Ik ben engelse maar ik aan het nederlans leren! Ik heb veel gehoord over de problemen in de Nederlands een de vermoord van Theo Van Gogh een Pim Fortyn! Het zou me niet verbasen als in de toekomst zijn er meer van misdaads en problemen tussen de muslims en de andere personen die daar ook wonen!
Basically, I wouldn't be surprised if tension between the muslims and non muslims were to increase or a terrorist attack were to take place at some point in the future. Not that I would wish for that on anyone, in any country no matter what. I have heard that in the recent past, 4 muslims houses were burned down by middle class dutch people. Not even the yobs but the middle class, well educated, ought to know better class of people. My Dutch friend told me this because his sister lives in the Hague and it was on her street that all this shit took place!
Wat tof dat je nederlands leert!! Maar weinig mensen op de wereld die dat doen...haha. Moeilijke taal wel, he?!
I am studying Spanish of which I have the basics under control, but the grammar (especially past tense) is becoming harder now. Goodluck with the Dutch...why are you studying it?
About the tensions here...I have the feeling they have become a bit less..at least I really hope I am right.
However I heard from a student at my school that a couple of dutch boys had harassed her family (she is from Africa) and have attacked her house in the middle of the night. This took place in a tiny community near Dordrecht...horrible!!!
The thing with Pim Fortuyn as well as Ayaan Hirshi Ali and maybe even Theo van Gogh is that they catalized a lot of tension. I am all for PEACE and I truly wish Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn were still alive...but I must say I was quite scared of what Fortuyn was causing in this country. All his ideas came from a negative place and that was not healthy. But I rather had that he lived on and maybe even ruled for a couple of years. That would have at least lessened his martyr status.
Hmmm, this has become a weird country and a weird world...sometimes I just feel like hiding. But thats not fair is it, you gotta do something about it.
Cant we all just hug and forget about it.....:(
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
Just wanted to ad that when I was in Peru a year ago for some months I really enjoyed the fact that people had no idea about the tensions between the extremist muslims and the extremist (shall we say) liberal rightwing westerners. Of course Peru has a lot of social problems of its own, but it was nice to not hear anything about it when I was there...felt like a relief.
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
obi, this is sort of like arnie schwarzneiger.....he doesn't rep the working class of cali; but yet he beat out both the democrats and the independents....can't understand that at all....
Hahaha, are you comparing Wouter Bos with Arnie Schwarz....LOL...sorry, but there is really no comparison there
Look for yourself:
I'm gonne vote too ofcourse , bout time we get a "left" government
I vote SP, always did
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuyn (surname pronounced somewhat like for-TOYN, IPA: [pɪm fɔʁtœʏn]; officially spelt Fortuijn), (February 19, 1948 – May 6, 2002), was a controversial, openly gay, charismatic[1] politician in the Netherlands who formed his own party Lijst Pim Fortuyn (List Pim Fortuyn or LPF). He was assassinated during the 2002 Dutch national election campaign by Volkert van der Graaf, an animal rights activist.
Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuyn
Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuyn
Fortuyn was the center of controversy for his views on Islam and his anti-immigration positions. He called Islam "a backward culture" and said that he would close the borders to Muslims if it were legally possible.[2] He was labelled a far-right populist by his opponents and the media, but he fiercely rejected this label and distanced himself clearly from far-right politicians such as Filip Dewinter of Vlaams Blok (now Vlaams Belang), Jörg Haider of Austria or Jean-Marie Le Pen of France. While Fortuyn compared his own politics to center-right politicians such as Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, he also admired former Dutch Prime Minister Joop den Uyl, a socialist. Fortuyn could be considered a nationalist, on cultural rather than racial grounds.
i know a few people in holland and id hate to see it turn to hell
i think id vote right wing for a pym fortyn
HUH? You do NOT want it to go to hell ...and than say you'd vote for Pim Fortuyn???
Did I miss something here *looks around her to see what she missed out on*...
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuyn (surname pronounced somewhat like for-TOYN, IPA: [pɪm fɔʁtœʏn]; officially spelt Fortuijn), (February 19, 1948 – May 6, 2002), was a controversial, openly gay, charismatic[1] politician in the Netherlands who formed his own party Lijst Pim Fortuyn (List Pim Fortuyn or LPF). He was assassinated during the 2002 Dutch national election campaign by Volkert van der Graaf, an animal rights activist.
Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuyn
Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuyn
Fortuyn was the center of controversy for his views on Islam and his anti-immigration positions. He called Islam "a backward culture" and said that he would close the borders to Muslims if it were legally possible.[2] He was labelled a far-right populist by his opponents and the media, but he fiercely rejected this label and distanced himself clearly from far-right politicians such as Filip Dewinter of Vlaams Blok (now Vlaams Belang), Jörg Haider of Austria or Jean-Marie Le Pen of France. While Fortuyn compared his own politics to center-right politicians such as Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, he also admired former Dutch Prime Minister Joop den Uyl, a socialist. Fortuyn could be considered a nationalist, on cultural rather than racial grounds.
Yes, I do think all of us know him.
*also looks around to see what she's missed*
Like a cloud dropping rain
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
It's hard, but I have to make a decision. I will vote for SP. I hope Jan Marijnissen will not touch my job.....
Hold me, and make it the truth,...
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
obi, this is sort of like arnie schwarzneiger.....he doesn't rep the working class of cali; but yet he beat out both the democrats and the independents....can't understand that at all....
Well there is a comparison possible, Balkenende pretends to represent the working class, yet the lower and middle class had to pay most during his reighn. I think people are weary of change.
Pim Fortuyn was a populist with extremish right features, he was the one man making sort of sense in his party, after he was murdered (shame tho) his party made a mockery of Dutch politics.
I am still in doubt, I want Balkenende out of office, but I am a liberal, but D66 is marginalized... Do I go for a strategic or idealistic vote?
I still think that the murder of Van Gogh is symptomatic of a much greater problem, that isn't just going to go away on its own. Not sure what the best way to deal with the problem really is.
I still think that the murder of Van Gogh is symptomatic of a much greater problem, that isn't just going to go away on its own. Not sure what the best way to deal with the problem really is.
Well if it is, I will emigrate to another country....
I still think that the murder of Van Gogh is symptomatic of a much greater problem, that isn't just going to go away on its own. Not sure what the best way to deal with the problem really is.
Is can be compared to what happened in the suburbs in Paris. There is a part of the community that feels ex-communicated and becomes alienated. The problem is that they are open to radical, anti-social thoughts, in this case of an Imam that lectures in a mosk that lies within a 5 minute walk from my home.
The problem in a nutshell: There came immigrants in the 60s / 70s that were asumed to leave after some years, but didnt, they had a completely different view on life and relations than we are used to as western 'enlightened' folks. Due to the idea of them leaving, no effort was made to teach our values, hence they never integrated in our society, at least some. Now from within that community is a movement growing that rejects violence and accepts womens rights, hopefully they will be the mayority in time.
How to deal with it? Give people equal chances on the good life.
I hate polatics but nothing political is small. Over here in the U.S. we have the same problems, we have lost our voice.When the towers fell it give many countries an excuse to scare the shit out of its people,resulting in this neo concervative facshitty situation. I feel your anger . Do what a few of us over here with some balls do . PROTEST make them hear your anger.
It is funny that almost everyone I know as well as the people here on the forum tend to vote for left wing parties. Must be the "type" of people I hang out with. I will vote for SP myself. Although there is no way that left wing parties will have a majority among the 3 of them. I guess the same goes for CDA/PVDA or CDA/VVD. There is really no way of predicting what our new government will be like.
Amsterdam 1996, Arnhem 2006, Nijmegen 2007, Dusseldorf 2007, Rotterdam 2009
London 2009, Dublin 2010, Belfast 2010, Nijmegen 2010, Manchester I & II 2012, Amsterdam I 2012, Stockholm 2012, EV Amsterdam I 2012
JUst leaving to gove up my two votes...one will be for PVDA. The other eather SP or GRoenlinks.
And I always vote for a woman too....or a handsome guy...lol, thus..not much choice there...
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
I would love to go to Canada! Many dutchies have preceded us already...
Me and my boyfriend want to go on a trip through Canada someday soon and try to get some work experience there. I first have to finish my study and then we are setting things up. Can't wait!
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
:eek: we are a bit in a mess right now, aren't we... which way to turn?
Just saw the party leaders on a tv programm discussing the options they have. Either CDA with PVDA...but Wouter Bos (PVDA) thinks their parties are too divided and he has lost seats so the SP should be the first to try out with CDA. Then Jan Marijnissen from the SP said he felt there are really big bumps on that road, but he is willing to start talking. The Christen Democrats-leader said he would like to join in that coalition. And then of course our alien Geert Wilders (party of "freedom"...but not for Islamic people :mad: ) opened his mouth and figured that the other rightwing parties closed him out which helped give the power to the lefties. He has won seats and now claims power....agggrrhhh how can people vote for this clown with his yellow hair and his Ernie shaped face. Who invented this guy anyway??
I am very very dissapointed that CDA is the biggest party again, because I just had ENOUGH of BakEllende with his Harry Potter face (which is an insult to Harry actually)...and his voice...aggrr brrr...
But well in this situation I would like CDA to govern with SP and CD, or even better CDA with PVDA and SP. But I don't want either SP or PVDA to give up on their standpoints!!
Difficult system we have here, but at least it feels quite democratic to be able to choose from a diversity of parties.
p.s. When Geert Wilders party gets in the government...I'm GONE..long gone..this time I'm letting go of it all...So long...cause this time I'm GOOOOOONE..!!
Houdoe he!
Why not be mediocre and be the best at it that you can be?
Wat tof dat je nederlands leert!! Maar weinig mensen op de wereld die dat doen...haha. Moeilijke taal wel, he?!
I am studying Spanish of which I have the basics under control, but the grammar (especially past tense) is becoming harder now. Goodluck with the Dutch...why are you studying it?
About the tensions here...I have the feeling they have become a bit less..at least I really hope I am right.
However I heard from a student at my school that a couple of dutch boys had harassed her family (she is from Africa) and have attacked her house in the middle of the night. This took place in a tiny community near Dordrecht...horrible!!!
The thing with Pim Fortuyn as well as Ayaan Hirshi Ali and maybe even Theo van Gogh is that they catalized a lot of tension. I am all for PEACE and I truly wish Theo van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn were still alive...but I must say I was quite scared of what Fortuyn was causing in this country. All his ideas came from a negative place and that was not healthy. But I rather had that he lived on and maybe even ruled for a couple of years. That would have at least lessened his martyr status.
Hmmm, this has become a weird country and a weird world...sometimes I just feel like hiding. But thats not fair is it, you gotta do something about it.
Cant we all just hug and forget about it.....:(
Hahaha, are you comparing Wouter Bos with Arnie Schwarz....LOL...sorry, but there is really no comparison there
Look for yourself:
Well...hmmm..they are both blondish blue-eyeish...
I vote SP, always did
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
i think id vote right wing for a pym fortyn
Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuyn (surname pronounced somewhat like for-TOYN, IPA: [pɪm fɔʁtœʏn]; officially spelt Fortuijn), (February 19, 1948 – May 6, 2002), was a controversial, openly gay, charismatic[1] politician in the Netherlands who formed his own party Lijst Pim Fortuyn (List Pim Fortuyn or LPF). He was assassinated during the 2002 Dutch national election campaign by Volkert van der Graaf, an animal rights activist.
Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuyn
Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuyn
Fortuyn was the center of controversy for his views on Islam and his anti-immigration positions. He called Islam "a backward culture" and said that he would close the borders to Muslims if it were legally possible.[2] He was labelled a far-right populist by his opponents and the media, but he fiercely rejected this label and distanced himself clearly from far-right politicians such as Filip Dewinter of Vlaams Blok (now Vlaams Belang), Jörg Haider of Austria or Jean-Marie Le Pen of France. While Fortuyn compared his own politics to center-right politicians such as Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, he also admired former Dutch Prime Minister Joop den Uyl, a socialist. Fortuyn could be considered a nationalist, on cultural rather than racial grounds.
HUH? You do NOT want it to go to hell ...and than say you'd vote for Pim Fortuyn???
Did I miss something here *looks around her to see what she missed out on*...
Yes, I do think all of us know him.
*also looks around to see what she's missed*
I'm discarding all thought
I'll dry up, leaving puddles on the ground
I'm like an opening band for the sun
That when all is lost there will be you,...
Cause to the universe I don't mean a thing
And there's just one word I stil believe
And it's Love
29-08-06 (Arnhem)
28-06-07 (Nijmegen)
27-06-10 (Nijmegen)
Pim Fortuyn was a populist with extremish right features, he was the one man making sort of sense in his party, after he was murdered (shame tho) his party made a mockery of Dutch politics.
I am still in doubt, I want Balkenende out of office, but I am a liberal, but D66 is marginalized... Do I go for a strategic or idealistic vote?
Ja maar het kromme ervan is, dat hij het UWV op wil heffen en het werk naar de gemeente wil verplaatsen, laat mij nou eens bij UWV werken :(
Aan de andere kant hoop ik op een kabinet met in ieder geval PvdA en SP en daarbij de hoop dat opheffen van UWV niet een accoord wordt.
Well if it is, I will emigrate to another country....
Where to go though...??
The problem in a nutshell: There came immigrants in the 60s / 70s that were asumed to leave after some years, but didnt, they had a completely different view on life and relations than we are used to as western 'enlightened' folks. Due to the idea of them leaving, no effort was made to teach our values, hence they never integrated in our society, at least some. Now from within that community is a movement growing that rejects violence and accepts womens rights, hopefully they will be the mayority in time.
How to deal with it? Give people equal chances on the good life.
London 2009, Dublin 2010, Belfast 2010, Nijmegen 2010, Manchester I & II 2012, Amsterdam I 2012, Stockholm 2012, EV Amsterdam I 2012
I just did - Agnes Kant (SP)...I always vote for a woman...
And I always vote for a woman too....or a handsome guy...lol, thus..not much choice there...
Canada will be nice
1. CDA (Christian Democratic Party - although they're not christian to me) 43 seats
2. PvdA (Labour) 35 seats
3. SP (Socialistic Party) 24 seats
4. VVD (Democratic Party) 21 seats
5. GroenLinks (Green Party) 8 seats
6. Partij voor Vrijheid (Freedom's Party) 6 seats
7. CU (Christian's United) 5 seats
8. Partij voor de Dieren (Animal's Party) 3 seats
and some others...
Of course, you are always welcome here
I will bring some European wine when that day comes!
CDA 41 seats (had 44 seats)
PvdA 32 seats (had 42 seats)
VVD 22 seats (had 28 seats)
SP 26 seats (had 9 seats)
Fortuyn 0 (had 8 seats)
GroenLinks 7 seats (had 8 seats)
D'66 3 seats (had 6 seats)
CU (Christian's United) 6 seats (had 3 seats)
SGP 2 (had 2 seats )
Partij voor Vrijheid 9 seats (new)
Partij voor de Dieren (Animal's Party- new) 2 seats
Source: http://www.nederlandkiest.nl/
My coalition choice: CDA/PvdA/SP
I would love to go to Canada! Many dutchies have preceded us already...
Me and my boyfriend want to go on a trip through Canada someday soon and try to get some work experience there. I first have to finish my study and then we are setting things up. Can't wait!
:eek: we are a bit in a mess right now, aren't we... which way to turn?
Just saw the party leaders on a tv programm discussing the options they have. Either CDA with PVDA...but Wouter Bos (PVDA) thinks their parties are too divided and he has lost seats so the SP should be the first to try out with CDA. Then Jan Marijnissen from the SP said he felt there are really big bumps on that road, but he is willing to start talking. The Christen Democrats-leader said he would like to join in that coalition. And then of course our alien Geert Wilders (party of "freedom"...but not for Islamic people :mad: ) opened his mouth and figured that the other rightwing parties closed him out which helped give the power to the lefties. He has won seats and now claims power....agggrrhhh how can people vote for this clown with his yellow hair and his Ernie shaped face. Who invented this guy anyway??
I am very very dissapointed that CDA is the biggest party again, because I just had ENOUGH of BakEllende with his Harry Potter face (which is an insult to Harry actually)...and his voice...aggrr brrr...
But well in this situation I would like CDA to govern with SP and CD, or even better CDA with PVDA and SP. But I don't want either SP or PVDA to give up on their standpoints!!
Difficult system we have here, but at least it feels quite democratic to be able to choose from a diversity of parties.
p.s. When Geert Wilders party gets in the government...I'm GONE..long gone..this time I'm letting go of it all...So long...cause this time I'm GOOOOOONE..!!
Houdoe he!