I'm sitting in a Pro Life meeting right now...

I'm typing this from my iPhone.
I'm an audio engineer and starting today I'll be recording and mixing a conference for the Catholic Diocese on PRO LIFE in Philadelphia.
Ugh... It's gonna be a long weekend! What an "abortion" this show is gonna be! (sorry couldn't resist)
Regardless of your belief, please don't bombard me with political commentary.
Just wanted to say that it brings mr back to MTV Unplugged... I think I'll scribe "PRO-CHOICE" in my forearm with a sharpie and then pretend to be Superman while I lay on my bar stool!
I'm an audio engineer and starting today I'll be recording and mixing a conference for the Catholic Diocese on PRO LIFE in Philadelphia.
Ugh... It's gonna be a long weekend! What an "abortion" this show is gonna be! (sorry couldn't resist)
Regardless of your belief, please don't bombard me with political commentary.
Just wanted to say that it brings mr back to MTV Unplugged... I think I'll scribe "PRO-CHOICE" in my forearm with a sharpie and then pretend to be Superman while I lay on my bar stool!
2000: DC / 2002: Letterman 2 / 2003: Raleigh, Charlotte, Pittsburgh, Philly, State College, Camden 1, Camden 2, DC, MSG 1, MSG 2, Hershey, Holmdel, Bridgeschool 1, Bridgeschool 2 / 2004: Reading / 2005: Philly / 2006: Camden 1, DC / 2008: Palm Beach,Camden 1,Camden 2,DC,MSG 1,MSG 2,Boston 2 / 2009: (EV) Philly 2, (EV) Baltimore 2, San Diego, Philly 1, Philly 2, Philly 3, Philly 4 / 2010: Boston, Newark, MSG 1, MSG 2 / 2011: (EV) Philly
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Pearl Jam bootlegs:
How can people who are pro-life also be generally pro war.
dont make sense
Be sure to record it so we can all hear it!
Also a lot of pro life people are pro death penalty...
2003-06-02 Irvine
2003-10-26 Mountain View-Bridge School
2006-07-09 Los Angeles
2006-07-10 Los Angeles
2006-10-22 Mountain View- Bridge School
2008-07-19 UCLA-Who Rock Honors
2009-10-1 Los Angeles-2
2009-10-9 San Diego
Let's not get into this...
it's already too late
yeah and most of them are pro-guns too....but will always argue of course that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." true...but it's very hard to kill someone without a gun.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
abortion doctors kill people...and they don't need a gun to do it
Either way- its a huge stretch to post this in the PJ music forum - goto the political one with this crap..
You know that's kinda funny...he you are spouting off you policitcal commentary asking others to not "bombared me with political commentary"...now that si the kind of shit that should have been in Alanis's song.
But, yeah, 99.999999% of murders are with guns. rolls eyes....
I believe that abortion is in some cases necessary but I do not think that flat out irrisponsibility is a good enough excuse for an abortion.
-my dad after hearing Not for You for the first time on SNL .
seems you always show up
but it's always nice to see you, even though we have our differences
Yeah, I'm not sure how that always works!
Always good to see old friends.
Death Row inmates had a shot at life, unborn babies did not.
For most cases, the mother who want's a "choice", has already had a choice. Pro-Choice is really Pro-Second Choice. While I agree that abortions should be allowed in the case of rape, I can see how people don't think that it's the baby's fault. People need to take responsibility for their actions... not trade it for a vote!
Criminals don't obtain guns legally, if legal guns were taken away, crime would skyrocket. This has happened everywhere a government has taken the guns from the people.
Life is a very fragile thing, it's not that hard to kill someone with your bare hands.
Your trying to compare apples and oranges, that is why it doesn't make sense! There really is no such thing as pro-war. Just beacause you support the troops doesn't make you pro-war. And remember, the US is at war with evil people who have made their choices. Unborn babies have not had chance to make choices.
You are basically trying to equate evil terrorists that want to kill US citizens, to unborn babies that are aborted because mommy couldn't keep her legs shut.
04/25/03 05/02/03 5/3/03 6/24/03 6/28/03 7/5/03 7/6/03 7/11/03 7/12/03 7/14/03
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6/20/08 6/22/08 6/24/08 6/25/08
I understand that you're really witty with you 99% claims and your "roll eyes...." stuff but be serious for a second.
I'm not oblivious to the fact that people are murdered in all the ways you've noted. well, maybe not rocks. but it's hard to kill someone with all that stuff:
Knife? ya gotta get in close and do a pretty good job of it.
Rocks? Again, I dunno if that's gonna fly.
Shovels and Bats? You gotta be wailing on someone for a long time to kill them.
Cars? They have to be walking on the street you're driving on.
Poison? you have to get access to something of the victim's to posion
But guns? bang...you're dead. that's it. and everyone's on an even playing field (unlike with bats, shovels, etc). A 5 foot tall, 115 pound guy can murder Shaquille O'Neal with a gun. I don't see him being able to do that with a shovel.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Do you not think that's a gross oversimplification of both situations?
Yep...and it will go basically no where. Hence post #9...
No I think it's much harder to kill someone with your bare hands then with a gun. you can be forty feet away and kill them with a gun.
the real problem with legal guns for me is that too many IDIOTS have access to them. If you have a gun to keep in your house in case of a break-in, that's fine. If you hunt, fine, go ahead and hunt. but some people fuck around with guns like they're toys. the hicks who shoot at stop signs and do crazy shit. it's not a fucking game.
I'm biased because I had a friend who, idiotically, shot himself dead when playing with a gun while all drunk. God rest his soul....but he's the type of idiot I'm talking about. Playing with it like it's was a fucking toy. And I have seen him do it before once when I was up his house. and I went out to have a smoke because I just wasn't about to be around a gun for no reason. I think it was about two months later that he was fooling around in the same manner and killed himself. I miss him, he was a good friend. but what a fucking dumb ass way to die
so yeah I have to imagine there's people like him out there who might not take handling a gun seriously and that's a scary thought.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I understand the point, but you basically made it sound like guns are responsible for everything wrong in the world.
I've seen so many news stories about stabbings, or hit and runs, etc. I know murders by gunshots are higher, but I don't think its THAT much more than the others (especially when you think about in-home violence where someone goes nuts and stabs everyone, strangles, etc, etc).
Anyway - its a grim thing. I just hate when people go 'oh, those NRA people are worse than the terrorists.'
And, no, I'm not in the NRA and never will be. It's just not a fair characterization - just as if I said all Democrats wanted a free pass to murder babies...
Not if you're Chuck Norris
Come off your battlefield."
I'm not the thread starter...I threw in my 2 cents..you threw in yours
Let it be
I was raised Catholic...still kinda am to please my mom I guess
but I do agree... not only a scam, a rich one at that
agreed on the violence stuff, but I'd rather be a murdered baby then a baby born to parents don't even want me
Pearl Jam bootlegs: