You're just mad because you're stuck with "treacle" or whatever the heck you call it ...
and for the record, maple syrup is Canadian, dammit!
nothing wrong with treacle my man.. its so sweet you can kill people with it
i did know that.. i'm european.. i know what geography is ......... but i don't know any US syrups
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
D.C. Gun Ban Ruled Unconstitutional, Violates Individual Right To Own A Gun
Friday, March 09, 2007
This week, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Second Amendment is an individual right and concluded that the District of Columbia’s ban on guns in the home is unconstitutional. According to the majority opinion, "[T]he phrase 'the right of the people'...leads us to conclude that the right in question is individual." Also, earlier this week, Second Amendment supporters on Capitol Hill introduced H.R. 1399 - the "District of Columbia Personal Protection Act."
In ruling on the D.C. gun ban case, the majority opinion of the Circuit Court held as follows:
"To summarize, we conclude that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms. That right existed prior to the formation of the new government under the Constitution and was premised on the private use of arms for activities such as hunting and self-defense, the latter being understood as resistance to either private lawlessness or the depredations of a tyrannical government (or a threat from abroad). In addition, the right to keep and bear arms had the important and salutary civic purpose of helping to preserve the citizen militia. The civic purpose was also a political expedient for the Federalists in the First Congress as it served, in part, to placate their Anti-federalist opponents. The individual right facilitated militia service by ensuring that citizens would not be barred from keeping the arms they would need when called forth for militia duty. Despite the importance of the Second Amendment's civic purpose, however, the activities it protects are not limited to militia service, nor is an individual's enjoyment of the right contingent upon his or her continued or intermittent enrollment in the militia."
I'm not really sure why some (again I repeat some) European folks take it so personally that Americans can carry guns and that we don't have nationalized healthcare to the extent that Europeans do. I mean, I don't make threads insulting European folks in general because they have don't have guns or do have nationalized healthcare (because that'd be just as ridiculous and pointless).
I'm not really sure why some (again I repeat some) European folks take it so personally that Americans can carry guns and that we don't have nationalized healthcare to the extent that Europeans do. I mean, I don't make threads insulting European folks in general because they have don't have guns or do have nationalized healthcare (because that'd be just as ridiculous and pointless).
I'm not really sure why some (again I repeat some) European folks take it so personally that Americans can carry guns and that we don't have nationalized healthcare to the extent that Europeans do. I mean, I don't make threads insulting European folks in general because they have don't have guns or do have nationalized healthcare (because that'd be just as ridiculous and pointless).
why would you start a thread insulting my nations Healthcare??? its awesomeness encapsulated.. i mean we dont have gunshot victims clogging up the beds for a start
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
In 2005/06 there were 766 offences initially recorded as homicide by the police in England and Wales (including the 52 victims of the 7 July 2005 London bombings),[15] a rate of 1.4 per 100,000 of population. Only 50 (6.6%) were committed with firearms, one being with an air weapon.[16] The homicide rate for London was 2.4 per 100,000 in the same year (1.7 when excluding the 7 July bombings).[17]
By comparison, 5.5 murders per 100,000 of population were reported by police in the United States in 2000, of which 70% involved the use of firearms (75% of which were illegally obtained).[18] New York City, with a population size similar to London and similar firearms laws with almost all firearms prohibited to normal citizens (over 7 million residents), reported 6.9 murders per 100,000 people in 2004.[19]
5.5 murders per 100,000 of population...
3.85 murders per 100,000 of population involving the use of firearms
0.9625 murders per 100,000 of population involving legally obtained firearms.
4.5375 murders per 100,000 of population involving something other than legally obtained firearms.
Arming properly trained teachers would be a good start.
A good start? What, for a computer game? I can see it, 'Teachers with Guns!'
Honestly, I know you're serious but if it ever came to that maybe it'd be time to just outlaw guns. Arming teachers in order to protect some pointless amendment and those who like to shoot shit is a load of utter bollocks.
I'm not really sure why some (again I repeat some) European folks take it so personally that Americans can carry guns and that we don't have nationalized healthcare to the extent that Europeans do. I mean, I don't make threads insulting European folks in general because they have don't have guns or do have nationalized healthcare (because that'd be just as ridiculous and pointless).
and why do other countries come to the us when they have complicated medical problems? it only proves that socialized medicine breeds sub-standard medicine. the public medical system in the us sparks competition and thus great strides in medicine.
the european gun issue is simple. they are subjects; americans are citizens.
why would you start a thread insulting my nations Healthcare??? its awesomeness encapsulated.. i mean we dont have gunshot victims clogging up the beds for a start
You're right, I wouldn't. One, I don't know much about it...second, nationalized healthcare in Scotland do not affect me any more than Scotland's tax rates, therefore I don't get too excited one way or another. Ya'll seem fine with it, so good on ya for that.
As far as your second comment, it is my opinion that guns don't kill anymore than a knife or baseball kills someone. It's the user who does. And before you make the comment that a gun's only use is to kill, I'll tell you that a buddy of mine enjoys target practice as a hobby, and has never killed a person or animal in his life. And no, he's not deranged and no he's not paranoid.
So yeah. Debate is cool but just insulting a whole nation because you disagree with their gunlaws doesn't add anything to the debate, than to give chuckle to fellow countrymen who agree with you.
the european gun issue is simple. they are subjects; americans are citizens.
the european gun issue is simple. we feel safe; americans just have no cocks.
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
So yeah. Debate is cool but just insulting a whole nation because you disagree with their gunlaws doesn't add anything to the debate, than to give chuckle to fellow countrymen who agree with you.
1st off.. guns were PRIMARILY designed to kill... thats fact, sorry to break that to you :( a baseball bat wasnt
2nd... i never insulted the whole nation.. just the obese gunslingers.. unless you're telling me thats the case?
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
Honestly, I know you're serious but if it ever came to that maybe it'd be time to just outlaw guns. Arming teachers in order to protect some pointless amendment and those who like to shoot shit is a load of utter bollocks.
Outlawing guns will just make this type of tradgedy more common. Criminals will still get guns and everyone else will be unarmed.
that's a mature approach. so what have the scotts contributed to the world besides drunk drivers? anything?
Scotts? what are they???
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
that's a mature approach. so what have the scotts contributed to the world besides drunk drivers? anything?
James Chalmers (1782-1853)
Invented the adhesive postage stamp
Sir Hugh Dalrymple (1700-1753)
Invented the hollow-pipe drainage system
David Douglas (1798-1834)
Botanist after whom the Douglas Fir is named
Patrick Ferguson (1744-1780)
Invented the breech loading rifle
James Gregory (1638-1675)
Invented the reflecting telescope
John McAdam (1756-1836)
Developed the process of covering roads with small broken stones (Tarmacadam)
Charles MacIntosh (1766-1843)
Added naptha to rubber to create the Macintosh raincoat
Andrew Meikle (1719-1811)
Invented the threshing machine
John Napier (1550-1617)
Developed the concept of logarithms and invented the decimal point!
Richard Noble
Holds the World land speed record
William Paterson (1658-1719)
Founded the Bank of England!
Sir James Young Simpson (1811-1870)
Pioneered the use of chloroform in anaesthetics
James Small (1730-1793)
Invented the iron plough
William Symmington (1763-1831)
Developed the first steam powered marine engine
Robert William Thomson (1822-1873)
Invented the vulcanised rubber pneumatic tyre, patented the fountain pen and patented the steam traction engine
Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt (1892-1973)
Developed RADAR
John Logie Baird (1888-1946)
Invented the television
Sir Alexander Flemming (1881-1955)
Discovered penicillin
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
Invented the telephone
James Young (1811-1883)
Developed the process of refining oil
Sir David Brewster (1781-1868)
Invented the kaleidoscope
Sir James Dewar (1842-1923)
Invented the vacuum flask
John Boyd Dunlop (1840-1921)
Further developed the vulcanised rubber pneumatic tyre (Dunlop Tyres)
Thomas Telford (1757-1835)
The "Colossus of Roads!" Built many of the first roads
Rev. Patrick Bell (1800-1869)
Invented the reaping machine, which led to the combine harvester
Joseph Black (1728-1799)
Developed the concept of latent heat and discovered Carbon Dioxide
James Braid (1795-1860)
Pioneered hypnosis
Sir Dugald Clerk (1854-1932)
Invented the two-stroke Clerk Cycle Gas Engine
Sir William Fairburn (1789-1874)
Developed the use of tubular steel in construction
Rev. Alexander Forsyth (1769-1848)
Invented the percussion cap which later became the bullet
William Murdock (1754-1839)
Invented coal-gas lighting
James Pillans (1778-1864)
Invented the blackboard and colored chalk
John Shepherd-Barron (1925- )
Inventor of the ATM
Sir Sandford Flemming (1827-1915)
Created the World time zones
Alexander Wood (1817-1884)
Invented the hypodermic needle
John J R MacLeod (1876-1935)
Helped to discover insulin
Henry Faulds (1843-1930)
Created the process of criminal fingerprinting
Ian Donald (1910-1987)
Invented the ultrasound scanner
John Anderson (1882-1958)
Father of the Anderson Air Raid Shelter
Sir Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (1869-1959)
Created the Wilson Cloud Chamber and carried out extensive studies on particle physics
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
A good start? What, for a computer game? I can see it, 'Teachers with Guns!'
Honestly, I know you're serious but if it ever came to that maybe it'd be time to just outlaw guns. Arming teachers in order to protect some pointless amendment and those who like to shoot shit is a load of utter bollocks.
as soon as every red blooded Amerikin turns 13 they' should be issued a glock by the US government.......then everyone will have a gun...and it will be law that you have it loaded and ready for action at all times......if not you will be issued a citation. wooo hoooo. Freakin sad...
as soon as every red blooded Amerikin turns 13 they' should be issued a glock by the US government.......then everyone will have a gun...and it will be law that you have it loaded and ready for action at all times......if not you will be issued a citation. wooo hoooo. Freakin sad...
Sounds like a fucking shit idea to me. Your Vice President, supposedly one of great supremacy, is a rubbish shot. America would be an endless grave. Although, the current gun-freedom isn't counteracting that anyway so I guess I'll side with ye on that one Cletus.
as soon as every red blooded Amerikin turns 13 they' should be issued a glock by the US government.......then everyone will have a gun...and it will be law that you have it loaded and ready for action at all times......if not you will be issued a citation. wooo hoooo. Freakin sad...
in my town; kids get their first .22 at age 12. it's the expected 12th birthday present.
Well then this whole fucking thing is your fault isn't it? (If I could, I'd make some stupid face here, but I don't know how, so take your pick.)
yeah we invented death by morons
oh scary... 40000 morbidly obese christians wearing fanny packs invading europe is probably the least scariest thing since I watched an edited version of The Care Bears movie in an extremely brightly lit cinema.
nothing wrong with treacle my man.. its so sweet you can kill people with it
i did know that.. i'm european.. i know what geography is
Friday, March 09, 2007
This week, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Second Amendment is an individual right and concluded that the District of Columbia’s ban on guns in the home is unconstitutional. According to the majority opinion, "[T]he phrase 'the right of the people'...leads us to conclude that the right in question is individual." Also, earlier this week, Second Amendment supporters on Capitol Hill introduced H.R. 1399 - the "District of Columbia Personal Protection Act."
In ruling on the D.C. gun ban case, the majority opinion of the Circuit Court held as follows:
"To summarize, we conclude that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms. That right existed prior to the formation of the new government under the Constitution and was premised on the private use of arms for activities such as hunting and self-defense, the latter being understood as resistance to either private lawlessness or the depredations of a tyrannical government (or a threat from abroad). In addition, the right to keep and bear arms had the important and salutary civic purpose of helping to preserve the citizen militia. The civic purpose was also a political expedient for the Federalists in the First Congress as it served, in part, to placate their Anti-federalist opponents. The individual right facilitated militia service by ensuring that citizens would not be barred from keeping the arms they would need when called forth for militia duty. Despite the importance of the Second Amendment's civic purpose, however, the activities it protects are not limited to militia service, nor is an individual's enjoyment of the right contingent upon his or her continued or intermittent enrollment in the militia."
why would you start a thread insulting my nations Healthcare??? its awesomeness encapsulated.. i mean we dont have gunshot victims clogging up the beds for a start
5.5 murders per 100,000 of population...
3.85 murders per 100,000 of population involving the use of firearms
0.9625 murders per 100,000 of population involving legally obtained firearms.
4.5375 murders per 100,000 of population involving something other than legally obtained firearms.
Honestly, I know you're serious but if it ever came to that maybe it'd be time to just outlaw guns. Arming teachers in order to protect some pointless amendment and those who like to shoot shit is a load of utter bollocks.
and why do other countries come to the us when they have complicated medical problems? it only proves that socialized medicine breeds sub-standard medicine. the public medical system in the us sparks competition and thus great strides in medicine.
the european gun issue is simple. they are subjects; americans are citizens.
You're right, I wouldn't. One, I don't know much about it...second, nationalized healthcare in Scotland do not affect me any more than Scotland's tax rates, therefore I don't get too excited one way or another. Ya'll seem fine with it, so good on ya for that.
As far as your second comment, it is my opinion that guns don't kill anymore than a knife or baseball kills someone. It's the user who does. And before you make the comment that a gun's only use is to kill, I'll tell you that a buddy of mine enjoys target practice as a hobby, and has never killed a person or animal in his life. And no, he's not deranged and no he's not paranoid.
So yeah. Debate is cool but just insulting a whole nation because you disagree with their gunlaws doesn't add anything to the debate, than to give chuckle to fellow countrymen who agree with you.
the european gun issue is simple. we feel safe; americans just have no cocks.
1st off.. guns were PRIMARILY designed to kill... thats fact, sorry to break that to you :( a baseball bat wasnt
2nd... i never insulted the whole nation.. just the obese gunslingers.. unless you're telling me thats the case?
Outlawing guns will just make this type of tradgedy more common. Criminals will still get guns and everyone else will be unarmed.
Not a great plan.
that's a mature approach. so what have the scotts contributed to the world besides drunk drivers? anything?
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional
maturity." -- Sigmund Freud, General Introduction to Psychoanlysis (1952)
"Don't go to parties with metal detectors. Sure it feels same inside, but what about all those niggas outside with guns? They know you ain't got one."
- Chris Rock, Bigger and Blacker
Peace through superior firepower!
Scotts? what are they???
James Chalmers (1782-1853)
Invented the adhesive postage stamp
Sir Hugh Dalrymple (1700-1753)
Invented the hollow-pipe drainage system
David Douglas (1798-1834)
Botanist after whom the Douglas Fir is named
Patrick Ferguson (1744-1780)
Invented the breech loading rifle
James Gregory (1638-1675)
Invented the reflecting telescope
John McAdam (1756-1836)
Developed the process of covering roads with small broken stones (Tarmacadam)
Charles MacIntosh (1766-1843)
Added naptha to rubber to create the Macintosh raincoat
Andrew Meikle (1719-1811)
Invented the threshing machine
John Napier (1550-1617)
Developed the concept of logarithms and invented the decimal point!
Richard Noble
Holds the World land speed record
William Paterson (1658-1719)
Founded the Bank of England!
Sir James Young Simpson (1811-1870)
Pioneered the use of chloroform in anaesthetics
James Small (1730-1793)
Invented the iron plough
William Symmington (1763-1831)
Developed the first steam powered marine engine
Robert William Thomson (1822-1873)
Invented the vulcanised rubber pneumatic tyre, patented the fountain pen and patented the steam traction engine
Sir Robert Alexander Watson-Watt (1892-1973)
Developed RADAR
John Logie Baird (1888-1946)
Invented the television
Sir Alexander Flemming (1881-1955)
Discovered penicillin
Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922)
Invented the telephone
James Young (1811-1883)
Developed the process of refining oil
Sir David Brewster (1781-1868)
Invented the kaleidoscope
Sir James Dewar (1842-1923)
Invented the vacuum flask
John Boyd Dunlop (1840-1921)
Further developed the vulcanised rubber pneumatic tyre (Dunlop Tyres)
Thomas Telford (1757-1835)
The "Colossus of Roads!" Built many of the first roads
Rev. Patrick Bell (1800-1869)
Invented the reaping machine, which led to the combine harvester
Joseph Black (1728-1799)
Developed the concept of latent heat and discovered Carbon Dioxide
James Braid (1795-1860)
Pioneered hypnosis
Sir Dugald Clerk (1854-1932)
Invented the two-stroke Clerk Cycle Gas Engine
Sir William Fairburn (1789-1874)
Developed the use of tubular steel in construction
Rev. Alexander Forsyth (1769-1848)
Invented the percussion cap which later became the bullet
William Murdock (1754-1839)
Invented coal-gas lighting
James Pillans (1778-1864)
Invented the blackboard and colored chalk
John Shepherd-Barron (1925- )
Inventor of the ATM
Sir Sandford Flemming (1827-1915)
Created the World time zones
Alexander Wood (1817-1884)
Invented the hypodermic needle
John J R MacLeod (1876-1935)
Helped to discover insulin
Henry Faulds (1843-1930)
Created the process of criminal fingerprinting
Ian Donald (1910-1987)
Invented the ultrasound scanner
John Anderson (1882-1958)
Father of the Anderson Air Raid Shelter
Sir Charles Thomson Rees Wilson (1869-1959)
Created the Wilson Cloud Chamber and carried out extensive studies on particle physics
um, Freud died in 1939, btw.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Well then this whole fucking thing is your fault isn't it? (If I could, I'd make some stupid face here, but I don't know how, so take your pick.)
as soon as every red blooded Amerikin turns 13 they' should be issued a glock by the US government.......then everyone will have a gun...and it will be law that you have it loaded and ready for action at all times......if not you will be issued a citation. wooo hoooo. Freakin sad...
isn't glock a german gun?????
but i believe the General Introduction to Psychoanlysis was published in 1952 thus the reference to the publication date.
in my town; kids get their first .22 at age 12. it's the expected 12th birthday present.
yeah we invented death by morons