O.K. how many people here are pregnant?



  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    thanks twin1 for your input. :) I briefly heard about cutting, and they have to sow you back right and they do it only if they have to? I kind of remember my health teacher talking about that. She warned about how certain doctors will just cut w/o a reason.

    I wanted to get a general sense of how it is going to be like once I go through with it. I'm both excited and scared about this, but I have to keep telling myself, I'll be fine. :) I just don't know if I am going to do it fully natural, or get medicated. :/

    I think it's become a policy at most hospitals to only do the episiotomy when it's absolutely necessary. And even if you deliver without the epidural, they can still give you a local to numb the area before cutting. (I had an emergency c/s so I have no personal experience with this, though!)

    Are you planning to take any kind of class to prepare you for labor? I did, and it helped me to relax a LOT more about the whole process. It's also nice to be around other first-timers who share your nervousness! I took a very basic hospital-run class that didn't lean one way or the other regarding natural vs. drugs. I liked that because they explained all of your pain relief options and also taught a lot of natural pain relieving techniques. (My plan walking into the hospital was to wait and see how much it hurt, and then decide! As it turned out, however, my baby went into distress and I had to have a c/s, so I had an epi.)
  • Don't worry too much about the pain. They have some damn good painkillers these days. You can have an epidural when you are anywhere between 3 and 7 cm. dilated (I think.) The hospital staff will ask you if you are planning on having an epi.and you can sign a waiver and then it's up to you, you can wait and see if you think you need one. I had an epidural when I had my daughter and then I felt NO PAIN. Sensation and pressure but no pain at all. They cut me and I didn't know it until afterward and the OB sewed me up. The bad thing about getting cut is the time it takes to heal(up to 6 wks). So don't sweat it, the meds are there if you need em. I'm glad I had painkillers because I had hypertension and was only allowed to lay on my left side or else my blood pressure would skyrocket. Staying in one position was very uncomfortable.
    "This calls for a very special blend of psychology and extreme violence" - The Young Ones
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    The best way I can explain what I went through is like this.
    I chose no pain meds. And I knew that was how I wanted it going into birth.
    I wanted to experience birth the most natural way possible. I would have had
    an epi if I needed it though. The time going from 6-10cm is the worst.
    The contractions are very painful. They are very tireing as well. I kept very
    hydrated by drinking tons so that I didnt need any IV support.
    Pushing is a bit better. But there is a "ring of fire". When the baby's head
    hits the vaginal opening. Its best to do pushes for only as long as you can.
    Pushing while people scream 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...!!!!! Is almost sure to get
    you a tear. Of course if you dont have the urge to push you will need that
    support but I think a woman knows how long to push each time. I needed
    short pushes. Some women need long ones. The burning sensation can best be
    described by you pulling your lips(face lips) with your fingers till you feel a burn.
    This is sorta what it will be like except stretching much more, Im sure you get the idea. ;)

    I did a really cool thing. I needed to know just how much farther I had to go.
    I had a tub birth. So when I thought that Adria was almost there but I had
    very little energy, I felt in between my legs. And I felt this soft little head.
    Just about there. Almost out. It gave me all the strength I needed to get the
    job done. So if you go without pain meds and feel like you need that extra
    something and you think you are almost there. Give it a try.

    Contractions feel like you have the worst case of food piosoning ever and your
    body is heaving and retching violently while somehow also trying to take a huge
    poop. Not very pleasent. But hey 30 000 women are giving birth at any given
    moment around the world. And chances are you are in one of the safest places
    on the planet. So who cares about pain.

    First deal your fears.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    genevieve wrote:
    The best way I can explain what I went through is like this.
    I chose no pain meds. And I knew that was how I wanted it going into birth.
    I wanted to experience birth the most natural way possible. I would have had
    an epi if I needed it though. The time going from 6-10cm is the worst.
    The contractions are very painful. They are very tireing as well. I kept very
    hydrated by drinking tons so that I didnt need any IV support.
    Pushing is a bit better. But there is a "ring of fire". When the baby's head
    hits the vaginal opening. Its best to do pushes for only as long as you can.
    Pushing while people scream 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...!!!!! Is almost sure to get
    you a tear. Of course if you dont have the urge to push you will need that
    support but I think a woman knows how long to push each time. I needed
    short pushes. Some women need long ones. The burning sensation can best be
    described by you pulling your lips(face lips) with your fingers till you feel a burn.
    This is sorta what it will be like except stretching much more, Im sure you get the idea. ;)

    I did a really cool thing. I needed to know just how much farther I had to go.
    I had a tub birth. So when I thought that Adria was almost there but I had
    very little energy, I felt in between my legs. And I felt this soft little head.
    Just about there. Almost out. It gave me all the strength I needed to get the
    job done. So if you go without pain meds and feel like you need that extra
    something and you think you are almost there. Give it a try.

    Contractions feel like you have the worst case of food piosoning ever and your
    body is heaving and retching violently while somehow also trying to take a huge
    poop. Not very pleasent. But hey 30 000 women are giving birth at any given
    moment around the world. And chances are you are in one of the safest places
    on the planet. So who cares about pain.

    First deal your fears.

    WOW!!!! :eek: You are a determined woman. Anyone who goes through the above without drugs and actually chose not to have the drugs deserves a medal!!!! :D

    That just 100% confirmed I'm having c/s. I know.... I'm a wimp!!! :o

    It's great reading all these different stories....I've learned so much! :)
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    ZiggyStar wrote:
    WOW!!!! :eek: You are a determined woman. Anyone who goes through the above without drugs and actually chose not to have the drugs deserves a medal!!!! :D

    That just 100% confirmed I'm having c/s. I know.... I'm a wimp!!! :o

    It's great reading all these different stories....I've learned so much! :)

    Aw come on
    people do it all the time! :D
    But to each thier own.

    Its amazing reading all the stories.
    We all go about it differently.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • ZiggyStarZiggyStar Posts: 14,328
    genevieve wrote:
    Aw come on
    people do it all the time! :D
    But to each thier own.

    Its amazing reading all the stories.
    We all go about it differently.

    I know people do it all the time....AND YOU'RE ALL CRAZY!!!!!! ;):D
    ★ 1995 - Brisbane ★ 1998 - Brisbane ★ 2003 - Brisbane ★ 2006 - Brisbane ★
    ★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
    ★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    genevieve wrote:
    The best way I can explain what I went through is like this.
    I chose no pain meds. And I knew that was how I wanted it going into birth.
    I wanted to experience birth the most natural way possible. I would have had
    an epi if I needed it though. The time going from 6-10cm is the worst.
    The contractions are very painful. They are very tireing as well. I kept very
    hydrated by drinking tons so that I didnt need any IV support.
    Pushing is a bit better. But there is a "ring of fire". When the baby's head
    hits the vaginal opening. Its best to do pushes for only as long as you can.
    Pushing while people scream 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...!!!!! Is almost sure to get
    you a tear. Of course if you dont have the urge to push you will need that
    support but I think a woman knows how long to push each time. I needed
    short pushes. Some women need long ones. The burning sensation can best be
    described by you pulling your lips(face lips) with your fingers till you feel a burn.
    This is sorta what it will be like except stretching much more, Im sure you get the idea. ;)

    I did a really cool thing. I needed to know just how much farther I had to go.
    I had a tub birth. So when I thought that Adria was almost there but I had
    very little energy, I felt in between my legs. And I felt this soft little head.
    Just about there. Almost out. It gave me all the strength I needed to get the
    job done. So if you go without pain meds and feel like you need that extra
    something and you think you are almost there. Give it a try.

    Contractions feel like you have the worst case of food piosoning ever and your
    body is heaving and retching violently while somehow also trying to take a huge
    poop. Not very pleasent. But hey 30 000 women are giving birth at any given
    moment around the world. And chances are you are in one of the safest places
    on the planet. So who cares about pain.

    First deal your fears.

    WOW!! that is the BEST described labor I have EVER heard. Now, I have a sense of what is going to happen down the road. Thanks genevieve, ScreamingLemur (fellow Stoney Pony :D), Brain of J.Lo and twin1 for your advice. :)

    My mom also went through 3 pregnancies WITHOUT any meds!! :eek: When she first told me that when i was in my teens, i thought she was crazy, but now, more and more I think about it, it is a possibility. I think to me, that is the BEST way to experience the joy of bringing life into the world, w/ALL the pain. :)
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    MeddleDeal wrote:
    WOW!! that is the BEST described labor I have EVER heard. Now, I have a sense of what is going to happen down the road. Thanks genevieve, ScreamingLemur (fellow Stoney Pony :D), Brain of J.Lo and twin1 for your advice. :)

    My mom also went through 3 pregnancies WITHOUT any meds!! :eek: When she first told me that when i was in my teens, i thought she was crazy, but now, more and more I think about it, it is a possibility. I think to me, that is the BEST way to experience the joy of bringing life into the world, w/ALL the pain. :)

    I personally wanted to see if I could do it.
    I wanted to have this experience.
    I knew I could do it. It was something I had to prove to myself.
    I had no fear of pain. Pain is a natural part of childbirth. The pain
    is something you can get over.
    Everyone who gives birth vaginally will still have the after pains.
    Cramping of the uterus while feeding for the first week.
    Plus tender "bits". Sitting is uncomfortable and wiping normally after
    using the bathroom is not an option. So in my mind whats the use in not
    experiencing everything. Some people call me crazy. But I wanted a tub birth
    I couldnt have one if I had an epi. I didnt want IV. I wanted to be able to get
    up and walk around. I didnt want to be stuck in a bed. I wanted to pee if I
    needed to. Instead of having a catheter.

    A good book to read is: Birthing from Within. by Pam England.
    Its sorta flowery in spots but has some great stuff to practice and focus
    with. Also helps deal with fears that might come up during birth.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • twin1twin1 Posts: 902
    With my 1st child she was 30 days early and when I went to the hospital I was 8 cm dialated. The doctor asked me what I was waiting for and I told him I thought it was false labor because I had a month left. It was all back labor and it felt like someone took a knife and was cutting me from one side of my lower back to the other. I told him I could not have the baby that day because my SO was in Oklahoma checking on our house that was being built (I was in Maryland). To make a long story short I started labor in the evening around 5pm (on my birthday) and had her the following day at 5:29pm. I went to the hospital around 9am the day she was born. She was in a big hurry to come out and than slowed down. My SO hoped on a plane and my brother in law picked him up from the airport where the 2 of them proceeded to get lost and were doing 100 mph down the road. He racked up a ridiculous amount of money on the plane calling everyone he knew panicing that I was in labor. Meanwhile at the hospital, they could see the head at 4pm and I told the doctor's I refused to push because the baby's dad would be there and we both wanted him there for the birth, our first child. They thought I was crazy. I waited an hour watching the clock and every few minutes when the contractions came I called him every cuss word I knew in my head. At 5pm I was too exhausted fighting against the natural progression of having a baby and they put me on oxygen. I told them, "get that baby out!" My SO came in at 5:15pm and our daughter was born at 5:29pm. They had to use forcepts on her and my SO got to cut the chord. When all was said and done I really wanted a Big Mac, fries, and a chocolate shake from McDonalds, I had no energy left so my SO went and got it. Through a friend I found out I was the talk of the hospital - "the girl that would not push waiting for the dad". I did it but I tell you I would not do it again. It is extremely hard on your body but it's not dangerous to you or the baby. The second one was not quite as dramatic although I had gestational diabetes and the flu when I had her. My water never broke by itself for either one of mine. No matter what you go through, it is all worth it and you forget it or would do it all again once you hold them, it is worth whatever pain you have to endure. :):)
    Our love must not be just words, but True Love, which shows itself in action,
    No one needs a smile more than someone who fails to give one,
    After you die...you know how to LIVE!
  • I had a relatively easy labour, to the point where the hospital wanted to send me home because they didnt think I was actually in labour. I was up and walking around the hallways, playing card games with my ex best friend. I was in good spirits etc.

    I wanted to stay anyways at that point I was nearly 2 weeks overdue and I just wanted everything out and done with. After a few hours of no change in dilation, my water was broken.

    After hour after my water was broken, I started having painful contractions. I asked for the epidural and 2 hours later my son was born. Total time in labour just shy of 9 hours.

    It didnt hurt me and I was lucky enough not to rip or tear or needed to be cut, I felt some pressure as the baby was coming out but thats it. The whole thing just felt wierd to me.

    I was awarded "quietest woman in the labour and delivery unit ever" award lol

    Every woman is different tho. Some have no trouble with labour others have a terrible time. Dont read some of these stories and be completely terrifed (like ziggystar :P) about labour. I dont have any books to recommend to you, I never bothered with them but you can PM me any time if want to talk or ask a question.
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    ZiggyStar wrote:
    WOW!!!! :eek: You are a determined woman. Anyone who goes through the above without drugs and actually chose not to have the drugs deserves a medal!!!! :D

    That just 100% confirmed I'm having c/s. I know.... I'm a wimp!!! :o

    It's great reading all these different stories....I've learned so much! :)

    If you think you're a wimp and you can't handle pain, I STRONGLY recommend you avoid a c/s! Just have a vaginal birth with an epidural. That would be a much easier and less painful experience than my c/s was, I am certain. I've never experienced pain like that...and it lasts for a long time. Sure, I was numb during the procedure, but in the week after the surgery, I endured pain like no other I have ever felt. (And I did labor without an epidural for about 10 hours before they decided I need a c/s, so I'm comparing the c/s pain to very strong contractions.)

    After having a c/s, I can't imagine where women got the idea that a c/s is easier or less painful than a vaginal birth. I know you've made up your mind about having an elective c/s, but I really feel like it's my mission to speak from experience and tell you to at least stay open-minded about it, lol. :)

    If you want a detailed description of my daughter's birth, I will give it to you. I LOVE my little baby girl more than anything in the world, and I'd do it all over again just for the end result, but I really wish I could have had the same end result with a vaginal birth instead.
  • illegal pantsillegal pants Posts: 13,471
    been lurking in and outta this thread, just wanted to say

    oh my god : eek :

    i have so much respect for y'all and... yeh :o

    no baby plans for pants for a looooong time :)
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    Someone just sent me this link. There's no pj, but I still had to post it. :D;)

  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Someone just sent me this link. There's no pj, but I still had to post it. :D;)


    Oh my god!!!!

    I need these!
    Nirvana, Tool, Pixies, QOTSA, Radiohead! OMG!!!!

    Im gonna show hubbie when he gets home.
    Adria already listens to the real stuff but hey this is awsome.

    They do need some PJ though.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Brain of J.LoBrain of J.Lo Posts: 3,259
    genevieve wrote:
    Oh my god!!!!

    I need these!
    Nirvana, Tool, Pixies, QOTSA, Radiohead! OMG!!!!

    Im gonna show hubbie when he gets home.
    Adria already listens to the real stuff but hey this is awsome.

    They do need some PJ though.

    lol, yeah Annabelle listens to the real stuff too, but I love that these are so tranquil! :) I wanna get a few of them!
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    I dont know if you got a computer Gurl.
    If you do let us know how you are doing.

    Hows everyone else?
    Any news?
    J Lo? Things going well?
    And all the ladies waiting for babies.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • Got home from our Pearl Jam road trip on the west coast leg to find out we are expecting our first child.
    Arms wide open with the sea as my floor.
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    gvn2fly12 wrote:
    Got home from our Pearl Jam road trip on the west coast leg to find out we are expecting our first child.

    I hope this is a good thing
    You will have to keep us updated
    What made you take the test?
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • gvn2fly12 wrote:
    Got home from our Pearl Jam road trip on the west coast leg to find out we are expecting our first child.

    Yay! Welcome to the prego thread and congrats! :)
  • genevieve wrote:
    I dont know if you got a computer Gurl.
    If you do let us know how you are doing.

    Hows everyone else?
    Any news?
    J Lo? Things going well?
    And all the ladies waiting for babies.

    Annabelle rolled from back to tummy! She has only done it once, but now that she's done it once, she keeps trying to do it ALL the time. She keeps trying and gets stuck on her side, lol :D It's so cute! And the cutest thing is, she'll get to her side and if she can't get all the way over, she flops back to her back with a smile on her face and tries again! lol :D It's like her new hobby. I put her on the floor in her little gym thingy and instead of reaching for/hitting the toys, ever since yesterday she's "practicing" her rolling skills. ;)

    Hmmm...can't think of much else. She's chewing her fists a lot more and has been showing signs of teething for a few weeks now. She's not fussy, but was going through a period where she was sort of fighting the bottle, and I've read that they do that because the sucking puts pressure on the new tooth, but she's gotten over that.

    The funny thing she's doing now is that a lot of times if I start talking to her while she's eating, she'll start smiling back and talking to me--with the bottle in her mouth! lol :D It's really cute but it sometimes takes a long time to make her eat when she'd rather chat. She really chatters all the time now. If she's awake, she is "talking," whether it is to me or to her laughing Curious George doll, or some other object with a face...lol. :D I could just listen to her and stare at her all day. She's so much fun!
  • genevievegenevieve Posts: 1,203
    Yeah Adria does lotsa "talking" too.
    We had a momentous day yesterday.
    We had a shower and I was drying her armpits after and...

    A Big Giggle!!!

    I was so happy.
    She does little hoo hoo s.
    But this was a hehehehehehe.
    the person below me smells like cat pee and raisins...
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Those stories are TOO precious ladies. :) I can't wait to have moments like that w/my daughter, Chloe. next Friday, I'll be hitting the 6 month mark! :eek:
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • MeddleDeal wrote:
    Those stories are TOO precious ladies. :) I can't wait to have moments like that w/my daughter, Chloe. next Friday, I'll be hitting the 6 month mark! :eek:

    OMG! I can't believe you're almost 6 months! SEND BELLY PICS!!
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • gvn2fly12 wrote:
    Got home from our Pearl Jam road trip on the west coast leg to find out we are expecting our first child.

    OMG! That's awesome! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • MeddleDeal wrote:

    Holy shit...you are ALL baby!!! :D I hate you! I have a feeling when I have kids I'll be nowhere as cute as you!! :D
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    Holy shit...you are ALL baby!!! :D I hate you! I have a feeling when I have kids I'll be nowhere as cute as you!! :D

    Awww thanks girl!!! :D You notice, I am rockin' the Pearl jam shirt?! ;) Lyd has been calling the baby Chloe, even before we knew we were going to have a girl :D
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • MeddleDeal wrote:
    Awww thanks girl!!! :D You notice, I am rockin' the Pearl jam shirt?! ;) Lyd has been calling the baby Chloe, even before we knew we were going to have a girl :D

    Yup, of course I noticed the shirt!! :D And, you were destined to have a girl!
    This is the greatest band in the world -- Ben Harper

  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    You are TOO sweet M!! I miss you and Jilly! I hope i can see you girls soon!

    and could you believe, my daughter will be born in Jan.? Talk about Capricorn Sister?! :eek:

    how is your nanny gig going?
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
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