that's cause you are schooling yourself to become a lawyer , am i right.
fuck the lawyer, fuck the cops...ass whippin time,,then call the law
good call. then you can go to prison with him, pay your money to a convicted child abuser after the civil suit, and potentially go to jail with him when the cops decide maybe it's your porn too. brilliant :rolleyes:
good call. then you can go to prison with him, pay your money to a convicted child abuser after the civil suit, and potentially go to jail with him when the cops decide maybe it's your porn too. brilliant :rolleyes:
not hardly dude
you have no idea outside of your law studies
it means i love the fact that he doesn't care for me and my ways, my attitude.
i have zero tolerance for child preditors,,,period
the end..pretty simple
there you go. there is no mention of molestation or anything like that.
ratting this guy out to the cops/feds will not stop the exploitation or abuse of minors. Like it or not the stuff is out there.
Indeed. The internet key is a good idea, but you dont want that stuff in your house period. The fact that the guy may have been engaged in a criminal activity that exposes you to potential criminal liability in the house you share with your wife is more than enough reason to confront him, express your anger and ask him to leave. Offer to get him discreet professional help if the guy has a problem.
I wouldnt turn him in, just get as far away as possible. And keep a journal of the dates of discovery, conversations, etc. should you ever be questioned by the authorities.
Did you write "if the guy has a problem"?
... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
I would ask him to leave and get himself psychiatric help. The "What if's" are way, way too many. Im not an advocate for calling big brother for every friggin thing that happens... however, THIS IS A VERY SERIOUS SITUATION. . Whom knows where these pictures are coming from??? Maybe not internet? Maybe neighborhood children? One sometimes has to stand up for what is right and correct even if it means losing friends.
~~~ Making the move to do what is correct may save just one child from the detriment of such violent and inappropriate acts.~~~
Get ALL that Negative shit out of your house including him... he may thank you later for getting you the help he needs.
No shit. There sure are a lot of apologists for this sick fuck's behavior. There are no excuses. He's got child pornography on his computer. Those kids, by the very existence of said pictures, have been physically, sexually and emotionally abused by the person who took the picture, and that abuse is perpetuated by everyone who downloads it, trades it, sells it, etc...
Study the asshole all you want once he's been removed from society. But this guy, and everyone like him needs to be locked up. Don't kick him out and ask him to become a better person. That is making excuses for him. Don't try to empathize and see if you can make him feel better about himself. That is making excuses for him.
Get a lawyer. Get the cops. Have the asshole locked up immediately. This is a very serious crime. Not some minor indiscretion blamed on questionable judgment. Some of you kiddie porn apologists need to reevaluate your own issues.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
not hardly dude
you have no idea outside of your law studies
brilliant absolutely brilliant
Actually....he is correct...vigilante justice is not the way to go...hell, you might get a reward for turning him in...
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
1) Tell your wife
2) BOTH of you need to go talk to a Lawyer NOW
3) Go WITH your Lawyer to the cops.
4)3) Kick his suck fuck ass out of your house. (the lawyer can be of assistance in this too since you prob have to give him some kind of notice even though he's there rent free).
He may have been using your IP but if he's as stupid as he is sick then he probably signed up for some sites with his own CC which would tie the porn to him. If you told the cops yourself before they trace some websites subscription back to him and ergo to your IP they will be more likely to believe you had nothing to do with it then if they raided your house one day and confiscated your computer.
You need to get this fucker out of your life NOW...especially if you and the wife has ANY plans to have children.
I know this is tough, but you gotta look out for yourself first here.
Good luckk
Just adding something...hope it doesn't disturb the flow...
5) Don't ever be his friend again...especially after you have children
Ok you have a sick fetish... fine.. but your using someone ELSES computer?
Sweetheart he could get you in a lot of trouble.
What i would do if i was presented with this situation:
Tell that person that there has been a tragedy in your family and your family NEEDS to be alone. He has to leave. Do NOT tell him why. I would just make him leave and make him think its because of a family issues because you dont want the weirdo to come back for revenge. As much as i'd like to tell you to go to the police just to cover you and your family's end of it I can understand if you do NOT want to involve officials and bring attention to yourself. Because quite frankly, its not your fault and you were doing something nice and this person took major advantage. Because they do track that kind of stuff and they can do very very easily. If he has visited child pornography sites or downloaded ANYTHING.. it can be tracked. I feel really bad for you right now because ive had people really fuck me over when i was doing nothing but nice things for them. My bfs buddy got kicked out of his house and was homeless so we took him in and also let him live for months for free. He ended up completely being an asshole and owing us 200 dollars. So yes, you are not alone. Like i said, this is kind of a serious matter so i would highly suggest the following methods if you do not want to bring police or anything into the situation and clear your conscious.
STEP A: Get a new Hard Drive STEP B: Bust the HOLY MOTHER HELL out of the old one and dispose STEP C: Buy a brand new copy of windows (for ANY computer if its more than one and he has had access to it)
Its not that your doing anything bad except for protecting your obvious innocence in the matter.
But like many have suggested... if you still don't feel like getting rid of the guy first and foremost in manner where he doesnt think its his fault. If you do, at least dont ever confront him about what you know. He could become worried that you will tell and he will be put away for life. Friend or no friend people will turn on you in that sort of serious situation.
Just protect yourself and let us know how it all works out, hope this has helped.
Ps: You may want to consider turning him in to prevent and protect any children he may be around. This can be done anonymously and after the situation has blown over
My bfs buddy got kicked out of his house and was homeless so we took him in and also let him live for months for free. He ended up completely being an asshole and owing us 200 dollars. So yes, you are not alone.
i know you're just trying to be helpful and that's cool, but this kinda cracked me up. "your roommate is a potential child molester who put your whole family at risk of serious time in prison? yeah, ours was our jerk and stiffed us for $200, so i know what you're going through!"
i know you're just trying to be helpful and that's cool, but this kinda cracked me up. "your roommate is a potential child molester who put your whole family at risk of serious time in prison? yeah, ours was our jerk and stiffed us for $200, so i know what you're going through!"
I just meant i can understand the aspect and the point of view;) and that its a big infringement and can be an odd situation and confusing if you are going through it from that aspect haha
But yeah, guess i sounded like an ass ... i gave sound advice at least
I just meant i can understand the aspect and the point of view;) and that its a big infringement and can be an odd situation and confusing if you are going through it from that aspect haha
But yeah, guess i sounded like an ass ... i gave sound advice at least
i know, it just read funny. it was one piece of advice we always gave to people coming to college for the first time... don't room with friends. your friend may be super cool to hang out with, but it's very hard to set boundaries and lay down ground rules in that situation.
are you sure about that? i'd swear every study i've seen says that is the case. where did you hear otherwise?
It kind of depends how you interpret the numbers. Recent research suggests that being abused in childhood does not necessarily pre-dispose a person to becoming an abuser themselves. No causal relationship has been shown, as most people who were abused do not become abusers themselves. On top of that, if childhood abuse was a link to becoming an abuser, one would expect more female paedophiles, as girls are more often the victims of sexual abuse in childhood than boys, in one study as many as 1 in 4 girls compared to 1 in 9 boys report unwanted sexual contact by the time they are 18. Boys however are more likely to be victims of repeated abuse. One study revealed that around 20% of male child sex offenders admit they were abused themselves, which leaves 80% of offenders with no history of it in childhood. While some 73-100% of female offenders reported sexual abuse in childhood, they still only account for about 1% of paedophiles.
While it can be interpreted that most paedophiles were abused themselves, when you extract the raw data, the picture is less clear. People who were abused themselves are at an increased risk of becoming an abuser, but still the majority of abusers were not abused as children, and the vast majority of abuse victims do not become abusers. Recent research uncovered a number of other factors that pre-dispose a person to paedophilia and also reveal a strong correlation with other psychiatric disorders,-"Fifty percent to 70% of pedophiles can be diagnosed as
having another paraphilia, such as frotteurism, exhibitionism,
voyeurism, or sadism.7,12,25"- with childhood head trauma, it has found paedophiles are most often male, of short stature, with a lower than average IQ.
This canadian study had some interesting results:
"Pedophilia might be the result of faulty connections in the brain, according to new research released by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). The study used MRIs and a sophisticated computer analysis technique to compare a group of pedophiles with a group of non-sexual criminals. The pedophiles had significantly less of a substance called “white matter.” which is responsible for wiring the different parts of the brain together.
The study, published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, challenges the commonly held belief that pedophilia is brought on by childhood trauma or abuse. This finding is the strongest evidence yet that pedophilia is instead the result of a problem in brain development.
Previous research from this team has strongly hinted that the key to understanding pedophilia might be in how the brain develops. Pedophiles have lower IQs, are three times more likely to be left-handed, and even tend to be physically shorter than non-pedophiles. "
From a personal point of view, I think this is a really complex issue, with many causative factors. It's a psychiatric disorder and should be treated as such. The difficulty is how to treat it? There are no drugs available to switch this off in people. Treatment programs seem to be notorious for failing with these people and rehabilitation success is low.
Do you have any sources for this? It's not that I disbelieve you, but I'm interested in the research. Thanks.
I will try and figure out a way to link you up. Most of the research I do, I do through my University's account with various Journals and databases and requires my Uni log in. I will try and put one here now, let me know if it works, if not I can probably download the papers in PDF and send them to you.
Try this one:
Edit: Argh, removed the link coz I checked it and it doesn't work. Bare with me, I will try and get it together........ :(
Even if they were "just" images, it's still a rape of their innocence.
Please understand I'm not saying that makes it any better, I feel horrible about the thought of that and an even worse image in my mind makes it even harder to sleep.
that's cause you are schooling yourself to become a lawyer , am i right.
you'd be right... is this catch22 guy a CON OR what?
i dont want to be an arsehole, singing to the mods about how come he's allowed back on here.. but come on!!
OP should contact the police.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
what was that dunk? you dont want to be an arsehole or you just cant help being one?
p.s. paedophiles should be castrated...
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
The fact that this guy is just LOOKING doesn't make it better.
Everyday children are being hurt because he just wants to LOOK. He has a problem and he needs help, but not half as much help as those kids he's JUST LOOKING at.
I will try and figure out a way to link you up. Most of the research I do, I do through my University's account with various Journals and databases and requires my Uni log in. I will try and put one here now, let me know if it works, if not I can probably download the papers in PDF and send them to you.
Try this one:
Edit: Argh, removed the link coz I checked it and it doesn't work. Bare with me, I will try and get it together........ :(
Thanks for trying. I have a university account as well, so I might be able to access them if you just give me the citations. Don't sweat it though.
It kind of depends how you interpret the numbers. Recent research suggests that being abused in childhood does not necessarily pre-dispose a person to becoming an abuser themselves. No causal relationship has been shown, as most people who were abused do not become abusers themselves. On top of that, if childhood abuse was a link to becoming an abuser, one would expect more female paedophiles, as girls are more often the victims of sexual abuse in childhood than boys, in one study as many as 1 in 4 girls compared to 1 in 9 boys report unwanted sexual contact by the time they are 18. Boys however are more likely to be victims of repeated abuse. One study revealed that around 20% of male child sex offenders admit they were abused themselves, which leaves 80% of offenders with no history of it in childhood. While some 73-100% of female offenders reported sexual abuse in childhood, they still only account for about 1% of paedophiles.
While it can be interpreted that most paedophiles were abused themselves, when you extract the raw data, the picture is less clear. People who were abused themselves are at an increased risk of becoming an abuser, but still the majority of abusers were not abused as children, and the vast majority of abuse victims do not become abusers. Recent research uncovered a number of other factors that pre-dispose a person to paedophilia and also reveal a strong correlation with other psychiatric disorders,-"Fifty percent to 70% of pedophiles can be diagnosed as
having another paraphilia, such as frotteurism, exhibitionism,
voyeurism, or sadism.7,12,25"- with childhood head trauma, it has found paedophiles are most often male, of short stature, with a lower than average IQ.
This canadian study had some interesting results:
"Pedophilia might be the result of faulty connections in the brain, according to new research released by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). The study used MRIs and a sophisticated computer analysis technique to compare a group of pedophiles with a group of non-sexual criminals. The pedophiles had significantly less of a substance called “white matter.” which is responsible for wiring the different parts of the brain together.
The study, published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, challenges the commonly held belief that pedophilia is brought on by childhood trauma or abuse. This finding is the strongest evidence yet that pedophilia is instead the result of a problem in brain development.
Previous research from this team has strongly hinted that the key to understanding pedophilia might be in how the brain develops. Pedophiles have lower IQs, are three times more likely to be left-handed, and even tend to be physically shorter than non-pedophiles. "
From a personal point of view, I think this is a really complex issue, with many causative factors. It's a psychiatric disorder and should be treated as such. The difficulty is how to treat it? There are no drugs available to switch this off in people. Treatment programs seem to be notorious for failing with these people and rehabilitation success is low.
This is good, useful info. I understand that it's complicated, but it's this part in bold that I was most curious about.
If it is legit child porn, you need to turn his ass in.
I just had a friend from college get arrested on approx. 120 counts of child porn. I can't even begin to tell you the number of lives he's ruined, not to mention the damage he has done to the victims.
Call the Police. NOW!
8/22/98 - Toronto
8/26/98 - Cleveland
10/7/00 - Detroit
4/25/03 - Cleveland
6/23/06 - Pittsburgh
good call. then you can go to prison with him, pay your money to a convicted child abuser after the civil suit, and potentially go to jail with him when the cops decide maybe it's your porn too. brilliant :rolleyes:
i know you do not like me and that makes me erect
you my none-friend are way off
get your ass back in your law books
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
not hardly dude
you have no idea outside of your law studies
brilliant absolutely brilliant
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
makes you erect? what is this gibberish?
it means i love the fact that he doesn't care for me and my ways, my attitude.
i have zero tolerance for child preditors,,,period
the end..pretty simple
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Did you write "if the guy has a problem"?
~~~ Making the move to do what is correct may save just one child from the detriment of such violent and inappropriate acts.~~~
Get ALL that Negative shit out of your house including him... he may thank you later for getting you the help he needs.
No shit. There sure are a lot of apologists for this sick fuck's behavior. There are no excuses. He's got child pornography on his computer. Those kids, by the very existence of said pictures, have been physically, sexually and emotionally abused by the person who took the picture, and that abuse is perpetuated by everyone who downloads it, trades it, sells it, etc...
Study the asshole all you want once he's been removed from society. But this guy, and everyone like him needs to be locked up. Don't kick him out and ask him to become a better person. That is making excuses for him. Don't try to empathize and see if you can make him feel better about himself. That is making excuses for him.
Get a lawyer. Get the cops. Have the asshole locked up immediately. This is a very serious crime. Not some minor indiscretion blamed on questionable judgment. Some of you kiddie porn apologists need to reevaluate your own issues.
Do you have any sources for this? It's not that I disbelieve you, but I'm interested in the research. Thanks.
Just adding something...hope it doesn't disturb the flow...
5) Don't ever be his friend again...especially after you have children
Ok you have a sick fetish... fine.. but your using someone ELSES computer?
Sweetheart he could get you in a lot of trouble.
What i would do if i was presented with this situation:
Tell that person that there has been a tragedy in your family and your family NEEDS to be alone. He has to leave. Do NOT tell him why. I would just make him leave and make him think its because of a family issues because you dont want the weirdo to come back for revenge. As much as i'd like to tell you to go to the police just to cover you and your family's end of it I can understand if you do NOT want to involve officials and bring attention to yourself. Because quite frankly, its not your fault and you were doing something nice and this person took major advantage. Because they do track that kind of stuff and they can do very very easily. If he has visited child pornography sites or downloaded ANYTHING.. it can be tracked. I feel really bad for you right now because ive had people really fuck me over when i was doing nothing but nice things for them. My bfs buddy got kicked out of his house and was homeless so we took him in and also let him live for months for free. He ended up completely being an asshole and owing us 200 dollars. So yes, you are not alone. Like i said, this is kind of a serious matter so i would highly suggest the following methods if you do not want to bring police or anything into the situation and clear your conscious.
STEP A: Get a new Hard Drive
STEP B: Bust the HOLY MOTHER HELL out of the old one and dispose
STEP C: Buy a brand new copy of windows (for ANY computer if its more than one and he has had access to it)
Its not that your doing anything bad except for protecting your obvious innocence in the matter.
But like many have suggested... if you still don't feel like getting rid of the guy first and foremost in manner where he doesnt think its his fault. If you do, at least dont ever confront him about what you know. He could become worried that you will tell and he will be put away for life. Friend or no friend people will turn on you in that sort of serious situation.
Just protect yourself and let us know how it all works out, hope this has helped.
Ps: You may want to consider turning him in to prevent and protect any children he may be around. This can be done anonymously and after the situation has blown over
i know you're just trying to be helpful and that's cool, but this kinda cracked me up. "your roommate is a potential child molester who put your whole family at risk of serious time in prison? yeah, ours was our jerk and stiffed us for $200, so i know what you're going through!"
I just meant i can understand the aspect and the point of view;) and that its a big infringement and can be an odd situation and confusing if you are going through it from that aspect haha
But yeah, guess i sounded like an ass ... i gave sound advice at least
i know, it just read funny. it was one piece of advice we always gave to people coming to college for the first time... don't room with friends. your friend may be super cool to hang out with, but it's very hard to set boundaries and lay down ground rules in that situation.
granted, this goes way beyond that.
It kind of depends how you interpret the numbers. Recent research suggests that being abused in childhood does not necessarily pre-dispose a person to becoming an abuser themselves. No causal relationship has been shown, as most people who were abused do not become abusers themselves. On top of that, if childhood abuse was a link to becoming an abuser, one would expect more female paedophiles, as girls are more often the victims of sexual abuse in childhood than boys, in one study as many as 1 in 4 girls compared to 1 in 9 boys report unwanted sexual contact by the time they are 18. Boys however are more likely to be victims of repeated abuse. One study revealed that around 20% of male child sex offenders admit they were abused themselves, which leaves 80% of offenders with no history of it in childhood. While some 73-100% of female offenders reported sexual abuse in childhood, they still only account for about 1% of paedophiles.
While it can be interpreted that most paedophiles were abused themselves, when you extract the raw data, the picture is less clear. People who were abused themselves are at an increased risk of becoming an abuser, but still the majority of abusers were not abused as children, and the vast majority of abuse victims do not become abusers. Recent research uncovered a number of other factors that pre-dispose a person to paedophilia and also reveal a strong correlation with other psychiatric disorders,-"Fifty percent to 70% of pedophiles can be diagnosed as
having another paraphilia, such as frotteurism, exhibitionism,
voyeurism, or sadism.7,12,25"- with childhood head trauma, it has found paedophiles are most often male, of short stature, with a lower than average IQ.
This canadian study had some interesting results:
"Pedophilia might be the result of faulty connections in the brain, according to new research released by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). The study used MRIs and a sophisticated computer analysis technique to compare a group of pedophiles with a group of non-sexual criminals. The pedophiles had significantly less of a substance called “white matter.” which is responsible for wiring the different parts of the brain together.
The study, published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research, challenges the commonly held belief that pedophilia is brought on by childhood trauma or abuse. This finding is the strongest evidence yet that pedophilia is instead the result of a problem in brain development.
Previous research from this team has strongly hinted that the key to understanding pedophilia might be in how the brain develops. Pedophiles have lower IQs, are three times more likely to be left-handed, and even tend to be physically shorter than non-pedophiles. "
From a personal point of view, I think this is a really complex issue, with many causative factors. It's a psychiatric disorder and should be treated as such. The difficulty is how to treat it? There are no drugs available to switch this off in people. Treatment programs seem to be notorious for failing with these people and rehabilitation success is low.
I will try and figure out a way to link you up. Most of the research I do, I do through my University's account with various Journals and databases and requires my Uni log in. I will try and put one here now, let me know if it works, if not I can probably download the papers in PDF and send them to you.
Try this one:
Edit: Argh, removed the link coz I checked it and it doesn't work. Bare with me, I will try and get it together........ :(
Please understand I'm not saying that makes it any better, I feel horrible about the thought of that and an even worse image in my mind makes it even harder to sleep.
you'd be right... is this catch22 guy a CON OR what?
i dont want to be an arsehole, singing to the mods about how come he's allowed back on here.. but come on!!
OP should contact the police.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
p.s. paedophiles should be castrated...
Everyday children are being hurt because he just wants to LOOK. He has a problem and he needs help, but not half as much help as those kids he's JUST LOOKING at.
Wembley 18/06/07
If there was a reason, it was you.
O2 Arena 18/09/09
Heck - I think the mods should track the IP address and call the cops themselves.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Now, are we sure scb has reached the age of consent?
Thanks for trying.
This is good, useful info. I understand that it's complicated, but it's this part in bold that I was most curious about.
I just had a friend from college get arrested on approx. 120 counts of child porn. I can't even begin to tell you the number of lives he's ruined, not to mention the damage he has done to the victims.
Call the Police. NOW!
8/26/98 - Cleveland
10/7/00 - Detroit
4/25/03 - Cleveland
6/23/06 - Pittsburgh