I think whatever else happens that computer needs to go to police. There could be evidence on there that could help them to trace and protect vulnerable children ... and possibly catch those involved in creating the images.
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
Agree, however now the accomplice thing might get pulled. Once you become aware I think you are legally responsible. I would definitely make a free phone call to a lawyer (from a payphone) to seek advice. Knowing about it and doing nothing (police wise) could be a serious problem now.
I would cut the computer access immediately and give him a time line to move out (couple weeks...a month) before you make "a phone call"
Basically he fucked up and put other people at considerable risk for his behavior.
Nobody's fault but his own. What a shit deal for the original poster.
i'd go backwards there. talk to a lawyer first. no need to do this cia calling from payphones bullshit. the lawyer is not going to turn you in. don't listen to the paranoid stuff.
Well... if you ever worked with sexually abused children you may feel that pedophiles are demented grotesque monsters.
They fuck up the lives of innocent children in irreparably... Mentally, emotionally and physically.
Pedophiles are sick fucks.
Agreed, to an extent - I'm not trying to find excuses for them. What they do is disgusting. But like others have said, you've got to step back and look at the bigger pitcure. Rarely is it simply black and white.
most of them were themselves molested at children. were they monsters then? did they deserve it when they were kids? so when did they become monsters, and why? what can we do to stop it BEFORE they molest a child?
I wish they were monsters - then they'd be much easier to spot and we wouldn't let kids anywhere near them. Unfortunately they're somebody's husband, father, brother, best friend, etc...usually the typical guy on the block that no one is expecting. I think treatment is the key for anyone who's been abused for all the various repercussions that can come from it...and definitely not turning a blind eye.
Your friend needs to move out no doubt. You should go up to him and ask him to explain (name of 1.4G folder here). He will no doubt know what you're talking about and that he's been caught. Do cut his internet off, but I wouldn't say cut him off. He's going to need friendship after the dust settles, and other than this incident, I am under the impression he is a good person. He's ill and maybe once the secret is out (between you two) he will try to change? Possibly he doesn't think he is doing anything wrong?
Say what you will, but I'd much rather this guy find "release" on the internet in a fantasy instead of in reality. How long does the fantasy stay a fantasy though?
I am under the impression he is a good person. He's ill and maybe once the secret is out (between you two) he will try to change?
Say what you will, but I'd much rather this guy find "release" on the internet in a fantasy instead of in reality. How long does the fantasy stay a fantasy though?
Unfortunately, I don't think someone 'trying' to change is ever enough when it can involve the abuse of children. I just don't think you can take the risk. I agree that it's a form of mental illness, and it might be harsh to just throw these people into prison, but the bottom line is that children deserve to be protected, and that has to over-ride any friendship.
Also the problem about finding 'release' on the internet in terms of this kind of thing, is that those images are real - real life children being abused - this guy might as well be abusing them himself, because he is supporting that behaviour.
Your friend needs to move out no doubt. You should go up to him and ask him to explain (name of 1.4G folder here). He will no doubt know what you're talking about and that he's been caught. Do cut his internet off, but I wouldn't say cut him off. He's going to need friendship after the dust settles, and other than this incident, I am under the impression he is a good person. He's ill and maybe once the secret is out (between you two) he will try to change? Possibly he doesn't think he is doing anything wrong?
Say what you will, but I'd much rather this guy find "release" on the internet in a fantasy instead of in reality. How long does the fantasy stay a fantasy though?
I'm sorry this is happening.
Although I agree with you, I have to say that "finding release on the internet" is illegal for a reason - because kids must have been harmed/exploited in order for those pictures on the internet to have been created to begin with. So that must be stopped as well.
Maybe his pictures could help lead to the people who took them... ???
Your friend needs to move out no doubt. You should go up to him and ask him to explain (name of 1.4G folder here). He will no doubt know what you're talking about and that he's been caught. Do cut his internet off, but I wouldn't say cut him off. He's going to need friendship after the dust settles, and other than this incident, I am under the impression he is a good person. He's ill and maybe once the secret is out (between you two) he will try to change? Possibly he doesn't think he is doing anything wrong?
this is a good point. this is about the only thing people cannot, under any circumstances, ever admit to anyone. you can be a heroin addict and a rapist, and people will send you to rehab and give you anger management. you can be violently schizophrenic and people will try to get you the right treatment and medication to manage it. you can beat your wife and get anger management class. but say you think you have a problem like this, and you'll be lucky to get out of the conversation alive. nobody will lift a finger to help you even if you want nothing more than for it to stop and they'd rather, like chadwick, kick the shit out of you than to try to make sure you don't hurt any kids.
Say what you will, but I'd much rather this guy find "release" on the internet in a fantasy instead of in reality. How long does the fantasy stay a fantasy though?
i watch a lot of (normal) porn and i have to say that for me, it's stayed fantasy too long!
Although I agree with you, I have to say that "finding release on the internet" is illegal for a reason - because kids must have been harmed/exploited in order for those pictures on the internet to have been created to begin with. So that must be stopped as well.
Maybe his pictures could help lead to the people who took them... ???
using my law & order SVU information apparently there is software that can take a picture of an 18 year old who looks young already and make her look 5-10 years younger...since the person in the picture is legal so is the picture....and the sick fuck that thought that one up should be hung by his testes :mad:
Agreed, to an extent - I'm not trying to find excuses for them. What they do is disgusting. But like others have said, you've got to step back and look at the bigger pitcure. Rarely is it simply black and white.
I'm not really comfortable with the word "monsters" but they are certainly sick fucks.
Unfortunately, I don't think someone 'trying' to change is ever enough when it can involve the abuse of children. I just don't think you can take the risk. I agree that it's a form of mental illness, and it might be harsh to just throw these people into prison, but the bottom line is that children deserve to be protected, and that has to over-ride any friendship.
Also the problem about finding 'release' on the internet in terms of this kind of thing, is that those images are real - real life children being abused - this guy might as well be abusing them himself, because he is supporting that behaviour.
This is a tough situation. I really don't know how to handle it appropriately. You are right though that it isn't worth the risk. He could say he's gonna change and just be more careful to hide it.
And when you put it that way (release), I do have to agree.
most of them were themselves molested at children. were they monsters then? did they deserve it when they were kids? so when did they become monsters, and why? what can we do to stop it BEFORE they molest a child?
Actually, most paedophiles were not molested as children. Some have that kind of history, but the majority don't.
using my law & order SVU information apparently there is software that can take a picture of an 18 year old who looks young already and make her look 5-10 years younger...since the person in the picture is legal so is the picture....and the sick fuck that thought that one up should be hung by his testes :mad:
we studied this in criminal law. is it the intent or the fact? if you've got a 14 year old who looks 20 and guys look at it without knowing she's 14 does that make them a pedophile? is that better or worse than an 18 year old who looks like she's 12, so it's legal even though it's meant to appeal to pedophiles?
then there is the legality of computer generated porn... like anime (not saying anime is porn, but this is an apparently growing problem that people are producing computer generated porn "involving" kids). no kids are harmed in its making, but it appeals to these people. does it provide a legal outlet or simply foster dangerous ideas? what about stories? when does attempting to vent something onto paper so as not to act cross over into dangerous fantasy wish fulfillment?
That shit is just wrong....I hope he goes to jail/gets punished by the law. Please,kick him out,because this is just wrong! :mad: Some people these days are just sick.
To Someone Who Needed To Move Their Car:"Congratulations! You win,you get towed!"-E.V.
ilovesinging-The crazy lady that you catch in detention. Yeah,you can talk to me.
I am me-I would love to keep it that way.
Here's something:
Background: There is widespread belief in a ‘cycle’ of child sexual abuse, but little empirical evidence for this belief.
Aims: To identify perpetrators of such abuse who had been victims of paedophilia and/or incest, in order to: ascertain whether subjects who had been victims become perpetrators of such abuse; compare characteristics of those who had and had not been victims; and review psychodynamic ideas thought to underlie the behaviour of perpetrators.
Method:Retrospective clinical case note review of 843 subjects attending a specialist forensic psychotherapy centre.
Results: Among 747 males the risk of being a perpetrator was positively correlated with reported sexual abuse victim experiences. The overall rate of having been a victim was 35% for perpetrators and 11% for non-perpetrators. Of the 96 females, 43% had been victims but only one was a perpetrator. A high percentage of male subjects abused in childhood by a female relative became perpetrators. Having been a victim was a strong predictor of becoming a perpetrator, as was an index of parental loss in childhood.
Conclusions: The data support the notion of a victim-to-victimiser cycle in a minority of male perpetrators but not among the female victims studied. Sexual abuse by a female in childhood may be a risk factor for a cycle of abuse in males.
1) Tell your wife
2) BOTH of you need to go talk to a Lawyer NOW
3) Go WITH your Lawyer to the cops.
4)3) Kick his suck fuck ass out of your house. (the lawyer can be of assistance in this too since you prob have to give him some kind of notice even though he's there rent free).
He may have been using your IP but if he's as stupid as he is sick then he probably signed up for some sites with his own CC which would tie the porn to him. If you told the cops yourself before they trace some websites subscription back to him and ergo to your IP they will be more likely to believe you had nothing to do with it then if they raided your house one day and confiscated your computer.
You need to get this fucker out of your life NOW...especially if you and the wife has ANY plans to have children.
I know this is tough, but you gotta look out for yourself first here.
Good luckk
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
Your computer pretty much makes it your porn. Delete everything and kick that mofo out!
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
The more I think about it, you shouldn't say anything to your friend. It's not necessary right now. You don't need a lawyer, either... unless you have one in the family (don't pay for one). Here's what you should do:
Walk into your local police station tomorrow and calmly tell the person behind the glass your story. They will call someone... you'll probably have to repeat everything a few times. Let them know how bad you feel, him being your BFF and all... maybe they can arrest him when he's not at home or when you're not around. You can play stupid for a while. THEY are the people that know what you should do! I guarantee you that they've dealt with it before.
Call me paranoid but confronting my friend would make me VERY nervous. I couldn't do it.. I'd sleep with one eye open, for sure. People are capable of anything when faced with prison... when their life is going to be destroyed, etc. (maybe I watch too many 48 hour shows?) It's -really- something to consider...
As someone else wrote, it might be possible to trace 'things' or maybe they will want access to the computer when he's not around so they can put a computer bug on it? (if that's even possible?) By going to the police, you could possibly help in breaking up a huge operation... please turn him in!
1) Tell your wife
2) BOTH of you need to go talk to a Lawyer NOW
3) Go WITH your Lawyer to the cops.
4)3) Kick his suck fuck ass out of your house. (the lawyer can be of assistance in this too since you prob have to give him some kind of notice even though he's there rent free).
He may have been using your IP but if he's as stupid as he is sick then he probably signed up for some sites with his own CC which would tie the porn to him. If you told the cops yourself before they trace some websites subscription back to him and ergo to your IP they will be more likely to believe you had nothing to do with it then if they raided your house one day and confiscated your computer.
You need to get this fucker out of your life NOW...especially if you and the wife has ANY plans to have children.
I know this is tough, but you gotta look out for yourself first here.
Good luckk
Looks like a good plan to me.
All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a thousand enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.
i'd go backwards there. talk to a lawyer first. no need to do this cia calling from payphones bullshit. the lawyer is not going to turn you in. don't listen to the paranoid stuff.
If you really want to distance yourself from this kind of thing....it's worth the 25 cents in my opinion
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
This is someone who is looking at innocent, helpless CHILDREN getting raped....
I'm so utterly sickened at this, i'm lost for words.
You don't need him in your life, and if I was your wife, I would want to be told...especially if you have neices/nephews or friends with young children.
"....and was very surprised to see that he didnt actually have a recipe for anus-ankle soup." - Big Ed
This is someone who is looking at innocent, helpless CHILDREN getting raped....
I'm so utterly sickened at this, i'm lost for words.
You don't need him in your life, and if I was your wife, I would want to be told...especially if you have neices/nephews or friends with young children.
And the whole time I could only think they were images, not even more horrible as this.
I agree you've gotta tell your wife right away. Talk to a lawyer/police about it. I guess he wouldn't know, at least for a while that you had anything to do with it. Perhaps they can get him into treatment and hopefully expose some more of this and get help to all parties involved, ie your friend and the victims.
I picture this as one of my best friends and I would just want to talk to them about it, but in the end I couldn't take that chance. I would hope that maybe one day they could understand you and thank you for that.
i can only hope you and your buddies would kill each other off in the struggle so that the rest of civilized society could see this guy in court where he belongs.
i dont know any perfect human beings unfortunately. some are worse than others. some think they're perfect and are far from it. some are way too hard on themselves. and some are outstanding human beings with serious problems that they need help overcoming, which i am happy to provide so that they can face their demons and learn to help others do the same.
hope all you want champion.
whatever floats your boat.
that's your way, good for you.
that isn't the way for all, dude.
i'm the son of a father who worked with terrible evil mean people for 30 odd years.
you have no clue what the fuck he saw and what i been told as far a real life horror stories.
perhaps you should back off a bit.
and i mean that in the most gentlemanly of ways.
i'd rather see him investigated, arrested, tried, and imprisoned, or sent to get the psychological help he needs to stop this obsession and maybe learn to help others do the same.
and when he goes to prison it's on
he will get treated like shit at best
cowards are preyed upon in there
best thing he could do is go to protective custody
i'd go backwards there. talk to a lawyer first. no need to do this cia calling from payphones bullshit. the lawyer is not going to turn you in. don't listen to the paranoid stuff.
that's cause you are schooling yourself to become a lawyer , am i right.
fuck the lawyer, fuck the cops...ass whippin time,,then call the law
If you really want to distance yourself from this kind of thing....it's worth the 25 cents in my opinion
you dont WANT to be distanced. you want a lawyer at your side while the cops seize the computer and arrest the guy. you put in an anonymous tip and they come to YOUR house to check out porn downloaded on YOUR internet provider... you're going to swing for it. you want to hire an attorney now and make sure it's done by the book so the cops don't even look at you for anything other than giving you a medal for being a good citizen.
i'd go backwards there. talk to a lawyer first. no need to do this cia calling from payphones bullshit. the lawyer is not going to turn you in. don't listen to the paranoid stuff.
Sadly, as you know, many of them became that way because they too were molested as innocent children. :(
Edit: I see that Catch22 already beat me to it.
Agreed, to an extent - I'm not trying to find excuses for them. What they do is disgusting. But like others have said, you've got to step back and look at the bigger pitcure. Rarely is it simply black and white.
Say what you will, but I'd much rather this guy find "release" on the internet in a fantasy instead of in reality. How long does the fantasy stay a fantasy though?
I'm sorry this is happening.
Unfortunately, I don't think someone 'trying' to change is ever enough when it can involve the abuse of children. I just don't think you can take the risk. I agree that it's a form of mental illness, and it might be harsh to just throw these people into prison, but the bottom line is that children deserve to be protected, and that has to over-ride any friendship.
Also the problem about finding 'release' on the internet in terms of this kind of thing, is that those images are real - real life children being abused - this guy might as well be abusing them himself, because he is supporting that behaviour.
Although I agree with you, I have to say that "finding release on the internet" is illegal for a reason - because kids must have been harmed/exploited in order for those pictures on the internet to have been created to begin with. So that must be stopped as well.
Maybe his pictures could help lead to the people who took them... ???
this is a good point. this is about the only thing people cannot, under any circumstances, ever admit to anyone. you can be a heroin addict and a rapist, and people will send you to rehab and give you anger management. you can be violently schizophrenic and people will try to get you the right treatment and medication to manage it. you can beat your wife and get anger management class. but say you think you have a problem like this, and you'll be lucky to get out of the conversation alive. nobody will lift a finger to help you even if you want nothing more than for it to stop and they'd rather, like chadwick, kick the shit out of you than to try to make sure you don't hurt any kids.
i watch a lot of (normal) porn and i have to say that for me, it's stayed fantasy too long!
too soon for a joke?
using my law & order SVU information
I'm not really comfortable with the word "monsters" but they are certainly sick fucks.
And no... nothing is ever black and white.
This too is certain.
And when you put it that way (release), I do have to agree.
Actually, most paedophiles were not molested as children. Some have that kind of history, but the majority don't.
we studied this in criminal law. is it the intent or the fact? if you've got a 14 year old who looks 20 and guys look at it without knowing she's 14 does that make them a pedophile? is that better or worse than an 18 year old who looks like she's 12, so it's legal even though it's meant to appeal to pedophiles?
then there is the legality of computer generated porn... like anime (not saying anime is porn, but this is an apparently growing problem that people are producing computer generated porn "involving" kids). no kids are harmed in its making, but it appeals to these people. does it provide a legal outlet or simply foster dangerous ideas? what about stories? when does attempting to vent something onto paper so as not to act cross over into dangerous fantasy wish fulfillment?
are you sure about that? i'd swear every study i've seen says that is the case. where did you hear otherwise?
ilovesinging-The crazy lady that you catch in detention. Yeah,you can talk to me.
I am me-I would love to keep it that way.
I was looking for the stats but haven't found them yet....
They're out there...i know that for sure.
Here's a link:
Here's something:
Background: There is widespread belief in a ‘cycle’ of child sexual abuse, but little empirical evidence for this belief.
Aims: To identify perpetrators of such abuse who had been victims of paedophilia and/or incest, in order to: ascertain whether subjects who had been victims become perpetrators of such abuse; compare characteristics of those who had and had not been victims; and review psychodynamic ideas thought to underlie the behaviour of perpetrators.
Method:Retrospective clinical case note review of 843 subjects attending a specialist forensic psychotherapy centre.
Results: Among 747 males the risk of being a perpetrator was positively correlated with reported sexual abuse victim experiences. The overall rate of having been a victim was 35% for perpetrators and 11% for non-perpetrators. Of the 96 females, 43% had been victims but only one was a perpetrator. A high percentage of male subjects abused in childhood by a female relative became perpetrators. Having been a victim was a strong predictor of becoming a perpetrator, as was an index of parental loss in childhood.
Conclusions: The data support the notion of a victim-to-victimiser cycle in a minority of male perpetrators but not among the female victims studied. Sexual abuse by a female in childhood may be a risk factor for a cycle of abuse in males.
Another link to some studies... if anyone cares:
1) Tell your wife
2) BOTH of you need to go talk to a Lawyer NOW
3) Go WITH your Lawyer to the cops.
4)3) Kick his suck fuck ass out of your house. (the lawyer can be of assistance in this too since you prob have to give him some kind of notice even though he's there rent free).
He may have been using your IP but if he's as stupid as he is sick then he probably signed up for some sites with his own CC which would tie the porn to him. If you told the cops yourself before they trace some websites subscription back to him and ergo to your IP they will be more likely to believe you had nothing to do with it then if they raided your house one day and confiscated your computer.
You need to get this fucker out of your life NOW...especially if you and the wife has ANY plans to have children.
I know this is tough, but you gotta look out for yourself first here.
Good luckk
The more I think about it, you shouldn't say anything to your friend. It's not necessary right now. You don't need a lawyer, either... unless you have one in the family (don't pay for one). Here's what you should do:
Walk into your local police station tomorrow and calmly tell the person behind the glass your story. They will call someone... you'll probably have to repeat everything a few times. Let them know how bad you feel, him being your BFF and all... maybe they can arrest him when he's not at home or when you're not around. You can play stupid for a while. THEY are the people that know what you should do! I guarantee you that they've dealt with it before.
Call me paranoid but confronting my friend would make me VERY nervous. I couldn't do it.. I'd sleep with one eye open, for sure. People are capable of anything when faced with prison... when their life is going to be destroyed, etc. (maybe I watch too many 48 hour shows?) It's -really- something to consider...
As someone else wrote, it might be possible to trace 'things' or maybe they will want access to the computer when he's not around so they can put a computer bug on it? (if that's even possible?) By going to the police, you could possibly help in breaking up a huge operation... please turn him in!
Good luck and keep us posted!
If you really want to distance yourself from this kind of thing....it's worth the 25 cents in my opinion
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This is someone who is looking at innocent, helpless CHILDREN getting raped....
I'm so utterly sickened at this, i'm lost for words.
You don't need him in your life, and if I was your wife, I would want to be told...especially if you have neices/nephews or friends with young children.
And the whole time I could only think they were images, not even more horrible as this.
I agree you've gotta tell your wife right away. Talk to a lawyer/police about it. I guess he wouldn't know, at least for a while that you had anything to do with it. Perhaps they can get him into treatment and hopefully expose some more of this and get help to all parties involved, ie your friend and the victims.
I picture this as one of my best friends and I would just want to talk to them about it, but in the end I couldn't take that chance. I would hope that maybe one day they could understand you and thank you for that.
Best of luck :(
hope all you want champion.
whatever floats your boat.
that's your way, good for you.
that isn't the way for all, dude.
i'm the son of a father who worked with terrible evil mean people for 30 odd years.
you have no clue what the fuck he saw and what i been told as far a real life horror stories.
perhaps you should back off a bit.
and i mean that in the most gentlemanly of ways.
wow, just wow,,
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
you sure aren't
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
and when he goes to prison it's on
he will get treated like shit at best
cowards are preyed upon in there
best thing he could do is go to protective custody
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
that's cause you are schooling yourself to become a lawyer , am i right.
fuck the lawyer, fuck the cops...ass whippin time,,then call the law
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
you dont WANT to be distanced. you want a lawyer at your side while the cops seize the computer and arrest the guy. you put in an anonymous tip and they come to YOUR house to check out porn downloaded on YOUR internet provider... you're going to swing for it. you want to hire an attorney now and make sure it's done by the book so the cops don't even look at you for anything other than giving you a medal for being a good citizen.