And I can't wait to see the arse end of him anyway. He's made such a cock up of health I wouldn't be surprised if they found a way to get rid of him. : )
well i did say just for my own personal amusement.
as for turnball...a rich white middle aged man. come on who ever allows them be the leader of anything?
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
i wouldnt be subjected to abbott every day. i choose when i expose myself to politicians' mindlessness. and i already have a hobby.
Well my thought is that with him being Opposition Leader (don't that have a nice ring to it? ) we'd see him more than we do now. And frankly despite my best couch commando efforts I see him too much NOW! :eek:
Well my thought is that with him being Opposition Leader (don't that have a nice ring to it? ) we'd see him more than we do now. And frankly despite my best couch commando efforts I see him too much NOW! :eek:
not as nice as ex-politician .
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Dunno about that. I'm still trying not to grit my teeth EVERYTIME Jeff Kennett ex politician hops on the tele sprouting about depression in his new position as Director of Beyond Blue the depression initiative. I mean the irony, and sheer offensiveness of it just makes my blood boil.
Reports have it that an Apology to the Aboriginals has made it to the shortlist of 'things to do first'.
apologise? apologise for what? just cause we stole their land and their children, murdered them and treat them like shit we need to apologise. bloody bleeding hearts.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Reports have it that an Apology to the Aboriginals has made it to the shortlist of 'things to do first'.
Do you think it will really mean anything now though? To a cynic like me it would just sound like more political bullshit. Labor would just be doing it because Howard never would. If the apology had come spontaneously from the government before it was demanded by the public it would have meant a lot more.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
apologise? apologise for what? just cause we stole their land and their children, murdered them and treat them like shit we need to apologise. bloody bleeding hearts.
Well, we did take the land, but it was a bloody long time ago, and someone was bound to come along eventually.
We treated their children better than we did our own orphans raised in places like Neerkol.
But mostly, they treat themselves and each other like shit. They don't need any help there.
While there is guilt and blame to wallow in, there will never be progress.
I can't wait for the apology, grovelling Rudd will look great. Then what ?? It will make no difference, but it will be a weapon spent and they'll have to come up with something else. I wonder who will apologise to the current generation of abused and aimless children ?
Do you think it will really mean anything now though? To a cynic like me it would just sound like more political bullshit. Labor would just be doing it because Howard never would. If the apology had come spontaneously from the government before it was demanded by the public it would have meant a lot more.
That's true Scott, but perhaps if it is finally said, we can all move on?
Well, we did take the land, but it was a bloody long time ago, and someone was bound to come along eventually.
We treated their children better than we did our own orphans raised in places like Neerkol.
But mostly, they treat themselves and each other like shit. They don't need any help there.
While there is guilt and blame to wallow in, there will never be progress.
I can't wait for the apology, grovelling Rudd will look great. Then what ?? It will make no difference, but it will be a weapon spent and they'll have to come up with something else. I wonder who will apologise to the current generation of abused and aimless children ?
not me. i didn't do anything.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
That's true Scott, but perhaps if it is finally said, we can all move on?
Yeah but move on to what? What is labor's plan for this problem? An apology won't solve the alcohol and drug abuse, or the health issues, or the unemployment, or the domestic violence, or the child abuse. And at this late stage of the game I don't think an apology will even have any real symbolic meaning. If Kev really wants to show us that he cares he needs to have a go at fixing the problem.
I didn't like Howard, and I'm glad to see him go, and I have no idea if his approach to this issue was the right one, but at least he finally tried something. And it seems from his concession speech (which was very dignified I thought) that he honestly believed that his intervention was the right thing to do. Maybe it was? I don't know, but its obvious that something drastic needed to be done. It will be interesting to see where Rudd is going to go on this one.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
We treated their children better than we did our own orphans raised in places like Neerkol.
But mostly, they treat themselves and each other like shit. They don't need any help there.
While there is guilt and blame to wallow in, there will never be progress.
Well i disagree, while there are attitudes like this, there will never be progress.
Ah well, I have worked in those communities.
I know a few successful Aboriginal people, and the common thread is that they don't perceive themselves as being different or needing a special set of rules. They were raised to participate in society in the same manner as everyone else, and so they do.
Yeah but move on to what? What is labor's plan for this problem? An apology won't solve the alcohol and drug abuse, or the health issues, or the unemployment, or the domestic violence, or the child abuse. And at this late stage of the game I don't think an apology will even have any real symbolic meaning. If Kev really wants to show us that he cares he needs to have a go at fixing the problem.
I didn't like Howard, and I'm glad to see him go, and I have no idea if his approach to this issue was the right one, but at least he finally tried something. And it seems from his concession speech (which was very dignified I thought) that he honestly believed that his intervention was the right thing to do. Maybe it was? I don't know, but its obvious that something drastic needed to be done. It will be interesting to see where Rudd is going to go on this one.
To be honest scott I really don't know. It's such a mess. I don't want to see us keep throwing money at it in the hopes that will help because I really don't think it does. But I would like to see better outcomes for indigenous Australians. AND I'd like to see us all be more inclusive.
I'm not thinking "sorry" as in sorry and now please sue the arse of us all and hold us all accountable however many generations later. I'm thinking sorry for past injustice and now can we all work together to help improve the situation for all of us. I find it interesting that as a kid I had Greek and Italian Days at school but no Aboriginal or Indigenous Day. I'd like to know more, be included in their culture more, and help them where I can. But I can't just pack up and go back to Ireland or England or wherever that my DNA is the strongest. I live here too now. And not because I exterminated them, or personally did anything to them. I'd like to see them do better, want to know more about them, want to see some of the harm done by past policies rectified somehow but I don't even pretend to know how we'd do that.
Yeah but move on to what? What is labor's plan for this problem? An apology won't solve the alcohol and drug abuse, or the health issues, or the unemployment, or the domestic violence, or the child abuse. And at this late stage of the game I don't think an apology will even have any real symbolic meaning. If Kev really wants to show us that he cares he needs to have a go at fixing the problem.
I didn't like Howard, and I'm glad to see him go, and I have no idea if his approach to this issue was the right one, but at least he finally tried something. And it seems from his concession speech (which was very dignified I thought) that he honestly believed that his intervention was the right thing to do. Maybe it was? I don't know, but its obvious that something drastic needed to be done. It will be interesting to see where Rudd is going to go on this one.
I think it's not about us as a white race but about what the Koorie's want and they want an apology before anything esle. So lets give them a sincere apology and see what comes next. Anythings better than how their treated at the moment or the conditions that the majority of the urban Aboriginals live in.
I think it's not about us as a white race but about what the Koorie's want and they want an apology before anything esle. So lets give them a sincere apology and see what comes next. Anythings better than how their treated at the moment or the conditions that the majority of the urban Aboriginals live in.
you know ted, i dont even think its just about what the kooris want. i believe that above all else, they need to be acknowledged as this country's original inhabitants and the atrocities done to them as a people need to be officially recognised. and it must be a sincere apology.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I find it interesting that as a kid I had Greek and Italian Days at school but no Aboriginal or Indigenous Day.
That is interesting, cause it was the exact opposite for me. I did go to a public school in western NSW though, and it was probably a bit more recent?
We had NAIDOC day every year. People from the local community would come in and we'd do aboriginal art, listen to stories, play didg and have a big feed of bbq'd kangaroo and emu.
I can't say I remember learning much more than what kangaroo tastes like and that women aren't allowed to play didgeridoo, but I suppose its a nice idea. It never felt like it did much to bring the black kids and white kids closer together though.
It doesn't matter if you're male, female, or confused; black, white, brown, red, green, yellow; gay, lesbian; redneck cop, stoned; ugly; military style, doggy style; fat, rich or poor; vegetarian or cannibal; bum, hippie, virgin; famous or drunk-you're either an asshole or you're not!
oh yeah poor poor malcolm. my heart bleeds for him. :rolleyes:
more money for public schools. less support for rich private schools, cause many of us have no choice.
I've heard alot of good things about Julia. She spends alot of early mornings turning the snags at breaky BBQ's at alot of different workplaces listening to the concerns of the average punter.
I've heard alot of good things about Julia. She spends alot of early mornings turning the snags at breaky BBQ's at alot of different workplaces listening to the concerns of the average punter.
awesome nothing says concerned like a good old fashioned bbq whilst people bend your ear about what's eating them.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
We had NAIDOC day every year. People from the local community would come in and we'd do aboriginal art, listen to stories, play didg and have a big feed of bbq'd kangaroo and emu.
I can't say I remember learning much more than what kangaroo tastes like and that women aren't allowed to play didgeridoo, but I suppose its a nice idea. It never felt like it did much to bring the black kids and white kids closer together though.
To be honest I don't think NAIDOC even existed when I was at school!
Oh no! I've just checked and it did but I don't think it was probably relevant in a mostly war grants, newly multicultural, working class suburb in outer Melbourne. Well maybe not not relevant just not a priority? We didn't really have any aboriginal kids at school that I remember and none that I recall living in the area. Actually I can only ever recall one Aboriginal girl at school and that wasn't till I moved to the country in High School. It's interesting isn't it? That our experience is so different? And yet we're in the same country? Perhaps it was being in different areas, or maybe the time?
I don't think I tasted roo or even saw a live didge performance until I was in my late teens early twenties. And only then because I sought it out.
Indigenous population
Based on the numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people counted in the 2001 Census of Housing and Population, the ABS has projected that there were 501,236 Indigenous people living in Australia at 30 June 2006 [1, 2]. New South Wales (NSW) had the largest Indigenous population with 146,159, followed by Queensland (139,527), WA (72,243), and the NT (61,232) (Table 1). The NT had the highest proportion of Indigenous people among its population (29.7%) and Victoria the lowest (0.6%).
Nelson. Ex student union member and ex ALP member. Oh the irony!!!!!!
yeah, the guy's a joke.
Personally I think Mr Big Bucks Turnbull will get the top job. He's a perfect representation of liberal ideology.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Yep. Cause he wants to give something back to the country....not the money!!........but something.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
well i did say just for my own personal amusement.
as for turnball...a rich white middle aged man. come on who ever allows them be the leader of anything?
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Oh I know!
We should start a campaign to bring awareness to their plight!
oh and if the sight of Tony Abbott everyday would personally amuse you, we've got to gets you a hobby girl!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
i wouldnt be subjected to abbott every day. i choose when i expose myself to politicians' mindlessness. and i already have a hobby.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Well my thought is that with him being Opposition Leader (don't that have a nice ring to it?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
not as nice as ex-politician .
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Dunno about that. I'm still trying not to grit my teeth EVERYTIME Jeff Kennett ex politician hops on the tele sprouting about depression in his new position as Director of Beyond Blue the depression initiative. I mean the irony, and sheer offensiveness of it just makes my blood boil.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
apologise? apologise for what? just cause we stole their land and their children, murdered them and treat them like shit we need to apologise. bloody bleeding hearts.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Do you think it will really mean anything now though? To a cynic like me it would just sound like more political bullshit. Labor would just be doing it because Howard never would. If the apology had come spontaneously from the government before it was demanded by the public it would have meant a lot more.
-C Addison
Well, we did take the land, but it was a bloody long time ago, and someone was bound to come along eventually.
We treated their children better than we did our own orphans raised in places like Neerkol.
But mostly, they treat themselves and each other like shit. They don't need any help there.
While there is guilt and blame to wallow in, there will never be progress.
I can't wait for the apology, grovelling Rudd will look great. Then what ?? It will make no difference, but it will be a weapon spent and they'll have to come up with something else. I wonder who will apologise to the current generation of abused and aimless children ?
That's true Scott, but perhaps if it is finally said, we can all move on?
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
not me. i didn't do anything.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Yeah but move on to what? What is labor's plan for this problem? An apology won't solve the alcohol and drug abuse, or the health issues, or the unemployment, or the domestic violence, or the child abuse. And at this late stage of the game I don't think an apology will even have any real symbolic meaning. If Kev really wants to show us that he cares he needs to have a go at fixing the problem.
I didn't like Howard, and I'm glad to see him go, and I have no idea if his approach to this issue was the right one, but at least he finally tried something. And it seems from his concession speech (which was very dignified I thought) that he honestly believed that his intervention was the right thing to do. Maybe it was? I don't know, but its obvious that something drastic needed to be done. It will be interesting to see where Rudd is going to go on this one.
-C Addison
Ah well, I have worked in those communities.
I know a few successful Aboriginal people, and the common thread is that they don't perceive themselves as being different or needing a special set of rules. They were raised to participate in society in the same manner as everyone else, and so they do.
To be honest scott I really don't know. It's such a mess. I don't want to see us keep throwing money at it in the hopes that will help because I really don't think it does. But I would like to see better outcomes for indigenous Australians. AND I'd like to see us all be more inclusive.
I'm not thinking "sorry" as in sorry and now please sue the arse of us all and hold us all accountable however many generations later. I'm thinking sorry for past injustice and now can we all work together to help improve the situation for all of us. I find it interesting that as a kid I had Greek and Italian Days at school but no Aboriginal or Indigenous Day. I'd like to know more, be included in their culture more, and help them where I can. But I can't just pack up and go back to Ireland or England or wherever that my DNA is the strongest. I live here too now. And not because I exterminated them, or personally did anything to them. I'd like to see them do better, want to know more about them, want to see some of the harm done by past policies rectified somehow but I don't even pretend to know how we'd do that.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I think it's not about us as a white race but about what the Koorie's want and they want an apology before anything esle. So lets give them a sincere apology and see what comes next. Anythings better than how their treated at the moment or the conditions that the majority of the urban Aboriginals live in.
you know ted, i dont even think its just about what the kooris want. i believe that above all else, they need to be acknowledged as this country's original inhabitants and the atrocities done to them as a people need to be officially recognised. and it must be a sincere apology.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
That is interesting, cause it was the exact opposite for me. I did go to a public school in western NSW though, and it was probably a bit more recent?
We had NAIDOC day every year. People from the local community would come in and we'd do aboriginal art, listen to stories, play didg and have a big feed of bbq'd kangaroo and emu.
I can't say I remember learning much more than what kangaroo tastes like and that women aren't allowed to play didgeridoo, but I suppose its a nice idea. It never felt like it did much to bring the black kids and white kids closer together though.
-C Addison
irony served ted. brendan nelson is now leader of the Liberal opposition.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Just heard. How funny's that. Poor Malcom, he'll have to go home and roll around in his money to cheer himself up.
Julia Gillard education minister....nooice!!!!
oh yeah poor poor malcolm. my heart bleeds for him. :rolleyes:
more money for public schools. less support for rich private schools, cause many of us have no choice.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I've heard alot of good things about Julia. She spends alot of early mornings turning the snags at breaky BBQ's at alot of different workplaces listening to the concerns of the average punter.
awesome nothing says concerned like a good old fashioned bbq whilst people bend your ear about what's eating them.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
What are you implying Scott??
To be honest I don't think NAIDOC even existed when I was at school!
Oh no! I've just checked and it did but I don't think it was probably relevant in a mostly war grants, newly multicultural, working class suburb in outer Melbourne. Well maybe not not relevant just not a priority? We didn't really have any aboriginal kids at school that I remember and none that I recall living in the area. Actually I can only ever recall one Aboriginal girl at school and that wasn't till I moved to the country in High School. It's interesting isn't it? That our experience is so different? And yet we're in the same country? Perhaps it was being in different areas, or maybe the time?
I don't think I tasted roo or even saw a live didge performance until I was in my late teens early twenties. And only then because I sought it out.
Indigenous population
Based on the numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people counted in the 2001 Census of Housing and Population, the ABS has projected that there were 501,236 Indigenous people living in Australia at 30 June 2006 [1, 2]. New South Wales (NSW) had the largest Indigenous population with 146,159, followed by Queensland (139,527), WA (72,243), and the NT (61,232) (Table 1). The NT had the highest proportion of Indigenous people among its population (29.7%) and Victoria the lowest (0.6%).
Ah there ^ we go. That probably explains it.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift