Australian Federal Election 24 November 2007

So Aussies, thought we could have a discussion about the upcoming Federal Election.
What your thoughts and feelings are.
What's it gonna be? More Little Johnny or Kevin 07???
What your thoughts and feelings are.
What's it gonna be? More Little Johnny or Kevin 07???

*~You're IT Bert!~*
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*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I pity the fools who think they're voting for Johnny, only to get Petey if Johnny loses here and the Libs win.
Just put in my vote today at the pre-polling station. Felt good!
no reminding needed here.
i know tis a private ballot, but what electorate are you in and who'd ya vote for?
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Nice to see you found it catiefractious.
Did I not hear recently that the greens and the democrats have cooked up a preference deal when it comes to the senate? Be good if it was true!!
And I wouldn't be surprised AT ALL if Johnny comes back promptly sticking us with Petey but then I'm not really convinced that Kevin 07 is gonna be much of a difference if he manages to get in anyway.
The only thing I really hope for is that enough people vote to get a bit of balance back.
Preferential voting pisses me off.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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Yeah, Hinny is it Maxine McCune he's up against?? Some previous media identity or somethin? I can't remember.
Anyway, I guess we're all stuck with what Bennelong does in terms of Johnny himself, but I always vote to try to get a bit more variety in government. I figure I can't stop the Libs getting in and I'm not that keen on Labor either, so as long as either of the big parties don't have a majority in the senate it's all gonna be much of a muchness anyway as far as I can see.
Even if we do oust Johnny and the Libs, I can't see Labor revoking half the shit that the Libs have brought in. We'll still have the IR laws and we're still gonna be selling uruanium to Russia.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
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I gave the Greens candidate my number 1, but the important bit is I had 13 next to J. Howard of the Liberal party. For the Senate I put the Climate Change Coalition at number 1, and move down from there to number 79.
how can anyone take these guys serious?
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I think it would be impossible to get Howard out of Bennelong. If that happens I would buy each one of you Aussies on A Moving Train a nice cold beer.
can you make mine a scotch, i dont drink beer.
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sure... why not... you're buying.
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Double it is! It would be crazy if he doesn't get re-elected in his electorate.
Thats weird so if he doesn't get re-elected in Bennelong but the Liberals win the overall election, does Peter Costello take over (assuming he is elected)? or can Howard still run the show?
Four reasons why I won't be voting for the coalition. 1. Costello. 2. Downer. 3. Abbott. 4. Nelson. Pillocks. Why do we have compulsory voting in Australia? Aren't we suppose to be the leaders of democracy? The champions of the free? Send our troops overseas to fight for the freedom of others?
if it weren't compulsory no bastard would vote. we'd all be down the beach working on our melanomas.
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Once Howard retires do we really want Abbott and Costello running the country. I mean come on.................
so is that a vote for labor then?
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Yes it is. A vote for those union loving, economic novices. Trying to remember of the rest of the fear campaign but I'm drawing a blank at the moment.
OMG!!! ted, dont you know those former union bosses are gonna destroy our economy by kowtowing to those strike loving bastards. and did you not see the 17% interest rate under the labor hawke govt in the 80s? never mind that the whole world was going nuts back then. this is no time for logic. stop just being alert and be very very alarmed.
i'll be voting green BTW.
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I'm in Bennelong electorate and have already voted (postal) to get rid of the little twerp, only hope the majority of the electorate do the same!
Rudd'll do me as leader of our country (he'll get rid of Workchoices), making Pete Garrett a Minister will improve it, and the Greens'll hopefully have the casting vote in the Senate.
Now, how many Coldies do I get for these pearls of wisdom???
Love & peace to you all.
Freakin' tree hugger
If I was in a safe Labour seat I'd be doing the same but seeing as my electorate went to the Lib's for the first time since federation last election it's not a wasted vote. Haven't really decided on my senate vote yet though. Maybe Green but probably not. Friggin college know it all Hippies
Oh yeah forgot. When we were paying 17% interest rates we were still paying a smaller percentage of our incomes than they are now thanks to the ridiculous increase in housing prices. Never mind the world recession that was going on then.
Were you in Bennelong last election and did you vote for Johnny back then? Don't want to hassle you or anything just interested in whether your changing you vote or not.
Peace right back at ya
trees hold the secrets to the universe. dont you ever hear them talking amongst themselves. if you listen they'll share their wisdom with you.
pfft im sure there's something i dont know that you could teach me.
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No hassle at all, have never voted conservative in my life, most of which I've spent in this electorate. Never thought I'd see the day a conservative PM would be thown out of here, and now it is so close.
It's a lot to do with the redrawing of the boundaries though, so that more working class areas are now included here. The state seat has a Labor rep, and has done for some time - John Watkins - not that the State Govt. is doing much good.
Lets wait to see if he gets kicked out first and if he does the answer will depend on how happy it would make me!
What makes me pessimistic is that you've mentioned that you haven't changed your vote ever since you've been in the electorate. I think it'll be really hard to vote him out cause a lot of people still have the idea of "but he is the prime minister" and they would vote for him.
Its funny how all the liberals have to offer is more scare campaigns. Now they are going for the "12 labor candidate nominations" thingy.
they will stuff our economy.
this message brought to you by the desperation of the Liberal Party.
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"If you change the government, you do change the country"
"There's no such thing as changing the government without changing the circumstances of the country. It's not like a Christmas present you didn't want and you can take it back at the Boxing Day sale."
All these facts are too much for me to handle.. I think i should vote liberal!
JOURNALIST: If elected, Mr Rudd, how long would it take you to get on the phone to President Bush and tell him that you want the troops out?
RUDD: Well I’ve already indicated in my conversations both with the United States President and the United States Vice President what our policy is. And what I’ve said quite clearly is that the withdrawal of Australia’s combat force in Iraq would be concluded at the conclusion of the subsequent rotation by around the middle of next year. It’s been said in black and white to the US Ambassador, the US Vice President, the US President and we’ve said we’d do so in consultation with our ally. That would just occur though the normal process and I look forward to maintaining a close, very close working relationship with the US Administration.
JOURNALIST: Would (inaudible) continue if you have such opposing views on the war in Iraq?
RUDD: Well I believe that if you look at US global strategic interests, they are significant in East Asia, they are certainly significant in Afghanistan and they are significant in our own immediate region as well where Australia provides a range of other important supports for the US overall global strategic stability. Therefore I look forward to maintaining a very close relationship with the United States. Remember having an effective alliance with the United States does not of itself mandate automatic compliance with the United States on every element of foreign policy.
JOURNALIST: How many non-combat troops will remain?
RUDD: Well as I said the combat forces is around 500,550. Looking at the naval units which are offshore, you’re looking at the RAAF deployments; you’re looking at SECDET which is responsible for the security of our diplomatic staff and certain associated staff as well. But as I always said we’re looking at that combat force of 500 to 550.
-C Addison
I was extremely dissapointed to see that Labor does not mention the words science or research on its list of policies. Even under education there is no mention of research funding. . .
Australia is in a position to make itself a world leader in science and technology. Instead of blowing billions on tax breaks to buy votes why can't we INVEST in building our research capacity? The world is going to be crying out for new energy technologies in the coming years, so rather than flogging coal to China why don't we lead the way in developing sustainable alternatives, and build our economy on selling great ideas? The libs record for research funding and supporting universities is abysmal. I was hoping labor might give a shit. Apparently not.
I guess its easier to just dig a fucking hole in the ground and sell the contents.
-C Addison
yeah but... yeah but... we're all getting broadband. WOOHOO!!!!
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