hippiemom's daughter here, I joined to let people know how she is doing since she misses you so much and you guys have this gigantic thread specifically for her.
She is not a whole lot of pain lately, thank goodness. I know she had posted about her dissatisfaction with her doctors and how she was in a lot of pain, but that does not seem to be a problem anymore. On the other hand, she is not as with it as she was before -- as you may have noticed, she hasn't been able to post in a while.
But I just wanted to let everyone know that she is in good hands, we are taking good care of her and she misses her board! She loves all of you a ton and we're all so glad that she has had good friends to support her through all of this. Thanks, everyone.
Much love to you, and your wonderful hippiemom, Laura.
hippiemom's daughter here, I joined to let people know how she is doing since she misses you so much and you guys have this gigantic thread specifically for her.
She is not a whole lot of pain lately, thank goodness. I know she had posted about her dissatisfaction with her doctors and how she was in a lot of pain, but that does not seem to be a problem anymore. On the other hand, she is not as with it as she was before -- as you may have noticed, she hasn't been able to post in a while.
But I just wanted to let everyone know that she is in good hands, we are taking good care of her and she misses her board! She loves all of you a ton and we're all so glad that she has had good friends to support her through all of this. Thanks, everyone.
Thank you so much. It's great that she's so many wonderful people like you around to make things easier for her. Please send my love
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
hippiemom's daughter here, I joined to let people know how she is doing since she misses you so much and you guys have this gigantic thread specifically for her.
She is not a whole lot of pain lately, thank goodness. I know she had posted about her dissatisfaction with her doctors and how she was in a lot of pain, but that does not seem to be a problem anymore. On the other hand, she is not as with it as she was before -- as you may have noticed, she hasn't been able to post in a while.
But I just wanted to let everyone know that she is in good hands, we are taking good care of her and she misses her board! She loves all of you a ton and we're all so glad that she has had good friends to support her through all of this. Thanks, everyone.
thank you for the update...if you are anything like your mom, i know she's in good hands....take care and all the love and positive vibes coming your way...:)
hippiemom's daughter here, I joined to let people know how she is doing since she misses you so much and you guys have this gigantic thread specifically for her.
She is not a whole lot of pain lately, thank goodness. I know she had posted about her dissatisfaction with her doctors and how she was in a lot of pain, but that does not seem to be a problem anymore. On the other hand, she is not as with it as she was before -- as you may have noticed, she hasn't been able to post in a while.
But I just wanted to let everyone know that she is in good hands, we are taking good care of her and she misses her board! She loves all of you a ton and we're all so glad that she has had good friends to support her through all of this. Thanks, everyone.
Thank you so much for the update and please tell your mom how much we love her and miss her here. She is always in our thoughts and prayers.
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads." - Ron Paul
Bouse! Hi! Bob here. I'm the one who took a spur of the moment trip and showed up on the doorstep a couple of months ago and met you all!
Thanks for the update and give your mom my love. After meeting you all, I can see how lucky she is to have you all, and how lucky you all are to have mom. When I left, I was thinking, "what a great family"
Say hi to your sis and your dad for me, too. (and sneak Duncan a treat from me, too!) although I don't think Duncan needs to sneak treats. He runs the show around there!
I wish love, strength and peace for you all
Be kind, man
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
She sounded a little tired and weak. She explained to me that she had gone through a 4 or 5 day period where her mind was sort of out of it, and now she seems to be regaining her mental powers. Physically, she said, she hasn't really lost any strength meaning she can still get up out of bed when she needs to.
Other than the weakness in her voice, she sounded fine. Just a little tired.
I didn't bother to ask if she had a message to send to y'all. She was going to try and call a few more people that she hasn't been able to talk to over the past days.
It was soooo good to hear from her! Edit: her=you. Come back and post as soon as you can Laura.
That is so great to hear. Thanks and a big hi and hug to Laura.
"I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
hippiemom's daughter here, I joined to let people know how she is doing since she misses you so much and you guys have this gigantic thread specifically for her.
She is not a whole lot of pain lately, thank goodness. I know she had posted about her dissatisfaction with her doctors and how she was in a lot of pain, but that does not seem to be a problem anymore. On the other hand, she is not as with it as she was before -- as you may have noticed, she hasn't been able to post in a while.
But I just wanted to let everyone know that she is in good hands, we are taking good care of her and she misses her board! She loves all of you a ton and we're all so glad that she has had good friends to support her through all of this. Thanks, everyone.
Much love to you and your mom, Laura! She is very beloved here. She is in my thoughts all the time.
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
This is my first time visiting and posting in this huge supportive thread for such a visible member of this community. Laura and I have known each other since late 2001. We have met several times back in the day, even attended several Pearl Jam concerts in Cleveland, Detroit and Pittsburgh. We saw the White Stripes and AudioSlave together too, with her youngest daughter.
For one reason or another, communications ceased between us in 2004, but in the back of my mind, being a jamily member, I never forgot about her. Well, a few weeks back, she sent me a pm explaining a few things, and without hesitation, I replied back and all I can say now is that I'm grateful that she reached out to me, especially when I am going through a small medical situation myself.
I wish her all the best and I take comfort in knowing that she has so many good friends who look after her and keep the message pit informed of her medical situation.
Sending you loving Buddhist thoughts and prayers Laura!
~*~Me and Hippiemom dranketh the red wine in Cleveland 2003~*~
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
hippiemom's daughter here, I joined to let people know how she is doing since she misses you so much and you guys have this gigantic thread specifically for her.
She is not a whole lot of pain lately, thank goodness. I know she had posted about her dissatisfaction with her doctors and how she was in a lot of pain, but that does not seem to be a problem anymore. On the other hand, she is not as with it as she was before -- as you may have noticed, she hasn't been able to post in a while.
But I just wanted to let everyone know that she is in good hands, we are taking good care of her and she misses her board! She loves all of you a ton and we're all so glad that she has had good friends to support her through all of this. Thanks, everyone.
Hi there!
Thanks so much for the update
Send much love to your mother and the best vibes from Argentina
Hi Bouse:
Your mom, has been very kind to me, even though I have only chatted with her 1 x 1 a couple of times...I am sending your family wonderful thoughts of strength and diligence...
I share with you my peace:
The delight of mountains, rivers, grasses, trees, beasts, fish and insects is an expression of the art of PEACE....
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
this thread is BEAUTIFUL... when i read through it i get very emotional for many reasons... but most of all the love and beautiful people giving their support and kind words to a wonderful person and her family
Laura, you are loved. Jessica and Michelle (I'm not sure which user is which on here, I think Bouse is Jessica??), but thanks again for the updates. Your mom is great.
I've known Laura for years, probably since around 2001 or 2002 on the Haven message board. Laura did my first B&P for me for the Philly 2003 VCD! Yes, I said VCD, not DVD! lol and I screwed it up! I put paid postage on the envelope back to me instead of stamps, and the post office didn't accept it, so Laura paid out of her own money to get the package back to me! Grant it, it was only a few cents, but I still remember that to this day.
We first met in person at the 2004 Toledo show, and when we first met, we she was in line getting a coke from the consecient stand before Pearl Jam came on stage. Then we went outside of a smoke, and she gave me a shot of Grey Goose that she put in an empty (and of course, cleaned out) saline solution bottle! This was in the first 5 minutes of meeting her. Then after the show, I went to her and Michelle's hotel room, and we stayed up to the wee hours of the morning talking and listening to great tunes. I'll never forget that.
Second time we met was at the CCFA Benefit in Toronto 2005, but that was just for a brief time. But it's the only picture that I have of her and I. (don't have a digital copy at this time)
Third time, right before we went into the show at Pittsburgh 2006. Her and Michelle had third row for that show, and I couldn't be more jealous! Don't tell anyone, but I was the one that taped that show, and they are in the video, and everytime I see Mike doing the Star-Spangled Banner, you can see Laura and Michelle in the video watching from front row, and the smile on Laura's face is just priceless, it makes me smile from ear to ear everytime I watch it.
Hang in there, Laura. We love you!
Oh help me, help me from myself!!!
Theres not going to be an accoustic version of Blood or anything like that, so feel free to sit down.
Laura, you are loved. Jessica and Michelle (I'm not sure which user is which on here, I think Bouse is Jessica??), but thanks again for the updates. Your mom is great.
I've known Laura for years, probably since around 2001 or 2002 on the Haven message board. Laura did my first B&P for me for the Philly 2003 VCD! Yes, I said VCD, not DVD! lol and I screwed it up! I put paid postage on the envelope back to me instead of stamps, and the post office didn't accept it, so Laura paid out of her own money to get the package back to me! Grant it, it was only a few cents, but I still remember that to this day.
We first met in person at the 2004 Toledo show, and when we first met, we she was in line getting a coke from the consecient stand before Pearl Jam came on stage. Then we went outside of a smoke, and she gave me a shot of Grey Goose that she put in an empty (and of course, cleaned out) saline solution bottle! This was in the first 5 minutes of meeting her. Then after the show, I went to her and Michelle's hotel room, and we stayed up to the wee hours of the morning talking and listening to great tunes. I'll never forget that.
Second time we met was at the CCFA Benefit in Toronto 2005, but that was just for a brief time. But it's the only picture that I have of her and I. (don't have a digital copy at this time)
Third time, right before we went into the show at Pittsburgh 2006. Her and Michelle had third row for that show, and I couldn't be more jealous! Don't tell anyone, but I was the one that taped that show, and they are in the video, and everytime I see Mike doing the Star-Spangled Banner, you can see Laura and Michelle in the video watching from front row, and the smile on Laura's face is just priceless, it makes me smile from ear to ear everytime I watch it.
we've spent a good amount of time talking...
i was at the toledo '04 show and missed you. i'm not sure why we ended up missing each other, but we at least had the thought.
you've always given me strength and thought....
know now that i don't think of anything but your full recovery.
I hope the Harry Potter ending was satisfying for you Laura, even if I may have been wrong about Harry's status as a horcrux (honestly though, "whoops my soul fell off in you my bad" wasn't the most compelling explanation). Happy thoughts go to you. Unless they're going to you while you're thinking that explanation was compelling, in which case consider them revoked IMMEDIATELY
well maybe if you're listening to early Tori Amos (or obviously Pearl Jam) at the time i could CONSIDER resending BUT BEGRUDGINGLY
It's Chris/Stardog Champion from the Haven by the by, in case you just thought i was a delusional and ludicrous Harry Potter fan come to spread propaganda.
Sending the best, and hoping you're getting to be as lazy and waited on as we both so love
The headshrinkers
They want everything
My Uncle Bill
My belisha beacon
I love how this community gives such strong and proactive support...
here is prayer a friend sent to me that I shared in my homeland...:
The first sentence is pretty powerful!!!
Spirit/Creator/God (in your terms) determines who walks into our lives....
It's up to us to decide who we let walk away,
who we let stay, and who we refuse to let go.
I need this back. If you'll do this for me, I'll do it for you....
Father/Mother, God bless all my friends in whatever it is that
You know they may be needing this day! And may their
life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they
seek to have a closer relationship with you.
May the wind sing to you
and the sun rise in your heart
all insanity:
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
hippiemom's daughter here, I joined to let people know how she is doing since she misses you so much and you guys have this gigantic thread specifically for her.
She is not a whole lot of pain lately, thank goodness. I know she had posted about her dissatisfaction with her doctors and how she was in a lot of pain, but that does not seem to be a problem anymore. On the other hand, she is not as with it as she was before -- as you may have noticed, she hasn't been able to post in a while.
But I just wanted to let everyone know that she is in good hands, we are taking good care of her and she misses her board! She loves all of you a ton and we're all so glad that she has had good friends to support her through all of this. Thanks, everyone.
Thank you.
I fell in love with her words, years ago.
And I know there is a person behind those words, who is 100 times of words!
You are greatly loved ! Still sending positive energy and vibes your way....every day!
Much love to you, and your wonderful hippiemom, Laura.
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
thank you for the update...if you are anything like your mom, i know she's in good hands....take care and all the love and positive vibes coming your way...:)
Thank you so much for the update and please tell your mom how much we love her and miss her here. She is always in our thoughts and prayers.
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Thanks for the update and give your mom my love. After meeting you all, I can see how lucky she is to have you all, and how lucky you all are to have mom. When I left, I was thinking, "what a great family"
Say hi to your sis and your dad for me, too. (and sneak Duncan a treat from me, too!) although I don't think Duncan needs to sneak treats. He runs the show around there!
I wish love, strength and peace for you all
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
your mom is ALWAYS in my thoughts....give her my LOVE!
hope we get to see/read her here again soon....always missed!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
naděje umírá poslední
all of my warmest thoughts.
get better soon!
Other than the weakness in her voice, she sounded fine. Just a little tired.
I didn't bother to ask if she had a message to send to y'all. She was going to try and call a few more people that she hasn't been able to talk to over the past days.
It was soooo good to hear from her! Edit: her=you. Come back and post as soon as you can Laura.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Much love to you and your mom, Laura! She is very beloved here. She is in my thoughts all the time.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
For one reason or another, communications ceased between us in 2004, but in the back of my mind, being a jamily member, I never forgot about her. Well, a few weeks back, she sent me a pm explaining a few things, and without hesitation, I replied back and all I can say now is that I'm grateful that she reached out to me, especially when I am going through a small medical situation myself.
I wish her all the best and I take comfort in knowing that she has so many good friends who look after her and keep the message pit informed of her medical situation.
Sending you loving Buddhist thoughts and prayers Laura!
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
Hi there!
Thanks so much for the update
Send much love to your mother and the best vibes from Argentina
Your mom, has been very kind to me, even though I have only chatted with her 1 x 1 a couple of times...I am sending your family wonderful thoughts of strength and diligence...
I share with you my peace:
The delight of mountains, rivers, grasses, trees, beasts, fish and insects is an expression of the art of PEACE....
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
you are an AMAZING and BEAUTIFUL person!
stay strong, we love ya!
I've known Laura for years, probably since around 2001 or 2002 on the Haven message board. Laura did my first B&P for me for the Philly 2003 VCD! Yes, I said VCD, not DVD! lol and I screwed it up! I put paid postage on the envelope back to me instead of stamps, and the post office didn't accept it, so Laura paid out of her own money to get the package back to me!
We first met in person at the 2004 Toledo show, and when we first met, we she was in line getting a coke from the consecient stand before Pearl Jam came on stage. Then we went outside of a smoke, and she gave me a shot of Grey Goose that she put in an empty (and of course, cleaned out) saline solution bottle!
Second time we met was at the CCFA Benefit in Toronto 2005, but that was just for a brief time. But it's the only picture that I have of her and I. (don't have a digital copy at this time)
Third time, right before we went into the show at Pittsburgh 2006. Her and Michelle had third row for that show, and I couldn't be more jealous!
Hang in there, Laura. We love you!
Theres not going to be an accoustic version of Blood or anything like that, so feel free to sit down.
Bouse = Jessica. I wonder if I have that video...
oh, ok.
i said earlier that they were watching from the front row, I meant third row. woops
Theres not going to be an accoustic version of Blood or anything like that, so feel free to sit down.
Big hugs and lots of good vibes to hippiemom. Take care of yourself and get well {{{{xxxx}}}}
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
we've spent a good amount of time talking...
i was at the toledo '04 show and missed you. i'm not sure why we ended up missing each other, but we at least had the thought.
you've always given me strength and thought....
know now that i don't think of anything but your full recovery.
with my heart...
Maybe it's coz it's a cool song?
Or maybe it's coz of the lyrics?
Or maybe coz that singer is smokin' hot and for some reason I reckon you'll agree with me?
Anyway, you're always in my heart and thoughts Laura love. Wishing you enough.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
well maybe if you're listening to early Tori Amos (or obviously Pearl Jam) at the time i could CONSIDER resending BUT BEGRUDGINGLY
It's Chris/Stardog Champion from the Haven by the by, in case you just thought i was a delusional and ludicrous Harry Potter fan come to spread propaganda.
Sending the best, and hoping you're getting to be as lazy and waited on as we both so love
They want everything
My Uncle Bill
My belisha beacon
I love how this community gives such strong and proactive support...
here is prayer a friend sent to me that I shared in my homeland...:
The first sentence is pretty powerful!!!
Spirit/Creator/God (in your terms) determines who walks into our lives....
It's up to us to decide who we let walk away,
who we let stay, and who we refuse to let go.
I need this back. If you'll do this for me, I'll do it for you....
Father/Mother, God bless all my friends in whatever it is that
You know they may be needing this day! And may their
life be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they
seek to have a closer relationship with you.
May the wind sing to you
and the sun rise in your heart
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Thank you.
I fell in love with her words, years ago.
And I know there is a person behind those words, who is 100 times of words!
You are greatly loved ! Still sending positive energy and vibes your way....every day!