Police taser student at John Kerry Q&A

Student Tasered after asking Kerry questions
Posted on Mon, Sep. 17, 2007Digg del.icio.us AIM reprint print email
Andrew Meyer struggles with University Police after having his question to John Kerry cut off in the University Auditorium at the University of Florida. Meyer was later tasered by police.
GAINESVILLE -- A University of Florida student from Weston was stunned with a Taser and taken to jail on Monday after police say he disrupted an event with U.S. Sen John Kerry and refused to leave.
The incident was caught on video, which has since been distributed on the Internet.
Andrew Meyer, 21, was in the Alachua County Jail Monday night, according to jail records. He faces two charges: resisting an officer with violence and disrupting a school assembly. He's scheduled to appear in court at 9 a.m. today.
Within hours of the arrest, articles about it and video of the entire incident were posted on Meyer's website, http://www.theandrewmeyer.com.
The website includes writings by Meyer, including one piece against the war in Iraq.
The news came as a shock to Meyer's grandmother, Lucy Meyer, of Pembroke Pines, who described her grandson as a hardworking journalism major with no prior run-ins with the law.
Meyer attended Cypress Bay High School in Weston, his grandmother said, where he worked at the school newspaper and was a member of the National Honor Society.
He is in his senior year at UF, she said.
''I'm just really still sort of numb, hearing that my grandson is in jail,'' Lucy Meyer said.
She added: ``He gets very, very overcome with passion for whatever he is feeling. Maybe the passion took over.''
At about 1 p.m., Kerry was nearing the end of a forum at University Auditorium, a large facility beside UF's trademark Century Tower. At that point, audience members were allowed to ask questions at a microphone, university spokesman Steve Orlando said.
The person in front of Meyer was told he would be the last person to speak, Orlando said. Meyer said he was upset with that, so Kerry gave him the OK.
When he took the mike, Meyer then asked Kerry several questions. On amateur video linked from Meyer's website, his questions included why Kerry conceded in the 2004 presidential election, why not impeach President George W. Bush now, and whether Kerry was a member of the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University.
When reminded that he was only supposed to ask one question, Meyer responded in the video ``He's talked for two hours. I think I can have two minutes.''
Members of the student group sponsoring the event summoned UF police to escort Meyer out, according to a police statement. At first, students can be heard cheering as he is asked to leave.
But Meyer refused to leave, police said.
When officers tried escorting him, he resisted, and officers only partially got handcuffs on him, according to police.
By then, officers had moved Meyer to the back of the auditorium, where he was on the floor, Orlando said. Officers told him to stop resisting, and when he still refused, they used the stun gun, Orlando said. On the video, he can be heard screaming at that point.
Meyer was then put back on hisfeet and taken out of the auditorium, he said.
At one point in one of the videos, Meyer says, ''Why am I under arrest?'' and ``They're going to try and kill me.''
Student Tasered after asking Kerry questions
Posted on Mon, Sep. 17, 2007Digg del.icio.us AIM reprint print email
Andrew Meyer struggles with University Police after having his question to John Kerry cut off in the University Auditorium at the University of Florida. Meyer was later tasered by police.
GAINESVILLE -- A University of Florida student from Weston was stunned with a Taser and taken to jail on Monday after police say he disrupted an event with U.S. Sen John Kerry and refused to leave.
The incident was caught on video, which has since been distributed on the Internet.
Andrew Meyer, 21, was in the Alachua County Jail Monday night, according to jail records. He faces two charges: resisting an officer with violence and disrupting a school assembly. He's scheduled to appear in court at 9 a.m. today.
Within hours of the arrest, articles about it and video of the entire incident were posted on Meyer's website, http://www.theandrewmeyer.com.
The website includes writings by Meyer, including one piece against the war in Iraq.
The news came as a shock to Meyer's grandmother, Lucy Meyer, of Pembroke Pines, who described her grandson as a hardworking journalism major with no prior run-ins with the law.
Meyer attended Cypress Bay High School in Weston, his grandmother said, where he worked at the school newspaper and was a member of the National Honor Society.
He is in his senior year at UF, she said.
''I'm just really still sort of numb, hearing that my grandson is in jail,'' Lucy Meyer said.
She added: ``He gets very, very overcome with passion for whatever he is feeling. Maybe the passion took over.''
At about 1 p.m., Kerry was nearing the end of a forum at University Auditorium, a large facility beside UF's trademark Century Tower. At that point, audience members were allowed to ask questions at a microphone, university spokesman Steve Orlando said.
The person in front of Meyer was told he would be the last person to speak, Orlando said. Meyer said he was upset with that, so Kerry gave him the OK.
When he took the mike, Meyer then asked Kerry several questions. On amateur video linked from Meyer's website, his questions included why Kerry conceded in the 2004 presidential election, why not impeach President George W. Bush now, and whether Kerry was a member of the Skull and Bones secret society at Yale University.
When reminded that he was only supposed to ask one question, Meyer responded in the video ``He's talked for two hours. I think I can have two minutes.''
Members of the student group sponsoring the event summoned UF police to escort Meyer out, according to a police statement. At first, students can be heard cheering as he is asked to leave.
But Meyer refused to leave, police said.
When officers tried escorting him, he resisted, and officers only partially got handcuffs on him, according to police.
By then, officers had moved Meyer to the back of the auditorium, where he was on the floor, Orlando said. Officers told him to stop resisting, and when he still refused, they used the stun gun, Orlando said. On the video, he can be heard screaming at that point.
Meyer was then put back on hisfeet and taken out of the auditorium, he said.
At one point in one of the videos, Meyer says, ''Why am I under arrest?'' and ``They're going to try and kill me.''
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Post edited by Unknown User on
Wouldn't it have been slightly interesting to read Kerry's response to the student?
Looks like Meyer planned it out and knew that he'd be creating some sort of incident. I mean, he apparently planted someone with a video camera in the audience in case he was harrassed.
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it's a tool that police use when people are unruly, he certainly was unruly I don't fault them at all. Their job is to maintain order and they did. He had his time to speak. Given his various conspiracy theories he's probably pretty happy at his scene.
I find it remarkable in 2007 people think Kerry has never been asked these questions. I empathise with your frustration Mr. Meyer, but that was pretty stupid.
"They're going to try to kill me!"
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I don't get the Bush reference (although I like the picture).
Are you trying to say that Bush orchestrated the Kerry distruption, or that Bush was responsible for tasering the stupid kid? Or maybe both?
It's just the climate that has been created (or allowed to be created).
A perfect example of how the patriot acts aren't being used to fight terrorism so much as they are being directed inwards towards citizens.
Might as well take jabs at the official spokesperson...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I have always been against the Patriot Act. But this kind of stuff (rightly) happened pre-Patriot Act. Dumbasses have been tasered since tasers emerged from labs. This isn't an example of the war on citizens. It is an example of a dumbass getting what he asked for.
Maybe they used a 9 volt battery
Roberto Clemente.
I thought the clip was recent... it is dated from yesterday?!
Many cops are assholes. Especially these ones.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
This clip IS recent. But someone getting tasered for making an ass out of himself has happened for years and years, pre-Patriot Act. My point was that I fail to see how this incident has anything to do with the Patriot Act or Bush.
He was being passionate. Kerry asked them to let him ask the question.
They just went on their screw headed warpath as soon as he opened his mouth. This is so typical of so many kool-aid drinking cops. He has the right to ask a question.
I would immediately press charges if I were him.
That was textbook police state.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
That was a dumbass journalism student with a webpage trying to get his 15-minutes of fame. He totally set that up. And he wouldn't have been tackled or tased if he had simply stopped acting like a jackass.
They would have silenced him just the same...right out the door for asking a question.
That's not right. He didn't even finish the sentence and they started accosting him.
freaking screw heads
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i could understand if he started to throw punches, said he had a knife etc. all he did was ask some questions. the organisers didnt like it despite kerry saying he would answer them. the security/police over-reacted. the guy was some lanky tall thin guy.... he was no 6ft 18st heavyweight boxer requring 4 cops to take him down.
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That is absolute bullcrap.I bet you'd have a different reaction if George Bush did this to someone.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
How many over zealous campus cops does it take to remove a handcuffed, obnoxious student before they have to resort to using a taser?
What the fuck, do these guys get NO training?
anyway, I do find it interesting that some blame the kid who got tasered...let's say he did stage it...let's say he planted someone to videotape him talking to kerry...it doesn't take away from the fact the campus po-po put there hands on him first...and they did so because he continued to talk...he threatened no one...he was not going to hurt himself or others...he was just talking...
come on now, folks, step back from the venue, the questions, the possibility he "set this up" and look at how it was handled...it's a said day when a person can't speak his mind in a public setting without fear of being dragged away and tasered...
why do they think he set it up?
15 minutes of fame / self-promotion.
I don't think that personally, but others do....
Other than 15 minutes of fame, what leads a person to conclude this?
He wasn't just talking, he was disrupting a public event. At some point that becomes disturbing the peace. The kid was not interested in Kerry's response (although I would have been). He started talking, and wouldn't shut up. Even after Kerry said he'd answer the questions he'd start yelling and creating a disturbance.
If any of you think he acted with decorum and respect, let me know. I'd like to stay away from you at public meetings.
actually he started shouting when the security grabbed him and led him away from the mic. kerry was about to answer but the security didnt wait.
it wasnt like the guy asked the questions and started shouting at kerry to answer. he wasnt even given the opportunity to wait and see if kerry would answer
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yeah, so he kept talking...oooooh...call in homeland security...
oh shit, someone is outside my doorway at work, and they are talking too much...I'm calling 911 right now...this must be stopped...!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....