Good. Please keep in here, people, and then I won't have to read it again.
Good idea.
Hey man, not to be a dick or anything but what you said before...about it happening with edged weapons...whens the last time you've heard of a dude going on a stabbing rampage for two hours and killing 31 (at least 21) people. I'm not evening talking about gun control...that just doesnt make sense.
Hey man, not to be a dick or anything but what you said before...about it happening with edged weapons...whens the last time you've heard of a dude going on a stabbing rampage for two hours and killing 31 (at least 21) people. I'm not evening talking about gun control...that just doesnt make sense.
I am seriously not interested in a gun control debate, but I will respond to your point ... I was not trying to suggest that a guy with a knife can kill as many people as someone with a gun, although it HAS happened that pretty large death tolls have occured in Japan with knives or even swords.
That was all I said.
yea thats insane. you would think he would get rushed before he had a chance to kill SO many people. so fucking sad.
but this will do nothing to change gun laws. nor should it.
I do feel however that if this was done with a automatic machine gun, I would feel different.
Yeah but if this was a (presumably) gun that holds 15+ bullets and can be emptied quickly and reloaded just as fast. This type of gun just seems unnecessary for a citizen to have. But whatever, I'm so tired of guns I don't care whether we have them or not. We need to spend $400 billion on education in this country instead of nation building on the other side of the world.
Is there any number of people that if killed by an handgun welding person, would get you to change your mind about gun laws?
yes, even after today I would like laws to be harder to obtain them. but where is the middle ground we can come to that will keep guns legal but also keep them out of the hands of people who shouldnt have them. it sucks.
how well is that enforced? i've seen inner city schools have detectors and things of that sort. the high school i graduated from was 4A, but in a clean county. we had empty bomb threats, but nothing serious. the high school i transferred in from after freshman year was 2A and had cops all over campus with detectors. who would have thought that VT would be a target?
people bitch about the US becoming a police state with cameras and security checks and stuff, but i would probably vote for legislation favoring security. (if they proposed something here in clemson)
you're a real hooker. im gonna slap you in public.
~Ron Burgundy
Yeah but if this was a (presumably) gun that holds 15+ bullets and can be emptied quickly and reloaded just as fast. This type of gun just seems unnecessary for a citizen to have. But whatever, I'm so tired of guns I don't care whether we have them or not. We need to spend $400 billion on education in this country instead of nation building on the other side of the world.
hey hey hey, no Iraq shit here.
but your point about the handgun. I dont think this handgun should be banned. although I am amazed if this is true. so far its 32 dead and 22 wounded.
I'm just shocked that 54 people could be shot by a handgun before he is taken down.
yes, even after today I would like laws to be harder to obtain them. but where is the middle ground we can come to that will keep guns legal but also keep them out of the hands of people who shouldnt have them. it sucks.
The middle ground may start with enforcing the actual laws on the books right now instead of constantly passing knee-jerk legislation with no intent to enforce it.
The middle ground may start with enforcing the actual laws on the books right now instead of constantly passing knee-jerk legislation with no intent to enforce it.
how well is that enforced? i've seen inner city schools have detectors and things of that sort. the high school i graduated from was 4A, but in a clean county. we had empty bomb threats, but nothing serious. the high school i transferred in from after freshman year was 2A and had cops all over campus with detectors. who would have thought that VT would be a target?
people bitch about the US becoming a police state with cameras and security checks and stuff, but i would probably vote for legislation favoring security. (if they proposed something here in clemson)
i really don't think stuff like that would be effective (increased security, cops, metal detectors)
It's not like a metal detector will make someone turn around.. and cops/security could decrease the death toll, but even 1 death is 1 too many.
Yeah but if this was a (presumably) gun that holds 15+ bullets and can be emptied quickly and reloaded just as fast. This type of gun just seems unnecessary for a citizen to have. But whatever, I'm so tired of guns I don't care whether we have them or not. We need to spend $400 billion on education in this country instead of nation building on the other side of the world.
i own magazines that hold 90 rounds. what's your point?
yes, even after today I would like laws to be harder to obtain them. but where is the middle ground we can come to that will keep guns legal but also keep them out of the hands of people who shouldnt have them. it sucks.
That's the thing. There is no easy answer like "outlaw all guns" or "everyone should have a gun". Maybe we should outlaw crazy people...........or lock depressed people up to keep them from causing harm to themselves or others? The fact of the matter is that people do crazy things for a number of reasons. If it comes back that he was abused as a child will we have more strict punishments for child abusers? If he had lost his job should we find better ways of compensating those who lose their jobs? No one can predict these events, and the fault is with the person who committed this selfish act. We can be better prepared for acts like this by upgrading security features at schools, but as always, if there is a will there is a way. What would have detered a person this desperate and determined? I personally doubt any gun law could have.......
laws can only do so much, right? if people want anything, all they'd have to do is go underground.
right to bare arms. blah blah blah. why do people feel threatened enough to own a gun here?
Maybe the fear of someone going into a place and shooting everyone up is the motivating factor behind why people want to protect themselves with a counteroffense...........?
Good idea.
it's not the wild wild west anymore. why do people feel the need to own guns in this day and age?
I heard handgun. It sounds like he had a lot of clips and kept reloading. It's pretty scary that all this can be done with one gun. (presumably)
Hey man, not to be a dick or anything but what you said before...about it happening with edged weapons...whens the last time you've heard of a dude going on a stabbing rampage for two hours and killing 31 (at least 21) people. I'm not evening talking about gun control...that just doesnt make sense.
I am seriously not interested in a gun control debate, but I will respond to your point ... I was not trying to suggest that a guy with a knife can kill as many people as someone with a gun, although it HAS happened that pretty large death tolls have occured in Japan with knives or even swords.
That was all I said.
you will be ok.. dont worry.. this kinda thing cannot be prevented...guns dont seem to be going away so just enjoy what ya got..while ya got it
For you to speak to me
I'll open up
Release me
yea thats insane. you would think he would get rushed before he had a chance to kill SO many people. so fucking sad.
but this will do nothing to change gun laws. nor should it.
I do feel however that if this was done with a automatic machine gun, I would feel different.
guns are outlawed on school grounds.
We should probably just outlaw schools. There would never be another school shooting that way.
(No Bait)
Is there any number of people that if killed by an handgun welding person, would get you to change your mind about gun laws?
Yeah but if this was a (presumably) gun that holds 15+ bullets and can be emptied quickly and reloaded just as fast. This type of gun just seems unnecessary for a citizen to have. But whatever, I'm so tired of guns I don't care whether we have them or not. We need to spend $400 billion on education in this country instead of nation building on the other side of the world.
yes, even after today I would like laws to be harder to obtain them. but where is the middle ground we can come to that will keep guns legal but also keep them out of the hands of people who shouldnt have them. it sucks.
how well is that enforced? i've seen inner city schools have detectors and things of that sort. the high school i graduated from was 4A, but in a clean county. we had empty bomb threats, but nothing serious. the high school i transferred in from after freshman year was 2A and had cops all over campus with detectors. who would have thought that VT would be a target?
people bitch about the US becoming a police state with cameras and security checks and stuff, but i would probably vote for legislation favoring security. (if they proposed something here in clemson)
~Ron Burgundy
hey hey hey, no Iraq shit here.
but your point about the handgun. I dont think this handgun should be banned. although I am amazed if this is true. so far its 32 dead and 22 wounded.
I'm just shocked that 54 people could be shot by a handgun before he is taken down.
The middle ground may start with enforcing the actual laws on the books right now instead of constantly passing knee-jerk legislation with no intent to enforce it.
where do you get this information? i live in the wild west and it's basically no different than the 1880's. where i live everyone carries a gun.
Second, banning guns on school grounds just makes everyone else defenseless.
Guns are here to stay. Banning them only makes criminals stronger.
i really don't think stuff like that would be effective (increased security, cops, metal detectors)
It's not like a metal detector will make someone turn around.. and cops/security could decrease the death toll, but even 1 death is 1 too many.
it's a cultural/societal thing, in my opinion.
right to bare arms. blah blah blah. why do people feel threatened enough to own a gun here?
I dont know about handguns. I don't see the function for them. I suppose protection.
I do think there should be tougher laws when it comes to obtaining them.
i own magazines that hold 90 rounds. what's your point?
and even if guns were banned; the government would never find mine.