Kucinich 08!!!

Against the war then and still against it now! Could we please have serious discussion/comments and not a bunch of the usual crap?
Great typo in the title...:p
Great typo in the title...:p
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Post edited by Unknown User on
He looks like a weasel.
Serious discussion, please.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
No honestly im being serious. If you dont think personal appearance is an issue watch nixon/kennedy.
I like what he stands for, but he lacks charisma, which is important in leading a nation. I think he'd make a great vp or advisor, i just don't see him as pres...
People have said that they hope Nader doesn't run and they hope Kucinich doesn't run...because they will take votes away from the democratic candidate. Well, I have some news...the two-party system yields results that are not significantly different. So, I say, we chip away at the system.
I plan on familiarizing myself with Mr. Kucinich again and finding out where he stands now on other issues. I am glad he was and is against the war, but that is a lightning rod issue.
from my window to yours
Sure, but catching a baseball has nothing to do with that.
from my window to yours
Really? I've always thought he shows a lot of charisma! He seems passionate but you can see the frustration all over his face. To me, you can see how much he really cares and isn't just bullshitting.
And hey, he has even made appearances at Ani shows!! So he has good taste in music and isn't afraid to get out there with the young people.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Exactly!!! Don't complain about how things are and then tell people who are actually running on changing things to go away! That makes absolutely NO sense! If we keep voting for these same crooks, we're gonna keep geeting the same crimes.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
not my cup o' tea, however.
for the least they could possibly do
i feel kinda the same way about Hillary Clinton. she creeps me out. although i guess she has a chance... especially since the Republican field doesn't look strong. McCain is a loose cannon with a massively unpopular stance on the war. Guiliani is pro-choice and would alienate the Repubican base, potentially spurning a third party conservative movement. even if Mitt Romney wasn't a major doofus, he's still a Mormon - no chance.
right now, the best of the Dems in my opinion are Barack Obama and Tom Vilsack. only their names are weird.
It's a strange election cycle in that I couldn't envision any of the major candidates from any party actually winning the thing.
I guess that will start to shake out in the months to come.
for the least they could possibly do
McCain looks like Frankenstein.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
What has he said or done that is so weird? If by weird you mean, be a Dem who actually puts himself on the line and votes against spending for the war then yeah, I see what you mean.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
seriously, how much fun would that election be?
Lets make it a fatal four-way.
I'd like to add Ted Kennedy and Rev. Al Sharpton.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
nah, the point is to get ideological opposites. sharpton and kennedy are both staunchly left with kucinich. i like the idea of the stoned out hippy sqaring off with the religious zealot. if you want to add more, it'd have to be like sharpton and hannity or something.
i honestly can't imagine what a debate between kucinich and brownback would be like... they're like from two different universes.
THe democrats in 2008 nominate someone who voted against Iraq from the start and has been continually calling for withdrawal for years?
The democrats in 2008 nominate someone who think peace, justice, and equality is a platform to run on, and to promote?
Nah, they will nominate the same milquetoast boring wooden jerks they always do, like Kerry and Gore.
The Democrats think that the U.S. is conservative. Why would they nominate Kucinich?
What blows my mind is the lack of attention he gets. Instead of falling in love with Obama like all Dems seem to be doing, they should be planning to support a person in 2008 who will bring the troops home. Obama wont do it, Kerry wont, gore wont, Clinton wont, Biden wont
THE ONLY PERSON who will bring the troops home in my mind, that is running for president in 2008 on the Dem platform is Kucinich. He is the only democrat running an explicitly propeace, anti war candidacy.
Its a shame when the opposition party is running the same type platform as the Republicans. Kucinich should stand out, partly because he genuinely does stand out, a peacenik in a prowar party
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
I'm willing to bet after a few stiff ones no one's really on the same page with Teddy. I'm actually waiting to see something involving Biden.
"What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact."
Camden 5-28-06
Washington, D.C. 6-22-08
Great post! The Dems beat themselves because they believe the only way to win is to mimic their opponent. They don't believe in themselves or their causes enough to stand up for them. They think they need to conform to suceed and they couldn't be more wrong. I'm going to stand up for what I believe in because it's what's in my heart, it's what I know to be true.....I'm not going to say or do anything because I think it's what everyone else wants to hear or what I think may be popular at the time. Be true to yourself and the rest will follow.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
your thinking of john kerry
I suspect, now I could be wrong here, but I suspect if Kucinich was considered a front runner, you'd be desparaging him all over this board too. I understand. I like to be Mr. Against the Grain myself. But right now we've got a candidate with roughly the same position on the war as Kucinich, only with an actual chance (sorry Abook - I do like this Kucinich guy). It's important enough to me to actually end the war this time. So this time, a major candidate from a major party is getting my support.
'Course, your likely right about Clinton, Biden, et. al.
He seems to be doing pretty good here, Mr. Pessimist.
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And anyways, Kucinich is a Dem. I'm voting my conscience this time. Last time I just went Dem thinking it would be for the best and Kerry turned out to be such a faker surrounded with the usual double speak. He was always folding under pressure, saying what he thought everyone wanted to hear and it really cost him. I'm not doing it again. Why do you think Obama is a better or stronger candidate? Because he's more popular at the moment? That can change.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
becos unfortunately they're right.
He's got some personal baggage that he's been able to avoid having to discuss because no one takes him to be a serious candidate. There's no horrible skeleton in his closet that I'm aware of, but he's a quirky guy that middle-America won't be able to relate to. Plus he's so damn tiny .... honestly, the guy is just miniature, he's even smaller than he looks on television. I know it's stupid, but shit like that seems to matter to a lot of people.
Anyway, this is my take on the guy. I've met him many times ... I wouldn't say that I "know" him, but I was in frequent contact with him and his staff at my last job, and I've been watching his political career for 30 years now, so I think I've got at least a bit of insight.
The good things about him: He is nothing if not consistent. Obviously, over 30 years he has grown and changed some, but he does not change his opinion because he's got his finiger in the wind of popular opinion. If he says something, it is because he truly believes it. He is honest .... I'm not being funny here, he really is. He stands up for what he believes in and will not back down. Despite how some in the media attempt to paint him, he is as far from a hippie stoner as can be ... he is incredibly disciplined about his health and his diet, it's inconceivable to me that he would ever abuse any substance.
The down side: The aforementioned personal issues. None of it is bad, personally I think it's all irrelevant, but you can just imagine how the media would spin it .... an extremely close friendship with Shirley MacLaine, a strict vegan diet, and an interest in eastern spiritual practices. I have no problem at all with any of this, I think this country is in desperate need of a president who does some reflective meditation, but middle America is going to think the guy is wierd. I'm not trying to be negative, but I am a realist.
As for why I personally am not sure I will vote for him, despite being crazy about the guy ... an almost total inability to compromise. He's a bulldog, he doesn't know how to back down. That can be very good, but it can also be bad. I don't want a Kerry type who caves every time someone gives him a dirty look, but there needs to be some ability to give and take and play nice with the other side, and I don't see a lot of that with Dennis.
I don't know, I'm still undecided ... but I will say that I'm pleased to have one of the very, very few congressmen that I can vote for without holding my nose.
Sounds kind of like the guy we have in office now, and you're right, that can be a good thing and a bad thing.
You need a guy who will compromise when it's possible, but who will stick to his guns when necessary. It's not enough to have a candidate who knows how to compromise. We need a candidate who also knows when (and when not) to compromise.
There's got to be some happy middle ground, doesn't there?
for the least they could possibly do
cross the river to the eastside
Spend your time on a candidate that can actually BEAT a republican...
I'm not gonna spend my time with apathetic politics anymore. I'm going to vote for who I believe in, whose stances match my own thoughts...not who I think stands the best chance of winning. This kind of fear and second guessing has plagued the Democrats year after year. No one stands a chance if people don't put themselves out there and try to go against the odds for once. We'll just keep getting the same old crap we've been complaining about.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde