Well you're saying that we have the option to walk away from the board if we are being bullied, and that's true we do. However if we are also enjoying our time spent here in other areas why should we do that? Particularly if the person being the bully is able to continue on with a new "victim", completely unfettered and still displaying the behaviour. How does the bully learn that the behaviour isn't acceptable, how do those that watch it happen and see the outcome, ie the victim walking away, as anything other than a tacit agreement that the behaviour is acceptable and the only way to stop it is by walking away?
So to me then it's kinda like saying that a woman should just pack up and run and hide if a guy is beating her even though clearly he's the one with the issue. And that she should change how she goes into the world based on his bad behaviour. Now clearly she should remove herself from harms way as soon as possible but what if there are reasons she stays? Valid reasons? Are we then saying that it's her fault for staying and not changing her circumstance or should the expectation be on the guy to stop with the hitting already?
I mean I realize that domestic violence is much more dangerous than cyber stalking for the most part and probably more prevelent too, but both instances have an agressor and a victim, and both situations seem to put an awful lot on the victim having to make changes when it's the perpertrator that needs the behaviour modification.
i dont have the same question cause i know the answer. and i suspect im not the only one who knows it either. however i agree with jeanie. to continually attack a particular person because of their previous posts and not contain your 'discussion' to what's relevant is as far as i can see, not a way to win an argument. of course what one deems relevant is subjective isnt it?
i know it too. im just wondering if she's willing to out and say it rather than hinting at it.
The intellect, among other things, exists for intellectualizing. Good or bad.
It's a little different than philosophizing in that intellectualizing is a part of existentialism, the now, and post for post, I think I've felt just about everything anyone could ever feel here.
We're all in the same boat. Whatever or whomever this bully is that Jeanie has plaguing her interest right now will soon be forgotten.
I should think.
Now, Cancer, that's a motherfucker of a bully. You know?
No specific bully is plaguing me gue. I'm simply trying to ascertain if what I perceive as bullying is considered as such by others and also if it's not bullying why people communicate with each other the way that they do in some instances. I doubt it will be "forgotten" because the way I see it most people here are just being how they are, so I'd say that their behaviour isn't going to be changing anytime soon, which only leaves the option of examining behaviour that I find objectionable and finding ways to understand it and deal with it. I just figured if I was curious about it all that other people might be also.
On the flip side, it boils down to how much one let's it affect them as well. It could very well be a method of releasing frustration(s) for some people linked other areas in their lives as they feel it's an anonymous. When a predictable pattern develops I think it equates to something different though.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I mean I realize that domestic violence is much more dangerous than cyber stalking for the most part and probably more prevelent too, but both instances have an agressor and a victim, and both situations seem to put an awful lot on the victim having to make changes when it's the perpertrator that needs the behaviour modification.
the thing is it's almost impossible to force someone to modify their behavior. it's a lost cause. you can't make someone treat you the way you want. so yes, to an extent your only resort is to walk away. now with domestic violence, there are ways to make the other person "walk away" by sending them to jail. likewise, you can ban people here and it has been done. i think the mods do a pretty good job figuring when that line is crossed.
No specific bully is plaguing me gue. I'm simply trying to ascertain if what I perceive as bullying is considered as such by others and also if it's not bullying why people communicate with each other the way that they do in some instances. I doubt it will be "forgotten" because the way I see it most people here are just being how they are, so I'd say that their behaviour isn't going to be changing anytime soon, which only leaves the option of examining behaviour that I find objectionable and finding ways to understand it and deal with it. I just figured if I was curious about it all that other people might be also.
Words are only behavior in the action of speaking. The human language is a beautiful thing.
There may be nothing more true than the old saying that, "actions speak louder than words."
Well you're saying that we have the option to walk away from the board if we are being bullied, and that's true we do. However if we are also enjoying our time spent here in other areas why should we do that? Particularly if the person being the bully is able to continue on with a new "victim", completely unfettered and still displaying the behaviour. How does the bully learn that the behaviour isn't acceptable, how do those that watch it happen and see the outcome, ie the victim walking away, as anything other than a tacit agreement that the behaviour is acceptable and the only way to stop it is by walking away?
So to me then it's kinda like saying that a woman should just pack up and run and hide if a guy is beating her even though clearly he's the one with the issue. And that she should change how she goes into the world based on his bad behaviour. Now clearly she should remove herself from harms way as soon as possible but what if there are reasons she stays? Valid reasons? Are we then saying that it's her fault for staying and not changing her circumstance or should the expectation be on the guy to stop with the hitting already?
I mean I realize that domestic violence is much more dangerous than cyber stalking for the most part and probably more prevelent too, but both instances have an agressor and a victim, and both situations seem to put an awful lot on the victim having to make changes when it's the perpertrator that needs the behaviour modification.
well what would you do jeanie with a cyberbully? what do you see as the right path to follow. alls i know is what i would do. aside from burying them in words, my only alternative as i see it, is reporting them, ignoring them and removing myself from the situation.
i am in no physical danger from a cyber bully, so i see your analogy as flawed.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I can't decide how I feel about this....there is a part of me that thinks cyber bullying is a joke...a total non-issue. Afterall, it's almost voluntary...
But then I remember times when I first started coming here, that I actually felt some emotions over things people said to me here...I was really fucking angry a couple times, kinda hurt other times....when someone that was part of a clique, or with "board cred" got on you about something, it felt like a way bigger deal than it was.
But then...I had no experience with the internet...I would hope, but I'm unsure, that kids these days are more able to cope with it, because it's normal...when I started here, chat rooms/forums were totally alien to me.
These days, the only time I get insecure/nervous/angry is when my posts get no response I'm not always pleasant, and I agree that this place is boring without friction...but I try to be fair...even to the people that are WAY overly personal/emotional in their posts.
PS - man does ss get his ass kissed around here....lmao @ "mental exercise"
I only had a problem with one or two, you know the guys who if they disagree with you, they don't 'argue' they just say "oh suck my dick, you fairy" something like that. I took exception with that sort of behaviour, I couldn't see for the life of me why some were putting up with it, and when I eventually lost it, and called them out for it, I was inundated with pm's from people who were quite obviously scared to death of these guys, girls mostly. I was quite shocked by it, and so I'd say yes, there is a form of cyber bullying.
Oh I'm glad you popped up because I've got a couple of questions.
Firstly seeing as not everyone would agree that the incidents your talking about are actually cyber bullying but obviously it is for those that felt bullied, how then can we reach consensus? I mean for some people no it isn't and for some it is. Who's right and who's wrong? I don't really believe that there is a right or wrong btw but if that's the case then how do we deal with it?
The other thing is, and I've been wondering this since before I started the thread, if you experienced being inundated by pm's regarding the incidents then clearly there are people reading that are too scared/shy/timid/worried to speak up. I can't help wondering if they are reading this thread right now actually wanting to say something but not feeling comfortable with the company. And if that's the case how do we get them to participate?
The intellect, among other things, exists for intellectualizing. Good or bad.
It's a little different than philosophizing in that intellectualizing is a part of existentialism, the now, and post for post, I think I've felt just about everything anyone could ever feel here.
We're all in the same boat. Whatever or whomever this bully is that Jeanie has plaguing her interest right now will soon be forgotten.
I should think.
Now, Cancer, that's a motherfucker of a bully. You know?
Well the question is could a person conduct social engineering attacks towards another person on the internet? The answer is yes. I know that I could almost certainly gain someone's friendship, then insidiously try to demean or undermine them subtly, or not so subtly, towards others with hopes of negatively affecting them in order to seek some sort of sick pleasure. In fact, there have been suicides to prove this phenomena. It's real.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
i know it too. im just wondering if she's willing to out and say it rather than hinting at it.
:rolleyes: Seriously what's the point of me speaking at all if all you're going to do is assume that you already know what I think?
Cate was incorrect when she said that she knew the answer. And I think you are also.
I'm not hinting at anything. I'm simply wishing to conduct a conversation about cyber bullying. It's not a secret agenda directed at anyone. I have just had questions about it lately and I'm seeking answers.
If you wanna read more into it than that, there's not a whole lot I can do about it, but trust me on this, if you think I'm specifically referring to anyone you are mistaken.
whats the difference between yobs mouthing off and calculated 'bullying'?
The "calculated" part....but I really don't think there is anything to do about it unless we set up some sort of international internet police with insane powers...doesn't sound like a very good plan to me.
:rolleyes: Seriously what's the point of me speaking at all if all you're going to do is assume that you already know what I think?
Cate was incorrect when she said that she knew the answer. And I think you are also.
I'm not hinting at anything. I'm simply wishing to conduct a conversation about cyber bullying. It's not a secret agenda directed at anyone. I have just had questions about it lately and I'm seeking answers.
If you wanna read more into it than that, there's not a whole lot I can do about it, but trust me on this, if you think I'm specifically referring to anyone you are mistaken.
ok so... if i say soulsinging's relentless attacks on onelongsong and the subsequent fall out from that were foremost in your mind, i'd be wrong?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
On the flip side, it boils down to how much one let's it affect them as well. It could very well be a method of releasing frustration(s) for some people linked other areas in their lives as they feel it's an anonymous. When a predictable pattern develops I think it equates to something different though.
Ok but if it did affect and affect you severely what would be the best way of dealing with it? Particularly if you didn't want to leave the board?
I mean if you can see that for some it is just a way of communicating but you are very sensitive to it how does one work out strategies for dealing with it? Because I can't see that you would be able to change the behaviour of the other person, I mean it would be nice if you could get them to see it from your perspective and sometimes you can, but if the behaviour continues on and it continues to distress you, short of leaving the board what other coping strategies could a person employ?
Well the question is could a person conduct social engineering attacks towards another person on the internet? The answer is yes. I know that I could almost certainly gain someone's friendship, then insidiously try to demean or undermine them subtly, or not so subtly, towards others with hopes of negatively affecting them in order to seek some sort of sick pleasure. In fact, there have been suicides to prove this phenomena. It's real.
Well, now you're speaking paranoid talk, and that doesn't mean those sorts of things don't happen... on that count, i would agree cyber bullying has a definition.
"social engineering attacks" is an odd term. I think we could come up with something more appropriate, and insiduous sounding.
Ok but if it did affect and affect you severely what would be the best way of dealing with it? Particularly if you didn't want to leave the board?
I mean if you can see that for some it is just a way of communicating but you are very sensitive to it how does one work out strategies for dealing with it? Because I can't see that you would be able to change the behaviour of the other person, I mean it would be nice if you could get them to see it from your perspective and sometimes you can, but if the behaviour continues on and it continues to distress you, short of leaving the board what other coping strategies could a person employ?
I'll PM you my answer. But I'm sure you already know it or have heard of it.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
the thing is it's almost impossible to force someone to modify their behavior. it's a lost cause. you can't make someone treat you the way you want. so yes, to an extent your only resort is to walk away. now with domestic violence, there are ways to make the other person "walk away" by sending them to jail. likewise, you can ban people here and it has been done. i think the mods do a pretty good job figuring when that line is crossed.
That's true and I agree. But as indicated by JamieUK there are things going on that other people find really upsetting that they aren't taking to the mods. I find it hard to believe that the mods see everything that is said around here so I can only assume that they really only take action when they repeatedly have someone brought to their attention. Otherwise we'd have to say that they ignore some things which would send the message to others that they condone some things. That it's ok for some people and not for others. I doubt that would be the case don't you? So then it must be that they are unaware unless informed. Which then relies on people to speak up.
If you're not one to speak up, or you can't see that speaking up would help then why would you?
Not everyone that is a victim of domestic violence thinks the answer to resolving the situation is jailing the agressor. In some cases it can just make things so much worse. Just like not everyone that has an issue with some of the things said around here thinks the answer is to ban people. I'm just reflecting that there must be other options available. That perhaps forcing people isn't the answer, perhaps educating them is?
Well, now you're speaking paranoid talk, and that doesn't mean those sorts of things don't happen... on that count, i would agree cyber bullying has a definition.
"social engineering attacks" is an odd term. I think we could come up with something more appropriate, and insiduous sounding.
It's very common term and it's used all the time by many, and for many different reasons. Albeit a new term used to describe something that has been going on for thousands of years. Namely taking advantage of a person character for specific purpose.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
It's very common term and it's used all the time by many, and for many different reasons. Albeit a new term used to describe something that has been going on for thousands of years. Namely taking advantage of a person character for specific purpose.
Words are only behavior in the action of speaking. The human language is a beautiful thing.
There may be nothing more true than the old saying that, "actions speak louder than words."
Yes, the human language is a beautiful thing but words can also wound. And incite hatred, spread venom and intimidate.
And I agree that actions speak louder than words but when words are the only "actions" of a message pit, can you see how they would be open to misinterpretation sometimes?
well what would you do jeanie with a cyberbully? what do you see as the right path to follow. alls i know is what i would do. aside from burying them in words, my only alternative as i see it, is reporting them, ignoring them and removing myself from the situation.
i am in no physical danger from a cyber bully, so i see your analogy as flawed.
I'm not sure cate, but I think continuing to pretend it doesn't happen or that it doesn't bother people would be good place to start. I can see that you have a specific and well thought out plan that best suits you and how you deal with them and that's great. I don't and I don't think I'm the only person that doesn't so I thought it might be a good idea to discuss it. See what kinds of things other people could come up with for how they deal with it AND draw attention to the fact that some people feel that it is happening here and that others do not.
The way I see it discussion is a good thing. Particularly in this instance.
And it's completely your right to see my analogy as flawed but obviously I don't share that view. Some people are in physical danger from cyber bullies.
You may not be one of them and that's great but I don't think it's the same for everyone.
Yes, the human language is a beautiful thing but words can also wound. And incite hatred, spread venom and intimidate.
And I agree that actions speak louder than words but when words are the only "actions" of a message pit, can you see how they would be open to misinterpretation sometimes?
Of course.
I remember the days on this board when someone may have been skipping along on some sort of high, a post a minute sort of thing, and then all of the sudden there would be a reply from a jealous and quivering NeanderthalMAN sort of guy saying, "I'm calling you out, man!"
And it meant something.
Those were the days. LOL.
I can't decide how I feel about this....there is a part of me that thinks cyber bullying is a joke...a total non-issue. Afterall, it's almost voluntary...
But then I remember times when I first started coming here, that I actually felt some emotions over things people said to me here...I was really fucking angry a couple times, kinda hurt other times....when someone that was part of a clique, or with "board cred" got on you about something, it felt like a way bigger deal than it was.
But then...I had no experience with the internet...I would hope, but I'm unsure, that kids these days are more able to cope with it, because it's normal...when I started here, chat rooms/forums were totally alien to me.
These days, the only time I get insecure/nervous/angry is when my posts get no response I'm not always pleasant, and I agree that this place is boring without friction...but I try to be fair...even to the people that are WAY overly personal/emotional in their posts.
PS - man does ss get his ass kissed around here....lmao @ "mental exercise"
yeah, see I figured we'd all have a different view on how, why or even if it exists.
that's where I'm struggling because I'm bearing in mind that we are all subjective and see things through our own filters but if it's an issue even for grown ups, then how can kids be expected, regardless of how savvy they are, to deal with it?
So Drowned you say that you are trying to be fair which is great, if you had to rate your efforts how successful do you think you are?
The "calculated" part....but I really don't think there is anything to do about it unless we set up some sort of international internet police with insane powers...doesn't sound like a very good plan to me.
Yeah, I agree with what you said, the calculated part, but I don't agree that there's nothing we can do. I think we can talk about it for starters. And then learn more and who knows we could expand the code of conduct for the pit if we organized an agreed amendment and asked nicely?
I'm not sure cate, but I think continuing to pretend it doesn't happen or that it doesn't bother people would be good place to start. I can see that you have a specific and well thought out plan that best suits you and how you deal with them and that's great. I don't and I don't think I'm the only person that doesn't so I thought it might be a good idea to discuss it. See what kinds of things other people could come up with for how they deal with it AND draw attention to the fact that some people feel that it is happening here and that others do not.
The way I see it discussion is a good thing. Particularly in this instance.
And it's completely your right to see my analogy as flawed but obviously I don't share that view. Some people are in physical danger from cyber bullies.
You may not be one of them and that's great but I don't think it's the same for everyone.
well i dont pretend it doesn't happen jeanie but by the same token, ive never been the victim of cyberbullying.
and as if you say some people are in physical danger from cyberbullies then they have to make the decision as to what course of action to take. if they choose to engage the cyber bully then that is their choice and they must be prepared to accept the outcomes of that action. im not trying to absolve bullies from responsibility either, because they are also responsible for their actions. if the mods choose not to ban a bully then the only thing to be done that i can see is to ignore them.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well you're saying that we have the option to walk away from the board if we are being bullied, and that's true we do. However if we are also enjoying our time spent here in other areas why should we do that? Particularly if the person being the bully is able to continue on with a new "victim", completely unfettered and still displaying the behaviour. How does the bully learn that the behaviour isn't acceptable, how do those that watch it happen and see the outcome, ie the victim walking away, as anything other than a tacit agreement that the behaviour is acceptable and the only way to stop it is by walking away?
So to me then it's kinda like saying that a woman should just pack up and run and hide if a guy is beating her even though clearly he's the one with the issue. And that she should change how she goes into the world based on his bad behaviour. Now clearly she should remove herself from harms way as soon as possible but what if there are reasons she stays? Valid reasons? Are we then saying that it's her fault for staying and not changing her circumstance or should the expectation be on the guy to stop with the hitting already?
I mean I realize that domestic violence is much more dangerous than cyber stalking for the most part and probably more prevelent too, but both instances have an agressor and a victim, and both situations seem to put an awful lot on the victim having to make changes when it's the perpertrator that needs the behaviour modification.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i know it too. im just wondering if she's willing to out and say it rather than hinting at it.
Well, I'm taking the side that at least here, the cyber bullying that is being touted is a bit of a myth. An interesting subject, maybe, nothing more.
You seem to have taken a more oblique angle on the matter.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
No specific bully is plaguing me gue. I'm simply trying to ascertain if what I perceive as bullying is considered as such by others and also if it's not bullying why people communicate with each other the way that they do in some instances. I doubt it will be "forgotten" because the way I see it most people here are just being how they are, so I'd say that their behaviour isn't going to be changing anytime soon, which only leaves the option of examining behaviour that I find objectionable and finding ways to understand it and deal with it. I just figured if I was curious about it all that other people might be also.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
On the flip side, it boils down to how much one let's it affect them as well. It could very well be a method of releasing frustration(s) for some people linked other areas in their lives as they feel it's an anonymous. When a predictable pattern develops I think it equates to something different though.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
the thing is it's almost impossible to force someone to modify their behavior. it's a lost cause. you can't make someone treat you the way you want. so yes, to an extent your only resort is to walk away. now with domestic violence, there are ways to make the other person "walk away" by sending them to jail. likewise, you can ban people here and it has been done. i think the mods do a pretty good job figuring when that line is crossed.
There may be nothing more true than the old saying that, "actions speak louder than words."
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
well what would you do jeanie with a cyberbully? what do you see as the right path to follow. alls i know is what i would do. aside from burying them in words, my only alternative as i see it, is reporting them, ignoring them and removing myself from the situation.
i am in no physical danger from a cyber bully, so i see your analogy as flawed.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
But then I remember times when I first started coming here, that I actually felt some emotions over things people said to me here...I was really fucking angry a couple times, kinda hurt other times....when someone that was part of a clique, or with "board cred" got on you about something, it felt like a way bigger deal than it was.
But then...I had no experience with the internet...I would hope, but I'm unsure, that kids these days are more able to cope with it, because it's normal...when I started here, chat rooms/forums were totally alien to me.
These days, the only time I get insecure/nervous/angry is when my posts get no response
PS - man does ss get his ass kissed around here....lmao @ "mental exercise"
you didnt think my thought processes were conventional did you gue?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Firstly seeing as not everyone would agree that the incidents your talking about are actually cyber bullying but obviously it is for those that felt bullied, how then can we reach consensus? I mean for some people no it isn't and for some it is. Who's right and who's wrong? I don't really believe that there is a right or wrong btw but if that's the case then how do we deal with it?
The other thing is, and I've been wondering this since before I started the thread, if you experienced being inundated by pm's regarding the incidents then clearly there are people reading that are too scared/shy/timid/worried to speak up. I can't help wondering if they are reading this thread right now actually wanting to say something but not feeling comfortable with the company. And if that's the case how do we get them to participate?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well the question is could a person conduct social engineering attacks towards another person on the internet? The answer is yes. I know that I could almost certainly gain someone's friendship, then insidiously try to demean or undermine them subtly, or not so subtly, towards others with hopes of negatively affecting them in order to seek some sort of sick pleasure. In fact, there have been suicides to prove this phenomena. It's real.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
:rolleyes: Seriously what's the point of me speaking at all if all you're going to do is assume that you already know what I think?
Cate was incorrect when she said that she knew the answer. And I think you are also.
I'm not hinting at anything. I'm simply wishing to conduct a conversation about cyber bullying. It's not a secret agenda directed at anyone. I have just had questions about it lately and I'm seeking answers.
If you wanna read more into it than that, there's not a whole lot I can do about it, but trust me on this, if you think I'm specifically referring to anyone you are mistaken.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
ok so... if i say soulsinging's relentless attacks on onelongsong and the subsequent fall out from that were foremost in your mind, i'd be wrong?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Ok but if it did affect and affect you severely what would be the best way of dealing with it? Particularly if you didn't want to leave the board?
I mean if you can see that for some it is just a way of communicating but you are very sensitive to it how does one work out strategies for dealing with it? Because I can't see that you would be able to change the behaviour of the other person, I mean it would be nice if you could get them to see it from your perspective and sometimes you can, but if the behaviour continues on and it continues to distress you, short of leaving the board what other coping strategies could a person employ?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well, now you're speaking paranoid talk, and that doesn't mean those sorts of things don't happen... on that count, i would agree cyber bullying has a definition.
"social engineering attacks" is an odd term. I think we could come up with something more appropriate, and insiduous sounding.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I'll PM you my answer. But I'm sure you already know it or have heard of it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
That's true and I agree. But as indicated by JamieUK there are things going on that other people find really upsetting that they aren't taking to the mods. I find it hard to believe that the mods see everything that is said around here so I can only assume that they really only take action when they repeatedly have someone brought to their attention. Otherwise we'd have to say that they ignore some things which would send the message to others that they condone some things. That it's ok for some people and not for others. I doubt that would be the case don't you? So then it must be that they are unaware unless informed. Which then relies on people to speak up.
If you're not one to speak up, or you can't see that speaking up would help then why would you?
Not everyone that is a victim of domestic violence thinks the answer to resolving the situation is jailing the agressor. In some cases it can just make things so much worse. Just like not everyone that has an issue with some of the things said around here thinks the answer is to ban people. I'm just reflecting that there must be other options available. That perhaps forcing people isn't the answer, perhaps educating them is?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
It's very common term and it's used all the time by many, and for many different reasons. Albeit a new term used to describe something that has been going on for thousands of years. Namely taking advantage of a person character for specific purpose.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Sounds like Democracy.
And I don't mean that in a good way.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Yes, the human language is a beautiful thing but words can also wound. And incite hatred, spread venom and intimidate.
And I agree that actions speak louder than words but when words are the only "actions" of a message pit, can you see how they would be open to misinterpretation sometimes?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I'm not sure cate, but I think continuing to pretend it doesn't happen or that it doesn't bother people would be good place to start. I can see that you have a specific and well thought out plan that best suits you and how you deal with them and that's great. I don't and I don't think I'm the only person that doesn't so I thought it might be a good idea to discuss it. See what kinds of things other people could come up with for how they deal with it AND draw attention to the fact that some people feel that it is happening here and that others do not.
The way I see it discussion is a good thing. Particularly in this instance.
And it's completely your right to see my analogy as flawed but obviously I don't share that view. Some people are in physical danger from cyber bullies.
You may not be one of them and that's great but I don't think it's the same for everyone.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Of course.
I remember the days on this board when someone may have been skipping along on some sort of high, a post a minute sort of thing, and then all of the sudden there would be a reply from a jealous and quivering NeanderthalMAN sort of guy saying, "I'm calling you out, man!"
And it meant something.
Those were the days. LOL.
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yeah, see I figured we'd all have a different view on how, why or even if it exists.
that's where I'm struggling because I'm bearing in mind that we are all subjective and see things through our own filters but if it's an issue even for grown ups, then how can kids be expected, regardless of how savvy they are, to deal with it?
So Drowned you say that you are trying to be fair which is great, if you had to rate your efforts how successful do you think you are?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Yeah, I agree with what you said, the calculated part, but I don't agree that there's nothing we can do. I think we can talk about it for starters. And then learn more and who knows we could expand the code of conduct for the pit if we organized an agreed amendment and asked nicely?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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The currents will shift
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
well i dont pretend it doesn't happen jeanie but by the same token, ive never been the victim of cyberbullying.
and as if you say some people are in physical danger from cyberbullies then they have to make the decision as to what course of action to take. if they choose to engage the cyber bully then that is their choice and they must be prepared to accept the outcomes of that action. im not trying to absolve bullies from responsibility either, because they are also responsible for their actions. if the mods choose not to ban a bully then the only thing to be done that i can see is to ignore them.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say