I don't agree with everything he says, but I do like the fact he tells you what he's thinking and you know where he stands on certain issues. He doesn't seem to use typical rhetoric trying not to offend people. He says what he means and lets you choose to support him or not. I wish more people had this quality in politics.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
I don't agree with everything he says, but I do like the fact he tells you what he's thinking and you know where he stands on certain issues. He doesn't seem to use typical rhetoric trying not to offend people. He says what he means and lets you choose to support him or not. I wish more people had this quality in politics.
Unfortunately I don't think any democrat stands a chance other than Hillary, Obama, or Edwards. All three of these candidates would have to made massive blunders for anyone else to have a shot. Fucking media.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Unfortunately I don't think any democrat stands a chance other than Hillary, Obama, or Edwards. All three of these candidates would have to made massive blunders for anyone else to have a shot. Fucking media.
We just gotta try and really believe somethings gonna change sometime hopefully soon. And if it doesn't we'll go from there.
It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now!!!!!!!
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
He's always told people what they wanted to hear. like how the war was going to be a cake walk. Or how he changed his stance on stem ell research and abortion.
Dennis has always said what he believed even when it was unpopular.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
He's always told people what they wanted to hear. like how the war was going to be a cake walk. Or how he changed his stance on stem ell research and abortion.
Dennis has always said what he believed even when it was unpopular.
Last I checked, "stay the course" hasn't been too popular .
I'm just saying that he does sound a bit like Bush in that you know what you are getting with both; not that their ideas are the same.
make sure the fortune that you seek...is the fortune that you need
this guy is not slipping off the first page. he seems to be the only true candidate to choose. he doesnt give the party spin, or the empty roundabout answers. he hits straight forward, for the people and this country. i have held out hope for Obama and his progressive roots. at least he did not support the war in 2002/2003. however i do not like his smooth shift to the center during this whirlwind ride towards the whitehouse.
and i absolutely loved Kucinich's interview with Bill Maher... any presidetial candidate that says "peace is inevitable" has my vote.
Unfortunately I don't think any democrat stands a chance other than Hillary, Obama, or Edwards. All three of these candidates would have to made massive blunders for anyone else to have a shot. Fucking media.
It won't be Obama...sure he'll get votes but he won't be president...no way. Black guy? I'd be really surprised. perhaps 10-15 years from now maybe.
Hillary? hmm tough one...woman president...hmm...I really don't think so either in reality. Were at least 10 years out on that as well I think.
Edwards?...who the hell is Edwards really... I doubt it.
Kucinich?...well he isn't looking to outrageous after all now considering.
It sure as hell won't be another republican...(if it is I'm volunteering for the Mars mission)
So through the sheer process of elimination I think Kucinich is actually looking pretty good.
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
I am a steadfast radical. I frankly to be honest, dislike liberals immensely. I voted for Nader in 2004 and if I was old enough I would have voted for him in 2000. Democrats these days dont stand for issues. They are NOT the opposition party, as they agree with Bush on so many issues. Kerry wasnt worth voting for. Merely not being Bush isnt enough for me to vote for a guy.
Kucinich is the real deal. He even makes a commie pinko like me, excited about the 2008 race. He isnt a politician. he stands for issues, he says what he means, he isnt pandering to a base. He isnt all about the money and power.
He really does believe in peace and nonviolence and so on. Thats whats so refreshing. In my mind, the Democrats like Obama and hilary and Biden are now only now beginning to be anti Bush and antiwar, this only because they realize this is an unpopular war now. They certainly werent antiwar when they voted to send troops in, they are cowards.
I still have major qualms about voting for Democrats, any democrat. Bush has done much damage, but lets face it, the democrats allowed him to be this way, every step of the way, too worried about being labeled antipatriotic and unamerican.
That said, Kucinich and Mike Gravel to me are the ONLY mainstream candidates worth voting for. I see it as, IF YOU MUST VOTE DEMOCRAT and refuse to vote for a third party, Kucinich and Gravel are the two choices who should get your consideration, and the only two.
I am so sick of politicians running for office that are politicians. Kucinich is the real deal. He is what the Democratic party should be, but isnt.
I say, Vote Third party in 2008, but if you cant vote third party, vote Kucinich and Gravel in 2008!
Gravel and Kucinich and a third party candidate are the ONLY viable choices for presidents who are ABSOLUTELY going to bring troops home and end the war.
Voting for any other democrat, you risk the chance they wont end the war and in the case of several, actually widen the war and send troops to iran.
In my mind, the Democrats like Obama and hilary and Biden are now only now beginning to be anti Bush and antiwar, this only because they realize this is an unpopular war now. They certainly werent antiwar when they voted to send troops in, they are cowards.
Obama was openly against the iraq invasion since jump street, he was a state represenative at the time.
Bush has done much damage, but lets face it, the democrats allowed him to be this way, every step of the way, too worried about being labeled antipatriotic and unamerican.
i agree mostly, however, we must remember that republicans at one point had the exective branch, both houses of congress, and the majority of state governors as a cherry on top. if you dont have the votes, you cant stop him. the republican party effectively had authoritarian rule over all the branches of the federal government during the hey day of the Bush Administration
I say, Vote Third party in 2008,
i only wish more people voted 3rd party
but if you cant vote third party, vote Kucinich and Gravel in 2008!
kucinich has my vote
Gravel and Kucinich and a third party candidate are the ONLY viable choices for presidents who are ABSOLUTELY going to bring troops home and end the war.
Voting for any other democrat, you risk the chance they wont end the war and in the case of several, actually widen the war and send troops to iran.
i agree, but i am still not so sure about obama, he may be more progressive then he is leading on.
i agree, but i am still not so sure about obama, he may be more progressive then he is leading on.[/quote]
Indeed you may be 100 percent correct. Obama may be even more progressive than he is leading on. But thats part of the problem in my mind. Kucinich has ALWAYS been progressive, and hasnt been centrist or moderate in running for president in 2004 or now. He hasnt wavered. Obama and everyone else running for the democrat ticket has. I cant vote for someone who MAY be more progressive once elected. That was the argument for Kerry as well. The argument that, oh once he is in office, he is going to stop the war. He didnt run on that, and never said that, so I didnt vote for him. Thats my opinion on that.
What you are describing is exactly why I fee every other democrat save Kucnich and Gravel, are liars and currupt politicians.
There is serious questions and doubts about what will happen if we elect Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Obama etc... They all could send us into war with iran.
With Kucinich you get what you get. I dont think if he was president that he would widen the war and send more troops in, and I dont think he would legalize all guns, and I dont think he would tell the american public that violence is the answer. He has never waivered on that. He would do what he always said he would do: end the war and promote peace.
Obama does seem charismatic I will give you that. But I dont think he is the politician for us now.
Indeed you may be 100 percent correct. Obama may be even more progressive than he is leading on. But thats part of the problem in my mind. Kucinich has ALWAYS been progressive, and hasnt been centrist or moderate in running for president in 2004 or now. He hasnt wavered. Obama and everyone else running for the democrat ticket has. I cant vote for someone who MAY be more progressive once elected. That was the argument for Kerry as well. The argument that, oh once he is in office, he is going to stop the war. He didnt run on that, and never said that, so I didnt vote for him. Thats my opinion on that.
What you are describing is exactly why I fee every other democrat save Kucnich and Gravel, are liars and currupt politicians.
There is serious questions and doubts about what will happen if we elect Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Obama etc... They all could send us into war with iran.
With Kucinich you get what you get. I dont think if he was president that he would widen the war and send more troops in, and I dont think he would legalize all guns, and I dont think he would tell the american public that violence is the answer. He has never waivered on that. He would do what he always said he would do: end the war and promote peace.
Obama does seem charismatic I will give you that. But I dont think he is the politician for us now.
i agree, but i am still not so sure about obama, he may be more progressive then he is leading on.
Indeed you may be 100 percent correct. Obama may be even more progressive than he is leading on. But thats part of the problem in my mind. Kucinich has ALWAYS been progressive, and hasnt been centrist or moderate in running for president in 2004 or now. He hasnt wavered. Obama and everyone else running for the democrat ticket has. I cant vote for someone who MAY be more progressive once elected. That was the argument for Kerry as well. The argument that, oh once he is in office, he is going to stop the war. He didnt run on that, and never said that, so I didnt vote for him. Thats my opinion on that.
What you are describing is exactly why I fee every other democrat save Kucnich and Gravel, are liars and currupt politicians.
There is serious questions and doubts about what will happen if we elect Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Obama etc... They all could send us into war with iran.
With Kucinich you get what you get. I dont think if he was president that he would widen the war and send more troops in, and I dont think he would legalize all guns, and I dont think he would tell the american public that violence is the answer. He has never waivered on that. He would do what he always said he would do: end the war and promote peace.
Obama does seem charismatic I will give you that. But I dont think he is the politician for us now.[/quote]
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
By davidswanson
Special Convention Report by the Creative Youth News Team [1]
California Democrats had a chance to see the Democratic Presidential candidates first hand. Members of the Creative Youth Team were present to watch and report. The reaction of the delegates was clear and decisive. All delegates interviewed stated that Dennis Kucinich gave the best presentation and received the best audience reaction. They seemed pretty unified in this impression, regardless of which candidate they were supporting for President. Delegates stated, of the candidates who spoke, he was the most powerful, the most passionate, the most energetic and the most ready to take action. With the exception of Joe Biden, all the 2008 Democratic candidates spoke at their convention. Supporters of most candidates had been unprepared for the tremendous charisma and appeal of Congressman Dennis Kucinich. His positions from choice to Iran resonated with the Democratic crowd.
Former Senator Mike Gravel spoke at the Chairman's reception on Friday. The sound system on the patio could have been better. The crowd liked him as a person but did not seem inclined to back his candidacy for President.
On the patio many spoke about the debate the night before where only Kucinich had come out in support of impeachment. What the Democratic leadership was soon to find out was that the majority of Democrats strongly support impeachment and won't settle for less.
Saturday morning, Hillary Clinton gave a very lengthy speech that had delegates walking out and looking at their watches. She walked into the audience, looking professional and friendly at one point. Delegates were impresssed with her willingness to do this. The average reaction to her speech was that it was boring.
When Obama spoke, the audience looked very restless and uncomfortable. There were a few shouts of "tell the truth" and "stop funding the war." The reaction he got was lukewarm at best. Applauses he received seemed to be out of politeness rather than enthusiasm. His supporters later admitted they were disappointed in his presentation .......
Indeed you may be 100 percent correct. Obama may be even more progressive than he is leading on. But thats part of the problem in my mind. Kucinich has ALWAYS been progressive, and hasnt been centrist or moderate in running for president in 2004 or now. He hasnt wavered. Obama and everyone else running for the democrat ticket has. I cant vote for someone who MAY be more progressive once elected. That was the argument for Kerry as well. The argument that, oh once he is in office, he is going to stop the war. He didnt run on that, and never said that, so I didnt vote for him. Thats my opinion on that.
What you are describing is exactly why I fee every other democrat save Kucnich and Gravel, are liars and currupt politicians.
There is serious questions and doubts about what will happen if we elect Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Obama etc... They all could send us into war with iran.
With Kucinich you get what you get. I dont think if he was president that he would widen the war and send more troops in, and I dont think he would legalize all guns, and I dont think he would tell the american public that violence is the answer. He has never waivered on that. He would do what he always said he would do: end the war and promote peace.
Obama does seem charismatic I will give you that. But I dont think he is the politician for us now.
Can he win the presidency on the strength of committment to stopping war? That does not seem to be a priority on the mind of a big enough group of voters.. and there is really no way to change that.
Indeed you may be 100 percent correct. Obama may be even more progressive than he is leading on. But thats part of the problem in my mind.
More progressive than he's leading on? Obama has been for ending this war before it even started. He's repeatedly claimed that as president, he will end it. As a Senator he proposed a withdrawal bill months in advance of the more recent one that's gotten so much publicity lately. My worry is that, in regards to the war, he's less progressive than he's leading on. Evidence points against it, but it's still a worry.
Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is keynote speaker at West L.A. Democratic Club
One little-known provision requested by President George W. Bush in the recently vetoed Iraq funding bill is that Iraq privatize its oil or the U.S. will pull out the troops and not send in any peace keepers, said Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio U.S. Congressman and presidential candidate.
Kucinich was the keynote speaker at an event on Saturday, May 5th, held by the West L.A. Democratic Club at the Venice Center for Peace with Justice and the Arts in Venice.
Kucinich said that six weeks ago he told Democratic colleagues about this provision, asking if they had read the bill because many were shocked to learn about it, and admitted they had not read much of the bill, which prompted Kucinich to remark, 'Just like the Patriot Act.'
Just before the president's veto of the Iraq funding bill, Kucinich said he attempted for the third time to remove the 'privatization of oil' bill portion and that some Democrats 'screamed at him that he was 'not a loyal party member'.'
'Democrats took the House of Representatives on war issues in the election, but this is 'bait and switch' because people wanted change, not the Democratic version of the war instead of the Republican war,' Kucinich said.
The congressman told the audience of over 200 people, 'You're the ones who decide who the next president will be. Come together, take steps to change the country, talk about the America we want to see, where the president and the vice president support the Constitution of the United States with honor and America rejects war as an instrumental policy.'
America understands when any country's leader says, 'All options are on the table,' (as the U.S. did with Iran) it means the possibility of war, said Kucinich.
Kucinich said he wants to be a healing president, end the occupation of Iraq, and restate America's position in the world.
Congress has the power of the purse and can pass legislation simply telling the president they won't pass any money to fund the war. Democrats should have told the president, 'No more money for Iraq,' Kucinich said.
It isn't a matter of more legislation, said Kucinich, 'Because when you say you're going to decertify the war and then a guy passes funding to authorize the war, you're authorizing the war all over again. Who's getting fooled?' he asked.
On nuclear weapons, he said that it's not for the U.S. to pick who should or shouldn't have nuclear power, asking, 'Do we want the threat of extinction for our children and grandchildren?'
Kucinich advocates getting rid of all nuclear weapons, referring to the non-proliferation treaty that provides for all nuclear weapons to be abolished.
On abortion, Kucinich said that the ruling on partial-birth abortion by the Supreme Court 'was very destructive, and that Roe v. Wade has to be protected to protect women's rights to privacy and the right to decide, working with their doctor.'
America needs a culture that affirms life and heals, providing for pre-natal and post-natal care, a living wage, economic opportunities and giving people the right to make choices, he said.
Regarding immigration, Kucinich said, 'It's a great shame that slave labor is allowed to exist and that system needs to be stopped.'
'No fines should be paid (by immigrants), no one should be made to go back, and we should stop scapegoating immigrants,' said Kucinich.
The U.S. has the right to regulate traffic (of individuals coming into the country), but it must look at the causes, enforce labor laws, OSHA (U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration) laws and workers' rights, Kucinich said.
Regarding NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement), Mexican wages went down, not up as promised, said Kucinich, and he claims NAFTA should be abolished and new relations should be worked out with the Mexican government and conditions improved there.
The congressman supports an end to oil reliance and says that the U.S. has a responsibility to the world to sign the Kyoto Treaty ' which commits industrialized nations to reduce greenhouse gases, principally carbon dioxide, by around five percent below their 1990 levels over the next decade ' and introduce energy conservation, invest in a new technology and reverse global warming climate change.
The education system is becoming dangerous, creating a two-class society, and education has become a privilege rather than a right, said Kucinich.
On the subject of student loans and tuition, the question is always, 'Where will we get the money?' said Kucinich.
No one asked, 'Where will we get the money when we went to war in Iraq and borrowed money from China to fight,' Kucinich said.
Education is the basic right of every young person, he said, telling the audience that he was the first in his family to go to college and worked two jobs, 80 hours a week, to do so.
In understanding the suffering of the Palestinians and recognizing Israel's fears, assuring the survival of both, we can create a new world, said Kucinich. The only way to be a healing hand is to be even-handed, he said.
Audience members asked if Kucinich would still reintroduce the paper ballot for voting, to which Kucinich said yes, adding that election integrity is a big issue in correctly counting votes.
'We will bring the Diebold (electronic voting machine manufacturer) people before Congress before the end of the year,' Kucinich said.
On oil companies, he said that the challenge is price gouging, noting the 'winter/summer gas switch' in California, and that the U.S. must move to alternative fuels.
Another audience member asked if the candidate is still supporting a 'Department of Peace' to look at society's issues ' domestic violence with spousal and child abuse, school violence, gangs, guns, racial violence, anti-gay violence and police clashes with citizens ' and Kucinich said he had proposed a bill and that 62 members of Congress already support the idea.
Supporting campaign financing laws, and calling for public financing and an end to private campaign financing, Kucinich said, 'Washington is like an auction and the presidency should not be sold to the highest bidder.'
On the subject of his Democratic opponents running for president, Kucinich said he was the only candidate at the Democratic National Convention in San Diego who held up his hand when the question was asked if they supported impeaching Vice President Cheney.
He said his concern is that none of the other candidates have spoken about the alleged abuse of office and lying by the administration, and he would ask them what their standards are and if it is okay to lie, attack other nations or create a pretext to attack.
All of the other candidates must be held accountable, he said. Kucinich asked why the other candidates didn't speak up and defend our Constitution.
Kucinich was elected to Cleveland, Ohio's City Council at age 23, and he was elected mayor of Cleveland at the age of 31.
He was elected to Congress in 1996 and has advocated for workers' rights, civil rights and human rights.
Kucinich was introduced by Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl ' who represents the 11th District, which includes the Venice area ' and who endorsed Kucinich for president at the meeting.
Rosendahl also announced that he will run for reelection when his term as councilman is finished, and that he plans to put the living wage issue on the February 2008 ballot.
The councilman said he has 'been wooed' by Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards, and he reflected on what he should do and on what matters.
Rosendahl said he began in politics and knew Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. The councilman worked for Kennedy's campaign and was present at the Ambassador Hotel the night Kennedy was shot.
When Rosendahl left politics, he went to cable TV and started a public affairs show bringing 'everybody and anybody' on, and hosting over 300 election specials.
'Broadcasters have a license to rip us all off,' said Rosendahl, who urged taking media back for the people.
Rosendahl referred to President Bush as, 'The guy in the White House who should be impeached for invading Iraq,' and as, 'That crackpot who is our president.'
There were no WMDs (weapons of mass destruction), they knew there were no WMDs, and there is a moral and political wrongness, said Rosendahl.
Rosendahl touched on a variety of topics, such as the lack of health insurance as well as the high costs.
'Get rid of the damn insurance companies,' he said.
Regarding gay rights, Rosendahl praised Kucinich for supporting gay rights and said, 'I'm gay, and I was made this way. God makes no mistakes,' Rosendahl said. 'Shouldn't we be treated like everyone else?'
Rosendahl said that Kucinich believes that gays should have the same rights, but his message is not given because the media merely mentions Kucinich as 'also being there' at candidate events.
In reference to the war on drugs in America, Rosendahl stated that the 'war on drugs is a war on people and that bad laws need repeal.'
On the subject of people using drugs, the councilman said drug dependence should be treated as a health issue.
"Kucinich gathered 26 percent of the votes to best the seven other Democratic presidential candidates, according to Matt Christensen, chair of the Coos County Democratic Central Committee.
Christensen said Kucinich lead a tight top-tier race between himself, and Sens. Barack Obama and John Edwards, who scored 24 and 23 percent respectively."
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
"Kucinich gathered 26 percent of the votes to best the seven other Democratic presidential candidates, according to Matt Christensen, chair of the Coos County Democratic Central Committee.
Christensen said Kucinich lead a tight top-tier race between himself, and Sens. Barack Obama and John Edwards, who scored 24 and 23 percent respectively."
He does so well when people actually hear him speak! Those that rely on the media to sum it up are really missing out on someone who has the people first and foremost in his heart and are told he has no chance. How can you know how much of a chance someone has until they have fully campaigned and let the people decide who they liked best? Before making a decsion on what chance you think he's got, why not listen to what he has to say?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
He does so well when people actually hear him speak! Those that rely on the media to sum it up are really missing out on someone who has the people first and foremost in his heart and are told he has no chance. How can you know how much of a chance someone has until they have fully campaigned and let the people decide who they liked best? Before making a decsion on what chance you think he's got, why not listen to what he has to say?
Not only what he says, but how he says it. To me he has the most conviction, emotion, and belief in what he is saying. The rest just seem to be reading cue cards or reciting script from memory in comparison.
Could be some interesting times ahead!
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
Wow! This is some thread, Abook! I am very grateful to you, for your passion and for your commitment to sharing what you know about Dennis Kucinich. I've recently become more and more familiar with the man and I wanted to make some comments.
It's amazing to me to see that your country has generated enough awareness/understanding to actually give rise to a man like Dennis Kucinich. That, to me, is a beautiful thing, and one that speaks to the evolution of the human spirit. That he can be anywhere near to the presidency completely catches me off guard, to be honest. Whatever his course may be, it's wonderful that his example of purpose and leadership is being heard far and wide and will resonate in the hearts of the masses, who are glimpsing the evolution of humanity in his vision. This man is the real deal.
I agree with you Abook. I feel that the way for anyone to be authentic and to be connected with our individual truth is to vote for the person we feel represents us most closely, in any relevent election. By moving into theory, tricks and strategy, and detaching from the politician who represents us most authentically, we remove ourselves from representing our own voice. It's not a wonder that by doing so, we make disconnected choices that produce disconnected outcomes. When our thinking uses us as it's vehicle to making choices, rather than US using our thinking as a tool of our representation, we then perpetuate the patterns of inner/outer disconnection. Optimally, when we choose authenticity over fear, then we are truly athentically empowered and potent, and we hold our integrity intact. We can never go astray being authentic to ourselves.
I agree that the way to stop the blood on the hands of the American people in terms of Iraq is to stop the occupation. Americans are responsible for who they kill. I think it's backwards thinking to use logic to convince ourselves that it's the other way around--that to leave and to implement peaceful intervention the American people would be responsible for the blood on the hands of others whom the American people have NO authentic control over. It just doesn't work that way.
I heard somewhere recently that people with big egos want to follow those with even bigger egos. So I'm not surprised when people cite Dennis Kucinich's stature, or lack of "charisma" or any other smoke/mirrors aspect of his "image" while overlooking his authenticity and his understanding of global inter-connection, inter-dependency, resolution and of peace. Dennis Kucinich is speaking about the truth, and there is a very different quality to honesty and integrity than to carefully culled images. Dennis Kuchinich is representing the calm and the stillness and depths of the ocean, compared to the fickle surface waves and ripples more often represented in politics. He is not dependent on the false, illusory images the ego loves so. The truth shines brightly through him for all who have eyes to see. Frankly, it brings tears to my eyes when I see it, and I see it in this man.
Peace, Abook. Thanks for sharing. And thank-you to all who have shared clips and articles and even opinions about Dennis Kucinich. Peace.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Wow! This is some thread, Abook! I am very grateful to you, for your passion and for your commitment to sharing what you know about Dennis Kucinich. I've recently become more and more familiar with the man and I wanted to make some comments.
It's amazing to me to see that your country has generated enough awareness/understanding to actually give rise to a man like Dennis Kucinich. That, to me, is a beautiful thing, and one that speaks to the evolution of the human spirit. That he can be anywhere near to the presidency completely catches me off guard, to be honest. Whatever his course may be, it's wonderful that his example of purpose and leadership is being heard far and wide and will resonate in the hearts of the masses, who are glimpsing the evolution of humanity in his vision. This man is the real deal.
I agree with you Abook. I feel that the way for anyone to be authentic and to be connected with our individual truth is to vote for the person we feel represents us most closely, in any relevent election. By moving into theory, tricks and strategy, and detaching from the politician who represents us most authentically, we remove ourselves from representing our own voice. It's not a wonder that by doing so, we make disconnected choices that produce disconnected outcomes. When our thinking uses us as it's vehicle to making choices, rather than US using our thinking as a tool of our representation, we then perpetuate the patterns of inner/outer disconnection. Optimally, when we choose authenticity over fear, then we are truly athentically empowered and potent, and we hold our integrity intact. We can never go astray being authentic to ourselves.
I agree that the way to stop the blood on the hands of the American people in terms of Iraq is to stop the occupation. Americans are responsible for who they kill. I think it's backwards thinking to use logic to convince ourselves that it's the other way around--that to leave and to implement peaceful intervention the American people would be responsible for the blood on the hands of others whom the American people have NO authentic control over. It just doesn't work that way.
I heard somewhere recently that people with big egos want to follow those with even bigger egos. So I'm not surprised when people cite Dennis Kucinich's stature, or lack of "charisma" or any other smoke/mirrors aspect of his "image" while overlooking his authenticity and his understanding of global inter-connection, inter-dependency, resolution and of peace. Dennis Kucinich is speaking about the truth, and there is a very different quality to honesty and integrity than to carefully culled images. Dennis Kuchinich is representing the calm and the stillness and depths of the ocean, compared to the fickle surface waves and ripples more often represented in politics. He is not dependent on the false, illusory images the ego loves so. The truth shines brightly through him for all who have eyes to see. Frankly, it brings tears to my eyes when I see it, and I see it in this man.
Peace, Abook. Thanks for sharing. And thank-you to all who have shared clips and articles and even opinions about Dennis Kucinich. Peace.
Angelica, that was simply beautiful! Dennis brings tears to my eyes, as well. He awakens the hope inside me like no other politician has ever came close to and his optimism is contagious. He has a love for people...humanity, not just Americans and people who think like he does but for everyone living on this Earth. When I hear him speak it just lifts my spirits up and rings so true. He says what he believes and won't change that to say what might 'get him elected'. You're right, it's no wonder we're in the shape we are, if we choose our representation by picking the one with the best strategy and the most well crafted public persona. We are encouraging phonyness and treating our government, our society, our lives like some kinda game to win by the highest bidder with the best PR.
I'm so glad to you were able to see what I see in him. That connnection is important to me, it keeps me going and having faith that all is, indeed, possible. And the connection is especially important when it comes from someone I hold in such high regards and whose opinion I always look to for clarity and wisdom. Peace and Love, Angelica.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
sounds like Bush.
Not. Bush was against nation building and many other stances that have completely changed now.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
We just gotta try and really believe somethings gonna change sometime hopefully soon. And if it doesn't we'll go from there.
It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now!!!!!!!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
He's always told people what they wanted to hear. like how the war was going to be a cake walk. Or how he changed his stance on stem ell research and abortion.
Dennis has always said what he believed even when it was unpopular.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Last I checked, "stay the course" hasn't been too popular
I'm just saying that he does sound a bit like Bush in that you know what you are getting with both; not that their ideas are the same.
Yeah, I would agree if it's been proven that your path is destructive and pointless, it might be time for a change.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
change would be good...gotta get the dem's out of control of congress...these last few months have been terrible
and i absolutely loved Kucinich's interview with Bill Maher... any presidetial candidate that says "peace is inevitable" has my vote.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It won't be Obama...sure he'll get votes but he won't be president...no way. Black guy? I'd be really surprised. perhaps 10-15 years from now maybe.
Hillary? hmm tough one...woman president...hmm...I really don't think so either in reality. Were at least 10 years out on that as well I think.
Edwards?...who the hell is Edwards really... I doubt it.
Kucinich?...well he isn't looking to outrageous after all now considering.
It sure as hell won't be another republican...(if it is I'm volunteering for the Mars mission)
So through the sheer process of elimination I think Kucinich is actually looking pretty good.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Kucinich is the real deal. He even makes a commie pinko like me, excited about the 2008 race. He isnt a politician. he stands for issues, he says what he means, he isnt pandering to a base. He isnt all about the money and power.
He really does believe in peace and nonviolence and so on. Thats whats so refreshing. In my mind, the Democrats like Obama and hilary and Biden are now only now beginning to be anti Bush and antiwar, this only because they realize this is an unpopular war now. They certainly werent antiwar when they voted to send troops in, they are cowards.
I still have major qualms about voting for Democrats, any democrat. Bush has done much damage, but lets face it, the democrats allowed him to be this way, every step of the way, too worried about being labeled antipatriotic and unamerican.
That said, Kucinich and Mike Gravel to me are the ONLY mainstream candidates worth voting for. I see it as, IF YOU MUST VOTE DEMOCRAT and refuse to vote for a third party, Kucinich and Gravel are the two choices who should get your consideration, and the only two.
I am so sick of politicians running for office that are politicians. Kucinich is the real deal. He is what the Democratic party should be, but isnt.
I say, Vote Third party in 2008, but if you cant vote third party, vote Kucinich and Gravel in 2008!
Gravel and Kucinich and a third party candidate are the ONLY viable choices for presidents who are ABSOLUTELY going to bring troops home and end the war.
Voting for any other democrat, you risk the chance they wont end the war and in the case of several, actually widen the war and send troops to iran.
Obama was openly against the iraq invasion since jump street, he was a state represenative at the time.
i agree mostly, however, we must remember that republicans at one point had the exective branch, both houses of congress, and the majority of state governors as a cherry on top. if you dont have the votes, you cant stop him. the republican party effectively had authoritarian rule over all the branches of the federal government during the hey day of the Bush Administration
i only wish more people voted 3rd party kucinich has my vote
Gravel and Kucinich and a third party candidate are the ONLY viable choices for presidents who are ABSOLUTELY going to bring troops home and end the war.
i agree, but i am still not so sure about obama, he may be more progressive then he is leading on.
Indeed you may be 100 percent correct. Obama may be even more progressive than he is leading on. But thats part of the problem in my mind. Kucinich has ALWAYS been progressive, and hasnt been centrist or moderate in running for president in 2004 or now. He hasnt wavered. Obama and everyone else running for the democrat ticket has. I cant vote for someone who MAY be more progressive once elected. That was the argument for Kerry as well. The argument that, oh once he is in office, he is going to stop the war. He didnt run on that, and never said that, so I didnt vote for him. Thats my opinion on that.
What you are describing is exactly why I fee every other democrat save Kucnich and Gravel, are liars and currupt politicians.
There is serious questions and doubts about what will happen if we elect Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Obama etc... They all could send us into war with iran.
With Kucinich you get what you get. I dont think if he was president that he would widen the war and send more troops in, and I dont think he would legalize all guns, and I dont think he would tell the american public that violence is the answer. He has never waivered on that. He would do what he always said he would do: end the war and promote peace.
Obama does seem charismatic I will give you that. But I dont think he is the politician for us now.
I agree with everything you just said.
Indeed you may be 100 percent correct. Obama may be even more progressive than he is leading on. But thats part of the problem in my mind. Kucinich has ALWAYS been progressive, and hasnt been centrist or moderate in running for president in 2004 or now. He hasnt wavered. Obama and everyone else running for the democrat ticket has. I cant vote for someone who MAY be more progressive once elected. That was the argument for Kerry as well. The argument that, oh once he is in office, he is going to stop the war. He didnt run on that, and never said that, so I didnt vote for him. Thats my opinion on that.
What you are describing is exactly why I fee every other democrat save Kucnich and Gravel, are liars and currupt politicians.
There is serious questions and doubts about what will happen if we elect Biden, Clinton, Dodd, Obama etc... They all could send us into war with iran.
With Kucinich you get what you get. I dont think if he was president that he would widen the war and send more troops in, and I dont think he would legalize all guns, and I dont think he would tell the american public that violence is the answer. He has never waivered on that. He would do what he always said he would do: end the war and promote peace.
Obama does seem charismatic I will give you that. But I dont think he is the politician for us now.[/quote]
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
CA Dem Convention Video:
from: http://creativeyouth.net/kucinichphenomenon.html
By davidswanson
Special Convention Report by the Creative Youth News Team [1]
California Democrats had a chance to see the Democratic Presidential candidates first hand. Members of the Creative Youth Team were present to watch and report. The reaction of the delegates was clear and decisive. All delegates interviewed stated that Dennis Kucinich gave the best presentation and received the best audience reaction. They seemed pretty unified in this impression, regardless of which candidate they were supporting for President. Delegates stated, of the candidates who spoke, he was the most powerful, the most passionate, the most energetic and the most ready to take action. With the exception of Joe Biden, all the 2008 Democratic candidates spoke at their convention. Supporters of most candidates had been unprepared for the tremendous charisma and appeal of Congressman Dennis Kucinich. His positions from choice to Iran resonated with the Democratic crowd.
Former Senator Mike Gravel spoke at the Chairman's reception on Friday. The sound system on the patio could have been better. The crowd liked him as a person but did not seem inclined to back his candidacy for President.
On the patio many spoke about the debate the night before where only Kucinich had come out in support of impeachment. What the Democratic leadership was soon to find out was that the majority of Democrats strongly support impeachment and won't settle for less.
Saturday morning, Hillary Clinton gave a very lengthy speech that had delegates walking out and looking at their watches. She walked into the audience, looking professional and friendly at one point. Delegates were impresssed with her willingness to do this. The average reaction to her speech was that it was boring.
When Obama spoke, the audience looked very restless and uncomfortable. There were a few shouts of "tell the truth" and "stop funding the war." The reaction he got was lukewarm at best. Applauses he received seemed to be out of politeness rather than enthusiasm. His supporters later admitted they were disappointed in his presentation .......
............continued at http://creativeyouth.net/kucinichphenomenon.html
Copyright © 2007 by the Creative Youth News Team. All rights reserved.
Can he win the presidency on the strength of committment to stopping war? That does not seem to be a priority on the mind of a big enough group of voters.. and there is really no way to change that.
One little-known provision requested by President George W. Bush in the recently vetoed Iraq funding bill is that Iraq privatize its oil or the U.S. will pull out the troops and not send in any peace keepers, said Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio U.S. Congressman and presidential candidate.
Kucinich was the keynote speaker at an event on Saturday, May 5th, held by the West L.A. Democratic Club at the Venice Center for Peace with Justice and the Arts in Venice.
Kucinich said that six weeks ago he told Democratic colleagues about this provision, asking if they had read the bill because many were shocked to learn about it, and admitted they had not read much of the bill, which prompted Kucinich to remark, 'Just like the Patriot Act.'
Just before the president's veto of the Iraq funding bill, Kucinich said he attempted for the third time to remove the 'privatization of oil' bill portion and that some Democrats 'screamed at him that he was 'not a loyal party member'.'
'Democrats took the House of Representatives on war issues in the election, but this is 'bait and switch' because people wanted change, not the Democratic version of the war instead of the Republican war,' Kucinich said.
The congressman told the audience of over 200 people, 'You're the ones who decide who the next president will be. Come together, take steps to change the country, talk about the America we want to see, where the president and the vice president support the Constitution of the United States with honor and America rejects war as an instrumental policy.'
America understands when any country's leader says, 'All options are on the table,' (as the U.S. did with Iran) it means the possibility of war, said Kucinich.
Kucinich said he wants to be a healing president, end the occupation of Iraq, and restate America's position in the world.
Congress has the power of the purse and can pass legislation simply telling the president they won't pass any money to fund the war. Democrats should have told the president, 'No more money for Iraq,' Kucinich said.
It isn't a matter of more legislation, said Kucinich, 'Because when you say you're going to decertify the war and then a guy passes funding to authorize the war, you're authorizing the war all over again. Who's getting fooled?' he asked.
On nuclear weapons, he said that it's not for the U.S. to pick who should or shouldn't have nuclear power, asking, 'Do we want the threat of extinction for our children and grandchildren?'
Kucinich advocates getting rid of all nuclear weapons, referring to the non-proliferation treaty that provides for all nuclear weapons to be abolished.
On abortion, Kucinich said that the ruling on partial-birth abortion by the Supreme Court 'was very destructive, and that Roe v. Wade has to be protected to protect women's rights to privacy and the right to decide, working with their doctor.'
America needs a culture that affirms life and heals, providing for pre-natal and post-natal care, a living wage, economic opportunities and giving people the right to make choices, he said.
Regarding immigration, Kucinich said, 'It's a great shame that slave labor is allowed to exist and that system needs to be stopped.'
'No fines should be paid (by immigrants), no one should be made to go back, and we should stop scapegoating immigrants,' said Kucinich.
The U.S. has the right to regulate traffic (of individuals coming into the country), but it must look at the causes, enforce labor laws, OSHA (U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration) laws and workers' rights, Kucinich said.
Regarding NAFTA (the North American Free Trade Agreement), Mexican wages went down, not up as promised, said Kucinich, and he claims NAFTA should be abolished and new relations should be worked out with the Mexican government and conditions improved there.
The congressman supports an end to oil reliance and says that the U.S. has a responsibility to the world to sign the Kyoto Treaty ' which commits industrialized nations to reduce greenhouse gases, principally carbon dioxide, by around five percent below their 1990 levels over the next decade ' and introduce energy conservation, invest in a new technology and reverse global warming climate change.
The education system is becoming dangerous, creating a two-class society, and education has become a privilege rather than a right, said Kucinich.
On the subject of student loans and tuition, the question is always, 'Where will we get the money?' said Kucinich.
No one asked, 'Where will we get the money when we went to war in Iraq and borrowed money from China to fight,' Kucinich said.
Education is the basic right of every young person, he said, telling the audience that he was the first in his family to go to college and worked two jobs, 80 hours a week, to do so.
In understanding the suffering of the Palestinians and recognizing Israel's fears, assuring the survival of both, we can create a new world, said Kucinich. The only way to be a healing hand is to be even-handed, he said.
Audience members asked if Kucinich would still reintroduce the paper ballot for voting, to which Kucinich said yes, adding that election integrity is a big issue in correctly counting votes.
'We will bring the Diebold (electronic voting machine manufacturer) people before Congress before the end of the year,' Kucinich said.
On oil companies, he said that the challenge is price gouging, noting the 'winter/summer gas switch' in California, and that the U.S. must move to alternative fuels.
Another audience member asked if the candidate is still supporting a 'Department of Peace' to look at society's issues ' domestic violence with spousal and child abuse, school violence, gangs, guns, racial violence, anti-gay violence and police clashes with citizens ' and Kucinich said he had proposed a bill and that 62 members of Congress already support the idea.
Supporting campaign financing laws, and calling for public financing and an end to private campaign financing, Kucinich said, 'Washington is like an auction and the presidency should not be sold to the highest bidder.'
On the subject of his Democratic opponents running for president, Kucinich said he was the only candidate at the Democratic National Convention in San Diego who held up his hand when the question was asked if they supported impeaching Vice President Cheney.
He said his concern is that none of the other candidates have spoken about the alleged abuse of office and lying by the administration, and he would ask them what their standards are and if it is okay to lie, attack other nations or create a pretext to attack.
All of the other candidates must be held accountable, he said. Kucinich asked why the other candidates didn't speak up and defend our Constitution.
Kucinich was elected to Cleveland, Ohio's City Council at age 23, and he was elected mayor of Cleveland at the age of 31.
He was elected to Congress in 1996 and has advocated for workers' rights, civil rights and human rights.
Kucinich was introduced by Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl ' who represents the 11th District, which includes the Venice area ' and who endorsed Kucinich for president at the meeting.
Rosendahl also announced that he will run for reelection when his term as councilman is finished, and that he plans to put the living wage issue on the February 2008 ballot.
The councilman said he has 'been wooed' by Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards, and he reflected on what he should do and on what matters.
Rosendahl said he began in politics and knew Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert Kennedy. The councilman worked for Kennedy's campaign and was present at the Ambassador Hotel the night Kennedy was shot.
When Rosendahl left politics, he went to cable TV and started a public affairs show bringing 'everybody and anybody' on, and hosting over 300 election specials.
'Broadcasters have a license to rip us all off,' said Rosendahl, who urged taking media back for the people.
Rosendahl referred to President Bush as, 'The guy in the White House who should be impeached for invading Iraq,' and as, 'That crackpot who is our president.'
There were no WMDs (weapons of mass destruction), they knew there were no WMDs, and there is a moral and political wrongness, said Rosendahl.
Rosendahl touched on a variety of topics, such as the lack of health insurance as well as the high costs.
'Get rid of the damn insurance companies,' he said.
Regarding gay rights, Rosendahl praised Kucinich for supporting gay rights and said, 'I'm gay, and I was made this way. God makes no mistakes,' Rosendahl said. 'Shouldn't we be treated like everyone else?'
Rosendahl said that Kucinich believes that gays should have the same rights, but his message is not given because the media merely mentions Kucinich as 'also being there' at candidate events.
In reference to the war on drugs in America, Rosendahl stated that the 'war on drugs is a war on people and that bad laws need repeal.'
On the subject of people using drugs, the councilman said drug dependence should be treated as a health issue.
For information on Kucinich,
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
as per kucinich.us :
"Kucinich gathered 26 percent of the votes to best the seven other Democratic presidential candidates, according to Matt Christensen, chair of the Coos County Democratic Central Committee.
Christensen said Kucinich lead a tight top-tier race between himself, and Sens. Barack Obama and John Edwards, who scored 24 and 23 percent respectively."
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
He does so well when people actually hear him speak! Those that rely on the media to sum it up are really missing out on someone who has the people first and foremost in his heart and are told he has no chance. How can you know how much of a chance someone has until they have fully campaigned and let the people decide who they liked best? Before making a decsion on what chance you think he's got, why not listen to what he has to say?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Not only what he says, but how he says it. To me he has the most conviction, emotion, and belief in what he is saying. The rest just seem to be reading cue cards or reciting script from memory in comparison.
Could be some interesting times ahead!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It's amazing to me to see that your country has generated enough awareness/understanding to actually give rise to a man like Dennis Kucinich. That, to me, is a beautiful thing, and one that speaks to the evolution of the human spirit. That he can be anywhere near to the presidency completely catches me off guard, to be honest. Whatever his course may be, it's wonderful that his example of purpose and leadership is being heard far and wide and will resonate in the hearts of the masses, who are glimpsing the evolution of humanity in his vision. This man is the real deal.
I agree with you Abook. I feel that the way for anyone to be authentic and to be connected with our individual truth is to vote for the person we feel represents us most closely, in any relevent election. By moving into theory, tricks and strategy, and detaching from the politician who represents us most authentically, we remove ourselves from representing our own voice. It's not a wonder that by doing so, we make disconnected choices that produce disconnected outcomes. When our thinking uses us as it's vehicle to making choices, rather than US using our thinking as a tool of our representation, we then perpetuate the patterns of inner/outer disconnection. Optimally, when we choose authenticity over fear, then we are truly athentically empowered and potent, and we hold our integrity intact. We can never go astray being authentic to ourselves.
I agree that the way to stop the blood on the hands of the American people in terms of Iraq is to stop the occupation. Americans are responsible for who they kill. I think it's backwards thinking to use logic to convince ourselves that it's the other way around--that to leave and to implement peaceful intervention the American people would be responsible for the blood on the hands of others whom the American people have NO authentic control over. It just doesn't work that way.
I heard somewhere recently that people with big egos want to follow those with even bigger egos. So I'm not surprised when people cite Dennis Kucinich's stature, or lack of "charisma" or any other smoke/mirrors aspect of his "image" while overlooking his authenticity and his understanding of global inter-connection, inter-dependency, resolution and of peace. Dennis Kucinich is speaking about the truth, and there is a very different quality to honesty and integrity than to carefully culled images. Dennis Kuchinich is representing the calm and the stillness and depths of the ocean, compared to the fickle surface waves and ripples more often represented in politics. He is not dependent on the false, illusory images the ego loves so. The truth shines brightly through him for all who have eyes to see. Frankly, it brings tears to my eyes when I see it, and I see it in this man.
Peace, Abook. Thanks for sharing. And thank-you to all who have shared clips and articles and even opinions about Dennis Kucinich. Peace.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Angelica, that was simply beautiful! Dennis brings tears to my eyes, as well. He awakens the hope inside me like no other politician has ever came close to and his optimism is contagious. He has a love for people...humanity, not just Americans and people who think like he does but for everyone living on this Earth. When I hear him speak it just lifts my spirits up and rings so true. He says what he believes and won't change that to say what might 'get him elected'. You're right, it's no wonder we're in the shape we are, if we choose our representation by picking the one with the best strategy and the most well crafted public persona. We are encouraging phonyness and treating our government, our society, our lives like some kinda game to win by the highest bidder with the best PR.
I'm so glad to you were able to see what I see in him. That connnection is important to me, it keeps me going and having faith that all is, indeed, possible. And the connection is especially important when it comes from someone I hold in such high regards and whose opinion I always look to for clarity and wisdom. Peace and Love, Angelica.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Betrayed......betrayed I tell ya'