Without our immigrant population, our test scores as a nation would be higher. The immigrants I speak of are mostly Latino. They bring down test scores massively.
But our country is built on immigrants. To make a blanket statement like 'get rid of all immigrants' is short-sided.
I'm reminded of a funny family story. My great-grandfather immigrated here from Greece. My grandfather didn't have much more than a 10th grade education, which was a sore spot for my great grandfather because he valued formal education so much and that was one of reason he came to the states. My grandfather started his own business which made him quite wealthy. When my dad met my mother, he had just gotten his mechanical engineering degree and was making like 20K a year back in 1971. When my parents got engaged, they traveled to illinois to meet my mom's very wealthy greek father. My dad was very intimidated by my wealthy granddad. My great-grandfather asked my dad if he went to college and learned that my dad had an engineering degree. He turned to my very wealthy granddad that did not complete high school and said, 'just think what you could have done if you went to college'.
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
They blew themselves up because they felt angry and disgusted at the Iraq war. It's an easy and lazy answer to simply say that they blew themselves up 'because they were raised in Islamic extremism'. There are plenty more people in this country who are disgusted at Blairs obedience to Bush et al. The I.R.A used to also bomb England because they were angry and disgusted at the English occupation.
Every action produces a reaction.
Those youths identified more with the Iraqis than they identified with their "countrymen" in Britain. This is because they were not real Britons.
Plenty of people are mad at Bush and Blair, but they wouldn't murder their own countrymen because of it.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Those youths identified more with the Iraqis than they identified with their "countrymen" in Britain. This is because they were not real Britons.
Plenty of people are mad at Bush and Blair, but they wouldn't murder their own countrymen because of it.
Maybe it's because people like you are constantly pointing at them and saying 'you don't belong here!' You are stupid!' You are a muslim you have no moral values', 'you are not a real briton and never will be because you are brown.'
But our country is built on immigrants. To make a blanket statement like 'get rid of all immigrants' is short-sided.
I'm reminded of a funny family story. My great-grandfather immigrated here from Greece. My grandfather didn't have much more than a 10th grade education, which was a sore spot for my great grandfather because he valued formal education so much and that was one of reason he came to the states. My grandfather started his own business which made him quite wealthy. When my dad met my mother, he had just gotten his mechanical engineering degree and was making like 20K a year back in 1971. When my parents got engaged, they traveled to illinois to meet my mom's very wealthy greek father. My dad was very intimidated by my wealthy granddad. My great-grandfather asked my dad if he went to college and learned that my dad had an engineering degree. He turned to my very wealthy granddad that did not complete high school and said, 'just think what you could have done if you went to college'.
Greeks are Europeans. 95% of our immigration is from the Third World, not European countries like Greece.
More Greeks should come.
Our country was not built on immigration from third world countries. It was built on immigration from Europe.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Those youths identified more with the Iraqis than they identified with their "countrymen" in Britain. This is because they were not real Britons.
I don't see what motive has to do with it. Murdering innocents in the name of nationalism is somehow different than murdering innocents in the name of religious fundamentalism?
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
Those youths identified more with the Iraqis than they identified with their "countrymen" in Britain. This is because they were not real Britons.
Plenty of people are mad at Bush and Blair, but they wouldn't murder their own countrymen because of it.
Not 'real' Britons? And you know that? Were the Confederates who fought against Lincoln not real Americans? They're simply angry British citizens who took their anger to an extreme. Not all Muslims are extremists, just as not all American Christians are fundamentalist lunatics.
You speak about Muslims as though you actually know something about them, when in fact your skewered, self-serving half-truths simply expose your inherent racism. Did you ever read Mein Kampf? Your reasoning is on a similar par.
Maybe it's because people like you are constantly pointing at them and saying 'you don't belong here!' You are stupid!' You are a muslim you have no moral values', 'you are not a real briton and never will be because you are brown.'
Yeah yeah yeah, typical liberal BS. It's all my fault that their home countries suck and they're coming to my country. It's all my fault that they refuse to submit to our way of life.
I have plenty of brown friends. They are Americans first. They speak english, believe in God, love this country, and are attached to its people.
I don't need immigrants who refuse to become Americans, though.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
I don't see what motive has to do with it. Murdering innocents in the name of nationalism is somehow different than murdering innocents in the name of religious fundamentalism?
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Not 'real' Britons? And you know that? Were the Confederates who fought against Lincoln not real Americans? They're simply angry British citizens who took their anger to an extreme. Not all Muslims are extremists, just as not all American Christians are fundamentalist lunatics.
You speak about Muslims as though you actually know something about them, when in fact your skewered, self-serving half-truths simply expose your inherent racism. Did you ever read Mein Kampf? Your reasoning is on a similar par.
OK OK I am a racist. Ok, yeah.
That's the first accusation people like me receive, but the bottom line is: I don't favor killing innocent people just because they are different from me.
Those Muslims who killed innocent civilians in Britain are the racist bigots. I'm just defending my culture from people who would rather see it die.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Typical European: "you're a bigot!" while they're being forced to give Islamic instruction to Muslims with taxpayer dollars, all in favor of being open-minded and liberal, of course!
Liberalism: the ideology of western suicide.
Who's being forced to give Islamic instruction to Muslims? I'm curious as to what the name of the Neo-con website you use for your info is called. Can you please provide it? I bet it's a hoot.
'Liberalism: the ideology of western suicide'. You really should have been born in 1930's Germany. Your talents are wasted in this day and age.
Greeks are Europeans. 95% of our immigration is from the Third World, not European countries like Greece.
More Greeks should come.
Our country was not built on immigration from third world countries. It was built on immigration from Europe.
Question for you: If you were a mexican unable to provide for your family in your homeland, you would not want to relocate yourself and family to a country where you could? YOU might not assimilate very well, but I bet your children, your children's children and so forth would. The reason folks came to the states, whether European or otherwise, was for opportunity & freedom.
Being Greek, my bloodlines are not very removed from those of the middle east, although thank you for accepting me.;)
The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance,
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Who's being forced to give Islamic instruction to Muslims? I'm curious as to what the name of the Neo-con website you use for your info is called. Can you please provide it? I bet it's a hoot.
Liberalism: the ideology of western suicide. You really should have been born in 1930's Germany. Your talents are wasted in this day and age.
I am not a Neo-Con.
Hey, I'm a Nazi. Ok! Haha.
Just wondering: what's wrong with Europe and America as they were? What's wrong with a majority of European people? Are they not good enough? Do you plan to make them better by infusing them with other groups?
The guy who wants to infuse a European country with foreigners is the racist because he believes that Europeans are better off with diversity. We need to be ethnically diverse in order to be "strong," but other countries don't have to! The third world countries MUST remain ethinically sacred! God forbid one would enter the middle east and infuse it with whites!! That would be awful!
Anyone who forces "diversity" on my country cheapens the accomplishments of the Europeans who established its greatness.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Patriotism does not depend on how many facts you know about your country.
Patriotism depends on one's love of country. It connotes the deep-seated attachment one has to the traditions, culture, and people of their nation. In a phrase: "blood and soil."
How can you love your 'country' if you don't know anything about it? If you have no knowledge of your country's history, or of the origins of it's traditions and the basis of it's culture, then your so-called 'patriotism' is an empty, meaningless, and dangerous patriotism.
Just wondering: what's wrong with Europe and America as they were? What's wrong with a majority of European people? Are they not good enough? Do you plan to make them better by infusing them with other groups?
If you don't believe that diversity has been good for America then you are just as ignorant, if not more so, than the people on the Youtube clip.
The guy who wants to infuse a European country with foreigners is the racist because he believes that Europeans are better off with diversity. We need to be ethnically diverse in order to be "strong," but other countries don't have to! The third world countries MUST remain ethinically sacred! God forbid one would enter the middle east and infuse it with whites!! That would be awful!
Anyone who forces "diversity" on my country cheapens the accomplishments of the Europeans who established its greatness.
Please explain what, if any, positive influence black people have had in American culture and history.
Are you of the opinion that they had nothing but a negative contribution?
Question for you: If you were a mexican unable to provide for your family in your homeland, you would not want to relocate yourself and family to a country where you could? YOU might not assimilate very well, but I bet your children, your children's children and so forth would. The reason folks came to the states, whether European or otherwise, was for opportunity & freedom.
Being Greek, my bloodlines are not very removed from those of the middle east, although thank you for accepting me.;)
Mexicans are neighbors to our country. They are not interested in becoming Americans because their ancestors were pushed out of their lands by Americans. They believe they are taking their lands back. "Aztlan" is the American southwest that they wish to take back.
Greeks are predominantly Christian and can easily be assimilated into American society. They have much in common with Americans because they are Europeans and are well-educated. Third world countries are not.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
How can you love your 'country' if you don't know anything about it? If you have no knowledge of your country's history, or of the origins of it's traditions and the basis of it's culture, then your so-called 'patriotism' is an empty, meaningless, and dangerous patriotism.
that's not dangerous...dangerous is loving your country without question. stop saying things that are wrong.
Please explain what, if any, positive influence black people have had in American culture and history.
Are you of the opinion that they had nothing but a negative contribution?
Where do I begin?
Just talking about the musical contributions would take all day, but you have Jazz, Rock and roll, R&B, Rap, etc. Writers including Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Dubois, Frederick Douglass, MLK Jr. Numerous athletes...
Black people are Americans first. They are an integral part of the American experience. They are on my side in this too: they don't want excessive immigration.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
How can you love your 'country' if you don't know anything about it? If you have no knowledge of your country's history, or of the origins of it's traditions and the basis of it's culture, then your so-called 'patriotism' is an empty, meaningless, and dangerous patriotism.
A part of patriotism is loving your people and their culture, which you can understand very easily if you grow up in it. There's nothing dangerous about that.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Just talking about the musical contributions would take all day, but you have Jazz, Rock and roll, R&B, Rap, etc. Writers including Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Dubois, Frederick Douglass, MLK Jr.
Black people are Americans first. They are on my side in this too: they don't want excessive immigration.
They are not Amreicans first. They originated in Africa.
So are you saying that immigration from third world countries can be beneficial?
A part of patriotism is loving your people and their culture, which you can understand very easily if you grow up in it. There's nothing dangerous about that.
I am my people and my culture. It is what shaped me. I don't need to love it. I need to evolve.
America was founded on diversity. German, Irish, Italian, Afro-carribean, Spanish.....
America was founded by Europeans. German, Irish, Italian, Spanish...not Afro-carribean. Blacks were taken here against their will, but they are not African at all. They have been heavily influenced by European culture and would be irrecognizable to any African, just as my black friends have confirmed.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
Just talking about the musical contributions would take all day, but you have Jazz, Rock and roll, R&B, Rap, etc. Writers including Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Dubois, Frederick Douglass, MLK Jr. Numerous athletes...
Black people are Americans first. They are an integral part of the American experience. They are on my side in this too: they don't want excessive immigration.
There are people who live in America that do not fall under these criteria. I really don't feel they are a part of my nation. "Hyphenated-Americans" are not American.
Must suck to be an African-American in your America.
Blacks were taken here against their will, but they are not African at all. They have been heavily influenced by European culture and would be irrecognizable to any African, just as my black friends have confirmed.
Your black friends have confirmed? I bet there are plenty of Black Americans who still feel a connection to their ancestral homeland and culture.
Just talking about the musical contributions would take all day, but you have Jazz, Rock and roll, R&B, Rap, etc. Writers including Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Dubois, Frederick Douglass, MLK Jr. Numerous athletes...
All those types of music have one common source: Africa! And I can't believe you mentioned MLK Jr.
Black people are Americans first. They are an integral part of the American experience. They are on my side in this too: they don't want excessive immigration.
So what's the difference between loving your country out of sheer ignorance of it, and of the wider world, and loving your country without question?
what you said regarded loving your country without knowing where your country came from...where your country came from has nothing to do with the present state it is...today, the present, is all that matters...don't take what you said and extend it, here, to try to justify the misleading statement from above.
But our country is built on immigrants. To make a blanket statement like 'get rid of all immigrants' is short-sided.
I'm reminded of a funny family story. My great-grandfather immigrated here from Greece. My grandfather didn't have much more than a 10th grade education, which was a sore spot for my great grandfather because he valued formal education so much and that was one of reason he came to the states. My grandfather started his own business which made him quite wealthy. When my dad met my mother, he had just gotten his mechanical engineering degree and was making like 20K a year back in 1971. When my parents got engaged, they traveled to illinois to meet my mom's very wealthy greek father. My dad was very intimidated by my wealthy granddad. My great-grandfather asked my dad if he went to college and learned that my dad had an engineering degree. He turned to my very wealthy granddad that did not complete high school and said, 'just think what you could have done if you went to college'.
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
Those youths identified more with the Iraqis than they identified with their "countrymen" in Britain. This is because they were not real Britons.
Plenty of people are mad at Bush and Blair, but they wouldn't murder their own countrymen because of it.
-Enoch Powell
Maybe it's because people like you are constantly pointing at them and saying 'you don't belong here!' You are stupid!' You are a muslim you have no moral values', 'you are not a real briton and never will be because you are brown.'
naděje umírá poslední
Greeks are Europeans. 95% of our immigration is from the Third World, not European countries like Greece.
More Greeks should come.
Our country was not built on immigration from third world countries. It was built on immigration from Europe.
-Enoch Powell
I don't see what motive has to do with it. Murdering innocents in the name of nationalism is somehow different than murdering innocents in the name of religious fundamentalism?
Not 'real' Britons? And you know that? Were the Confederates who fought against Lincoln not real Americans? They're simply angry British citizens who took their anger to an extreme. Not all Muslims are extremists, just as not all American Christians are fundamentalist lunatics.
You speak about Muslims as though you actually know something about them, when in fact your skewered, self-serving half-truths simply expose your inherent racism. Did you ever read Mein Kampf? Your reasoning is on a similar par.
Yeah yeah yeah, typical liberal BS. It's all my fault that their home countries suck and they're coming to my country. It's all my fault that they refuse to submit to our way of life.
I have plenty of brown friends. They are Americans first. They speak english, believe in God, love this country, and are attached to its people.
I don't need immigrants who refuse to become Americans, though.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
OK OK I am a racist. Ok, yeah.
That's the first accusation people like me receive, but the bottom line is: I don't favor killing innocent people just because they are different from me.
Those Muslims who killed innocent civilians in Britain are the racist bigots. I'm just defending my culture from people who would rather see it die.
-Enoch Powell
Um. No.
Who's being forced to give Islamic instruction to Muslims? I'm curious as to what the name of the Neo-con website you use for your info is called. Can you please provide it? I bet it's a hoot.
'Liberalism: the ideology of western suicide'. You really should have been born in 1930's Germany. Your talents are wasted in this day and age.
Would you look at that, I agree with you.
naděje umírá poslední
Question for you: If you were a mexican unable to provide for your family in your homeland, you would not want to relocate yourself and family to a country where you could? YOU might not assimilate very well, but I bet your children, your children's children and so forth would. The reason folks came to the states, whether European or otherwise, was for opportunity & freedom.
Being Greek, my bloodlines are not very removed from those of the middle east, although thank you for accepting me.;)
but the illusion of knowledge.
~Daniel Boorstin
Only a life lived for others is worth living.
~Albert Einstein
I am not a Neo-Con.
Hey, I'm a Nazi. Ok! Haha.
Just wondering: what's wrong with Europe and America as they were? What's wrong with a majority of European people? Are they not good enough? Do you plan to make them better by infusing them with other groups?
The guy who wants to infuse a European country with foreigners is the racist because he believes that Europeans are better off with diversity. We need to be ethnically diverse in order to be "strong," but other countries don't have to! The third world countries MUST remain ethinically sacred! God forbid one would enter the middle east and infuse it with whites!! That would be awful!
Anyone who forces "diversity" on my country cheapens the accomplishments of the Europeans who established its greatness.
-Enoch Powell
How can you love your 'country' if you don't know anything about it? If you have no knowledge of your country's history, or of the origins of it's traditions and the basis of it's culture, then your so-called 'patriotism' is an empty, meaningless, and dangerous patriotism.
Please explain what, if any, positive influence black people have had in American culture and history.
Are you of the opinion that they had nothing but a negative contribution?
Mexicans are neighbors to our country. They are not interested in becoming Americans because their ancestors were pushed out of their lands by Americans. They believe they are taking their lands back. "Aztlan" is the American southwest that they wish to take back.
Greeks are predominantly Christian and can easily be assimilated into American society. They have much in common with Americans because they are Europeans and are well-educated. Third world countries are not.
-Enoch Powell
that's not dangerous...dangerous is loving your country without question. stop saying things that are wrong.
from my window to yours
So what's the difference between loving your country out of sheer ignorance of it, and of the wider world, and loving your country without question?
Where do I begin?
Just talking about the musical contributions would take all day, but you have Jazz, Rock and roll, R&B, Rap, etc. Writers including Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Dubois, Frederick Douglass, MLK Jr. Numerous athletes...
Black people are Americans first. They are an integral part of the American experience. They are on my side in this too: they don't want excessive immigration.
-Enoch Powell
A part of patriotism is loving your people and their culture, which you can understand very easily if you grow up in it. There's nothing dangerous about that.
-Enoch Powell
They are not Amreicans first. They originated in Africa.
So are you saying that immigration from third world countries can be beneficial?
I am my people and my culture. It is what shaped me. I don't need to love it. I need to evolve.
America was founded by Europeans. German, Irish, Italian, Spanish...not Afro-carribean. Blacks were taken here against their will, but they are not African at all. They have been heavily influenced by European culture and would be irrecognizable to any African, just as my black friends have confirmed.
-Enoch Powell
The blacks did not immigrate here.
They were brought on slave ships against their will.
-Enoch Powell
Must suck to be an African-American in your America.
naděje umírá poslední
Your black friends have confirmed? I bet there are plenty of Black Americans who still feel a connection to their ancestral homeland and culture.
All those types of music have one common source: Africa! And I can't believe you mentioned MLK Jr.
Yes, all black people think alike.
naděje umírá poslední
what you said regarded loving your country without knowing where your country came from...where your country came from has nothing to do with the present state it is...today, the present, is all that matters...don't take what you said and extend it, here, to try to justify the misleading statement from above.
from my window to yours