Do you believe in fate?

definition of:
1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot.
2. A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control: "Marriage and hanging go by destiny" Robert Burton.
3. The power or agency thought to predetermine events: Destiny brought them together.
Do you believe that you create (and are ultimately responsible for) your circumstances in life (barring genetics) past birth?
Or do you switch back and forth as various circumstances arise to challenge you?
1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined; one's lot.
2. A predetermined course of events considered as something beyond human power or control: "Marriage and hanging go by destiny" Robert Burton.
3. The power or agency thought to predetermine events: Destiny brought them together.
Do you believe that you create (and are ultimately responsible for) your circumstances in life (barring genetics) past birth?
Or do you switch back and forth as various circumstances arise to challenge you?
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Post edited by Unknown User on
I used to believe in astrology and horoscopes and tea leaves and signs.
I now believe in gut instinct (except if that gut belongs to Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, heh heh).
I now believe that if I don't take whatever bull comes before me by its horns, and make that bull treat me honestly and with good will, he's a fucked mother fucker of a bull. And I will make my own way, thank you.
A skyhook as coined by Daniel Dennett, is something with basically no foundation. Religion is a skyhook, because it supposes a creator with no cause, causelessness. If all things have a cause, and no skyhooks, then fate must be true.
Fate/Destiny follows from physics and the law of conservation of mass-energy. All science supports the notion of fate, in that, the contrary Free-Will, which is required to circumvent fate, has no scientific basis, nor will it ever, because it's an unquantifiable, contra-causal, thing, as it's claimed by it's definition.
Here are some good wikis to get the mind going on this question of fate.
....Fate/Destiny following from's random, hon. Physics is random.
It doesn't follow one given person on this earth and say, "I'm gonna let this idiot win the lottery, he's such a poor sot after all."
Fate/Destiny, to me, now, are nothing more than the obvious, not the hoped for.
Fate/Destiny tells me that nuts will fall from the tree in my backyard and keep squirrels coming and going, and eventually maybe make another tree.
Fate/Destiny for dreamers tells them that squirrels were meant to gather in their backyard because they are animal lovers and the squirrels know where a loving soul resides. If the tree grows, the dreamers will feel even more rewarded.
Fate/Destiny/Kismet even, tells us all that we are destined to die, and our planet will too.
I've given up the hope that people meet each other through fate. I have learned it's our destiny to propel ourselves towards an end.
I think you mean fate loosely speaking right? as in the physical sense....hell I suppose it's all physical for the most part essentially.
Which gets me thinking. Can the very act of individual thought, at any given point in time, be unique and/or extraordinary? Or is it just perceived that way? The "energy" of thought so to speak, does it all ultimately abide by (unwavering) rules?
How much of it, if any, is "analogue" (v.s. digital) so to speak and without the confines of it's container.
That to me is what free will entails in a nutshell..
Kinda like putting a patent on thought.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
is nothing more than what we think it is.
When you bring home a new chair, do you think to yourself, "I hope my cat doesn't claw the shit out of this new chair", only to find your cat claws the shit out of it?
You think of it as a new chair. Your cat thinks of it as a new scratching post (unless, of course, you have an automatic spray bottle and videocam handy).
Do cats not think? Of course they do. I could susbstitute a new rug and a dog, and the thought is the same.
We all think. Even animals think (and I'll set a killer mouse upon any person in this Pit who thinks likewise).
I believe this universe has intelligence to it. No two snowflakes alike, no two fingerprints's intricate and beautiful and miraculous.
But what is so wrong with leaving it at that, and trying to preserve what we have here, rather than study it and rape it for it's all worth?
Fate/Destiny tell me we have two paths: Preserve and love this earth, for all its worth, or rape and hinder it, to our own detriment.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
"Sometimes life should be consumed in measured doses"
Free Speedy
and Metsy!
It so far above us, as to not be perceived directly moment to moment...however it governs us ultimately. Some call it god in a primitive attempt to explain it.
I agree with Ahnimus. I Finally I see it. We cannot supercede the container of the walls of our physical realm.
pretty trippy thought process...
It's loosely coupled from our immediate perception so to speak (and thank god! (figuratively speaking) or we would go promptly insane) but it's definitely there....looming....never faltering. Universally setting the precedence which trickles down. It actually confirms some of my universal theories of existence 100%. 2c
does it change me? .... well a little...not a whole lot though. But yeah.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I need more.
Nothing seems to satisfy.
I said, I dont want it.
I just need it.
To breathe, to feel, to know Im alive.
i don't believe that God decided that today my balls would itch, or that i will have gas problems. neither do i believe that God intends for someone to become stars, millionaires, and others to be poor miserable little indonesians to get swallowed out by a tsunami, or hurricane.
i believe everything happens by chance. i do believe, however, that God (if there is one) can intervene in anyones life at anytime... but depending which god you believe in, mine is a gentle a courteous one who allows you to make decisions on your own.
very wishy-washy Willy Wonka.
i doubt God likes candy though.... it's bad for your teeth... and can cause diabetes or something.
my dad cheated on his wife and that's how i was born.
is their a reason why i was born? yeah, cause my dad screwed up, literally
What was that you just said?? I mean....I understand it...but not really. I guess what I'm saying is that you need to think more about it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Your dad has a set of rules of what appeals to him, and makes him want to reproduce. That is not chance. You are not chance.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
haven't you been on here long enough to read my posts? i got my beliefs together. i know what i'm saying.
You'll have to show it here far nothing...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
yeah, we get horny.... just cause we get horny doesn't mean that it's fate and any person we bang will produce a child..... chances are you will, chances are you won't
chances were fair and square that i might've not been born... if my father were faithful to his wife. even if he was unfaithful he could've pulled out earlier (that kinda sounds gross speaking of my father) or maybe she could've just been sterile.
cause any other guy doing the same thing my dad was doing, at the same time and same place might've had different results. i know what you mean, but it's all chance.
chances are that a bird will fly over a baseball stadium and poop on an old man's bald head.... and the old man will go home grouchy thinking that it was bad luck, or if he's catholic, cause he didn't go to mass on sunday.
Nothing on my's about your not understanding and/or disagreeing. The writing is already on the wall (above).
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Why do you have preferences on what turns you on? Case and point.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i don't believe he [god] chooses what happens or doesn't happen.
that's it, easy to understand. i understand it but you're the one who's questioning it. so i'm assuming you're not understanding something.
I also believe in destiny.
And angels.
Destiny is completely different, its similar to fate except you cannot guarantee anything to be destined. But it happens because it is meant to, theres a reason for everything, we just dont always know why. You only know your destiny after the fact and more often than not we reach a "destination" only after a chain of unrelated events, which happen somewhere out there in the universe. All these events, miraculously create unforseen circumstances for us, in our lives which we only then know as destiny. And destiny can be good or bad.
I believe we all have guardian angels, some may be unaware, some may just say its BS, but those angels direct and manipulate these chains of events in order to reach an outcome. Sometimes these outcomes are requested by believing types, sometimes certain outcomes are reached because the ascended masters and their teams of hard working road tripping angels deem it necesary.
The book is deffinately written for each and every one of us. Theres just no way to be able to read it as you go.
That would probably suck anyway.
So you do not see that you are limited to the confines of this physical reality?
If not, where do you think you are you getting it from? and where is that coming from and etc and etc...? How far out do you think the bible goes beyond "god"?
So you're saying there is a limit to the "universe" and god is it as it was written?
sounds like mankinds flat earth pre water travel theory to me. We all know Where that went.
You have little choice in what you desire...whether you realize it or not. Not only that...but the series of individual choices based on perception of stimulus that lead you up to the actual event plays a huge part. On top of's not one sided btw..there are two parties (people) involved.
You're still not thinking about it closely and realistically enough.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Whatever helps you sleep through the night.
S. Hoon
"My body's nobody's body but mine. You run your own body, let me run mine" Chicago '95
Franken '08
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!