yeah it is quite normal. I had that during my pregnancy were my stomach sides were hurting and even now. Also you'll get belly aches too. your body is getting used to the growing baby inside of you, so thus, everything is stretching out, your uterus moves up to your rib cage. It is quite a trip!
i went to my midwife yesterday, she checked up on me and my cervix, still nothing. Haven't dilated yet. Almost approaching week 38 and I am already anxious to have her out already!
okey so still more to come but hey that´s allright couse i know i am just pregnant not sick;)...
wow so maybe just two weeks or do you think less ?
for sure;)
yep there is a lot more to come, enjoy the beauty of pregnancy
i'm thinking little Chloe might be coming out on the last week of Dec. we'll see though. i'm just too damn excited right now and I really want to meet her. Just the thought of labor and delivery too scare me.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
yep there is a lot more to come, enjoy the beauty of pregnancy
i'm thinking little Chloe might be coming out on the last week of Dec. we'll see though. i'm just too damn excited right now and I really want to meet her. Just the thought of labor and delivery too scare me.
i hope so off course much to follow but still a long time...
last week of dec. lovely;)
i can understand that a bit:)
oh no don´t be scary just think positive;)
i hope so off course much to follow but still a long time...
last week of dec. lovely;)
i can understand that a bit:)
oh no don´t be scary just think positive;)
yeah it might seem a long time, but i swear, the months go by like nothing! It just feels that you are in a time warp of sort. You never expect by this point you'll be 9 months!?! :eek: I am STILL in shocked by how fast the time seems to go by quickly! These 9 months just flew by quickly!
Aww you are too sweet! I know i have to calm myself down a bit and not think too much just go through the flow of things like relaxing Thanks girl!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
yeah it might seem a long time, but i swear, the months go by like nothing! It just feels that you are in a time warp of sort. You never expect by this point you'll be 9 months!?! :eek: I am STILL in shocked by how fast the time seems to go by quickly! These 9 months just flew by quickly!
Aww you are too sweet! I know i have to calm myself down a bit and not think too much just go through the flow of things like relaxing Thanks girl!
Really ?move so fast , but the gynaecologist count in weeks ,so it´s 10 months for them right?but you say so ,so it´s true :)
you´re welcome ,i´ve no idear how i would be like by them ,maybe not that calm anymore ....
I never had too many pains in my tummy till closer to the end.
I do remember being told that the little flutters I was feeling was just muscles spasaming.
And then afterwords hearing that it was the baby. I knew it! And then after the fact wished in the early days I hadnt brushed them off so lightly.
I did start to get aches in my hips. Known as Sciatic nerve pressure.
Wow those would ache when I lied down at night.
Its hard to remember now cause time flies but I do remember how tight my tummy felt at the end. (still dealing with damn stretch marks)
I cant belive how fast time has flown by.
The pregnancy wizzed by and is getting harder to remember.
And now when I look at pics of Adria when she was sooo new...
Wow I cant belive she is 7 months old now.
Take a ton of pictures.
Even if you feel like you are taking too many.
Because you will cherish them.
The things Adria does now that she couldnt do before, everyday there is something new.
-Rolls both ways
-Takes her socks off
-eats real food (and is starting to eye up what Im eating)
-Picks up toys and uses her thumb and forfinger to pick at things.
-And even though its not always helpful a big milestone for us in the past few weeks has been her shyness of strangers, cant just pass her off anymore.
But its really important so I know she will get over it eventually.
Its not like Im gonna have a 18 year old on my hands that crys when she meets someone new. Hehehe might be funny though huh?
ACn you imagine if grown ups did the stuff babies do?
Like cry when we poop?
CAn you imagine being at work and "Bob" next to you is grunting and crying like a 2 week old? hehehe
K enough of this waaaay too long post.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
I never knew a person could function on 4 hours of sleep over 4 days.
We came home from the hospital last night around 7pm. Xavier has a little bit of Jaundice, so he has to sleep under a special light...we're hoping we'll be able to remove the light after today.
We have an appointment today at 11:30, so we'll find out then.
I uploaded a few pictues while I had a spare minute this morning (PBW and Baby are sleeping):
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
oh, he is so sweet! i miss the newborn phase, when all they do is sleep and you can just sit and cuddle them... Annabelle can't sit still for 30 seconds now!
I'm glad everyone is doing well! Annabelle was jaundiced, too. When we look at pictures of her from the day we brought her home from the hospital, she looks orange, like one of those girls that is addicted to fake tanning. But she was still super cute. We had to keep her on a bili blanket at home for about a day and a half, but she got better pretty quickly.
my little girl arrived from hospital on Tuesday (she was born on last Friday) and she also had jaundice. She was orange-yellow. But the day after (wednesday) it was already finished. Now, she's as beautiful as someone can be...
2006: Antwerp, Paris
2007: Copenhagen, Werchter
2009: Rotterdam, London
2010: MSG, Arras, Werchter
2012: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin
2014: Amsterdam, Stockholm
I never knew a person could function on 4 hours of sleep over 4 days.
We came home from the hospital last night around 7pm. Xavier has a little bit of Jaundice, so he has to sleep under a special light...we're hoping we'll be able to remove the light after today.
We have an appointment today at 11:30, so we'll find out then.
I uploaded a few pictues while I had a spare minute this morning (PBW and Baby are sleeping):
so are you pregnant?
i am so my question is now when you felt your baby in your belly for the first time?(heartbeat,foot etc)
It was before Christmas I know that.
So before 20 weeks.
maybe, 17 weeks.
I had my placenta on the outer wall(stomach)
rather than on the inner(back).
And from what i was told that makes it harder to feel stuff.
My sister who is a bitch told me and i quote
"Well heavier people cant feel the baby"
She is a stick 100lbs soaking wet.
Im 160lbs.
i felt so fat.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
It was before Christmas I know that.
So before 20 weeks.
maybe, 17 weeks.
I had my placenta on the outer wall(stomach)
rather than on the inner(back).
And from what i was told that makes it harder to feel stuff.
My sister who is a bitch told me and i quote
"Well heavier people cant feel the baby"
She is a stick 100lbs soaking wet.
Im 160lbs.
i felt so fat.
Ahhhh she will get hers in time.....
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
It was before Christmas I know that.
So before 20 weeks.
maybe, 17 weeks.
I had my placenta on the outer wall(stomach)
rather than on the inner(back).
And from what i was told that makes it harder to feel stuff.
My sister who is a bitch told me and i quote
"Well heavier people cant feel the baby"
She is a stick 100lbs soaking wet.
Im 160lbs.
i felt so fat.
thank you for that so i better cool down ,i´ve to wait until i feel this little;)
well nobody is fat while pregnancy
and if somebody say that just be cool smile and say well i´m pregnant
and by the way women while pregnant are so sexy
and that is a lie i would say what she said ...
i felt my little one when I got my sonogram @the 4th month mark. but i think i felt her earlier than that, but i thought what I was feeling was gas,but sure enough it was her.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
i felt my little one when I got my sonogram @the 4th month mark. but i think i felt her earlier than that, but i thought what I was feeling was gas,but sure enough it was her.
she's been a trooper, but she's ready to have it out. she's tiny and this kid just keeps growing. even the dr. said, 'could that belly stick out any farther?'
she's been a trooper, but she's ready to have it out. she's tiny and this kid just keeps growing. even the dr. said, 'could that belly stick out any farther?'
so crazy i could be dad any hour...
The final hours are the hardest. Get some rest now, because sleep will soon be a very valuable and rare commodity.
Make sure you take some time off work to support your wife (if your work allows).
I remember the day our first was born. She fell asleep for 3 hours right after she was born. We ordered Pizza for the entire floor (nurses, Dr.'s other patients) and I remember my wife and I just looked at each other and started laughing and laughing. Great moment.
ok thanx well sorry that i maybe ask so many stupid question but this is my first pregnancy
and now i´ve a cold ( just a bit )...bad for the little???
Hey, it is not a stupid question. it is okay to ask questions.:)b Ask away girl! we are all hereto answer anything, okay?;)
A bout the cold, i don't think it will hurt the little one, but i suggest tell your doctor about it when u see them.b ib remem ber i gotb ab sinus/cold aroundbthe 6 wk mark, i was scared that it was going 2 affect her, &this was b/f my 1st appt. i had f\ever, puking a lot. i took a day off from work, and slept & drank tons of juices.:)
Quiet Rhythm: my due date is Jan. 4th. She is almost here! hopefully! And she is kickin' like crazy! thanks for checking up on me girl:)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
okey so still more to come
wow so maybe just two weeks or do you think less ?
for sure;)
i'm thinking little Chloe might be coming out on the last week of Dec. we'll see though. i'm just too damn excited right now and I really want to meet her. Just the thought of labor and delivery too scare me.
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
i hope so
last week of dec. lovely;)
i can understand that a bit:)
oh no don´t be scary just think positive;)
yeah it might seem a long time, but i swear, the months go by like nothing! It just feels that you are in a time warp of sort. You never expect by this point you'll be 9 months!?! :eek: I am STILL in shocked by how fast the time seems to go by quickly! These 9 months just flew by quickly!
Aww you are too sweet! I know i have to calm myself down a bit and not think too much just go through the flow of things like relaxing
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
(Sorry, I'm having a caesarean one day and I'm really curious!!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Really ?move so fast , but the gynaecologist count in weeks ,so it´s 10 months for them right?but you say so ,so it´s true
you´re welcome ,i´ve no idear how i would be like by them ,maybe not that calm anymore ....
How does it feel?
Glad everyone is well.
Keep us posted.
Welcome to the world PBB!
I do remember being told that the little flutters I was feeling was just muscles spasaming.
And then afterwords hearing that it was the baby. I knew it! And then after the fact wished in the early days I hadnt brushed them off so lightly.
I did start to get aches in my hips. Known as Sciatic nerve pressure.
Wow those would ache when I lied down at night.
Its hard to remember now cause time flies but I do remember how tight my tummy felt at the end. (still dealing with damn stretch marks)
I cant belive how fast time has flown by.
The pregnancy wizzed by and is getting harder to remember.
And now when I look at pics of Adria when she was sooo new...
Wow I cant belive she is 7 months old now.
Take a ton of pictures.
Even if you feel like you are taking too many.
Because you will cherish them.
The things Adria does now that she couldnt do before, everyday there is something new.
-Rolls both ways
-Takes her socks off
-eats real food (and is starting to eye up what Im eating)
-Picks up toys and uses her thumb and forfinger to pick at things.
-And even though its not always helpful a big milestone for us in the past few weeks has been her shyness of strangers, cant just pass her off anymore.
But its really important so I know she will get over it eventually.
Its not like Im gonna have a 18 year old on my hands that crys when she meets someone new. Hehehe might be funny though huh?
ACn you imagine if grown ups did the stuff babies do?
Like cry when we poop?
CAn you imagine being at work and "Bob" next to you is grunting and crying like a 2 week old? hehehe
K enough of this waaaay too long post.
I never knew a person could function on 4 hours of sleep over 4 days.
We came home from the hospital last night around 7pm. Xavier has a little bit of Jaundice, so he has to sleep under a special light...we're hoping we'll be able to remove the light after today.
We have an appointment today at 11:30, so we'll find out then.
I uploaded a few pictues while I had a spare minute this morning (PBW and Baby are sleeping):
When I get some extra time (:D), I'll post more.
Again, thanks for all your well-wishes.'re on the clock.
Wishlist Foundation:
I'm glad everyone is doing well! Annabelle was jaundiced, too. When we look at pictures of her from the day we brought her home from the hospital, she looks orange, like one of those girls that is addicted to fake tanning.
2007: Copenhagen, Werchter
2009: Rotterdam, London
2010: MSG, Arras, Werchter
2012: Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin
2014: Amsterdam, Stockholm
No way!! That's my birthday
awwww, he is just too adorable!!! he is already smiling for the cameras:)
i am so anxious already and i only have 11 days left!!! if she decides to come on time:)
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I am pregnant with the joy and festivity and good will of this Holiday Season...
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
i am so my question is now when you felt your baby in your belly for the first time?(heartbeat,foot etc)
Too bad she was born on the 8th!
It was before Christmas I know that.
So before 20 weeks.
maybe, 17 weeks.
I had my placenta on the outer wall(stomach)
rather than on the inner(back).
And from what i was told that makes it harder to feel stuff.
My sister who is a bitch told me and i quote
"Well heavier people cant feel the baby"
She is a stick 100lbs soaking wet.
Im 160lbs.
i felt so fat.
Ahhhh she will get hers in time.....
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
thank you for that so i better cool down ,i´ve to wait until i feel this little;)
well nobody is fat while pregnancy
and if somebody say that just be cool smile and say well i´m pregnant
and by the way women while pregnant are so sexy
and that is a lie i would say what she said ...
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
normal that you got skin rashes while pregnancy?
i've got that before &it was on my belly. still have it from time-2-time, but it is just an itch. wait until your skin color changes :eek:
it is normal
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
and now i´ve a cold ( just a bit )...bad for the little???
she's been a trooper, but she's ready to have it out. she's tiny and this kid just keeps growing. even the dr. said, 'could that belly stick out any farther?'
so crazy i could be dad any hour...
The final hours are the hardest. Get some rest now, because sleep will soon be a very valuable and rare commodity.
Make sure you take some time off work to support your wife (if your work allows).
I remember the day our first was born. She fell asleep for 3 hours right after she was born. We ordered Pizza for the entire floor (nurses, Dr.'s other patients) and I remember my wife and I just looked at each other and started laughing and laughing. Great moment.
Hey, it is not a stupid question. it is okay to ask questions.:)b Ask away girl! we are all hereto answer anything, okay?;)
A bout the cold, i don't think it will hurt the little one, but i suggest tell your doctor about it when u see them.b ib remem ber i gotb ab sinus/cold aroundbthe 6 wk mark, i was scared that it was going 2 affect her, &this was b/f my 1st appt. i had f\ever, puking a lot. i took a day off from work, and slept & drank tons of juices.:)
Quiet Rhythm: my due date is Jan. 4th. She is almost here! hopefully!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn