Happy New Year to all the babies and moms with babies waiting to come out.
And the dads and families too.
I had a couple colds while preggo and no worries.
Baby probably doesnt even know you have a cold.
Except of course when you cough!
Gives baby a little jiggle.
I know colds are worse later in pregnancy when you are having a hard time breathing as it is cause theres no room for you lungs and everything is squshed. But I asked my midwife and she said a teeny bit of nose spray would be ok. So I took a bit. Helped. Adria is fine. Got 10 fingers and 10 toes.
We are currantly going through some tough times teething.
Adria has 2 bottom teeth. Her gums are positivley bulging on the top.
She is miserable. And to top it all off I know shes in pain cause she bit me.
And when I broke her latch she screeemed in pain. Poor girl. Poor nipple!
Anyone have any suggestions.
They are saying not to use Anbesol or Oragel or other numbing stuff.
Something to do with a blood disorder and also risk of choking.
I rubbed some liquid Tylenol on her gums and then gave her a dose.
Hope that helps.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Meh, people say and think alot of crazy things, for example, my mother in law told me to rub Brandy on my son's gums when he was teething. Umm no thanks. I use baby ambesol on Joey with recommendations from my doctor.
I was told by a dentist and doctor NOT to put tylenol directly on to the gums as the sugar in the tylenol is just awful on the gums and teeth.
gen - We haven't hit the teething stage yet, thank god! I have heard of people using tylenol and also hyland's teething tablets, which are homeopathic and disolve quickly in the baby's mouth.
lady - I had bad allergies at the end of my pregnancy and I took an antihistimine, which helped me feel a lot better. I was told not to take decongestents, since they are known to raise blood pressure. The cold won't hurt the baby, though. I remember being worried about that, too! But the doctor said the baby is not hurt by a cold. Don't feel bad asking questions! Ask as many as you want! We are happy to answer them!
Have you tried freezies for her gums? The things you take right out of the freezer and they chew on them? Jack loves em
Also, our Dr. recommended Infants Tylenol drops. It works pretty well with Jack. He'll usually take the Tylenol, (very willingly) then take his bottle and go to sleep. Obviously, every Dr., and baby, is different. Our Dr. was okay with Orajel, though we rarely use it. We also found a vibrating teether, made by John deere, shaped like an ear of corn, that Jack likes.
Hey, it is not a stupid question. it is okay to ask questions.:)b Ask away girl! we are all hereto answer anything, okay?;)
A bout the cold, i don't think it will hurt the little one, but i suggest tell your doctor about it when u see them.b ib remem ber i gotb ab sinus/cold aroundbthe 6 wk mark, i was scared that it was going 2 affect her, &this was b/f my 1st appt. i had f\ever, puking a lot. i took a day off from work, and slept & drank tons of juices.:)
Quiet Rhythm: my due date is Jan. 4th. She is almost here! hopefully! And she is kickin' like crazy! thanks for checking up on me girl:)
first at all happy new year for everyone!!!!:):)
and meddle ok;) i will do that but acctually i do that everyday:D
wow 4th of january -that´s the b-day of a friend of mine
Talking about colds/flu subject that lady talked about, well, I am actually sick right now. I think it is a cold/sinus combo, which sucks. I got sick on New Years and still feel pretty bad. I got a headache, ear ache, cough, sore throat, running/stuffy nose. I feel miserable! I want to take something, but I'm going to wait until I see my midwife tomorrow. I also read information about labor/delivery from the hospital I was going to, and they said that it is a sign/symptom of labor or something like that.
still waiting for my daughter to come out. Any day now!
and Happy New Years to everyone out there!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I came back to work yesterday and it was nice to get a little bit of a break. PBW needs to take a break, but she won't allow herself to do that yet.
Baby sleeps a lot during the day and is up a lot at night. We're trying to reverse his schedule, but we haven't had any luck just yet.
This morning, we fed him, changed him, held him and rocked him, yet he continued to cry. Is there an underlying issue or is it normal for him to just cry?
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
I came back to work yesterday and it was nice to get a little bit of a break. PBW needs to take a break, but she won't allow herself to do that yet.
Baby sleeps a lot during the day and is up a lot at night. We're trying to reverse his schedule, but we haven't had any luck just yet.
This morning, we fed him, changed him, held him and rocked him, yet he continued to cry. Is there an underlying issue or is it normal for him to just cry?
He might be gassy. If he continues, try Mylicon Gas Drops, they saved my life when I worked in daycare for a few years.
If he's formula fed and the drops don't work, maybe try changing the formula. If he's breast fed, maybe it is something that PBW ate that is affecting his stomach.
Good Luck!
Underneath this smile lies everything
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
Thanks for the tip. PBW friend suggested the gas drops last night, but we haven't tried them yet.
When I go home at lunch we'll look into that more.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
I came back to work yesterday and it was nice to get a little bit of a break. PBW needs to take a break, but she won't allow herself to do that yet.
Baby sleeps a lot during the day and is up a lot at night. We're trying to reverse his schedule, but we haven't had any luck just yet.
This morning, we fed him, changed him, held him and rocked him, yet he continued to cry. Is there an underlying issue or is it normal for him to just cry?
I found my daughter liked being held and walked around. Or she would cry. It was hard because I couldn't walk and hold her all day.
I found my daughter liked being held and walked around. Or she would cry. It was hard because I couldn't walk and hold her all day.
Congrats PBM!!!
I swaddled him this morning and we rocked until he fell asleep. He was out when I left for work, but I'm not quite sure how long that will last.
Hopefully, PBW will be able to get some rest today.
I try to relieve her when I get home, but she still has a hard time resting.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
It is normal for them to keep crying at this age, don't worry! The underlying issue is probably just gas. I remember that Annabelle was so easy for the first 2 weeks, and then she kind of "woke up" and started crying a LOT... For her, it was major gas. She was breastfed at the time and changing my diet didn't help, and then we put her on formula and she was STILL gassy, but a little better. Once we finally switched to soy formula, that helped a lot.
Also, If you don't have a swing, you might want to get one. The swing changed my life! Until we had the swing, I literally held her for most of every day. During the day, I would even eat meals while holding her. It was also nice to take her out in her stroller. Sometimes she would cry all day and then would be totally pleasant if we took her out for a walk once my husband got home. (And then she'd cry again when we got home...hehe. ) Another thing that helped the gas was putting her across my lap on her tummy and patting her lower back.
Talking about colds/flu subject that lady talked about, well, I am actually sick right now. I think it is a cold/sinus combo, which sucks. I got sick on New Years and still feel pretty bad. I got a headache, ear ache, cough, sore throat, running/stuffy nose. I feel miserable! I want to take something, but I'm going to wait until I see my midwife tomorrow. I also read information about labor/delivery from the hospital I was going to, and they said that it is a sign/symptom of labor or something like that.
still waiting for my daughter to come out. Any day now!
and Happy New Years to everyone out there!
Ugh...I have the same cold right now and so does Annabelle! We got it the day after New Year's, though. It's pretty miserable, so I can't even imagine being 40 weeks pregnant and like this! I hope you feel better soon! As far as meds go, I remember my doctor told me not to take a decongestant because that can raise blood pressure but that an antihistimine is ok.
Ugh...I have the same cold right now and so does Annabelle! We got it the day after New Year's, though. It's pretty miserable, so I can't even imagine being 40 weeks pregnant and like this! I hope you feel better soon! As far as meds go, I remember my doctor told me not to take a decongestant because that can raise blood pressure but that an antihistimine is ok.
Thanks Brain of J.Lo I just came from my midwife and she gave me a list of meds that I can take. She told me that it is important for me to feel better b/c if I am like this during labor, I can get easily tired and won't have any energy. The sucky part of all of this is that what I have is a sinus/cold. Gah! And got my cervix checked, nothing yet. :( tomorrow is my 40th week mark and due date, she said if the baby doesn't come by next Thurs. she has me scheduled for a non-stress test to monitor the baby and see if she is okay. Let's hope she comes sooner b/c I really don't want to take the bus all the way to Oakland again
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Talking about colds/flu subject that lady talked about, well, I am actually sick right now. I think it is a cold/sinus combo, which sucks. I got sick on New Years and still feel pretty bad. I got a headache, ear ache, cough, sore throat, running/stuffy nose. I feel miserable! I want to take something, but I'm going to wait until I see my midwife tomorrow. I also read information about labor/delivery from the hospital I was going to, and they said that it is a sign/symptom of labor or something like that.
still waiting for my daughter to come out. Any day now!
and Happy New Years to everyone out there!
i am so sorry sweet...read your other message...i wish you good luck that your girl comes out!!!and all will be goin good (i hope):):):)
It is normal for them to keep crying at this age, don't worry! The underlying issue is probably just gas. I remember that Annabelle was so easy for the first 2 weeks, and then she kind of "woke up" and started crying a LOT... For her, it was major gas. She was breastfed at the time and changing my diet didn't help, and then we put her on formula and she was STILL gassy, but a little better. Once we finally switched to soy formula, that helped a lot.
Also, If you don't have a swing, you might want to get one. The swing changed my life! Until we had the swing, I literally held her for most of every day. During the day, I would even eat meals while holding her. It was also nice to take her out in her stroller. Sometimes she would cry all day and then would be totally pleasant if we took her out for a walk once my husband got home. (And then she'd cry again when we got home...hehe. ) Another thing that helped the gas was putting her across my lap on her tummy and patting her lower back.
i am not a mother yet but i know the answer yes it is ...it goes til the 5th month or more than that but hey times goes over that
I recently found out that I am going to be a grandmom for the first time!
My daughter is going to drive me to drinking though!
Every little ache, and pain, she is in a tizzy!!LOL
I recently found out that I am going to be a grandmom for the first time!
My daughter is going to drive me to drinking though!
Every little ache, and pain, she is in a tizzy!!LOL
awww congrats!!! Just remember to always be there for your daughter, I am sure she will have a TON of questions to ask you throughout her pregnancy
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Hellfish, Jack is soo cute.
JLo sorry to hear about your shared colds.
Weve been fighting some for a while here too.
Congrats on all the newly expectant moms, dads and grandmas.
I bought some Camelia drops for Adrias teeth.
Im having a hard time finding the teething tablets though.
Shes had one before. And the drops. The tablets work better.
Both contain Belladonna though and that makes me want to give them to her sparingly. Being Wiccan I know that Belladonna is not to be used lightly.
The Tylenol helps too. I know some people worry about the sugar in the Tylenol and get Tempra instead cuase it doesnt have sugar. But I dont give her much anyway so Im not too worried.
Adria has been feeling better, the tooth hasnt broke yet but the top gums are still really inflamed.
Its the waking at night thats wierd. Cause she usually sleeps through the night. But she just wants to nurse and go abck to sleep. Shes not crying all night.
I got a teether that has this little mesh bag on it and you put frozen food in it and no chunks get through. She really likes it. But its messy!
This past week she has started to pick food up with her fingers and eat it.
Crackers and cereals. Its nice to see her getting the hang of it. Se used to gag on everything but shes learning to chew it instead of just swallowing.
Meddle, Hope everything goes well.
Try not to stress and just take lotssa naps and drink lotsa fluids and Im sure you will get better.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Went in for the 2 week check up today...after waiting for an hour and a half :eek:, we got back to the exam room.
Xavier's weight has improved, the jaundice is down to a reasonable level and everything else checked out.
Now...if we can get him to sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
Went in for the 2 week check up today...after waiting for an hour and a half :eek:, we got back to the exam room.
Xavier's weight has improved, the jaundice is down to a reasonable level and everything else checked out.
Now...if we can get him to sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time.
I had a freind who had a really hard time getting the jaundice to go away.
And her baby girl is still a skinny mini. No health problems but she was really stressed.
At one piont she went to the health station for a check up and it had been 2 weeks since the last time. And the health nurse told her Madi had only gained 2oz. My friend was in tears said "but thats just not enough"
Stupid nurse didnt even comfort her. just shrugged. I felt sooo bad.
But everything is all good.
The sleep will come.
Try to set up a predictable routine in the evenings.
Bath, massage, book, cuddle, a favorite blanket to snuggle under.
Kick back and watch some TV while having a cuddle.
Adria goes to bed late. 11:30pm. I made the mistake of thinking I should put her down really early and expect her to sleep. But everyone is different.
A dose of gas drops like Ovol, or Gerber right before bed might help relax Xman enough to give you an hour or so more of snoozing.
Also make sure hes not too hot. A baby that is overheated has ahard time falling asleep. My freind used to swaddle her baby at night, he wasnt sleeping well. Everyone said " Babies like to be bundled" Truth is he was hot and couldnt push the blankets off yet. Adria loves lotsa blankets but hates being swaddled. Weird.
It will get better.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
Also make sure hes not too hot. A baby that is overheated has ahard time falling asleep. My freind used to swaddle her baby at night, he wasnt sleeping well. Everyone said " Babies like to be bundled" Truth is he was hot and couldnt push the blankets off yet. Adria loves lotsa blankets but hates being swaddled. Weird.
That's an interesting point. I noticed PBW wasn't swaddling Xavier anymore and I would still do it. I thought, the warmer the better, but your point makes sense.
"We paced ourselves and we didn't rush through it and we tried to be as creative as our collective minds would let us be over some course of time instead of just trying to rush through a record"
That's an interesting point. I noticed PBW wasn't swaddling Xavier anymore and I would still do it. I thought, the warmer the better, but your point makes sense.
Just try one night setting the temp cooler in the house.
Maybe the next dont swaddle.
The next a warm blanket and a light sleeper.
Write down what works and what doesnt.
Also in case the gas thing is an actual problem dont put him in anything at night that is 2 peice cause the elastic might be putting pressure on his tummy.
My midwife told me about the overheating thing.
She said babies have a hard time controlling thier body temperatures.
And its better to be a bit cooler. Doctors who study SIDS say a baby that is overheated is more likely to, well, I wont say.
But you get my drift.
Try out differnt things.
But I know a routine really helps.
And a nice warm bath and massage helps anyone relax.
the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
My boyfriend and I are thinking end of 2007/early 2008 to start seriously thinking about kids! Woo hoo! I have to stop taking my female hormones (for my polycystic ovaries) for 3 months before we can even start trying so we would like me to be off them by the end of this year. And who knows how long it will take after that. My doctor said there's a possibility I might have trouble ovulating so he may give me ovulation needles. We'll see.
We were both heavy smokers and drank a lot of beer. I always said I'd never even consider planning anything while we were smokers/drinkers. We are now on our second day of patches and doing tremendously well. We've had to give up the alcohol too. We're not shitty at all and both feel pretty happy! We are eating a lot of low fat crackers though! Buts that's better than smoking. I think we just know it's time to progress to the next phase of our lives. We've been together for 8 years.
Leigh says that when he thinks about a cigarette, he tries to think about us having little bubbas instead. He's more clucky than I am!!! I'm glad he would like kids as much as I do. He's getting worried he's too old (29)!
gen - Does Adria chew on her tongue a lot? lol Annabelle always does...like, almost all the time...and she looks like she's got gum in her mouth. It's really funny.
Annabelle dealt with jaundice for a while, too. She was SO orange the day we took her home from the hospital. And she was wearing a purple dress, which just emphasized the orange, lol. Actually, in her hospital pic you can tell she is very jaundiced. Feeding her every 2 hours like clockwork finally got her bili levels to normal, though.
pbm - I second what gen said about the heat. I know Annabelle gets really annoyed still if she is too hot, and also it is much safer for them to be cooler. They say you should to dress them in only one layer more than what you are wearing and that should be warm enough. I tend to err on the side of "too cold" with Annabelle, but she has never once complained about the cold, just the heat. She's like her dad, I guess, in that way.
I miss the days when Annabelle would let me wrap her up like a little burrito. That was so cute! She's so big and squirmy now!
ziggy - How exciting!! Good for you both for quitting smoking. It's too bad everyone isn't as conscientious about their family planning! Your future kids are lucky.
And the dads and families too.
I had a couple colds while preggo and no worries.
Baby probably doesnt even know you have a cold.
Except of course when you cough!
Gives baby a little jiggle.
I know colds are worse later in pregnancy when you are having a hard time breathing as it is cause theres no room for you lungs and everything is squshed. But I asked my midwife and she said a teeny bit of nose spray would be ok. So I took a bit. Helped. Adria is fine. Got 10 fingers and 10 toes.
We are currantly going through some tough times teething.
Adria has 2 bottom teeth. Her gums are positivley bulging on the top.
She is miserable. And to top it all off I know shes in pain cause she bit me.
And when I broke her latch she screeemed in pain. Poor girl. Poor nipple!
Anyone have any suggestions.
They are saying not to use Anbesol or Oragel or other numbing stuff.
Something to do with a blood disorder and also risk of choking.
I rubbed some liquid Tylenol on her gums and then gave her a dose.
Hope that helps.
I was told by a dentist and doctor NOT to put tylenol directly on to the gums as the sugar in the tylenol is just awful on the gums and teeth.
lady - I had bad allergies at the end of my pregnancy and I took an antihistimine, which helped me feel a lot better. I was told not to take decongestents, since they are known to raise blood pressure. The cold won't hurt the baby, though. I remember being worried about that, too! But the doctor said the baby is not hurt by a cold.
Happy new year everyone!!
Have you tried freezies for her gums? The things you take right out of the freezer and they chew on them? Jack loves em
Also, our Dr. recommended Infants Tylenol drops. It works pretty well with Jack. He'll usually take the Tylenol, (very willingly) then take his bottle and go to sleep. Obviously, every Dr., and baby, is different. Our Dr. was okay with Orajel, though we rarely use it. We also found a vibrating teether, made by John deere, shaped like an ear of corn, that Jack likes.
first at all happy new year for everyone!!!!:):)
and meddle ok;) i will do that but acctually i do that everyday:D
wow 4th of january -that´s the b-day of a friend of mine
Fighting thanx for the lovely pics of your son:)
and nocode23 that´s cool ...congrates
ah and thanx for all for the new year wishes....
still waiting for my daughter to come out. Any day now!
and Happy New Years to everyone out there!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
I came back to work yesterday and it was nice to get a little bit of a break. PBW needs to take a break, but she won't allow herself to do that yet.
Baby sleeps a lot during the day and is up a lot at night. We're trying to reverse his schedule, but we haven't had any luck just yet.
This morning, we fed him, changed him, held him and rocked him, yet he continued to cry. Is there an underlying issue or is it normal for him to just cry?
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
He might be gassy. If he continues, try Mylicon Gas Drops, they saved my life when I worked in daycare for a few years.
If he's formula fed and the drops don't work, maybe try changing the formula. If he's breast fed, maybe it is something that PBW ate that is affecting his stomach.
Good Luck!
all my hopes, anger, pride and shame...
When I go home at lunch we'll look into that more.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
I found my daughter liked being held and walked around. Or she would cry. It was hard because I couldn't walk and hold her all day.
Congrats PBM!!!
I swaddled him this morning and we rocked until he fell asleep. He was out when I left for work, but I'm not quite sure how long that will last.
Hopefully, PBW will be able to get some rest today.
I try to relieve her when I get home, but she still has a hard time resting.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Also, If you don't have a swing, you might want to get one. The swing changed my life! Until we had the swing, I literally held her for most of every day. During the day, I would even eat meals while holding her. It was also nice to take her out in her stroller. Sometimes she would cry all day and then would be totally pleasant if we took her out for a walk once my husband got home. (And then she'd cry again when we got home...hehe.
He is so cute! His eyes are amazing!
Ugh...I have the same cold right now and so does Annabelle! We got it the day after New Year's, though. It's pretty miserable, so I can't even imagine being 40 weeks pregnant and like this! I hope you feel better soon! As far as meds go, I remember my doctor told me not to take a decongestant because that can raise blood pressure but that an antihistimine is ok.
Thanks Brain of J.Lo
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
i am so sorry sweet...read your other message...i wish you good luck that your girl comes out!!!and all will be goin good (i hope):):):)
i am not a mother yet but i know the answer yes it is ...it goes til the 5th month or more than that but hey times goes over that
My daughter is going to drive me to drinking though!
Every little ache, and pain, she is in a tizzy!!LOL
awww congrats!!!
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
thanks ladygooddiva
~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
Hellfish, Jack is soo cute.
JLo sorry to hear about your shared colds.
Weve been fighting some for a while here too.
Congrats on all the newly expectant moms, dads and grandmas.
I bought some Camelia drops for Adrias teeth.
Im having a hard time finding the teething tablets though.
Shes had one before. And the drops. The tablets work better.
Both contain Belladonna though and that makes me want to give them to her sparingly. Being Wiccan I know that Belladonna is not to be used lightly.
The Tylenol helps too. I know some people worry about the sugar in the Tylenol and get Tempra instead cuase it doesnt have sugar. But I dont give her much anyway so Im not too worried.
Adria has been feeling better, the tooth hasnt broke yet but the top gums are still really inflamed.
Its the waking at night thats wierd. Cause she usually sleeps through the night. But she just wants to nurse and go abck to sleep. Shes not crying all night.
I got a teether that has this little mesh bag on it and you put frozen food in it and no chunks get through. She really likes it. But its messy!
This past week she has started to pick food up with her fingers and eat it.
Crackers and cereals. Its nice to see her getting the hang of it. Se used to gag on everything but shes learning to chew it instead of just swallowing.
Meddle, Hope everything goes well.
Try not to stress and just take lotssa naps and drink lotsa fluids and Im sure you will get better.
Xavier's weight has improved, the jaundice is down to a reasonable level and everything else checked out.
Now...if we can get him to sleep for longer than 2 hours at a time.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Congrats on everything and all the best to you and your family.
I had a freind who had a really hard time getting the jaundice to go away.
And her baby girl is still a skinny mini. No health problems but she was really stressed.
At one piont she went to the health station for a check up and it had been 2 weeks since the last time. And the health nurse told her Madi had only gained 2oz. My friend was in tears said "but thats just not enough"
Stupid nurse didnt even comfort her. just shrugged. I felt sooo bad.
But everything is all good.
The sleep will come.
Try to set up a predictable routine in the evenings.
Bath, massage, book, cuddle, a favorite blanket to snuggle under.
Kick back and watch some TV while having a cuddle.
Adria goes to bed late. 11:30pm. I made the mistake of thinking I should put her down really early and expect her to sleep. But everyone is different.
A dose of gas drops like Ovol, or Gerber right before bed might help relax Xman enough to give you an hour or so more of snoozing.
Also make sure hes not too hot. A baby that is overheated has ahard time falling asleep. My freind used to swaddle her baby at night, he wasnt sleeping well. Everyone said " Babies like to be bundled" Truth is he was hot and couldnt push the blankets off yet. Adria loves lotsa blankets but hates being swaddled. Weird.
It will get better.
That's an interesting point. I noticed PBW wasn't swaddling Xavier anymore and I would still do it. I thought, the warmer the better, but your point makes sense.
Wishlist Foundation: http://wishlistfoundation.org
Just try one night setting the temp cooler in the house.
Maybe the next dont swaddle.
The next a warm blanket and a light sleeper.
Write down what works and what doesnt.
Also in case the gas thing is an actual problem dont put him in anything at night that is 2 peice cause the elastic might be putting pressure on his tummy.
My midwife told me about the overheating thing.
She said babies have a hard time controlling thier body temperatures.
And its better to be a bit cooler. Doctors who study SIDS say a baby that is overheated is more likely to, well, I wont say.
But you get my drift.
Try out differnt things.
But I know a routine really helps.
And a nice warm bath and massage helps anyone relax.
We were both heavy smokers and drank a lot of beer. I always said I'd never even consider planning anything while we were smokers/drinkers. We are now on our second day of patches and doing tremendously well. We've had to give up the alcohol too. We're not shitty at all and both feel pretty happy! We are eating a lot of low fat crackers though!
Leigh says that when he thinks about a cigarette, he tries to think about us having little bubbas instead. He's more clucky than I am!!!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Annabelle dealt with jaundice for a while, too. She was SO orange the day we took her home from the hospital. And she was wearing a purple dress, which just emphasized the orange, lol. Actually, in her hospital pic you can tell she is very jaundiced. Feeding her every 2 hours like clockwork finally got her bili levels to normal, though.
pbm - I second what gen said about the heat. I know Annabelle gets really annoyed still if she is too hot, and also it is much safer for them to be cooler. They say you should to dress them in only one layer more than what you are wearing and that should be warm enough. I tend to err on the side of "too cold" with Annabelle, but she has never once complained about the cold, just the heat. She's like her dad, I guess, in that way.
I miss the days when Annabelle would let me wrap her up like a little burrito. That was so cute! She's so big and squirmy now!
ziggy - How exciting!!