Be careful. Wouldnt want to get yourself banned again.
be careful of what? go on tell me... i stand by what i said.. so go on and ignore all my points and tell me why i can get banned for making your argument look weaker than an anorexic shot-putter
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Be careful. Wouldnt want to get yourself banned again.
c'mon man... banned for what?
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Be careful. Wouldnt want to get yourself banned again.
still awaiting your reason for this post.. nah.. i knew they'd be no answer
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Dont see where your going with this. The only thing you seem to do is attack Amerika. You havent contributed anything except negativity.
are you blind? you said "Be careful. Wouldnt want to get yourself banned again." and i asked you why this would be the case? a question you have ignored for 4 repetitive posts... and youcant see where i'm going? how so... its quite apparent.. is someone pretending to be smart
i'll attack Scotland if you want.. i can see its faults.. i lack ignorance in this matter... i'll attack whomever i see fit means i will 'attack' america, canade, france, germany, england, etc.. all of which have problems.. at least some of us recognise them.
i have contributed negativity? i have made exceptionally fantastic posts as to why america has a problem with guns.. my negative posts are outweighed by the negative stats of the amount of americans killing each other daily with a gun.
go sleep with your gun tonight, go fear someone creeping into your house and so you need that gun.. go fear your own democratic govt so much that uou need to keep a gun... i live in a country where i dont have that fear... i like that i love that my kids will go to school and wont have to wear bullet-proof vests and that their Professors wont be ex-miltary gun carrying tutors.
i love that... i love our freedom.. i love we are greater than america.. it helps me sleep more safely at night
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i'll attack Scotland if you want.. i can see its faults.. i lack ignorance in this matter... i'll attack whomever i see fit means i will 'attack' america, canade, france, germany, england, etc.. all of which have problems.. at least some of us recognise them.
i have contributed negativity? i have made exceptionally fantastic posts as to why america has a problem with guns.. my negative posts are outweighed by the negative stats of the amount of americans killing each other daily with a gun.
go sleep with your gun tonight, go fear someone creeping into your house and so you need that gun.. go fear your own democratic govt so much that uou need to keep a gun... i live in a country where i dont have that fear... i like that i love that my kids will go to school and wont have to wear bullet-proof vests and that their Professors wont be ex-miltary gun carrying tutors.
i love that... i love our freedom.. i love we are greater than america.. it helps me sleep more safely at night
I dont own a gun. What makes you think im afraid of the government?
I dont own a gun. What makes you think im afraid of the government?
i address all of your points.. you only post one sentence replies to a singled out point of mine.
i'm done with you
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
i address all of your points.. you only post one sentence replies to a singled out point of mine.
i'm done with you
Your points? Are your points that Scotland is better? If so thats not a point thats an opinion. This shit was done a page ago. I wouldnt have come back to this thread if you hadnt kept running your mouth. You can keep doing it I wont be back in this thread. Cause I dont give a gorillas cock.
Your points? Are your points that Scotland is better? If so thats not a point thats an opinion. This shit was done a page ago. I wouldnt have come back to this thread if you hadnt kept running your mouth. You can keep doing it I wont be back in this thread.
scotland has less gun deaths per capita than america... its better
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Thats an opinion. We went to the moon. Were better. I could do this all day.
thats genuine fact... how the fuck do you get opinion from that?!?!? we have 0.06% gun deaths per 100,000 people... you have 5.45% per 100,000
your way off thread topic.. i may have to report you for derailing the thread...
Scotland has less gun deaths per capita than the US... ergo we are better
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
scotland has less gun deaths per capita than america... its better
you're quite the forgetful person are you not? Scotland, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Australia, Ireland, Spain, Italy is better at not killing each other.. thats not opinion thats fact... we are all better than you.. thats fact.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Since when do gun deaths determine which country is better?
it means a person has a better chance of not being shot... ergo that country is better
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Your living in fear if your worried about going outside and getting shot.
there are a lot of students in America worried about this... by contrast the UK student population's only fear is if it might rain tomorrow morning.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Your living in fear if your worried about going outside and getting shot.
1: I'm not in fear of going outside and getting shot. Cos Ireland has strict gun control.:)
2: As far as I can tell, people who suggest that EVERYONE be armed so they can protect themselves from a would-be assailant and/or evil government are the ones really living in fear.
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
1: I'm not in fear of going outside and getting shot. Cos Ireland has strict gun control.:)
2: As far as I can tell, people who suggest that EVERYONE be armed so they can protect themselves from a would-be assailant and/or evil government are the ones really living in fear.
Thats not what im suggesting. Suprised this thread isnt locked.
did i say it was awesome? i said it was better at not shooting people than the US..
137 killed last year in Scotland.. thats with all methods of killing.. i think you'll find that about 10 people died last year via a gun related death.. so by that ratio even if our country had 600 million inhabitants we'd have a death BY GUN ratio of 1000 people.. the US has only 300 million people in it.. yet has a GUN RELATED death rate of some 35000 per year.
so its not awesome... but it is better than the US at not killing each other... what part of that can you not accept.. does America need to win at everything ok.. you guys win at killing each other via the method of handgun .. have a gold medal.. woo-hoo.. goooooooo team america
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
did i say it was awesome? i said it was better at not shooting people than the US..
137 killed last year in Scotland.. thats with all methods of killing.. i think you'll find that about 10 people died last year via a gun related death.. so by that ratio even if our country had 600 million inhabitants we'd have a death BY GUN ratio of 1000 people.. the US has only 300 million people in it.. yet has a GUN RELATED death rate of some 35000 per year.
so its not awesome... but it is better than the US at not killing each other... what part of that can you not accept.. does America need to win at everything ok.. you guys win at killing each other via the method of handgun .. have a gold medal.. woo-hoo.. goooooooo team america
so lets take that 10 people kill ratio.. pop. of 6 million.. which is
Not even last year - it's statistics for 2003-04. So it's not just unimpressive, it's verging on irrelevance.:D
Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
did i say it was awesome? i said it was better at not shooting people than the US..
137 killed last year in Scotland.. thats with all methods of killing.. i think you'll find that about 10 people died last year via a gun related death.. so by that ratio even if our country had 600 million inhabitants we'd have a death BY GUN ratio of 1000 people.. the US has only 300 million people in it.. yet has a GUN RELATED death rate of some 35000 per year.
so its not awesome... but it is better than the US at not killing each other... what part of that can you not accept.. does America need to win at everything ok.. you guys win at killing each other via the method of handgun .. have a gold medal.. woo-hoo.. goooooooo team america
So you are bragging about the second highest homicide rate in Europe?
I haven't read all the posts, but in discussing gun control and who should & shouldn't be allowed to have guns and why such violence occurs, etc., I wonder if we're talking about two different kinds of people: mentally ill people and criminals. (No, I'm not saying that mentally ill people who kill others aren't criminals, or that the terms are mutually exclusive.) But in looking at why things happen and what we can do about it, perhaps there are different answers for these two groups.
Regarding people with mental illness, I feel like we have to remember that this is a larger group than we might like to think. Something like 1/4-1/3 of Americans could be considered mentally ill. These are our friends and loved ones - and probably ourselves. Did you have post-partum depression? Boom! You're mentally ill! Depressed that you're turning 40? Boom! You're mentally ill! You're a scary, dangerous person and should never own a gun. :rolleyes: Or at least that's what it will come down to if we start vilifying anyone and everyone who's ever been diagnosed with any kind of mental illness. The vast majority of people who could be considered mentally ill are perfectly harmless and are upstanding citizens like you and me. It's extremely unfortunate that some of them aren't, but those people don't represent the population.
I strongly believe that if we want to solve the problem of school shootings and such things, we need better access to mental health care. There was a case here in Albuquerque a couple of years ago where a schizophrenic man went on a shooting rampage across town and killed 5 people. What a horrible, horrible event! But the thing is, this man and his family tried NUMEROUS times to get him help before this happened, but to no avail. I can understand those posters from other countries asking, "Why is the U.S. not taking care of its gun problem?" But I think they should also be asking, "Why is the U.S. not taking care of its mentally ill?"
With regard to criminals, my humble opinion is that one of the reasons we have so much crime is BECAUSE we have - or at least want - so much more than in the past. We live in a consumer culture that drives into everyone's heads that we must have MORE, MORE, MORE. Everyone else has more. We need more too. If we don't have more we won't fit in to society, no one will like us, we'll be ugly and unworthy of love. (And we wonder why so many people are depressed.) So we feel the need to have more but frequently don't feel that the system provides us with a legal means to get it, and since we don't have it we're not part of the group anyway. We create a society which marginalizes huge populations of people and then we expect them to play by the rules of that society. If you don't feel part of the group, and you don't feel that you can ever get ahead by following that group's rules, why would you follow them? Think of the social contract. We give up certain liberties and agree to follow laws so we can receive the protection of those laws as part of the society. But if (we feel like) we're not part of the society and the laws don't benefit us, why would we follow them? Why would we respect that society? Certainly I don't agree with this way of thinking and maybe I'm not making any sense, but I feel like this has something to do with at least some of the crime we see today. And I think that's why programs that reach out to "at-risk" (i.e marginalized) youth and give them a sense of pride and ownership in their communities are successful in keeping many kids from becoming criminals.
Of course, I also think the problems of depression, marginalization, criminal activity, consumerism, poverty, etc. are often intertwined. (How many of these kids who committed the crime of shooting their classmates did so because they were depressed because they felt marginalized and isolated from that very community of classmates?) So go ahead and call me crazy.
What is trolling?
yeah, I know what you mean; it does baffle me about the whole gap that lies between wealth and poverty or even better; middle class. And, I understand that a lot of people work very very hard to get what they need or want and I don't begrudge anyone that right but I find it messed up to think that I am driving by a car dealer that has cars inside that cost more than all of my assets.....(yeah; there are SO many....oh well,.....). That baffles me. And without getting on someone else's bandwagon, it does really give off a strange feeling to imagine that I am being sold the idea that so many others have what I do not; like I am the ONLY one when I know I am not by any means alone in my status.........
but that said, I can't justify going off on people for what I lack.....still though I firmly believe that I can't take that credit or assume arrogance on not being crazy or desperate because I think we are all one step from desperate once we believe that we will never be know?
Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on The Creek......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
yeah, I know what you mean; it does baffle me about the whole gap that lies between wealth and poverty or even better; middle class. And, I understand that a lot of people work very very hard to get what they need or want and I don't begrudge anyone that right but I find it messed up to think that I am driving by a car dealer that has cars inside that cost more than all of my assets.....(yeah; there are SO many....oh well,.....). That baffles me. And without getting on someone else's bandwagon, it does really give off a strange feeling to imagine that I am being sold the idea that so many others have what I do not; like I am the ONLY one when I know I am not by any means alone in my status.........
but that said, I can't justify going off on people for what I lack.....still though I firmly believe that I can't take that credit or assume arrogance on not being crazy or desperate because I think we are all one step from desperate once we believe that we will never be know?
Yeah, I totally know what you mean. I think anyone could become desperate or "crazy" given the right circumstances. I think any one of us could commit murder if pushed to the breaking point - whatever point that is for each of us. The question, I guess, is how that point gets defined so differently for different people.
I feel like we're brought up to believe in justice and fairness and hard work paying off. And then it turns out that life's not fair. I think for some people it seems hopeless at times, especially because of the consumer culture in the U.S.
Too bad income isn't in direct proportion to how hard you work or how valuable that work is. My mom's a teacher and she makes shit. Always has; always will - it's the American way. Donald Trump on the other hand - well I don't really know what he does, but he makes like a million times more than my mom. Does he work a million times harder? Is his work a million times more valuable? Of course not.
I can see where kids - or adults - could become disillusioned with the system after being told (by society or the media or whoever) that they are supposed to live like Donald Trump and that he is valuable because he is rich, and then realizing that they will never achieve that level no matter how hard they work. I could see where they could become depressed. I could see where they might just say "Fuck it" to the ideas of justice and fairness and hard work paying off, and to the idea that life is valuable. :( (To be clear, I'm not saying that this line of reasoning is appropriate.)
(Of course, I'm just talking about the closed system of this country. If we looked at the world as a whole, all Americans probably actually have wealth beyond what might be considered our share. But our consumer culture only shows us what we don't - and supposedly should - have, not what we do have.)
So you are bragging about the second highest homicide rate in Europe?
can you stop quoting HOMICIDE RATES??? this thread is about gun crime and gun control.. and on that point alone Scotland beats the US hands down.. no contest, 100% fact and not opinion at all.
and i'm saying we are better than you at not killing each other with A GUN!!!.. and if i have to repeat YET AGAIN that the figures you are quoting are for ALL TYPES OF HOMICIDE and NOT GUN RELATED then i'll explode.. stick to the topic of this thread!!! if you want to start a new one giving facts about high stabbing rates in the UK then feel free... but this aint the right thread.
we have a high murder rate (although if you breakdown those stats you'll see that about 80-90% of all scottish homicides occur in the 2 cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh) but our gun crime rate is fantastically lower than yours... fantastically... its about 0.06% per 100,000 people.. the US is about 5.5% per 100,000... thats a huge difference... its vast
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
be careful of what? go on tell me... i stand by what i said.. so go on and ignore all my points and tell me why i can get banned for making your argument look weaker than an anorexic shot-putter
c'mon man... banned for what?
still awaiting your reason for this post.. nah.. i knew they'd be no answer
are you blind? you said "Be careful. Wouldnt want to get yourself banned again." and i asked you why this would be the case? a question you have ignored for 4 repetitive posts... and youcant see where i'm going? how so... its quite apparent..
i'll attack Scotland if you want.. i can see its faults.. i lack ignorance in this matter... i'll attack whomever i see fit means i will 'attack' america, canade, france, germany, england, etc.. all of which have problems.. at least some of us recognise them.
i have contributed negativity? i have made exceptionally fantastic posts as to why america has a problem with guns.. my negative posts are outweighed by the negative stats of the amount of americans killing each other daily with a gun.
go sleep with your gun tonight, go fear someone creeping into your house and so you need that gun.. go fear your own democratic govt so much that uou need to keep a gun... i live in a country where i dont have that fear... i like that
i love that... i love our freedom.. i love we are greater than america.. it helps me sleep more safely at night
i address all of your points.. you only post one sentence replies to a singled out point of mine.
i'm done with you
scotland has less gun deaths per capita than america... its better
thats genuine fact... how the fuck do you get opinion from that?!?!? we have 0.06% gun deaths per 100,000 people... you have 5.45% per 100,000
your way off thread topic.. i may have to report you for derailing the thread...
Scotland has less gun deaths per capita than the US... ergo we are better
As far as numbers of school shootings go, most countries are better than America. No opinion there.
i said
you're quite the forgetful person are you not? Scotland, the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Australia, Ireland, Spain, Italy is better at not killing each other.. thats not opinion thats fact... we are all better than you.. thats fact.
Call it personal criteria.
it means a person has a better chance of not being shot... ergo that country is better
there are a lot of students in America worried about this... by contrast the UK student population's only fear is if it might rain tomorrow morning.
1: I'm not in fear of going outside and getting shot. Cos Ireland has strict gun control.:)
2: As far as I can tell, people who suggest that EVERYONE be armed so they can protect themselves from a would-be assailant and/or evil government are the ones really living in fear.
Is Scotland that awesome?
I wonder......
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
did i say it was awesome?
137 killed last year in Scotland.. thats with all methods of killing.. i think you'll find that about 10 people died last year via a gun related death.. so by that ratio even if our country had 600 million inhabitants we'd have a death BY GUN ratio of 1000 people.. the US has only 300 million people in it.. yet has a GUN RELATED death rate of some 35000 per year.
so its not awesome... but it is better than the US at not killing each other... what part of that can you not accept.. does America need to win at everything
Not even last year - it's statistics for 2003-04. So it's not just unimpressive, it's verging on irrelevance.:D
So you are bragging about the second highest homicide rate in Europe?
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
hahahahaha, blamed on the booze.........
(Maybe they should ban Alcohol in Scotland)
PEARL JAM~San Antonio, TX. 4~5~03
INCUBUS~Houston, TX. 1~19~07
INCUBUS~Denver, CO. 2~8~07
Lollapalooza~Chicago, IL. 8~5~07
INCUBUS~Austin, TX. 9~3~07
Bonnaroo~Manchester, TN 6~14~08
yeah, I know what you mean; it does baffle me about the whole gap that lies between wealth and poverty or even better; middle class. And, I understand that a lot of people work very very hard to get what they need or want and I don't begrudge anyone that right but I find it messed up to think that I am driving by a car dealer that has cars inside that cost more than all of my assets.....(yeah; there are SO many....oh well,.....). That baffles me. And without getting on someone else's bandwagon, it does really give off a strange feeling to imagine that I am being sold the idea that so many others have what I do not; like I am the ONLY one when I know I am not by any means alone in my status.........
but that said, I can't justify going off on people for what I lack.....still though I firmly believe that I can't take that credit or assume arrogance on not being crazy or desperate because I think we are all one step from desperate once we believe that we will never be know?
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Yeah, I totally know what you mean. I think anyone could become desperate or "crazy" given the right circumstances. I think any one of us could commit murder if pushed to the breaking point - whatever point that is for each of us. The question, I guess, is how that point gets defined so differently for different people.
I feel like we're brought up to believe in justice and fairness and hard work paying off. And then it turns out that life's not fair. I think for some people it seems hopeless at times, especially because of the consumer culture in the U.S.
Too bad income isn't in direct proportion to how hard you work or how valuable that work is. My mom's a teacher and she makes shit. Always has; always will - it's the American way. Donald Trump on the other hand - well I don't really know what he does, but he makes like a million times more than my mom. Does he work a million times harder? Is his work a million times more valuable? Of course not.
I can see where kids - or adults - could become disillusioned with the system after being told (by society or the media or whoever) that they are supposed to live like Donald Trump and that he is valuable because he is rich, and then realizing that they will never achieve that level no matter how hard they work. I could see where they could become depressed. I could see where they might just say "Fuck it" to the ideas of justice and fairness and hard work paying off, and to the idea that life is valuable. :( (To be clear, I'm not saying that this line of reasoning is appropriate.)
(Of course, I'm just talking about the closed system of this country. If we looked at the world as a whole, all Americans probably actually have wealth beyond what might be considered our share. But our consumer culture only shows us what we don't - and supposedly should - have, not what we do have.)
can you stop quoting HOMICIDE RATES??? this thread is about gun crime and gun control.. and on that point alone Scotland beats the US hands down.. no contest, 100% fact and not opinion at all.
and i'm saying we are better than you at not killing each other with A GUN!!!.. and if i have to repeat YET AGAIN that the figures you are quoting are for ALL TYPES OF HOMICIDE and NOT GUN RELATED then i'll explode.. stick to the topic of this thread!!! if you want to start a new one giving facts about high stabbing rates in the UK then feel free... but this aint the right thread.
we have a high murder rate (although if you breakdown those stats you'll see that about 80-90% of all scottish homicides occur in the 2 cities of Glasgow and Edinburgh) but our gun crime rate is fantastically lower than yours... fantastically... its about 0.06% per 100,000 people.. the US is about 5.5% per 100,000... thats a huge difference... its vast