O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Hey Gurl, have your baby yet? I'm going to assume so by now :P

    I sure hope she has!! :) And I can't wait to see pics. :)
  • twin1twin1 Posts: 902
    Congrats. on the nanny job - I hope you get it.

    I had to go to the ER Saturday and wait for 6 hours because they were so busy to find out I had a urinary tract infection. I am currently on Augmentin and taking Tylenol with Codeine as needed. Apparently it is very common in someone who has had children previously. The way you carry the baby can obstruct things and cause bacteria to get in causing an infection. Not fun stuff. We were about to walk out of the hospital when the nurse pulled a doctor who just walked into the door into the room and told him he had to see me now or I was leaving. He apologized for having to put on his tie and finish getting ready while he was talking to me. I told him I didn't care, I just wanted to know what was going on. On the plus side, the baby is doing great and they reforced again that it is a boy. They said he looks pretty good sized. I am 21 weeks today and have a drs. appt. later this afternoon. There are so many little things that pop up with pregnancy. :)
    Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
    No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
    After you die...you know how to LIVE!
  • Galaxie2X4Galaxie2X4 Posts: 151
    Yesterday was my 2 year wedding anniversary. To start off the day I held my wife's hair out of her face as she puked in the toilet. She continues to suffer from morning sickness morning, noon, and night. We plan to celebrate when she feels better.
    "My Cadillac's sittin in the back, it isn't me, I'm going home in my Galaxy"
    S. Hoon

    "My body's nobody's body but mine. You run your own body, let me run mine" Chicago '95

    Franken '08
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Sorry to hear about those two complaints.

    Ive had urinary tract infections before.
    They suck bigtime. Glad to hear thats all though.

    Still feeling queezy huh.
    I hope you both get the chance to celebrate soon.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Ive had a few UTI's non pregnancy related but Cranberry juice is your friend, helps get rid of the infection quickly. For me it takes about a full day then Im fine.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203

    Wondering how everyone is.
    We are well.

    You out there?
    Got that baby out yet?
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Doing pretty good over here! :) Annabelle is on a napping strike this week, for some reason... But luckily she's still sleeping great at night, so I'm still sane! :D

    Sorry to hear about the UTI, Twin...those are no fun. But it's great that it was something simple and not dangerous for the baby! :)

    And also sorry about morning sickness ruining your anniversary, Galaxie! Hopefully she'll be done with that soon!

    I can't wait to see Gurl's baby! It *has* to be here now, right??? :D I sympathize with her... I was going bonkers and I was only 38 weeks when I gave birth. I don't know how crazy I would have gone if I'd gone to term or longer!
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Hello fellow Mommies/Daddies and Soon-to-be Mommies!! :D

    I am hardly on here, since work has kept me busy and usually when I get home, i am so tired :o

    well, I'm 20 weeks and 2 days pregnant and I went to get my sonogram...I'm having a 'Capricorn Sister' due on Jan. 4th! :) I got pics of her, but I couldn't scan them at work. She is adorable, but quite a wild one though. She wouldn't even stand still. haha.

    anyway,it is great to hear that everyone's little ones are doing good...and Eddie's Gurl, did she deliver already?
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    I keep checking this thread when I see it bumped to see if Eddie's Gurl has posted about her little bubba yet!

    Eddie's Gurl, you looked beautiful pregnant! I hope I look as lovely as you! :)

    Pregnant women glow, don't they? More people should be proud of their bellies and show photos!!!!! :D (Not saying that the people who haven't posted photos aren't proud -- I understand that some people don't want to post photos on the net!)
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    I don't have a digital camera to take one, but a really good friend of mine did take one of me tonight. :D I'll post that up once she sends it to me :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    I don't have a digital camera to take one, but a really good friend of mine did take one of me tonight. :D I'll post that up once she sends it to me :)

    Awesome! :)
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    Hey guys! SO so so so sorry to keep you all hanging... i've been a bit busy this past week! Baby is here & we are all well.

    Lucy Michelle came into our lifes on August 11th @ 4:05pm.

    And it all went like this:

    I woke up at 3:54 having contractions, i didn't wake Chris up yet, i instead walked around a bit, went & laid on the couch and timed them for an hour, they were about 6-7 min apart. So at around 5 I woke up Chris, called the hospital & they said to come in whenever i was ready, but i had time to take a shower & get ready. So i took a quick shower, finished getting things together & we left for the hospital at 7:30. My contractions were getting pretty strong & intense when we got there & i was 4 cm dialted & completely thinned. Then the midwife broke my water & things REALLY got going. I got my epidural at around 10:30 & i continued to progress nicely on my own. By 2:50pm, I was 10 cm & ready to go!! I got really scared at this point!! I pushed for an hour & 15 min & she was here!!!! Chris balled like a baby!! I was in complete shock & just had tears in my eyes & couldn't quit smiling!!! It really felt like a dream.

    She weighed 7lbs 1.8 oz & 20 in. long, she has great color and a headfull of dark brown hair! Big brown eyes, rosebud lips...she is soooo beautiful!! ... breast feeding is going really well.. im not sleeping hardly at all b/c she eats every 2hrs! SO im pretty sleepy during the day & am just enjoying taking it easy at home & enjoying her!

    i've got a TON of pics to share.... so hope you have some time to look at them!
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    k... here ya go!

    Welcome to the world Lucy Sunshine! (it was cloudy & rainy all day, till about 4:00, it got soo sunny outside... so i like to call her 'Lucy Sunshine', or just 'sunshine'




    (her sleeping at the hospital.... we now realize this is her fav. way to sleep!)

    my mom did this for her

    (me, my mom & Lucy!)



    Aunt Molly (my sis) & Lucy





    Daddy & Lucy sleeping ~ (I love this pic!!!)

    i love this pic!!!
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • QuarterToTenQuarterToTen Cincinnati, Ohio Posts: 3,642
    Congratulations Meg!!!!

    she is absolutely gorgeous :)

    so glad mama and little Lucy are happy and healthy

    enjoy every moment with your beautiful daughter

    they grow up so fast.....
    Nice shirt.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Yay!!! Congratulations!! Welcome, Lucy!! :D She is so pretty and you guys all look so happy!! And she came on the 11th, just like you wanted, how awesome!! :)

    Enjoy her littleness! I am already sad that Annabelle is starting to be too big for her newborn onsies! Take many many pictures because this time will go fast and parts of it will be hard to remember, lol. ;) It's chaotic, but wonderful! :)
  • iluvcatsiluvcats Posts: 5,153
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    Hey guys! SO so so so sorry to keep you all hanging... i've been a bit busy this past week! Baby is here & we are all well.

    Lucy Michelle came into our lifes on August 11th @ 4:05pm.

    And it all went like this:

    I woke up at 3:54 having contractions, i didn't wake Chris up yet, i instead walked around a bit, went & laid on the couch and timed them for an hour, they were about 6-7 min apart. So at around 5 I woke up Chris, called the hospital & they said to come in whenever i was ready, but i had time to take a shower & get ready. So i took a quick shower, finished getting things together & we left for the hospital at 7:30. My contractions were getting pretty strong & intense when we got there & i was 4 cm dialted & completely thinned. Then the midwife broke my water & things REALLY got going. I got my epidural at around 10:30 & i continued to progress nicely on my own. By 2:50pm, I was 10 cm & ready to go!! I got really scared at this point!! I pushed for an hour & 15 min & she was here!!!! Chris balled like a baby!! I was in complete shock & just had tears in my eyes & couldn't quit smiling!!! It really felt like a dream.

    She weighed 7lbs 1.8 oz & 20 in. long, she has great color and a headfull of dark brown hair! Big brown eyes, rosebud lips...she is soooo beautiful!! ... breast feeding is going really well.. im not sleeping hardly at all b/c she eats every 2hrs! SO im pretty sleepy during the day & am just enjoying taking it easy at home & enjoying her!

    i've got a TON of pics to share.... so hope you have some time to look at them!

    congratulations eddie's gurl. I felt like I was going to cry when I saw the pic of her on top of you and she had just been born....
    9/98, 9/00 - DC, 4/03 - Pitt., 7/03 - Bristow, 10/04 - Reading, 10/05 - Philly, 5/06 - DC, 6/06 - Pitt., 6/08 - Va Beach, 6/08 - DC, 5/10 - Bristow, 10/13 B'more
    8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
    10/10 - Brad in B'more
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328

    Lucy is a beautiful baby! I can't believe how good looking she is from day one!!! :)
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Awww congrats girl and your baby looks ADORABLE!! :D thank u for sharing those pics w/us :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Oh sure Im gone all weekend and you have her.

    Wel Congratulations!!!! :D

    Shes beautiful.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • LizardLizard So Cal Posts: 12,091
    So I'll just lie down and wait for the dream
    Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    thanks guys! :)
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • Ms. HaikuMs. Haiku Washington DC Posts: 7,297
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    thanks guys! :)
    I don't go on this thread much since I don't have kids, or expecting. She's the first picture I've looked at on this thread. She's beautiful! Congratulations!

    I like to read the birth stories because I trained as a doula (professional labor support) and was even considering midwifery through the program at Seattle Midwifery School. Life took a different turn as it always does. However, a friend of mine is a midwife in Madison, Wisconsin, and she seems to really like it.
    There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
    The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Ok now that Im not rushed I will say Hi to Lucy.

    Welcome to the world!

    How was the experience Gurl?
    Was it good? How are you feeling?
    Hows the feeding going? Any Jaundice?
    I want the whole story! :D
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • EddiesGurlEddiesGurl Posts: 166
    genevieve wrote:
    Ok now that Im not rushed I will say Hi to Lucy.

    Welcome to the world!

    How was the experience Gurl?
    Was it good? How are you feeling?
    Hows the feeding going? Any Jaundice?
    I want the whole story! :D

    It went really really well! (due to the epidural!)... I only pushed for an hour & 15 min... she had a little bit of Jaundice.. nothing to worry about tho. Nothing a little pooping couldn't fix. ;) feeding is going...ehh... ok. She is a snacker & just wanted to eat for 10-20 min at a time & every 1.5-2hrs... so at night, its a little rough. She is doing better..last night she ate for 20 min at a time, and went 2-3 hrs in between. So.. she is getting there. She is figureing out her days & nights better now too.... so thats good.

    I'm just so happy & in complete shock that she is here & just in shock being a mom & getting used to everything! :)
    Welcome to the world Lucy Michelle!!! 8/11/06 - 4:05pm

    ~> Don't be afraid that your life will end, be afraid that it will never begin.
  • senninsennin Posts: 2,146
    EddiesGurl wrote:
    It went really really well! (due to the epidural!)... I only pushed for an hour & 15 min... she had a little bit of Jaundice.. nothing to worry about tho. Nothing a little pooping couldn't fix. ;) feeding is going...ehh... ok. She is a snacker & just wanted to eat for 10-20 min at a time & every 1.5-2hrs... so at night, its a little rough. She is doing better..last night she ate for 20 min at a time, and went 2-3 hrs in between. So.. she is getting there. She is figureing out her days & nights better now too.... so thats good.

    I'm just so happy & in complete shock that she is here & just in shock being a mom & getting used to everything! :)


  • twin1twin1 Posts: 902
    Congrats, Lucy is so beautiful and you look great too!!! You are the same age I was when I had my first one, all those moments are precious, cherish and enjoy them! How wonderful, thanks for sharing!!! :):):)
    Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
    No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
    After you die...you know how to LIVE!
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Okay, I know what I may be asking is a stupid question, but it has been pondering my mind ever since I got pregnant. What does it feel like when you have a baby and is it very painful?

    My 12th grade health teacher told our class, (which I never forgot) it was like squeezing a basketball out. :p

    once again, I apologize for the stupid question :o
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • twin1twin1 Posts: 902
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    Okay, I know what I may be asking is a stupid question, but it has been pondering my mind ever since I got pregnant. What does it feel like when you have a baby and is it very painful?

    My 12th grade health teacher told our class, (which I never forgot) it was like squeezing a basketball out. :p

    once again, I apologize for the stupid question :o

    That is not a stupid question at all, don't worry about asking it! I think every woman thinks about that at some point or another. I had an epidural both times before and intend to have one this one as well. Medicine is my friend, especially when I have had to get cut both times or I would tear. I can't imagine going through that without some type of numbing effect. I would say the contractions are painful, especially if they are all in your back like my first one was. As far as pushing the baby out, well, it isn't much fun but like I said if you are medicated, it is not that bad, just very tiring and uncomfortable. My second baby, I had the flu so pushing was really exhausting and I had a fever so they would not check me even though I kept telling me, I feel pressure, check me now! I was kind of annoying, I just wanted to get some rest. Each person is different and so is each pregnancy, don't worry so much about it. Women have been doing it a very long time and if it were really like being tortured I don't think we would continue to have babies. :):)
    Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
    No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
    After you die...you know how to LIVE!
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    thanks twin1 for your input. :) I briefly heard about cutting, and they have to sow you back right and they do it only if they have to? I kind of remember my health teacher talking about that. She warned about how certain doctors will just cut w/o a reason.

    I wanted to get a general sense of how it is going to be like once I go through with it. I'm both excited and scared about this, but I have to keep telling myself, I'll be fine. :) I just don't know if I am going to do it fully natural, or get medicated. :/
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • twin1twin1 Posts: 902
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    thanks twin1 for your input. :) I briefly heard about cutting, and they have to sow you back right and they do it only if they have to? I kind of remember my health teacher talking about that. She warned about how certain doctors will just cut w/o a reason.

    I wanted to get a general sense of how it is going to be like once I go through with it. I'm both excited and scared about this, but I have to keep telling myself, I'll be fine. :) I just don't know if I am going to do it fully natural, or get medicated. :/

    Yes, they sew you right back up. I am petite and both of my babies were good sized even though they were early. My doctor's asked me before they did it if it was o.k. to do so while I was in labor and like I said I thought the healing would be a little better being sewn up versus torn. A friend of mine got no medicine and tore and did not have any other children after that, she said it was extremely painful. I was excited and scared too with my first one and now that it is my third and I have some experience under my belt that aspect of it doesn't really frighten me. Good luck to you however you decide - medicated or not. :):)
    Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
    No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
    After you die...you know how to LIVE!
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