Apparently that was step 4 out of 6.. 2 more steps to go
I just can't believe after all this time FINALLY we are at least going to be entering the discussion, might actually make some difference on the international stage for a change, instead of sulking into our weet bix.
If we were to shut down every fuel or elictricity driven device in OZ, it would barely be noticable when it comes to global warming. Oz makes up about .1% (yup, thas point one percent) of waste emissions on the planet.
Kyoto Shmee-oto. Yep, thanks for signing that Kev.
Alls its done is all but pushed electricity prices up. and its about to happen.
Rudd is a fucking rice bubble and will undo everything good that the Howard govt has achieved. Even political analysts (and pre election pro rudders) are already saying,,, gee, maybe rudd wasnt such a great choice afterall.
Time will tell but I just HOPE Rudds victory wont come back to bite those on the arse that voted for him but alas.........
BTW I didnt vote for him. If it bites my arse I will blame those intelectually shabby, latte sipping mummies boys/girls who did vote him in.
One of them might be a code of conduct for his ministers.
He's tapdancing around this one. Why ? Because he isnt a leader ?
Step number 2 would be to blame him for the inflation and interest rate rises which will happen soon.. since he's PM its his fault.. johnny boy got it all right up on the throne..
mmmm..........I was waiting to hear some sour grapes. The win didn't feel right without it. aaahhhhh.....Thats better.
It's hard not to gloat huh? I mean we've only been putting up with the crap for over a decade. A change will do us all good I reckon, even though I'm not a fan. So far there have been way more pluses than minuses as far as I can see.
It's hard not to gloat huh? I mean we've only been putting up with the crap for over a decade. A change will do us all good I reckon, even though I'm not a fan. So far there have been way more pluses than minuses as far as I can see.
Its just refreshing to finally see a positive attitude towards problems instead the usual whining and avoidance..
If we were to shut down every fuel or elictricity driven device in OZ, it would barely be noticable when it comes to global warming. Oz makes up about .1% (yup, thas point one percent) of waste emissions on the planet.
Kyoto Shmee-oto. Yep, thanks for signing that Kev.
Alls its done is all but pushed electricity prices up. and its about to happen.
Rudd is a fucking rice bubble and will undo everything good that the Howard govt has achieved. Even political analysts (and pre election pro rudders) are already saying,,, gee, maybe rudd wasnt such a great choice afterall.
Time will tell but I just HOPE Rudds victory wont come back to bite those on the arse that voted for him but alas.........
BTW I didnt vote for him. If it bites my arse I will blame those intelectually shabby, latte sipping mummies boys/girls who did vote him in.
Pearler forsees the worst.
Have to agree.
OK, "the apology" will be next, but until there is some will and engagement from the people concerned, "that" will never change either.
Its just refreshing to finally see a positive attitude towards problems instead the usual whining and avoidance..
Well actually I'm kinda finding it a bit exciting to be honest. I have zero faith in politicians most of the time but to see that the things I would want for this country swept under the rug for such a long time, avoided, ignored and just the downright beligerence on some issues, I'm hoping.....actually that's IT!
I'm actually HOPING again!
econmoic stability, leading to high ( and I really mean friggin high, Jeez the number of people I have run across wiht jobs who were teminally unemployable is fucking incrediible) employment,
let's not forget our awesome gun laws
small business growth
GST, love it or hate it, it's resulted in rich, dodgy bastards actually paying tax for a change, and you will note a TOTAL silence from Labor on it in the last election cos they want it to stay, and knew there was no milage in trying to get rid of it.
workplace reform, and yeah, I know there were a lot of employers abusing the system, but that is not the systems fault, it's individuals
Not too bad compared to "the recession we had to have" and "political correctness" which preceeded it.
If you want a CEO running the country good luck to you. I'm in favour of a human being who's more concerned about the welfare and future of the people in Australia than balancing the books.
If you want a CEO running the country good luck to you. I'm in favour of a human being who's more concerned about the welfare and future of the people in Australia than balancing the books.
Balancing the books is part of good government. You don't need to be a CEO to balance the books, though.
econmoic stability, leading to high ( and I really mean friggin high, Jeez the number of people I have run across wiht jobs who were teminally unemployable is fucking incrediible) employment,
let's not forget our awesome gun laws
small business growth
GST, love it or hate it, it's resulted in rich, dodgy bastards actually paying tax for a change, and you will note a TOTAL silence from Labor on it in the last election cos they want it to stay, and knew there was no milage in trying to get rid of it.
workplace reform, and yeah, I know there were a lot of employers abusing the system, but that is not the systems fault, it's individuals
Not too bad compared to "the recession we had to have" and "political correctness" which preceeded it.
I can't see much point debating this with you lucy. You obviously see it very differently to me and it's no biggy.
I'm glad they're gone. I think they were the scourge of the earth and I'm more than happy to dance on their graves.
GST is a blight, just ask any small business operator.
The economic stability we enjoyed was a worldwide phenomenon and really had nothing to do with anything Johnny and his cohorts did.
Work place reform clearly was not something that the majority of us saw as fair and reasonable hence Johnny being ousted.
And there are plenty of things that previous Liberal governments have done included orchestrating the DISMISSAL of a democratically elected government of the people so let's not pretend that Johnny and his silvertail mates were doing anything other than setting their own agenda and lining their own pockets. That's how I see it. Nothing like how you do, so I'd say we should just leave it. I've tolerated the liberal government for 12 odd years, I think "it's time" you prepared to do the same for a bit.
If you want a CEO running the country good luck to you. I'm in favour of a human being who's more concerned about the welfare and future of the people in Australia than balancing the books.
It's a start cate. You can't make change if you don't play the game.
and im sure all the leaders will have much fun and daiquiris in bali discussing how theyre gonna fix this problem.
sure its a start but when the biggest polluter on earth isnt willing to join in it's a somewhat hollow feeling i get but we get to feel good about ourselves and endeavour to lower our carbon footprint and everything that goes along with it. a bit like carbon trading isn't it. we'll buy your pollution allowance that way we as a big industrialised nation can continue spewing our toxins into the atmosphere whilst everyone else pays the price. how about WE ALL step forward as common humanity, acknowledge the problem and hit those who choose to hinder rather than help where it hurts the most. stop playing lip service and seriously look at alternate fuels BEFORE we are dangling at the end of the rope. for fuck's sake, we managed to put a man put on the moon, surely an environmentally friendly fuel isnt beyond us.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
and im sure all the leaders will have much fun and daiquiris in bali discussing how theyre gonna fix this problem.
sure its a start but when the biggest polluter on earth isnt willing to join in it's a somewhat hollow feeling i get but we get to feel good about ourselves and endeavour to lower our carbon footprint and everything that goes along with it. a bit like carbon trading isn't it. we'll buy your pollution allowance that way we as a big industrialised nation can continue spewing our toxins into the atmosphere whilst everyone else pays the price. how about WE ALL step forward as common humanity, acknowledge the problem and hit those who choose to hinder rather than help where it hurts the most. stop playing lip service and seriously look at alternate fuels BEFORE we are dangling at the end of the rope. for fuck's sake, we managed to put a man put on the moon, surely an environmentally friendly fuel isnt beyond us.
We can't do any of that unless we are participating in the solution.
Ratifying the protocol is the first step to participating.
We could hardly bring pressure to the bigger poluters if we didn't could we?
Which is exactly what's been happening. We didn't sign, and it allowed us and them to continue on willy nilly. Anyway, who cares what happened before? Time is running out so let's just get on with it already. Sign up, join in the discussion and the daquiris, wear the silly shirt and start trying to get the big polluters to see the error of their ways. Find the solutions and lets just get on with it. There are plenty of alternative options that have been developed right here in this country that have been forced to go off overseas for funding and to get their ideas off the drawing board, simply because by not signing this enabled Johnny to hide under the doona on the issue.
We're still gonna have to take baby steps but at least they appear to be faster baby steps AND at least we're taking them.
We can't do any of that unless we are participating in the solution.
Ratifying the protocol is the first step to participating.
We could hardly bring pressure to the bigger poluters if we didn't could we?
Which is exactly what's been happening. We didn't sign, and it allowed us and them to continue on willy nilly. Anyway, who cares what happened before? Time is running out so let's just get on with it already. Sign up, join in the discussion and the daquiris, wear the silly shirt and start trying to get the big polluters to see the error of their ways. Find the solutions and lets just get on with it. There are plenty of alternative options that have been developed right here in this country that have been forced to go off overseas for funding and to get their ideas off the drawing board, simply because by not signing this enabled Johnny to hide under the doona on the issue.
We're still gonna have to take baby steps but at least they appear to be faster baby steps AND at least we're taking them.
actually i disagree jeanie. we dont need to be signatory to kyoto to start making a difference. tis a bit like de facto marriage isn't it? you just do it.
all i see is an opportunity to lord it over countries who don't sign.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
actually i disagree jeanie. we dont need to be signatory to kyoto to start making a difference. tis a bit like de facto marriage isn't it? you just do it.
all i see is an opportunity to lord it over countries who don't sign.
Well like saying "sorry" I see it as a gesture of good will and a willingness to participate in the process. Of course it won't mean squat if we don't then go on and DO something. I hardly think Australia is going to be able to lord it all over China or the US do you?
Yeah, we could not sign but we've done that already and it didn't do anything so maybe try this instead?
And yeah, in an ideal world signing doesn't really mean jack shit, actions would be much more meaningful and significant and yield better results but we don't live in an ideal world do we? So I see this as a step in the right direction with hopefully MANY MORE STEPS in the same direction to come.
Well like saying "sorry" I see it as a gesture of good will and a willingness to participate in the process. Of course it won't mean squat if we don't then go on and DO something. I hardly think Australia is going to be able to lord it all over China or the US do you? : D
Yeah, we could not sign but we've done that already and it didn't do anything so maybe try this instead?
And yeah, in an ideal world signing doesn't really mean jack shit, actions would be much more meaningful and significant and yield better results but we don't live in an ideal world do we? : ) So I see this as a step in the right direction with hopefully MANY MORE STEPS in the same direction to come.
utopia is dystopic
oh the other day i saw a story on the news about these blokes making the trip from here to ireland(i think) to draw awareness to some cause or other. it was commercial televsion so i wasnt really paying attention. they decided to make the trip in a hummer. but never fear they will be planting trees to offset their carbon emissions. LMFAO!!! how about they do it on bicycles. that way they wont have to offset anything. their arses might be sore but theyll have those gorgeous cyclists legs.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
oh the other day i saw a story on the news about these blokes making the trip from here to ireland(i think) to draw awareness to some cause or other. it was commercial televsion so i wasnt really paying attention. they decided to make the trip in a hummer. but never fear they will be planting trees to offset their carbon emissions. LMFAO!!! how about they do it on bicycles. that way they wont have to offset anything. their arses might be sore but theyll have those gorgeous cyclists legs.
Yeah, we've got those crazy fuckers planning the Grand Prix again. :rolleyes: Ads started last night. Can someone please explain it to me so I get it?
I mean they'd have to replant the whole fucking Amazon to offset the carbon emissions and the environmental impact of that sucker.
AND what's the deal with HUMMERS even still being MADE let alone being sold and registered!! :rolleyes: It's a fiasco.
actually i disagree jeanie. we dont need to be signatory to kyoto to start making a difference. tis a bit like de facto marriage isn't it? you just do it.
all i see is an opportunity to lord it over countries who don't sign.
I think this is right. It's kinda like, you can buy your girl a Valentine's card, or you can be nice to her every day, and forget the card. Which is better ??
I'm still thinking that the whole greenhouse /global warming thing is about humans, not the planet, so I'm less enthusiastic than a lotta folks.
In dinosaur times all that CO2 was out and about, and it was not until all the pesky trees came along that it went into the ground. We just make this great assumption that our version on the Earth is better, because it is familiar, but that assumption is grounded in our collective egos and not in any actual reality.
Australia can bust it's slot on greenhouse gasses, but how much CO2 does your average summer bushfire liberate ?? And while we are on that subject, just how were the inland grass plains of NSW created ?? Something about the original inhabitants living in harmony with nature by setting fire to it all the freaking time, I believe.
It's ironic that the sooner the Earth runs of of burnable fossil fules, the sooner we will be forced to renewable alternatives, or return to a lower tech more agrarian society which may or may not be kinder on the Earth anyway.
coal is coal for a reason. it is nature's way of taking something OUT of the cycle. so what does man do? puts it back into play where it does not belong. thats how smart we are.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
coal is coal for a reason. it is nature's way of taking something OUT of the cycle. so what does man do? puts it back into play where it does not belong. thats how smart we are.
Hmmm, OK, that suggests that the planet thinks. I don't think that you can logically argue that coal is there for a reason, it is just a random occurrence. Unless oil exists in the Arab countries for the express purpose of making Islam wealthy so it can overthrow the infidel west.
I can see it now, the ultimate proof that God exists !!
Hmmm, OK, that suggests that the planet thinks. I don't think that you can logically argue that coal is there for a reason, it is just a random occurrence. Unless oil exists in the Arab countries for the express purpose of making Islam wealthy so it can overthrow the infidel west.
I can see it now, the ultimate proof that God exists !!
you find the idea that the planet 'thinks' implausible luce? coal is not a random occurrence anymore than water is. they are where they are for a reason. maybe not a reason we understand or want to acknowledge, but there nonetheless.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
you find the idea that the planet 'thinks' implausible luce? coal is not a random occurrence anymore than water is. they are where they are for a reason. maybe not a reason we understand or want to acknowledge, but there nonetheless.
er, no, not so much.
i wish people would think more like you, though, and we can get back to the idea of one world being one thing. Even if it as simple as everyone agreeing that the world is earth, air, and water.
the human animal, in its intelligence and curiosity found a lot of things could burn, including coal...all by accident, pretty much. Or, experiment. We are no more a fated animal for our thirsts than the ant.
I can't see much point debating this with you lucy. You obviously see it very differently to me and it's no biggy.
I'm glad they're gone. I think they were the scourge of the earth and I'm more than happy to dance on their graves.
GST is a blight, just ask any small business operator.
The economic stability we enjoyed was a worldwide phenomenon and really had nothing to do with anything Johnny and his cohorts did.
Work place reform clearly was not something that the majority of us saw as fair and reasonable hence Johnny being ousted.
And there are plenty of things that previous Liberal governments have done included orchestrating the DISMISSAL of a democratically elected government of the people so let's not pretend that Johnny and his silvertail mates were doing anything other than setting their own agenda and lining their own pockets. That's how I see it. Nothing like how you do, so I'd say we should just leave it. I've tolerated the liberal government for 12 odd years, I think "it's time" you prepared to do the same for a bit.
you see it like that because you fail to see the real picture. coz you are a dumbarse. who types too much. you speak so much, yet say so little. you dont debate, you constantly ram your ignorant, inaccurate, uneducated opinions down everyones fucking throats and not a single thread goes by without you adding your 15,000 Mb of verbal dung. You are a know all.... however,,, you actually know >fuckall.
you tolerated a liberal govt for 12 yrs ? while they fixed up the mess your labour flogbags left this country in prior to that....lucky little johnny had big balls and even bigger knowledge and experience when it comes to politics...something Rudd is yet to chalk up.
What exactly have you been doing for this country for the last 12 yrs to justify you claiming the title of tolerator of earth scourging govts ? How has the howard govt fucked life up for you jeannie ? and if they did fuck life up for you,,,,what should have they done to rectify that ?
were you flying the Latham flag during his time of opportunity LOL ?
you see it like that because you fail to see the real picture. coz you are a dumbarse. who types too much. you speak so much, yet say so little. you dont debate, you constantly ram your ignorant, inaccurate, uneducated opinions down everyones fucking throats and not a single thread goes by without you adding your 15,000 Mb of verbal dung. You are a know all.... however,,, you actually know >fuckall.
you tolerated a liberal govt for 12 yrs ? while they fixed up the mess your labour flogbags left this country in prior to that....lucky little johnny had big balls and even bigger knowledge and experience when it comes to politics...something Rudd is yet to chalk up.
What exactly have you been doing for this country for the last 12 yrs to justify you claiming the title of tolerator of earth scourging govts ? How has the howard govt fucked life up for you jeannie ? and if they did fuck life up for you,,,,what should have they done to rectify that ?
were you flying the Latham flag during his time of opportunity LOL ?
Finished? Do you feel better? :rolleyes:
You're making some pretty big fucking assumptions there, but from all my dealings with you I know that you prefer being a troll. So rock on. I hope it gets you were you want to be in this world. I'd take it personal but you do it so often why would I bother? You're pissed the Liberals were voted out and the more you go on about it with your snivelling the more I wanna dance about Labor getting in and I can't stand Labor. But hey, why don't you enlighten me with your superior intellect?
I just can't believe after all this time FINALLY we are at least going to be entering the discussion, might actually make some difference on the international stage for a change, instead of sulking into our weet bix.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
It's a start cate. You can't make change if you don't play the game.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
The Howard government achieved good? :rolleyes:
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
mmmm..........I was waiting to hear some sour grapes. The win didn't feel right without it. aaahhhhh.....Thats better.
Step number 2 would be to blame him for the inflation and interest rate rises which will happen soon.. since he's PM its his fault.. johnny boy got it all right up on the throne..
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Its just refreshing to finally see a positive attitude towards problems instead the usual whining and avoidance..
Have to agree.
OK, "the apology" will be next, but until there is some will and engagement from the people concerned, "that" will never change either.
Well actually I'm kinda finding it a bit exciting to be honest. I have zero faith in politicians most of the time but to see that the things I would want for this country swept under the rug for such a long time, avoided, ignored and just the downright beligerence on some issues, I'm hoping.....actually that's IT!
I'm actually HOPING again!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
econmoic stability, leading to high ( and I really mean friggin high, Jeez the number of people I have run across wiht jobs who were teminally unemployable is fucking incrediible) employment,
let's not forget our awesome gun laws
small business growth
GST, love it or hate it, it's resulted in rich, dodgy bastards actually paying tax for a change, and you will note a TOTAL silence from Labor on it in the last election cos they want it to stay, and knew there was no milage in trying to get rid of it.
workplace reform, and yeah, I know there were a lot of employers abusing the system, but that is not the systems fault, it's individuals
Not too bad compared to "the recession we had to have" and "political correctness" which preceeded it.
Balancing the books is part of good government. You don't need to be a CEO to balance the books, though.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I can't see much point debating this with you lucy. You obviously see it very differently to me and it's no biggy.
I'm glad they're gone. I think they were the scourge of the earth and I'm more than happy to dance on their graves.
GST is a blight, just ask any small business operator.
The economic stability we enjoyed was a worldwide phenomenon and really had nothing to do with anything Johnny and his cohorts did.
Work place reform clearly was not something that the majority of us saw as fair and reasonable hence Johnny being ousted.
And there are plenty of things that previous Liberal governments have done included orchestrating the DISMISSAL of a democratically elected government of the people so let's not pretend that Johnny and his silvertail mates were doing anything other than setting their own agenda and lining their own pockets. That's how I see it. Nothing like how you do, so I'd say we should just leave it. I've tolerated the liberal government for 12 odd years, I think "it's time" you prepared to do the same for a bit.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Thats right PART. Not the one and only objective.
and im sure all the leaders will have much fun and daiquiris in bali discussing how theyre gonna fix this problem.
sure its a start but when the biggest polluter on earth isnt willing to join in it's a somewhat hollow feeling i get but we get to feel good about ourselves and endeavour to lower our carbon footprint and everything that goes along with it. a bit like carbon trading isn't it. we'll buy your pollution allowance that way we as a big industrialised nation can continue spewing our toxins into the atmosphere whilst everyone else pays the price. how about WE ALL step forward as common humanity, acknowledge the problem and hit those who choose to hinder rather than help where it hurts the most. stop playing lip service and seriously look at alternate fuels BEFORE we are dangling at the end of the rope. for fuck's sake, we managed to put a man put on the moon, surely an environmentally friendly fuel isnt beyond us.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
We can't do any of that unless we are participating in the solution.
Ratifying the protocol is the first step to participating.
We could hardly bring pressure to the bigger poluters if we didn't could we?
Which is exactly what's been happening. We didn't sign, and it allowed us and them to continue on willy nilly. Anyway, who cares what happened before? Time is running out so let's just get on with it already. Sign up, join in the discussion and the daquiris, wear the silly shirt and start trying to get the big polluters to see the error of their ways. Find the solutions and lets just get on with it. There are plenty of alternative options that have been developed right here in this country that have been forced to go off overseas for funding and to get their ideas off the drawing board, simply because by not signing this enabled Johnny to hide under the doona on the issue.
We're still gonna have to take baby steps but at least they appear to be faster baby steps AND at least we're taking them.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
actually i disagree jeanie. we dont need to be signatory to kyoto to start making a difference. tis a bit like de facto marriage isn't it? you just do it.
all i see is an opportunity to lord it over countries who don't sign.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well like saying "sorry" I see it as a gesture of good will and a willingness to participate in the process. Of course it won't mean squat if we don't then go on and DO something. I hardly think Australia is going to be able to lord it all over China or the US do you?
Yeah, we could not sign but we've done that already and it didn't do anything so maybe try this instead?
And yeah, in an ideal world signing doesn't really mean jack shit, actions would be much more meaningful and significant and yield better results but we don't live in an ideal world do we?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
utopia is dystopic
oh the other day i saw a story on the news about these blokes making the trip from here to ireland(i think) to draw awareness to some cause or other. it was commercial televsion so i wasnt really paying attention. they decided to make the trip in a hummer. but never fear they will be planting trees to offset their carbon emissions. LMFAO!!! how about they do it on bicycles. that way they wont have to offset anything. their arses might be sore but theyll have those gorgeous cyclists legs.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Yeah, we've got those crazy fuckers planning the Grand Prix again. :rolleyes: Ads started last night. Can someone please explain it to me so I get it?
I mean they'd have to replant the whole fucking Amazon to offset the carbon emissions and the environmental impact of that sucker.
AND what's the deal with HUMMERS even still being MADE let alone being sold and registered!! :rolleyes: It's a fiasco.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I think this is right. It's kinda like, you can buy your girl a Valentine's card, or you can be nice to her every day, and forget the card. Which is better ??
I'm still thinking that the whole greenhouse /global warming thing is about humans, not the planet, so I'm less enthusiastic than a lotta folks.
In dinosaur times all that CO2 was out and about, and it was not until all the pesky trees came along that it went into the ground. We just make this great assumption that our version on the Earth is better, because it is familiar, but that assumption is grounded in our collective egos and not in any actual reality.
Australia can bust it's slot on greenhouse gasses, but how much CO2 does your average summer bushfire liberate ?? And while we are on that subject, just how were the inland grass plains of NSW created ?? Something about the original inhabitants living in harmony with nature by setting fire to it all the freaking time, I believe.
It's ironic that the sooner the Earth runs of of burnable fossil fules, the sooner we will be forced to renewable alternatives, or return to a lower tech more agrarian society which may or may not be kinder on the Earth anyway.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Hmmm, OK, that suggests that the planet thinks. I don't think that you can logically argue that coal is there for a reason, it is just a random occurrence. Unless oil exists in the Arab countries for the express purpose of making Islam wealthy so it can overthrow the infidel west.
I can see it now, the ultimate proof that God exists !!
you find the idea that the planet 'thinks' implausible luce? coal is not a random occurrence anymore than water is. they are where they are for a reason. maybe not a reason we understand or want to acknowledge, but there nonetheless.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i wish people would think more like you, though, and we can get back to the idea of one world being one thing. Even if it as simple as everyone agreeing that the world is earth, air, and water.
the human animal, in its intelligence and curiosity found a lot of things could burn, including coal...all by accident, pretty much. Or, experiment. We are no more a fated animal for our thirsts than the ant.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
you see it like that because you fail to see the real picture. coz you are a dumbarse. who types too much. you speak so much, yet say so little. you dont debate, you constantly ram your ignorant, inaccurate, uneducated opinions down everyones fucking throats and not a single thread goes by without you adding your 15,000 Mb of verbal dung. You are a know all.... however,,, you actually know >fuckall.
you tolerated a liberal govt for 12 yrs ? while they fixed up the mess your labour flogbags left this country in prior to that....lucky little johnny had big balls and even bigger knowledge and experience when it comes to politics...something Rudd is yet to chalk up.
What exactly have you been doing for this country for the last 12 yrs to justify you claiming the title of tolerator of earth scourging govts ? How has the howard govt fucked life up for you jeannie ? and if they did fuck life up for you,,,,what should have they done to rectify that ?
were you flying the Latham flag during his time of opportunity LOL ?
I really, really........
fucking doubt it.
Finished? Do you feel better? :rolleyes:
You're making some pretty big fucking assumptions there, but from all my dealings with you I know that you prefer being a troll. So rock on. I hope it gets you were you want to be in this world. I'd take it personal but you do it so often why would I bother? You're pissed the Liberals were voted out and the more you go on about it with your snivelling the more I wanna dance about Labor getting in and I can't stand Labor. But hey, why don't you enlighten me with your superior intellect?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Well I sure as hell know it won't be you sunshine.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift