Sorry, I missed that. About the prisoners: The US sentenced a terrorist to life time in prison not too long ago, Israel did the same thing with other terrorists that did much more than just planing things. Either way, they could have negotiated with Israel's gov. After all, they are claiming to be diplomats / politicians...
Usa are not a reference, USA are acting like criminals too, just like Isreal govt., but at least in the USA, there's a strong voice against all these actions (they have no power though, but you can hear it loud), while i have yet to hear about Isreal peoples talking against the violent path taken by your govt., on this matter i hope i'm wrong and that there's in fact some people who are not buying into all this anti terror bullshit, Hezzbolah attack you and it's a shame, but the answer of your govt. just show how criminal they are, killing civillians is an act of war, or an criminal act, it cannot be perceive as a "defense" method.
Right now, Isreal and Hezzbolah are both criminals, it's just that comparing both, is kind of a shame since Isreal is a state, and Hezzbolah is not. Again, be safe, but it's probably more dangerous to live in Lebanon right now, than in Isreal, here's hoping it won't escalate into a bigger conflict...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
USA USA USA. When Canada gets its first major attack, dont call us. M'kay?
was that an insult? hehe
So, you have nothing to say to the fact that "the world" have an opinion and a "majority" of americans have another? Have you heard your stupid Presidents DEFENDING AND ENCOURAGING THE KILLING CIVILLIANS on tv yet??? Fucking joke, USA govt. and Isreal govt. are a fucking joke, and those buying into all that are just pathetic to hear (or read if you're on a message board)...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Fuck you. I will not support anyone that goes out and purposefully kills children. If that is what you want to do then fine, And fuck you, you dont know me, you dont know what I had to go thru. FUCK YOU. While you were playing with you dick as a little kid, I had to fucking dodge police, dogs, bullets, angry boers, trucks, I was beaten, insulted, belittled, ridiculed, embarresed, had to watch as my mother was beaten and there was nothing that I could do, SO FUCK YOU. Go back to your sliver spoon and stick it up your arse.
Evil has filled you so full that it spills out of you. I am very sorry for your loss of innocence and life. That is not fair to you at all. None of that should have ever happened to you.
What you hate in yourself, and what you've become because of it, you must not spread it to others. Don't let that same evil win it's war within you and surround your life further!!
That is your slavation, believe in it, as hard (or impossible) as it may seem.
So, you have nothing to say to the fact that "the world" have an opinion and a "majority" of americans have another? Have you heard your stupid Presidents DEFENDING AND ENCOURAGING THE KILLING CIVILLIANS on tv yet??? Fucking joke, USA govt. and Isreal govt. are a fucking joke, and those buying into all that are just pathetic to hear (or read if you're on a message board)...
You want me to defend my country against "world opinion"? Fuck em. How's that. Fuck em. FUCK EM. We dont care. We stand for what WE believe in. Not what THEY believe in. So FUCK EM. Any questions?
Why does America simply bend over and let Israel take it right to them? Just don't get it...seen today the USA vetoed an UN Resolution to denounce the Israel attack...what a surprise...add another on the list for America vetoing ANYTHING that has to do with Israel...pathetic already.....
The EVIL of you, and your nations gov't tries to spread on this earth like a cancer.
I call you as such. You ARE evil make no doubt. You have no power. You have nothing. You are nothing.
well i might as well go kill myself now. Right on dude says im nothing. Oh noes. Whoa is me!! See ya at the next election. Then well see who has the power.
Why does America simply bend over and let Israel take it right to them? Just don't get it...seen today the USA vetoed an UN Resolution to denounce the Israel attack...what a surprise...add another on the list for America vetoing ANYTHING that has to do with Israel...pathetic already.....
Everyone depends on America to solve everything while at the same time blames them for everything. ??? From what I have read in here, wouldnt you prefer we just stay out of things over there? Let China, Russia, and Europe fix things?
Seriously and without sarcasm, looking for honest answers, what exactly does everyone want America to do in this particular situation?
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
Everyone depends on America to solve everything while at the same time blames them for everything. ??? From what I have read in here, wouldnt you prefer we just stay out of things over there? Let China, Russia, and Europe fix things?
Seriously and without sarcasm, looking for honest answers, what exactly does everyone want America to do in this particular situation?
I dont ask America to do anything...actually cannot remember the last time my country asked America to do anything for us....I would like them to condemn the attacks on BOTH sides.....and with this veto they are obviously once again showing support for one side....
I dont ask America to do anything...actually cannot remember the last time my country asked America to do anything for us....I would like them to condemn the attacks on BOTH sides.....and with this veto they are obviously once again showing support for one side....
If someone punches you in the face, and you punch that person back, you are in the wrong? WTF? A foreign military (terrorist group) invaded Israel and kidnapped people. You wouldnt retalliate?
Its not like my country (The United States of America)..... when attacked by terrorists in Afghanistan they then invaded Iraq?????? I dont see Israel in the wrong here? Killing innocents, by accident or not, you betcha is wrong and awful and terrible and dispicable, BUT, and granted, its a HUGE BUT, they go out of their way not too. Israel and the United States do everything they possibly can, even put their own soldiers in greater danger, to protect civillians.
Suicide bombers target them intentionally.
All that's sacred, comes from youth....dedications, naive and true.
Why does America simply bend over and let Israel take it right to them? Just don't get it...seen today the USA vetoed an UN Resolution to denounce the Israel attack...what a surprise...add another on the list for America vetoing ANYTHING that has to do with Israel...pathetic already.....
yeah, the good word is really "pathetic" to describe the USA and Isreal right now. But Canada is not really far, Harper saying "Isreal response is measured" was just as pathetic and idiotic as the USA President statement.
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
You want me to defend my country against "world opinion"? Fuck em. How's that. Fuck em. FUCK EM. We dont care. We stand for what WE believe in. Not what THEY believe in. So FUCK EM. Any questions?
great, really show that you have nothing to say/write, but i just want to point out that you're the one who brought the "opinion" on topic, i just add a perspective to it, the fact that you don't care is not surprising at all...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
yeah, the good word is really "pathetic" to describe the USA and Isreal right now. But Canada is not really far, Harper saying "Isreal response is measured" was just as pathetic and idiotic as the USA President statement.
100% agree plus guess who else said the attack was okay...our favorite Brit. Tony Blair...big surprise...wish Jean was back in power...least he had enough will power to not bend over to these bastards....
well i might as well go kill myself now. Right on dude says im nothing. Oh noes. Whoa is me!! See ya at the next election. Then well see who has the power.
Evil deeds and thoughts have no place in the goodness of mankind. What do you stand for? what do you really represent?
You are already dead from within, yet you don't see it. Your battle is a losing one. It cannot, and will not, ever "win" anything. Whether it's this civilization or the next, the evil thought process(s) within you will not prevail...ever.
Everyone depends on America to solve everything while at the same time blames them for everything. ??? From what I have read in here, wouldnt you prefer we just stay out of things over there? Let China, Russia, and Europe fix things?
Seriously and without sarcasm, looking for honest answers, what exactly does everyone want America to do in this particular situation?
Who's asking for the USA to settle everything? The USA decide to settle stuff they consider in their best imperial and commericial interest. Oh, the only real thing that could be done by Americans FOR the world, would be to elect a real President, enough of these puppets...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
So, you have nothing to say to the fact that "the world" have an opinion and a "majority" of americans have another? Have you heard your stupid Presidents DEFENDING AND ENCOURAGING THE KILLING CIVILLIANS on tv yet??? Fucking joke, USA govt. and Isreal govt. are a fucking joke, and those buying into all that are just pathetic to hear (or read if you're on a message board)...
1) "The whole World" does not have the same opinion on Israel and the mess that's been going on in the Middle East, for hundreds......thousands of years. There are as many varying, different and opposing opinions on this, as there are plant life.
It's absurd that you think you can speak for "the whole world".
2) As for our stupid President, I think a lot of people ( Americans) disagree with him and his band of hateful thugs (Cheney, Rumsfeld...etc).
3) The Muslim world or as they love to refer to themsleves ...."The Islamic Nations" are just as guilty now and have been for thousands of years- of the very same attrocities, propaganda, murder and slaughter you so gleefully accuse America and Israel of.
People like you will never learn that this a a war of bad guys vs. bad guys. There are no good guys in this whole mess.
Until people like you stop being suckers (Sheep) for one side or the other and stop defending one side (or the other) as if that one side are innocent victims; then no one will ever come together and pressure, force and demand that the murder and slaughter cease.
People can not come together to fight against these murderous thugs, as long as you continue to allow their propaganda and lies to sway you to one side or the other. They are all liars and they are all guilty of the same murderous, greedy, self-interested agendas!!
Get it through your thick skulls!
4) Canada is involved in this and they have played their part. Canada is not exept or excluded from participation in the attrocities. So you and your fellow citizens barely have any room to be self-righteous. Canada, it's people and it's corporations certainly have no problem capitalizing abd profitting all over the world. You're certainly not allergic or against making fists full of dollars for yourselves.
5) Much like the American government, American military and American Corporations; Muslim/Islamic based governements, militaries, corporations and militants have been and continue to be completely out of control in furthering their respective agendas...........through out the planet; for a very long time.
If someone punches you in the face, and you punch that person back, you are in the wrong? WTF? A foreign military (terrorist group) invaded Israel and kidnapped people. You wouldnt retalliate?
Its not like my country (The United States of America)..... when attacked by terrorists in Afghanistan they then invaded Iraq?????? I dont see Israel in the wrong here? Killing innocents, by accident or not, you betcha is wrong and awful and terrible and dispicable, BUT, and granted, its a HUGE BUT, they go out of their way not too. Israel and the United States do everything they possibly can, even put their own soldiers in greater danger, to protect civillians.
Suicide bombers target them intentionally.
I have seen Israel in the wrong just as much as Hezbollah or Hamas (this goes beyond these events) goes both ways....I don't sympathize with either side...both are pathetic...
Everyone depends on America to solve everything while at the same time blames them for everything. ??? From what I have read in here, wouldnt you prefer we just stay out of things over there? Let China, Russia, and Europe fix things?
Seriously and without sarcasm, looking for honest answers, what exactly does everyone want America to do in this particular situation?
Depends on what you think is really broken and your definition, and actions, of fixing the problem.
America promotes war as a solution. War is evil (to sound like a broken record), but can you not see it for what it is? There is ALWAYS a peaceful solution to every problem. Do not let anyone fool you (ever) of that reality.
Call it out for what it is, otherwise you serve no higher purpose in your life other than to support the most destructive of all human emotions. Both within yourself and towards others.
I have seen Israel in the wrong just as much as Hezbollah or Hamas (this goes beyond these events) goes both ways....I don't sympathize with either side...both are pathetic...
agreed. I do think you have the right to defend yourself, especially IN THE CURRENT EVENT.
Depends on what you think is really broken and your definition, and actions, of fixing the problem.
America promotes war as a solution. War is evil (to sound like a broken record), but can you not see it for what it is? There is ALWAYS a peaceful solution to every problem. Do not let anyone fool you (ever) of that reality.
Call it out for what it is, otherwise you serve no higher purpose in your life other than to support the most destructive of all human emotions. Both within yourself and towards others.
thanks obi wan. I agree with you to a point, but its a bit naive, no? when one side (I am not pointing fingers, so assume what you want) will not participate, peace cannot be acheived.
Oh, the only real thing that could be done by Americans FOR the world, would be to elect a real President, enough of these puppets...
He wasn't elected. He was placed in the position.
But yeah, Americans need to smell the coffee and wake the fuck up. We need to take our country back and take back our rights. Way too many sheep in this country.
Actually, the USA has been asked many times to get involved in other's affairs.
That's true to a great extent. But not always true in every case and situation.
He wasn't elected. He was placed in the position.
But yeah, Americans need to smell the coffee and wake the fuck up. We need to take our country back and take back our rights. Way too many sheep in this country.
It would also be nice if Canada grew a spine.
Please degine ow we should grow a spine...I thoguht we had one when our PM (Jean Cretian) said no to helping the States in Iraq.....
Evil deeds and thoughts have no place in the goodness of mankind. What do you stand for? what do you really represent?
You are already dead from within, yet you don't see it. Your battle is a losing one. It cannot, and will not, ever "win" anything. Whether it's this civilization or the next, the evil thought process(s) within you will not prevail...ever.
Thank you jedi master.
Edit: i missed the Obi Wan comment. Didnt mean to hook myself to your star Flannel.
Hezbollah killed a woman and a child about an hour ago, and has injured 50 people since morning. Lebanese TV is reporting that Israel has just bombed Hezbollah main offices. Well, that means we're all gonna have yet another disturbing night. Great.
1) "The whole World" does not have the same opinion on Israel and the mess that's been going on in the Middle East, for hundreds......thousands of years. There are as many varying, different and opposing opinions on this, as there are plant life.
It's absurd that you think you can speak for "the whole world".
2) As for our stupid President, I think a lot of people ( Americans) disagree with him and his band of hateful thugs (Cheney, Rumsfeld...etc).
3) The Muslim world or as they love to refer to themsleves ...."The Islamic Nations" are just as guilty now and have been for thousands of years- of the very same attrocities, propaganda, murder and slaughter you so gleefully accuse America and Israel of.
People like you will never learn that this a a war of bad guys vs. bad guys. There are no good guys in this whole mess.
Until people like you stop being suckers (Sheep) for one side or the other and stop defending one side (or the other) as if that one side are innocent victims; then no one will ever come together and pressure, force and demand that the murder and slaughter cease.
4) Canada is involved in this and they have played their part. Canada is not exept or excluded from participation in the attrocities. So you and your fellow citizens barely have any room to be self-righteous. Canada, it's people and it's corporations certainly have no problem capitalizing abd profitting all over the world. You're certainly not allergic or against making fists full of dollars for yourselves.
5) Much like the American government, American military and American Corporations; Muslim/Islamic based governements, militaries, corporations and militants have been and continue to be completely out of control in furthering their respective agendas...........through out the planet; for a very long time.
1 ) Yes it would be absurd, but i'm not talking for the whole world. Note that i'm answering a post that said "majority of americans think this way" by saying "majority of the world think this way", i also used the little "____" to add some kind of moderation to what i posted, but i've answered to something in the same way it was posted.
2) Sort of why i've choose to answer this particular post about a guy saying "majority of americans", anyway i agree.
3) I don't care at all about the past issue and frontier and what is a territory and what is a country and whatever you can say about the past. RIGHT NOW, the state of Isreal is participating in criminal war act into the Lebanon and Palestinian territory/country. I don't care who's jew and who's muslim, i'm only condemning the acts of a Government. Religions matters are a problem in itself and i agree with you for that matter, but right now, it's not what i'm talking about.
I'll jump over the "YOU" "people like you" "sheep" thing. I understand all that, i'm not for terrorist actions at all and what the Hezzbolah did is a provocation, but if you don't believe that the response is exagerated, then i see why you call me all those thing, i don't care really, i've never defended the terrorist action, it's not because i'm condemning Isreal actions that i automaticly approve the Hezbolah or Hamas, that's where i see the misconception coming from, but i'd like you to show me a thread where i defend terrorist, good luck. Condemning terrorism won't change anything, condemning govt. is what we should all do, they're the one who can take actions to settle these conflicts.
4) I won't defend Canada believe me you won't find a Canadian more critical about Canada than me on this board. It's just that the Prime Minister of Canada have a lot less power than the President of the USA, any declaration that he'll make is even marginalized in Canada, so i imagine that his statement is not really having any consequence in the "world opinion", while W. is huge, i mean any USA Presidents is huge, so he should be a lot more careful when declaring that the act in Lebanon are justified, they're killing civillians with millitary actions there, it's a clear violation of any treaty you want to evoke on here.
5) Sure, they're pushing their agendas too, but it doesn't excuse Isreal act in Lebanon and Palestine, not at all. Terrorist are terrorist, right now Isreal are acting like a terrorist state against terrorist organisation, it's easy to blame terrorist group but there's no way that we can end terrorism with more military action, we're just creating more, and that's EXACTLY what Isreal are doing right now by bombing Lebanon, they are bombing Lebanon, not just a terrorist group, the world sponsored Isreal military are bombing Lebanon and Lebanese therefore creating more terrorist and terrorism.
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Hezbollah killed a woman and a child about an hour ago, and has injured 50 people since morning. Lebanese TV is reporting that Israel has just bombed Hezbollah main offices. Well, that means we're all gonna have yet another disturbing night. Great.
Well thats what war is...people getting killed who shouldn't be and that is what makes it tragic...and that goes for both sides...I am not supporting either side...sick of the entire Middle East debacle....
really? Ralph Nader gave an interview on Telé-Québec that i just watch, this man would be great, so it was my suggestion, since you really want one, but i'm not really qualified in future Presidential candidate, but when a good one present himself, at least vote for him. This two party thing is also hurting your democracy a lot, in my opinion, but off topic...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
really? Ralph Nader gave an interview on Telé-Québec that i just watch, this man would be great, so it was my suggestion, since you really want one, but i'm not really qualified in future Presidential candidate, but when a good one present himself, at least vote for him. This two party thing is also hurting your democracy a lot, in my opinion, but off topic...
Hey thankyou...did you see the Nader speech he did at Laval a few years ago..the man is brilliant too bad mainstream media in the States label his as a fool which of course for many...TV dicates "truth"...would not even listen to this guy...would make a great leader....IMHO....
Actually, the USA has been asked many times to get involved in other's affairs.
Sure it happens, in the end let's face it, the USA do pretty much what they want, but yes they've been asked to help, and i also recognize USA citizen help when it comes to giving money to charitable org.
But yeah, Americans need to smell the coffee and wake the fuck up. We need to take our country back and take back our rights. Way too many sheep in this country.
It would also be nice if Canada grew a spine.
Sure about Canada, about the USA President well in the end, he's the one who's the President, even if you don't like it .
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
USA USA USA. When Canada gets its first major attack, dont call us. M'kay?
Usa are not a reference, USA are acting like criminals too, just like Isreal govt., but at least in the USA, there's a strong voice against all these actions (they have no power though, but you can hear it loud), while i have yet to hear about Isreal peoples talking against the violent path taken by your govt., on this matter i hope i'm wrong and that there's in fact some people who are not buying into all this anti terror bullshit, Hezzbolah attack you and it's a shame, but the answer of your govt. just show how criminal they are, killing civillians is an act of war, or an criminal act, it cannot be perceive as a "defense" method.
Right now, Isreal and Hezzbolah are both criminals, it's just that comparing both, is kind of a shame since Isreal is a state, and Hezzbolah is not. Again, be safe, but it's probably more dangerous to live in Lebanon right now, than in Isreal, here's hoping it won't escalate into a bigger conflict...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
was that an insult? hehe
So, you have nothing to say to the fact that "the world" have an opinion and a "majority" of americans have another? Have you heard your stupid Presidents DEFENDING AND ENCOURAGING THE KILLING CIVILLIANS on tv yet??? Fucking joke, USA govt. and Isreal govt. are a fucking joke, and those buying into all that are just pathetic to hear (or read if you're on a message board)...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Evil has filled you so full that it spills out of you. I am very sorry for your loss of innocence and life. That is not fair to you at all. None of that should have ever happened to you.
What you hate in yourself, and what you've become because of it, you must not spread it to others. Don't let that same evil win it's war within you and surround your life further!!
That is your slavation, believe in it, as hard (or impossible) as it may seem.
You want me to defend my country against "world opinion"? Fuck em. How's that. Fuck em. FUCK EM. We dont care. We stand for what WE believe in. Not what THEY believe in. So FUCK EM. Any questions?
The EVIL of you, and your nations gov't tries to spread on this earth like a cancer.
I call you as such. You ARE evil make no doubt. You have no power. You have nothing. You are nothing.
well i might as well go kill myself now. Right on dude says im nothing. Oh noes. Whoa is me!! See ya at the next election. Then well see who has the power.
Seriously and without sarcasm, looking for honest answers, what exactly does everyone want America to do in this particular situation?
I dont ask America to do anything...actually cannot remember the last time my country asked America to do anything for us....I would like them to condemn the attacks on BOTH sides.....and with this veto they are obviously once again showing support for one side....
Close! YOU have to create the problem, so YOU can fix it.
Everyone depends on the US. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
If someone punches you in the face, and you punch that person back, you are in the wrong? WTF? A foreign military (terrorist group) invaded Israel and kidnapped people. You wouldnt retalliate?
Its not like my country (The United States of America)..... when attacked by terrorists in Afghanistan they then invaded Iraq?????? I dont see Israel in the wrong here? Killing innocents, by accident or not, you betcha is wrong and awful and terrible and dispicable, BUT, and granted, its a HUGE BUT, they go out of their way not too. Israel and the United States do everything they possibly can, even put their own soldiers in greater danger, to protect civillians.
Suicide bombers target them intentionally.
yeah, the good word is really "pathetic" to describe the USA and Isreal right now. But Canada is not really far, Harper saying "Isreal response is measured" was just as pathetic and idiotic as the USA President statement.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
great, really show that you have nothing to say/write, but i just want to point out that you're the one who brought the "opinion" on topic, i just add a perspective to it, the fact that you don't care is not surprising at all...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
100% agree plus guess who else said the attack was okay...our favorite Brit. Tony Blair...big surprise...wish Jean was back in power...least he had enough will power to not bend over to these bastards....
Evil deeds and thoughts have no place in the goodness of mankind. What do you stand for? what do you really represent?
You are already dead from within, yet you don't see it. Your battle is a losing one. It cannot, and will not, ever "win" anything. Whether it's this civilization or the next, the evil thought process(s) within you will not prevail...ever.
Who's asking for the USA to settle everything? The USA decide to settle stuff they consider in their best imperial and commericial interest. Oh, the only real thing that could be done by Americans FOR the world, would be to elect a real President, enough of these puppets...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
1) "The whole World" does not have the same opinion on Israel and the mess that's been going on in the Middle East, for hundreds......thousands of years. There are as many varying, different and opposing opinions on this, as there are plant life.
It's absurd that you think you can speak for "the whole world".
2) As for our stupid President, I think a lot of people ( Americans) disagree with him and his band of hateful thugs (Cheney, Rumsfeld...etc).
3) The Muslim world or as they love to refer to themsleves ...."The Islamic Nations" are just as guilty now and have been for thousands of years- of the very same attrocities, propaganda, murder and slaughter you so gleefully accuse America and Israel of.
People like you will never learn that this a a war of bad guys vs. bad guys. There are no good guys in this whole mess.
Until people like you stop being suckers (Sheep) for one side or the other and stop defending one side (or the other) as if that one side are innocent victims; then no one will ever come together and pressure, force and demand that the murder and slaughter cease.
People can not come together to fight against these murderous thugs, as long as you continue to allow their propaganda and lies to sway you to one side or the other. They are all liars and they are all guilty of the same murderous, greedy, self-interested agendas!!
Get it through your thick skulls!
4) Canada is involved in this and they have played their part. Canada is not exept or excluded from participation in the attrocities. So you and your fellow citizens barely have any room to be self-righteous. Canada, it's people and it's corporations certainly have no problem capitalizing abd profitting all over the world. You're certainly not allergic or against making fists full of dollars for yourselves.
5) Much like the American government, American military and American Corporations; Muslim/Islamic based governements, militaries, corporations and militants have been and continue to be completely out of control in furthering their respective agendas...........through out the planet; for a very long time.
I have seen Israel in the wrong just as much as Hezbollah or Hamas (this goes beyond these events) goes both ways....I don't sympathize with either side...both are pathetic...
Depends on what you think is really broken and your definition, and actions, of fixing the problem.
America promotes war as a solution. War is evil (to sound like a broken record), but can you not see it for what it is? There is ALWAYS a peaceful solution to every problem. Do not let anyone fool you (ever) of that reality.
Call it out for what it is, otherwise you serve no higher purpose in your life other than to support the most destructive of all human emotions. Both within yourself and towards others.
agreed. I do think you have the right to defend yourself, especially IN THE CURRENT EVENT.
thanks obi wan.
any suggestions? lol.. I am all ears
Actually, the USA has been asked many times to get involved in other's affairs.
That's true to a great extent. But not always true in every case and situation.
He wasn't elected. He was placed in the position.
But yeah, Americans need to smell the coffee and wake the fuck up. We need to take our country back and take back our rights. Way too many sheep in this country.
It would also be nice if Canada grew a spine.
Please degine ow we should grow a spine...I thoguht we had one when our PM (Jean Cretian) said no to helping the States in Iraq.....
Thank you jedi master.
Edit: i missed the Obi Wan comment. Didnt mean to hook myself to your star Flannel.
Hezbollah killed a woman and a child about an hour ago, and has injured 50 people since morning. Lebanese TV is reporting that Israel has just bombed Hezbollah main offices. Well, that means we're all gonna have yet another disturbing night. Great.
1 ) Yes it would be absurd, but i'm not talking for the whole world. Note that i'm answering a post that said "majority of americans think this way" by saying "majority of the world think this way", i also used the little "____" to add some kind of moderation to what i posted, but i've answered to something in the same way it was posted.
2) Sort of why i've choose to answer this particular post about a guy saying "majority of americans", anyway i agree.
3) I don't care at all about the past issue and frontier and what is a territory and what is a country and whatever you can say about the past. RIGHT NOW, the state of Isreal is participating in criminal war act into the Lebanon and Palestinian territory/country. I don't care who's jew and who's muslim, i'm only condemning the acts of a Government. Religions matters are a problem in itself and i agree with you for that matter, but right now, it's not what i'm talking about.
I'll jump over the "YOU" "people like you" "sheep" thing. I understand all that, i'm not for terrorist actions at all and what the Hezzbolah did is a provocation, but if you don't believe that the response is exagerated, then i see why you call me all those thing, i don't care really, i've never defended the terrorist action, it's not because i'm condemning Isreal actions that i automaticly approve the Hezbolah or Hamas, that's where i see the misconception coming from, but i'd like you to show me a thread where i defend terrorist, good luck. Condemning terrorism won't change anything, condemning govt. is what we should all do, they're the one who can take actions to settle these conflicts.
4) I won't defend Canada believe me you won't find a Canadian more critical about Canada than me on this board. It's just that the Prime Minister of Canada have a lot less power than the President of the USA, any declaration that he'll make is even marginalized in Canada, so i imagine that his statement is not really having any consequence in the "world opinion", while W. is huge, i mean any USA Presidents is huge, so he should be a lot more careful when declaring that the act in Lebanon are justified, they're killing civillians with millitary actions there, it's a clear violation of any treaty you want to evoke on here.
5) Sure, they're pushing their agendas too, but it doesn't excuse Isreal act in Lebanon and Palestine, not at all. Terrorist are terrorist, right now Isreal are acting like a terrorist state against terrorist organisation, it's easy to blame terrorist group but there's no way that we can end terrorism with more military action, we're just creating more, and that's EXACTLY what Isreal are doing right now by bombing Lebanon, they are bombing Lebanon, not just a terrorist group, the world sponsored Isreal military are bombing Lebanon and Lebanese therefore creating more terrorist and terrorism.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Well thats what war is...people getting killed who shouldn't be and that is what makes it tragic...and that goes for both sides...I am not supporting either side...sick of the entire Middle East debacle....
really? Ralph Nader gave an interview on Telé-Québec that i just watch, this man would be great, so it was my suggestion, since you really want one, but i'm not really qualified in future Presidential candidate, but when a good one present himself, at least vote for him. This two party thing is also hurting your democracy a lot, in my opinion, but off topic...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Hey thankyou...did you see the Nader speech he did at Laval a few years ago..the man is brilliant too bad mainstream media in the States label his as a fool which of course for many...TV dicates "truth"...would not even listen to this guy...would make a great leader....IMHO....
Sure it happens, in the end let's face it, the USA do pretty much what they want, but yes they've been asked to help, and i also recognize USA citizen help when it comes to giving money to charitable org.
Not every case, agree.
Sure about Canada, about the USA President well in the end, he's the one who's the President, even if you don't like it
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau