stillhere...hank looked like a good boy...hang in there
now i'm thinking (that's never a good thing )...depending on where the 20th anniversary show will be, i'm considering driving and maybe bringing norm along with me...i know most won't be able to bring their dogs, but it would be so cool if we could get our dogs all together
pipe dream i know, but this whole thing is a fantasy at this point so...
stillhere...hank looked like a good boy...hang in there
now i'm thinking (that's never a good thing )...depending on where the 20th anniversary show will be, i'm considering driving and maybe bringing norm along with me...i know most won't be able to bring their dogs, but it would be so cool if we could get our dogs all together
pipe dream i know, but this whole thing is a fantasy at this point so...
That sounds like a great idea!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I couldn't say this better. Everybody here knows the pain of losing our beloved friends. Whenever I think about the fur-kids who've gone from my life, this thread brings me a lot of comfort.
I'll also second the encouragement to adopt another dog when you feel you can. At first I've sometimes felt that I was being disloyal to the one I'd lost, but having a new dog in my life becomes a celebration of all the love that dogs give us. You never "replace" the one you lost but the new dog gives you love and you give them a life and a purpose.
Thank You whoprincess, it really helped to read this.
I have those same feelings, about being disloyal going on in my head these days. I have been looking at the dalmation rescue site and it still chokes me up, not sure if it means that i am not ready yet. The girls at the vets office assure me, that I will know when i am ready.
Thanks you guys for listening to me and all the others in here, it is nice to know that we can share our good times as well as our bad times. PEACE
I understand so well what you're saying. It's very hard. And it may sound cliched but it's true that you know when you're ready. It's not so much how much time has passed. Sometimes it's because another dog crosses your path and you know you want to welcome them into your life.
I've usually waited months before getting a new dog but not always. Many years ago, after my first sheltie died, I let myself be talked into adopting 2 rescues after only a couple of weeks. For a while I thought I'd made a terrible mistake but that I was "stuck" with them. They both lived long, happy lives with us and one in particular became the absolute apple of my eye.
What I've learned over time is just what I've already said. After the terrible pain of losing one of my friends, suddenly there was a new dog to get to know and care for, and they completed brightened my life. Even Django, my Wild Child, who was the terror of the family! Who'd have ever guessed he'd grow up to be so calm, sweet, and loving. Now I watch him getting a lot older but still my sweet boy, so affectionate and such a great companion.
stillhere...hank looked like a good boy...hang in there
now i'm thinking (that's never a good thing )...depending on where the 20th anniversary show will be, i'm considering driving and maybe bringing norm along with me...i know most won't be able to bring their dogs, but it would be so cool if we could get our dogs all together
pipe dream i know, but this whole thing is a fantasy at this point so...
I *love* that idea! though let's say it happens at the Gorge...the Gorge says that dogs are NOT allowed and if they find a dog in someone's car, they have the right to break into the vehicle and impound said dog and take it to the shelter....I understand, all for the dog's sake, but what if I have a termostatically controlled A/C unit in my camper?
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
now i'm thinking (that's never a good thing )...depending on where the 20th anniversary show will be, i'm considering driving and maybe bringing norm along with me...i know most won't be able to bring their dogs, but it would be so cool if we could get our dogs all together
pipe dream i know, but this whole thing is a fantasy at this point so...
:shock: that would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freaking GREAT!!! have you any idea how happy this would make me????? ahhhhhhh man i love a good thought! I can see it now- an area set apart for "doggie daycare" while we are enjoying the show. All the pit doggies can be wearing custom made PEARL JAM 20th shirts by me, complete with their names on there!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
stillhere...hank looked like a good boy...hang in there
now i'm thinking (that's never a good thing )...depending on where the 20th anniversary show will be, i'm considering driving and maybe bringing norm along with me...i know most won't be able to bring their dogs, but it would be so cool if we could get our dogs all together
pipe dream i know, but this whole thing is a fantasy at this point so...
I *love* that idea! though let's say it happens at the Gorge...the Gorge says that dogs are NOT allowed and if they find a dog in someone's car, they have the right to break into the vehicle and impound said dog and take it to the shelter....I understand, all for the dog's sake, but what if I have a termostatically controlled A/C unit in my camper?
I *love* that idea! though let's say it happens at the Gorge...the Gorge says that dogs are NOT allowed and if they find a dog in someone's car, they have the right to break into the vehicle and impound said dog and take it to the shelter....I understand, all for the dog's sake, but what if I have a termostatically controlled A/C unit in my camper?
:shock: that would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freaking GREAT!!! have you any idea how happy this would make me????? ahhhhhhh man i love a good thought! I can see it now- an area set apart for "doggie daycare" while we are enjoying the show. All the pit doggies can be wearing custom made PEARL JAM 20th shirts by me, complete with their names on there!
you understand of course, i never put clothes on my dog because, well, he's a dog :P
Love the idea! Miss Tessie would be my traveling companion (the flying dark dog in the signature line). She loves to play with other dogs and is respectful of those who aren't interested.
Mr. Sailor the Lab, although a sterling character, the most highly trained and naturally best behaved of all my dogs, is a big puddle of love with humans. But sadly lacks the ability to play nicely with other dogs so he'd sit this one out.
Miss Sweet Pea the Coonhound has limited interest in other dogs, unless they look like raccoons in which case she will howl at them.
Tessie thinks Norm is pretty swell. She would like to meet him and bat her Large Round Eyeballs at him.
For those of you struggling with when and if to get another dog after the loss of your best friend, I can tell you that with out a doubt it would heal your heart to have another to love. No it won't replace your baby that has passed on, but it will give you reason to smile again, a purpose to get up and get out in the world again. I thought when my two Weims passed on, back when Sen started this thread, that I would never again have a dog as attuned to me, one that I loved as much as the Weim boys, well I was wrong...Petey is hands down the best dog I've ever had in my life. Imagine if I didn't go and get him only 10 short days after my Mason passed away? I never would have known him. I would have missed out on that once in a lifetime soul dog. There is no reason for guilt, so many dogs need good homes, the kind that everyone on this thread can offer. You never get the dog you want....but you always get the dog you NEED. Hugs to ALL of YOU! ox
That is awesome, as well as the other one of Petey and Monty you posted.
Thanks for your wisdom and kindness...
Hope Petey is doing good, good vibes sent to all of you....
1995 San Francisco San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
stillhere...hank looked like a good boy...hang in there
now i'm thinking (that's never a good thing )...depending on where the 20th anniversary show will be, i'm considering driving and maybe bringing norm along with me...i know most won't be able to bring their dogs, but it would be so cool if we could get our dogs all together
pipe dream i know, but this whole thing is a fantasy at this point so...
Great idea
1995 San Francisco San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
Soooooo last night i got home from work and ran into a very angry brother.
Apparently my mom brought him some take out from Nandos, he had a full chicken dinner which he laid out on the coffee table... He went to go grab something and when he came back, guess who ate it all
Good Sammi. A little payback for his friends stealing all my money from my wallet last week. :thumbup:
Soooooo last night i got home from work and ran into a very angry brother.
Apparently my mom brought him some take out from Nandos, he had a full chicken dinner which he laid out on the coffee table... He went to go grab something and when he came back, guess who ate it all
Good Sammi. A little payback for his friends stealing all my money from my wallet last week. :thumbup:
i love all the new pics and the banner is gorgeous!
you all make me happy with the thoughts of taking the doggies to the festival!
what fun that would be!
i can't wait to meet all your doggie friends.
thank you all so much for your support.
every day i come here.
and i feel a little bit better.
you are extraordinary people
no wonder your doggies saw so much in you
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Sammi is driving us all nuts by peeing every 10 min.
I might take her to the vet tmrw, this ahppened a few months ago but seemed to go away.... She's also panting a lot... I hear if its a UTI those can be bad news if you leave it untreated...
its 2;30 am... i'm sleeping downstairs with her tonight so i can keep letting her out.
today she actually came upstairs, opened my door, nudged me awake and went downstairs and barked to be let out. as if to say, hey, wake your ass up, i need'a pee!!!!!!!!
thats RIGHT!!! Ok how about PEARL JAM 20 collars and bandanas?
a collar would ROCKKK!!!
god knows norm is embarrassed by the one he wears now!
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Haven't managed to get any xmas pics of Molly on here yet (new camera). But she was on the telly!!! Here she is (I'm in the blue ski jacket holding her);
Haven't managed to get any xmas pics of Molly on here yet (new camera). But she was on the telly!!! Here she is (I'm in the blue ski jacket holding her);
Haven't managed to get any xmas pics of Molly on here yet (new camera). But she was on the telly!!! Here she is (I'm in the blue ski jacket holding her);
Haven't managed to get any xmas pics of Molly on here yet (new camera). But she was on the telly!!! Here she is (I'm in the blue ski jacket holding her);
(we're just on at the beginning so you don't need to watch it all)
"video is only available to be viewed in the United Kingdom"
damn! I was so looking forward to watching the telly
If I had known then what I know now...
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Haven't managed to get any xmas pics of Molly on here yet (new camera). But she was on the telly!!! Here she is (I'm in the blue ski jacket holding her);
Sammi is driving us all nuts by peeing every 10 min.
I might take her to the vet tmrw, this ahppened a few months ago but seemed to go away.... She's also panting a lot... I hear if its a UTI those can be bad news if you leave it untreated...
its 2;30 am... i'm sleeping downstairs with her tonight so i can keep letting her out.
today she actually came upstairs, opened my door, nudged me awake and went downstairs and barked to be let out. as if to say, hey, wake your ass up, i need'a pee!!!!!!!!
I'd get her to the vet quickly _ she could have a stone that's causing an obstruction.
Haven't managed to get any xmas pics of Molly on here yet (new camera). But she was on the telly!!! Here she is (I'm in the blue ski jacket holding her);
(we're just on at the beginning so you don't need to watch it all) cannot be found
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
Sammi is driving us all nuts by peeing every 10 min.
I might take her to the vet tmrw, this ahppened a few months ago but seemed to go away.... She's also panting a lot... I hear if its a UTI those can be bad news if you leave it untreated...
its 2;30 am... i'm sleeping downstairs with her tonight so i can keep letting her out.
today she actually came upstairs, opened my door, nudged me awake and went downstairs and barked to be let out. as if to say, hey, wake your ass up, i need'a pee!!!!!!!!
let us know how she does
poor thing
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
yoda it is! :thumbup:
stillhere...hank looked like a good boy...hang in there
now i'm thinking (that's never a good thing
pipe dream i know, but this whole thing is a fantasy at this point so...
That sounds like a great idea!
*May the Peace of the Wilderness be with YOU*
He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
— Unknown
I've usually waited months before getting a new dog but not always. Many years ago, after my first sheltie died, I let myself be talked into adopting 2 rescues after only a couple of weeks. For a while I thought I'd made a terrible mistake but that I was "stuck" with them. They both lived long, happy lives with us and one in particular became the absolute apple of my eye.
What I've learned over time is just what I've already said. After the terrible pain of losing one of my friends, suddenly there was a new dog to get to know and care for, and they completed brightened my life. Even Django, my Wild Child, who was the terror of the family! Who'd have ever guessed he'd grow up to be so calm, sweet, and loving. Now I watch him getting a lot older but still my sweet boy, so affectionate and such a great companion.
I *love* that idea! though let's say it happens at the Gorge...the Gorge says that dogs are NOT allowed and if they find a dog in someone's car, they have the right to break into the vehicle and impound said dog and take it to the shelter....I understand, all for the dog's sake, but what if I have a termostatically controlled A/C unit in my camper?
- Christopher McCandless
:shock: that would be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freaking GREAT!!! have you any idea how happy this would make me????? ahhhhhhh man i love a good thought!
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
like i said, pipe dream
you understand of course, i never put clothes on my dog because, well, he's a dog
Sir Mike McCready is....THE MASTER!!! WAHHH!!!
"Pearl Jam fans are obsessed, they'd see the boys in HELL if tickets were sold."-CROJAM95
It takes balls to put out a UKE album!
a collar would ROCKKK!!!
Fabulous. Sign me up. Uh - I mean Brian, I don't think I'd look so great in a collar and bandana.
And I agree about having a dog reunion, wouldn't that be great?
Mr. Sailor the Lab, although a sterling character, the most highly trained and naturally best behaved of all my dogs, is a big puddle of love with humans. But sadly lacks the ability to play nicely with other dogs so he'd sit this one out.
Miss Sweet Pea the Coonhound has limited interest in other dogs, unless they look like raccoons in which case she will howl at them.
Tessie thinks Norm is pretty swell. She would like to meet him and bat her Large Round Eyeballs at him.
That is awesome, as well as the other one of Petey and Monty you posted.
Thanks for your wisdom and kindness...
Hope Petey is doing good, good vibes sent to all of you....
1995 San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
2013 Portland
2018 Missoula
Great idea
1995 San Francisco
San Jose
San Diego 2 shows
2003 Missoula
2005 Missoula
2006 Denver 2 shows with Tom Petty
Gorge 2 shows
2009 Utah
2012 Missoula : Meet and Greet : "Instant Classic show"
2013 Portland
2018 Missoula
I know! They're freaking me out
Apparently my mom brought him some take out from Nandos, he had a full chicken dinner which he laid out on the coffee table... He went to go grab something and when he came back, guess who ate it all
Good Sammi. A little payback for his friends stealing all my money from my wallet last week. :thumbup:
I love it! Sammi's got your back, HJ!!!
you all make me happy with the thoughts of taking the doggies to the festival!
what fun that would be!
i can't wait to meet all your doggie friends.
thank you all so much for your support.
every day i come here.
and i feel a little bit better.
you are extraordinary people
no wonder your doggies saw so much in you
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
I might take her to the vet tmrw, this ahppened a few months ago but seemed to go away.... She's also panting a lot... I hear if its a UTI those can be bad news if you leave it untreated...
its 2;30 am... i'm sleeping downstairs with her tonight so i can keep letting her out.
today she actually came upstairs, opened my door, nudged me awake and went downstairs and barked to be let out. as if to say, hey, wake your ass up, i need'a pee!!!!!!!!
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
(we're just on at the beginning so you don't need to watch it all)
Can't watch it since I don't live in the UK :(
Oh damn!! :(
damn! I was so looking forward to watching the telly
Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
VIC 07
EV LA1 08
Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
Columbus 10
EV LA 11
Vancouver 11
Missoula 12
Portland 13, Spokane 13
St. Paul 14, Denver 14
Me too! :(
I'd get her to the vet quickly _ she could have a stone that's causing an obstruction.
Feel better, Sammi... cannot be found
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~
let us know how she does
poor thing
"How I choose to feel is how I am." ~ EV/MMc
"Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends." ~ One Stab ~