger. I DID however, had a few contractions while they were testing me. Two of them I felt, and all of this was in the course of the 20 mins. of the testing. The technician there said that it looks like i'll probably go to labor soon. They have me scheduled for another one next Tues. morning, but she told me that she has a feeling that I'll have her sooner than that.
I also saw my baby for the first time since I had my first sonogram back in Aug., the little diva had her back turned to the monitor and had her legs crossed. The technican asked me what I was having and I told her a girl, and she pointed out, 'I thought it was a girl. She has her legs crossed' I also saw her breathing which amazed me.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Thanks Gen I do get a little frustrated about it, but i know it is not going to help her get out. All I know is that she'll be here soon and I can't wait to meet her
As for my stress test yesterday, it went well. Chloe is still moving around and she has enough fluid in the placenta so we are not in any danger. I DID however, had a few contractions while they were testing me. Two of them I felt, and all of this was in the course of the 20 mins. of the testing. The technician there said that it looks like i'll probably go to labor soon. They have me scheduled for another one next Tues. morning, but she told me that she has a feeling that I'll have her sooner than that.
I also saw my baby for the first time since I had my first sonogram back in Aug., the little diva had her back turned to the monitor and had her legs crossed. The technican asked me what I was having and I told her a girl, and she pointed out, 'I thought it was a girl. She has her legs crossed' I also saw her breathing which amazed me.
I'm glad your test went well! I had a couple of obvious contractions while I was at my last test on a Friday morning and I went into labor on Sunday night. I remember I had seen a couple on the monitor during previous tests but not felt them, but at that last test, I actually felt them and I was so excited! lol It sounds like she is on her way out!
I'm starting to become nostalgic for anticipating a new baby! What an exciting time... I can't wait to have another one!
Liam Ball (it would not sound good i think)
yes that´s true but i think i´ve to watch it really as you said well bec. maybe they have to get the baby earlier (it can happen)...but the big point is i guess the feel good point ???!
okay, maybe I should've asked for the last name first.
you are right, it can happen. To help me ease my wondering mind about pregnancy and stuff, I went to they have a lot of articles you can read about pregnancy and what to expect and some of the worries that mothers-to-be have.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
thank you for that:)
so how is your little girl today?
yeah I understand
my little one is going good. Thanks for asking
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
alright...ouhh does this hurt? any new dates yet for the birth ?
not really. Only when she digs into my ribs, but that hasn't happened in months
Well, they can't really predict when she'll come out. So I'm just waiting. I'm past the 40 week mark and I go see my midwife on Tues. to see if my cervix has dilated anymore. last week, it wasn't much change, just two fingers. :(
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
well that´s nice from her;)
i wish you good luck that there is a change:)
K the radio station I listen to had a thing about baby names and ones that are used to much.
Liam was close to the top of the list.
So they out lawed the names on the list.
Not saying they are bad names.
Just giving them a couple years off.
I know a couple Liams born this year.
I also know quite a few Madisons.
But thats the girl side of things.
As for boy names I was watching " A Baby Story"
And this stupid guy wanted to name his kid Dracula.
Cause " He would be hot with the ladies"
So there is the proof men can be dumb about names too.
In the end they named the kid Drake.
Adria has a tooth on the top that is visible through the gums now.
I think the other top one is only a few days behind it.
JLo, the bottom ones are the easiest to come through.
Its all down hill from here folks.
Stock up on the Tylenol, Camelia drops and Hylands teething tablets!
lol, I'm scared of teething! :eek:
lol@ "Dracula" I can imagine my husband saying something like that. He'd (most likely) be kidding,
I love the name Liam but it has become very popular, hasn't it? I really liked the name Abigail for a girl; in fact that was originally going to be Annabelle's name, but when I realized how common it was right now I decided against it. I actually grew to love Annabelle more than Abigail anyway, so I'm glad we made that choice. I didn't like the idea of her someday being in a kindergarten class with 9 other kids named Abigail!
Nope, no baby yet...she was on myspace earlier today...I keep checking to see if we're going to have an announcement here...
Hopefully soon...she's getting pretty far past her due date..
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
This Thurs. I go for my non-stress test to see if the baby has enough fluids into the placenta still and see if she isn't distressed and doing okay.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Non-stress tests are fun!
oh you went through that?! good! That eased my mind A LOT!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
so we have choose names
if a girl Jacqueline,Sara
if a boy Lukas(so i need a second name that fits )
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine.
I had weekly nonstress tests starting at week 32 until I delivered! I am an old pro.
Meddle I hope you dont get induced.
Everyone I know that was said its pretty tuff.
But You can do it.
Good luck on the stress test.
I introduced X to YIELD tonight!
Wishlist Foundation:
yeah they did. They even gave me a sheet describing what they do. The hospital there are very detailed. i'll be even more relived if she decides to come out tomorrow
Gen-I did read what they do w/induction, kind of scared, but also I don't want to go through a c-section. I heard those are painful
PBM: that is just an adorable pic of you and X. TOO cute! Already bringing him up to be a PJ fan!
i'll keep you guys updated w/what is going on.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
it´s never to early to start !Cute pic!
Like I said on your myspace, I was induced, I went two weeks late, and I have to correct my post, everything was over and I was in an actually hospital room, in just over 6 hours.
Hoping you have a nice quick delivery too!
Keep us posted.
those are beautiful names btw.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Thanks for commenting on my blog. I read that. WOW, 6 hours! That is short compared to other women's stories i've heard. I'm hoping for a quick delivery, w/ or w/o drugs
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Sequoia is such a beautiful name. That was the name I was going to give Joey when he wa born, but he ended up being a boy!
Thank you:) I know it is a hippie name, but hey, it works out, she is going to be born in California where Sequoias are a huge part of this state
Does your son have a middle name?
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I refused to stress and it really did me good.
I have friends that were wrecks about thier deliveries.
And some are still holding on to the fact it didnt go as they had planned.
I told my prenatal group this:
" How many cows do you see dead in the middle of a field with a baby cow stuck half in and half out?"
Why stress.
And put on some tunes while in the delivery room if possible.
Yup. In fact hes one of those kids with 4 names lol.
His first name is Joseph-Bailey. Why because Krohn wouldnt agree to Bailey and I wouldnt agree to Joseph. So we gave him two first names. For now tho, he prefers Joey.
His middle name is Richard and I didnt have much say in it really (ok well I could have been real miserable about it) its a traditional name passed down for so many generations so I thought I'd keep the tradition going there.
I hope you've had your baby by now! Keep us posted Meddle!
you´re welcome:)
thanx i try to give my child not a name that people just laugh about like my bro did .yes that´s true fun and hard.that´s a cute one;)
As for my stress test yesterday, it went well. Chloe is still moving around and she has enough fluid in the placenta so we are not in any danger. I DID however, had a few contractions while they were testing me. Two of them I felt, and all of this was in the course of the 20 mins. of the testing. The technician there said that it looks like i'll probably go to labor soon.
I also saw my baby for the first time since I had my first sonogram back in Aug., the little diva had her back turned to the monitor and had her legs crossed. The technican asked me what I was having and I told her a girl, and she pointed out, 'I thought it was a girl. She has her legs crossed' I also saw her breathing which amazed me.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I'm glad your test went well!
I'm starting to become nostalgic for anticipating a new baby! What an exciting time...