Hello from Israel



  • barakabaraka Posts: 1,268
    I can't believe what's going on here! I purposely stay out of these types of threads, because I see hate and misunderstanding spewing from both sides. Personally, I see the situation much like gang violence, a never-ending cycle of violence & revenge, perpetrated by both sides, wrongs perpetrated by and to both sides. But here's the thing, shiraz, posted a personal story about his/her situation. Regardless of which side you are on, it's lame to turn this thread into a personal ego/pissing war. Take that debate back to hundreds of other 'Israel sucks' or 'Muslims sucks' threads or if you have a personal problem with someone, take it to a PM. I realize that these threads rarely stay on topic, but someone just posted about a situation in their homeland that the majority of us have never and probably will never experience in our lifetime.

    My apologies for the pissy post.
    The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
    but the illusion of knowledge.
    ~Daniel Boorstin

    Only a life lived for others is worth living.
    ~Albert Einstein
  • thankyougrandmathankyougrandma Posts: 1,182
    And out they come like cockroaches. My "fuel to the fire" wasnt needed, as Im sure the flames were inevitable. Good luck at the next message board Shiraz. This one.............it aint for you. :(

    So will you bring some arguments or are you just having fun picking on everyone post?

    Isreal govt. are criminals, how can you say the opposite? Bombing university, electrical facility, govt. buildings (just talking about the current event, not past) in fact Isreal is as low as the terrorist who attack them, and won't settle the situation this way, unless they wipe out all the muslim in this region, they won't buy peace with tanks and guns, you're the one who should wake up...
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
    PAPERPLATES for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Take me piece by piece.....
    Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    baraka wrote:
    I can't believe what's going on here! I purposely stay out of these types of threads, because I see hate and misunderstanding spewing from both sides. Personally, I see the situation much like gang violence, a never-ending cycle of violence & revenge, perpetrated by both sides, wrongs perpetrated by and to both sides. But here's the thing, shiraz, posted a personal story about his/her situation. Regardless of which side you are on, it's lame to turn this thread into a personal ego/pissing war. Take that debate back to hundreds of other 'Israel sucks' or 'Muslims sucks' threads or if you have a personal problem with someone, take it to a PM. I realize that these threads rarely stay on topic, but someone just posted about a situation in their homeland that the majority of us have never and probably will never experience in our lifetime.

    My apologies for the pissy post.

    You're right. Im sorry. Poor guy. He came here for love, and boy did he come to the wrong place!
    PAPERPLATES for president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im too scared of Hillary to run. :)
    So will you bring some arguments or are you just having fun picking on everyone post?

    Isreal govt. are criminals, how can you say the opposite? Bombing university, electrical facility, govt. buildings (just talking about the current event, not past) in fact Isreal is as low as the terrorist who attack them, and won't settle the situation this way, unless they wipe out all the muslim in this region, they won't buy peace with tanks and guns, you're the one who should wake up...

    Much like Eddie's "fuck em" statement, Im just here trying to spark debate. And I have. Thank you, and good night.
    I dont dive two shits for Shirazs situation, when you steal land, expect a fight. And if you're not expecting one, than you deserve to die according to natural selection.

    Why does this guy's post go unmolested, and mine causes such a stir? Odd indeed.
    Why go home

  • polarispolaris Posts: 3,527
    there are places for debate ... it is within everyone's "right" to determine where and when that is ... but my two cents are that it isn't appropriate in this thread ...

    for the most part - everyone is concerned with this person's safety ... to think based on political beliefs that anyone thinks otherwise is ignorant ...

    peace is a two-way street ...
  • miskinmiskin Posts: 278
    no way to respond by killing 5 innocent civilians.

    i mean, at least this terrorist group were targeting military people.

    im not saying what theyr doing is right - its not.
    but niether is israels response.
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    It's days like this it'd be nice if Rabin were still in power. I think anyway.

    Thousands of years of hatred doesn't go away easily.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    Pacomc79 wrote:
    Thousands of years of hatred doesn't go away easily.

    You're right. These people have been hating each other since before our country even existed.
    Why go home

  • IndianSummerIndianSummer Posts: 854
    when you steal land, expect a fight.
    i hear ya, oh great pom coloniser, i hear ya :D
    I have faced it, A life wasted...

    Take my hand, my child of love
    Come step inside my tears
    Swim the magic ocean,
    I've been crying all these years
  • even flow?even flow? Posts: 8,066
    You're right. These people have been hating each other since before our country even existed.

    So neither Palestine nor Israel ever existed. Odd that is! I will have to remember this the next time the ole "Palestine wasn't ever on any maps", to include Israel on that.

    Glad you called people out. Maybe the original poster has blood lust creating a profile and tossing one post into a thread and then not returning to back up his so called story of events.
    You've changed your place in this world!
  • shirazshiraz Posts: 528
    I need to clarify this one more time: the situation in northern Israel has NOTHING to to with the palesitinian conflict (in the south). This is a complete NEW STORY: Hezbollah started to attack Israelis targets *inside* Israel and then continued to do so from Lebanon for NO reason - Israel moved out of Lebanon 6 years ago and never came back, not even after the Hezbollah had kidnapped 3 Israeli troops and killed them 3 years ago (again, for no reason).

    They basically started a war 'just because'. I didn't come here for sympathy, just wanted to let you know what's REALLY going on here at the moment.

    btw, I'm a woman (and a big pj fan).
  • El_KabongEl_Kabong Posts: 4,141
    shiraz wrote:
    I need to clarify this one more time: the situation in northern Israel has NOTHING to to with the palesitinian conflict (in the south). This is a complete NEW STORY: Hezbollah started to attack Israelis targets *inside* Israel and then continued to do so from Lebanon for NO reason - Israel moved out of Lebanon 6 years ago and never came back, not even after the Hezbollah had kidnapped 3 Israeli troops and killed them 3 years ago (again, for no reason).

    They basically started a war 'just because'. I didn't come here for sympathy, just wanted to let you know what's REALLY going on here at the moment.

    btw, I'm a woman (and a big pj fan).

    thank you for sharing your story. how bad is it now? i haven't been watching the news today or reading on what's been happening today.
    standin above the crowd
    he had a voice that was strong and loud and
    i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
    eager to identify with
    someone above the crowd
    someone who seemed to feel the same
    someone prepared to lead the way
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    shiraz wrote:
    I need to clarify this one more time: the situation in northern Israel has NOTHING to to with the palesitinian conflict (in the south). This is a complete NEW STORY: Hezbollah started to attack Israelis targets *inside* Israel and then continued to do so from Lebanon for NO reason - Israel moved out of Lebanon 6 years ago and never came back, not even after the Hezbollah had kidnapped 3 Israeli troops and killed them 3 years ago (again, for no reason).

    They basically started a war 'just because'. I didn't come here for sympathy, just wanted to let you know what's REALLY going on here at the moment.

    btw, I'm a woman (and a big pj fan).

    I appreciate the update. It's nice to hear a first hand take on what is going on. I hope you and your family stay safe, both sides stop attacking each other, and
    the situation ceases to escalate. It's nice to have you here.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    shiraz wrote:
    I need to clarify this one more time: the situation in northern Israel has NOTHING to to with the palesitinian conflict (in the south). This is a complete NEW STORY: Hezbollah started to attack Israelis targets *inside* Israel and then continued to do so from Lebanon for NO reason - Israel moved out of Lebanon 6 years ago and never came back, not even after the Hezbollah had kidnapped 3 Israeli troops and killed them 3 years ago (again, for no reason).

    They basically started a war 'just because'. I didn't come here for sympathy, just wanted to let you know what's REALLY going on here at the moment.

    btw, I'm a woman (and a big pj fan).

    I saw a new story from Lebanon TV and the leader of Hezbollah stated they felt they had no other choice, their "natural right", because Isreal is holding many prisoners...and that Israel refused to discuss the release of the prisoners...is there truth to that, the prisoner stuff....

    the news story also stated the two soliders were captured after the soliders entered Lebanon to look for the kidnapped solider taken a couple of weeks ago...


    Please note: I'm not talking sides, I'm just curious...
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745

    lay off the drugs kid. Don't you have a conspiracy threory to go read about? Besides, by Kabong's theory, you haven't been here long enough to call my bullshit either. ;)

    Ima go check on my Caterpillar stock. Later.

    Don't you have a KKK or redneck rally to attend to? lol... you're a charm..

    it only takes a minute to spot an ass...
  • buttersbutters Posts: 63
    Pacomc79 wrote:
    It's days like this it'd be nice if Rabin were still in power. I think anyway.

    Thousands of years of hatred doesn't go away easily.

    eh... the jews were treated better by the muslims than they were by the christians during the middle ages.
  • danmacdanmac Posts: 387
    shiraz wrote:
    I need to clarify this one more time: the situation in northern Israel has NOTHING to to with the palesitinian conflict (in the south). This is a complete NEW STORY: Hezbollah started to attack Israelis targets *inside* Israel and then continued to do so from Lebanon for NO reason - Israel moved out of Lebanon 6 years ago and never came back, not even after the Hezbollah had kidnapped 3 Israeli troops and killed them 3 years ago (again, for no reason).

    They basically started a war 'just because'. I didn't come here for sympathy, just wanted to let you know what's REALLY going on here at the moment.

    btw, I'm a woman (and a big pj fan).

    Welcome, stay safe, but please, do not try and confuse where you live, the news you hear, with the reality of what is happening.

    I quote, in riposte to your statement that what is happening in Lebanon is not related to the Corporal Shilit fiasco.

    "By mid-afternoon the Hezbollah guerrillas have captured the Israeli soldiers and, in a statement faxed to CNN in Beirut, the Hezbollah has said that this is dedicated Muhammad Abdullah (ph) the 12-year-old boy -- Palestinian boy who was killed in Gaza last week and whose pictures, as he dies in his father's arms, were released all over the Arab world -- all the world, but it did ignite a lot of anger throughout the Arab world."

    A Hezbollah statement says it is in response. End of.

    Keep your head down, stay safe, and don't think every Palestinian is a militant terrorist animal. They are human, believe it or not, like you, like me, like us all.
    A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
    are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
    god-fearing and pious: Aristotle

    Viva Zapatista!
  • I dont dive two shits for Shirazs situation, when you steal land, expect a fight. And if you're not expecting one, than you deserve to die according to natural selection.

    ok, so by your logic, it would be ok for "the other side" to kill you and your loved ones simply because you reside in one of the countries that happens to participate in the Iraq war. hummmm. no compassion for your fellow human being? muslim, jewish or otherwise?

    your statement is misguided and heartless and it is thinking like yours that furthers the violence that we see in the middle east and around the world.
    Perhaps someday I'll crawl home, beaten, defeated. But not as long as I can make stories out of my heartbreak, beauty out of sorrow.

    -Sylvia Plath
  • ok, so by your logic, it would be ok for "the other side" to kill you and your loved ones simply because you reside in one of the countries that happens to participate in the Iraq war. hummmm. no compassion for your fellow human being? muslim, jewish or otherwise?

    your statement is misguided and heartless and it is thinking like yours that furthers the violence that we see in the middle east and around the world.

    no, by my logic, Iraqis have every right to kill any British soldiers stationed in Iraq (or any other invading army), but if they decided to start attacking main land Britain, i wouldnt like it but i can see why they would want to. And in doing so if they killed a member of my family, i wouldnt be pissed with them, i would be pissed off with my government for starting this.
  • rightonduderightondude Posts: 745
    I find it interesting that people tend to blame the citizens of each country directly. Does the government not set and control the standards of what is deemed acceptable in each society and provide some kind of leadership, and set examples, etc..?

    Isn't it like blaming the sheep for the sheperd leaving the pen gate open?

    On top of all that look at who's stiring up the fire by inserting weapons instead of really trying to help correct the situation at it's source.
  • no, by my logic, Iraqis have every right to kill any British soldiers stationed in Iraq (or any other invading army), but if they decided to start attacking main land Britain, i wouldnt like it but i can see why they would want to. And in doing so if they killed a member of my family, i wouldnt be pissed with them, i would be pissed off with my government for starting this.

    So, by your logic, murder is ok if it's committed against another country's soldiers?
    We can evade reality, but we cannot evade the consequences of evading reality. - Ayn Rand
  • So, by your logic, murder is ok if it's committed against another country's soldiers?

    i dont see it as a hard concept to understand that its ok to attack an invading army/peoples.
    So by your logic the US army in Iraq, by killing people are comitting murder, so should they be tried in a court for this charge?
    I dont see Iraqis killing foreign soldiers as murder, merely defending their country and their rights.
  • shirazshiraz Posts: 528
    no, by my logic, Iraqis have every right to kill any British soldiers stationed in Iraq (or any other invading army), but if they decided to start attacking main land Britain, i wouldnt like it but i can see why they would want to. And in doing so if they killed a member of my family, i wouldnt be pissed with them, i would be pissed off with my government for starting this.

    But we didn't start anything, this is a whole new story with different players. 'empathy to our Palestinian brothers' is the ultimate *excuse* of the Hezbollah for all the shit they've being doing in the past 6 years. Well, following that logic I guess Israel had to support & participate in the war against Iraq, or maybe just kill arabs out of sympathy to the 9/11 events...

    Again, this whole new thing has no real reason. In just 2 days things went from 'a bit normal' to 'almost a war'. Its insane. Insane.
  • shiraz wrote:
    But we didn't start anything, this is a whole new story with different players. 'empathy to our Palestinian brothers' is the ultimate *excuse* of the Hezbollah for all the shit they've being doing in the past 6 years. Well, following that logic I guess Israel had to support & participate in the war against Iraq, or maybe just kill arabs out of sympathy to the 9/11 events...

    Again, this whole new thing has no real reason. In just 2 days things went from 'a bit normal' to 'almost a war'. Its insane. Insane.

    I understand your situation, but hezbollah are a terrorist organisation, so you target them in Israel, not start firing into a foreign land. Why dont you lobby your government (if you havent already done so) and tell them this is insane, why dont you talk to each other and sort out your griveneces (ok i know its harder than it sounds) but its really up to the people of Israel to stand up, if you really want peace you can get, but it seems to me the majority of Israelis prefer the current methodology, and while hezbollah hide behind the "palestinians brothers" story, the Israeli governemnt are angels themselves.
  • shirazshiraz Posts: 528
    I understand your situation, but hezbollah are a terrorist organisation, so you target them in Israel, not start firing into a foreign land. Why dont you lobby your government (if you havent already done so) and tell them this is insane, why dont you talk to each other and sort out your griveneces (ok i know its harder than it sounds) but its really up to the people of Israel to stand up, if you really want peace you can get, but it seems to me the majority of Israelis prefer the current methodology, and while hezbollah hide behind the "palestinians brothers" story, the Israeli governemnt are angels themselves.

    The hezbollah crossed the northern board, went *into Israel*, killed 7 soliders, kidnapped 2 more, went back to lebanon & started massive shooting towards civilians targets in Israel *for no reason*. Imagin Irland doing the same thing in the UK - What in the world can we/you do in response other than attack back (hezbollah & strategic targets such as fuel reserves) in order to stop their actions?

    I'm so envy at your inexperience in these kind of situations.
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    shiraz wrote:
    The hezbollah crossed the northern board, went *into Israel*, killed 7 soliders, kidnapped 2 more, went back to lebanon & started massive shooting towards civilians targets in Israel *for no reason*. Imagin Irland dooing the same thing in the UK - What in the world can we/you do in response other than attack back (hezbollah & strategic targets such as fuel reserves) in order to stop their actions?

    I'm so envy at your inexperience in these kind of situations.

    perhaps you missed this post and question, so I'll repost it:
    I saw a news story from Lebanon TV and the leader of Hezbollah stated they felt they had no other choice, their "natural right", because Isreal is holding many prisoners...and that Israel refused to discuss the release of the prisoners...is there truth to that, the prisoner stuff....

    the news story also stated the two soliders were captured after the soliders entered Lebanon to look for the kidnapped solider taken a couple of weeks ago...


    Please note: I'm not talking sides, I'm just curious...

    your thoughts...
  • PaperPlatesPaperPlates Posts: 1,745
    shiraz wrote:
    I need to clarify this one more time: the situation in northern Israel has NOTHING to to with the palesitinian conflict (in the south). This is a complete NEW STORY: Hezbollah started to attack Israelis targets *inside* Israel and then continued to do so from Lebanon for NO reason - Israel moved out of Lebanon 6 years ago and never came back, not even after the Hezbollah had kidnapped 3 Israeli troops and killed them 3 years ago (again, for no reason).

    They basically started a war 'just because'. I didn't come here for sympathy, just wanted to let you know what's REALLY going on here at the moment.

    btw, I'm a woman (and a big pj fan).

    thank you for the perspective. Please dont confuse what alot of people here think of your country and its situation with the opinions of the MAJORITY of americans. You have entered the realm of the lunatic fringe. We stand behind you. Always have, always will. Peace be with you.
    Why go home

  • shirazshiraz Posts: 528
    inmytree wrote:
    perhaps you missed this post and question, so I'll repost it:

    your thoughts...

    Sorry, I missed that. About the prisoners: The US sentenced a terrorist to life time in prison not too long ago, Israel did the same thing with other terrorists that did much more than just planing things. Either way, they could have negotiated with Israel's gov. After all, they are claiming to be diplomats / politicians...
  • ConXConX Posts: 39
    All the best to Shiraz! What's happening is not his fault.

    My two cents, the Israeli government is using Hezbollah as an excuse to attack Lebanon itsself. They bomb installations key to Lebanon itsself's infastructure, rather than the Militants who attacked them...... Absolutely shockarooney if you ask me.........

    Now, innocent people like Shiraz are at great risk on both sides......
  • shiraz wrote:
    The hezbollah crossed the northern board, went *into Israel*, killed 7 soliders, kidnapped 2 more, went back to lebanon & started massive shooting towards civilians targets in Israel *for no reason*. Imagin Irland doing the same thing in the UK - What in the world can we/you do in response other than attack back (hezbollah & strategic targets such as fuel reserves) in order to stop their actions?

    I'm so envy at your inexperience in these kind of situations.

    If Irish terrorists did the same to the UK, do you think the UK would just fire some missiles into Ireland. Dont kid yourself buddy, you aint all that innocent, if you think firing into Lebanon is then ok, then you are part of the problem, and you support a fucked up governement, hence why nothing i getting solved over there.
    Again, another person that knows me so well and to think i'm inexperienced in these situations. My friend i was in Afghanistan, before any foreign troops arrived, trying to keep some sort of medical infrastructure going so dont lecture about warzones.
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